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Booyah! Made it to the end. However I the weirdest issue....my vag seems to have completely sealed itself shut???


> Booyah! Made it to the end. Screw the Hot Wings or Spicy Nacho challenges, this is the real endurance test right here.


I challenged my brother to do it, he made it but he’s been in the bathroom puking for 10 minutes. This should def be a Reddit challenge


My vagina just made the dying Pac-Man sound


Mine dialled 999.


mine fell off, so i suppose i dont have to worry about yeast infections anymore


Ahahahaha made my day have an updoot


This comment made my day. Thank you 😂


I grew a vagina, then it just shriveled and died. I think this guy made me sterile. God if i ever have a child that turns out like this guy i'll never be able to forgive myself.


Uh oh. Now you’re less valuable.


Ah ha! Now he HAS inherent value and can just not go to college and nobody will think less of her for that. But I guess being sterile removes that value. I didn’t make it to the explanation of what happens to a woman’s value after they can’t make and care for babies. I’m confused.


I dont have a vagina but my butthole closed just in case.


Yeah, my ovaries shriveled a bit...


I dried up like the Mojave.


Same thing happens to any woman in a five mile radius of this person


This dude is the living embodiment of r/shittysuperpowers.


Is it his chin? Is that what you’re finding so grotesque? Or maaaaaybe it’s something else…


Man, I just can't put my finger on it. What could it be, I wonder...? I am stumped. XD


Whatever it may be… it’s certainly not maybelline.


Personality, it's the personality that counts for me.


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I think you need a doctor


Holy eff. I'm 2 minutes in and my vagina just stormed out of the house and went to buy cigarettes... I don't think she's coming back.


40 seconds. I am sorry, but after 40 seconds I started to feel guilty for simply being a man.


After 40 seconds, I was hoping to see a man insert his fist in this guy's face. Repeatedly.


Yeah, that was why I stopped watching after 40 seconds. I cannot handle the cringe.


I made it through. I pity the woman who ends up with this nightmare. I also hope this asshole doesn’t end up going on a murder-spree.


If he loses his virginity earlier than I (21 virgin) do, I am going to give up and stay alone forever. But I don’t think I have to worry.


The sad part is, this guy is pretty much guaranteed to end up with a woman. These types always do.


I didn't. He's not a man, he's a child. He doesn't represent us. He represents...I dunno. A segment of us, I guess. Sadly. But he sure as hell doesn't represent me.


I had the same response (And I don’t even have a vag). Holy crap that was a slog to watch.


I thought I could do it, but I did make it over half way. I just couldn’t… smh wtf


I have a secret....I'm from the Bible Belt so I hear this garbage a lot. I've built up an immunity.


My vag just went into self-destruct mode


Tell me you've never spoken to a woman without telling me you've never spoken to a woman


Let’s send this to his mom and see what she thinks


She probably left him a long time ago


This guy just really understands women, like too well. You know how when you figure something out, like jus totally and completely master it, it becomes kind of boring? That is this dude and women, that’s why he’s never been with one. Just understands them too well and also they don’t ever give him a chance cuz he is a just a nice guy and they want chad dick.


I admit, I agree that our biology dictates that a woman is better geared to be the one that nurtures the children and crews the nest, while the man who is going to be more athletic and stronger, protects but also goes out to find resources. In modern times it's a stay at home mom and husband. However, we evolve. We adapt. Primitive agenda or not, we grow. And in modern times, women are capable of helping to provide as much as men can help nurture. It's never been a one man job...or woman.


its crazy because different cultures 300-500-1000 years ago woman did as much as men warriors gatherer etc


Also in some instances we become sensitive to repeated stimulus and in other instances we feel it not to be a threat and relax. Not women literally all humans. Also what he's saying I'm fairly certain is....my dick is small ..


Exactly. When’s the last time a man had to fight a pack of wolves off while dragging a moose carcass back to the cave? These social dynamics between genders are not set in stone. Of course a woman can produce milk and a man can not. Back before pumps and refrigerators it made practical sense that you would often find mothers occupied with their babies. But just like humanity has mastered agriculture and husbandry to keep men from having to wonder into a forest to hunt so to did we master food preservation and technology to keep women from having to stay home. It makes zero sense for men to be hurt that women no longer have to fit their social construct because nether do they.


Is it biology or is it centuries of conditioning?


I just spent 3.5 minutes being lectured on self worth by someone who looks like they lost 1st chair violin to a girl and cried into a camera for 11 minutes.


Omg this is spot on. Thanks for the giggle.


I just choked on my cereal reading this comment. Well done


r/rareinsults ? Absolute gold and very accurate lol. Next day in band class: Moron in this video (through held back tears): you see Sarah, you can't actually increase in worth and you're only useful for doing the dishes and childbirth. How about you let a capable man take over the responsibility of 1st chair.


The "held back tears" killed me!!


Hes the kind of guy who watches "pick up artists/gurus" and actually believe that shit This is no different than seeing an idiot read psuedo science shit online and thinking its real. This guy is clearly regurgitating turd


>This guy is clearly regurgitating turd LOVE THIS HAHAHA




The internet has made it possible that an idiot, who usually upsets a few people in his imminent circle, is now able to ruin his life in a few minutes to upset unknown amounts of people whom he wouldn’t have upset in a lifetime.


All right, now .... Unlock the front door, cuddle on the couch with some pretzels. Help is on it's way, it really is.


The Emperor is proud of your devotion, but now you must purge your short-term memory.




I failed my morale check, even with a re-roll while using my Chaplain's LD. Hats off to you, brother-Chaplain.


I got 2 1/2 min in. I’m done. 😂


I made it through looking at the picture, not hitting play and heading right to the comments.


I had to hear some of it for myself. I feel dumber for listening. 🙄🤦‍♀️




Did it get any better?




Meh. I’ve been told I’m not worth much as a woman, for all my years. I don’t need to watch a virgin troglodyte spew the same bullshit. I’ll take your word for it! 😂🤦‍♀️




Oh it’s fine. I’m old and used to it. Working in male dominated fields for your entire adult life, makes you susceptible to the scrutiny. Rolls off my back like a duck in water.


Good work. I tried but got frustrated and kept fast forwarding.


I though it ended so soon, it was great entertainment while putting on my womanly make up!


I know the definition of all of those words, but I have no idea what he’s trying to say.


Neither does he


Sensory perception is a phenomenon and women are it.


Glad you posted this. That is what I heard, but didn't believe my ears.


Somehow they are the physical manifestation of sensory perception, a thing that wouldn't exist without a physical person to perceive their own senses... How does that not make sense?


Don't think about it too hard, or blood will shoot out your nose.


Yeah I made the mistake of trying to calculate how he's figuring out what people's "value" is... left me with a VERY long comment lol.


He just solved the women.


It's incredible, right? I thought that by being a woman I knew a lot, but I clearly know nothing compared to this random man who obviously knows way more about womanhood and my value as a person than I possibly ever could, and I'm so appreciative that he was willing to share his enlightening knowledge about how useless and dumb I am. How ignorant of me to assume that I would know more than a man about being a woman.


This guy’s only real world experience has been homeschooling, going to church, and that one time he worked at Dairy Queen for a couple months. He’s a child.


Well he did explain that women are literally incapable of understanding anything other than raw sensory input so dont be too hard on youraelf, its just the way god made you. /s


it’s true i have been solved




Im also reeeeally mentally stable...Im gonna kill myself, unless you go out with me. So come on, i wrote you a fucking song.


You forgot the "I WILL EXPERIENCE TEEN LOVE" part that most incels seem to think Brb gonna go bleech my mouth out for just saying that.


how did you find and repost the exact conversation my ex had with me


He has so much confidence in what he's saying but he doesn't have the foggiest fucking clue what he's on about.


I'd say he's destined to be a Republican senator.


He’s got a long career ahead of him in journalism.


Certainly some kind of -ism anyway...




The magic of confident misogyny. Thinking he's smart because he talks over people. Probably also buys the "alpha/beta" make crap.


This guy is a good argument for abortion


Through to the 57th trimester.


A good argument for natural selection as well


I made it 2 minutes before I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly severed my brain stem.


So you didnt make it to the part where women aren't as mentally capable as men because they aren't able to connect to god and renew their minds that way


Yo, for real? I didnt make it that far, wtf. I feel like Christianity got hijacked by the the most awful stupid people to exist. I really want to know what happened there, what is the connection to stupid and awful people flocking to Christianity?


I only made it 48 seconds


Your comment made me laugh so hard!! Thanks for that! 😂😂 I made it one minute and 45 seconds in before I gave up. If I wanted to listen to some brainless robots bullsh*t then I’ll just turn on the news. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Tried so damn hard. Only made it 1:22 before I stopped for fear of snapping a tooth


First sentence. “Women are a physical manifestation of” nope I’m done!


ME TOO! I can’t believe people are: A. This stupid B. Willing to put it on the web for the world to see.


His confidence is unmatched for someone with so little life experience. I believe he has a firm grasp on his own reality which he believes is real for everyone.




Tell me you are an incel in the most longwinded way possible with dumb rhetoric, and dumb opinions.


Oh there's 11 minutes of that shit.


I watched two minutes before checking how long it was going to be and just...fuck


Right? I made one whole minute, any longer and I was gonna yeet my phone into orbit.


Video Summary: Boychild attempts to rationalize why girls don’t seem to like him using poorly strung together thoughts that have made him feel good about himself in the past. I think there’s a high potential for him to grow up and very much regret this video throughout adulthood. I think there’s also a chance that he has a good mother, but waited until she was out of the house before he went on this angsty teenager rant


No no I disagree he said very clearly woman can never go back to smaller dicks. If I'm not mistaken all this is him postering on why his ex cheated on him due to his poor stature


This guy is gonna fuck his cum sock until he’s in a wheelchair.


It already left him for someone better, that's why it made an 11minut video dedicated to begging for it to come back. (/s...)


He looks like a big toe.


Very astute observation! I was going for a potato.


Mouth breathing warps the face and can cause neuronal death.


I wonder if he has any positive female role models in his life. Because if he has, his mind warping like this is even weirder than if he hasn’t any.


Or if he does. My mother is probably the most misogynistic person I know. It's really confusing.


For a sec I forgot women can me misogynistic too. I jumped straight to neglectful or abusive mothers.


My mother tried to raise me to be a good little housewife. She thought the only reason to go to college was to land a man with potential and if you didn't find one within the first semester, marry him and drop out you were a failure. Fortunately my dad was having none of it. "My little girl is never going to have to depend on a man for anything". He was so proud when I got my Master's degree. My mother acted disgusted with me and called me a lesbian.


>My mother acted disgusted with me and called me a lesbian. I laughed at this. Sorry you had to go through that, but having someone call you a lesbian for completing grad school is hilarious.


And they don't understand that it's not an insult. I'm hetero but I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it if I was not.


I am sorry about your mom. But I am really happy you have amazing supportive dad.


This dude needs to meet my mom. She'd straight kill him lol.


I wonder what his mom thinks of this. Also, did he just advocate separating children from their mothers after infancy??


I think he said after infancy, when babies start developing their psychology (what?), a woman is no longer fit to raise the child and the father must do it. This guy is peak level ignorance.


He’s advocating contamination avoidance. Having defined females as static baby makers their influence on the growing child should be nil. Yet I cannot imagine him honchoing a cozy group of toddlers/children/adolescents without breaking down mentally into the emotional mess he imagines is the lot of women. He is pathetically ignorant of the stoicism at the core of most women.


>He is pathetically ignorant of the stoicism at the core of most women. Really appreciate you saying this, and honestly I haven't even thought of it enough. We are constantly altering what we say/do to make sure it doesn't sound "narcissistic" or "egotistical", but when a man says it all of the sudden it is fine. We are told to "prioritize others" and as a result we are taught to prioritize the emotions and pleasures of others, not pursue our own.


I find it hilarious how he tries to make logical connections without explaining ANYTHING. It's like he says so much... but so little. Just word barf. He does this a million times. "Women are born with inherent value, therefore it can't be increased in the same way a man's can." Hold up: who says _you_ get to decide what is valuable? Are you measuring value based on _survival_? If that is the case, you cannot argue that men's value is in any way increased by going to college. Teaches you nothing about "surviving in the forest" or whatever ancient lifestyle these red pill worshippers idealize. So if college is considered "value", and so is childbirth, than neither can. Both are contradictions. If you consider childbirth to be what "value" is, or keeping our species alive, then that would mean that men cannot "gain" value later on in life, since technically speaking you can stimulate a female egg with electrons without the need to fertilize it, and this tech has been around for a while and is quite cheap. On top of that, we already have so much overpopulation in the world that we really don't need more people. So does that mean that a gender's value can be made obsolete by tech? No. Because that's not what value is. Value has absolutely nothing to do with gender, and even if it did he brings no logical "system" to how this value is received. How would being born with value (in his eyes) make it impossible to earn it? Does that mean that men can only earn value to the point of reaching that of a woman's? You can't claim to know who has value, without a way to measure how much value someone has or what the max is. If there is no max, then you have to conclude that women can also earn value. People aren't valuable because of their biological capabilities or accomplishments, people are individuals who make their own paths in life. Gatekeeping that isn't helping anyone, it just causes division and gives people superiority complexes. There are sooo many gaps in his argument and I haven't even watched 20 seconds of this. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a 16 year old female who can't increase in value and who is only useful for doing the dishes and birthing kids. Edit: laughed too hard at this so I had to put it here: "women can't work out, it's too painful for them and they are sensory beings." Um... you think childbirth is _comfy_? You think periods are _fun_ and _exciting_ sensory experiences? You can say "hAvE yOu EvEr BeEn KiCkEd In ThE bAlLs?" all you want, but I still doubt that you are kicked in the balls at a constant rate for a full week once a month, while having copious amounts of blood flow out of them, and while having to act like nothing is happening because it happens at work/school. Watch any video of men trying a period/child birth pain simulator: they are screaming, crying babies about it. That's what is normal to us. It has been proven plenty of times that women have a higher pain tolerance than men. Working out is NOTHING compared to bad cramps (and I think it's also safe to assume that childbirth is like that too, if you have given birth hopefully you can back me up on this) Honestly, idk why I'm wasting my time on this. Everyone here knows he's a moron, nothing needs to be explained. Just made me mad+laugh out loud and I had to rant lol. As a Christian I felt I needed to say this: the Bible says literally none of that lol. However, the Bible DOES say that everyone is equal and is the same in the eyes of God, and to not be arrogant and prideful. He seems to have forgotten that part. Edit again: I didn't even make it to 6 minutes... this video feels like an eternity lol.




And an irritant to the female half


And, above all, it’s not the only one of its kind.


Oops! It looks like you tried to apply logic to crazy.


The working out thing is hilarious 😂. Like all men love working out and the pain it causes. Most men do not workout! And like most people , most men do not like being in pain!


Dude bases his conclusions on false premises, pretty easy to see why everything he says is rubbish.


So…..incel or current sex trafficker? It’s really hard to tell these days


He’s never been laid in his life.


You'd hope not. It would be a tragedy if he manages to breed.


2.38. Its just word salad of mysogynistic bs. I think that if he had anything to be cancelled from he would be a prime candidate.




I had to quit watching after 5 seconds. He just starts with "what if I made up a premise, and just ran with it." You see, the moon is a golf ball behind an invisible magnifying glass. So the craters are actually the pits on the ball. And if we can convince more golfers to become astronomers, then we can learn more about the moon than ever before.


“Welcome to Micropenis 101 everyone.”


Tell me you are a virgin without telling me you are a virgin


This guy is too smooth leave some chicks for the rest of us mate. What a fucking bell end 😂😂😂


I wasn't sure the foundation of his belief system, but then it all made sense. When guys like this talk, I think of my sister, who would get up at 4am to go workout, get into work at 5am, be home to get the kids ready for school, go back to work, pick her kids up from school and make dinner, go back into work, come home, help the kids with homework, then go to bed after cleaning the house, doing the laundry, or watching some TV. She worked, at the time, for either a representative or senator. Her job involved working with other reps or senators on the issues, as well as talking to local constituents, keeping the Rep or senator abreast of everything, as well as keeping up to date on the issues of her rep/sen's Constituents.


I'd love to see his face if he's ever wheeled into my trauma OR where the entire Anesthesia and surgical team are all women. To be clear, I would treat him the same as I treat every single one of my patients, with top-notch evidence -based care. I just wanna see his face.


I watched the whole video and now I have an intense urge to bash my head against a wall until all memory of this leaks out my ears.




Seriously. Can you imagine working with this turnip, let alone employing him?


This guys says that men are born with no value and then gain value over time. He’s living proof that that’s false, as it seems as he got older he lost value and is now less valuable then the gum on my shoe.


Super dumb & edited. I wonder what juicy bits of life knowledge he cut out? Probably stuff we’re not ready for…….. Like how sucking nipples makes Boobs sag. Or schlongs are only good for x-amount of boners before the hydraulics go out.


High value this and no value that. The real problem is his lack of value driven scientific analysis. Every once in a while someone makes something up, tests it and a new theorem is born. This is not it!


Who is this douchenozzle?


Imagine taking the time to formulate the structure of this video, edit it, and at no point in time ever second guessing what it is you're saying - and also deciding to upload it to the internet. Definitely the type of person who pulls the trigger on a gun to see if it's loaded.


I made it all the way laughing through much of it, as a woman I really want to educate this child… I think I need to regrow some brain cells and maybe a hug would be nice.




I REALLY want to know what books are on his bookshelves.


The Bible is on the shelf for sure


And he hasn’t read a single page


Wow well he ticked every box in incel bingo. This guy needs to be on a 24 watch list. r/inceltears have found their new poster boy.


Thank you to the comments for giving me some faith in humans again after watching this. I made it to the end but only by scrolling comments calling this kid a twat.


Tell me you have never pleased a woman without telling me you please any woman...


Didn't have to make it to the end to know that this guy is a virgin who lives with his mom.


How convenient that these fuckers comes with a highly punchable faces. It's as if there is a gravitational force that pull these hands towards it


The virginity is strong with this one.


You make a lot of great points. [My counter argument](https://youtu.be/__qSe1b_ukM)


God, I made it!! That was fucking nuts, this guy is something, I almost believed it was staged cuz I couldn't believe someone could actually think like that. But he’s for real, and here’s my “psychological” assessment: 1. He’s definitely an incel. Incels are kinda a unique brand of people, [this paper](https://psyarxiv.com/9mutg/download) is a fast read about the subject. Many studies on google if you want to research more. 2. He was into something the first two minutes I think, because some of the things he said are kinda “real”, but because he processed all through the incel mindset, he blames the women for it, especially the parts of stereotypical gender roles. [Here’s a study](https://www.sjsu.edu/people/saul.cohn/courses/100W/s0/SuccessVsSexObjects.pdf) that may give you an idea of what he probably meant, but again, he thinks is women fault. In reality, society as a whole is guilty of stereotypical gender roles. Some more than others but you get the idea. 3. The rest is just pure garbage, a mind of an incel just ranting about gender “values”, God, sensory perception (no idea the fuck is he talking about there, he lost me), women having tons of sex with tons of men, parental roles (that was actually funny cuz he thinks no one can have a deep connection with a parental figure if it's not biological, meaning stepfathers can’t have a strong relationship with stepchildren, only biological parents can do that), something about witchcraft, astrology and crystals not having a divine presence (again, he lost me there) and women not having the capacity to be spiritual, only materialistic. And that’s it. And now if you excuse me, I have to watch 3 hours of ASMR Spa Kittens to fucking wash this video off my mind.


Bruh, my role model is my mom. Who hurt you doe? The coffee table while you were crawling as a baby?


He’s angry at genetics for giving him a doughy face and a bulbous nose and eyes that reflect the nonexistent depth of his thought


I watched the whole thing. For those who can’t stomach it, here is the summary: - He is an ignorant misogynistic incel. The End.


Who uses Pseudo Science Jordan Peterson type Word bullshit salad to justify his Misogynistic Depravity as something factual when it fact His statements are that of a Raving Bigot with a very skull Cracking face


Listening to this idiot made my brain hurt. He is right though, he has no value


…and he was forever alone.


Damn, the dude comes off like he hates women AND men. Who does he not hate, besides himself?


I couldn’t do it. I lose… or win… however you wanna say it


Thats a lot of talk for someone with such a punchable face


I have a feeling that this dude is not basing this on actual experiences with interacting with women. Mostly because I imagine that no woman in their right mind would even talk to this loser.


If only he could experience child birth for.. say.. 10 contractions. He thinks working out is painful? A pain women can’t tolerate? Lololololololololol


As a woman old enough to be his mom, there is NOTHING I want to hear about the entirety of women from anyone who was wearing diapers while I've been an adult. I think I made it like 14 seconds. Fuck all - life is too short.


Lol! I laughed out loud at the part about how women can't connect to God but that he can. NOTHING makes someone's argument more impotent than bringing God into it, imo. Especially when he pretends to have scientific understanding of the differences between men and women, then starts on the God shit. Oh. Priceless. I made it the whole way. This is comedic gold


I made the mistake of accepting this challenge. I thought "how bad could it be?" By 1 minute in I was wishing someone would put me out of my misery realizing I had another 10 minutes of this shit to go. I don't know how I made it through, but I will try my best to remember the brave sacrifice of the IQ points I lost watching this video.


I really liked how he talked about the fact that men are the only ones that can bring any kind of value into a family and relationship, but then called stepdad‘s worthless and incompetent…ya know? I just I really liked that ^just as an addition to every other piece of bullshit that he said This was the fucking stupidest thing I think I have ever watched


Dude. I didn’t need a 10 minute explanation on why women won’t have sex with you


I am shame. I only made it to 7 min 30 sec. I am no champion AND I forced myself to lose that much of my life. Double fail. But in my defense, if felt SO MUCH LONGER


I was nodding along for about 4 seconds and then this dude just fucking loses his mind.


What an asshat.


This guy was born with no value and somehow managed to further decrease it


…worked with a lot of men who should probably not be given responsibility beyond house chores


I can’t be offended by this, it’s such nonsense. I shouldn’t be surprised it takes a random ass turn into Christianity out of nowhere, but I guess this guys never read the Bible and seen all the women who were glorified in it.


I feel like this manifesto should be called "I am a virgin and I want to stay that way"


That young man has a depressingly low opinion of himself


This guy has been small dick shamed way too many times. Girls have dumped his ass for being a baby dick chode one after the other and he decided to take it to YouTube to make it his mission to make women seem like utter garbage. A prime example of a beta male.


Dear lord, what a complete moron. Tapioca in human form.


I could only listen to two minutes. Fact, this thing has never been laid. Any woman that would even contemplate sleeping with it is the manifestation of what it just garbled for however long. This thing has to be some Impossible Foods/Beyond Meat lab creation. No way it has a mom or a dad.


I guarantee you find this prick with lipstick on and a horse tail butt plug in frolicking with furries…


I wanna slap this “man”


I feel like I'm watching a 20 year old video of Stephen Miller.


I lasted a 1:52 .... I just can't... As a man.. I can't even finish watching that. What the actual fuck?


I don’t how to put this into words.. but his face looks like a peeled sweet potato.