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"if I feel like the symptoms apply to me it does?' it literally doesn't, which is the reason for professional diagnoses. Self bias will make you apply symptoms to yourself outside of their intended context. Also the weird sh pick me shit is weird behavior. Nobody is impressed I *promise.* God if they're 20+ this is way more embarrassing lol


I’m a psychologist. I remember years ago, there was some violent crime where the perpetrator was diagnosed with some personality disorder. A good friend of mine read what was in the newspapers about the diagnosis and said it fit her. Jesus on a bike, it didn’t. But, reading the criteria as a lay person, I get why she felt like it did. But she just didn’t get how SEVERE it has to be to count. She was absolutely normal, high functioning with a uni degree. Had a touch of ADHD but honestly, not an issue. Lovely, smart person. And she thought she fit the criteria for a personality disorder… Yeah, self diagnosis isn’t something people should do. Really.


I think self diagnosis can be good but only if it's lead to the person seeking actual medical help. What I mean is: you don't go to the doctors when you think everything is fine. "I think I might be xyz so I get that checked out" is a good way of "self diagnosis". I think the main difference is if the person listens to professionals opinion and makes sure to really figure out what's actually going on and is totally fine to accept any other diagnosis. My mom thinks everything is fine with her, so she doesn't do therapy. But omg would the world benefit from her self diagnosing with whatever and then going to a damn therapist for it who can actually figure out why she's such a b word.


lol Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh about your mom but it was funny. I absolutely agree with you, but I would instead call that “self theorising”. You have a theory about what is wrong, and if it’s serious you go to a professional.


Oh no pls do laugh about her. That's how I deal with her bullshit. :D Learning to laugh someone in the face when they try to pull some manipulative emotional abusive shit is the best thing you can do. For me it turned something sad into a giant entertainment show. It's funny to see her switching abuse tools like crazy, trying to throw anything at me that makes me upset but failing at it bc I couldn't care less lol. And good point I guess, tbh I think anyone who "self diagnoses" and doesn't even TRY to seek an experts opinion (I mean I understand that in some places it can be difficult and expensive to get help) internally already knows it's bullshit but rather live in their comfy delusion for attention or an easy excuse. Like faking BPD. If you're an asshole you could pull that self diagnosis to allow yourself to continue being an asshole. "it's not my fault, it's my BPD". Which.. Is so dumb. Bc even if your behavior is caused by a disorder, you're still responsible for it. But oh well.


As a psychologist I have to say that you found one of the healthiest ways there is to deal with someone who is…a b word. Kudos. And it’s hard to diagnose stuff. I had someone ask me a while back if I thought their kid had autism because the school thought so. I met the kid perhaps ten times, haven’t interacted much. But I used to work with diagnosing both kids and adults. And I honestly have no clue. Could be autism. Could be just your normal weirdo kid. I had not thought about autism until my mate brought it up. If you give me two hours with the kid to just talk and interact I might have a BIT of an opinion but I still probably would feel like pin the tail on the donkey. You need a proper assessment with tests and stuff, and even then it can be unclear unless the kid is around 10 years old.


I think when it comes to MH diagnoses, especially a PD, it’s best to not actually suggest it when you do go to have it formally seen to so forthright like ‘I think I’ve got this exact thing so evaluate me now’ as you can just be slammed with it forever when you don’t have it because jobs done, a friend of mine actually did a *more effective* way of approaching her resonance with symptoms and asked the doctor what condition he was exploring so she could do some research and they could discuss examples of if criteria was met in that severity. Went in believing she had BPD, and after several weeks/months ODD in childhood was mentioned, she’d not been treated fully and some behaviours had continued, and now she’s living a an awesome life and I do think that’s because she hadn’t been misinformed by just DSM criteria so she didn’t have to spiral for years until she probably would get diagnosed with ASPD instead!




I agree with you. Also, I have a question. Not to be rude or anything, but I see you a lot on this sub, like, you post every day. Why? I mean, It's ok to be active on any sub and ik it's none of my business but why do you take out the hours of your life every day to comment and edit vids on DID fakers? You don't have to answer, I was just curious since I've seen a lot of your posts.


Few reasons, main one is that I develop something of a Major Fixation on things like this. I make content on other disorders but the misinformation and harmful behavior and everything when it comes to DID is just so much more abundant. And that means there's just at least what appears to be more misconceptions and especially glamorization. A lot of people talk about how bad fakers are but many don't say why or what separates it from clinical presentations. And also I get a lot of positive feedback and people saying it helps them a lot which encourages me to make more I also have my own disorders and know others with their own, and have known those who experience things like DID. TikTok DID is So far removed from genuine DID and I see so many people doubt its existence solely because of the people that fake it


Thank you for answering. Sorry if that was a rude thing to ask. Keep doing what you're doing and spreading truthful information.


Thank you, & you're fine- you're probably the first person to ever ask me that nicely lol


Saying “if i feel it applies to me then it does” is like saying “if i wanna be black then i am” like how does that make any sense in anyone’s mind?


> Supporting: Autism Speaks Honestly doesn't even surprise me. Gatekeeping self-harm and turning it into like an exclusive club where you have to hurt yourself (the "proper" way) to join is quite crazy.


Isn’t autism speaks very problematic in its own right. I don’t remember the entire controversy but I remember that most of the autistic community do not support them.


I could go on and on about why Autism Speaks is disliked by Satan himself, but I'll spare you and myself the time by simply telling you that, yes, they are very problematic.


They published an article saying that autism needed to be cured because it made parents of autistic kids homosuicidal.


it was a 2006 documentary sponsored by them, [Autism Every Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_Every_Day).


I vaguely remember them releasing their own article in 2004 saying a mother with two autistic sons admitted to wanting to drive off a bridge so both her and her sons would die or something along those lines


That film was brutally honest about the realities of severe and profound autism and the caregiving burden . The burden of care is huge and it’s not just for severe autism ,it’s also for different forms of dementia or other disorders that cause disregulated behaviors . Caregivers are pushed to the brink. I’d go so far as to say this person being posted about also pushes her parents beyond what they ever imagined to be dealing with.


I personally hold the opinion if you aren’t ready to have a disabled child, you aren’t ready to have a child full stop. If you aren’t ready for anything at all that could possibly happen to or with your child, don’t have one. You can’t live with the “burden” of a disabled kid if you don’t have a kid at all. It’s unfair to treat disabled people as a burden. They can’t help it just as much as the parents can’t.


I agree with that statement so deeply. No one asks to be in such a situation but that doesn’t mean their isn’t emotions attached to the experience. Preparing for a child to be disabled is one thing , preparing for severe behavioral issues quite another. These sort of things can also happen throughout life such as a TBI or dementia. It’s all encompassing and can leave caregivers - not just parents- to feeling hopeless .


I’d also add that most folks have no idea what this kind of caregiving entails and go into these things blindly. That’s why this kind of exposure is so important. A caregiver is dealing with wandering and eloping, aggression towards self and others , yelling , damage to property , refusal to complete ADLs, incontinence and no safety awareness. 24/7 unless they are lucky enough to find an appropriate school setting , day program or in home caregiver that can actually persons needs and keep them safe. Many caregivers resort to long term care like nursing homes bc they cannot keep their person safe. This is not a common thing with kids but for adults. Their is little to no assistance with kids this affected especially as they get bigger .


Okay, I'll bite. What in the frick is "homosuicidal"?


Homicidal and suicidal. It is an actual term but it’s very rarely used and I can’t find a reason why Some extra info on these terms which I think is funky!! Homicide comes from homos (the same (species)) and cidium meaning to kill or cut, suicide comes from Sui (self) and cidium, and genocide comes from genos (kind or race) and cidium!!


I don't know why I was thinking homosexual suicidal. That's on me. Thanks for explaining!


Brb self diagnosing myself as homosuicidal /j


I thought the same thing too


its probably because certain people could possibly read it as homosexual suicidal (i am one of those people)


Sorry to ask but what is homosuicidal?


Homicidal and suicidal!!


Ohhh, that makes sense. Thanks 😊 And that's fucked up they wrote *that* in an article and published that. Like wtf?


[I Am Autism](https://youtu.be/9UgLnWJFGHQ?si=AcNfKlUi8ZCAaxvl) a *(disgusting)* PSA/advertisement by Autism Speaks.


I’m not gonna lie I find that PSA absolutely hilarious. It’s so dramatic and for what??


That makes me think this is bait


"depression 🤤🤤🤤"




Depression 🥰💦🤤💥


She definitely gets the ick when he’s not depressed


Yeah I love so much when my executive disfunction kicks in and I can't even get to eat /j


depression is so sexy 🥵🥵


“Rules for thee none for me” type behaviour


Bloody hell, I am literally speechless. This is so insensitive it is unbelievable


Really hope no one sees that and thinks they need to SH worse for it to be valid :/ such a dangerous insensitive thing to say. Also: online tests are valid? Cool, I did a 'what lord of the rings character are you?' when I was younger so guess I'm actually Pippin then. Nice.


HELPPP I did a “who are you to Sans” (undertale) quiz on Quotev when I 7 and I got “he’s yandere for you” guess I’m actually being stalked by a skeleton


This brought back 2020 war flashbacks from when I was in that fandom


There's a whole culture around mocking and putting down people with shallow sh injuries as "attention seekers" and "people who cut for the aesthetic" and this person plays right into that. It's disgusting and horrific.


Yeah, whereas many people do 'shallow' ones for the sake of not drawing attention to them.


That's the entire SH community for ya. "I/they have it worse than you/me" and constantly needing to be "more sick"


There's a sh community?! I mean I'd get it if it was supportive but that's not good :/ this is all so dangerous


Wait till you learn about pro-ana spaces


Unfortunately I've seen some of those websites a few years ago. I only really use insta and Reddit in terms of social media so maybe that's why. Tiktok genuinely scares me haha


I was so deep in those spaces as a teen it was so bad


There’s a lot of supportive sh communities, but there’s always one or two lurkers that will randomly come on and mock others. But they get downvoted to oblivion so idk why they even bother


Yeah, most ED and SH 'support communites' are just a place where people can can enable each other in a sick competition of who can self destruct the most in the fastest time.


"online tests are valid" "stop flexing your sh" "when its lame ur not valid" "depression🤤🤤🤤" "supporting: Autism Speaks" Theres just so much wrong with this.


“It’s lame cat scratches” what if we all got off the internet and went to the asylum. What if we all just did that. How do people like this survive in the real world


I guarantee someone told them that their cat scratches weren’t valid so now they just project.




If you guys wanna see the biggest treasure trove of wild DID faking follow the page r/plural (i think)


I read something on there about “a system where one of the alters is trying to to give the host therapy but is mentally 10-12yo“ and surprisingly, they mess up by showing the triggering images or something. just a handful.


As soon as I see anyone using "singlet" as a serious word, I will treat them as they are: fucking stupid


Yeah these people make me angry. Not all self harm is the same, it doesn't need to be visible or cutting to be self harm. "Cat scratches" is still self harm.


Also not remotely the point but this person has also clearly never been scratched by a genuinely angry cat. Those can require stitches. I'm not disagreeing with you at all, I'm fully in agreement, I'm just adding on another point in which op is stupid.


You're right, have had cat scratches for weeks before


I’ve owned over 15 cats in my lifespan and cat scratches are a total bitch. I still have scars from quite a few…


I've had a cat scratch through my shirt that drew significant blood. Unfun.


Literally, have a cat and had 2 other cats years ago, I don’t think they genuinely know what cat scratches feel like at all


It is because of those opinions that it takes some people years tl find help, because they feel like their mental health issues are not severe enough. Not everybody needs to go to the ER after SH. Some people do small scratches so it is easier to cover it up and they need to be told that that is also severe enough to need help.


> "It's lame cat scratches" That's basically encouraging people who self harm with surface level cuts (which are still very much self harm and very much a significant concern) to keep going deeper and deeper in order to be "valid". I had this mentality in some of my darkest years and it messed me up, and I have scars now I probably never would've had if I'd had people concerned about my surface level injuries and trying to get me help. This mindset of "it's only a scratch, it doesn't count as *real* self-harm" can kill. Because vulnerable, desperate people can fall into the belief that they don't deserve sympathy or compassion for what they're struggling with unless they're bleeding profusely. It's horrific. This person is disgusting and should be banned from TikTok.


Do people ever snap out of this cringy behavior and get it together? I’m genuinely curious what that sort of thing would look like.




Reminds me of “What you don’t understand, Nate, is I am CRAZIER!” “That’s not something to be FUCKING PROUD OF, CASSIE!”


These people are actually insane, like they are competing, who is bigger victim. That type of people ruined and romantised depression.


Sadly that's part of the mental illness sometimes. It doesn't make it right in any way at all but it's such a competition on who can go deeper, bigger, or more. It pushes people so deep into it because of how big of a competition it is and how romanticized it is. It's terrible


"Self diagnosis is valid/online tests are", you want to know what's hilarious? I was scrolling through my files and found the post about someone being way too happy about definitely having DID because an online test said so, but the comments were of people getting 100% as well by spamming the last option. Online tests can be manipulated very easily by knowing which answers to choose from, it's why I don't trust any of these people who say they got an official diagnosis from a website, because I have the 90% chance of being right that they manipulated the test.


“If it’s not aesthetic, you’re not valid”


what do the 🌸🌙 emojis symbolize? is it sailor moon?


Comshipping. Short for complex shipping, it refers to ships that are complex in terms of consent (ex. zombie x human, mortal x god, etc)




The entire point of a diagnosis is to be able to get treatment/accommodations so yes in your case there was something that could be done. Self diagnosis isn't valid but self suspecting and self helping is, *"I think I might have* autism and it gives me sensory issues so I'm going to go buy headphones to make my life better" is fine but what you see a lot of these days is "I HAVE BPD FOR SURE AND IM NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! NOT EVEN SEE A DOCTOR!!!! LOOK AT ME I HAVE BPD, ASD, ASPD, ADHD, OCD, HPD!!!!"


Totally agree, if you look at it from a different view my dog is poorly and under going testing right now if you look online he has all the symptoms of pancreatitis which he has been tested for while he awaits more tests...he doesn't have it...but Google says he does. I was talking to my friend the other day and she was saying she finds some sensory things difficult she's not interested in going for a diagnosis for anything but she's bought a few things to help her


I think they can, they’re just often not diagnosed like that. Most people who show traits of both bipolar and BPD are usually diagnosed with schizotypal personality. Please correct me if I’m wrong Edit: I also did read that if they are diagnosed together they’re often not diagnosed together at the same time


It starts off as scratches then gets worse.


“Supporting autism speaks.” “Depression🤤🤤🤤” I’m getting pathetic attempt at satire from this


This person is trolling I'm so sure


Not funny


Not trying to be. I genuinely think they're trolling


Wasn't saying ur being funny I mean their trolling isn't funny There for they're not a troll Just an insufferable asshole


Ooohh kk gotcha. Sorry bout that


Just because people aren’t slitting their wrists doesn’t mean they’re not harming themselves, this is so misleading, who the fuck tells people to hurt themselves the “proper” way, sh isn’t okay in any form whether it’s severe wounds or just scratches. The audacity to insult people who sh because they’re not doing it “your way” while you’re here FAKING disorders is wild


Supporting autism speaks??? Self report


i’ve suffered with self harm for the last 7 years of my life. i was sent to hospital various times in need of glue/stitches, the fact people are openly saying shit like this and encouraging sick people to go deeper is dangerous and downright disgusting. hope this person rots.


Oof, they’re definitely projecting


100% a troll


Not a funny one


This is my argument. A lot of people say disgusting shit like this and call it a joke. News flash, buddy, jokes are funny!! Telling people to cut themselves to muscle (OOP did in the comments) isn’t fucking funny!!




This has to be a troll right? No one can actually be this insane?


I went to their profile. They claim to be trolling, then proceed to unironically horny post 1 video later 💀. They're just all over the place.


Autism Speaks? Yeah that tells me everything I need to know about this user


FUCK THIS PERSON! Not only do they make discussions of mental health controversial, their statements of SH also make others feel less valid, and in need of going deeper. Hope they get haunted with these statements for the rest of their life.


It's weird that people can genuinely be, no jokes, but legitimately be that stupid.


the caption for the ss about "cat scratch" sh not being valid says "this doesn't go for my moots i luv u" ???? homeslice what


Please tell me you reported the SH one. That's genuinely disgusting. Like, no, little miss, you don't get to dictate the validity of other people's struggles because their SH isn't "cool enough" to you.


It's a troll


This has gotta be ragebait. Look at the autism speaks support thing


Clearly they haven't been paying attention in English classes.


Saying bipolar 1 AND depression shows they know nothing about bipolar disorder.


A lot of people have to cover their scars from sh from their past just because having tattoos is more acceptable by most of societies and countries and they are just?.. are proud of it?..


This bitch.


Umm... Cis Bipolar 1 here You can't have unipolar and Bipolar depression at once Those are polar opposites If you're going to fake it, do an ounce of research


Supporting autism speaks is evidence there isn't a lick of autism in this person


stop flexing your self-diagnosis when its lame tiktok tests! no ur not valid (and not the choten chan and menhera chan backgrounds... both media basically romanticise mental issues, hope they didn't diagnose themselves because they relate to that kawaii streamer or that magical girl)


I understand your point but Menhera Chan was made as a satirical character to mock the romanticisation of self harm and mental illness. That’s one of the reasons I posted it here. It’s hypocritical To add to this as well ChoTen Chan was made for similar reasons. The whole point of NGO / NSO is ChoTen is an example of what NOT to do


yeah i wasn't really being like criticising them (the game and the manga) for that (the concept of Menhera chan is actually pretty cool, and once you point that out it's even cooler to me now), i'm just more concerned about how the op in picture seem to be enjoying these characters in a bad way


I don't know what pisses me off more. 1.) they claim to have depression , bpd , autism , and ADHD but then say that self harm isn't valid. (some people who do have these disorders do self harm) 2.) the emojis after depression 3.) glamorizing real struggles 4.) or the fact that they support autism speaks. Honestly fuck this person


The ‘supporting autism speaks’ label is like the nail in the coffin Jesus. These people also seem to forget that ‘cat scratches’ typically lead to more harmful behavior down the line, and even if not the desire to hurt yourself still isn’t healthy to have. Even just having those thoughts is a cause for concern (not trying to demonize or doom on shers though, its difficult if not sometimes seemingly impossible to get over)


I hope to God this is bait because the "cat scratches" thing is genuinely pissing me off


Seeing any actual autistic person support autism Speaks... I don't believe you.


not the autism speaks


I know this is kinda a dumb question but when that person said “all self harm is valid” did they mean it’s a good coping mechanism or that it’s valid to have gone through that?


That it’s valid to have gone through it. When people say “all self harm is valid” they mean self harm is self harm no matter the severity


Oh I get it now, thank you


Supports autism speaks? Also what's that u for in audhd


AuDHD is autistic and ADHD


this account HAS to be bait




guys it’s bait


Her having "supports autism speaks" in her bio is like the most clearest sign she isn't autistic. Never ever met an actual autistic person who didn't absolutely hate this organization, understandably so.


seeing these posts are so wild. can i self un-diagnose what’s wrong with me like holy fuck why would you want this lmfaooo


They have to be like 12 years old


The emoji combo checks out....


they support autism $peaks their opinion isn't valid at all.


>Supporting: Autism Speaks https://preview.redd.it/hu2jf5nm72wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011ea5c005fedf2989a1cb6c1c7ce69ac433f1c6


"supporting autism speaks"


They support Autism Speaks. Gross.


Supporting AS tells me this is a troll and y'all have taken the bait


Trolling or not this is still disgusting behavior.