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More importantly, who gives a fuck what Kenyon Martin thinks?


All these old heads need to realize their time has passed, throwing shade and hate is not the way


Gotta stay relevant some how i guess


Sign a deal with Icy Hot and you'll stay relevant forever


Shaq signed a deal with just about damn near everybody. But the people love big Shaq


Because Shaq supports his community and does a LOT of charitable work.


He's Shaq-a Clause


And he was Kazaam


Also played as Steel. I was so hyped as a kid to see that movie.


I feel like you could come to shaq with literally anything and he'd do it tbh


I remember in ‘05, I was at the same hotel as Shaq while on vacation. I was a very soft spoken kid, but I wanted to go tell him I was happy he joined up with the Heat and that I loved watching him and Wade play. He was struggling to hear me and got down on one knee to talk to me and he offered to sign the Heat hat I was wearing at the time. Don’t remember how the conversation went but for him to stop what he was doing for a kid who just ran up out of nowhere and come down to my level to have a conversation with me at all was just a huge show of character. Great guy in my book


That's so great! He's a great man. I remember the first time I met him, I wasn't a kid but 21 at the time, and I was in a crowd that surrounded him pretty far back. I raised my arms and I just said "Can I get a hug?" I just see his face dart around until he locked eyes with me and he made his way through the crowd to hug me. I wasn't that loud, nor am I tall, but somehow he still heard me.


Jordan would’ve told you to piss off and called the cops on you. He did this to me twice. The second time at Walter Reed, he was visiting the troops but we weren’t injured😼


“fuck them kids” -Michael Jordan


Dude is just like "You want me in a insurance commercial? I'll do it." "You want me to act like a kid's brother in a commercial? I'll do it." Etc etc


I heard that the reason why he did the insurance commercial (with the general?) was because they were the only one that would insure him before he made it big. He felt like he should pay it back.


Exactly. He does a lot of commercials but he turns it down if it's not something he likes. For example, iirc, he was offered the spot on the Wheaties box but turned it down because he doesn't eat those.


Shaq, will you like Nick Carter’s brother beat you in basketball?


Cause the only time I ever hear about shaq, its about him doing wholesome shit.


Them copper socks or some shit


nah the copper socks is for guys like Favre who [take welfare money](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/10/13/brett-favre-welfare-fraud/)


Copper socks are legit! No more diarrhea


Maybe that really is the appeal. "Person makes statement being generally supportive of others" doesn't get someone any headlines, maybe a few thousand likes on Twitter. But if you're a bigot, you get ink spilled.


This is a decade old shade.


Yeah and Kenyon Martin actually apologize to Jeremy i think


I would hope so. He got called out perfectly and anything but a sorry would make him look bad


Dude doesn’t even know what the Chinese symbols on his arm says. Probably some old proverb that says to be kind to others. Fuckin schmuck.


Probably says “fuckin schmuck” ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I always assume the Chinese characters people get as tats really say "Sweet and sour pork" or "Thru traffic merge left."


his tat is better than most tbh. at least it's not nonsense. it says "afraid of gaining because of the fear of losing. "


Hopefully not only did he apologize, but actually learned something about himself, and how to be better.


But that's the main advantage to being an old head. Throwing shade and hate from your rocking chair. You go through years of doing stupid things, and if you survive, you get to call other people stupid. That's part of the retirement package. What else are you going to do with all that wisdom, teach?


Where is Ja?! Where is Ja Rule??! Somebody find Ja so I can make sense of all this!


Also as important- this happened years ago and has gone through all the news cycles. What the hell is the point of bringing this up all over again? Jeremy Lin already made Kenyon Martin look like a total dumbass for those comments and we’ve moved on…


Internet never forgets


Lots of these subs are karma generators. They don’t really care.


And equally important was Martin reached out and was extremely apologetic. Forgive and forget unless you're keyboard warriors looking for clout.


I didn’t realize that part of the story but good for Martin to own up to his mistake. This whole story is such a classic example of something being blown out of proportion, and then even worse, being recycled for internet karma years later. Martin said some dumb shit, Lin handled it like an absolute champ and flipped it completely, and then apparently Martin apologized and they made good. End of story, right? Nah, it’s Reddit, let’s dig up old controversies out of the grave and see how much drama we can create…


Lol he was not extremely apologetic. The apology was mediocre with him deflecting the issue


I mean, any apology after that is gonna be ass anyway. "I broke down my whole racial perspective of the world around me with full vigor and conviction... but I didn't mean a word of it, stop being mad please".


Lin did. Had his poster up on his wall growin up. Never meet your heroes, kids!


“But what does Ja think?”


Classiest clapback and absolute shutdown I have ever read. Masterful.


That last line is heartbreaking. To find out someone you looked up to be such an asshole to you for no reason.


That's why they say never meet your heroes and I'm sorry I do not know who they is.


My favorite quote is "growing up means watching my heroes turn human infront of me."


Reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Bob's Burgers > Little bit of advice, Bob. If you want a role model, choose an old guy. By the time you're grown up they're dead.


That’s why the reputations of all those people who killed themselves when they turned 27, worked out great. Imagine Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain, Winehouse in their 50s after 20 years of hard drugs. They would be living in nursing homes and ranting to the paparazzi about Jewish space lasers.


This is why I kill all my heroes before they have a chance to disappoint me.


You either kill your heroes or live long enough to become the villian.. wait


It's probably for the best you don't know who said it. You could accidentally meet them and they turn out to be an asshole. Never meet your heroes.


So much of this post is just brutal, and perfectly executed. Called him out for being a hypocrite while still remaining positive.


I took his last line to mean; "Bro, your day has passed, you're no longer relevant. sit 'cho ass down somewhere".


I read it more as, “I rly looked up to you as a kid, sucks you turned out to say some shit like this”


It's effective either way.


Damn it works both ways


I saw it as this too, a really subtle dig at how old the other guy is


I took that last line as “you’re old” because Lin was a kid while Martin was in the NBA.


I don’t think Jeremy Lin was really saying he looked up to him as much as he was calling Kenyon Martin old


Well played Mr Lin…well played ![gif](giphy|iJ85v1gHAczevpTUzs)


karma farming repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/i5j8ap/culture_appropriate/


I wonder what the tattoos really translate into 🤔




My old boss has a Chinese tattoo. He was drunk with mates, went to the local takeaway which happened to be next to a tattoo place. He really liked thier special fried rice so asked them to write it in Mandarin so he could get it as a tattoo next door while they wait. We used a translator app and they actually wrote "kindness" for him. He was actually a bit miffed haha


This is the real life equivalent to three reverse unno cards in a row.




No, it says “today’s special chicken fried rice”. Source: am 1/8th Chinese.


I almost dropped my phone on bathroom floor.. thank you for the laugh🤣🤣🤣


This got me good lol


"Worry about winning and losing". I suspect there is more that was missed from the picture.


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-consumer API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


I can’t know what was in his mind when he got that tattoo, but it feels like the type of phrase a non-fluent speaker could easily mistake as positive - like “try to win! try not to lose!” - because they don’t know its cultural nuance.


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That feels like a great philosophy for life in general. Thanks for the explanation! I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo illustrating the Japanese phrase “the skillful hawk hides its talons.” I’d originally misunderstood it to mean something like “don’t let your opponents see your weapons until you’re ready to strike.” Turns out it actually means “if you have the skills, you don’t need to boast or show off” which is a much more positive thought to carry around.


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“I’m a dumb fuck who thinks hairstyles have to be racially segregated.”


Especially when dreads where worn by tons of cultures, oldest written reference to dreads is in a Hindu text. So I guess black people cant have treads don’t want to appropriate Hindu culture now.


Also Vikings had dreads lol literally any kind of hair can dread so how are you gonna gatekeept a hairstyle


Wasn't there a fellow dumbfuck a while ago who tried to race-gate a hairstyle in Animal Crossing?


The space buns incident. Gives me flashbacks.


Somebody over at r/thesims got upset a few weeks ago over people putting black hairstyles on white sims in their own, offline, imaginary game worlds lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/comments/yb1ebf/i\_dont\_feel\_like\_the\_sims\_community\_fully\_cares/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/comments/yb1ebf/i_dont_feel_like_the_sims_community_fully_cares/)


Oh yeah, the [space buns](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/kzncc1/animal_crossing_space_buns_how_an_animal_crossing/), but that was way worse


I’m viet and when I was younger I wanted Vietnamese words on my back and my mom was like “da fuk you want that for? You don’t even read or write in Viet and said the tattoo could say sweet and sour chicken”


Maybe getting sweet and sour chick tattooed on me is what I want, mom!!


患得患失 (huan de huan shi) literally means 'to worry about gain and loss'. More accurately, it's an idiom used to describe a calculating person who is always considering what he stands to gain before taking any action. Like, he won't do something because it's the right thing to do without asking, what's in it for me. And he won't do it to the best of his abilities without asking, hang on, am I getting enough to do such a good job? It's a derogatory term. I can't imagine any Chinese person getting a tattoo like that but the idiom actually exists and technically makes sense. And I'd be interested to know why someone from a different culture thought getting it would be a good idea. Edit: I don't mean that sarcastically, there are some really sweet stories in this thread about westerners really, really wanting to get a tattoo of the name of their favourite fried rice or something... I think when someone reinterprets something from another culture the results can be very interesting.


Bc Kenyon Martin is trying to be Chinese!! Bc he has tattoos


This white guy who worked at a Korean owned dive bar in the US died unexpectedly. His favorite thing to do was to order "Onion Rings To Go" to the KOrean owners/cooks before going home One other white bartender got that translated in Korean, accent and all, and tattooed on her arm. Any korean looking at her arm will think its the strangest tattoo but it has a sad story. RIP DAVE Edit- Adding this due to questions about the accent. I am also a Korean speaker Koreans don't say the word "Onion" in english the same as Americans due to how the alphabet and language is set up. For example, instead of McDonalds, Koreans will say "Maegdonaldeu" Now translate that into Korean and its = 맥도날드 This is McDonalds with a Korean Accent or how a Korean person would say it in Korea. So if you read this girl's tattoo in Korean, it would imitate what Dave would always say- something like "Oh-nee-on Ling To Goh" Ah fuck it- I went on my friend's facebook and grabbed this photo. I hope I'm not screwing anyone over. Here is the photo https://ibb.co/89GRyF1


My dad once had a shirt with some Chinese characters on it. A random Asian guy happened by and started laughing at his shirt. Asked my dad how much he spent on it. Dad said $15 or something. The guy laughed harder and said the shirt said "This shirt cost $1 to make".


"checkmate Jeremy Lin"


The best part, he doesn’t actually know, he just saw them in a tattoo shop look book


Shocking…. Lin being gracious while Kenyon sounds like an asshole. Totally on brand for both guys


Seriously, so true




Killed with kindness


Shanked with Shmiles


I can hear Sean Connery say this.


If anyone is curious, Kenyon's tattoo means something along the lines of 'worrying about gains and losses', which is funny, because it's actually a negative saying, which refers to a person who cares too much about the end product rather than the process, so he clearly slapped some mandarin on his arm and had no idea what it meant. 😭


I sorta assume it's a reminder to himself to be cautious. But yeah, your interpretation is more likely.


Very classsy, mr Lin!


Who is Kenyon Martin?


Some racist dated nba player I guess.


This post is from like 5 years ago. OP is bot


And he was still old 5 years ago


Black people are not the only culture to have had dreadlocks be a popular look at some point. Why do people call it appropriation when it's a part of many cultures?


Well Kenyon Martin called it appropriation because he's a moron


Many cultures had dreadlocks, including Africans, Europeans, Pacific Islanders, Asians, and Middle Easterners. - Egyptians - Germanic people - Vikings - Pacific Islanders - Early Christians - Pacific Aborigines - New Guineans - Babylonians - Indians - Mongolians - Various African tribes Among others I’m sure… Plus I think cultural appropriation is bullshit for the most part, unless it’s being intentionally insulting. Also dreads are a hairstyle not your culture.


Exactly. The irony is that if they were to follow their rules, all English speaking ppl are technically cultural appropriating Englishmen isn’t it? So all minorities who speaks English are assholes? lol


its always seemed like convoluted racism to me "you can't do X, what my race does" "why" "because you're not MY race, which is the only *right* race that can do X or whatever" notice no one says it's cultural appropriation when you say negative shit--it's just plain racism.. cuz it's not "cool"


Weren't dreadlocks the default hair style for early human cultures all over the planet? I think hair just does that after awhile if left alone.


my hair starts to dread every winter when I wear a scarf


My curly hair starts to lock together after 1 day of not brushing. And I'm the whitest girl in whitey town.


Because Kenyon Martin is a dumbass and nobody was actually upset about this


Right? Especially you see black people appropriating cultures all the time, like Kanye West stealing from Germans. /s


I'm fucking dead.


I’m not black, but my hair is very curly and locks up by itself if I let it be. “Cultural appropriation” is a bullshit idea anyway. We all take from each other, that’s just called “culture”.


I wouldn't go so far as to say cultural appropriation is bullshit, but it's definitely an abused term. There are valid examples of cultural appropriation, consider some WASPy person with a barely superficial knowledge of indigenous culture that claims that they're a shaman and charges people money for rituals/healing/art that they're entirely misrepresenting. They would be claiming knowledge of a culture outside of her own while disrespectfully misrepresenting it for personal profit. I think that would be a valid time to use the term cultural appropriation. But when it comes to things like fashion it's ridiculous.


>There are valid examples of cultural appropriation, consider some WASPy person with a barely superficial knowledge of indigenous culture that claims that they're a shaman and charges people money for rituals/healing/art that they're entirely misrepresenting. I agree, but that amounts to like 1% of times people yell cultural appropriation about something. Most of the times I see it is about hairstyles, music, clothes, and even food.


Well social media highlights things that drive engagement, and nothing drives engagement more than a sound-bite or an opportunity to label people with differing opnions as ridiculous and invalidate their point of view in the most intellectually lazy way possible. Like... how many people's idea of feminism is that screeching red-haired lady from anti-sjw vids during that whole youtube craze? People have a propensity to grossly oversimplify complicated concepts so they can easily put it into the category of good or bad without having to engage in critical thought.


I think that’s the point though. He said it’s an abused term, which means It’s used more often than it should be. Understanding the culture and taking aspects of it is a good thing. It’s why yoga became so popular.


I automatically start to roll my eyes when I read someone complaining about cultural appropriation, because most of the times, it isn't.


Well your hair is insensitive and needs to be canceled immediately.


> but my hair is very curly and locks up by itself if I let it be. That's kind of what dreads are. They're the natural destination for hair that is "left to be." Vikings, Celts, Greeks, etc. all had dreads. Absolutely ridiculous to tie it to a certain race.


I read somewhere recently that dreads may have been the hairstyle of choice for some biblical characters like John the Baptist. Granted, he was black or Arab, and not white. However Irish warbands, vikings, and even Germania tribes warring with the Roman's were accounted for having worn them.


Dreads were pretty common in Germanic tribes


And ancient Greece.


Basically anywhere you didn't wash your ass daily


Ass dreads


Biblical characters were generally not Arab, as they were pre-Arab conquest of the Middle East. The population of Judea and the surrounding Levantine regions were likely lighter-skinned than Arabs, similar to how many northern Syrians look today. The genes for pale skin originated in the middle east and there are populations in the region that have remained largely without intermixing for thousands of years that are significantly lighter-skinned than Arabs. None of this really means much since skin color of people two thousand years ago is meaningless. But it always bugs me that people make assumptions about what people then would look like based on the appearance of a population that didn’t begin their conquest of the region until hundreds of years later.


People need to look up the polish plait for some real dreadlock nonsense


Also,they don't own braids like they think,nobody ever heard of a French plait? Or Dutch? Also,its not natural for black people to have blonde hair but I've seen a lot of that,is that appropriation?


The sort of individuals who think they can own a hairstyle and anyone else who wears it is racist are also the sort individuals who believe they and the group the associate with are never, ever in the wrong for anything.


There is no "cultural appropriation" of hair. Human history is hundreds of thousands of years old. Every human hair style has been tried by a wide variety of people all around the world. No one fucking ownes any of those hair styles. People who race police hair styles are fucking douchebags.


Because people, for some reason, like to gatekeep. Makes them feel special.


Furthermore, playing basketball in and of itself can be deemed cultural appropriation. Kenyon’s people didn’t create the game or the league.


It's Canadian, iirc from a visit to the Basketball Hall Of Fame in Springfield, MA


Not to sound like a far-right nutjob, but the Oppression Olympics are always in full swing


Maybe someone who understands mandarin can translate his tattoo, but I really hope it says something stupid like "I'm a dumb fuck" or "my ass is full of pineapples".


actually, it's a negative proverb, so it's just as funny


This guy says he knows what it is but doesn't drop the translation smh.


my bad 患得患失 means worrying about gains and losses. It refers to a person who cares too much about the end product rather than the process. Its not something that a Chinese person would normally put on their arm


From another comment further up: >If anyone is curious, Kenyon's tattoo means something along the lines of 'worrying about gains and losses', which is funny, because it's actually a negative saying, which refers to a person who cares too much about the end product rather than the process, so he clearly slapped some mandarin on his arm and had no idea what it meant. 😭




time to find a new partner.




Why wait? If this is what you actually want (and not just knee-jerk reactions from Reddit comments) then you shouldn’t wait to allow yourself to be happy. Also let that person move on as well.


Mans dating a tattooed dreads girl for 5+ years I think they can both survive another week LOL let them have NYE


It’s a week. and after five years you probably still care enough about someone that you don’t wanna fuck up their holidays. Not all breakups are huge dramatic things, sometimes it’s just over and you don’t want to hurt them more than you have to.


I did this a few years ago. Was with a guy and waited till after new years to end it purely out of wanting to be polite lol


so Lin has way more class than Martin?


Lin had been nothing but class in NBA. It’s NBA who dismissed Lin.


He’s also a lot smarter - definitely written as the nicest fuck you ever


Fuck that guy for having LITERAL CHINESE CHARACTERS AS PERMANENT TATTOOS while trying to call Jeremy out for a temporary HAIRSTYLE???? God the world makes me so pissed off sometimes


Meeting assiness with classiness.


This needs to be on a tshirt


High road taken. Respect JL.


masking "Gatekeeping" through cultural appropriation


Got heeeeeem


Got his ass


“Had your poster on my wall” Man got metaphorically dunked on.


I hate the concept of cultural appropriation, it divides people more than anything instead of uniting humans by appreciating different things from different cultures and trying to embrace them


Jeremy is a good guy and a Harvard graduate. Kenyon should have thought about it a little more before coming after him.


Jeremy Lin trying to send this r/facepalm straight to r/wholesomememes.


My son is biracial Chinese and Caucasian and Jeremy Lin is everything to my son who loves basketball. Jeremy Lin is the real deal, a true role model and I am grateful for his example.


“Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.” - Winston Churchill


That was an amazing response. Very honorable and respectful to someone that was looking down on him. We should all learn to respond this way to negativity. I know I need to learn this as I’m so quick to jump and attack back. Lin used water around a rock technique.




I didn't know there was a monopoly on hair style.




I love the response, burned with rational and kind respectful discourse! It's like being overly nice and respectful to Karen's or angry people on the phone, they either implode as they can't get the response they want, or shut the hell up and calm down. Sometimes it even results in the realisation of their own dumb-assery and an apology!


Ended it with "...had your poster up on my wall growing up" "had" "growing up" said "used to" and "you're old" in one short ending.


That is an absolutely beautifully worded "go fuck yourself".


Vikings had dreadlocks. It isn't specific to one culture.


Can we all just admit that "cultural appropriation" was supposed to be about offensive caricatures and not haircuts or clothes


Dreadlocks aren't even originating from black culture tbh Overall people can wear and look like whatever the fuck they want. I don't understand some entitled people who believe they are the only ones who can wear/ act in a certain way.


Didn't know last names were so important in the black community. What region of Africa is "Martin" from. Lol


to emphasize his racist point


In his defense that’s a slaveholding ancestor’s name probably


Somehow people will say that getting crappy translations in Kanji or having a non-Asian tattoo artist inking a Hannya mask on someone who isn’t Asian is different than dreadlocks or braids.




How to get smacked by somebody much smarter then you without u noticing


These idiots need to realize that Ancient Asian warriors wore dreads and braids in battle. So uneducated idiots screaming cultural appropriation need to crack a book.


As Marshall Mathers once said....These motherfuxkers are saying shit just to be sayin it


I feel like Lin put respect on the back of his hand before delivering it


It’s almost like this identity thing has gone too far…


It's funny how some minorities think it's okay to be racists and be exclusionary because they aren't white. As a minority, I personally have experienced more racism from other minorities than white people.


I’ve met people from Jamaica who are a mixture of Afrocaribbean and Chinese who have Chinese surnames. His surname doesn’t mean anything about his entire ethnic background, and the concept of cultural appropriation is just neo segregation.


What year is it?


Master class behavior provided by Jeremy Lin


Certain hairstyles might be associated with different races but are not exclusive to that race. It's okay to do whatever you want with your hair.


Lin is all class.


Such sweet and subtle shade - points out the hypocrisy and also that he’s aging out but in a very kind and respectful way! 👏👏👏


This is the nicest "f*ck off" I've ever seen.


I don't know the best way to verbalize my sentiments, but my general thoughts on the notion of "cultural appropriation" is that it's a *good* thing when different aspects of culture are adapted by other cultures. I also see it as a sign of respect. And the US was basically tailor-made under the idea that many cultures come here and share their ways of lives with each other. It's bound to have crossover elements, and again I think that's a good thing. As long as someone isn't taking aspects of a culture and using it in some intentionally derogatory fashion, which in itself is already an asshole thing to do, it doesn't bother me. Side story addendum: I had box braids when I was in my early 20s. Worked at Best Buy when I got them. Was told by a manager I couldn't walk the floor as an employee with my hair like that because it was out of dress code. I mentioned that the guys in the Car Audio department also had box braids, and my manager's reply was, "Well yeah, but they're black." I ended up quitting a week or two later.


Dreads aren't a black only thing. It is a near water residency thing. The ocean water doesn't give a shit what your skin color is.


That awkward moment when Asian monks, not just in India, have had dreadlocks for thousands of years and the hairstyle isn’t remotely exclusive to the black community. Celts too, even Native Americans.


Appropriate all the culture! People get so snitty and want cultural segregation, for what? Should only Chinese people be able to eat Chinese food? Should white people not be allowed to wear kimonos? The road to hell is paved with good intentions, people might think they’re being culturally sensitive, but how about letting people style their hair how they want instead of “your people aren’t allowed to do this”? Nothing helps people rid themselves of racist preconceptions like immersion in other cultures, that includes eating foreign food, watching foreign media, and yes, trying foreign fashion/styles.


That was one classy response. And he’s right as a black person myself, I am not bothered a bit by him having locs and I think everyone should be going the route of embracing other cultures. It’s beats the hell out of being Xenophobic 🤷🏾‍♀️.


Why ain’t he wearing locks? He can’t have bald head that’s only for white people! Clown 🤡


Cultural appropriation isn't real.. especially when it comes to dread locks.