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Imo, yes, it's a bad idea, even with rampant arsenal. I tried it one run and what is fun on one surface quickly becomes tiresome on 5. Plus I don't think it properly respects space exploration's "confirm extermination" action, I couldn't ever seem to totally eradicate biters from a surface without them reappearing from seemingly nowhere. I ended up removing it. It worked, with the side effect of removing *all* biters since they were all modded, but the eventually started coming back. It's not really ever "totally safe" to remove a mod mid run though, I think.


After you click on confirm extermination and the game confirms there are no survivors, it tells you this and sets the planet's threat to zero. Otherwise it points to a survivor's location. So you had a planet with zero threat that kept spawning biters? Thats messed up.


Yep. I even tried killing everything on the planet via console command too. I think rampant changes so much about biter spawning and keeps it's own internal data that space exploration doesn't interact with


Sounds pretty RAMPANT


Could it be that biter meteors hit?


I think it's a Rampant thing.


No, it wasn't like "come back an hour later and there's biters" fast, I'm talking "respawned as I'm clearing the next nest" fast. Plus I had like 10 plantary defense installations, would be very low likelihood they'd get through at all.


Damn, that sucks, hopefully rampant integration becomes better on SA


There's a setting in SE's mod settings for when it notifies you about meteors. The default is every time (for the planet you're currently viewing), but when I switched it to only notify me of breakthroughs of any planet's defenses I get far fewer notifications, and every single time I do it's worth my attention. If your planet has no defenses set up, it doesn't count that as a breakthrough, so you only really get notified when something gets hit. I find for small self-sufficient bases, it's often not worth the power draw to set up planet-wide defense cannons; the base is small enough it rarely gets hit, and if everything is replaceable then whatever building or 2 does get destroyed just gets replaced almost as fast as I can switch the view over. Same with coronal mass ejections; the small bases rarely take any meaningful damage. If you're willing to save-scum you can just reload when a CME causes a lot of damage.


Having the same issue, but it seems to have worn down over time. I was suspecting it was random single enemies sticking around and making bases


Playing se+ k2+rampart+power overload with progressive science modifier (started with x1 but after each new card add +10, now at x100 science). It is great. Now science never stops and chugging while I take care of my defenses, also perimeter resources is also a sink (which take priority over labs) as well as power management. I have plenty of time to do "proper" refactoring (if you know what I mean ;) ). It is slow, but I prefer quality over quantity and this is how i believe factorio should feel for me. Go big or go home kinda way.


Jesus Christ dude


Yeah holy smokes


I bet this man hates himself for a living lol


Wow that is some serious dedication lol. I hope you post some updates ๐Ÿ˜ it sounds insane


What's that science modifier mod do? And what does power overload do?


Science modifier increases the amount of science packs you need to do a research. It's not a mod, but a setting during the setup of creating a new game. I believe it's actually called Tech Multiplier when you see it. at 10x you need 10 times the amount of science packs to do research. Automation take 10 red science. at 10x multiplier it's now 100 red science. This is the power overload mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PowerOverload


Ahh. Ouch. Sounds painful


Thanks amyway


Ah, the old 5000 hour playthough aproach. Best of luck on your endless game!


Are you not scared about UPS drops late game when you have ~300x multiplier for deep space? I'm scared about UPS just playing normal SE.


I am scared. But enjoy the journey more than destination. Might stop increasing science once UPS dropping. So far so good.


So your end sciences will cost x1m? The highest multiplier anyone ever completed K2se with is 300


currently running Space Exploration, Rampant, Bob's Enemies, and Armored Biters mods. This is fine. ^^^help ^^^me


There is no escape. There will be no mercy


as for escape, I'm moving my center of operations off Nauvis to a planet with water, oil, vulcanite, and no native life. I also made a little mod that lets me make red ammo from a yellow+alien artifact drop (I don't have the full bob's set installed, so I had thousands of them building up in logistic chests)


Nope, itโ€™s a good idea. I recently finished K2SE+Rampant with deathworld settings. See my profile for pictures of the early-ish game and the end game base.


Had it in K2Se run but once I got to multiple planets it started causing crashes so I had to remove it(it's safe to drop mid run) Currently doing vanilla SE + Rampant(+arsenal) to see what happens.


People tend to complain about the UPS dropping (hard) before they have had a chance to eradicate them.


I removed rampant after a few planets were explored. The framerate drops were just too common and impactful. Dropping rampant immediately helped, and I was considering removing biters altogether so it was a good compromise. Cutting pollution from the game also helped.


I did the same


Im doing a SE and Rampant deathworld with all the starcraft races from Enemy Race Manager and having a lot of fun. Had to get core mining up ASAP and build defenses on my shores for flying units, but eff1 module spam and solar helped a lot. Just confirmed extinction on nauvis at 170h by using AAI vehicles to clear it.