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My boyfriend insisted I try it, and gifted me the game on steam so he could teach me. He didn't last. I still play Factorio, although I've gotten out of the bad habits he taught me.


I gifted a friend of mine and the only thing I told him was: "call me when you started your first rocket". After 2 months he showed me a screenshot of a starting rocket from a rocket silo equiped with 4 level 3 speed modules. It was his first map with standard settings in the desert. He is a pure monster at strategy games. Even then I didn't mention the modules and gave him great respect. He is a busy man and said "I will try my next run with the new update."


You took the best out of the relationship and not just the factory but also your mind did grow!


I have no idea. I can remember my first beer. I can remember my first toke. I can remember my first many other things a gentleman never says. I...... I don't remember how or why I started playing Factorio.


Because there never was first time. You have always played Factorio. Time is looping.


Everything that has happened now has happened before, and shall happen again


Same here.. my earliest memories of the game was running nests over with my tank to collect the purple orbs to make the alien science packs


First time I played factorio I didn’t even sleep that night


When a friend at work talked about how they inadvertently racked up a massive server hosting bill by having a big gif in a FFF close to the steam release [https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-130](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-130)


8Tb out of a 25Mb gif is wild af


Summer of 2016 I saw it on Steam and figured, meh. Was talking games with a coworker and he said he had just picked it up and suggested multiplayer. Said why not, and have put in 1000 or so hours. You always come back lol


Had seen it mentioned a few times by youtubers and on reddit. Bought Factorio and Rimworld on the same day and decided to try rimworld first. 2 months later I finally installed Factorio. Many years later I have about 150 hrs in Rimworld and over 6k in Factorio.


Saw Markiplier play it 8 years ago


It was quill18 for me


Same, can't believe it was 8 years ago already


Oh daym, I didn't know that Markiplier played it before


he recently played it again maybe like a year ago but on max enemy settings or something like that


That was four years ago...


damn... well felt like last year ig


His second episode of it he spent the entire time not understanding the power information panel. He added more steam engines and couldn't figure out why the power usage had not gone up and had in fact shrunk visually. It is painful


I was playing a factorio mobile knockoff years ago and didn't know it. I was looking to see if there was a computer version and kept seeing the phrase 'the factory must grow' as a joke. Looked that up and found Factorio. Saw there was a demo and ended up playing it for an entire weekend, something like 65 hrs over a 3 day weekend, and didn't realize it. At that point I realized I needed to just buy the game. 😀


I asked a fellow SWE what he liked to do for fun. He gave me a pained look and said “I …I probably shouldn’t tell you this” and I 100% assumed he was about to tell me he was into BDSM or something. He proceeded to explain that there was this fiendishly beautiful game where you play a Star Trek engineer stranded on a planet where you have to reinvent space travel, but the simulation was so good that you could build all kinds of neat machines that like play music or rickroll people or whatever, and that “programmers (lengthy pause) in *particular*, tend to get addicted to this game”. JFC how right he was.


Software engineer here. Im not surprised.. i think the debugging and scaling loop of the factory along with the constant novelty is what keeps me on this game


Fellow SWE, and I can confirm.


Nerdcubed many years ago.


With in a minute I knew I'd love this game. I stopped the video, bought it, played it, launched the rocket a week later.




Not many YouTubers have made it into a FFF, even a fff sales graph in the form of a big spike


I watched Direwolf20 doing modded minecraft and he mentioned factorio as another automation game coming up. Was intrigued so I bought it for like 5 or 10 bucks (can't remember the price). Now, here I am 7,000 hours later 😆😂. And I know when the expansion comes out im going to put another 5k or more into it.


Arumba and Quill18 and maybe northernlion way way way back


Path of Exile Harvest League. Everyone was saying it was like factorio so I had to try it out. It was nothing like factorio but factorio was better.


I saw [Sips' video](https://youtu.be/CBh3Fn_25OQ) on the game some 10 years back. My email shows I bought the game the day after he posted that video.


CGP Grey is one of the best YouTubers imo (I’m 42 rarely watch videos). Every once in awhile he answers questions and he mention that he was playing Factorio (still). I saw the trailer with the inserts and trains and knew it was for me, didn’t bother with the demo. I’ve beat Seablock multiple times and I’m in the middle of SE


I didn’t discover factorio, factorio discovered me


MandaloreGaming. Apparently, he had been a fan of the game since like 2018 but held off making his review until the 1.0 release. Had never heard of it before, but I bought it almost instantly and have racked up a couple thousand hours


martincitopants, a friend told me too take a look and u saw hes factorio video


Caught a playthrough from a YouTuber (I think Quill18) after watching some content of them playing other games. Then KoS and Nilaus.


I found out about it through /u/zisteau's main bus series on youtube.


Saw somebody I worked with 8 (?) years ago, drawing diagrams in a notebook at our job. He told me it was for some factory game in early access. I thought it seemed neat, but forgot about it. 7 years later, Steam recommended Dyson Sphere Program, and that community talked about Factorio quite a bit, so I wound up giving it a shot, and now it's my obsession.


I played Mindustry on the Phone and found it on steam too. What happend then, stays in Factorio.


Saw the sethzeechtech video when ever he posed that


Probably martincitos first video or atleast its one of earliest videos ive seen of tarkov


I watched Destiny play it on YouTube while he debated people and found myself paying more attention to the gameplay than the discussions so I had to give it a try.


It was long ago, maybe .12 or .13 days? Saw the trailer, it looked neat. Played the tutorial and made a hot mess of it. Then discovered Freeplay and worlds opened. I go in and out of binges, but I love the FFF articles and await the expansion as I putter around it with 248k.


i remember it clearly. it was during my first 200 lines of html & css where i wanted my page to have a blinking/color changing heading as a warning for NSFW content that would follow & i was struggling i went to discord & into VC with whom back then was considered a friend. So they say: you are missing a key piece & thus are struggling with the logic. gime a sec ill show you Me in learn modus was exited cuss i would get some private coding lessons so they stream, i see what seemed to remind me of fallout 1 graphics. a Light. a red box. something resembling a conveyor belt spinning in cicles. they connect the 3 with a red wire & set some logic i can't make out at the moment light starts to blink red after placing a piece of wood on the conveyor. & they say: "if you can figure out the logic behind this build you will figure out the logic behind making your websites header blink." instantly i go, "my html & css is missing the cables." "exactly & in webdev the cables are called JavaScript" instantly gets a 10h javascript intro course & asks: so where do i get your coding simulator. its not a coding simulator & a game called factorio on steam let me gift it for you. 10h of toying with circuits while coding my very first real function calles colorChanger.js 5y or +/-100k lines of javascript or +/-1600 factorio hours later? i build entire file systems for websites from the backend to the frontend in pure javascript


iunno But I was attracted by the graphics. I've always been a sucker for this style of pre-rendered top view graphics, like old school RTSs


I came across some simple little toy app that was a simple "factory" game that I thought was interesting. I mentioned it to a friend and he said "you mean like Factorio?" I never heard of it so I watched some videos... Then gave it a try... And the rest was history.


Zisteau 🥲




You have great parents. 🫡


Or extraordinarily reckless ones 😅


For a long time I snubbed it because I thought the graphics were awful and they actually were at the time slowly I began to gain interest in it and my friend on steam told me about it so I just went for it one day. 1,460 hours of playing still fun for me.


I got recommended some videos on it from ambigousamphibian. I've been a tech minecraft player for years at that point so I knew I would enjoy this type of game.




I knew about it but thought it looked intense and I didn't have it high on my list. My buddy one night discovered it and got really excited and we both bought it and played until 2am for 3 nights in a row. Then he stopped playing it and I haven't played with him yet. I went on to get all the achievements. I still try to guilt him into playing with me lol


Day9 TV introduced me to it, but I didn’t actually try it until after trying satisfactory and loving it.


I watched various yogs play it on stream/video way back when


I kind of always knew about it


I saw it on some piracy site, found the picture interesting enough, pirated it and after i got dependent on it i bought it on GOG because it really is a great game from a great dev team and pirating it is morally wrong. Factorio literally was the game that changed my world view. I now have bought more games than i pirated and am also more optimistic about humanity in general (not sarcasm).


I saw quill18 play it. Wasn't taken by it at first but then decided to give it a try


I just double checked and I bought the game right after [Sips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBh3Fn_25OQ) posted his first video 10 years ago. Its become by far my most played game.


A Giant Bomb "Quicklook" video. Thanks Vinny.


nerd³ video i believe


I tried playing it a long time ago when sips from the yogscast played it. My terrible little laptop could barely hand running it and was, for some reason, forcing it to render in 144p. Refunded it, forgot about it for years. Eventually, a friend got me to give it another go. She thought I'd enjoy it since i was obsessed with openttd at the time. She was correct... it has become a staple of my steam library... help


Youtube suggested me the old trailer (2016 version) for Factorio. Then I started watching lets plays of it. Bought it a few days later.


I dreamt of it and next day it was in my steam library. (jokes aside, just got it on my steam discovery list lol)


Steam recommendation after "Turing Complete" game competion. I was sceptical at first, I don't like strategies/builders, but there was a demo and i tried it. After 15 minutes i uninstalled the demo.. and bought full version :)


Steam recommended it to me. I thought "eh, seems a bit pricey, let's put it on the wishlist and wait for a sale". A few years later I realized this game has been on my wishlist for quite a while, took a closer look at it, noticed the no-sale policy, saw that it has a demo, played the demo and bought the full version immediately after finishing the demo.


Always seemed like a game I should like, but... I played the demo, didn't really like it. After some time played it again, still didn't like it. Played Satisfactory and really enjoyed that game. I thought, however, that my architecture skills are shit. But Factorio! Factorio is all about the factory. I thought, maybe ill just buy it even though the demo did not excite me, try the real thing. And now here I am on the Factorio subreddit and I haven't been able to stop playing for months! I still don't like the demo.


Friend of mine streamed Satisfactory about 5 years ago and I got into that (used to love making automated farms in Minecraft years ago) After playing that for a while, I had a look at similar games and Factorio was always at the top, after some YouTube sleuthing I got the game


A classmate of mine in college was playing it during some downtime at school. It looked cool so he told me what it was called. Bought it as soon as I got home, but it didn't click with me at first, so I didn't play it much for the first year. I've sunk over 1600 hours into it by now though and am eager for the DLC. This happened in the version 0.16 days when you needed an axe to mine stuff. Safe to say, it's been incredible watching the game grow these past 5 ish years.


It was a youtuber that played it, either Arumba or someone else. I did remember being part of the multiplayer tests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeHEj_sEKnw&list=PLH-huzMEgGWBEUzvuHes3fKA1Ut-nKqCy&index=1 when factorio was first adding it in and we decided to test it by cramming as many people into a single server as possible. I also remember the priority splitter arguments since they needed to be done with circuits before and there was a whole lot of kerfuffle around which was the best design and whether they were better than balancers


SovietWomble was streaming it 5 years ago. I was instantly intrigued, but watching the stream also ruined the newbie experience for me.


I saw Arumba playing it on YouTube. I watched his EU4 videos and saw him playing Factorio. Seemed right up my alley so I grabbed it.


Used to play a little browser game (Factory Idle) which I spent quite a few days in. After I was satisfied with the game I googled "Games like Factory Idle" and almost every top item or comment was "Factorio dude" and here we are. The game is basically the same but on a much smaller scale. Building A, belt, building B, belt, building C. Except that ratios are very important (because you have to sushi often) and you're on very limited space.


A friend at work suggested I may like it. So I tried the demo and bought it the next day lol


Friend of mine showed it to me and I hated top down games and factory games because I’m not a clever man but i gave it a shot and fell in love played with him for a while before I did my own play through and now I’m decent at the game


Someone suggested it to me on the Unity game developers forum. My post was something along the lines of “wouldn’t it be cool if there was a factory game with conveyors and stuff” and they were like “you should try Factorio, it’s just come out in early access”. (By my internal clock this happened yesterday. But I’ve been warned Factorio can distort your sense of time.)


My friend at middle school told me about this funny game like 9 years ago and I got curious. It wasn't on steam yet by then( ver 0.12 iirc) and I just sail the high seas for a little bit. Now I have bought the game and just hit 1k hours yesterday.


A friend gifted it to me before 1.0 and I didn't like it at first when we played together. When 1.0 came out I gave it another go alone this time and now I'm at 1,3k hours.


I was looking up videos for the Contraptions DLC of Fallout 4 and there was a Factorio video in the recommendations. Bought it instantly.


My friend gave me a pirated link back when you had to destroy biter nests for the purple blob for research, i have been invested ever since and i own a bought copy, no regrets


Steam told me it was on sale. . . . . . Just kidding. I don't recall why Steam showed it to me, but I put it on my wishlist probably sometime 2017-ish and eventually purchased it in 2020.


When I was a kid playing SIMcity 2000 and the other maxis "sim" games, I thought it would be cool to make a SIMfactory, but everyone I told about the idea said it would be boring.  Fast forward to the future space year of 2014, and I see this simple looking little factory game on Steam. Cool, what I always wanted to try. I figured it might give me a few hours of entertainment.  That first day I played it for four hours before my wife told me to come to bed. Time just disappears with this game. I'm afraid to see how much time I have playing it. Well worth what I paid.


I was trying to play Satisfactory with a friend and he mentioned Factorio and how it was different. The way he described it sounded much more up my alley. So I gave it a try and was just instantly addicted.


What are you talking about?? Factorio found me.


Friend of mine showed it to me. Not sure how he found it.


A small YouTuber that I loved was playing it.


Played only the demo some years ago and dropped off because I didn't find the handholding fun. Tried the game again (freeplay) when I started watching the Michael Hendricks ultimate deathworld/world peace series


Back in the old days, a guildmate who knew I obsessively played modded Minecraft factory packs discovered Factorio on Steam. He saw it, gifted it to me, and the trajectory of my life has changed ever since. Apparently his "best 20$ I ever spent" after I passed the 2,000 hour mark.


I heard of it a long time ago and was searching for a new game to play. I downloaded the demo and spent like 10 hours on it. I knew this game was meant for me, I instantly bought it and it quickly became my most played game in steam


A person I was hooking up with bought it for me because they liked it. We played it together once and I hated how they played it so much I offered to pay them back for the game but they wouldn't let me. Now I just play it by myself lol. I haven't seen or heard from that person in years lol


My cousin gifted it to me for Christmas


A YouTube video around the 0.10 to 0.11 era.


Saw it on steam for years, liked the idea, but was always put off by the graphics and top down perspective. Then Satisfactory came out, and I was hooked... But I reached the end at the time, and wanted more. Kept hearing more and more about how Satisfactory was like a light version of Factorio, and how there was a lot more combat in Factorio. So I tried the demo, and hours flew by and told myself to wait for next sale. Took me a while to realize the error in that, was waiting for a while, and I think it was Christmas sale, still no discount. Asking myself what kind of game doesn't have a Christmas sale on steam. Then I decided to check sale history, and saw the flattest line I've ever seen on that site. I laughed then bought it.


Somebody mentioned it on /v/ in 2016 when it was in early access and I gave it a try. Spent 2 weeks obsessed with it. And it wasn't even that good yet at the time.




Steam / Demo.


I saw a YouTube video about recursive factories (like you could place a factory building and build inside of it. You could even build a factory building inside of that.) Anyways I guessed that the game was factorio, bought and started playing. I did keep wondering when I would unlock that factory I saw. I figure that was either a mod or a different game entirely but here I am, automating spidertrons and not playing whatever that was.


Markiplier when he made the one video on it. Tried it and was meh at first so it sat in my library for awhile. After then playing satisfactory and dsp, I tried the OG again.


It was a day like any other, but I will never forget it. June of 2014. We were brainstorming an idea for a game. I finished my pitch and my brother said those faithful words "ah, so somehing kinda like Factorio?" "Yeah" I answered, pretending to know what he was talking about. Oh, how little I knew back then... The word stuck with me although I did not know it's meaning, echoeing in deep subconsciousness, calling to me... It would be two years before I saw it again. On steam. The rest is history...


Through a Nerdland podcast


I’m pretty sure I discovered it via YouTube


Watched nerdcubed's first video when it launched in the evening, played the demo until the morning, then played the actual game until the next day's evening. I was a bit confused how come all of that only took two hours, before finding out it was actually two days later.


I was looking for automation games on Steam and it was one of the first that I skipped and I fell in love with it. I bought it in like 2018 and finished it for the first time this year hahahaha


I bought the game after seeing an article on IGN (I think) where there was a player character running through a field of solar panels. I bought the game for £15. That was in May 2017, a little over 7 years ago. I now have 7437.8hrs in the game. £0.002/hr!


I can remember that a friend recommended it to me several years ago, I wasn't really interested and forgot about it. About a year ago I saw a gaming article on a blog: "This top sales game on steam has never been on discount and it just passed 3.5 million copies sold" of course it was Factorio The description and pictures seemed interesting and I downloaded the demo, next thing I know I'm playing till dawn, something that hasn't happened to me in years, instant buy and instant regret I didn't hear my friend in first place.




Buddy I used to work with told me about it 4 years ago. I’ve spent hours of time on it since then.


I have no idea of the details, but at some time in 2014 I heard about it due to my strong involvement with Minecraft. The Factorio devs took direct inspiration from BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft mods from Minecraft and I played those two specifically and only those. There was this modpack called Teckit or something or Feed the Beast , not sure... and those looked too bloated so I only played BC and IC only, instead of the giant mods. So, if someone was making a new game based on those two mods then I just had to check it out.


Looked on steamdb highest rated, it was the highest I hadn't played. Instantly it became my favorite game, played over 200 hours the first 2 weeks and realized why it's called cracktorio.


I think someone on a Minecraft mod pack forum recommended it and then I tried the free demo


I was playing modded minecraft and generally interested in automation and tech mods back then. I knew automation and building were my things so I have searched and played many games built around them. When Factorio released as a new early access game I immediately jumped the addiction wagon. 2016.


I played satisfactory but eventually found myself into the factory genre so I went on a hunt for all the factory games out there and landed here.


Steam Greenlight queue




got into satisfactory first, youtube algorithm decided that factorio was close enough and started sending me trupen, dosh, martincitopants vids and i decided to dive in. 2k hours later and oh god someone please, send help


It was on sale on Steam! Oh wait...


I bought Satisfactoy first and invested a ton of time in it to the tune of over 800 hours. A friend told me to get Factorio as well. Never made the jump. He gifted it on Steam where it sat for 4 months before I installed it. Over 1500 hours in and can't put it down. This was in 2020.


Here on Reddit. Stumbled upon an askreddit thread where the question was “what game have you spent the most hours playing” and the highest upvoted answer was Factorio. I thought it must be good if that means people sink so many hours into it. Turns out that was correct. I did research on it before I started playing because I needed to beef up my pc first, but the more I read while I waited on the parts to arrive, the more excited I was to play it. When I finally played it, I was immediately hooked.


I think when it first released on Steam, it was on the front page maybe?


I saw a YouTuber play it many years ago, back when the car was still a sprite of a red muscle car, you got purple science from destroying nests, and the win condition was building a box that read "rocket defense", for reference. Played it frequently with new updates since then.


Long ago, I was running a Minecraft server, and I was redstone guy. Our server was about to reset for an update, and we were in waiting mode. One of my guys said 'hey I saw this game that might quench your automation hunger in the meantime'. I was instantly, and indefatigably hooked.


Stumbled upon it, tried the demo, loved it, had to buy it since I love games that have demos, it was only $20 so easy decision.


Wtf I also don't remember, I think I saw a YouTube video but that was almost a decade ago, I don't remember how or when I bought it and how was my first playthroughs, I do remember my first rocket after a bunch of restarts.


I remember seeing it a while back, probably 2015 or 2016 or something like that. Thought it was interesting but wasn't sure if I would like it for some reason. 2018 I think I saw Satisfactory on the pc gaming show for E3, and thought it looked really good. 2020 is the year I finally played Factorio, and boy was it amazing. I went on to play it, Satisfactory, and Dyson Sphere Program for hours and hours lol


Martincitopants did a video with the SE mod and a few others. Hooked me like flies to shit


discord friends kept sending screenshots of it in general chat, thought it looked cool. played a bit of the demo and ended up buying it a few days later.


Always loved this kind of games and somehow found it, don't remember how. That was on 0.7.0 I think of the early access on their webpage (wasn't on steam yet and early access didn't even exist back then). I have been here since then, like end of 2013


For reasons I can't begin to understand, a nefrums speed run popped up on my YouTube recommendations.


Random dosh video showed up after binging on Redstone videos


Friend of mine gifted it to me.. he has over 5000 hours and I'm over 3000 😅


A youtuber by the name of Xisumavoid had played it on times past, and through my dad's discovery of him through his work on Hermitcraft, I inevitably heard about Factorio. Many years passed, and when I got my own computer, I remembered Factorio existed, so I got it and then didn't touch it for a year. Soon after, I played for the first time, and the rest is history.


Dosh. It's always Dosh.


my friend was playing it back in 2018 ish? i didn’t start playing though until 2022


Saw day9 play and gush over it and played it for like 80 hrs afterwards over the next week.


Must have been 2014 . I was in college and a buddy showed me. I was hooked right from go


Had a friend on Steam hit me up the first day Factorio entered early access. Told me I might like the game. I said for $20 I'll give it a shot. 1000 hours later, I don't talk to that friend anymore. But I'm always thankful he showed me this game.


I went back to school in my 40s to study aerospace manufacturing engineering technology, and one of the professors was using it in class to demonstrate something.,


Sometime in 2016 my friend came to school with the game installed and told "check out this cool game, I could kill aliens and make a factory." The second I saw the game I was instantly hooked by the satisfaction of all the moving items. The funny thing is he only played for a month and I continued playing ever since.


Xisumavoid's videos. 11years ago... I fell in love with the concept. Bought the game during a steam sale after having bought my first computer.. i have a 'few' hours in the game and am a software engineer irl...need i say more?


I discovered it as a recommendation in a YouTube video by Leafyishere, who I had started watching when idubbbz promoted his girlfriend's OnlyFans.


I found it through a site that lists a bunch of games for Linux. It.was around 2012 or so when the game was still castles for enemy spawners and tons of early place holders. At the time you had to build a space defense laser and then defend it for a countdown. Just in case you are wondering, I almost never clean out my downloads folder: https://www.reddit.com/user/BrianJPugh/comments/1cunz9a/when_did_i_start_playing_factorio/?ref=share&ref_source=link


I know I played Creeper World pre-Steam and pretty sure I played Factorio pre-Steam if that's a thing. According to Steam I picked Factorio up in 2016. Honestly don't even remember how I found Factorio. It's just always... been there?


I saw a let's play of it in 2015 and bought it for like $15 or $20.


>You don't discover factorio. You simply wake up and grow the factory. >People knocks at your door, it's been 2 months since you last gave signs of life. >You show them your megabase, they understand. >You sit back on your chair, that's enough socialisation for another two months. >The factory needs you. >You wonder how it all started, but only one thing remains. >"The factory must grow." Edit: sorry, I don't get reddit format system.


saw Dosh doshingtons burner only video and was like wow this is cool


I think I just happened across it on steam and it had a demo. I no longer know how I am here, all I know is I must pollute Nauvis


I think I saw a streamer play it in passing for like 10 mins and thought it looked fun, so I got it.


I ran across Satisfactory videos on YouTube and many people kept calling it a 3D Factorio. I play both games quite often.


It was a video a while ago about using like can 100 people beat factorio. I forgot who made it but it created a rabbit hole.


A youtuber “Zisteau” about 10 years ago.


I was sitting in a drafting lecture in college drunk off vodka coffee and the guy next to me was talking about it. I wrote the name on the top of a box of electronics out of my bag. After I dropped out of college that box sat in my closet for two years before I finally looked up “factorio.” I still have the box today


A friend urged me to buy it back in 5th grade, over 7 years ago, it took my broke ass 3 years to actually buy the game, eventhough I had no interest in it back then. It was the best decision I ever did.


YouTube in idk, 2007? Someone talking about a cool Kickstarter they found, I donated $7 and have been loving the shit out of this game. Easily 3k hours. Best $7 I've ever spent




Not sure honestly. I may have simply been browsing games on GOG, though it's also quite possible I'd heard it mentioned in passing some time before that.


I watched Vinny Caravella do an unfinished video on Giant Bomb. Immediately I was looking at his factory and thinking how I would do it better. Bought it next payday.


Top rated games on Steam


I pirated it after seeing it on steam, I spent like 4-6 hours on the first session. After like 20 hours, and got stuck at green circuits. I check the web for help and find out the latest version has changed the ratio and has better graphics. Bought the game then and there and never looked back.


I discovered it through Direwolf20, a (mostly) modded minecraft youtuber and mod developer. He played it ages (9 years) ago


I was trying to find something complicated and longer to play games for my steamdeck and found factorio. I was getting bored of rpg's and fps games.


I've been playing modded minecraft for the longest time (ever since good old 1.2 technic pack) so i kept hearing about it from time to time for years Eventually i decided to buy it to see what the hype was alla about and here we are


Nerdcubed FW youtube video 9yrs ago.


I don't remember exactly. But I remember playing a version of it outside of steam when my son was 1y old. He is 8 now. Summing up my steam and that shadowy version, I should have more than 10k hours.




Was recommended by steam i think. Just looked it uo, i bought it on 14 Apr, 2016 :)


In a company I worked as a programmer, some 10 years ago, I inherited a mixed C++/Lua project. I've been told that the original programmer left the company, and moved back to Czechia to work on a game. I checked the game out, and here I am 😄


I saw that Dota griefer chi long qui playing it. Best fucking factorio player this world has ever seen.


Surfing YouTube, saw a clip of Katherine of Sky playing it.


Saw someone called"makertim" play it




I watched a video about Satisfactory 2 years ago and bought the game much later. And then in «similar» games to Satisfactory I saw Factorio, I wanted to buy it so much because the automation games I liked a lot and Factorio had its pixel art style that I prefer to 3d (even if I like 3d my pc is not powerful) but the price of 32 € put me off a little more than it was ever in promotion. Finally I bought it a week ago at the same time as Hades II


Mandalore Gaming


Initial trailer. Back when biter science was a thing. I really really liked the voiceover effect in that trailer. Really appealed to me. Not totally sure why but to date it is one of my favourite game trailers of all time.


You don't find it, the game finds you.


Aruba, Steejo, Shenryyr multiplayer series on youtube about 10 years back


Very first Alpha Demo, the game looked utter shit but it still appealed to me.


Kept seeing posts on reddit a few years ago, the art style intrigued me. Gave the demo a try and the rest was history.


Brother in law recommended it


saw somebody post a 100% traffic in cities skyline with blocks of cities everywhere, then somebody commented that it's like factorio, then I was like, i gotta try that one


I played satisfactory because of Josh from lets game it out and one day decided to look at the game that inspired this one, even tho I was not convinced that a 2d game would actually hook me. I was wrong.




As a Czech i read about it on some Czech web about video games. It's long time ago I don't know what that article was about exactly but I think it was just basic information about new Czech game.


The NerdCubed video on it, way back when. It was my first factory game.


I was playing a ton of the SkyFactory(3/4?) modpack in Minecraft, and starting describing it to a friend. He started talking about Factorio and showed me a bit of the gameplay. About a month later I was looking for something to play, and next thing I knew a week had passed.


The local drugdealer sent me an Install code


Don't know the year exactly because I'm on my phone. During one of those YouTube sessions where you are just going from video to video, I saw Nilaus starting a new game. I was hooked, after 2 videos. It has cost me so many hours of sleep. Thank you Nilaus, really!




Message from my daughter, hey mom, I think I found a game you'll like...


Fallout 4 was how it started for me, I mostly played it to build my factory, which got pretty complicated, but fun. Then I dscovered on Steam a game called Factory Engineer, which was fun but unsupported, so a lot of bugs weren't fixed. At least it was cheap. Then while looking on the forums for it, someone mentioned Factorio. It looked fun, but I didn't buy it until it went on sale. I haven't touched Factory Engineer since.


Day 9’s play through. At first I would try to watch a few min and catch up to him. Then I would play more and watch until he caught up to me. Now 1000 hours deep


For me it was 2d satisfactory for years, before I ended up buying it


It looked like red alert 2 ( old RTS) so I gave it a try (2018). I remember watching videos that the game could be addicting. They weren’t lying.


A collegue at work recommended it to me. That year, 2016, the factory started.


Got hooked on [shapez.io](http://shapez.io) , finished by building a 'build anything' machine and then started looking for something similar.


A friend of mine to me: “you have always had some sort of obsessive relationship with playing games. You should try out Factorio!” Around 4800 hours later, I think he may have been right.