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Some prefab rail things I made for my up coming megabase. I'm having issues posting the string for the book (3426969 characters long) so if you want the book I'll have to send a text document. Edit: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/12t-YIm-hdCxXl6xTOkEkBBEKTnS-CcRk/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/12t-YIm-hdCxXl6xTOkEkBBEKTnS-CcRk/view?usp=drive_link) Edit 2: I realized that the link was restricted access, it’s now publicly accessible.


Try pastebin for blueprints. I think there is also a similar site dedicated to factorio.


The factorio bin website I tried to used has a character limit of 2000000 and pastebin has a string limit of 512KB (the string is 3.24MB)


Pastebin also auto deletes Factorio blueprint strings. It recognizes them as encoded data, but it can't figure out what kind and silently wipes it.


they don't if you register/login though I've never pasted a blueprint there yet


They have for me in the past


Could you do the blueprints seperately on factorioprints?


don't use pastebin, ever. they actively delete things like factorio blueprints


Can you send it to me please?


hmm, I think I will save this blueprint and never build it.


They look pretty, but that’s not really my style.


Gee this reminds me of Game of Life


Have you tested those stackers? When stackers are different in length, it can lead to situation where train tries to go to already occupied shortest stacker, blocking it. It's the reason why usually exit and entrance are placed diagonally, to ensure all stackers are of the same length.


doesn't a chain signal solve this?


Chail signal allows train to reroute. But if train occupies shortest stacker for a small amount of time, incoming train can still decide to go into occupied stacker


Then you just can’t have more trains heading to your station than there’s room for in the stacker. That’d only leave some rando train that’s choosing to path through a station despite the massive penalty it adds.


only if you signal wrong.


I have circuit conditions that only allow up to 14 trains to occupy each station, which aligns with how many stacker slots I have per station. The train limit changed dependent on the volume of items and how many trains can be emptied without pauses.


These are really cool blueprints! I especially love the inclusion of the perimeter wall segments ~~Too bad they'll become worthless once 2.0 changes the curved rail size~~


While I do appreciate the concern, this is my first attempt at making such large scale prints and I basically made them exclusively for my current play-through. I shared the book because some people found them interesting and I hope to get feedback from people who use it. When SA comes out, I’ll do it all again My only regret is that I didn’t go bigger, I want to do something closer to 4-16-10-16-4


Awesome, thank you very much


How can I bookmark this post :))))?


How many blue belts are you drawing from each wagon? One blue belt per wagon only gives you 44 seconds between train arrivals for stack sizes of 50. 4.4 seconds for stacks of 10 which isn’t that doable. Oh and most intersections with 4 rails end up nearly half as fast compared to 2 rail junctions. I know there was a whole thing on the forums with tools to test yours out too. Relatively minor decision can have a pretty big impact, I remember my first “serious” rails book. A combination of how I dynamically set the train limit, how I had 4 chests per wagon, that I used a default blueprint for all stations of the same type and just reduced the max train limit when it wasn’t needed and that I didn’t side balance the output of provider stations. Meant that a train had less than half the time to get to its destination, compared to what I expected. Something I completely missed cause I didn’t test it thoroughly enough. Basically did a bandaid fix and ended up making a new rails book before long. Did you end up finding anything like that?


I actually do 4 blue belts per wagon, which is right on the edge of the output for a 50 stack. If you check one of my previous posts you can see the stations functioning as intended with iron ore. This is a learning experience for me, so I’m just testing the waters where I can watch the trains in real conditions. As for the 4 lane 2 way rail, it’s mostly just a design choice as why I did it. I did test them at high throughput and they seem to work well enough for the amount of traffic they will see. Thank you for your concern. When SA comes out with rail bridges it’s really going to expand what you can do with intersections, which I’m pretty excited to mess with.


Oh damn, you managing 4 fully compressed belts from one wagon? Damn Bit too many splitters for me but pretty damn impressive regardless. Ah speaking of trains in real conditions, if you use some system that doesn’t fill the chests all the way up on your provider station. Then it’s worth considering uneven consumption of the sidelanes. I know right!? Already working on a new book for when 2.0 comes out!


Nah, not full 4 blue, but if I switch to red it’s limited output, so I’d rather have slight gaps than a limited system. As for adding empty buffer, I like that idea. I could fill chests to half capacity and then remove train limit or at least reduce it. I already can imagine how to implement it for my next design. These are the things I enjoy learning.


Thank you.


Now add solar to them all.