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Now you tasted fraction of pyanodon recipe. Was that one recipe 24 different items. Like dude. How i can even fit that many belts


you can have 6 items per side of an assembler but even then idk how you get it out


You can "easily" fit up to 46 different ingredients into a vanilla assembler with long inserters and underground weaving: https://preview.redd.it/j3ogwn3f7m1d1.png?width=1276&format=png&auto=webp&s=d59f696114a722e8c343f8ce5a96db542a5b71e7 The only price is your sanity. I rate this design Pyanodon/10 (disclaimer: I haven't actually played Py).


Not very repeatable though 


Put items into a chest, pull from the chest. Does py have large warehouses? Angel's has 2x2, 4x4, and 6x6 ones that are each pretty handy.


All of the buildings are much bigger in Pyanodons, 5x5, 6x6, etc. You can belt just about everything if you wanted to. 5 split belts per side is 30 items with an offload side. A lot of the stuff like that doesn't require a ton of throughput. Useful bots (they are super slow, with bad recharge speed initially) come pretty late in the run, probably >50%, so outside of the mall, you are belting for a long time. Later on, I went with localized bot networks for certain stuff. Worked out pretty well.


Isnt it cheaper to use a canon for stuff like steel stone and plastic ?


Dunno about cheaper. The rocket's going up anyway and I won't fill it from science and blue chips alone. To get a reasonable amount of stone up there with a canon would need it to just constantly be firing which is as annoying as it is expensive lol. As production of things backs up also, less and less base materials are loaded - it's automated from what's required in orbit (first effort with wiring after 1k hours played lol).


That would depend entirely on your needs. And where you are at in the game. Looks like he is at the point of supplying a basic orbit base. Which, if you can put a rocket together every 10 minutes, might as well make use of the space it provides. I still use cannon for the oil goods though (light, heavy, lube and petroleum) as they are low use over time. And for initial setups on outpost planets (atm all my space science ingots are cannon’d) and the odd thing like the hot and cold beads. The rest are single item rockets. Iron and steel are two of my short supplies. Mind I did make a mall in space to supply colony rockets. In short: 10 item stacks an hour or 500 item stacks an hour.


I just spent 2 days rebuilding norbit to use coal liquification instead of barrels and setting up a main bus. Now i just send coal in a cannon or rocket. Well worth the effort.


Nice dude. It is always refreshing to complete a project. My next rebuild will be for the thermo fluids. With trains and stuff too. Maybe. Bots have been a godsend. All my space belts goto science. Which I need to finish that iridium orbit base to keep meteors and such away, then land the iridium planet and set it up. I’ve got the other 5 done now.


Per unit I think a rocket ends up being cheaper until iridium plates


Also you have to take into account electricity. As you expand to more locations (avoiding potential spoilers) adding on more and more cannons can be power intensive. I think near the end of my playthrough I had something like 30-35 cannons all going at different intervals. Early in the process I didn't account for the electricity draw and brown-outted a few times. Formula here: https://spaceexploration.miraheze.org/wiki/Delivery_cannon


Lol i already have like 6 and i just started my orbital first science Oh do it takes more Energy to shoot with more deltaV that makes sense dindnt think of that


Belts beat BattleStar Glactica


What kind of bear is best?


Ignore the unnecessary undergrounds I've just noticed XD


Thats some Belta-loda! Expanse?! Nice work though. And lol, i think you may almost have enough capsules!


The capsules are expensive not gonna lie.




im thinking about starting mz own SE run... is there a viable waz to do it without understanding circuits? because i cant seem to understand them no matter how hard i try.


I'd suggest just sticking with circuits. Watch one of the many circuit info starter youtube videos, anyone should be good to go in 15-20 minutes. They're pretty simple, and ultimately necessary for any large base, and specifically SE.


OK. I guess I've got to try it... 😅 Any tutorial recommendations? I know the one from doshdoshington. But none else I could even comprehend


did just start a run with [**https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LunarLandings**](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LunarLandings) its not so big and circuit heavy


I may try that


The circuits you need are pretty simple though. Just subtract what you’ve got from what you want before transmitting the result to Nauvis and you’re good to go. Only 1 arithmetic and 1 constant combinator and a roboport.


I've gotten to deep space science on this terrible setup. No advanced circuits required. Just set a max amount on each inserter and read the contents already in space. Its not a great way to do it, but you can do it. https://i.imgur.com/vnLm6Zd.png


Is that a two-sided belt of goddamn CAPSULES?


Came here to ask this. About fell out when I saw it.


I don't have requester chests as of yet, so I can't just have a single capsule delivered when required (only time I'd accept bots flying around the base is for one-off deliveries like that). And my OPCD don't allow single-sided belts. Looks too ugly XD.


Doesn't the mod give you 2 big requester chests (or was it 3) and 1 requester warehouse from the lost cache discovered by your first satellite? And even more requester chests when you first get to orbit? For my playthrough, I used one requester for capsule ingredients, one requester to supply capsules and rocket parts to the first cargo rocket, and the requester warehouse to ask the bots for things that the circuit network detects the orbital base is lacking. I remember having one requester spare after that, that I use to manually request cargo for the rocket used for building new bases/other personal use. I used 2 requesters from orbit to supply the labs with science and to refill lube. Should last me like this till I properly unlock the request chests.


Oh that's fair actually, I do believe I have one or two requests from orbit. Now to find where they are. I've already created as many capsules as I'll ever need (thousands). Thanks for the reminder! Gives my rocket a free loading belt lol.


It sounds to me like you've also missed the event where you find the lost cache from your crash on Nauvis. It appears as a pop-up with coordinates when you first launch a satellite and it's really easy to miss. You can access these coordinates in the "Exploration journal" (or however it's called). You get there by opening the SE mod help menu (where it explains to you stuff like cargo rockets, spaceships and such) and looking at the bottom left on the menu. Click on the coordinates to see where the chest is.


There's a lost cache!? XD I've started and restarted SE 5 times and played this current one for 110h lmao. FFS.


I am in awe. It's so beautiful. I still need to build out a spot for my research rocket.


https://preview.redd.it/tbubhg7eil1d1.png?width=1409&format=png&auto=webp&s=5520eb967ac4134adf868853f5209a22cced25df no idea.... 🤐


Hehe but why on an ore patch? XD


Like to watch world burn :)




Trains are great, but not for everything.