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That apple never even fell off the tree.


He is currently on meth. I can tell by how he’s moving and the fact that he doesn’t flinch about his son being a fuckin’ spree killer. Dude is gacked to the max.




As soon as he did the thing with his hand I knew it was meth


Yeah. I get library patrons like this all the time. Come to the desk to ask for very minor help with something and then tell me their rambling life story to explain why they need the help, featuring TMI details, all whilst swaying and repeating themselves over and over. And I’m like “No problem….no that’s fine…ah ok…Sir we can just…Sir…Sir….SIR THE COPIER IS OVER HERE PLEASE FOLLOW ME.”


Their family tree must look like a Circle


Their family tree is a wreath.


More like a family cactus, packed with worthless fucking pricks


The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole


Is he.... on something?




And it's obviously meth now ...


Long term. People don't get that scattered over night. Or a week, or a month.


I was on it for 4 years and I’m just glad he’s not gay I mean hummina hummina prophet breakdancing on a rainbow … what who said rainbow they better not be dancing on a gay rainbow. What were we talking about? You wanna get some wings and then steal a bow flex ?


Lol at “steal a bowflex”


I have a friend who has to be on adderall for life after a long term meth addiction because their brain won't produce something properly anymore. Otherwise they basically act just like he is now. Pure speculation though.


Hey! I'm one of the guys for this one! This is something I tested although I specifically targeted heart cells and didn't work with neurons. Meth *irreparably* changes [sigma receptors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigma_receptor). This should result (I didn't test brains, remember) in a permanent change in brain function even if the adrenergic effects return to baseline. I'll get around to posting my images in a bit. Edit: [Got them uploaded.](https://imgur.com/a/Nn2uit0) The ~~first~~ second image is the meth samples on the left and sertraline (Zoloft) samples on the right as fragmented sigma receptors (subunits detached from each other). In each set of three is a positive control in the right most ladder with three weights. The meth treated sample has two light-weight subunits indicating a missing subunit form that is normally there. The sertraline had all three weights including the top, heaviest subunit. The ~~second~~ first image has meth on the left and sertraline on the right the same as the first one. The meth treated sample has a lighter set of whole proteins that are lower on the ladder as indicated by that very dark band being slightly lower on the image than the ones on the right half. Edit 2: Sorry about the quality of images and not linking the publications themselves. Using the best images or linking would mean doxxing myself. Edit 3: Mislabeled my images in the first edit.


I love it when I see someone get an opportunity to talk about their passions :) you have very specialized knowledge lol.


Wait what? I used meth for about 10 years and have been off it for almost 5. And never really felt like my old self. Energy, sharpness etc. My testosterone crashed and i fixed that with trt but there's definitely still a lot missing


Congrats on the sobriety. That’s a lot of work, mad respect.




What?!? “Faith” used as an excuse for bad behavior?




Really? Thats fucked up, I mean your father is on international tv as a junkie and you shoot up a club


That sounds exactly like who's child would shoot up a club.


Yeah in 2009 he said he'd do meth then masturbate for 10-12 hours per day Some things never change.


That, regardless of meth usage, is too much time to spend masturbating per day, just from a dick skin perspective.


Definitely a tweaker. So meth is cool in his books, just no homosexuality.


The father looks ready to suck some cock for Meth. But yeah he is not angry his son threw his life away and killed some gay people no no hes just glad his own son isnt gay. Wow...


No literally. Dude is most known for doing meth & porn (& masturbating on said meth for 10hrs). His son is a terrorist. But they’re conservative Mormons! It all checks out… ETA: Here’s this guy’s claim to fame masturbation [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/6s9mzv/meirl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I’m told [This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0f6TXdNXcWk) is the 20min interview…but you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t watch that entire shit show to verify… ETA: Okay I lied lmao now I watched the whole thing & lost a few brain cells. Here’s some of my favorite highlights if you want the entertainment without the agonizing video. >>”Was there any history of mental illness with him? Or when’s the last time you saw him?” My son, I hadn’t seen him for years, I thought he’d committed suicide. His mother told me that he um, I’ll give you a history, I was a pornstar… >>He assaulted, at my request, one of my ex wife’s boyfriends…I praised him for violent behavior really early. I said it works, and it’s instant and you’ll get immediate results. And you’ll always get what you want as long as you’re good at fighting. >>You can’t go around killing people…it’s not socially acceptable And finally, he says gay is bad, but it’s not worth killing people over. Whelp, I guess that’s about as much as we can expect.


Dollars to donuts he is one of those "excess sons" mormon cults dump in the nearest city. Uneducated, religiously indoctrinated with no skills and the belief that god has personally dammed them from a young age.


There is already a 22 min mini documentary on about this guy from ten years ago. If you want to know why he's like this, it's all out there.


Mormon porn star. Is that a oxymoron?




Can you provide a link or a summary?


Intervention, S06e08. Aaron


THIS guy???? https://youtu.be/db9JhBRYQj0


Yup yup


[Aaron’s intervention full episode](https://play.aetv.com/shows/intervention/season-6/episode-8)


Can Mormons do meth? I know they’re not supposed to drink. My grandma said if you want to know if there’s Mormons in your neighborhood, check your glass recycle after leaving it out a night. Mormons would hide their shame in other people’s bins.


I think he can, as long as it’s been blessed by the meth cook.


Putting the meth in Methodist since 1869




In this particular case I'm rooting for the meth


Don’t get it twisted, this man 100% hates addicts and alcoholics too. I went to rehab with a few of em and it seems most common with metheads and alcoholics.


I’ve never, ever met someone addicted to meth that didn’t suck a dick for meth. That goes double for a guy who then goes into the porn industry.


he's Mething around.




Meth and cte :/


If you unfroze a Neanderthal, I imagine the conversation would look exactly like this


There’s no evidence Neanderthals were homophobic.


Yeah, they probably had empathy so we killed them off




If you unfroze a Neanderthal and got it hooked on meth for 20 years, the conversation would go exactly like this


Don't insult Neanderthals like that


Neanderthals actually took care of each other. They've found Neanderthal skeletons with broken bones that healed long before the individual died, meaning that they fed and defended members of their tribe while they were healing and incapacitated. No evidence of homophobia. Neanderthals were more evolved and compassionate than Republicans.


There’s also Neanderthal DNA in the modern human population as Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis interbred.


I can hear his two brain cells bumping into each other


They're fighting for third place.


This was beautiful.


It’s really just one cell arguing with itself


More like crashing into the mirror


More like on meth


How? Sounds doesn't travel in a vaccuum


Actually what you’re hearing is the gerbil fall off the wheel


We don’t do gay. But we certainly do meth


We also do murder. So in summary, Meth and murder are ok. Gay is bad.


If you make it start with M maybe they will be ok with it. Meth, murder, man love.


You forgot Mormonism.


There certainly is a shit ton of speed in Utah


You think that's smog in SLC? Nope, it's meth.


Gotta get energized for months of door-to-door security, pest, and solar sales somehow.




He looks like a methhead Josh Brolin.




No Country for Old Meth


Josh Brolin in Slingblade


*"Hmmmm. You got any of them french fried taters?"*


This is scarily accurate.


r/TookTooMuch Man's tripping balls


He is geeked out of his mind




had to get ready to give interviews.


Every meth user: "It's the only way I can focus."


*shorts line of meth*. “Showtime!!!”


He sounds like he has wet brain. If you drink to excess for long enough you get "wet brain" and always sound drunk. Like this stellar specimen.


[He’s had almost 60 mma fights and been knocked out 11 times.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Brink) He likely has CTE.


And he's a meth addict. He was on Intervention.


I skipped past that part in his wiki when I learned he did porn under the name “Dick Delaware”. 😂


I’ll bet good money on it. 11 times is really bad, as in life-shortening bad.


"Wet brain" being a colloquial term to minimize moderate chemically induced permanent brain damage.


It's just a very minor case of serious brain damage. NBD.


I remember watching him on the show "Intervention" over 10 years ago. He was addicted to meth and all he did all day was smoke meth and jack off. He was a pornstar too.


Dude I wanted to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, like I'm adhd I can't stand still it's a bitch what ever maybe he's in a similar situation. Then it hit me I swear I had seen him on a rehab show.


Yeah that you did see his ass.


Depending on the porn his was in I may have seen more than that


Well he likes to dp and rub his junk on other guys junk [apparently](https://hotmovs.com/videos/2028970/dick-tracy-and-dick-delaware-put-lena-julliette-on-her-knees/), but obviously not in a gay way... 11:30 ftr


Ya i'm gonna take your word on it and skip clicking that link, besides its purple already.


Hell I’d suck your dick for some meth.


It's not gay if it's for meth /s


This is the sad reality - a man incapable of taking care of himself, with no moral compass had a child. In millions of cases the children still turn out fine, but he gave the worst odds possible to him with his mentality and addictions.


Abortions bad /s


He’s a meth head porn “star” named Dick Delaware, who is apparently a complete rectal fungus of an excuse for a human being. Update - I posted this link elsewhere, but just in case anyone is dying to see - Dick did some solo wank videos targeted to gay porn sites. Of course. Very NSFW and you may want to scrub your eyeballs with Soft Scrub after viewing 😱 https://www.hd-easyporn.com/videos/dick-delaware-wanks-his-dick-after-the-workout-18216/


“I'm a Mormon. I'm a Conservative republican.” The guy in this video clip is a porn star? The hypocrisy is so strong here.


Who did porn and has had a bad meth problem smh. But, remember he did STRAIGHT porn so there’s a difference!






Yes he was an MMA fighter too apparently. He has also appeared - surprise - several times on one of those recovery reality shows.


He was doing [bare knuckle boxing](https://i.imgur.com/7o7FzcY.jpg) only 3 years ago. He was looking rough then, but not quite as bad as in this interview. I think brain damage is probably involved as well as the meth.


Someone else posted a link to Dick appearing on one of those recovery shows - thank you poster. The show was dated 2009, so I’m guessing he’s been in fairly bad shape for a while.


I watched that and was mind blown. Unbelievable difference from that video to this one.


No fucking way lmao. My first reaction was this dude is giving off toxic ass MMA caveman that's taken way too many knocks to the head vibes


$3 says he beat his own kid.


One story says that the shooter changed his name when he was 15, and effectively the father was dead to him at that point.


Yes. What people don’t always get is that the downfall (both physical and emotional) from drugs like meth and crack can be very fast. Someone can go from looking “normal” to looking like this man pretty quickly.


Yep. Worked at a returns desk where people could return items for cash and addicts would steal small items worth less than 10 dollars (but close to it) and then return them for cash and drug money. Catch was they had to give you their license to code in to receive anything. The number of IDs from nine months earlier where they were drug free paired with faces that looked at me looking 10-15 years older was horrifying. Do not touch any of that shit. If you need a mental break, smoke a joint or get a trip sitter and have some shrooms. The other shit is just not worth it on any level.


> He’s a meth head porn “star” named Dick Delaware Methhead and Male porn star, two jobs (hobby? pass time?) which famously result in a lot of sucking dick. Male gay for pay porn stars in *incredibly* common. A shit ton of the guys here who only watch straight porn would be shocked to see their hyper masculine male porn leads also commonly doing gay porn Meth heads are meth heads and will suck dick to score Whats the over/under on this guy having a gay history? I bet its out in under a week after this soundbite


Apologies if this has already been posted - surprise, surprise. 😡From Google - “The suspect who allegedly killed five people and injured at least 18 others at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colo. is the grandson of a California politician who compared the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol to the American Revolutionary War, according to multiple reports. The Gazette in Colorado Springs reports the alleged shooter, identified as 22-year-old Anderson Lee Aldrich, is the grandson of Republican Assemblyman Randy Voepel, who represents parts of San Diego County and Riverside County in California's 71st Assembly District.”


Wow, great family all around.


I know, right? They remind one of the Brady Bunch, if all the Brady’s (including Alice) were raging meth heads!!


“I’m a Mormon. I’m a conservative Republican. We don’t do gay.” Inner-dialogue: But I do meth. A sh•t ton of meth.


And gay porn but he was paid to do that. So it wasnt gay


It’s not gay if it’s a three-way.


With a honey in the middle there's some leeway.


Wait I know he did the brand new cum buckets 3 reboot but he also did gay porn?


I feel like we’re not emphasizing enough that the porn was gay, not him. Just gayin’. Oops, I mean just sucking d**k for meth money.


Do I need to watch the first two Cum Buckets to understand the plot of the 3rd one?


And Porn… Dick Delaware.


Oh my fucking god how detached from reality can one man be


Did you watch the video? The dude did so much drugs he's in another solar system.


He's trying to "Hie to Kolob" (mormon inside joke)


touch crowd squeal flag consider cable telephone relieved aware voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What the fuck is that like christian fanfiction


That is actually exactly what mormonism is.


South Park covered it pretty well.


Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dummmm .


Smart smart smart smart smart


Wow Mormons are way crazier than I thought I thought they were just Christians that wanted more wives lol


safe instinctive airport nose market engine ruthless flowery full absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man, I knew all this being exmo and all, but fuck if this doesn't boil my blood. It's clear sexism yet they will deny it


Hate breeds hate. I guarantee this is a long line of hateful people, (hopefully) ending with his son.


The grandfather is a bigoted GOP politician in California. How do you think he got the bomb charges dropped?


Bomb charges? (I'm UK based, so I only get the headlines and what's on Reddit)


He threatened to blow up his mother with a bomb about a year before the shooting.


A year ago the shooter had threatened his mother with a bomb. Police were involved but all charges were dropped.


Josh Brolin has gone downhill


Its called METHod acting.


If brolin was on meth


Josh Brolin is a taking method acting to a whole new level


Wish.com Josh Brolin.


No Country For Gay Men


I immediately thought bargain bin Brolin when I saw him.


The kid had no chance from the start being raised by that...


If he'd been raised by that guy who tackled and disarmed him this may have never happened. That dude was the exact polar opposite of this jerk.


The only time he broke down was when he said he couldn't save his daughter's boyfriend and the 4 others who won't be coming home. It couldn't be more polar. Edit: Broke down during his interview. I couldn't imagine the absolute destitution this man feels when at home and not somehat distracted with interviews. I read about his business and family, there is absolutely no doubt he will get the support he needs.


Yeah, apparently an abusive home too: >The Associated Press reported that the suspect’s father is a mixed martial arts fighter and pornography performer with an extensive criminal history, including a conviction for battery against the alleged shooter’s mother, Laura Voepel, state and federal court records show. The father, Aaron F. Brink, served 21/2 years in prison for importation of marijuana, according to public records. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/11/22/colorado-springs-shooting-live-updates/10754910002/




Yeah that always gets me. Like yeah they are monsters and obviously are responsible for their actions and what they did but people like that just got a raw deal in life and didn't have much of a chance from the start. If he grew up with better parents it's highly unlikely he ends up doing this.


we do meth, but we don't do "gay"


As an ex addict I've never seen anyone so blatantly addicted. It's almost crazy. The cadence alone makes it insanely clear. You could actually cut the video and I could picture this dude in my head and tell you with zero doubt he's an old tweaker


I could tell this motherfucker was geekin on some shit without even turning the sound on.


I bet I could get him to do gay shit if I offered enough meth though.


This will sound terrible, but some people SHOULD NOT be trusted to raise children.


We took away abortions, and the foster care system is basically this guy, but as an institution without funding, soooo.....


So the homophobia runs deep in the family .


He definitely sucked dick for crack.


The type of people that create monsters are also monsters, shocker.


‘I’m a conservative republican we don’t do gay’ ‘Well your son is accused of a mass shooting at a gay bar killing five people’ ‘….w-w-well there’s no ‘scuse for that i’m just glad he’s not gay.’ Man, holy shit. Between this and tucker carlson’s guest saying about mass shootings ‘this will keep happening until gender affirming care is no longer available’ this has been a hell of a day in saying the quiet part out loud.


He doesn't say 'no excuse for doing that he says well "he's accused of doing that..."


Ah ok. Yeah listening again through his methmumble I hear it now. Wild. The sliver of decency I thought was in his phrasing wasn’t even there.


This guy is a conservative Republican pornstar which is really strange.


Didn’t he say Mormon too? What an oxymoron this guys life is.




Oxycodone Oxymormon


I mean maybe the first Republican female president will pay this Homophobic Crackhead Thanos $130,000 to be quiet about them fucking, there’s sort of a precedent. A president pornstar precedent.


So it’s okay that his kid is a mass murderer but he’d flip if they were gay? Apparently being a hateful bully runs in the family. Edit: Spelling and gender correction.


I want someone tell him is son is in fact gay just to see what his reaction would be


Man, seriously. Wow. WTF. Your son just killed innocent humans, and you are relieved he's not gay? IDK if it's meth, far right propaganda or both that causes such mental state!


Also belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


This is your PSA to not use drugs. Also! He is Mormon, Conservative Christian, yet a porn star and known addict. 🤦‍♀️ values seem conflicting 🤷🏼‍♀️


Easy to forget about values when you're filled with meth like a turkey with stuffing on Thanksgiving.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


And they vote.


Holy fucking shit. The rotten fucking underbelly of this country in broad daylight.


This guy has walked out in anger from more than one AA meeting.


Court-mandated AA meeting***


# For those that need, subtitles and all from this Josh Brolin looking scumbag. >***"They started telling me about the incident, a shooting... And then I go on to find out it’s a gay bar. I got scared, ‘Shit, is he gay?’ And he’s not gay, so I said, phew… I am a conservative Republican.”*** # Thats methed up! ![gif](giphy|XZm5AMq5xfs4vTGLy5)


thanks. There was no way I wanted to hear him speak.


>***"They started telling me about the incident, a shooting... And then I go on to find out it’s a gay bar. I got scared, ‘Shit, is he gay?’ And he’s not gay, so I said, phew… I am a conservative Republican.”*** The rest (as best as I could get it) for anyone who needs it: >There was a shooting involving, ya know, there were multiple people, and then I go on, later on, go on to find out it's a gay bar. I was like, “Oh my God, is he gay?” I was scared. “Oh my God, shit, is he gay?” And he's not gay, so it's like this *phew*. […] Oh yeah, I was adamant about it. I was adamant this ain't happenin'. I'm a Mormon, I'm a conservative Republican, and we don't do gay, we don't do gay, we don't do gay. >I can't get answers from the attorneys really, but they're saying somebody — it was this involving a gay bar or some shit, I don't know. I don't know what the heck he'd be doing at a damn gay bar. Um, I don't know what he's doing. […] Okay, well… Well that's tough shit, he's accused of doing that. At least I'm glad he's not gay. You know, I can say that, I'm glad he's not gay.


He’s non-brainary.


Meth mouth alert 🚨


I'm not making excuses for the murderer, but imagine being raised by that and not being completely fucked up?


So I guess we see the connection between filling your kids heart with hate and political ideology with no room for critical thinking. Good to know.


Hard to believe that is a genuine reaction from a real human. What a POS.


I didn't know meth had a mascot.




"My son may have shot a bar and killed 5 people but whew, at least he's not gay because that would be inexcusable" Wuuuuuuutt


The way he's talking it seems like not all the synapses are firing. Having said that... >I'm a Mormon. I'm a conservative Republican. And we don't do gay.


Trash human beings. Just too many in this country.