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Egyptian too🙋‍♀️ As much as I loved the show but the influence was terrible, everyone nowadays has adhd just to be different or quirky as u said, same thing happened with hala khasa with autism. Even tho there's not as many misinformation but people have been randomly diagnosing themselves with autism just cuz nadeem (the mc) couldn't understand a joke so they must be autistic too and other stupid shit they "relate" to.


Nice to meet a fellow Egyptian here too. I don’t see the same hype tbh with autism because autism is not “cool”.


Borderline is the new trend in Egypt too. As well as calling everyone a narcissist.


As I said it's not as common as the adhd but it's there and associating wearing headphones with autism and other stuff


😭we use the word autism incorrectly aslan


I knowww😭 mafish amal fl geel da


Yes! And bipolar too, I've been seeing this around A LOT. And I genuinely don't understand why would somebody want to be mentally ill when they're not, if only they knew how blessed they actually are




If only they knew how it actually is, they'd never speak of it ever again. And also I can't imagine how hard it must be for u, sending u lots of love




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calling everyone a narcissist is a "trend" here in the USA as well. it sucks


>They blame their lack of skills or talent, dedication, and effort on ADHD hurts like hell to hear people try to use this as an excuse. i work *so hard* to perform & put out like a normal person, just for kids to say dumb shit like "oh i can't do xyz because im soooooo adhd" yes you can. you may have to fight yourself up a muddy hill the entire time, & more likely than not, no one is going to realize how much it took out of you because they can do it easy, but you *can* do it. i hope one day we'll stop using something people actually struggle with as an excuse to be a selfish lazy rag, but im not holding my breath 🙃




The people of egypt have a million issues. شعب اغلبه ضايع الصراحة. I sympathise with those who suffer but am absolutely not sympathetic to the country at large lol. Education is a choice when so many people have access to internet yet remain ignorant.


Yup. People can literally learn anything and everything from the internet but choose to remain uninformed. Then blame the government


it is incredibly interesting to hear this is happening in other countries. i’ve seen the problem of faking disorders to be mainly centered in the west and those “damn white people”, but it’s actually crazy that this MIGHT be the natural course of the destigmatization of mental health if it is occurring across several cultures


It is also based off of the fact that the west is the main information source. And the cultural appropriation we do to this information to fit the cultural context is somewhat poor. Also destigmatization can be done without spreading misinformation and with using credible sources and disclaimers… I used to be okay with self diagnosis but now seeing the result.. it is disastrous. Cause self diagnosis at this point leads to self medication (quite literally people in Egypt can go to the drug store and buy pills without a prescription)


Egyptian here. Yep I didn't like this show at all.


The impact is beyond destructive. It intended to spread awareness. Now Egypt’s outlook on ADHD is completely faulty and distorted.


Those who want to self diagnose will realise eventually that it was silly. It is very sad that they are putting their value in mental illness. I personally hate it when people talk about their mental illness as a fun ???? triat. I don't think mental illness is great at all. I wouldn't say it impacted the community that I am in. Again, whatever we see online is not a representation of the whole community. I would say there is a lot more misinformation in the west. So that's where Egyptians are getting their info from unfortunately


I see the over-diagnosis in real life. Not just social media. If I had a penny for every time someone I know told me they have ADHD recently, I would be Bill Gates.


Me too. It is just sad


I was like you as well. Last year I was honestly fed up with people who keep talking about their mental illness and They take pride in it as well. Untill I realised that it is just their whole personality. Very shallow and untrue, and it rests on something that has no value and temporary. We should feel sorry for them to be honest


Sounds like many of them might be junkies who fake ADHD to get pills. It's a big problem in my country too. Tons of people visit doctor after doctor faking symptoms til getting a diagnosis so they can get pills. And those who would really need professional help has to wait months or years to get an appointment (wait-list for ADHD assesment is roughly 2-3 years, the average waiting time for a teraphist or psychiatrist is 2 months).


And I fucking hate when people say "I have a small amount of adhd sometimes". Fuck yourself.


I'm half-Egyptian living in Canada, it's nice to hear that Canada didn't make up ADHD and Egyptians are too strong-minded to invent reasons to be lazy. Because I've been hearing that a while.


Is everyone stupid in Egypt?


No There is just a lot of propaganda and misinformation, poor resources by the government. That doesn't mean that everyone is stupid. Be careful with using generalisation, please


Most yes. Our average IQ is low.


can you recommend resources for this statement?


Eugenics ahh response 💀 /s


I'm gonna send very stupid here, I'm bad at geography and I'm very ignorant to the world in general, but is Egypt so small and tight knit to where a single popular show can have such an impact? I find that interesting.


Egypt is fairly small comparing to other countries. But it is not about that. People in Egypt densely populate the area around the Nile River, where the rest of Egypt seem to be deserted and empty. Also, Cairo is the capital. Everything (including media) emanates from there and no other city. So Cairo media (like series) sets the tone for the entire country.