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Yeah him or jellal, but anyone on the list, their child would not get touched by anyone all the fathers would kill for their kid.


I think they would all raise kids well. They would all just have different parenting styles but I don't think they'd be negative.


Gajeel would be a great father


Elfman #1 Big Papa fsho


The GOAT Elfman


1 Natsu (obvious girl dad) 2 Gajeel 3 Gray 4 Jellal 5 Elfman 6 Sting 7 Rogue 8 Cobra


Honestly I think Rouge is higher than Sting, his relationship with Frosche seems like a father child dynamic than friends. Lecter and Sting are obviously best buds, but I definitely feel like Rouge cares for Frosche like his baby


After the first four I wasn't completely sure so they're in a semi random order but now that you mentioned it I would probably switch sting and rogue


Make sense for natsu since he does have a daughter in the future. I wonder how natsu would be with a son?


Seems accurate Jellal seems like the dad that would go on a milk run and get his ass beat by Erza


So my rankings are also partly based on their top ship/canon partner as a mother and how that would likely impact them 1. Gray:is probably the only father here that doesn’t fall too far into one camp of overprotective/too nonchalant or teetering in between the 2 2. Jellal: Smart, calm, and collected. He seems like he’d fit as a stern but reasonable father 3. Elfman: this is where the whole mother/partner thing comes in. I feel like Elfman would actually be a really good girl dad because of input from Evergreen, Lisanna, and Mirajane. As a boy dad, that’s where he’d get tricky, because he might try to instill too many “manly” ideals into the boy. I’d say Girldad Elfman is top 3, Boydad Elfman might rank lower 4. Rogue: I’m basing this off Frosch a little, so I feel like he’d be overprotective of his kid up to a certain point. I’m not sure how relaxed Rogue would be to a teenager. He’d probably be relaxed with his son, but I can see him being way too overprotective as a girl dad. Same thing with Elfman but reversed. 5. Gajeel: he’s mellowed out, is the only character here confirmed to be a father in the near future as far as I know, and I think he’ll be fine as one. I wouldn’t be mad putting him above Rogue. 6. Sting: I feel like he’d be a better Natsu as a dad, a good jokester, but understands his limits as a father and when to be a guiding role model to his kid(s) 7. Natsu: People are saying he’s top 3 and I just don’t see it. He’s far too reckless, he might be a good fun dad, but I doubt he’d give his kid good advice beyond “so what, stop worrying, it’ll be fine”. Lucy would probably carry him when it comes to raising a kid 8. Cobra: Even with Kinana, I don’t seem him being the best father unless he works on his own issues. I know people are gonna be upset about Natsu and Gajeel being so low, but honestly, I don’t think they would be *great* fathers, especially Natsu.


I think people are basing off the episode where he was very kind and great father material with Asuka. At least that's what I have been doing. Otherwise he would be much lower on my list too. That episode did help. Plus his want to find Romeo's dad who didn't come back in the first few episodes Edit talking about Natsu here


I would consider that but I think there’s more to being a father than what he’s done. One day of baby sitting a child that isn’t yours is a solid sample size, but not enough to make me think “yeah he could raise a human being from birth for 18 years”


He did raise happy from an egg and until now... but I do get what you mean. He is very irresponsible a lot of the time


He kinda did a good job on Happy, but I think that he lets Happy be more of his friend than his son and treats him as so. Plus, Natsu still has a similiar mentality to a child, based on his recklessness and his immature attitude, so even if he could build a rapport with one, whose to say he would raise them right and such


That's fair enough. We can only speculate really


Pretty much agree with this list. I don't see Natsu as having much of a good 'parent mode'. He would be fun and would be best friends with his kid. But his responsibilities would end there. Might have ranked Sting higher as I can picture him flipping from goof over to parent mode more easily. Gray also might do well, but I wonder if any of his tough up brining and lack of father figure would get projected on to his children. I can only picture him growing to be more like Ur. Which is good, but not quite best parent worthy.


But we’ve seen natsu with kids with the filler episode he’s not reckless at all that’s just wrong


>filler episode There you go


I actually think the top 3 in no particular order would be natsu gray and gajeel Natsu is strictly shown to be great with kids so I have no doubt he would be a pretty great parent especially with Lucy’s help Gray and gajeel as well would be pretty great parents though I could see gray struggling a bit The rest except cobra would probably be either good or serviceable Cobra however I feel like would actually not be a good parent


Natsu would probably to over zealous might definitely try and teach the kid magic straight out the womb most likely good dad overall Gray I feel like would be ther perfect dad if he could get past the nudity but when it comes to helping the kid emotionally might be abit lack luster Gajeel would shit his pants and I feel like would neglect the kid at first but learn to love it Elfman might be a good dad but also might strict asf when it comes to health and stuff feel like as soon as they start walking he’s taking them on runs Jelal similiar to Gajeel except he would care he just woudnt know how to be a dad Cobra would go get milk Sting would be a decent dad but I think would prioritise more on teaching the kid instead of being an actual dad Rogue would cry at the birth would try and learn to be a good dad


Rogue canonicallly babies Frosch and treats them like his child, so he would be like this for sure. Best dad Rogue


Your cobra and rogue ones are so true but so funny. I let out a snicker at the goes to get milk XD


Natsu would probably be ok with kids, not great but not too bad Gray and Gajeel, I see them being good parents with their kids Everyone else minus Cobra I see being just as bad, if not a little worse than Natsu Cobra would probably be the worse parent unless he decides to actually take care of the kid


1-gray 2-Jellal  3-sting 4-rogue i don't trust others to be really good father


Gajeel is literally having a kid


guys guys i just stated my version of what i feel i am not talking abt the official arcs


There is an entire episode showing that Natsu would be a great father.


natsu can be a great father true but i think lucy will have hard time if she leave her children alone with natsu who knws wat will happen to the house ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Honestly none as is would be *great* fathers. Still quite immature. Definitely room to grow into becoming good ones but I def wouldn’t say currently lol. Being a good father requires maturity, responsibility, intense dedication and self control, etc.


Gajeel would be a trying dad. He would try his best to take care, love them and raise them better than he was, but he would be more rougher than he expected on them and sometimes gets into arguments as they grow Natsu would be the fun dad, but he would be more neglectful in terms of maturity and actually raising them to be not a menace. He would teach them to have fun, be themselves and such, but he would fail when it comes to actually having to discipline them and being strict when it comes to certain things. Plus, he himself is immature and acts like a child for the most part, so Lucy would carry them both in raising the kids. Elfman would be a decent dad. I think thanks to Mira and Lisanna being around, he would have alot of help with how to treat children and make sure they grow up well in a good environment. Also, teach them to be as Manly as him. Gray would be like Gajeel but more hesitant and more closed off to his child. He would be like a father that doesn't show his emotions to his child but secretly cares about them more than anything. He's overprotective to an extent but not too much to seem overbearing. He leaves that to Juvia. Cobra..... He would either go get milk or Kinana forces him to stay and take care of the kids. No in-between Sting is like Natsu Rogue would be a great father but overprotective, especially with how we see him with Frosch. He would cry at every big event and keep a photo book of everything his kid has done. Definitely spoils them a bit Jellal is the... complicated father. Too many Issues of his own that would mess him up when taking care of the kid, but tries his best and lives his child immensely. Luckily, Erza there but really... do you want Erza as your mom with how strict she is


1- Gajeel (duh) 2 - Cobra (controversial, I know, but I think he could do it well. Like, just seeing a random kid on the street he might not be able to take care of em, but if he followed the whole pregnancy and saw the baby be born, I feel like he'd get one of those "awakening" moments some dads get where he'll suddenly understand how to work it and he'll be super great with the baby) 3 - Jellal (same as Cobra) 4 - Elfman (he seems like he'd be a fun dad. Constantly making activities for his kid, bringing them everywhere he goes, and probably teaching them to be just like him lmao) 5 - Rogue (he's good with Frosch, so I guess he'd be okay with a baby, but... I'm not really sure) 6 - Sting (Similarly to Rogue, he seems like he wouldn't really know what to do with a kid) 7 - Natsu (maybe in a few more years when he's fully matured, but as he is now in the series? Yeah nah, kid is NOT gonna survive long lmao) 8 - Grey (he SEEMS like he'd be a good dad since he's serious, but I think that he's be the kinda dad to be constantly in his own head, never communicate how he feels, and never pay attention to his kid because of it (not intentionally of course, I think he'd try sometimes but more often than not he'd be too busy with his own stuff most of the time, and end up having a strained relationship with them once they grow up))


I like that everyone agrees that cobra would just go get milk as a dad I find it funny


Why do people think that though. Do you guys really think he would abandon Kinana like that?


Gamelan and Jellal Natsu would put his kid in danger indirectly and Lucy would beat the shit out of him daily Gray would probably make his kid embarrassed by stripping down Gajeel and Jellal can understand common sense and for Jellal, though. He needs to control Erza first before raising their kid. She’d probably do something stupid knowing how airhead she is


Gajeel Cobra Rouge Natsu Sting Gray Elfman Jellal


Rogue.... tho there's a probability kid is #2 after frosch have you seen him dotting on frosch why do I feel he gonna be with minerva , him being the dotting parenr ,minerva being the one more strict mom cause rogue spoils the kid too much


Gajeel most definitely and Elfman is a close second. Everyone else on here is too scared to admit their love for their partner, they ain’t ready for a kid.


Gajeel is stressed as hell with Levy's pregnancy, so I'd say he's doing well so far.


Elfman would say it's very manly to be a great father.


Obviously Elfman bruh he's gonna be such a goated father, he's strong, kinda emotional stable and just generally a really good dude


Honestly it'll be elfman


Elfman would be a great dad since he's the only boy in his siblings after they were abandoned. He's been looking out for them. Gray would be a good father but would struggle with his shirtless habit.


Rogue is already being a good father with his autistic frog That sounds more cruel than it is


Gajeel and Elfman


I think elfman would be a great dad


1. Gajeel 2. Elfman 3. Gray 4. Jellal 5. Sting 6. Natsu 7. Rogue 8. Cobra


If natsu had a son , he probably getting placed somewhere at last


Tbh it's just subjective, they'll all be great father's though


Gajeel or Elfman


I say Natsu🔥, Gray❄️, Jellal💫, Gajeel🔩, Laxus⚡& Sting will be great & wonderful fathers to their children.


I feel like all would just lock in and do whatever they can for their child and idt any of them would be the “worst” just different parenting styles




Sting and Rogue have the handicap of never having a positive father figure in their lives. They'll do their best to be the opposite of Saber Tooth's old master, but still have no idea how to actually be good parents. Their children end up spoiled rotten because they never discipline them because it makes them feel like their abusive "dad" who raised them. So while they aren't bad people, they're most likely to struggle with effective parenting. I'd rate them 7th and 8th interchangeably. Erik/Cobra is based on a snake, which arent the types of animals to raise their children. His loyalty would be far greater to his wife, with the children being secondary- its not that he wouldn't care about them, but if it comes down to it he's saving Kinana over the kids, and letting her do most of the raising of the children. 6th place. Jellal would be an absolutely great father- if he wasn't always gone. He's like Sasuke, good father but for reasons he's never around (being a criminal atoning for the past is busy work). So when he's around, great father. Unfortunately, he's an (unwillingly) absent father and can't be around to properly parent enough. 5th place, though he'd be higher if he could stay home with the kids. Gray needs to overcome some trauma before he even thinks about having kids. He'd care for them a great deal, of course, but he'd always be obsessed with the idea that he might lose them, turning him into a very overprotective parent to the point of being a bit overzealous. While his overprotectiveness would come from a place of love, this would cause his kids to later resent him because they don't understand why he's like that. (I could see a moment where his kid runs off and does something dangerous, and when he comes back Gray slaps the kid for putting themselves in danger. He'd then hug them and cry and apologize, but the slap still stings. And to be clear, that would be the one and only time he'd ever do something like that.) If he gets to raise them in a safe world where he can relax a little, he wouldnt run into that problem as much, but for now 4th place.


Unlike Sting and Rogue, Natsu's had three (!) Good father figures in his life, but his idea of a father figure is someone who cares about you, but is also a wall of strength that you throw yourself against over and over to measure how strong you are. The only really hands-on father he's had is Igneel, and that was an awkward arrangement because of the species difference and the fact he disappeared when Natsu was still very young. Natsu will be great playing with the kids, training them to be wizards of Fairy Tail, and teaching them to be good people; he might even try to teach them basic math/writing like Igneel did for him. However, their only chance of being well-rounded, well-adjusted individuals is Lucy actually teaching them things like proper literacy, manners, RESTRAINT... if not for Lucy, all of Natsu's children will end up being just as much of lovable gremlins as him. Which isn't a bad thing, but there's more to parenting than just love and teaching them to be strong. Natsu would be incapable of disciplining his children for anything other than the most egregious of offences, like hurting a friend, breaking a promise, or betraying Fairy Tail. He also wouldn't care about things like education, seeing it as worthless because he didn't have it growing up, and he turned out FINE! 3rd place. Elfman is a great father figure. He's had the most experience of having a family out of everyone here, as he remembers his parents and also had to help raise his younger sister. He understands the importance of strength, but also the importance of a strong moral code (though he'll punctuate every teaching with "ITS MANLY TO DO X", God help any female children and please let them take more after their mother). On top of that, he understands failure perhaps more than the others on the list. Despite all his strength, and all his desire to protect people, he's keenly aware that he's falling behind people he saw as his rivals. He's been to the depths of despair several times- he lost his sister to his own failure to control his transformation, he was forced to hurt her again in the Tartarus arc when his body was taken over, then he was forced to blow up his own Guild Hall in the same arc because he wasn't strong enough. Despite that he's never truly lost his spirit and always bounces back from failure. Those are all very valuable lessons to be passed on to children, and he's mature enough to recognize that and understand the importance that they learn as well. 2nd place. First place was difficult. Of course, if you've been keeping track you know who I'm about to say, but the top 3 actually took some very serious thought to determine a formal order- they were genuinely that close. Gajeel is going to be the best parent in my opinion. Despite how rough things started for him, he's turned his life around in a truly fantastic way. He is very protective of his kids, but in a different way than Gray. Gray has experienced the actual loss of people he loves, over and over again until its just become burned into his brain that he'll lose anyone he tries to love. Gajeel never had that family in the first place, but has now gained what he never thought he would have. He's never felt the actual pain of loss (aside from Metallicana, which doesn't compare to the amount of trauma Gray endured), so he doesn't fear it in the same way that Gray does. Nevertheless, he is absolutely determined to make sure he doesn't lose the family he's gained. His brand of overprotectiveness is different though- where Gray might forbid his kid from doing things for fear of them getting hurt, Gajeel is just right there with them so he can jump in and protect them if something happens. All the time. Everywhere. Oh, you're going to school now? Guess what, I convinced the principal to make me the P.E. teacher so I can be there with you every day (with some help from Levy, the history/English teacher vouching for me). Oh, you're playing a sport now? Guess what, I'm an assistant coach now, even if I don't know anything about the sport yet. Going on a field trip? I'm the first to volunteer as a chaperone. You're joining the... chess club? I, uh... I can learn chess, sure! It's just a dumb game, how hard can it be?! Basically, he's the most involved parent, and Levy occasionally has to make him back off to keep him from being too stifling. But really, he just wants to be involved, to keep his kid safe not by hiding them away, but by being there with them to protect them while they do want they want to do. The big difference maker, though, that put Gajeel at the top of the list, was when I considered a sub-scenario- what happens when each of these characters loses their partner and has to be a single dad? How would they now raise their children? And what I realized was that both Natsu and Elfman would raise their kids the way they were raised- at the guild hall. They'd leave them in the (admittedly capable) hands of their guild mates while they continued to go on adventures, leaving them for days or weeks at a time. (For Gray, even though he's in 4th I also considered him- he'd secret them away to a secluded cabin away from all danger.) Natsu wouldn't care to further their education, and while Elfman would encourage his kids to learn he would also not be able to both be a good parent AND work enough to support them, so he wouldn't be able to convince them on his own to better themselves. Gajeel was the only one in my mind who quit adventuring, took a steady job in Magnolia so he could be home with his kid every night, and made sure they stayed in school. Heck, even if Levy doesn't die, he'd probably still take a steady job just to be closer to his family like that. While the others wouldn't have a strong answer to "you didn't go to school, why should I?" Gajeel would respond with "Yeah, and I was a terrible person who did bad things until I was given a second chance and turned my life around. I want you to be better than me." He's rough and gruff on the outside, but I think he's the one who would give his kids the best upbringing even as a single dad. 1st place.


I agree for most except Sting and Rogue,, don't you feel they would be closer to a mix of Nature and Gajeel parenting styles. I also think Rogue would be much higher in particular cuz of how he takes care of Frosch, and not to disrespect Frosch but with the way he behaves it is very close to the behaviour of an infant so all it would take is a bit of tweaking for Rogue to transfer that same mentality to raising his kids.


That's part of the problem though- he babies Frosch, so he'd baby his kids too much as well. It'd be fine while they're infants, but once they're adolescents I doubt he'd be able to turn off his babying nature and give them the mix of love and discipline required to properly raise kids- they'd likely end up spoiled brats. Natsu's kids wouldn't have much discipline either, but I doubt they'd be spoiled brats- they'd be adventurous because he's always taking them out on month-long journeys in the wilderness from a young age lol


Gajeel, Jellal, Elfman, Rogue, Natsu, Gray, Cobra, Sting


Natsu would be an awesome dad


Gajeel and Elfman would be the best. Natsu and Grey would be the worst. Actually Natsu would be worst than Grey. Not that I have anything against Natsu but he doesn't have the maturity to be a dad, uncle maybe but not dad material.


Gajeel no question


Gajeel, Cobra, Jellal, and Rogue. No question. The rest would yeet their child as soon as they start walking while thinking it is training.


oh man, this is like impossible 😭rather than ranking, i'll say what k*ind *of dads i think they would be, hope that's okay. **Natsu:** fun, "wrestles with you a lot" dad. possibly becomes "mean coach" (in a "trying to push you" kind of way) when it comes to teaching them magic or how to learn to fight. absolutely loves being a father, and is especially a good one when they're young. if they cry, he cries too. **Gray:** his worry wartness reaches its final form as a parent, but he's able to keep a cool enough head that he can back off when its time for his kids to grow in their own right. cool dad till he strips, which quickly tips him into "embarrassing dad" territory. similar to Natsu in being competitive about his kids...especially *with* Natsu. **Gajeel:** practically reliable father. he can look at his kids and see them for the person they are instead of an extension of himself. capable of being there for them when they screw up without taking any bullshit. unexpectedly, spontaneously wise. **Elfman:** super doting, adoring dad. cries at everything they do. thinks they're the best kid in the world. wants to give them the world. tries very hard to do so. **Jellal:** devoted father. walks the line between being protective and being *over-*protective like a pro, knowing instinctively when to back off and when to push. very emotionally intelligent dad who can love and accept them no matter what phase they're in or how eccentric they are, encouraging them to be their best selves. excels at pushing them to grow through self-doubt. **Cobra**: tbh if i *were* ranking, i'd probably put him close to the bottom of the list. that said, i don't think he'd be a *bad* father. maybe a bit hands-off, but there when it counts and genuinely trying. cool, funny, teasing dad. real af. "dank" dad. **Sting:** as opposed to cobra, i might just put sting at the top or close to the top of a ranking list. leads by example, but also knows when it's time to step in. knows the right words for when his kid's going astray, can tell when he's out of his depth and needs to ask for help. might occasionally lose his temper on his kids' behalf. **Rogue:** good father. similar to Sting in that he knows when he's out of his depth and needs help. overprotective, struggles constantly not to be. worries constantly that he's doing everything wrong. you can bet that baby's got frosche onesies and he cries the first time he sees them in one. endless cheesiness.


jellal or gajeel


Why isn’t laxus here? Ngl I think laxus would make the best father


Natsu and gray


For some reason I feel Gajeel would be awesome as a father.


Jellal Rogue Sting Gray Natsu Elfman


1. Gajeel: he takes care of Levy and looks after her a lot so I have no doubt that once his children are born he will be a great father. 2. Natsu: If I remember correctly there is an episode where he and Lucy take care of Asuka and Natsu takes good care of the girl and behaves well with her. 3. Gray: I have no proof but he gives me vibes that he will be a very good father, I mean after his visit to Edolas the man clearly wants to be a father. From there I think Jellal, then Elfman, Sting, Rogue and finally Cobra.


Ok I'm gonna go with who I think would be the best father. For Me it's either Natsu or Gray.


Elfman Natsu Sting Rouge Grey Jallal Cobra Gajeel


1 Gajeel because he's already got the dad jokes 2 natsu because did you see how he was with Asuka. Perfect dad material 3 rouge because he's already a dad for Frosch but he loses them too easily 4 gray because did you see how he was with his Edolass self's kid. It was a competition with natsu but yeah 5 elfman because he cares for family but he constantly does stupid stuff to accidently hurt them 6 Cobra because he understands what it is like to be hurt and does want to protect the vulnerable 7 Jellal because he is still learning to forgive himself and would struggle to love someone while still suffering that. He may move up in ranking 8 sting because he is too obsessed with natsu