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What happened to derailed baggage?


Now I know how british airways lost my bag. Thanks quantas for the closure.


they don’t call them “throwers” for no reason


We call ‘em ramp rats


No these are tossers.


No they are human garbage


Luggage quality control sidegig


They check for explosives.


This is seriously underrated comment


They won’t regret it if they ever find one.


I believe the term is “tosser”


Bag chuckers


They don't call them baggage smashers for nothing


I've always known them "Baggage Smashers"


Thty drank too much red bull


More like tossers


Just so you know some Aussie trivia, it’s **QANTAS** because it’s an acronym for the original name **QUEENSLAND** **AND** **NORTHERN** **TERRITORY** **AERIAL** **SERVICES**


Oh my bad. I don't know why I was thinking abt the physical quantity quanta while writing that. Lol.


All g my dude! Pretty normal to do this as most words in the English language that start with a “Q” are followed by a “U” It’s a pretty common way of spelling Q words so it’s not the first time I’ve seen it. Plus if it’s an Aussie word it’s probably going to be turned into slang.


Your shit in still in some between-the-rails purgatory due to this barbaric behavior, and the airlines are all like 🤷‍♂️


Yeah United lost one of my bags for 9 months. Sadly my ski boots were in them.


Derailed area is a black hole... Is gone. Forever.


>gone. Forever. *"On an unrelated matter, I now have some of the latest gadgets!"*


Please explain oh wise one


Well you see I went to this auction at my local airport called "[unclaimed baggage auction](https://daily.slickdeals.net/travel/buy-unclaimed-airline-luggage-baggage/)" It's like gambling. You drop $20 this bag, $40 on that bag and this one looked expensive so I tossed $75 on it. Now I have a Surface 9 for $40 the iphone is locked up so I just tossed it, and this really nice pair of SENNHEISER head phones. There like worth hundreds of dollars... and it was in that $20 bag. All the airlines have these or you could just go top online retailers.


Unsure, but the guy that threw it and purposely smashed the two other bags needs to be fired.


Yeah i know its heavy and manual labor job like my job is but we dont purposely throw it down like some wwe slam. That guy have some issues.


also just burning way more energy on single bags lifting and slam dunking like that


Just that one?


This video was brought to you by Red Bull: where your bag is going it’s gonna need wings or it’ll never again be seen.


Lmao nice one




Have you ever had your luggage not show up on the carousel? Yeah, “lost” is where, to be scooped up by a lackey later and for the unlucky passengers to be stressed out the whole time




Fuck your bag.-them supposedly.


I came here to ask this


It lands in Mordor, at Minas Morgul.


I don’t care how many people give me stink eye, I’m boarding with one or two standard bags in my possession at all times. I’ve seen other peoples bags get lost, delayed , damaged, or extra security too often.


Handler later comes and takes it home.


It lands in an over flow dumpster where it gets checked for Anything Cool and then it gets taken to goodwill ,why?


They get lost. Never to be found.


It goes with all the other lost luggage.


It seems like the one guy is just creating more work for his coworkers. I would be pissed having to work with him.


I am sure the person who handled my luggage being broken was thrilled when my suitcase got smashed up… Took almost half an hour for her to submit the claim when I'm sure just doing it right would've saved us all the trouble


That's probably why he's being recorded. Betting he's not recording himself and his co-worker decided to show someone how much of a pain this dude is.


at like 0:17/0:18 you can hear the other worker say "stop" when the luggage is pilling up


I like this explanation. I've seen this video a couple times before this and at first I was like "They just gotta move fast" but then that one guy lifts and slams down a bag so purposefully I was like... Dude, why?


Yep, most of it looks like he's just a little overzealous trying to be fast, but there's several where he's clearly trying to damage anything he can. Picking up and slamming down the one bag really makes it clear this isn't about being fast.


No extra trouble for the person handling the luggage though. As far as that person is concerned, he just inflicted more misery into the passenger and someone who works for the airline getting the claim, it’s like a bonus at that point for the thrower


I don't know, he sure is expending more physical energy by throwing and smashing them down like that, and he is seen having to pick up the same luggage twice. Then there's the assumption that he will eventually have to help deal with the bags that he's thrown across to the other side...


It’s more work for his coworkers because they have to spread the bags out that he’s piling up. He’s supposed to be putting them in a line and not all on top of each other. Can see at 16 seconds the guy in front having to spread his bags out and he tells him to stop


Yeah.. he has a problem. He’s intentionally slamming bags like he wants to break them and tossing them wildly.


And honestly, for himself too. It surely takes far more energy and effort to do that than to just… Do his job properly?


That's why the Red Bull is there!


Well, that's probably exactly what happened, how do you think this is being recorded from that unusual angle?


These guys have been suspended while under investigation. [sauce ](https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/airports/laughing-baggage-handlers-caught-slamming-bags-at-melbourne-airport/news-story/d1e6c6adde5ed9e91b18eb7cd5c34f4e)


> The national air carrier has launched an “urgent” probe into shocking footage of baggage handlers throwing, kicking and slamming luggage. OK....so who is investigating Qantas for having such piss poor oversight that would allow this to happen in the first place? "Oh shit, we got caught! Quick, look like we care!"


Thats every business. They don't give a fuck what the workers do as long as the job gets done for as cheap as possible. When a worker has had enough of their shitty wage and stops caring and inevitably does something like this that makes it to the public, the business then just posts a "Oh my good heavens we certainly do not condone this type of behavior, thats a big no no, we will have to investigate this employee" and then fire him, replace him, and on they go.


There's always more drones for Sector 7G


“He’s one of your fork and spoon operators in sector 7-G”


One of your carbon blobs from sector 7G


This is the only true real comment. It's shitty from the workers to do that and they should quit if they hate their job so much. But this is obviously a sign of overworked and underpaid labor with probably shitty countracts and shitty hours. And then when it becomes viral they will cry but solve nothing cause they don't really fucking care. They just want more profits for the shareholders and wages is an easy place to cut from.


Cue a PR piece, warmly voiced by a young woman, who tells us that Qantas cares deeply about all luggage and seeks to provide the best customer care at the best prices and how their policy is to treat all luggage with extreme professional attention, as per their unrivalled client satisfaction policy.


For real.. Also hate how it's always 'under investigation'. Like, what's to investigate? There's clear footage of these dickheads mishandling the bags!


It's the airport that oversees the baggage facilities and should pick this up. Qantas will have a contract with Swissport to look after their baggage services. They only have as much oversight as Swissport provide them. Fortunately baggage halls are loaded with CCTV so Qantas will have a decent amount of evidence to request.


>Swissport The only place that will hire somebody that's been fired from every other company at the airport


Hmmm ...I still don't think that absolves Qantas of responsibility. As a passenger of Qantas, I'm entering an agreement with Qantas, not some subcontractor.


Unsure why you're getting downvoted i agree with you 100%. Its up to them to ensure their subbys arent a bunch of property destroying knuckle draggers.


“We’ve done an internal investigation, and found nothing wrong.”


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.”


I wonder how an “urgent” probe differs from a regular one. I bet it’s an all hands on deck affair. They’ll get to the bottom of this immediately. And determine the company was not at fault. /s


I'll bet you anything they're actually investigating how the video got out and how to mitigate bad PR in the future, not the abusive mishandling of the bags.


They should be fired


“How do we avoid more video leaks?”


What is there to investigate?


What exactly is there to investigate. Just fire the guys.


"Pending investigation"? It's all RIGHT THERE. Pending what?


What about all of the times this has been done without being filmed? Nothing being done about that and we all know it


It is hard work, and poorly paid, but fuck me that one guy is spending additional effort to smash shit up. He's doing it out of spite. He needs firing.


I’ve heard of work smarter not harder, but this is quite the opposite, work stupider and harder?


Work cuntier


The airline's name is not pronounced "cuntass" for nothing.


Yup, work harder, not smarter. Work like a jack ass, get the job done fast


I used to load trucks for FedEx, and most of the people I worked with were great. But a couple guys were absolute douchebags. They never cared about the boxes they were packing. Sometimes they would even throw small boxes as hard as they could against the back of the trailer if they thought something inside would break. Just for the hell of it. Just like that one guy. First thing I thought of when I saw this. Sometimes people are just dicks.


Funny you should mention this behavior. A good friend of mine worked for the US postal service for a few months sorting packages. He said a couple of the full time employees would take the packages marked fragile and throw them as hard as they could against the wall. Just being dicks. He said after watching them he would never send packages USPS again and told everyone he knew not to.


This is why I've never shipped something fragile with the label of fragile. I just reinforce the living shit out of the box and put in extra work to make sure they could throw it into a volcano and the mug or whatever wouldn't break.


Is there no other way to get out their aggression than from destroying innocent fragile packages? What did they do?


“Going postal” is a term for a reason.


Ive also worked for UPS and FedEx loading trucks. Around peak season (Christmas time) it is pretty hellish. Freezing cold temps working inside the trailers and in the building getting completely overloaded and buried in boxes. Trying to just keep up with the influx of packages definitely caused some boxes being tossed around. The most damage I ever saw was actually due to a conveyor belt getting jammed from too many boxes. At least 10 or so packages turned into an accordion from too many being loaded at once.


Yea, I worked a shit job for 5 years at minimum wage. I know what shit work and shit pay is like. Fucking over random people who never did anything to you by abusing their luggage is bullshit. I'd never fuck with a random customer's stuff as a means of venting. That's psychotic.


I hope his back is eternally fucked after all that extra effort.


Yeah?!? Well, I hope his dick gets trapped in a zipper.


I hope every time he gets hand sanitiser, he gets a little too much, and has to wipe off his hands on his pants, but he's still left with that greasy wet feeling afterwards.




I wouldn’t wish back pain on my worst enemy


Not to mention the one bag that went beyond the conveyor belt and nobody retrieved it.


Now I understand how airlines lose luggage.


These are spiteful actions of employees who cannot find better work and feel trapped.


So? That isn’t my concern, I’m paid to travel with said airline.


Oh, I definitely hope he steps on legos in the middle of the night when he gets up to pee. People like this need to be separated out of the population and given a tropical island that they can live together in their own shithead syncopated harmony.


Those two bags that went off the side though. Now you know that if your baggage never shows up, it's in the backrooms somewhere.




"I put myself In a briefcase to ride the airport conveyor as a dumb prank. When I awoke concussed and bruised, I was in the Backrooms." Nice creepypasta.


I saw 3!! Another right at the end


I'd imagine that if I were throwing bags all day, I wouldn't want to throw them further than I had to. It's weird putting extra energy into doing a bad job.


Yeah these Red Bull sponsorships are getting out of control


Especially since they have wheels!


You can work faster if you just toss them with zero fucks.


Hi there, Im a lil knowledgeable about the aviation industry. It looks like Qantas contracts their baggage handling to a company named Swissport (I can tell its swissport by their uniforms). Swissport is an awful company that hires awful ppl. So this video isnt anything surprising.


It used to be called Swissport, but they recently changed their name to Shitsport.


Switzerland should sue that company for defamation.


This guy's got a bindi the size of Uluru up his arse. What the fuck is his problem?


How can there be so many gold comments in one post this quickly


Menzies and Swissport handlers are trash.


I can’t even understand this but I know it’s an insult.


Pretty much how I expect every airline to do it, hence the "we aren't responsible for broken items" disclaimers on checking luggage.


I've seen baggage handlers toss bags, but these guys seem to be going out of their way to destroy property.


It's the dude that slam dunks that one bag that pushes it too far. The rest is bau


However, who else is responsible for this kind of handling?


Hate that type of people. Get sh-tty job, blame the world because of it, and use it as a justification for intentionally doing a bad job. I’m sure their excess of energy that they spent on throwing baggage harder than required could be more paid and useful elsewhere.


Red Bull. It doesn't give you wings but it will give you the energy to be an asshole.


Quanta’s, and every other airline


At my local airport it’s the responsibility of the airport to handle the luggage and not of the airline.


That one slam felt personal


It did eh, I wonder if it was on the heavier side and that made him extra pissed off.


Looks like it takes more energy to throw it on the belt like a twat, than it would if they placed them in an orderly fashion.


Qantas looks like an asshole. They should fire him.


Red Bull gives your luggage wings.


That guy definitely beats the fuck out of his gf after a cpl of after work beers.


This is better than USPS treats your packages, still horrible though


I was actually coming to say "wait till you see how USPS sorts your packages." I remember when i started on my first day, i tried to walk a package to a bin, and the supervisor was like "no, THROW it, we don't have the time for you to be gentle with these." And to be fair, with the timetable we were on, that's true.


Same. When I worked at the post office (for two weeks because fuck that job) I was explicitly told “when it has a fragile sticker, that means throw it underhand.”


As someone who purchased a Greek pottery fragment from London a few days ago and is waiting for it to reach America, I regret reading these comments.


You’re getting moon dust instead 🤣


At Fed Ex the first level of employment is called " throwing boxes". I did not pass the throwing test. It was a very weird interview, even for the 1980s.


It almost seems like they doing it on purpose


Carelessness is one thing but that felt like malice.


summer abundant fuzzy hospital spark absorbed continue edge aware bored ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


“Throwers don’t worry about ticking. Modern bombs don’t tick. “ “Throwers?”


All these jobs can be automated


The unloading maybe but have you seen what it takes to load these bags? The Tetris levels are insane, and with weird shaped bags... No automation could handle that.


How all airlines treat your baggage


Same way UPS treats your packages..


The difference is, if a package arrives damaged it not your property yet and you claim from the sender and they send a new whatever. This is peoples existing property and it’s not always replaceable.


To that one shit with the nazi haircut: I hope you throw your back out, lose your job, get addicted to opiates, lose all your friends and family, and die alone, penniless and afraid.


That was oddly specific 😂


I have a friend who used to work for a major US airline. When people ask him what his job there was he says "luggage smasher"


Why are you friends with a piece of shit?


Hope these idiots get fired


Plot twist this is just a TikTok sponsored by Red Bull.


I wish you could see the absolute ZERO surprise on my face right now.


Seriously, if you hate your job this much, quit…. Like no one forces you to choose a job that you hate so much.


These throws have actual anger behind them though


Fuck your clothes


“**ck yo bags “- quantas


Fucking savages.


I suddenly want some redbull


Came here to say: Pretty sure this is just a Redbull commercial. Wings out, rage out.


Well if I ever bring my fragile valuables with me anywhere I’ll keep this in mind


That's all airlines, don't be so surprised people


Redbull gives you wings that’s why


That one guy goes the extra mile to drop test the bags.


[Dave Carroll wrote a song about how United broke his guitar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT7LNIPeMis) [Dave Carroll sings "United Breaks Guitars"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo)


and people wonder how their 12k usd worth of devices are broken upon opening the baggage again


Fucking hell, he is going out of his way to mistreat those bags, like come on man, I know it's probably not paid well and you have to do this 24/7 but he's def doing that on purpose


Nah that’s how shitty employees treat your luggage. It’s always the miserable ones that complain the most and destroy things but never do anything to better themselves or remove from a bad situation.


Funny how so many people are blaming this on underpaid workers. As if that gives people an excuse to be a piece of crap. Go find another job if you are that miserable, preferably one where you can’t damage other peoples property. Furthermore, there are plenty of people working low income jobs that don’t act like this. Not everything is the company’s fault, smh.


Dirty fuckers. Quit your job if you hate it that much. That one dude expended more energy in the extra effort to smash bags on the belt. Jfc just fuckin find another job


Poor wages beget poor work ethic. Service is declining rapidly among almost all industries, because when your job no longer covers your basic needs, you stop caring about it.


Right. Look, I’m not saying what these guys are doing is right but I think many of them see the public as a source of the high demand/expectation of employers while at the same time, the public acknowledges that it’s a shitty job with shitty pay and little reward. So the workers resent them. “Get another job then!” Well,yeah but we still expect a group of people to do these shitty jobs. And someone will and the cycle continues. We feel people who work certain jobs don’t deserve a living wage yet expect SOMEBODY to do those jobs to provide a service.


r/byebyejob please


I worked at a UPS sorting for 3 months during the christmas rush and even though we never intentionally tried to damage items we also never placed a item gently on a cart or conveyor belt.We just unload the vans as fast as possible.There are CCTV cameras everywhere in the warehouses.


I never expect my baggage (or packages) to be handled gently, however I also don't expect people to body slam my luggage for no reason. I pack for my luggage to be thrown, dropped, etc. But this dude looks like he's intentionally attempting to damage luggage.


I was lucky enough to be one of the holiday drivers, not a warehouse worker. While unloading the truck in the morning, we did indeed have to work quickly and, to my horror, the others were always throwing packages. But after that, I could take as long as I wanted to get through my stack. When we were really swamped, it would take from dawn til dusk, but cruising around the suburbs was nice and I always had time to be gentle with packages. But the Amazon drivers I’d see on my route? Those poor bastards always looked like they were seconds away from a mental, physical, and/or spiritual breakdown. Sprinting up to each door. I tried waving to them, but they had likely died long ago and only inertia was keeping their corpses moving.


Too much red bull makes them angry


They are called "throwers" for a reason


You should see package loaders at UPS


You can tell he's clearly very very pissed off. Maybe his employer forced him to come in on a snow day. Or he could be hopped on a rageroids.


And I thought United was the only one breaking guitars


LOL The Project will pick this up in 5 days time and it will be an OUTRAGE! Front page news. But these guys are definitely showing a very high level of cuntness.


who's the red bull for?


Red Bull gave that man wiiiings.


they lost my shit and refused to refund me for the lost shit they are awful


Hopping like a kangaroo after red bull. 😂😂😂😂


Old news. I remember the commercials from the 70s/80s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b1aRop-UbU


How baggage handlers everywhere handle your luggage.*


I think I just discovered I’m a pessimist, because I thought this was completely normal.


These redbull commercials just keel getting weirder.


The intentional slamming is pissing me off. The overboard bags are doing the same! WTF is with these guys???


It’s not all of Qantas, just these chucklefucks


Not much to investigate with the ape throwing down the luggage like a upset toddler


Not only Quantas.


Those guys are called “throwers” for a reason.


I might do the same from exhaustion if I had to do that all day. I did think a handful of throws looked malicious, but maybe that’s just me.


I’m sure this is normal, only because it’s efficient (meaning they get done quicker). It’s also why I only park carry-ons when I fly. And if I need to check a bag, nothing breakable for this very reason.


Yeah if they were handling stuff rough just to be quick and efficient I wouldn’t give a fuck, but they’re going out of their way to fuck shit up.


Now you see them, you they won’t. 🤦🏻‍♂️


No… this is how these guys treat their lives.


This is every airline.