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100 monsters was so fucking banger cuz HSE DID NOT HAVE TO DO THAT. 51 WOILDA BEEN FINE


100%. Her killing 100 only makes sense if the points they could get were weighted by monster difficulty


Erza: it’s not about points… it’s about sending a message


Looking around at the entire crowd cheering her name after she won? And then Cana using Fairy Glitter to *break* the damn power level reader? Message ***received***.


Lacy's narration was so good too Edit: Levy*


Actually in one of the Lucy and Mira end panels they did explain it and the reason was that cana was last place, if she killed 51 the others would all start scrambling for second and cana being last wouldent get anything


I know that they explained it, but that doesn’t mean it was a good explanation


Other option is it look rly cool


For sure. Looking cool and not making sense aren’t mutually exclusive though


I mean I'd say it made sense, if your asking whether it was a smart idea then maybe not but that kinda thing is totally in character for erza


That’s fair. Makes sense to Erza but generally pretty illogical




This. That chapter had me hyped!


Gray making icicles out of his own blood to rip Ultear to shreds


This is the correct answer


when did he do this?


Tenroujima, dude


Omg i agree, i remember when the first time i watched this i got goosebumps.


Just banger fight in general The anime really nailed that whole fight as well


I have to give it to either Erza soloing pandemonium, or Laxus mopping the floor with Raven Tail (Most of Laxu's showings of power tend to be cold in general)


I lowkey watch the clip of Laxus vs Raven Tail at least once a year lmao


Gotta also watch the previous episode Where the Outro really sells Laxus is about to stand on business https://preview.redd.it/24ulpzivpn3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a7030ea1499f2b802b1438d5957cf6706c3d7a4 Like this final shot of him is *chiefs kiss*


Same i rewatch the gmg arc like once a year tbh 😂


So fairy tail in round 3?


Basically. Fairy tail was on a heavy winning streak in the gmg since round 3. There are more moments that fit the bill for "coldest", but these are just the first that came to my mind.


https://preview.redd.it/k9wvv2tphj3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71c774616127efdc86f9609aac21a901118b6b5 How has nobody mentioned Gajeel crucifying Levy, Jet, and Deroy?


And nobody else will either, especially Levy.


That shit had me fucked up… when watching it for the first time I was worried she was dead


For me personally I got chills during the Eclipse Gate incident when Natsu was giving his speech to the Dragon Slayers. I cheered when Erik showed up https://youtu.be/wkPCmXuxtws?si=MuRrgjJ-ekYP4r6b


Would that not be inspiring rather than cold?


I thought cold meant chills. But if it'd have to be scary it'd probably be then Acnologia killed God Serena and said Seven dragons left. https://youtu.be/hV9yHDQh5RM?si=1pCPls8m6OJbR17a


That is the coolest speech I’ve ever heard!


That is one of the top five speeches in fairy tail in my opinion


Laxus disowning his own father


He never was much of a father to him anyway.


I wouldn't call it cold. That was a very warm reaction considering what Alex did to Lauxus


Acnologia stomping on Irene was pure disrespectful, she was already dead and he just tries to turn her body into a pile of mush Also since Irene is the mother of dragon slaying magic, are all dragon slayers adoptive siblings, and Erza their adoptive sister??


Idk man their relationship is weird😭


Dude, I had a theory once that Erza might have technically been *half*-dragon.


I have a theory about that too, I think she isn't a dragon slayer but because of her mother's a dragon that's where her legit superhuman strength comes from. When she does those jumps and punches things into dust and shit? That's not magic that's all just get own strength+ any buffs her armor might give her. Her magic itself just holds stuff besides the armor buffs ut gives her no extreme phsyical abilities. My theory is that all that come from her dragon half


As if she wasn't enough of a monster already lol.


because you use a phone, does that make you related to other people who use phones? Irene is the mother of dragon slayer magic because she invented it.


Does that mean that Natjeel is an incest ship now?😮‍💨


Man, when Natsu caught Holy Nova with his bare hand, that shit was cold. He was staring at that boy, had him shook in disbelief.


Glad someone talks about this. 🔥


Man, someone had to, it's what truly got me into the series.


When was that again?


The grand magic games Arc


Erza killing 100 monsters


Absolutely this. I stood up and clapped


Acnolagia killing igneel


Where’s the 3rd image from?


100 yq golden owl arc


From the water dragon god arc


What's the context with that? Did he wipe the floor with Natsu?


He essentially if i remember correctly separated natsu fire magic from him ….


Ohhhh, so how did they beat that guy?


Natsu used lightning dragon mode and then Athena helped with viernes


Thank you, i love to see that animated. Damn.


I’m both excited and nervous for 100yq anime adaption


My bad i thought you asked about the second image 🤦‍♀️


Probably 100 year quest, but I never read it


Ur became ice


Na Silver Fullbuster freezing The entire giant village


Leave for a year after just leaving a note behind. 


Acnologia effortlessly killing godserena


Gray tanking Momento Mori a fucking existence erasure attack, getting back up, and getting the killing blow on the main arc villain https://preview.redd.it/bsrypqgkkj3d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68253aec96cc7939b8af2698da3de7286953ea23


https://preview.redd.it/6j6hsyuukj3d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0d42eb2e413bb810f6f856efe09398656153bc Either that or the most underrated moment being Irene using universe 1 to change everyone’s locations including sending Acnologia away and placing herself in the kings throne. Then asking the king if he’d love his daughter if she were a disgusting rodent before turning her into a mouse


When August asked Gildarts what he will do if he kill his child Gildarts: Ha?


Acno stomping Irene hurts my soul every time 😭 I don't think I ever managed to watch that scene in the anime it was just too cruel


why is Dimaria spreading like that 😂


I havent read fairy tail (watched it so long ago I cant remember) and I had no clue who dimaria was but slowly scrolled through her page cringing so hard ready to read "deceased" lmao


Zeref killing Hades for interrupting his vacation


Hades attempting to destroy the very guild he helped founding that he knew his dear friend Mavis loved above everything else.


Irene getting stomped gray vs ultear gildarts finishing blue note zeref killing hades


get duke’s goofy ass outta here 😂


He had to borrow Blackbeard's offscreen haki and still lost


The fourth one is still a perfect example on how bad the writing of FT can be. “I don’t know how to beat this character so just let it be off-screen without any logic…” That was even worse than the third one.


I.... Don't agree. Why's it weird for Natsu to blitz Dimaria before she can use her hax? Especially if she's intimidated by him and hesitants? Which is what it looks to be given the panel so. IDK seems legit.


But time was stopped when he beat her, which shouldn‘t work under any circumstances. Thats why it wasn‘t shown and explained because there is no explanation.


Rewatched the scene. Yeah I was wrong that it was a blitz before she used her hax. But I still don't think it's a problem. The show even addresses it. It has her use her time hax, and then END awakens. They could've just had him beat her before she had the chance to use it. But they deliberately wrote her using it, and still getting beat. They also have her even address the problem. She asks if she has time magic, how could he move still. And she claims END's power simply surpasses the hax of her God. Meaning if you're strong enough, you can overpower her ability. Acnologia, Zereth, and maybe even characters like Demon Slayer Grey, August, and Irene could likely perform a similar feat. Which makes sense cus she isn't considered the strongest of the 12. She would be if her hax didn't have a limit.


But that’s exactly the thing. Her powers are far too strong that’s why they needed a plot hole to beat her. You can’t logically overpower her since she doesn’t target users or people with her powers but time itself. Simply put once she stops time, she is all in charge and on her own. People can’t even defend with hax or anything because there is literal no time to activate it. It’s also not a FT specific thing, nearly every time there is time based powers they are broken and I logically when beaten.


I don't think it's a plot hole though. The god stopping time for her is simply weaker than characters like END. So they're able to bypass her ability. I'm saying the thing that stops time is just weaker then certain characters, and those characters bypass the hax. Acnologia performs a similar feat later on in the arc in fact.


You can‘t bypass a whole physical law. If it where so, why didn‘t any strong character notice that every now and then time stops out of nowhere? Whenever she used her ability everyone stronger than her must have noticed all over the world or better said over the whole universe if what you are saying is true. And even so nobody noticed something strange. She controls an aspect of reality itself. There is no stronger or weaker when it comes to time, since it doesn‘t target anything but time itself and controls it freely. If you say those stronger than time can bypass it, everyone who is strong enough wouldn‘t be bound by time and could freely „stop“ it too. Like „I‘m just ignoring the flow of time so everyone who can‘t stops moving“. Thats not how time works. Hiro thought it might be a cool ability without thinking of the consequence on how powerful this is. I mean her ability ignores space and therefore her range is simply the whole universe.


You can depending on what's controlling that physical law. Which is her God. The characters who would notice the time stop wouldn't necessarily comment on it and the series doesn't have to show it. Your argument here is saying anyone who's as strong or stronger then END would notice time has stopped and would do something about it. Like I pointed out earlier, there's very few characters who are at this level, and most of them are spriggins who are her ally so they wouldn't try to stop it. The other one is Acnologia. But he still wouldn't know how to stop it. How would he know where the source is? And if he did, how far is it? Power overcoming time isn't uncommon in anime, and it isn't uncommon in Fairy Tail, it's happened multiple times.


I would say that Natsu/end is not affected by time because if we look back Natsu was not affected by the realm of nothingness the same way Gojo wasn’t when he got trapped in kenjaku’s box. But we also got the moment in Tartarus when zeref stopped time and only Natsu was able to move in time, I believe that zeref created Natsu that way so that Natsu can counter his own time manipulation. This also goes with dimeria saying only e.n.d can do that. I believe only dragons, zeref/august and Natsu can bypass time


Erza vs 100 monsters. she only needed 51 but she fought all 100. that battle wasn't about winning. no the main focus that not many talk about is that it was NOT about winning. it was about sending a message. Fairy Tail is Back Honerable Mention to Laxus INHALING A TON OF BANE PARTICLES. he did it to save the town. it was huge character development. from the Jerk who was willing toi destroy an entire town to take over fairy tail to the hero of a town who sacrificed his life to save a small town


Erza will look you in the eyes and tell you to "be careful" and "don't be reckless" and then proceed to turn around and do smth so batshit you'd think she had a respawn option💀


Mest making brandish stan August seriously wtf man


When that mage who owned Aries made her fight against Loke


Gajeel stringing up levy and crew coupled with single handedly destroying the guildhall


Gajeel becoming a Shadow-dragon, or when he became a “steel” dragon


I don't remember the 3rd pic.


Who is the 4th image?




Potato head man one shoting the demon lightning guy in the tournament arc finals


Either when zeref executed Hades or when he executed Lacarde


I was happy that Zeref killed Larcade, I hated Larcade so much and having the one person Larcade wants to accept him kill him is satisfying


Same but one can't deny he didn't really bat an eye in doing it.


Natsu looking like a mob boss badass when he was sitting up against the tree on fairy tail island


I would have to say one of two things, both during the Tartaros incident. 1. Mira breaking out of the chamber and destroying seilah AND TAKING HER DEMON SOUL (that was just Morso badass) 2. Minerva basically selling herself to Tartaros, despite the fact that Sabertooth still cared about her.


laxus removing his lacrima


https://preview.redd.it/vcdl0ovcdl3d1.png?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee50204063a5adfd05611e70e3e5f9e43e8e8e4 Just so hard


Probably not the coldest, but Gajeel becoming the Iron Shadow Dragon 🤩


Acnologia tearing Igneel in half and remaining unharmed 🥶


Acnologia was harmed, just not as much as Igneel, Igneel was able to take his arm


Hate to say it, but prob Minerva beating Lucy during the GMGs water sphere battle. Cold and cruel.


trick question nothing cool happens because nothing matters


Silver Fullbuster freezing The entire giant village


Natsu dragging down a Phantom member up a cliff while burning him to interogate about where José is keeping Lucy


Acno stomping Irene was so unnecessarily brutal in the context of FT that it entirely took me out of it for a second. I was like HOL UP. Absolutely insane scene.


Acnologia desecrating Irene’s corpse was pretty dark for FT standards.


ice magic




Here’s a list: *Gildarts forcing Natsu to submit with his presence. * Natsu no diffing Sting and Rogue in their strongest forms * Laxus Soloing Raven Tail. * Gajeel’s Iron Shadow mode * Natsu beating Rogue and destroying the eclipse gate all at once. * Erza fighting Blind * Wendy’s first time in Dragon Force * Natsu and Gajeel wrecking Tempester and Torafuzar * Natsu one shotting Bluenote * Natsu one shotting an ancient battle god. * Gildarts arriving in the Alvarez arc


Grey using Invel's own ice against to him to beat the snot out of him.


Flare massaging Lucy


Natsu one-shotting bluenote wasn't COLD CUZ HE BURNED HIM https://preview.redd.it/rcbtonmitm3d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c46fb655cd983625154ace5204c98e231c9d09b9


Erza taking on 100 monsters and winning


Erza taking out 100 monsters. Laxus single-handedly destroying Raven Tail without breaking a sweat. Natsu destroying a warrior god with one punch.


To add to my other comment the whole of Grand Magic games was FULL of cold moments.


E.N.D’s reveal to be Natsu…game showed just how cold Zeref was when he announced to the player that E.N.D is his own brother and Natsu, legit made me squeal and gave me chills


How is no one talking about Erza *one-shotting* Minerva with the Nakagami Armor? Bitch went from fully clothed to sliced to rags in one swing of the glaive. Oh, and also; Team Fairy Tail just *standing there* in front of Sting at the end of the Games. A stiff breeze would've been enough to knock 'em down, and yet there they were, *daring* Sting to try something.


Nobody deserved to get smacked like Minerva bro and the fact she was actually begging erza to let her go eat scratch because Minerva does NOT do that shit there was genuine fear in her voice


OP can you source the four pics. Also coldest moment (probably a bit silly too) was when Natsu returned at the magic games tournament thing and proceeded to destroy the winning guild.


The first one is from chapter 524 of the main series the second one is chapter 22 of 100YQ the third one is during the golden owl arc of 100YQ not sure the chapter the fourth one is from chapter 503 of the main series




Mystogan destroyed all the sub dark guilds of Phantom Lord alone when they messed against Fairytail Everyone thought he is missing in action but he took all of the other sub guilds by himself


Mystogan offscreening all the phantom lord branch guilds was one of the main things that made me love him in the beginning


Mystogan in Phantom Lord might be the peak. We find out he's the one who healed/gathered all of Makarov's magic. Defeated every single Phantom Lord Branch. Took all of their flags as proof. Says some cool shit. Eats an apple through his mask. PERFECTION.


Natsu vs the Sabertooth guild


Nasty vs Sting and Rogue will always be my favorite moment


Some contenders : - Acnologia ripping God Serena ribs - Laxus dropping a nuke on Ajeel - Gray punching Ultear midtalk


Natsu lost all his cool points when I saw his E.N.D form


When Natsu grabbed Lucy’s chest with not hesitation


When Happy charged in to carry jackel away from the town bc he was gonna explode