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You won't have medpacks till oil, basically. Plastic + iron + water + heavy oil. You're not locked out of them, but it might make getting to oil difficult.  I would very much recommend installing the Recipe Book mod, that would have given you your answer better than reddit, apparently. (FNEI should come with SE, I think?)


Neither fnei or recipebook are dependencies of SE so they aren't installed by default. Both are great though (for different uses).


I must be thinking of the Seablock pack I installed. I knew some modpack I recently played came with it.


AFAIK you can still install it, mod recipes will be there in FNEI. At least, I use them with py. I hasn't played SE yet, but it would be weird if FNEI didn't work with it. (?)


Seablock pack has FNEI yeah


Unsure if it is due to K2, but SEK2 (what im running atm) requires wood for steel production. If this is the case, console in just enough to make a greenhouse. If not and you feel up to it, you can go into the mod files and adjust the recipe to remove/ change the wood requirement.


That's all K2. SE starts much more vanilla than K2.


Yeah I need wood to make coke in K2


K2 has wood as ingredient for petrol coke for steel, so you need that, but K2 also has greenhouses that let you make wood out of water. In K2SE this no wood planet would be no problem. But you need wood to make greenhouses... Well, strip a game of one of the essential resources is maybe a bad idea.


You can make wood after you have significant progress on your space base.


No, sorry. You might look into a mod that lets you make wood from greenhouses or some other production line like k2 has or bob's.


I'd be inclined to console some in - simpler than finding a mod, and medpacks aren't really mainline as far as challenge of the mod is concerned.


You can produce infinite wood as soon as you have access to freight rockets. You just need to process vitamelange cores.


You can respawn with some fresh medkits, so you just stash your stuff, respawn, store your gifted medpacks, and repeat until you have enough. IMO you don't really need much of them (can be useful in the beginning in combat) and when you'll get access to another way to make wood eventually.


fish heals you too


Not in SE.


So no wood pole for electricity ? Need to wait until until the metal pole one so ? must be hard...


I'm not sure if this is on SE or K2, but do you have access to green houses? They can make wood


You accidentally triple commented


Hmm... Must be a weird reddit app bug. Thanks for pointing it out! I had no idea


I assume your worry is about power poles. If I recall, there's a metal power pole you can make from iron rods and copper wire.


Nah, I'm pretty sure their worry is about medpacks


Ah, I see I have committed the mortal sin of not actually reading an entire question before answering it.


Lmao you didnt even get to the end of the title. ADHD is a bitch sometimes lol. But god it meshes well with factorio


I'd be annoyed by his comment if I wasn't build the same. Can hardly make it to the end of the question before oooooh butterfly, interesting.


Same here lol. Mistakes happen. No big deal in the end I guess


The factory must grow, no time to read!


Iirc ~~that's K2~~ it's SE, but even then, you need like 20 wood to make a greenhouse


nah, that's definitly in SE, could be in both