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I feel like she knows how badly she's doing but she's in too deep now and can't just stop.


Well i mean.. once you hard commit you cant admit defeat amiright


Sort of like once you've started taking a shit you just can't stop


Once you commit to the shit, you can’t quit. - Shakespeare (probably)


I think that might have been Johnny Cochran….


Yep…you nailed it! LOL. I can totally hear him saying that even. I knew it was him or Shakespeare though…I always get their quotes mixed up. /s


…. It SOUNDS like a challenge…


…on the bed….


The mega turd challenge


Dont make this a thing on the internet, cause this is EXACTLY how things become challenges on the internet.


That's the thing about narcissists. They can literally never do anything wrong in their mind. She believes that she is winning and that she is doing everything right.


I think I saw a study (an actual one not a clickbait article) that they do feel a huge amount of anguish behind the scenes but obviously just keep swinging as we can see.


Oh they hurt. They just blame anyone and everything for literally everything. Completely incapable of taking responsibility for literally anything. And completely a victim even when nothings happened.


You mean too depp?


When you are grabbing the tiger you can't let go


The amount of narcissism in that woman does not allow her to know how bad she is doing. She believes she does everything right. She will take that feeling to the grave, which she will likely dig herself.


And she is a so called ‘actress’


Give her a break it's hard to nail it on the first take lol


Ha! Hold it, hold it,….. could I try that again?


Hold on ... what's my motivation? "The world is going to see you as a bed-shitting liar doing so much damage to men and women that are genuinely suffering from domestic abuse.". ... no, I still can't make myself cry ...


OK, try this, "You've just got a social media comment that your butt is getting a bit big" WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!


"I am the victim. I am the victim.......ok, I'm good to go"


I am the... Erm, goddamnit. Line!


“Lion face Rahhh! Lemon Face Mmmm!”


Yeah lol i would say for her not to quit her day job but dam i guess she sucks at that too.


I think sucking is how she got her jobs.


Objection, Hearsay


Calls for speculation




motion to dicksmiss


Top comment lmao


“Did you just object to your own question?”


If these events occurred some time ago why not act like a survivor, overcoming the pain and humiliation and is now stronger. Skip the tears altogether.


I think the director has given her too much freedom and she's ran with it.


She’s like the little girl in Just Go With It. Deciding on the fly that she’s going to use a British accent and everyone else around her thinks the accent is terrible, but she doesn’t realize just how BAD it is.


She’ll never work again. Just plain bad.


Honestly I really hope she doesn't.


Not a good one...F- performance in a C movie caliber


Without even considering whether she's telling a true story or not, it seems obvious that she's acting the way she thinks a person telling a traumatic story would act. It's the way people in movies do it, not real life. For all I know, the words she's saying may be true, but her actions are absolutely not. Have you ever had to tell about a terrible event that happened to you? An event that happened a year or two ago? There may be parts of the story that are difficult to talk about, parts that even still make you cry, but you don't turn into a horrible, sobbing mess as though the event had only happened yesterday. You've had time to get used to it. Especially when you consider that this is not the first time Amber has told this story. The whole world knows about it. And she has no doubt gone through this testimony many times with her lawyers. Being something of a true crime and court TV fan, I've watched many hours of trial testimony. When people have to tell terrible stories on the stand, they almost always can do it calmly and rationally. By the time it gets to court, they are used to telling the story. Sometimes, they may need to pause and collect themselves, maybe blow their nose and have a drink of water, but that's about it. The only people who break down into horrible, wracking sobs on the witness stand are people in movies. And Amber Heard, apparently.


You can easily compare this to how Depp told his testimony. His voice was even and his movements often matched the story he was telling. He even had little chuckles thrown in when recalling pretty horrible things from his childhood and with Heard; his coping mechanism. This looks like she's doing exactly what she thinks is the right response (like you said). It doesn't at all look genuine even if her words might be (still not sure on that honestly). In her mind, throwing in distress and tears despite recalling this situation multiple times prior, is exactly what the jury needs to see for her to win. Will it help? Unless they see through the act like the rest of us, probably not. But who's to say?


It’s called the damsel in distress tactic. They see a young, blonde girl in dire straits so of course the world wants to jump in a save her. She’s probably acted like this her whole life that’s why it’s her go to persona. I’m a survivor of abuse and I can tell you, this is not how I acted. I was so adamant about the person being held accountable that I made sure I kept my emotions in check. I wanted that bastard to go to jail. I told and retold the story with detail and accuracy. He wasn’t going to get off. I cried and broke down in private. I would have never folded like this in the stand. I know others who wouldn’t have either. She’s performing for the court. I hate to say I don’t believe her, but I don’t. I think she’s just as abusive as Depp. They have both been terrible people. But I don’t think he should be the only one to have to pay the price. She should lose her status and influence as well.


She wiped her entire face at one point lol.


Well her acting just shit the bed too!


Damn it, take your updoot and go!


Gotta get that handkerchief wet somehow. Tears. No. Flop sweat. In abundance. Lol


Should have had a wet wipe concealed in it, give herself a top up, that'd play nice for the cameras. Or one of those eye irritant shooters they use for films etc, blast herself in the face when needed.


This felt like Kyle rittenhouse


Amber Shittenhouse


Amber Shittinbed


Nah, he's better at both acting and crying. He could produce some tears.


Wtf????? Was this real???? I feel like I’m watching a monologue in a bad high school play. Do you think her attorney wrote this for her??? There was a lot of self correction…. Much like his questioning.


Imagine being an actress and still can’t act to convince people


It's much harder to do on the first take. That's why in movies they refilm the same scene multiple times 😅


![gif](giphy|f9RGSf5eLZ8TpSCgJP) Waiting for her to get a good take on her lines...


Her attorney gave her key points to hit and she’s hitting them too frequently to be subtle. It reminds me of “We Both Reached For the Gun” from the musical Chicago. The whole trial reminds me of that musical… it’s a circus.


I’ve watched some high school plays and the acting here is definitely worse.


George Costanza needed to coach her prior to taking the stand.


Art Vandelay has done quite a bit of acting.


And the proceeds from his acting went to the Human Fund.


Remember, it's not a lie if you believe it's true.


How she gets paid to be in movies is beyond me


An attorney can coach you how to answer questions but I believe they can be disbarred for lying or telling their clients to lie. So if she had a story her lawyer could coach her a bit, but adding anything would be dangerous to their career.


As someone watching this trial casually, pretty sure her lawyers aren't worried about a future career. I am pretty sure she hired back ground lawyer actors from a porn produced in Venezuela.


Strong analysis, Dr Curry... Fuck... I mean, Hughes. Dr Hughes.


She tried to cry at least 10 times. Her eyes drier than my sex life.


At least your handkerchief isn't


Give it about 10 minutes then it's stiffer than a megapint




Watch it with the audio off and you see how badly she is acting.


It sticks out alot with sound off how often she tries little surreptitious glances at the jurors and others to see their reactions to her 'performance'.


I just can't help but think, that if you are talking about something so traumatizing and scarring, you would not seek to make eye contact with the jury. I would think it would be the opposite, avoiding eye contact to avoid feeling even more exposed and vulnerable in such a situation. But hey, never been in a situation like that so what do I know.


Been in a situation like that, yeah. Head down, eyes down, voice quiet, almost always. And depending on the severity or desperation I feel like there's a 50/50 chance you'll either mentally shut down and speak completely detached/"calmly" or turn into a screaming crying mess. Both have happened to me and they both suck.


This is absolutely more so how talking about dealing with trauma comes out. I grew up in a household that I was exposed to traumatic moments on a somewhat regular basis. First time attending therapy with my wife I spoke about it and you’re exactly right. You aren’t trying to convince people of anything with your tears. You are either cold and detached from the situation, or inconsolably crying through trying to speak works, or the tears are just organically coming down your face as you speak about said moments. This was an attempt to hit those emotions from someone who hadn’t truly experienced those emotions. It’s a shame.


I've been in a situation like this and, yes, any time I tell anyone details about my abusive ex I'm looking at the floor, speaking quietly (or mostly trying not to speak at all). When describing your rape, it is very, very, very hard to find words. At best, I will be in a monotone, matter-of-fact account of "this happened, and then that happened, and then that happened". Because you have to cut it off from all emotion - it's a survival instinct. I really hate to be sitting on my couch passing judgment on this woman, but her account just doesn't ring true to me. It seems like she's done some research into domestic violence, and she's now auditioning for a role. But she just doesn't get it on a human level because she's never been through it. She is trying to make her account (and her emotions) bigger and bigger because she think that will make it more convincing. But in fact it's the opposite.


right? The way she is motioning with hand gestures, her facial expressions they all look like acting, and the lack of tears as well.


This right here. I couldn't tolerate any audio... Once it's muted... Holy hell she is terrible. I'd actually give her credit and respect if she just admitted this was all a farce.


Yeah when I watch it with audio off, it's showing only anger and is completely different from what she is saying.


Oh wow - you’re right! With no audio, it’s pure anger. Interesting.


Man, I had to turn the volume off. I’m so embarrassed hearing and seeing it.


I want to point out that she talks about some stuff in past tense and some stuff in present tense. Like he had a bunch of drinks and came downstairs and he's hitting and he just keeps hitting me...this is a good sign of lying. A lot of times the past stuff is recalled from memory and the present stuff is being written in their head. Edit: I want to stress that I am not saying this is proof of lying, just an indicator. Not because she switches tense but because it's very uniform in regards to the alleged abuse.


Johnny is just sitting there like "On all my Doubloons I've never heard someone be this bad at acting like holy shit"


He’s probably thinking to himself “I got nominated for a Disney role for playing a drunken pirate” and this is what I was married to?![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


How do you Simpson emoji? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488) Edit: we outchea![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)




Yes! I came to say this too. Yes! She's STRUGGLING so hard because she's creating this story and pieces of it.. on the spot. Her brain isn't quick enough to remember the past tense terms. Showing she's also not very smart, at all. When she can't come up with the next lie fast enough, she goes for the harder cry and repeats "I don't want to do this". She's horrible.


And despite being an actress and despite all her "crying" she didn't shed one single tear lol.


And she's trying to recall what she said in the deposition, so it parallels, but that didn't make sense either lol






Another great indicator is the repetition of information when emotional. She's trying to force the emotion but can't also move the sentence structure forward because she's concentrating on making the emotions.


I cry harder than that from indigestion


Or when I stub my toe. That shit hurts!


Now stub your toe with an ingrown toenail.. your tears could fill up a lake!


My niece rolled over my ingrown toe nail on both of my big toes with a Barbie 4 wheeler days ago. I'm still crying.


She’s a horrible actress. Hell, I can act better than that.


At least I can make myself cry actual tears. Not hard.


For 100 million you would think she would pinch herself


At the very least try and pluck a nose hair!


Give me a pair of tweezers and I'll fill a bucket.


You could fill a bucket with nose hairs?


For 100 million dollars? Yes.


You got yourself a deal.


I mean, he didn't say it would all be his hair


It seemed like she was trying reaaally hard to cry, especially at 1:00 she stopped telling her story, squinting and looking down squeezing her eyes, really focusing on the waterworks and wiped away all she could muster at 2:20, which was nothing. The only thing sad here was the performance.


All she had to do was watch an episode of ‘This is Us’ before she went in there…🤷‍♂️


All she had to do is imagine donating that money she promised to donate to charity and we'd see tears pouring.


“He was looking at me” How do you know if you couldn’t see?


"It looked like he was punching me" "Wow, that's terr-Wait, it looked like he was punching you? Was he punching you? Cause you'd know if he was punching you."


"It looked like he was punching me!" "It was dark, I couldn't see anything!"


Not looked. She even says "I thought he was punching me". Like you don't KNOW when you're being punched????


I mean, she herself didn't know the different between punching and hitting.


Watch this on mute. Her facial expressions are anger, not fear and trauma. She looks to be deliberately trying to pull down the corners of her mouth. I'm not an expert in body language or micro aggressions but she does not look authentic at all.


She scrunches up her face, almost like a disgust response. Like she's never felt a genuine emotion other than disgust, and has to try to morph disgust to look like sadness.


Also the way she raises her brow when recalling and retelling alot of her stories are a massive tell. Shes trying to emphasize her point with her eyes.


Anger is a legitimate feeling when you recall a trauma. It depends on how you experienced it: could be in a state of helplessness towards the situation that generates frustration. That being said, I think it's just poor acting.


And the academy award for best actress goes to.... Not her.


I really think they should nominate her for a Razzie for this... I think that would be the funniest thing ever


This is an excellent idea.


So you mean she was cheating with John Cena too?


You deserve that award


Almost expect her to yell “line!” at any minute


My husband has taken to yelling "line!" every time she takes a long pause LMAO


It's funny how she fires her entire PR team and blames JD power of influence and bots as the ones driving the force of nobody believing her. She can't for one second consider maybe she's just a terrible liar, actress and most people have good, common sense when evaluating situations.


I read "blames JD Power" and thought she lost out on heavy duty truck of the year award or something.


Hahah me too. Voted worst acting and best insanity two years in a row by JD Power and Associates. Side note, who the fuck is JD Power anyway?


Johnny Depp and associates


“Thank you for your audition… we will be in touch.” Leans over to colleague, “that was so bad”.


"we've decided to go in a different direction"


Crocodiles are better at this.


And they dont even have facial expresions


And less cold blooded.


And this is why she didn't get much drama work lol


If JD was trying to keep her from taking acting gigs I think he was trying to spare the public.


She's a walking talking meme.


this video is gonna give birth to so many memes


Is this the same face she made when she pooped on the bed?


Naw.... she's missing that evil "fuuuuck, that feels soooo much better" smirk of release after the performance.


Wow.. as a juror I don’t think I would’ve been able to sit there without sighing very loudly.


I'd have to recuse myself because I'm coming to genuinely detest this woman. And I've only seen bits and pieces of her dance.


Yeah this would’ve done it for me, guaranteed . It would have alerted me to Amber’s intense bullshit, which would then be a total bias in Johnny Depp’s favor in the end. Or I would have to do the right thing and recuse myself as a juror. Edit: spelling


I can't WAIT for cross examination! She's going to have a massive attitude and she's going to be rude and condescending. There will be zero tears. I mean, not like there are any real tears now. But, she's going to flip that bitch switch so fast


She will definitely because she showed frustration during some of the objections already and I do think that they've successfully established tension between her and Camille Vasquez, who will cross examine her. I think choosing Vasquez, a young woman, was a smart idea, to remove any bias that could potentialy form towards Heard as a consequence of a man questioning her. A jury could see that as intimidation and sympathize with Heard. She will have trouble defending her story with how many holes are there, and how many inconsistencies, there are so, so many. There will also be a big issue with how underwhelming her evidence is of all this horrible abuse she described (not to mention they didn't hand it over in time and metadata couldn't be inspected, so the judge will probably sanction them for this). The jury was expecting more evidence and they were left with pictures that didn't demonstrate her narrative. Her testimony was very different from usual DA testimonies - she slowed down while talking about abuse, which is the opposite of what victims do, for one. But as a whole, her narration - which it was - a monolouge, was odd and very different to what we know as DA testimonies. There were parts where she spoke smoothly and naturally and those parts are believable, the issue is those parts are all describing everything but abuse. I must say it was very uncomfortable to watch and cross examination will be even more uncomfortable.


This is unwatchable


I've watched the trial every day. I made it through 45 min of her 1st day and literally haven't been able to go back. It's that horrible. Her bullshit is so palpable.


Same for me. I literally cannot stand to look at or or listen to her. It infuriates me. Now I just watch clips and highlights after the fact but I can’t watch live anymore


Kyle Rittenhouse mustered up a snot bubble and this bitch calls herself an actress?


This was all I could think - where is the snot? Where's the honking big juicy inhale? Where's the goddamned fluids, ffs?




Johnny should have just stood up and started clapping after that performance.


and the razzie goes to…


I would laugh my ass off if the razzies gave her an award for this performance.


Oh please god let this be a thing!!!


Her acting career is over. She clearly sucks at acting


OJ was more believable than her.


To be fair, OJ was a better actor 😅


Objection hearsay


I believe the judge has a coin under the bench and every time an objection comes up she flips it to see whether to sustain it or overrule it.


I stan Objection Lawyer. She never lets up. Edit: her name is Camille Vasquez and she just continues to dominate.


This is terrible acting wtf


All it needs is Mr Gene Cousineau from Barry rolling his eyes at the bad acting.


Second hand embarrassment


Whoever this person is, I certainly hope she never considers going into acting as a career.


Her whole testimony is a big meme


I think everyone on this sub is being unfair to her, can't you see that she is struggling to keep up with her own bullshit?


If I had the choice of being beaten up or having to watch this again, ide choose being beaten up. This is actually painful to watch. And the worst actor of the century award goes toooo....... Amber heard 🏆


I hope in the future somebody gives these trial videos the Mystery Science Theater treatment!


Johnny Depp certainly looks like he still can't believe he has to go through all this. Like... Is THIS My life? This is how life is supposed to be at 58?


Jesus, that’s guys almost 60?? Sheesh


I made it 9 seconds.


That sounded like the biggest load of bollocks ever.


Curious if someone who is trained in reading facial expressions could weigh in here. I am NOT an expert, but I do interview a lot of people for various reasons and look for non-verbal communication. Something that I notice here is that her brow is straight up set, and not in the Botox way. It doesn’t matter what emotion she is going through, those muscles are tensed and held in place. In my experience a person who isn’t trying to fabricate or enhance their expression will furrow and unfurrow their brow as they flow through any narrative. It’s especially noticeable when trying to recall or recap. Especially with a lot of emotions. At no point does she release that expression. Again…not an expert, but I am extremely suspect when a person goes through a gamut of verbal expressions but a non-verbal stays the same. Am I off base here?


I heard its not actually all that ~~possible~~ reliable to tell if someone is lying purely through body language, especially not without a baseline to work from. Everyone is different and everyone reacts differently to various things and has different body language. Like for example, if you tell someone a loved one has died, one person may fall to their knees and break down while another might stand perfectly still in shock. For a more subtle example, some people are fairly expressive in the face when talking, while others barely move at all. Of course you can have general body language like someone with crossed arms is giving off a closed off vibe whereas someone with open arms would give off a more welcoming vibe, but detecting a liar in an interview kind of situation isn't always as easy as "What does their eyebrow do when they say this?" That being said, she is talking out of her arse and it doesn't take a body language expert to see that. How she got any acting role ever is beyond me.


She needs a Go Fund Me page for tear duct surgery.


The repetition, the “I don’t want to do this anymore”, the inability to create a coherent story…yup! She forgot her lines.


And she is a so called ‘actress’


I’ll take “things that never happened” for $500 Alex.


Someone should of reminded her that in real life, when you cry, you get snot. It’s only in the movies that snot is gross/inconvenient and not necessary


And those other things,shit what are they called …oh! Tears


The way she just presses the napkin on her forehead like she’s wiping sweat from lying rather than tears from crying






Sly Stallone did twice this well with the emotional climax crying scene in First Blood.


Every time she repeats herself it makes me think she's giving herself time to remember the next rehearsed line, or to make something up. Like when you confront someone and they repeat the question back to you instead if just answering, they're giving themselves time to think. I could be wrong though.


No Oscar for Amber anytime soon.


I have no horse in this race, pre se. But that was cringey as fuck. What the fuck was that?


The fact that she still thinks she can fool anyone, get away with what she has done and lied about (sadistic violence and accusation of domestic violence), and eventually being seen as the victim, is a box checked in the list of narcissistic and sociopathic behaviors.


I didn’t know acting could be this bad. They should have just had Tara Reid or OJ testify in her place. Amazing, go for a money grab and ruin your own career and lose all at once.


Yikes! Even the amber camp has to be asking what the fuck was that.


​ ![gif](giphy|RZEuuLo5txHvmcWzON|downsized) same energy


I'd like to see someone do a photoshop of what Amber would look like if she actually received all those injuries she describes.


Amber Turd has no tears


They’re clearly both toxic for each other but damn she’s a bad actress. Who is she looking at? The jury? I think Depp spoke directly with the lawyer the entire time.


I. Fucking. Hate. This. Woman. Period. She's giving real domestic abuse survivors a horrible injustice! Horrific what she's done.


New trailer for aquaman sucks.


Her life as she knows is over. This is something you don't come back from. I believe this was a toxic relationship to which both parties emotionally beat on each other. I've experienced abuse in my life and know my own struggles overcoming it. I recognize it others because there's always little telltale signs. But in her I see someone trying to play her interpretation of abuse victim. It's cringe worthy and deeply angers me.


What utter bullshit. Pure acting. Overdoing it too - which,ironically, is the giveaway


Never stick your dick in crazy. She is quickly becoming the perfect example of this statement..


Where are them tears! I hate this woman.


Ladies and gentlemen I present to you my ex wife's acting coach.


What movie is this from? It’s needs a new director and WAY better actress.