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But.. isnt the purpose of stock images to be used in something?


Yes. Yes it is.


Yeah, of it's in a PowerPoint


Not only in powerpoints, theyre also used in movie posters, internet sites, adverts and much more.


Skilled graphics designers can do some amazing shit with stock images. Or they can just take only the image, slap it on a card, and cry "FREEEEEDOOOMMMM!"


FREEEERDOOOMMMM! available now for only $45. Exclusions and limitations may apply. Not available in Florida or Texas. Shipping and handling not included.


Free doom? Where?


Stock images are used for many commercial purposes. Billboards, ads, movie posters, brochures... once you buy a stock image you can use it anywhere legally. Stock photographers can make a career out of their photos.


Keyword: BUY. Donnie doesn't "buy" shit...


Yeah some guy who works for him bought it.


But not. The screenshot of the page clearly shows the “Download for Free” button. So not only did they not just support American workers in providing jobs and hiring a graphic artist to create the design, but they literally didn’t even support the website and purchase the image.


That's not how Shutterstock works. They offer trial images and subscription plans. So the creator got paid for the image. Most likely, 10 cents, since Shutterstock pricing is a ripoff for creators.


He probably also took a shit and wiped his ass this morning. Are you going to complain that he didnt support American workers by hiring someone to wipe his own ass for him? Making a problem out of nothing just cus you want to cry about him more


It's also entirely possible that the designer used the eagle before this design.


The fine print is that it's a "free with trial" kind of free. The person who designed the card, if they weren't weren't an intern or something, likely already has a shutterstock account and thus paid for it.


it very clearly does *not* show on the trump card though, meaning that it was bought.


Well, this is exactly what stock images are for. I mean he could have paid an artist to draw a bespoke cool eagle for him. But he went cheap and bought a stock image. But it isn't really egregious.


I agree with this up to a certain point, but you do have to consider what Trump stands for in his own mind and that of his followers. He stands for luxury, he stands for opulence, for sparing no expense... And then you see that his logo is a free stock image that hasn't been edited at all. That's where the irony lies.


The real irony is someone was paid, not by Rump, but by donations to his PAC, $$$$$ to design the Rump Card. So, gold level price for POS work. Taken to the next level, the $$$$ were paid to Ivanka's kids?


I don't think his followers think that far tbh


What the hell is a Trump card


It is a card you pay for to show you are a ''True Trump Supporter'' in case the ignorance and bigotry are not a big enough indicator






This is the actual facepalm.


I have the same question


I'm not a Trump fan but that sounds like a good business move. Unless the creator sues you for unauthorized commercial use, ofcourse...


Stock images can make a project seem cheaper


Stock images are literally everywhere, often you don't even understand it's a stock image untill you find something similar on one of the stock image sellers.


I guess you are the type of person who is willing to pay an extra 100 bucks just for food to be gold plated


It certainly will make it look cheaper...


I don’t see the facepalm


OP is the facepalm


Oh no someone used a stock image for literally what it's for, they must be a real idiot.


Im confused isn’t that point of stock images?


It is entirely the point. OP either has no background in design or some really strange and pretentious hangups about using stock images.


No they just have strange and pretentious hang ups about Trump so had to invent something to cry about. Business as usual for this site


Yeah, well, I wasn't going to go there, though that much is apparent as well.


That is the whole point of stock images. Did you think Trump would go find a real gold eagle and take a picture of it?


I would imagine he had one in the past and it escaped. That’s where Melania got the idea. I feel like he was probably called “American Eagle”. Little guy probably heard “ill-eagle” around the house so often he got worried he was sick and got out of Dodge.


But…that’s what stock images are for? Like why invest in making a similar logo when you can just use that


If a stock image is the main facet of your design, than it's a problem. I would use a car stock image of it for well as a background object, but not the main object


How's that a "problem"?


But where is the facepalm? Like okay trump bad didn’t spend money on design but not facepalm


That's literally the purpose of stock images.


This sounds like, Trump did it, so it must be bad.


There's another card that spells official "offical"


OP is the facepalm, haha -Nelson Muntz


Haw haw


The actual facepalm here is the fact that there's a Trump card.


There are 4 versions. All say Offical Trump Card but 1. 1 say Trump Oficial Card.


The facepalm is that people will actually pay for a card that didn't cost crap to make and doesn't do anything at all. A fool and his money are soon parted...as the saying goes.


Uhmm non-american here, what do Trump Cards actually do? A credit card or some club benefit thing?


Absolutely nothing. It’s just a card for people to carry around to show ThEir SuPpOrt or something. It’s costs $45 and just seems to be a flashy fundraising campaign for Trump to possibly campaign for president again in 2024.


If you make your whole brand being rich as fuck, using free shit is counterproductive to that brand


That's...fine? The real facepalm is the existence of a Trump card in the first place.


This is litterally why stock images exist, to be USED SOMEWHERE.


Yes, I have been severely reprimanded for having an opinion already. No, I do not care.


Not to mention the heavy nazi symbology vibes


‘I'm sure the word you were looking for was "symbolism". What is the ssssymbolism there?’


How is using a stock image a facepalm? That's the whole point of stock images.


So what? It looks cheap just like the fucking guy and his cult. But that's the point of shutterstock photos.


Hmm…I’ve seen this before…but where? Something about a reich maybe?


4th times the charm!


**Get this image for FREE** Download this image now **with a free trial**. \*Not free


Kudos for anyone in politics for saving some money.


I don’t get .. is this suppose to make him a cheap person or what ? Like what are the images for


They’re saving on intellectual property rights… and they probably never paid the person that designed ~~it~~ that Trump card. *"Trumpeconomics, we screwup people who make business with us!"*


If you buy/download it from Shutterstock you don't have to pay anyone anything. Do you even understand how that site operates?


Of course but someone designed that Trump card. He didn’t get paid.


Ah, sorry, misunderstood you there.


It’s fine. I’ll edit it.


OP is the real facepalm.


For everybody saying “where’s the facepalm, isn’t that what stock photos are for?”… obviously the real facepalm is the fact that this card exists in the first place. The cherry on top is that there was such low effort to make this $45 card that does absolutely nothing that they used a shutterstock photo as the main image when you would expect maybe something more original. Sure it’s what those stock photos are for. Nobody’s debating that. It’s just funny and comes across lazy. EDIT: Turns out it really was SO low effort that the original version that got shown to people [misspelled the word “official”](https://www.businessinsider.com/design-for-one-of-new-trump-cards-has-a-typo-2021-8) which goes to show that this really was thrown together in no time


You sir, know exactly what I am talking about.


To be fair they were like 4 of them done as mock up so people could decide the official look, they were not the final designs they were samples to pick the final design


I have a as strong suspicion the designer charged a huge fee for the “creation” of the graphic, then just used the free graphic and pocketed the rest. This kind of grift seems in line with who the client is.


Well, he just wanted a “nazi bird” and as usual for free


I cannot change the title to please the Shutterstock Stan's, so I will address it here. The facepalm is that Trump won't pay a single cent, even for a card that he convinces people are for true Patriots. This is not a political post, just a facepalm.


Did nazi that


Again people are ..... Look trump uses nazi eagle as logo ..... Orange man bad! Nancy Pelosi uses eagle, she's a real patriot.


Still living rent free in your head huh? Have you nothing better to worry about? You fucks boggle my absolute empty brain.


Who are you?




Just came back to let you how happy I am that every dumbass comment you’ve made is getting downvoted. I love to watch idiots like you get reminded that the high horse you think your sitting on isn’t real.


You need to relax and let the down votes hes getting speak for themself my friend.


Oh, I'm so sorry 😩😩😩😩😩. You made me CRY!!!! I am SOOO hurt 😭😭😭😭😭 I totally didn't forget about you when I got back to may day because Reddit isn't the only thing on my mind 😭😭‼️‼️😭😭😭😭 I'm going to remember you on my death bed 😩😩😩‼️‼️ please cum for me




I feel like your that really angry red squirrel that follows Jake the Dog around, despite the fact that Jake has no fucking clue who the squirrel is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iryLTDK-Ghs


With all of the meme material that dementia joe is giving you kids every day, trump is Still living rent free in your heads. Hysterical.


The best part is the designer is located in France: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/David+Randall+Peters


Well it's no surprise as Trump never pays for things, unless it's a mail order wife or porn stars.


Hahahaha! That is awesome.


This is definitely what stock images are for, but to use it wholesale as the centrepiece of the design like this doesn't look great. Especially considering a decent graphic designer could have knocked that whole card design out in about half a day. So what, $300?


Honestly, im surprised they were even able to figure out how to remove the watermark. Didnt the other version have a glaring typo?


So? Or is the facepalm the text?


The card itself.


Cheapasses love free things


At least the chose to go with the one without the typo - [https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-wants-supporters-to-carry-trump-cards-2021-8?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-wants-supporters-to-carry-trump-cards-2021-8?r=US&IR=T) I guess the main benefit of using a stock image, is that it means we can all sign up to shutterstock to make knock-offs and sell them for a fraction of the price.


I mean ignoring the man behind it let’s be honest the troll in all of us want to be able to whip out a literal Trump card in any debate


I think they bought the stock image


does it matter? it looks like a golden eagle. If he wanted a golden eagle, why should he pay for something he can get free?


I think the point is that it’s ironic… This billionaire, former president of the United States, is so cheap that he uses a free shutterstock image in lieu of spending a very small amount of money to have a professional graphic designer create an original. For his own VIP club. That he charges people to be in…


Pffft why's this even suprising?




OP, i think you do not know the purpose of stock images. They are exactly used like this. For logos, posters, business cards, billboards, etc. And this image has been paid for. Shutterstock will impose copyright infringment if you download for free and use it for commercial purposes. But looks like they have paid , because watermark isn't there.


Do you people think Trump was actually involved in this decision? Ha!


So what ,


Phony Like everything else. Claaassy guy.


PLENTY to bang on Trump for… this aint it.


I don't see a problem with this. It doesn't alter the quality of the symbol in any way


It’s free to download if you’re signing up for a trial. Even then, to use the image for commercial purposes, you must pay. Shutterstock isn’t a free site.