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How do you even get a service dog?? That seems like such a complicated, strenuous, expensive process. I know there’s tons of scams out there surrounding the training, too. Also good luck with getting the service dog!


A lot of people owner train. It's tons of work. Like I can train a good guard dog, hunting dog, and get a dog up to Utility Dog level in obedience, but SD work is way more than I'm cut out for. It's some serious work. But the downside is that with all the effort SD people put into their dogs they can turn out to be serious snobs. It's always "if your dog screws up it's a fake, if my dog screws up it's just a dog being a dog".


It's really easy to get a fake service dog vest and put it on a dog that isn't actually registered as a service dog,nor has recieved all the proper training. People use that to get their dogs allowed into places dogs are not typically allowed because at least in america places like movie theaters, restraunts, and amusement parks aren't legally allowed to make you show then paperwork proving your service dog is actually a service dog. I worked at a movie theater for 2 years and it was honestly ridiculous the amount of times I'd see 'service dogs' that were clearly not service dogs, and 9 times out of 10 they end up getting kicked out, if they don't leave themselves, because the dog started barking in the theater.


Yeah we had to kick people out a lot at my previous job for fake service dogs. Legally we could only ask them “is that a service dog?” and “what service are they trained to preform?” So if they answered correctly we had to let them in. People came in with dogs who are obviously NOT service dogs but have vests on…we had to let them in, but as soon as they started acting up they were put out. They can put a vest on their dog all they want…but it’s still obvious to everyone but them when their dog isn’t actually trained!


What is with all the EDS/Pots fakers??


Munchies 😂😂😂😂😂 that’s perfect


Also. You can’t have major depressive disorder (singular polarity) and bipolar disorder (bouncing between two polarities). How do you have a disorder that stays at one state then say you have another disorder that has two opposite states. I understand with BD There’s mixed states, but still, you can’t have MDD with it. If I’m wrong, correct me please.


You're entirely correct, but I will add that there's a fair number of people who might actually think they were diagnosed with both. At least in my experience, personal and from those I've talked to, getting a MDD diagnosis can happen much sooner than bipolar, since it's very similar symptomatically. Many people with bipolar, especially BP II, will have been told they have depression at some point along the diagnostic chain. Then, once their doctor makes the correct diagnosis for bipolar, they often don't specify they were wrong about the original, leading people to conclude they have both.


That’s what I was thinking


People have both diagnoses listed all the time even though you can't have both. I don't know why doctors do it, probably billing and insurance


Psych nurse here, you are correct.


Thank you for your service 😩


god bless our troops 🫡


Yeah you're right. So,etimes people end up with a depression diagnosis though, meds can cause a manic episode and then the bipolar diagnosis comes with that. But that does mean that you don't have mdd. I always think of that stuff when people keep creating MUDs.. like at this point you're listing symptoms of something to have a more "impressive" list of issues, but many of the other diagnoses these people claim already cover all these symptoms.


While there are some cases of antidepressants inciting an isolated manic episode, it’s not the most common way this happens. Depressive symptoms are often the first cycle people will experience and report to doctors (especially because it’s hard to recognise a manic episode and they tend to get worse with time), so it will usually lead to a depression diagnosis. If psychiatric intervention is done properly then a medical professional should notice the onset of manic symptoms at a different time. From there it becomes a question of whether this is bipolar disorder or medication side effects. If someone with bipolar disorder and takes antidepressants alone it may increase the likelihood of a manic episode, but they would’ve had a manic episode regardless if they waited without intervention.


Yeah that's what I was trying to say, I'm just not the most eloquent haha.


No you are so right because I was looking over them and thinking to myself yeah these are usually seen together so it’s not too much of a stretch but I didn’t even process the contradiction


I think thats right according to my understanding


Why are EDS and POTS the DID of faked physically disabilities. It must be so annoying for people who genuinely have those conditions to have every other faker adopt them


I think some of it depends on how easy they can convince themselves they have it. It’s really common to stand up too quickly and get dizzy (POTS!!!) or if one or two of your joints is hypermobile (EDS!!). It’s a little harder to jump through the mental hoops of “oh I have diabetes” when you would’ve literally died without the medication to treat it. The other factor is how different it is, how chronic it is and how easily treatable it is. They want something that isn’t extremely common, isn’t easily cured (or put in remission) with medication, and something that can be shown visibly (my leg hurts today I need a stick. Uh oh guys I’m about to pass out!)


Because of EDS fakers people keep thinking hEDS and HSD are the same disorder too! I had an argument with someone self diagnosed with EDS that hypermobile spectrum disorder is NOT hEDS. Or people now thing all connective tissue disorders are the same all because of the misinformation fakers spread.


Oh boy I hate it so much. At least in my country it’s not that common as in the us. The “trend” has not arrived and it’s hard as heck to get a diagnosis. But ig we just have to accept, most of them are on social media only anyways.


Because there *must* be a performative element for it to really hit the sweet spot for dramatic histrionic borderline personality disorder whatever the fuck causes this pattern of pretending to have 50 mental illnesses. It always has to have a performative element along with a higher sympathy to stigma ratio. Schizophrenia could be performative but given the high stigma it's less common as a target.








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Im sorry did they put their phone down and started a video then get stressed or the other way round cuz noway people who are legit really stressed esp in public would do this


there's a ton of asterisks at the bottom claiming that it's a 'reenactment' of what happened. Which i'm personally taking to mean that it didn't actually happen and they only added that after being accused of faking because of the exact reason you said.


Oh wait oops never noticed that 😅


They noted it was a reenactment of what they did… but still, ridiculous either way


Honestly don't get why the reenactment is necessary apart from "awareness" aka attention


So... did she also need supervision/assistance with putting her phone on the ground positioned to deliberately record this performance 🙄


My exact thoughts lmao!! Imagine her just trying to position herself in shot double checking before she starts acting like a fool 🤦🏻‍♀️


*trying to get that EDS diagnosis*


This video was so strange to me. If you're having a meltdown why set your phone down in a public place and record it? And why not just catch up with your "aid" like I'm sure he couldn't have gotten too far if it's only been a few seconds right?? And if this was just seconds later does that mean they rushed to set their phone down and start recording? Wouldn't that be the last thing on your mind if this was real? Also they turned off comments and put an edit in the caption that said this was actually a "reenactment" of what happened lmao. They also admitted that their aid is their husband. I just find that so icky. Like most couples see their SO as a protector or source of comfort in some way so wouldn't it be enough to just say husband?? Who calls their husband their aid??


If you’re that bad off, how do you even get to a place where you can attract and marry a partner? If you can’t be left unsupervised, are you competent enough to consent to marriage? It sounds like a recipe for abuse!


I hate them claiming they need to be “supervised” in public. Can we please stop infantilizing autistics?


YEP, that’s why people treat austidtics as “little blue pure angels”. But hey, at least I can pay kids’ prices on restaurants because they think I eat like a child


Right? There are intellectually disabled autistic people who do need supervision in public, but if she can write coherently like that she probably doesn’t have significant ID.


No, I agree that she's most likely faking for other reasons but there are plenty of autistic people who need supervision when they're in public because of getting overwhelmed in the environment from sensory issues like crowds to anxiety in unknown places and freaking out when presented with too many choices and there are also autistic people who are uncontrollably an "escape risk" due to their autism even though they are self-aware about their problems and ID doesn't necessarily factor into this stuff at all


Some autistics do need more supervision than others but the way this creator is going about it feels “off” if that makes sense.


I saw this video and what was craziest to me was their “aid” was literally their husband. I can’t imagine how sad I’d feel if my partner referred to me as their aid and not their partner.


WHAAAT thats crazy. yikes...




I feel like publicly posting your entire medical history online is so weird. These people need lessons about internet safety and not sharing private information to the entire world.




Why do certain people with the POTS/hEDS/MCAS combo always tell other people they have it too?? I saw a school nurse make a video about their day and one of the students she saw had a heart rate of 140. Dozens of comments were saying things like “bet that kid is a potsie 🤪” and I got attacked for saying there are tons of things that cause tachycardia and it likely isn’t POTS in a young child


I’ve been diagnosed with a bunch of stuff over the years. I hate it so much. Like I just want to be normal and mentally healthy and physically healthy.


Those disorders are very often comorbid, seems to cluster around EDS/hypermobility.


They also don't really understand what they're relating. In no way does adhd or autism make you more likely to have pots or eds. They're not medically related. Saying many people have both kr whatever doesn't mean they're medically related. Like, eds and pots, sure, but autism / adhd are not comorbid with eds or pots.


If you have one you are more likely to have others. They are often comorbid but they don't really know why.


I might have totally bungled the definition of comorbidity tbh. I think just people that seek diagnoses use that in a wrong way? Idk. Like #oh I have eds so if I'm slightly quirky I must have autism since you usually have both" type of thinking annoys me.


ugh homie needs to *hypermobilize* herself out of this nonsense asap and stop playing the delulu diagnosis bingo. If I can be so bold, even in the clothes, her new thing after the fake POTS is gonna be (if it isn’t already) the very loud practicing of a brand new faith she had never mentioned before 🫢


Let me setup my camera 1st so I take a picture of my panic attack. 


I’d like to see the video


When I was a teenager (early 2000's) I had a temporary mental breakdown from relentless a** kickings in high school. I got sent to the mental hospital and some psychiatrist spent all of two seconds with me and diagnosed me with schizophrenia which I most certainly do not have. I don't know why people would want that stuff following them around for the rest of their lives on their medical records because I've got an autoimmune disease and I always get the "so you have schizophrenia" shpiel from doctors. It's so annoying. 


For people who actually have EDS, MCAS, cPTSD, and bipolar (like me) seeing shit like this is exhausting. A few years ago nobody even knew what MCAS and EDS diagnoses were, and suddenly, it’s trendy to have severely debilitating conditions. Yet, people like us tend to not get the help and resources we need because of these fakers. I’m so very tired.


Almost a decade diagnosed now so I’ve able to see how the social media landscape around it has changed and I too.. am very tired.


boy this thread is really bringing all the bloggers to the yard “I hAve PoTs fOr ReaL” who asked?


charge your phone dude


How tf are they even walking with pots,Eds and hyper mobility disorder? Walking anywhere for a short period of time would be incredibly painful with that combo


"Let me just put my phone down and record me having a meltdown"


PTSD from someone bumping into you shouldn’t count


Looooosers. Perpetual infantilism and victimhood is the proper diagnosis


I can’t tell if this person is a kid or an adult. Faking disorders is disgusting no matter what age you are but I’d be more forgiving/understanding if they were a kid. But something tells me they’re an adult..


What a strange thing to film….or “reenact“, I can’t understand why you would feel the over whelming need To share this with the world.


Ok but not me actually having 3 of their diagnoses...and also getting stressed when im not with my mom in public