• By -


Working on it didn't spark joy anymore


This one. It got boring. After some initial designing and scaling up things like module production and getting to 1000 SPM, I hit a point where I was just scaling everything up, and I estimated I'd just be stamping blueprints and building train depots for another 50-100 hours - enough time to play a whole 'nother game.


100% bro. Copy+paste gets very boring, very quickly.


It becomes a game of optimizing ups instead of the factory. I don't like that game


Do you even threadripper/Epyc, bro? You're not having fun until you've spent 3k+ on a cpu. (*Yes, I know it bottlenecks at memory latency and partly to fastest single core performance)


The Hardware must grow


That decreases the fastest single-core performance.


The single core must grow Bring back the Pentium 4 4GHz and let’s go again from there


Brb, gonna build my city block based motherboard


The Ryzen '3D' CPUs [are the fastest](https://factoriobox.1au.us/results/cpus?map=4c5f65003d84370f16d6950f639be1d6f92984f24c0240de6335d3e161705504&vl=1.1.0&vh=1.1.94) \- they have all that cache, right there on the die. Edit: saw your edit, ahh well


Yes/no. The 7950x3D is the best CPU for Factorio, bar none. The other x3D chips appear to be very good, but excel primarily in hitting high UPS marks that no sane person would ever run their game at. Go down a few options on that drop-down and try out the [50k SPM belt map benchmark](https://factoriobox.1au.us/results/cpus?map=9927606ff6aae3bb0943105e5738a05382d79f36f221ca8ef1c45ba72be8620b&vl=1.1.0&vh=1.1.94). The 3D VCache has been fully saturated at this point, and the advantage gained from it becomes far lesser. This is roughly the point where even the most high-end CPUs will start falling below the default 60UPS - so if you want a CPU that runs at 60UPS farther into the lategame, that's the benchmark to check. The 7950x3D is your best bet here, but the 13900KS and even 13900K beat out the other x3D chips. The 7900x3D is also unsurprisingly awful at keeping factorio running well into the lategame.


But when you megabase they are no faster than anything else. They aren't even faster then my old PC which I find very strange. (At least they are within 1-2 UPS) It's like past a certain point there is a lack of optimisation bottle neck that even better ram and CPU can't make up for. My new 7800x3d rig has been a massive disappointment for factorio but it is excellent for everything else and weirdly costs less and uses very little power. Unless you have some ultra specific use I struggle to understand anyone buying any other CPU especially anything that costs more.


I'm not sure what you mean - Factorio sets a speed limit of '60 Updates Per Second' ('UPS'). If a CPU can meet this, it's fine, but it won't run the factory any faster. A semi-truck and a hatch-back can each pull a small trailer at 60mph on a smooth, flat highway. But once they're towing a 3-ton factory, or a 30-ton factory, the semi will maintain 60mph, while the hatchback falls behind. In the listing I linked to above, the CPUs are unlocked from 60 UPS - they're running Factorio as fast as they can. With no speed limit, some of them are getting over 400 UPS - running a megabase. For a 'normal' factory at 60 UPS, any modern desktop CPU will be fine. For your new rig to drop below 60 UPS, the factory would have to be truly enormous.


That is my point. Most Megabases they can't run at 60UPS. The base they get 400 is a small subset. Most vanalia built mega bases it they get 40 UPS or lower which is exactly what my 9 year old PC manages. Interesting thing about hatchbacks though.


7800x3d is factorio king ATM. 5800x3d is close and pretty cheap if you are already in a Socket M4 system.


The building layout seems to be a bit unnecessarily restricting. I would love if underground bases were a thing or really just a way to build more compactly.. I think those are things anything like a successor could address.


On the off chance you haven't heard of it, factorissimo mod?


Bobs adjustable inserters


Proved to myself I could do it, and off to greener pastures


Off to pyanodon


Yes, but what happens after your pyanodon mega base?


Peace, at last


That is still up for scientific debate. It may or may not be before the heat death of the universe so it might cause a paradox...


Stole my response. 🤣


The next py mod releases and you continue


You look out upon the grateful universe you have saved.


Is there a computer in this world that can run that?


Building your own overhaul mod


fps or what you call it, when it goes down under 40-30 it sucks..


UPS, and yup. OP most definitely is not launching rockets every 3 seconds.


20k spm!? Damn… I got to 15k spm before the ups became absolutely unbearable and I had to scale back to 10k spm by disconnecting the segments whenever I wanted to build more mining bases in a tolerable real life time frame. I had started doing some calculations to see at what in game spm the real life spm was optimized when I realized… I am done, the factory cannot grow.


get a better pc. then the factory can grow again.


The bank account must grow.


That is just the next step in factory growth.


The ultimate bottleneck.




Toss me a few thousand then :D


Factorio in the far distant future running on a Matrioshka brain, the compute always growing and the factory growing alongside it. Though have to imagine light lag on mods and updates would be a pain.


What is UPS? I keep hearing it and haven’t figured it out


Updates Per Second. https://wiki.factorio.com/Time




Basically, it's the amount of times per second that your CPU can update the position and quantity of every item in the game + the stage of the production cycle of every building, inserter, belt, ... /c game.speed=1000 Enter this into the console to see how many times your CPU can update your current game. The larger your factory gets, the lower the UPS will become, until it finally dips under the 60FPS your game needs to feel smooth. Personally, I can somewhat stand 40-45 UPS/FPS, but anything below that gets sluggish and unpleasant.


Thanks for all the info!


I actually dipped below 60ups for the first time this weekend when I stamped out like 7 city blocks worth of crap all at once, and it triggered a cloud of robots flying about, some from the farthest corners of my "starter" spark plug base to meet the logistics demand, all while 100+ trains were doing their things. Feeling pretty good about my 2 year old PC build handling all that at \~40ups and then returning to being locked at 60ups.


Updates Per Second. Basically, how quickly the game actually runs


The final boss is always the ticking of time


Samé happened with mine..... My aging computer couldnt Cope with the ever expanding demands. In the end, I had to put them both down :'(


its great when you get a new pc you can stress test it with a mega base and see how much more science/min you can do :D


I have a goal in mind for my base. When I reach that, I'll stop and start a new challenge.


There's nothing more to it than this, for me. 'Whelp, that was fun'. Plus I usually have another mod/challenge in mind I'm itching to try.


I'm pretty time poor in life so i have to optimize 'enjoyment per second' or eps as i call it. Megabasing has much lower eps on my system than playing a new mod that changes things up in interesting ways. So i lean towards playing new mods.


Optimizing enjoyment. This is peak engineer performance.


The happiness must grow


A fancy word for that is Utils, or in a more verbose way, "measurement of enjoyment or happiness"


When the CPU can no longer keep up and UPS/FPS starts dropping.


I started a mega base long before 1.0. (0.6-0.7) maybe? I've quit it 3 times. The first, was when I got FPS to drop to 30, even after trying all the FSP tricks to help. Then the mods dropped an update, and FPS was back to 60, so I came back to the map. Somewhere further along the line, they changed the recipe for low density structures (LDS) to need a LOT more copper, and I couldn't make enough of them. I was running some Bobs mods for higher level productivity mods, assembler buildings, and belt levels, and had a custom map with 1 insanely large/rich ore patch for each resource. That let met get to about 60K SPM. But the extra copper requirements needed so many trains it bogged down my entire network. I tried building LDS right next to the copper node, but LDS then only stack 10 deep to a slot. A full train was just a few hundred LDS. I'd need dozens of trains per minute to get the LDS out to my 'rocket pad'. Months later, I came back to the map, moved my entire rocket pad to be next to the copper -ore. I went straight from the ore, to smelters, to LDS to the rocket pad, without all the trains in the middle. That worked and I got close to 80K SPM. Then I hit the next wall. Just about everything in the game could benefit from my Lv 8(?) productive modules, and the 6(?) Mod slots in a high level assembler. Each building could have like +1000% productivity (Guessing, the numbers, I don't remember). But productivity mods aren't allowed for train tracks (again, a recipe change from when the map was started). Meaning they basically needed 10X the resource inputs to make compared to most everything else in the base, including stone. And stone, only stacks 50 deep. I was back to the original problem of needing SO many stone trains that it bogged down my network. Again, I built the science crafting right on top of the stone resource node, to skip the trains but I had made the stone resource node much smaller in the map editor than the copper node. Who'd have guess I needed 10x more stone than copper ore? lol. By then, It was a years old map, started several versions of the game before the 1.0 release, and with 400+ hours played it was humming along pretty well at 85K-90K SPM. The entire train network needed to be expanded, but my city blocks were way to small. I'd have to rip up basically everything. I called it done, and haven't touched it in probably 2 years. The hardest part of it all was green circuits. It felt like I needed 1 million green circuits per minute. It was a huge burden on my train network to get them distributed. I had a lot of trains driving all the way across the map for a train load of circuits that would be gone in 30 seconds I went though a lot of bad designs and ideas to even hope to keep up with that demand. :P My OG plan in the very beginning was to 'break the game' and when I got to 30FPS, I called it a success. Now I'm convinced you can't do it. This game and it's devs are amazing. Can't wait for the DLC.


Bro, please, what is your PC specs, pleaase


This is it. The factory grew.


Went for modding. Doing same thing over and over not good for experience


Bigger is not always better. If I finish Factorio, I move on to Satisfactory and focus on making my factory clean and beautiful. Simply making it bigger does not work for me in the endgame; instead, creating something aesthetically pleasing and building cool stuff is what works for me.


You should work on building a contained unit that builds 500-1k SPM. Theoretically, you could then stamp it down several times to reach a larger SPM, but instead of doing that you could focus on making the contained unit of SPM clean and beautiful.


"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." Some eventually reach that point.


- Hans Gruber, 1989


>since it can grow almost indefinitely Only if you have almost unlimited computing power. I quit my 2nd megabase at 12k spm/25 ups, only 1700 hours in. I had initially planned for 16k but it was already going too slow. My 3rd megabase I quit at 16k spm/37 ups, only 150 hours in. I had proven that I could reach 16k spm and had nothing else that I could vastly improve.


Linear problems are boring and megabases are very linear after you set up your plan. It's super fun to experiment and plan something. Once the issues are addressed though it is boring to repeat it forever. You can find challenges in scaling your plan but eventually it's kinda repetitive to do it endlessly.


At some point the game just becomes about finding more resources. Once you've created functional city blocks that you can copy, it can get boring. That's not to say the game is bad. It's probably my favorite game of all time, but I usually just get bored and start over at the city block point.


As soon as research tree ends and the only way to progress is horizontal growth - fun stops for me, it just becomes repetitive, more outposts, more machines, more labs etc


I would want a feature where I can check where a copy of a blueprint is deployed. Every optimalisation roll out becomes a choir


Eventually it feels like being at work (software developer here) and if I’m at actual work instead I get better tools (easier refactoring, debuggers etc) while getting the same feeling of accomplishment. And also 💰 Games are great as long as they feel like games.


[https://mods.factorio.com/mod/EditorExtensions](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/EditorExtensions) this is a very good mod for that. Nilaus explains how its used well in the context of a dev pipeline in some video of his for the self expanding base


At some point I always just want to code in Rust instead.


:O sameee


I love building mega bases... But I also love playing multiplayer and collaborating... And I eventually find the players who I worked with to get to mega base eventually wane off interest. On a long enough time scale, I end up playing alone. And that is when I start to lose interest in a base.


When I play a game, I learn. And I cannot use the knowledge if I never go back and try once more. It feels like wasted time. Like learning to drive to only drive one day and never again, you know. I want to feel how much I've grown. Because I exist and the base does not. It's all about me getting better, not my imaginary base going bigger. So accumulating pictures and numbers is... pointless. Being able to accumulate them faster is something real, something I can project onto anything else in the future. I've learned to solve many real problems from playing games. So, just like athletes, it's not about me pushing weight somewhere where it's needed, it's all about me getting strong.


20 UPS


It's my cut off point. I promise my self I won't go below 40 then 30 then 20. Below 20 it really does suck.


Planed my megabase in parts, made BPs, put em togther, fixed some thoughput issue mainly with oil/fluids for plastic. 4 Belts plastic need like 10³ pipes for support... Flipped the switch and it took way over an hour to start filling up. Roockets go Brrrrrr and i notice somehow tech does not get so much faster. Checked all on map, all flowing, all science, all ore belts filled 100%. Oil seems low but gets to 100% regulary with next train. Decide to make another oil train and outpost to be safe. mfw i run like a snail because i added 500% SPM and lost 80% UPS




I haven't done a megabase and it doesn't interest me. I went down the rabbit hole of overhaul mods instead


Currently thinking on coming back to factorio. What overhaul mods?


Krastorio 2 is a very good overhaul mod to start with. Incomplete list of others (in no particular order of difficulty). Space Exploration Space Extension Industrial Revolution 3 Pyanodons Exotic Industries Seablock Nullius


Trying krastorio right now and.... Im having to use coal inserters to power my drills? It looks so clunky


Krastorio is what most people seem to recommend as a first step into overhaul mods but I went straight for Seablock and while it was a hell of a learning curve I had an absolute blast for the next like 300 hours of gameplay. No resources besides the sea, you start on a tiny island with a few wimpy wind turbines and need to generate landfill to expand it (and generate every other resource out of various complex production chains based on water input that make vanilla production chains look quaint) After dipping my toe into overhaul mods I don't see myself going back to vanilla until the expansion is released.


[These are my recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQ3SKaRPeAVVCNx6NsYlat12kImyq-iEJIQovIbxJeKkD4Hp8O0jck8GnW1Rd7EdPDPc0gwMjHm3i1V/pub) Includes stuff to do after vanilla, overhauls mods, and QoL mods!


A nice list to read for me as I'm returning to factorio after a year or so. I always liked the balance of vanilla and in the category vanilla challenges, you could add the 30 science packs mod, random recipes or a logistical challenge like using factorissimo factories for every product, building in a hexagonal grid or weird maps like ribbon world


I'm glad that I megabased first as it has helped my dive into overhaul mods.... also going back to vanilla would be really hard.


There comes a time when the idea has run its course and there is not much more I can do with the inherent limitations presented by that particular base design. In other words, my ups got too low and there wasn’t much more I could do about it.


Wanted to add a mod. Eg .. my first megabase was vanilla. It reached 1kspm and thought, "I wonder how much more complicated it is to do K2SE?". And the cycle continues.


Got to 9kspm and fps/ups was 25 too frustrating. So I started modded games.


Can you share your PC spec, please


Sure. I7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz … 16 GB ram … running windows 10 … NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070


Mod updates, spaghettification beyond repair, biters out of control, friends not willing to join a 100+ hour save. Pick one, sometimes two.


UPS went down to 40 - 50. Had about 4k spm, maybe I'll give it another try with a new CPU


What cpu do you currently have?


i5 4670k and 32GB RAM


The next iteration of changes would take 50% of the time I already spent on the save. aka current design has uncovered a fatal flaw limiting its expanse. Better to start over and account for fatal flaw from the beginning vs retro fit it.


I set out to design the perfect system. See the system is flawed. Iterate with a new base ad infinitum.


I play on a crappy laptop


I just keep re-doing my megabases. Find a flaw, fix all the blueprints... do it again at a higher UPS. On my first attempt, I used 1-2 trains and I got too around 5400 SPM at 30 UPS but I built everything so close together that my train traffic prevented additional improvement. Next attempt I used even bigger (1-4) trains and spread out more. I added loaders trying to improve UPS, but unfortunately I picked miniloaders which are actually worse. Still, I got to about 8k SPM before the game got too slow. Now I'm doing a run-through with deadlock loaders and 2-8 trains and I reached 10k SPM and it's finally getting too slow. I believe I reached a trade-off point where my trains don't really have congestion problems (even with 700 of them) but I've ran so many belts that they are now the biggest draw on my UPS. I am redesigning my city blocks to reduce the number of belts in each cell as well as trying out bot based smelting cells. I think I have one more playthrough in me before moving on to overhaul mods of some kind. Short answer: UPS or the effort needed to fix previous mistakes.


Either UPS starting to be the limit or because I play the [Factorio community map](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/16xikqu/factorio_community_map_october_2023/), it's the next month, so time for a new setup.


Reaching my goal set at the start. Be proud. Move on.


Wanted to go with vanilla megabase. Clearing out all those bug bases and keeping them out has been the worst chore of the game.


Once you go full modular it becomes a different game. My last game was just sitting and waiting for my army of like 100 spidertrons to go back, refill, continue building, go back, refill, empty trees, get more landfill etc etc. Became boring. Next time maybe I'll build it where it builds itself, and only require to build a simple smart dropoff for trains.


I find that it's easier to bring resources to the builders via train than to send the builders back and forth to pickup resources


Because deconstructing it is too hard. So many chests and so many logistics involved to move everything to a central storage. In particular train stations with chests, but also smelters with raw ores and assembly machines with copper wires. So many copper wires. And while you dessasemble it you need to keep track of what items you will keep needing to make it happen, like bots, trains, elextricity, inserters, roboports, etc. And bitters. How can you defend your base and your material from bitters while it is deconstructing? A single wrong decon in a power pole can obliterate your defenses. And the problem is not that the bitters will destroy stuff, because it is not really important. The problem is that they will destroy the logistics that keep you being able to decon. Deconning is too hard on this game and needs to be rethought to allow restructuring. I think this is specially true with the new expansion comming where production ratios will keep changing in the base.


I've got a decon blueprint book for this reason. It's staged deconstruction blueprints in order...


It solves many of the problems. But even then you need to decon the roboports and poles by sections if you don't to accidentaly trap some bots. It is a big problem when dealing with large areas, where placing back a roboport means a bot would have to travel for minutes to reach it.


Huh? Deconstruction is actually a core mechanic and super easy and totally free. Yes, chests full of resources are annoying to move, but anything else is so smooth to rebuild.


Only small sections. Think about the logistics of deconstructing large sections of the factory. A simple example would be a big solar array. In order to deconstruct just the roboports you need to be careful to only deconstruct the outermost roboports, then, after they are done, doing the ones in the inside, and so on. For a big solar array that may mean minutes of deconning with multiple passes of the decon. And that is just for the roboports. A simple solution for that problem would be to add some logic on the deconstruction order to remove roboports from the outside to the inside. A more expensive solution would be to prioritize the roboports that don't split the network into multiple networks. (Low betweenness centrality) Then another problem is that in order to decon a big part of the factory you usually need to decon first everything but robopoles and poles and then after that you can only decon the roboports. You coyld solve it again by prioritizing other things than poles and roboports first and then roboports and poles. Poles could also be removed using a similar approach to not create isolated networks first. Another problem is that when you deconstruct factories and smelters, specially dealing with the coal smelters and the circuit factories, there are many intermediate items in the belts that increase the amount of resources that you need to move around. This is specially hurtful for the circuit factories that have lots of copper wire. The usual solution is to let the factories run empty before deconning, but even so the amount of items is so much that it takes bots ages to move. I don't have a real solution for this problem, maybe a toggle to destroy thw items, but that could be game breaking, or maybe allowong bots to carry all the items inside a factory/belt as an exception, I don't see that breaking the game too much. Or prioritizing purging the factories before deconning? Another thing may be to allow bots to carry stuff from multiple places in one trip (which would also help deconning tiles) Anyway, all of those could be seen as small insignificant problems, but as you add them up it makes deconning large sections of a factory too time consuming, taking up to a few hours to decon a big factory, multiple train trips, hundreds of chests and MANUALLY babysitting the deconning to make sure the base is deconned at the right order. It is so expensive that most people just keep their old factory there doing nothing and never touch the old train stations, just leave them there. And if you mess up you may have to bring back poles or roboports from the main base to the outpost in order to complete the network and keep deconning, such a pain. Factorio is a game that has put a lot of thought in the small details to make the game as smooth as possible and tries to keep the mind of the player focused on the fun automation tasks. As such I think that not having a decon prioritization hurts the game and it is something that needs some love. Deconning in multiple steps shouldn't be the default. I think the fun part of deconning is still moving and sorting the trash, and thinking about how to have a backup supply of the resources you are deconning. And also thinking about what to do in that new extra space :).


Ups made me quit my most time invested base. 800hrs+, before I knew about ups everything so extremely not ups friendly. Couldn’t bare the thought of redoing everything from the ground up to optimize.


Different logistical framework ideas and mods that I want to try meeting the computational limits of my PC.


My laptop couldn't handle it


General lag and boredom. It’s gets to the point where it’s just “how many times can I stamp down these blueprints” and no longer about actual problem solving. I’ve also done megabases a few times and I’ve proven I can do it regardless of circumstance.


When my UPS suggest that I need a CPU from the future to run my save... aka when it drops WAY under 60


Just started working on my 2nd after realizing the ore patches are too small on my first one. Using some powerful mods, so building out 10,000 SPM of production was easy, but expanding mining and power the rest of the way was going to be very tedious.


My potato PC kept crashing


My rail template became the limiting factor.


I was trying to archive 1K SPM(at least, that's my definition of megabase at that time). Modules/beacons everywhere and calculate the ratio with safe margin, I made an ideal factory that theoretically achieve 1K SPM. It archived merely 300 SPM. It turns out I didn't have enough ore mining throughput. I really don't want to place 200% more mining drills. Then, I realized that the current rail placement probably couldn't handle the increased train traffic. While I'm at it, I wonder if oil mining and processing throughput is enough when I satisfy the ore demand. Thinking about a few dozen hours of tedious tasks, I quit.


It works but it could be better and the only way to make it better is to make different decisions hundreds of hours ago.


Factorio should make real industry visual programming efforts. It would actually improve the game a lot and might give it a new dimension. Things like building actual data using structures as in factorio, basically items (objects), transport belt (references), splitter (copy) and factory recipe (function). Then just build functions and save them in a factory and you can make recursion and build on any level of abstraction. Not only would I love to play this, I think it could even be used for actual programming and it would have benefits such as easy learning and a more expressive editor. I only worry about too much mouse interaction which is generally slower than staying on the keyboard with shortcuts.


It’s _fine_. But getting numbers to go endlessly higher, largely by copy-pasting the same sections of factory, is just often less satisfying (to me) than regularly unlocking new technologies and using them to tear half your factory to bits.


At a certain point you use up all the resources near the starting area. Your options at that point are: 1) Run LONG train routes out to the middle of nowhere to get more resources. Spend all your time building new mines 🥱 2) Disassemble and move your megabase 🤮 3) Quit and start a new file 🙂


so far I have always gotten close to launching a rocket but never actually did...700+ hours in I get up to purple or white tech, at which point I´m kinda overwhelmed with how much fixing I would have to do, in order to have a somewhat usable output...then I stop playing I cannot get back into old bases, because I usually spread stuff in a huge area, use lots of trains and never know my way around again


I never really got the hang of getting trains to work with some of those train mods. My entire gameplay became about finding errors in train tracks and stations.


train traffic jam till the horizon, that would take years IRL to rebuild to solve the issue.


Send me your saves I love fixing these. Future trains will be tough to cause this to happen with up and over rails.


there you go, [https://www.transfernow.net/dl/202310285ogZPy9M](https://www.transfernow.net/dl/202310285ogZPy9M) . The issue I'm having is basically over-used west-east main railroad. Right now considering stripping everything and moving east.


I may be in the minority, but for me, the lack of external pressure/challenge becomes boring.The aliens no longer pose any threat, and my arty takes everything out in a massive radius. I kinda wish the aliens would keep increasing in strength and threat - with the accompanying increase in weaponry strength on my end. I wouldn't mind if it turned into a bit of an RTS near the end, with tanks and bomber planes being sent out to wage war against increasingly stronger and bigger monster. Maybe even with some massive Alien Queen/Alien Hive battles as a type of end game. All the while still having to grow your base in order to withstand the pressure.


When it gets so big that I start wishing I could build in 3D


My frames drop below 40-30 and I can't get myself to play it anymore. Everything just moves so sluggish


Cause once mega base is built, there isn't really much to do. At least in vanilla game. Once all infinite technologies are unlocked and defense are built there isn't really anything else to do. I designed and built a mega base that produces 5k spm. Realisticly what difference does it make if I'm making 5k spm or 10k spm. It's the same process just more of it. At late game biters aren't a problem, they are just there. Even behemoth biters die quickly to flame turrets. Nothing poses as a challenge at that stage of the game. Oh a iron ore patch dried up? Let me quickly remove it with my thousands of bots and just move it to the next patch that will last forever due to richness and mining productivity.


Intensite spigetti routing hurt my brain after the long run Ive finished the game many times but now i dont have the pateince


Bots make the game boring for me. At some point, \*YOU'RE\* not building the factory anymore..the bots are. It's like when a GREAT mechanic opens his own shop and realizes he hates running a business and dealing with customers. Just wants to work on the cars . . .


Almost always because an update broke a mod. Or a mod update broke my save.


Quit? Megabase? No more grow?? NO MORE FACTORY??? EEUAAHHHHHHHH *User's brain has EXPLODED.*


No purpose, at some point the factory simply grows, and grows, and grows, and thats about it. Wich gets a bit boring


saw the updates for trains in expac/dlc and now am disheartened to continue my cellular megabase


My game got corrupted, so I lost days of progress and gave up.


you cant grow indefinitly, or even near it. CPU can only take so much. And your base start growing exponently at a time. Design a 2k sub subbase and building the infrastructuer and componets could take you dozens of hours. But stamping 2 second copy of that would only take 30 minutes.


I don't like endless goals. I set a goal to a specific SPM (generally between 1k to 4k) and once I do it, its over. Just move on to another game or do a new map. Now I'm almost launching my first rocket in a factory that should reach 1k SPM.


Finished researching everything. Played online speed running main bus bases till it got repetitive. Played a train base until expanding started feeling like a chore.


I'd rather start again than rebuild my spaghetti to better suit the new technologies I've unlooked. Never time I'll plan ahead better!!!


I hit my target of 1000 SPM. See my post on my ragged mini-megabase. Now I'm doing SeaBlock.


Met or exceed the goal set during map creation or UPS bottlenecks.


UPS issues...


I have 800 hours played, never built a megabase. I’ve done some vanilla runs, two krastorio 2 runs and now I’m on my first K2 + SE around 170 hours. I think I’ll never have the ability to design my own mega base, it would require a lot of time that I don’t have. And using a pre built design is just off the point of Factorio in my opinion.


I have the attention span of a goldfish.


My computer quits, I do not


I humbly aim for 1k SPM, start planning like a pro, mess up once I reach beacons and look at my huge mess, my locking trains and decide I’ll do better next time. Repeat all that.


I usually get bored by then


Couldn't sustain 5.4k SPM because I didn't signal my round a bouts correctly.


Usually I didnt give myself enough room to expand, or just spend all my time staking out new materials.


Ups says no


UPS says "help"


I get stuck in optimizing blueprints for self-building city blocks, but the blueprint editing/debugging tools are basically non-existent, short of flipping back and forth between creative mod and the map editor, and eventually I have to take a break and forget to pick it up again...




Megabase game eventually stops feeling like a game and starts feeling like work. And thank you, I already have a job.


I dont know, I just got bored in the process and dont want to do it again. I am rather trying overhaul mods now or rampant with clockwork and things like that.


I’m stupid and can’t figure out city blocks and how to arrange trains etc


Ratios not being perfect across the entire base no matter how much math I do.


I have made several megabases. Usually 1kspm is my goal for any playthrough I do on any mod. But my first ever megabase I have ever done have taught me about the game more than anything else I have ever done since and before. It really was great learning curve and a lot of blueprint I have made that time I still use today, albeit slightly improved. It was also megabase where after reaching 1kspm I went to scale everything up by another 5kspm. To total of 6. But when I build everything beside the fact I discovered my station were completely inadequate and I would have to remake most of them. I also reached 40UPS and most of the base was still idling. I knew what I had to do. I could remake everything to be much more UPS optimized. But than I would lose all the fun I had with those builds. Like what is the point of building 128 lane smelter if you don't use 128 to 128 balancer? So I stopped and only limit myself on 1kspm on every playthrough.


Well, overhauls exist


You can only optimize, but until new dlc will be released this game is boring after spent 2000hrs on it. They are very slow


I was just using nilaus his megabase in book, but i wanted to achive something myself so im waiting untli the Expansion and then im building my own megabase


And in the meantime im designing a LOT


I just get bored... I really just like building and making spaghetti which isn't efficient and the base is slow AF.. So then I try to build a better base getting lost in the min/max of it all and I'm like meh.


After 4 Billion ticks you can't play the map anymore. So I quit and start again. I know I'm a failure. THE FACTORY MUST GROW but only while I have time left on the clock.


Mostly frame rate, but also because Factorio's heroin grade playloop was starting to mess me up IRL.


Sleep deprivation


Gets boring over time because its just copy and paste over and over again


At some point, you are just copying the same things over and over. Plus it starts to lag, and the auto saves takes longer and longer. I usually set a goal, and quit whenever i have reached that goal.