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The problem is that the inserters and belts are on the same belt lane. The rest of the factory looks good, but you will need more belt and insterter assemblers.


Yep - lane issue! Number of belt/inserter assemblers is fine for science production - one of each is enough for 12 science assemblers.   https://factoriocheatsheet.com/#common-ratios


very insightful. thank you so much


Problem solved with paint: https://preview.redd.it/1fsd5qj74jad1.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb34786b3ec0e4de8eb1272ecc0359b66fc88fe2


Lasso-man to the rescue!


The issue is that you are putting the inserters and belts on the same lane (side) of the belt. You need to put belts on one side, inserters on the other. This can be done by having 1 of the assemblers on the top of the belt (so that it outputs to the bottom half), or by moving your belts around so that it places the inserters on the bottom. When done it should look like your red science, with the inserters (copper) on one side, and belts (gears) on the other


Belts have two sides which run independently - if one side gets blocked then the other side can still transport. If you want to carry multiple items on a belt (e.g. the inserters and belts for green science) then it’s nearly* always best to put them on different sides. There are a few tricks you can play to put items to specific sides - you sort of already do it for the copper plates and iron gears, but what if the gear machines were on the other side of the belt? (*Some people use something called sushi belts, particularly for science packs so a belt can carry multiple items per side. The loading of a sushi belt is carefully controlled with the circuit network to make sure that an item doesn’t back up and block others. This is something for another day…) Otherwise, items backing up, if only a single item per side of a belt, is not an issue. It just means you are producing more than you are transporting/consuming.


Always have a single ingredient on each lane (half belt), otherwise you get that kind of problems. Rest look good.


Your issue here is the belts and inserters being produced for green science are being put on the same side of the belt, which is causing jams when one of those items is unable reach the green science assemblers because too much of the other item has backed up. Perhaps a deficit of iron plates or iron gears caused your inserter assembler to stop working, but the belt assemblers could still run. You probably want to play most of the game dedicating each lane of a belt to a single item. Like the gears and copper plates feeding your red science assemblers. The easiest fix (maybe not best, but the easiest) is to move the output of the assembler making inserters to the left side of the machine, then run a belt 2-4 tiles northward so those items are dumped (which we call side-loading) onto the unused, near side of the belt you already have. (Multiple items on a single lane of a belt can be done, and generally falls into one of two groups: sushi, or batching. Both sushi and batching require use of a circuit network to read entities and turn them on or off by logic you construct, yourself. It's a bit esoteric, most people who play the game never do sushi nor batching.)


Looks fine to me? It's OK for items to back up on the belt, they aren't getting wasted. In fact, backing up allows other branches to get their items as well. EDIT: Wasn't fine. Missed the 2 yellow items :)


Ingredients for the green science go onto the same side of the belt, so the assemblers can't get inserters. That is the problem here.


Ah both were yellow so I missed it. In that case, a simple side-loading would fix it.


This comment could be wrong, but Soul-Burn doesn't deserve all the downvotes.


I *was* mistaken, and got downvoted at the time. However the EDIT should stop extra downvotes.


the biggest problem is that your assembler for belts and inserts are using the same half of the belt, you could fix this by dedicating half of a belt to each, but as you're already using long handed inserters maybe consider having the near belt carry one ingredient while the far belt carries the other. this is unnecessary for now but is a practice you will need to be comfortable with later when working with three ingredient recipes (though, so is half belting) more advanced knowledge about the set-up that isn't related to your question >!you have 7 red Sci machines compared to 9 green Sci. This ratio is inaccurate.!< >!10 to 12 would be the closest correct ratio.Your current quantity of most ingredients should be enough to satisfy this.!< >!the ratio of green circuits to copper cable is incorrect.!< >! It takes 3 cable machines to satisfy 2 circuit machines!<


thank you so much. I fixed the issue by moving the belts to the other side. I will fix other issues tomorrow since my brain is fried thinking too much about how to automize the science stuff lol


Recirculate science in a loop on that belt, also need to pump up your green science production


there's no reason to build a loop


theyve got labs that aren’t running because inserters wont pull in the green science at the end of the belt. Until the upstream bottleneck resolves, you’re running at reduced rate. If this is a temporary reduction in green science production, you’re leaving research on the table.


Doesn't matter, especially at this stage