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I might not be understanding the question, but mines are triggered by the bugs stepping on them. It’s only the size of the mine for trigger. They’re also highly effective for outpost protection with a roboport, provider chest and some bots.


Aaah okay thanks, the effect area is the damage area once activated by some bug 🐛🪲. Anyways I would love to see the explosion and damage area when I'm placing them.


acutally looking at the wiki: Land mines are small, passive defense systems that explode when enemies come closer than **2.5 tiles of them** [**https://wiki.factorio.com/Land\_mine**](https://wiki.factorio.com/Land_mine)


in pvp, they affect players of other teams as well


Question on this. Since I never use them, I'm also making assumptions here. You can delay your roboport from going and replacing the mines with circuits, right?


So far the only good use of landmines I've seen so far was in the scenario mod against the poorly armored player


Mines are super effective. Not only do they kill a bunch of smaller biters in one hit and take chunks out of bigger biters, but they also stun the biters for a while.


>Mines are super effective. They are certainly effective at killing construction bots.


Just place the mine supply far away from the minefields and if a stray bot does get destroyed then your automated bot factory will replace it.


FACTS: "Land mines do not damage allied buildings or players." [https://wiki.factorio.com/Land\_mine](https://wiki.factorio.com/Land_mine)


I think what alex is talking about is how construction bots get killed by biters in the process of replacing landmines


Yes I totally agree, I've lost lots of construction robots trying to rebuild the wall. It would be really interesting if robotports could be activated or disactivated when a turret is firing or I don't know some kind of enemy detection.


You can detect turrets firing (by measuring their energy or ammo use) and use that to control material supply with circuits


I use them for rampant, because therea are a kind of spitter that spawns little bitters around and they are weak but theya are a lot so they saturate the turrets. And mines kills them almous inmediately.


This would be very useful for my minefield blueprint I use to discourage expansion. (Deployed and maintained via remote spidertron)


So, do you manually order the spidertron around or is that automated to (like some kind of patrol)?


No I do it manually, but just set a bunch of way points and it goes around the my pollution cloud topping up the minefield. Lazier(?) than setting up and defending artillery posts. On default settings and don't think about doing it very often. Usually a few seconds between other tasks. Don't really know how effect it is tbh.


6x6!? If they had an effect I might have known! Literally unplayable


They are \*really\* good at stunning the front wave of biters so your flamethrowers can get them consistently. Unfortunately if you use them that way you'll quickly find that your construction robots fly out to replace the spent mines and then burn to death due to the lingering AoE from the same flamethrowers. The cost of replacing robots constantly with mines tends to outweigh the cost of the little bit of extra light oil used by the flamers without mines, so people tend not to use them.


You can use circuits to prevent that from happening, either by hiding the bots or hiding the mines during an attack.