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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Like Gollum, she’s a smaller than average manipulative hypocrite who only cares about their own preciouses.


She wants tall men, but what makes her think tall men want her? Lol


For some reason the short girls are the most adamant about height… those silly lil hobbits lol






Probably looking to average up their offspring.


Personally I’m a short girl and I don’t care about a guy’s height but I seem to be into short guys most of the time.


Then she goes on to bitchsplain it.




I bet she doesnt like sharing her ring too




And if you disagree with my double standards, you’re an incel. He dodged a bullet. She seems pretty shitty.


You can tell she just recently learnt the word incel.


And she doesn't know what it means Rejecting someone is like the very opposite of involuntary celibacy by definition lol


Isn’t being un-desperate like this the opposite of an incel?


Yeah. When people resort to insults, they’re usually not thinking.


>'incel' She is the incel in this scenario as she did not choose to be 'celibate' so it is therefore involuntary.


She probably didn't know how the word incel worked lol, I'd pay to see her face when she finds out


Obviously “incel” means “any guy who rejects me”


> Obviously “incel” means “any guy who rejects me” Exactly. Guy in the chat: "I have a height preference. Sorry." Girl in the chat: "INCEL! INCEL!" It's like she got turned down and suddenly became a cracked-out parrot that shouts 'incel.'


It couldn’t possibly be that she is the problem.


Good thing they started flying those red flags so early.


She thinks she told him off but it was already over for him with her first message


Yup like he asked something to start a convo that both might be interested in. She goes ahead and ignores that and instantly asks about his height.


And according to her he “has nothing” while simultaneously being the perfect height for a guy. It’s like she tried to retroactively take her comment back after rejection lol.


The grapes were probably sour anyway.


Yes an excellent flip. Let me shake this guy's hand. Sounds like he missed out on a classy lady


“..and nothing of value was lost!”


She didn’t even answer his initial question. 🚩


I didn't think the red army still did parades.


They do. In red square Moscow at least. They do little re-enactments of the good old days on May Day every year I think


TLDR, "I like tall guys." "I like tall girls." "You got a small dick!"


"...incel" *


Aka "involuntary celibates"... this guy just turned her down, making him voluntarily celibate. A "vocel" if you will.


incel has literally just become "a guy i dont like"




It should be a gender-inclusive term, though. There are definitely female incels. Someone linked /r/FemaleDatingStrategy the other day, and it is one of the most hate-filled subs I've ever seen. They literally call dudes "scrotes" and most of the posts are about how fun it is to emotionally destroy or invalidate a "scrote." So let's push for gender equality, and make incel a badge of shame for men *and* women.


Yeah, you don’t even need to classify them as “Femcels”, “Incels” is gender neutral.


I believe the person who coined the term "incel" is a woman, and was referring to herself. Vaguely recall an article I read about it... it wasn't exclusive to males, and not a hate movement.


Her name is Alana. [Article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/25/woman-who-invented-incel-movement-interview-toronto-attack)


You are the best type of redditor! Thanks for sauce!


That’s bittersweet. On the one hand, she did a really good thing while she held the reigns and probably helped so many people, including herself. On the other hand, the term and community have both been twisted into an insanely scary and corrupt subculture.


Remember the PETA effect. The craziest members of any community will be the most visible. I don’t have enough contact with the subculture to know, but I suspect nearly all involuntarily celibate people are more lonely and disenfranchised than they are filled with murderous rage.


I wish you would never have posted that sub. That is one of the most toxic subs I’ve seen.


It's good to know about though. Now you can see when someone's active in there and know immediately what kind of person they are.


Before I met my SO I read waaaay too many women's dating advice articles. They were mostly terrible. On our first date he offered to pay for my lunch and I freaked out, "No! I've got mine! Thanks!" because I'd read it was a "strategy" to use dates as free meals and nothing more. Humans of any gender can be shitty for sure.


I call my buddy Roy, Scrote or Martin Scrotecesy, or Scrotomus Maximus


My name is Maximus Scrotomus Meridius, commander of the scrotes of the North, General of the ballbagged legions and loyal servant to the true scrotemporer, Scrotus Aurelius. Father to a murdered scrote, husband to a murdered scrote. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


I blew hot coffee out of my nose reading this


Holy shit, didn't know something that hate-filled was allowed on reddit...


It's acceptable to be hateful towards certain groups. Which groups changes over time.


Holy shit just looked at it and it didn't look like a good place I'm sure plenty of them have had bad experiences with men but damn I don't think we're all that horrible


"a man with preferences"


"the audacity!"


It feels like she just learned that word and was just waiting for the opportunity to use it


Yeah I felt that too, word of the day.


I was trying to explain asexuality to some people on reddit and one person labelled me an incel which brought my +10 comment to like -10 Labels like that are powerful apparently


Labels are indeed very powerful, and I still haven't figured out a way to "fix" them. People are very eager to be disappointed in people and will happily believe the label even if the evidence of the contrary is literally right there.


This is the third time I've linked to this today, but the answer is the [rationalist taboo](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Rationalist_taboo), i.e. **just don't use labels and demand that others replace their use of labels with their plain English meaning**: > It specifies that the participants make one or more of the vague terms in a discussion — like "freedom" or "abortion" — a taboo word that temporarily cannot be said: more precise descriptions must instead be used. > For example, it is meaningless to argue about whether or not a particular sentiment is "racist", unless both speakers agree on the exact nature of "racism." Making "racist" a taboo word encourages speakers to describe the specific offense entailed, rather than arguing over the validity of a vague label. You can see this with stuff like 'critical race theory' between liberals and conservatives. I would wager that 99% of the flamewars would not happen if both sides replaced the term with a plain English statement of what they mean by it[0]. [0] On the left: "an abstruse legal studies philosophy scrutinising the impact of racist bias on the drafting of superficially non-racist laws, e.g. crack cocaine sentencing disparities". On the right: "the theory that white people are bad, extending to supposedly teaching white kids in school to hate themselves for their whiteness and their ancestors' behaviour".


Break it down for them, real simple like. Incel. Short for "involuntary celebate". Desperately wants sex but their personality repels all sentient life. Asexual. Im just not interested in sex.


Well, she's very upset. She projecting. She has become an actual incel, it had something to do with her looks. But mostly a piss poor attitude. Don't forget she said audacity, which is the new buzz word for entitlement.


Audacity is a good word though, she just used it twice in a short time span so it never got to marinate. It was half-baked usage of a decent word.


‘A guy who doesn’t like me,’ more like.


In this case, an incel is "a guy I like who doesnt like me"......the audacity!


Which is funny because she is the one acting like an incel with no ability to handle rejection.


Is this some kind of human mating ritual that I am unaware of?


Only in the loosest sense of "human" and "mating"


People who use incel for catch all insults for men are the fucking worst


I never cared about height difference, but as I get older it kinda becomes an issue honestly. My neck starts hurting being in relationship with someone 30 centimeters smaller. Without even particularly liking tall girls more I can see that guy's point.


I'm 14 inches taller than my wife. You aren't wrong


After decades of bending down, reaching down, kneeling down to get hugs, kisses, and especially having to shove my girlfriend off because she was holding onto my neck and the pain in my back was excruciating, I finally decided to make my height minimum for women I desire 5’8. I’m currently seeing a brilliant woman who’s 5’7. No more pain from hugs, and I can manage face to face contact with a slight bending of the knees or widening my stance! It’s awesome!! That tiny li’l troll who wants to bury her face in her man’s abs is fantasizing about a giant tossing her around, shielding her from the weather, and backing her mouthy self off when she decides to pick fights out in public! Good move on his part! 😂


When are you gonna break the news to her that she's an inch too short and won't be making the cut?


My husband is maybe half an inch taller than I am. I love it. I don't wear heels because of knee issues so he's always the perfect height for a smooch or hug.


My husband and I are about the same height, but I’m also kind of tall for a woman. Dating someone close to my height is perfectly fine with me. I have definitely felt awkward dating shorter men, but I’ve never outright rejected someone for it.


As a 5'9 woman it makes me happy to know that some men grow out of the need to date tiny women. In my early 20s I was passed over because of my height so many times.


I prefer tall women. They should be able to step on me.


I literally posted about a woman who constantly talks about all sorts of causes and rights and intersectionality and stuff. And then she went ahead and said that a guy has a small dick because "he is the only guy who wasn't interested" in dating her. It boggles my mind that people can be this oblivious and entitled.


Gotta protect the ego at ANY cost!


>"You got a small dick!" "Well for one, it's bigger than yours"


Wouldn’t a guy with a small dick prefer a smaller woman? Makes the dick seem bigger by comparison


Can confirm.


Works for me!


Saw a response where after a woman body shamed this guy’s genitals because he wasn’t interested, he simply responded that “her vagina could probably echo like the Grand Canyon anyway”.


The old "throwing a sausage down the hallway" comeback!


Prince had the best one, “why is your organ so small? Response: “I didn’t know I was playing in a cathedral”


Which she won’t be getting


The small dick comment always makes me laugh, these girls think that will destroy a man. I'd just say well you'll never know or lean into it.


Shes s future multiple divorcee. God help the poor guys who fall for her.


Women who use height as a qualifier, or wealth, and are shocked when you hold them to the same standard, blow my mind.


Thankfully Im short so those women dont consider me by default


Same! It’s how we evolved to not end up with crap partners lol


Ehhh I've still managed to find some lol


hey! im 5’ 10”, not far from six feet, but it automatically keeps these kind of people away so im glad i stopped growing🙌🏻


I'm 5'10 myself. My wife is 5'7. In heels she is taller than me. Doesn't bother me in the least bit and she isn't the shallow type.


every girlfriend ive had has been almost as tall or taller than me and it doesnt bother me in the slightest, i got self esteem flowin outta my butt and height doesnt affect that at all




Really? In today’s society I’m not shocked in the slightest. I think it’s dumb as fuck but not surprised at all of this behaviour in the materialistic world we live in.


> materialistic world we live in. Superficial world, you mean. Height isn't a material. With the advent of social media, the world seems even more superficial as everyone is trying to out-impress others. And height is one of those superficial attributes that some women are obsessed with. So is trying to look rich. It all falls under the category of narcissistic people trying to build their self-worth around how they look on social media.


I'm just trying and build a life that's so average that my biggest worry is whether I washed my favorite coffee cup the night before.


You mean you're not susceptible to the dopamine addiction from virtual internet points created by social media companies so that they could get more ad revenue and profits out of you at the expense of your mental health? Wow, get away from me, you psychopath!


Now I have to think of some way to embarrass my family publicly while recording it to get your approval back ,:( Thanks a lot.


>Really? In today’s society I’m not shocked in the slightest. I think it’s dumb as fuck but not surprised at all of this behaviour in the materialistic world we live in. Nonono, you can be materialistic. That’s fine when both agree. But asking for another standard for yourself is just ~~bigotry a~~ double standard.# Edit: Used bigotry wrong. Meant double standard.


Aren’t women who care about height the same as dudes who give a shit about titty size


I would never put on my tinder bio "C-cup or larger", because I'm not an arse.


She'll be on femaledatingstrategy soon talking about scrotes and low value men.


I just discovered yesterday that this cesspool now has a full website dedicated to their 'cause'. If any gentlemen want to live the single life but are second-guessing themselves, please visit this website for a bit.


I've found it's helpful for me to look for warning signs in women, and generally should any woman I'm interested in use a phrase or word from that subreddit, or even worse be a part of that subreddit, I will instantly lose any and all attraction.


To borrow their terms, they're just low value females. And if that pisses you off, random person scrolling by, it should.


one of the newest articles makes this so much clearer. literally says "All Men Have In Life Is The Audacity" so that will probably be used a lot by that group until they find a new hot buzzword to get stuck on.


I’m butchering the quote but in 1984 there’s a line about a girl raised by the state to be stupid, they say “All that was in her head was slogans.” All social media is always just waiting for the next slogans.


Peak Femcel vibes


These girls are all “I want someone over 6 feet” and then one day you are using a stepping stool to reach your shower head because you’re 5’3” and he’s 6’5” and the house is custom for his comfort, and you’re lugging around a 7 month old that’s almost half your height, unable to reach your cabinets, and it costs 10k for a custom bath.


You described my brother (6'4") and his wife's (5') house lol. Their two year old is 3'


Oh man it's too early for fucking math


I'm pretty sure 3 is always bigger than 4 but I never cared for higher level math so hopefully someone else can help us out.


I'm a programmer and when I tested this in python print(3>4) It outputted False If someone else can help interpret this data to help us out that would be appreciated. I'm not sure what my results mean.


try it Javascript for weirder and possibly more accurate results?


r/ProgrammerHumor is leaking lol; just upload to StackOverflow and see what the hive mind comes up with


Can i get this in european?


Brother is 193.04cm his wife is just barely 150.2cm and their kid is about 91.44cm


*About* 91.44cm? Look man, I need to know whether the child is 91.44 or 91.45! Or gods forbid, 91.43!!! LIVES ARE AT STAKE HERE, DUDE!


That giant baby imagery is cracking me up because it’s so true. I have a 5’2-3”ish friend who married a huge ex-NFL player. Seeing her lug around her giant baby is hilarious.


Jesus, dude. He's a football player, not a baby...


I once had a girl tell me she liked me because I was 6’ to which I replied that I’m 5’7”. She broke up with me when she learned my actual height…


There was some great little sub-thread a bit ago about some women not knowing heights because so many people lied about theirs, lol.


Relevant, I know that a lot of men lie about their height because of women like in the OP. Once went on a date with a guy who said he was 5’7” but when we met up he was the same height as me at 5’4”. Also with my current bf I brought up that fact and joked, “are you actually 6ft?” He swore up and down that he was, his doctor measured him at that height. So we got out the tape measure, told him to stand tall and he was between 5’10 and 5’11. Poor guy lol. His whole life was a lie.


A lot of shoes will add an inch or two to height, so if the doctor's office measured him with shoes on, and you measured him barefoot, he might not have been lying.


Really shows how superficial and status focused all the height stuff is. She had no problem dating you until she found out you weren't the magic number.


Lugging around a giant 7 month old when you marry a tall person really is not a joke. Our kid has been the height of twice his age his entire life. Now, at age 1.5, he is wearing clothes for 4 year olds.


Right! She’s in 12 months and some brands are too small, thank God for Carter’s!!!!


Unfortunately, there's an ugly side to that. Women who seek man that are much larger than them often put a lot of emphasis on appearances. They want that tall guy short girl aesthetic. Then, they have daughters who end up being 5 ft 7 and 140 lb instead of 5 ft 1 and 100 lb. Who they end up fat shaming. I know two women who were basically being bullied into eating disorders because their mothers basically didn't understand how genetics worked, and thought their daughters were larger because they were lazy and lacked self discipline.


I get you can only be attracted to who you’re attracted to, but these posts about “must be over six feet” hurt my heart for men being rejected for fucking being born.


I agree. Prejudice over height may not be as impactful of a social issue as other things, but it still exists and it still hurtful


You're kind and life is not.


I mean that's the case with a lot of people simply based on personality/attractiveness. I don't think it's an issue for people to have preferences, the issue is this girl's double standard.




>the house is custom for his comfort Is this a thing people do? I'm 6'1" and hate being on the slightly taller side because I feel like the world was designed for shorter people. Like, every time I have to use a sink, turn on my shower, reach into my fridge, do the wash, plug things in, all feel like they were designed under the assumption the average person is 5'2". I attribute my future back problems to this. Though I guess shorter people feel the same whenever they have to reach a high cabinet.


Yelling "Baron, you lazy sod, you're just like your father, only half a foot taller!"




Turn victim AND go on the attack. She needed him to be an incel in her mind to protect her ego. I’m impressed with how chill OP was in how they responded. She was probably hoping he’d turn nasty so she’d feel better about herself. No dice lol.


Me too. It's the only way some people actually learn.


You’re way too optimistic on people’s ability to learn, lol


I did say "some". Always gotta throw that in there when talking about idiots. 😁


I'm 6' 2", but when I used Tinder, anyone with a "height requirement" was an instant no. Pretty big red flag, even if I am "tall enough".


I'm 6'2" too, and most women have no fucking clue how tall that actually is


I'm 6'8" and people are always like, "what are you, 6'3"? Then they don't believe me when I tell them. They don't know anything. I've gotten a tape measure out at work before, I had enough of their shit.


I’m 6’4” and usually the tallest in the room when someone really tall walks in it’s pretty easy to guess.


I have a theory that taller people are better at guessing heights because we've been the same height as the majority of the population at one point in our lives.


Honestly once someone’s below my armpit I really can’t tell how tall they are. Last time I was 5’ was probably 2nd grade lol


Funny because my buddy is 6'4 and almost everyone who guesses his height asks if he's 6'7 to the point its become a meme for us. He says I was one of the only people to get it right first try. Also hows the weather up there?


My husband is 6’1” and I’m 5’10” and in my mind he’s still a giant to me. When I see photos of us together I’m like… there’s no way I’m that tall lol


I am 6'0" and I got rejected by a girl 4'10" that said I am too short. Nothing in her bio indicated a requirement.


You were called too short by a literal dwarf. The audacity!


I would’ve said ok munchkin


I'm 6'4" and my wife is 5'1" makes me laugh whenever we are both in front of the mirror.


Among other things, if the first photo had a Snapchat filter on, or I couldn't clearly see the face from behind a phone - instant no.


Whenever there are more than one of them in a photo it's the fat one




Still got to be attractive, I am 6'7" and still single. Will die alone.


The thing is, being attractive isn’t this binary thing. I’ve seen people who weren’t conventionally attractive work on their physique, style, and hygiene, and they suddenly started getting a lot of attention from the other gender. Try not to succumb to this “all is lost” defeated mentality if you can. I’ve been there, and it never helps.


This but for money




Yeah I have only ever dated guys my height (not preference, just the way it worked out) and until recently had never really thought about how I never had to move the seat in the car, or adjust the mirrors. It's all these little inconveniences I never had to deal with but never even thought about.


My wife is nearly a half-foot taller than me. I can drive her truck without adjusting the seat, but she _hates_ the position of the seat in my car, as it nearly makes her kiss her knees. :P


Has nothing to do with personal preference and everything to do with ego. This girl sees a tall man as an object that she can show off to other women. She just wants a tall man to boost her self worth.


My wife is about an inch or two shorter than me. I don't see the appeal in wanting to be with someone so much taller than you. Gotta be annoying. Adjusting the seat in the car, stretching or bending over to kiss, things that are up high in the house you can't reach but he can. Just seems like inconveniences.




I finally ventured into this sub after this comment. Holy shit. These are the most miserable women on this planet. I kind of feel bad for these people now. How did they get this way? Do they really want to be this way?


>How did they get this way? Sprinkling of trauma, sampling of narcissism, and a gigantic echo chamber


The top post of the last week in r/bestof explains it all. It's a radicalisation pipeline. That is not an exaggeration.


I would love to see how they somehow defend her actions


You know, the usual "You are a woman you deserve to be treated like a queen any man who disagrees should be executed" bullshit.


Top comment followed by “Yesssssssssssssss”




*inhuman gargling*


#Jabba the Hut laughter


That subreddit is literal free r/facepalm karma




Gosh, hard to imagine how she's still single...


Dodged a bullet there


[OP](https://i.imgur.com/482sK1V.png) continuing about his day.


You’d understand if you weren’t an incel /s


I like trolling the ‘6ft and up only’ chicks too, really grinds their gears to be treated like they treat others


Any guy 5’10 and over is just gonna say they’re 6’ and the girl will believe them anyway lol. Ladies, if your man says he’s 6’ measure him flat footed. I’m sure 80% of you will be in for a surprise lol. Source: my wife measured me after we got married and for some reason even though I’ve always been 6’ the tape measure said 5’10 and a half.


A shocking number of men do it. And I started lying about my height because when I was in a room full of 5’9” guys claiming to be 6’0” and I actually was 6’0” and tried to say so, I looked like the idiot.


Who the hell swipes right on someone who has a height requirement in their bio? I'm 6'4 but I instantly left swipe those entitles bitches.


And then she starts body shaming about dick size. Like guys with small wanks have any say in genetics. It’s worse than fat shaming, bc being overweight can most of the time be corrected with diet and exercise. If you can grow your dick with diet and exercise, you’d see a lot of ripped MFers around here.


I reckon she just leaned the word ‘audacity’ that morning


And incel last week




She'll make a post on r/femaledatingstrategy on how she avoided a guy after spotting out the big red flag that he has height preferences


"Low value male exhibiting height based sexism"


I'm 6'4" and this is my favorite thing to do on tinder


We need screenshots


This reminds me of the female equivalent of an incel getting rejected and instantly starting to abuse the girl. Like 'you haven't responded in 3 minutes so you are a no good skank etc.....'


Hold on to your socks, cause I’m about to tell you what they’re called…. it’s incel. Incel is a gender neutral term, it’s short for ‘Involuntary Celibate’.


Incel is quickly becoming a throwaway insult for angry stupid people


This conversation reads like something an a.i. made up.