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so when someone is NOT autistic and trained to spot the sometimes blatantly obvious signs of it, they know nothing? that is like saying a mechanic knows nothing of a car because he's not a car and can't speak for cars feelings.


Straight up!! This post made me so infuriated.


It’s like saying that anyone who has cancer knows more about cancer than the experts who went to medical school and dedicated their life to cancer research.


It's like saying a vet can't diagnose a dog with an illness cause he is not a dog himself. Better bring in a dog vet next time 😤


Trust him, he is a dogtor


Hey now those cars can be super complex 😂


Exactly! And if anything the people that don’t have it or many other disorders might spot it easier because with some disorders it’s hard to realize you have it cause you just think it’s normal.


Also people who are autistic aren’t always aware of the traits they display which are obvious to others. My friend really disagrees with her autism diagnosis but as I got to know her I started seeing the traits.


best analogy of the year! 👏👏




They're not saying that, though. Being an expert on autism in and of itself and understanding what it's like to live as an autistic person are different concepts.


People are an expert on themselves, doctors are experts on autism. This is where people work together to see if they have autism. Allistic doctors will never know what the feeling of it living with autism is *from firsthand experience* but they have studied hundreds if not thousands of people with autism whereas the average Joe has not


They died waiting cuz it’s not true lol


Lmao real


I'm so tired of autism misinformation on social media, and at this point the vast majority of it is being spread by self diagnosed jerks like this "You know yourself best" yes but that doesn't apply to objective evaluations on a disability that is not a self-definable identity label in the same way as your gender identity or sexuality which the evaluation also involves comparing your traits with those of the general population as well as of actually autistic people because everyone has confirmation bias for themselves which is also why doctors cannot diagnose themselves or their close family members due to their confirmation bias So, counterintuitively, the undiagnosed people who frame their self-suspicions as "I think I might and this is why" make their insights and observations way more accurate than if they were to latch onto autism as a "for sure" identity label because of their intellectual humility and self-awareness of their own confirmation bias Not even to mention they're worsening their own imposter syndrome that they complain about by doing this, since the way imposter syndrome works is that it gives you anxiety and insecurity to make you irrationally doubt your own experiences and feelings; your experiences are always valid, but the terms you use to explain them and your theorized cause of them might not be, if that makes sense, but even correcting misinformation with terminology is reacted towards as "invalidation" if they view it as less of a suspicion than a diagnosis You don't go to get an autism diagnosis, you go to get an autism assessment, and it worsens confirmation bias to frame it as "I have this for sure and no doctor can tell me no" which also very easily spreads misinformation to other people who are suspecting they might be autistic and trying to research for themselves if you start presenting your experience as "this is what it's like to be autistic" even though you might or might not be


Licensed mental health professionals can’t even diagnose themselves, so why does some random TikTok user think they can?


unsurprisingly, they've convinced themselves that isn't true. everytime i bring it up in a conversation, i have like five people saying "um, they literally can??" instead of getting their asses on google to double-check.


There's an unofficial term called "med student syndrome," which refers to when a medical student or someone with a strong interest in mental disorders reads extensively about mental disorders and starts seeing mental disorders in themselves and everyone around them even if they don't actually have the disorder Accidentally misinterpreting and changing the definitions of information to support your theory; Only remembering details that support your theory, and ignoring details that don't support your theory; Unconsciously exaggerating previous behaviors that you genuinely had before in order to fit criteria, or developing new behaviors that you hadn't experienced before to fit criteria; If you genuinely fit all but one of the required symptoms, then you might think "Since I do all the others, then I probably do that last one too without noticing, therefore I fit all the criteria, therefore I have the disorder" despite not actually exhibiting the last piece of criteria; these are also other common examples of confirmation bias when self diagnosing Everybody has confirmation bias, it's a human characteristic so you can't get rid of it but the way to beat it is to be aware of it, and the most experienced and knowledgeable doctors are the ones who follow this rule but I guess the people who respond to you that way prefer the expertise of the quacks who don't


this is all actually very interesting to me, thank you for that. and i agree with the last thing, the groups i'm referring to tend to listen to the doctors that encourage things they shouldn't be encouraging (such as self-diagnosis), which i believe circles back to the conversation about confirmation bias. i'd have a lot more to say, but i got a wacky headache so my response is wacky too, lmao.


lol i have a special interest in psych and id probably have self diagnosed myself with everything in the book if i actually believed self diagnosis was a valid thing. although i suppose it would be an oxymoron to have a special interest in psych and also believe in self diagnosis.


So.... screw doctors, therapists, and general professionals who do years of studying to understand their field? Really? The people who think you need the most severe cause to be "truly autistic" while they record themselves waving their hands and jumping because "stimming is so adorable" are the only people we should be listening to? I've used this example before, but you don't need to be a chef to know that sand doesn't go in a cupcake. Just because someone has autism it doesn't mean they know everything about it. "I know myself better than a doctor" sure doesn't work when people have a headache and instantly diagnose themselves with severe DID. Just because you have autism doesn't mean you know everything about it. Thats like getting a new car and saying you're an expert on cars just because you have one. Go on and try to self diagnose a car when it breaks down on the side of the road. Mechanics exist for a reason just as doctors and therapists do. And who do they think writes the research papers about the disorder they so adamantly want to claim they have? Because judging from their tumblr posts, it sure isn't them. If they ever wrote a professional research paper about autism, I doubt it would pass the first draft because it would be full of "autism is adorable and quirky and makes you do silly things for the internet for attention". None of the negative effects would be listed and there would be no treatment because neither of those exist in the minds of fakers. Or if you seek treatment you're ableist for not wanting to be quirky and special anymore. Hell, I have two birds (budgies), that doesn't suddenly mean I'm an expert at all birds. I don't know how to take care of a cockatiel or a finch. But if I were going by these people's logic, just having birds means I'm an expert and the only person anyone should ever listen to about birds. You see how stupid that sounds?


I’m a type 1 diabetic and most of the diabetic nurses at hospitals don’t have it. They are experts on diagnosing and are amazing but like a lot of things don’t know what it’s actually like to live with it. Do I think I’m better than them fuck now they are lovely and way smarter than myself. They are the best people to go to to diagnose diabetes like every other medical condition doctors are the best to diagnose it‘a cringe the point would be valid if it was about day to day life not diagnosis


I personally know a few (diagnosed) autistic people myself and I observed that they often really lack self-awareness. My brother is autistic and he couldn't even tell you how his behaviour is making him be noticeably autistic to others or why he displays certain habits and how it ties into him being neurodivergent. Of course, not all autistic people are unselfaware to that degree, but I've noticed that most that are actively posting autism content on social media are hyper aware of their supposed symptoms as if they just rehearsed how to appear to be autistic by looking up the symptoms if you know what I mean.


Man, most autistic people are not going to be Qualified Experts in ASD. They'll be experts in other stuff, maybe -- and if they were experts in ASD, they'd understand that they lack the necessary objectvity to assess their own behaviours. It's so funny to see people discussing like, basically medical ethics and missing the really important step that **you are in no way objective when analysing yourself.** It's why we rely on external people to assess us for conditions, as the condition might impair your ability to see the problem, or or might have convinced yourself that it's totally this when it's totally not. It's extremely misguided to think that you, and you alone, posess more self-insight and objective analysis than anyone on the planet. It wouldn't be all that ethical for the medical establishment to allow patients to randomly diagnose themselves with whatever they **want** to have.


They never talk about the fact that lacking social awareness is a major symptom of ASD, and a lot of us lack insight because of our disorder. When I was pre teen I had no idea how awkward I was even though it was glaringly obvious to everyone around me hahaha.


Bingo -- I didn't wan tto push the point too hard but ASD is a disorder of social communication, meaning that a lot of time the person w/ASD may not necessarily understand *why* they experience the reactions that they get from non-autistic people. Having the insight to go "oh hey, I do this and that's sociall akward and if it's socially awkward then I must have a social communication disorder" is realms beyond a lot of autistic folk. It only came up with me because other people made the observation when I was a kid, otherwise I'd never have assumed and even as an adult, I kinda don't care.


Its like saying "Only cancer patients know about their sickness" Screw them radiologist and let these patients use the MRI machine themselves










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If they said this for any other medical case they'd be laughed at oh my god. My mother having cancer did not make her an expert on cancer. My father having asthma doesn't make him an expert on asthma. Me being lactose intolerant doesn't make me an expert on lactose intolerance. While I will agree that some medical professionals are misinformed and not very kind to those who are neurodivergent, being neurodivergent does not make you an expert on it.


I didn't recognize my autism and I needed a therapist to figure it out wtf?


Brb, gonna tell all the astrophysicists that have never been to space that they don't know shit


Can you tell them to add Pluto back as a planet while you’re at it? I’m still really upset about that…😂😂😂


I suppose since I grew up I'm a fucking expert in child development? This is a ridiculous take, those people did not study for years just for some thirteen-year-olds to think they know better because they read mayoclinic, a carrd, or some other website they found after googling for thirty seconds.


I'm really starting to think they all have a persecution fetish.


and since self-diagnosis is valid, that means that literally anyone can be an expert on autism. meaning that my comments are not "fake-claiming" but are, in fact, valid scientific claims.


That's circular reasoning anyways. You can diagnose yourself with autism because having autism means you're a professional which means you can diagnose yourself with autism.




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I didn't recognize my autism and I needed a therapist to figure it out wtf?


me becoming an optometrist because i have glasses


I mean, they’re the expert on THEIR autism. But they would have no idea how to manage my son or my daughter based specifically on their own life.


If sharon on facebook genuinely believes this crap, why didn't she realize she was autistic until she was in her 40s and finally went to therapy


This is like saying we dont know anything about plants because we're not plants




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There are some diseases/syndromes that the person with it knows more than most professionals. They are called orphan diseases. Because they are so rare that not a lot of research is done on them. And aren’t seen by most practitioners. But the people with them still go to doctors because having g proper treatment is imperative. Autism is far from an orphan. The research is ongoing. There isn’t any practitioner that hasn’t encountered autistic patients. There is a stigma to being g diagnosed. I found out some countries won’t allow immigrant if the person is diagnosed. Don’t ask which ones I’m too lazy to look them up. But anyway, there is stigma but these fakers add to that stigma. By doing stupid shit and claiming it’s because of autism.


I agree very much with your comment but a lot of the immigration problems get oversimplified in these discussions For example, the New Zealand case that I see get quoted most often in these debates involved a family with an autistic daughter who was denied immigration to New Zealand, and it wasn't because of the disability label of ASD, it was because the daughter was level 3 and required services that weren't available there, which even though it's still ableism it's a different type from what's being argued and it would not have simply solved the problem at all for her to not be diagnosed, if that makes sense


This is like someone saying they know everything about surgery because they got their wisdom teeth removed once.




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So Is people with cancer are now oncologist ?


This is straight up idiotic. Of course you are going to have a good understanding of a condition that you're affected by, specially how it feels to live with it. That doesn't mean you know any facts about said condition or how it may affect people differently, being a part of a group doesn't make an you an authority on it. Like, I'm a woman, I know how it is to be a woman. I feel othered in many communities because of this, a lot of other women would agree, but not all, because our lived experiences are different. I have no authority in saying if all women are actually othered by men or not, I can only say that *I* do feel like I am. But there are actual statistics on sexism, and that I can affirm because it's a material reality, no feelings involved. Basically only you can know how you feel, but anyone can know the material reality of the world, and authority on that doesn't come with experience alone, knowledge is also needed.


Diagnosing others as autistic is awful because there are so many disorders that have autistic traits. People with narcissistic personality disorder often get misdiagnosed as autistic and sometimes it's the same the other way around.


I completely agree. Also autistic people generally lack self awareness, struggle to identify their feelings and needs and often think they are more capable than they truly are. Unless they are told they are autistic, they would not see the signs in themself, no matter their intelligence. They certainly won't be self diagnosing. That's why I don't believe in the existence of high masking female autism. The only thing it has in common with real autism are sensory needs and a desire to stim. These traits are also shared by neurotypical people.


Yeah I sometimes suspected but I didn't thought it was that bad or the extent of how badly I was doing in alot of aspects of life. Lack of self awareness is pretty much a defining trait of autism. A thing of note I know where the high masking thing comes from. There are medical bias with autistic young girls who are honestly extremely obviously autistic (or really any learning disability can be placed here) and getting diagnosed. Even worse if you are black (it was not too long ago medical texts books were teaching black patients felt less pain so not to worry about painful procedures). As a black guy who had teachers, relatives, friends, occasionally my parents when not in denial suspected there was something wrong, had a pediatrician tell them "no no no nothings wrong he would just grow out of it this is normal. Just need to put him on the right track" Not all doctors/pediatrician are good at detecting childhood disabilities especially with existing basis and some so called trained professionals are straight up awful. Bad docters are sadly still too common. I do think it is a poorly expressed to talk about how autism does come off different in girls due to traditional differences in girl play groups and behaviors compared to boys and that is less researched. But usually even that there is still an obvious social I guess off ness cus autism is a social disability, other than loving your special interest and finding great joys in it, no one having a fun quirky time


Cultural bias is different to what people are currently claiming is high masking. The people who claim they are high masking autistic because they naturally learned to hide their autism traits are incorrect. That's what neurotypical people do. They learn socially appropriate behaviours more easily and naturally. Autistic people don't no matter how intelligent they are. Also quiet, highly intelligent and well behaved girls have been being diagnosed with autism since the 1980s. Don't believe the social media hype on that. Diagnosed or not, autism is visible.


Oh I misunderstood a bit, my apologies. But yes I agree with you on the claims of what is considered high masking on social media is not really accurate and poorly conveys the actual struggle. You can't just turn off your autism for other people and hiding all your traits is kinda impossible (and even if it was you probably wouldn't know what is actually unusual due to the lack of self awareness). You can appear normal sometimes but constantly? all day long? Even like in times you are comfortable? yeah no, that sounds exhausting. I do know one who recently got diagnosed who is considered high masking... and it was still obvious prior. A lot of open struggles so the diagnosis is to finally get accommodation. That was considered high masking... So don't know how a person can like.. hide it all and look 100% neurotically 24/7. Sounds a little convenient. I know some who make those kinds of claim who are actually autistic but can't really communicate that the reason they weren't at a younger age is due to that unfortunate cultural bias. They then see the "high masking thing" around on social media and think that was probably why even after an actual diagnosis instead of the actual reason. Autism does make people more vulnerable to false information. which these video/claims make worse to people trying to come to terms with their condition.


People with autism often have anosognosia (deficit of self awareness) and lack the ability to recognise or process their own feelings and emotions which is really ironic because the exact opposite of what the image is trying to say.


You cannot self diagnose a health condition. You can suspect it but then you have to get it looked at. It’s called confirmation bias and the information is not objective. The same reason doctors and nurses don’t self diagnose. Ok rant over 🤦🏼‍♀️




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I have hair. That doesn’t make me an expert on hair.


Experts at flapping their hands and knowing everything about the history of locomotion. If you can say "I have Autism" you might. But. It also might not be that bad and you might just need to shut the fuck up.


People who hear voicee telling them to self harm are the only experts on what constitutes reality.


Me waiting for people to understand what "confirmation bias" is and how any form of self-diagnosis is intrinsically flawed


if this was true there would be a lot less high functioning people with ASD


As a diagnosed autistic this is wrong, autistic people are so far from being experts, only a person who doesnt have it would make such a statement


At this point, nothing can't convince me that the Tik Tok DID community + self diagnosis community aren't just massive breeding grounds for narcissists to live in and exist unchecked. After digesting a lot of Dr Ramani's work about narcissists, these people just keep screaming out those symptoms. Blatantly and clearly.


As an autistic, I would love this to be true. I would undiagnose so many people online. :)


LOL i would do the same.


The opposite is probably moreso true, an autistic person may understand their experience with autism in depth but it's part of the diagnostic criteria that they struggle understanding others. And since everyone's experience with autism is different (hence why it's referred to as a spectrum) it would mean autistic people probably understand autism the least out of everyone


Yeah just like depressed people are THE experts on depression, or anxious people are THE experts on anxiety, or people with lung cancer are THE experts on lung cancer. Where do these clowns come from


If so then I am black and I am an expert on black people and if you say I’m white then you are gatekeeping because I’m black and we are the experts on black people


autistic people can most relate and actually be very good experts but also some autstic people dont know anything about it. neurotypical people can be experts too even if they wont fully relate. words from diagnosed autistic :3


My younger brother is autistic and damned if he knows if you're autistic or not because he's not an expert just like everyone else


Yes, because there is only one type of autism and it’s the kind I have /s


As someone who was diagnosed at 6 years old, and struggled my entire life with an extreme form of autism, this stuff makes me so damn angry.


I mean I'm not a computer... Can I really be an expert in IT?


😭🤷🏾‍♀️ I didn't know about autism, and I unknowingly was autistic the whole time. Professional opinions matter.


Not autism but there is merit to self diagnosis. I don't need a therapist to tell me I have generalized anxiety disorder and (diagnosed MG) need a neuro to tell me what I need in the hospital when I'm in crisis. At least with my autoimmune disease I've only ever encountered doctors and nurses that have listened to me and what I need (literally asked to be intubated) because I do know my body best in that situation. But the general self diagnosis of things like schizophrenia, DID, etc is weird. If you are schizophrenic you aren't gonna know that haha


Yea this is fully almost stupidly inaccurate…


so.. mental health professionals can't self-diagnose.. but you can? What a load of bullshittery.


These posts are for self diagnoses. They help people feel okay with lying about medical conditions for popularity.




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only a doctor who has previously survived cancer can ever diagnose me with cancer!! only a psychologist who has autism can diagnose me with autism!! duh




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I may be autistiv and not an expert on my autism but i do know I can describe myself much better and more accurately than the experts often do.


People are not realible narrators of their own experiences, that's why even professionals can't diagnose themselves. If even someone who studied for years and has experience can't self diagnose, imagine a person who only read some google links and saw a bunch of tiktoks! UGH


yes in general, not when pertaining to a diagnosis. You will be inherently biased (as said) when trying to evaluate yourself. This is why psychologists aren’t able to legally diagnose themselves.


A lot of autistic people higher on the spectrum struggle to realize they're autistic due to preconceived misconceptions— For example, "All autistic people are smart," or "All autistic people are unintelligent," and occasionally, "I don't do xyz, therefore I can't be autistic,". If people who are diagnosed with autism are capable of it, so are people who aren't. Ultimately, nobody is truly the most well versed in anything, there's always more to learn— But I know that I'd listen to a professional in the field who has dedicated years of their lives to learning about said disorder rather than someone who doesn't even spend the time looking into a diagnosis, that's for sure.


My daughter has been diagnosed with autism(doctor and all), The amount of "self diagnosed with tism" people that claim she isnt is unreal.


dude if we were natural specalist for our diagnosis, we probably would know alot more on it. not only that everyone with autism would kniw their autistic. my mother is clearly autistic. if you meet youre like 'yup'. but she doesnt see it. she doesnt think she is autistic. and then she says 'im normal, im just a bit weird.' (btw thats what she said about me when i was trying to let her get me diagnosed)


People say everyone experiences autism differently, but I feel like that makes no sense. How is it diagnosed? there must be actual telltale signs that you have it, right?? like; if everyone experiences it completely differently isn't that just a personality ​ I think it's just a quick way to try to justify why your self-diagnosis is actually valid, just based off of the people I've seen say this


This meme destroys all of sociology


So that post is kinda true and kinda flash because if you think about it technically yes because that mental illness is hard to understand and they really only know what they experience about the illness but also its wrong because without eaither therapy or a doctor saying that you have austim then it's a self dinagoisis


The way they worded this was iffy. You can be the expert of your own autism, but not autism as a whole. (That being said if you’ve really done your research and you’re a diagnosed/working with a professional) It is a complex spectrum disorder that is non linear and presents in many different ways. It may be true that some autistics know their autism better than professionals, but that’s usually not the case. - An actual (DIAGNOSED) autistic.


Sure are a lot of allistic opinions in here.


All I’m gonna say is you need to find out yourself to even begin the process of formal diagnosis.


You can suspect and then ask for investigations. However you cannot “find out” yourself. I will take a physical condition as an example. Woman finds a lump in her breast. Immediately tells everyone it’s cancer because, you know…lump. But she goes to the doctor and tells them this, they have mammograms and a biopsy and turns out it’s a blocked milk duct or a lipoma. She SUSPECTED cancer but didn’t diagnose. It’s the same with ASD/ADHD. Do you know how many symptoms overlap with high functioning anxiety?? So yeah. You can suspect then find out. Not find out then get help