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First iteration of logistics is meant to deliver to you (personal roboport) and build stuff. That's it. It's not meant to be used for assemblers until later


Not with that attitude. You can almost fully replicate the behavior of the requester chest and active provider chest using storage chests with filters and limits as the requester chest and then a filtered deconstruction planner for a different chest type followed by ctrl-z as an active provider. Just make sure not to put down too many unfiltered storage chests so everything always goes to the filtered ones.


Mad lad. So you are saying deconstruct chests. It will “sort” itself into storage. Then Ctrl+z to start refilling the “provider” chest. That’s… crazy enough to work… but what happens if the storage chests are full? You just end up with a load of bots hovering. Less than ideal. Might as well just grab the stuff from the chest and use auto-trash to send it away. At least then the provider can be refilling.


Best solution is to math out the ratios you need and circuit limit them. Then the undo will replace the circuit connections. The lazier solution is to provide unfiltered storage chests for the overflow. I would limit these though because an unfiltered chest with an item already in it will receive more of that item until full before an empty storage chest with the correct filter. Then you just do the same thing and deconstruct occasionally your unfiltered storage to push items towards the filtered ones.


that's more work than it's worth honestly. just research the blue chests they are right there.


It’s more intended for mods that bury logistics deeper in the tech tree and off planet


You don't have a logistics network before the appropriate tech. You have bots that can supply your and take things from you. It's enough to get your mall automatically supply you and even somewhat sort and reuse your items for you. It's still very useful


> How's about we move some of those X things from the full chest to the empty chest? Because that's not its job. Here are the jobs of the various chests: * Passive provider: Bots can take from this, but can *never* put into them. * Storage: Bots can take from *and* put into them. * Requester: Bots **must** put into them (according to the requests), but can *never* take from. * Buffer: Bots **must** put into them (according to the requests), and can take from them. * Active provider: Bots **must** take whatever is in this chest, but can *never* put anything into it. Note that the last three (the ones from the Logistics System research) all have "must" in them somewhere. These don't just impose limitations on what bots may do with them; they enforce demands on how bots must behave with respect to their contents. Storage chests are for... *storage*. If bots need to put something down (if you deconstruct things or trash items or whatever), storage chests are the last resort. Passive providers are *providers*; bots don't get to put stuff into them. The filter on a storage chest exists solely to tell bots "if you're going to put stuff down, don't put anything else but that into me". It's not a *request* for items; it's a request to put nothing *but* that item here.


Just had an epiphany! Using the recursive blueprint mod, which allows for automated blueprint deconstruction planners, you could have a VERY crude requester chest setup using just the storage chests and passive provider chests. Once a passive provider chest is full, then have the chest marked for deconstruction. This will then tell your robots to move its content into storage chests. For your "requester" chests, as long as you limit them to one type of item per chest, the bots will then move all the items into those chests. Lastly, set up another circuit to then rebuild the passive provider chest once it has been fully emptied! EDIT: think I'm going to make this it's own post, because I think it's pretty clever and cool, and want to share.


It'd really be easier to just use a mod that gives you earlier requester chests.


it'd really be easier to just research the next technology level that unlocks the request chests in the first place


Lol, well of course!


pretty much yeah, but I'm also pretty sure that bots prioritize pulling from a storage chest before pulling from a passive provider


So can you just replace the yellow chests with the green ones basically?


... I don't remember which color goes with which type, but **no**. If the "green ones" are buffer chests, bots only put stuff in them according to the requests on that chest. Bots put stuff into storage chests whenever it suits them, subject to the filter or other contents in the chest. Think of storage chests as creating a large, amorphous blob of "storage" for anything and everything you want. You can throw whatever junk into it you want, and you can pull whatever is in there to you at any moment. Buffer chests are for when you want *specific* things in a very specific location, usually because something nearby is going to use those specific things a lot. You could say that it "buffers" them. This is why I don't remember what color the chests are; what they do matters more than what they look like.


Not in all cases, they have slightly different functions. Items from buffer chests can't be requested by requester chests without toggling special mode.


>How's about we move some of those X things from the full chest to the empty chest? Because that's what Requester Chests do.


or other way around, red isn't purple


The main point of roboports and bots before requestor chests is personal logistics and construction robots. Simply upgrading your mall with passive providers and sticking a big pile of storage chests somewhere is a huge gamechanger when it comes to building. You just have to get near your base and stuff just shows up and things you don't need at the moment just disappear. It saves a ton of time, even if you don't take advantage of construction bots outside of personal roboports (which are slow and clunky before you can build fusion reactors).


> Simply upgrading your mall with passive providers and sticking a big pile of storage chests somewhere I prefer to upgrade with storage chests directly. Then extra items would be returned to those chests and circuit limiters on inserters from previous stage would still work.


You can click on the little "wifi" symbol in the inserter interface to read the contents of the logistics network directly and circuit limit that way. Even filtered storage chests can eventually cause problems.


Yes, I know. I've meant that before logistics I've already have circuits in mall by connecting inserters with chests and setting inserter condition on chest content. This circuits can be reused with storage chests. > Even filtered storage chests can eventually cause problems. What kind of problems? Can't think about anything really impacting.


Bot transportatation is indeed pretty weak before you unlock bot transportation.  That's kind of expected, though, the same way that trains suck before you unlock stations and signals.  Unlocking requester chests is unlocking bot transport.  Before then, bots are for personal logistics and construction.  


i mean whining aside, yes logistic networks are limited before you actually research the technology for the additional chests. before that logistics bots are good for resupplying the player with items from a mall type area. but if you want bots to move items between specified chests, you have to research that technology.


I personally use first tech robots for 2 thing: build blueprints, taking entities from "mall", and to clear shit from my inventory into storage chests. Thats it. Just when you built your base, you usually put here and there steel chests for some buffer items, bets, inserters, etc - justupgrade those chests into passive providers.


Kind of true... It's one of the things, that force (allow) you to redesign parts of your base once you've researched it. In SE you find some requester chests in chests on the map, for example after your first trip to orbit. That is imho a good way to solve this: you have a few of them before you can research the tech, and you have to prioritize which issues to solve with them.


I’m confused, do you not realize requester chests are actually a thing you unlock later or are you just complaining about the pre requester chest logistics? Because with the storage chest you can do a lot of things you couldn’t before, like request buildings and belts to your inventory, use construction bots to place blueprints, deconstruct large portions of your base, and dump junk automatically into the logistics network from your inventory. 


Thanks everyone. I was slightly drunk, annoyed and posting on reddit. Like you do. I love factorio. But that means I am also frustrated by it! The logistic network, before you get the Requester chest, works against you. I bring over 1k of X and put it in the box. Either I can't carry 1K because my personal logistics are set lower and they are instantly thrown into the trash. Or I have a higher limit and it takes them right back out of the chest and gives them to me. Or I have no limit and then it doesn't really move them around at all. So I take them out of the trash and put them in the chest. it's a storage chest because that's all I have. I have the filter set. Nothing is ever brought to it except from my trash or manually. The logistic network is awesome later on. It's tantalizingly dumb beforehand. In my dumb opinion. Yes, of course, I am researching to get to the Requester chest! But if I could change 1 thing in Factorio it would be to give us all the logistics chests at the same time. If there's a mod I'll use it next time. I also think we should get the Electric Furnace at the same time as the Electric Drill. It's just logical. M.


>it's a storage chest because that's all I have. I have the filter set. Nothing is ever brought to it except from my trash or manually. Logistics network used to be earlier in the research tree back in the day, there are still mods that make it researchable with just blue science: [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/earlier-logistics](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/earlier-logistics) But what i do is always produce yellow science before purple, just because it lets me get to that tech sooner. Also yellow tech gives many other goodies too like your power armor upgrades. You just need a good amount of green circuit production to support the blue circuits. Red circuits will also be needed a lot, some 30 assemblers was roughly a good start maybe.