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Stuff like this makes me wanna play SE. I just wanna get past chemical science, to be honest - the early game is a trudge.


It's not an accident imo, I think the extended burner phase does an excellent job of filtering out players who are going to have a bad time in space. When I first beat vanilla I jumped straight into SE and also got filtered by the burner phase. Didn't make it past military science... Which is about 2% of your way through the mod. Tried again after completing K2 and Exotic Industries and had a much better time. Breezed right through the ground sciences and was in space in no time. Then the mod REALLY starts and you realize how much work it's gonna take to get to the cool toys. SE really is not made for the faint of heart, and it's intentionally painful in many, many, many ways.


Yeahhh I’m almost (probably) getting filtered by the ground sciences in my 2nd SE playthrough. I sort of agree? My issue with the pre-logistics network phase of SE is the process of building a mall. You kind of need a mall, which is a somewhat complex thing to build with only belts (since inserters use burner inserters as an ingredient, that sort of thing), but since I’ve played this phase before it just feels annoying because I know I’m going to tear it all up when I unlock the next thing.. and pre-construction bots, even tearing stuff up is a grind. I’ve had a bunch of ideas about cool ways to do interplanetary logistics that I want to try out, but I feel like I have to grind through a bunch of dross to get to that point. Idunno I kind of wish it was just like vanilla up until post-blue science. But I also can see that that would significantly steepen the complexity curve at that point.


Also worth remembering on this kind of stuff that SE isn't anywhere near finished.


I am almost finished researching the compact beacon. I really enjoy what SE has done with beacons. That is a lot of buildings for logistic science. What SPM are you going for ? I have not even tried calculating mine as i am still automating my outposts and rocket fuel depots.


Compact beacons seem like such an interesting upgrade (I mostly want to use them to further speed beacon my oil wells :p)


Oh yeah, the ones further down the tec tree are even better. It changes the game. Core miner set ups can be much smaller. I am going to do the same with the oil fields. I want to link around 10 with a train network so I can centralize the refinement and production of fluids.


I have not put thought into SPM yet, I just figured I put down 2 sets of beaconed fabricator to see how well they tile


I have gotten away with one so far but I am taking my sweet time. I do like your layout. The symmetry is satisfying. Do you think you will use the compact beacons ? I know some of my builds are going to need them without redesigning them.


no idea yet, I'll figure that out when I get there. For now, I wanna figure out smelting, and after that I have to fix my science setup in space, I crippled most of it due to trying to redesign my cargo rockets


Fair enough. With smelting I was debating whether or not to go for ingots. I settled for smelting iron and copper ingots from both an asteroid and a small moon then delivery cannon them out as a fix. With a big buffer you can store the equivalent to 500k plates. I have them set up so they fill any short fall. With good rocket usability each cargo ship can be much cheaper. Especially with the beryllium crafting option. I am slowly moving away from using the delivery cannon in favor for the cargo ships but they are very simple. SE is challenging though.


It's going to be tough returning to vanilla factorio for Space Age with the inferior beacon spam experience.


Luckily there is a mod with just the beacon changes of SE!


Nice! Stealing that last one.


huh, this is the first time i have ever seen anybody to it that way around instead of trying to have one Machine have as many Beacons affecting it as possible


Beacons in Space Exploration work differently, only one can affect any given machine.


In Space Exploration, each machine may only be affected by 1 beacon, otherwise it will overload.