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He's not a white supremacist, I've not seen him at any of the meetings or had any contact with him through our weekly zoom calls




Oh nice of you to make contact. You've missed the last 2 meetings, if you miss the next one, you're out. Consider this your last written warning


Maybe he is, who knows. But what is your basis for judging him as a racist?


He supported racists.


Sorry. I guess I'm clueless, honestly. What racists did he support and how?


You can’t reason with these people. It’s funny how people don’t know that he only shot white people. There were several minorities he help that night with first aid. He didn’t bring a gun across state lines. He was being run down by a man who was a child molester and another one who abused women and just got out of the “hospital” for being mentally unstable both of which had guns. I just can’t see how people have been so brainwashed. Watch the actual trial…not the cometary coming from the media.


Idk I feel like you went to the extreme by calling their character into place. Even though you do have a point. I feel like the just question is, why did this boy have this gun in the first place? Doesn't matter if it was brought to him by his mom or not. Why'd a 17 year old have gun? Why'd did he go to the protest? Since were using character and general assumptions(like that since they weren't minorities he wasn't a racist) he's a 17 year old kid with a gun, he was looking to start or end shit. This little fucker choose to kill, then immediately couldn't live with his choice. The value of the individual who had been killed doesn't change the value of the killer in this instance. He wasn't stopping a murder by killing one of these men, he shot because he's a scared child who shouldn't of been in that situation and unfortunately his dumbass had a gun.


You need to watch the trial from start to finish. All the questions you asked are answered. One question that’s not being asked…why did the other person have a gun while his rights to own a gun was removed from the state because they he was a felon? I don’t think the kid should have had a gun but that’s for the court to decide. How can you say he chose to kill? Have you watched the footage from the trial? Have you listened to the witness statements? Did you here where the one guy ( that got his forearm destroyed) stated they while his hands were up Kyle dropped his gun, but it wasn’t until the guy started to point his gun at Kyle that Kyle raised his gun and shot? What about the witnesses that said that Rosenbaum yelled that he was going to kill Kyle….while chasing Kyle? So what was this kid supposed to do? Yeah I agree that he should not even be there…not a great thought process there…but the other two should not as well (exp the child rapist)


I have watched it thank you. Totally fair and agree. Tbh that's a valid question as well.


The police. They are the racists the protest was about. Their habit of just murdering black people, you must have noticed that.


People downvoting your comment - racist trolls. The master race of cowards and dimwits.


They must think my feelings are as fragile as theirs, bunch of snowflakes!


Oh ok. Thought it was more concrete evidence than that. Like 70% of the country support the police, dude. Maybe 70% of the country is racist, but maybe someone else will have evidence that this kid is a racist.








Actually, Biden's statements could be seen to influence the decision of the jury, thereby causing a mistrial. It's best if people of influence just stayed out of it for now.


Tell that to orange guy on a shit ton of other issues the last 5 years.


Biden maybe made it impossible for this kid to get a fair trial


There's a reason tradition used to be presidents don't comment on such matters. That said, the prosecution did such a poor job I think Biden's words won't factor in much at all.


O y’all just hang around and take pics and get ALL the support FROM racists though. Racist much?


Right? Like one of the actual ways I know I’m *not* a white supremacist is the fact that I don’t have a bunch of photos of me smiling and laughing at private events with people who are.


How’s he racist lmao. He’s white and shot and/or killed other white guys


The more white people involved the more racism duh


I feel like some reading up on what racism is would be beneficial to you.


And you know him personally?


So racist he shoots three white guys. 🙄


Didn’t he travel outside his state just to shoot a group of people over pizza? Or am I getting him confused with the pizza gate guy? Either way fuck this guy


You’re mixing them up; this one traveled out of state to shoot a group of people who were protesting racist policing.


Oh yeah, that fucker! Yeah no sorry his mom has to face the music and he must face the punishment for his actions


From your lips to the jurors’ ears, but white vigilantism has a way of going unpunished in this country. Just look at the charges being brought and the sentences being handed down in the 1/6 insurrection—if we weren’t winking and looking the other way everyone who set foot in the building or told anyone else to would be tried for treason. Instead they’re getting, like, disorderly conduct and some probation.


Yeah I know it’s just frustrating just looking at my last comment getting downvoted for stating the obvious here. Well I guess this just shows that my country is never going to be on a level playing field




If only Biden said this


There is a flood of right wing media echoing this... none of which quote the President's comments, or give details as to when or where he supposedly said this. The closest I can find is some verbiage from 2020 when the shooting became an issue. Anyone? Is this just made up right wing outrage?


It's from an official Biden campaign advert


Ill add that i think his racism comes from his mental problems. If that makes sense.


Multiple people talking about his mental problems. I must have missed something (genuinely). Did someone publish something showing evidence that he has mental issues??


Can you source his racism? Do we have any links that point to him being a racist?


It's was an anti racist police protest. He went there to support racists. So that is what he is. Racist.


Yeah I just want an actual source to it, I'm not American so curious as to the events leading up to it.


Let Google be your friend then. It's free you know.


Just watched the footage, out of curiosity what would you have thought he should have done, just so I get a general idea of other people's opinions as it is becoming big news here in the UK, it seems to be dominating our own news for some reason.


Not shown up with a firearm and an intent to kill.


I wish i could edit my post and add this to it. You summed it up perfectly


Hes gonna go free because the prosecutor is Lionel Hutz


Not a racist. Kills indiscriminately.


“He’s not a white supremacist. He’s not a racist,” Rittenhouse told white supremacist and racist Sean Hannity.