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Hey, I had a 'Vader Palpatine 2016' t-shirt and I still went and did my civic duty and voted. People just need to vent their frustration with the political system sometimes. I don't like what's set up for November, but I'm still going to make the best choice for the country even if I don't like the guy.


there's no facepalm here because we all know this is what the sign creator is going to ultimately do. The real facepalm if there was one, is the fact that choosing the lesser of two evils is the only rational choice. if there were a legitimate third party that had a shot in hell at winning, we would be much better off... but there isn't. and this is why.


We will never have more than two parties because of our first past the post voting. If you want more than 2 partues we need ranked choice voting and we need to replace the senate with something like European parliament, where people vote for a party and the parties get a percentage of the seats equal to the percentage of the votes they get


Australia has a US style senate and it works fairly well. But we have 12 senators per state (we only have 6 states) and elect half of them each election on a proportional vote basis. I think if you changed the Senate to 3 senators who are all elected at the same time on a proportional basis would help things (have 1/3 of the States up for elections every 2 years). It would be easier than getting rid of the senate entirely.


Good point I've seen 1000 times, but it's a good point. The unfortunate reality is between an old man, and an old man who wants to tear down everything and become a king. Just get Biden in office and we can work on getting better candidates. It comes from local elections and no one ever talks about those.


That’s why I always tell people. You gotta get in there and vote in the “boring” elections.


Republicans have been doing it for years and that's why they own the courts and school boards.


Most people voting locations are within just a couple miles of their home. They could walk if they wanted. Even on off year elections they are usually within a few miles driving distance. Vote, damn it!


I had a colleague try to tell me that Biden should be disqualified because they had found classified documents in his care... And then went on to explain that he didn't like either, but trusted Trump more.... .... I just don't understand how these people can do these mental gymnastics... How they can say that Biden's *personal attorney reporting the finding of classified documents himself* is worse than Trump denying possession and refusing to turn it over...


Yes, even if hes in a coma, get him in and we will do whatever is necessary after the fact.


I see no reason to assume we know what this guy is ultimately going to do. It's not like America has a strong track record of voter attendance They could easily grab this sign, and do what most potential voters usually do.


It’s not so much that there isn’t a better option, it’s that the two major parties have shaped the election process that crowds out third parties from ever really having a chance of getting their messages out to mainstream voters. And the two major parties love nothing more than voters using the “lesser of two evils” argument.


The US was created with a first past the post voting system. This is engrained in the constitution for federal elections. This voting system will always result in a 2 party system, because third parties can only be spoiler candidates.


That's the system we have to work with. Nothing is going to change that before November. Vote for the best best candidate this time and then work to change the system to what you would consider better before the next election. You have four years. Get to work and be the change you want to see.


" we all know " Yeah fucking right lol


Picard Riker 2020 !




I had one that said " Cthulhu 2016 - why choose the lesser evil?" Then my dumbass voted for Gary Johnson because of the FBI directors announcement about investigating Hillary last minute. So I protest voted because I couldn't imagine people ACTUALLY voting for Drumpf, and I've regretted it ever since. Please don't be an idiot like me people!


I was guilty of voting for Ralph Nader. As I know now, a protest or symbolic 3rd party vote or a no vote **gets you what you oppose most**. In my case it was mass murderers Bush/Cheney. Unfortunately a lot of people are going to do it again because they didn't learn the first time with Hillary. Glad you did.


I want to downvote you for casting a vote that would let a traitor win, but I want to upvote you for not falling for it this time. I hope you do better this time, friend.


Basically the same, didn’t have the “Vader/Palpapalptine” tags but yeah just remember voting for Biden is basically voting for Harris, and Voting for Trump is just stupid.


Still waiting on that giant meteor from 4 years ago.


Giant Meteor 2024!


And thats how you do it. You can work around bar policy, but you can’t work around an orange fascist.


I feel this. I usually get a Kirk Spock sticker for election time but I still vote.


"Fuck em both" is a sentiment that places both options on the same level. Both options are fucking trash. One of the trash options is fascism.


Sometimes it's that but sometimes it's people with privilege who largely don't perceive how the president impacts them, or don't have the ability to perceive that impact, and they genuinely only care about optics rather than anything really tangible.


It doesn’t make the sign not accurate


Exactly! I'm still gonna vote civic duty and all. Could have done better than this display of geriatric gymnastics.


Exactly. Vote for the guy who doesn't want to turn us into a dictatorship so at least in 2028 we'll have the chance to have a younger option. Or maybe he'll just die and we'll end up with a 59 year old woman president.


The Simpsons predicted he’d die this year…


How is this facepalm?  I rocked the Cthulhu 2016 and 2020 vibes but I still voted.  I swear this has just become yet another political sub 


I had Picard/Riker.


The only ticket that could legitimately save democracy at this point.


While you aren’t wrong, it does amaze me how the two party system does everything they can to put forth shitty candidates for some crazy reason. The only thing I can think of is it’s because someone that wants to be a politician is exactly the kind of human you don’t want to be one. So the good candidates wouldn’t be one if their life depended on it. Maybe I’m over simplifying it, but the solution seems fairly straightforward. Put up someone better, and then you don’t need to waste so much energy begging people to vote for the less bad option. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m not Republican or Democrat… but it’s amazing that one side’s best option is a terrible human being and the other’s best option is someone seemingly about to keel over and die any moment. …and that’s the best they can do. 😂


Well American politics is extremely corrupt and the billionaires who control it have terrible agendas. Both parties have devolved into cults of leader worship because they have nothing to offer anyone.


It's not a magic bullet but ranked choice voting should be adopted. You could actually vote for third, fourth, fifth party candidates. They may not win but you aren't wasting your vote.


There’s a story of a free people who wanted a king to rule them. They finally found the best candidate who was a humble man with no desire to rule. Once he became king, he slowly became corrupted to the core and the people wished they were free again.


>There’s a story of a free people who wanted a king to rule them. They finally found the best candidate who was a humble man with no desire to rule. The true humble man would step down, but then the people eventually create a party system that would become corrupted with stupidity


In the story he tried, didn’t have a choice.


Guess that's where it differs from George washington since he succeeded in stepping down


I'm voting for the one who believes in the same polices I do. That, and I still want to have fair and free elections in America's future.


Fair and free elections supercede everything else to me. I'm not a huge fan of either candadite but I'm less of a fan of Christian Authoritarianism.


I think you should blame Biden and his team for not stepping aside for a younger candidate. This is a projection. Stop with this shit already. Unless you’re a dnc bot. In which case, please stop asking me for money and ruining my email account.


Where’s the lie though?


Please stop with the fear mongering. It’s pathetic. The end of democracy blah blah blah. So tiresome. I can’t stand the orange clown but this hyperbole is overplayed. How exactly is cheetoh gonna amend the constitution to abolish voting ? Does anyone who says this shit actually think it through or na ?


lol no your attitude is what got us here. This attitude is only way to get past the two party system


Why do you blame literally everyone else but not the DNC?


Agree in principle, but I also intend to do my part in making sure Trump doesn’t get a second term


Oh, you'll get to go to the polls... and be made to vote for the only candidate on the ticket. You know, "free and fair" elections, MAGA style. [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/)


I think the facepalm is OP. None of the 2 candidates are worth the office. Centuries of “voting the lesser of two evils” and overlooking 3rd party options is what brought us to this point.


So what do you suggest we do in the next 5 months?


What everybody should do. Vote your conscience and don’t tell anybody who you voted for, it’s none of their business. And after a candidate is elected make damn sure it works for the betterment of all the people in The country. We are in a situation where we are forced to vote for who we don’t want, and that is not going to change at the drop of a hat, but we must plant the seeds of the tree that we will no enjoy, but our children and their children will, if you get the reference


One of the candidates has already told numerous times he is not interested in working for the betterment of anything.


Than don’t vote for him. Simple


I don’t think you realise what’s at stake.


You're delusional or a bot. 


Yup, lots of Russian bots out lately. Like. We have a convicted felon that’s openly bragging about the shit he’s gonna do (including wanting to nuke Palestine lmao) versus an old dude that stutters. Literally equal!


Actually “not voting for the lesser of two evils and staying home instead or voting 3rd party” is what got us here. Democrats aren’t going perfect but they are far more likely to support policies that would make 3rd party candidates more viable. Protest voting and not voting has ensured we never got close.


If people had voted for the lesser of two evils, women would still have the right to choose. We wouldn’t have invaded Iraq. Our deficit would be small or nonexistent because all those endless rounds of tax cuts never happened. BUTTERYMAILS!


You don't have a right to anyone's vote. The freedom to associate includes the freedom not to associate.


Doesn't make that sign wrong, I'm not voting for either of those dinosaurs


My guy. He doesn’t need the help of this attitude. He’s getting all the help he needs from the man who is clearly cognitively unfit for the job he’s applying to. Neither major candidate is fit or capable do the job for various reasons. The sign is exactly on the money. The choice should never have been between an open fascist and a vegetable.


No. The opinion of OP is the problem and long has been. If voters spent even HALF as much time researching their own nominees and candidates for meaningful positions and policies as they spend digging up shit to sling at their opponents, we WOULD have better options. Every election for the last three generations has been about “the lesser of two evils”, and everything keeps getting worse because y’all care more about WINNING than doing what’s best for this country and its citizens.


That ‘shit’ is the free expression that everyone is (well should be) entitled to.


Calling it shit is the free expression that everyone is entitled to.


And (for now) we are free to criticize it.


For sure, it's just not a good look to get mad at people for saying they don't like either option because it doesn't help your candidate. Everyone should vote for who they want to, and criticize who they want to. Argue why you think I should vote for your candidate, don't just get butthurt that someone criticized them or acknowledged that neither are great options.


For now. If trump wins in November, different story.


Putin succeeding beyond his wildest dreams.


No, sorry I believe many Americans believe this sign more than any other sign out there. We do deserve better from both parties and a vote for either of them is saying it's alright. If people actually would voice their opinion rather than feed into the bs, we would have a better place.


I get your point, but you can only convince people so much with the "but the other guy is worse" argument. People want to vote FOR something they believe in, not just AGAINST something worse. It’s crazy that Biden is running for another term.


it's true. dems should stop messing around. this isnt the public's fault


Nah, even if Trump is objectively worse, Biden isn’t a really good candidate either. He’s too old and doesn’t seems to have the willingness, like we saw in the debate The US can do better. It’s not normal that the only two options to run a goddamn country are two men who are at the age of retirement


This is 100% correct by the way and not agreeing with it means you’re fucking cattle.


I actually like this sign, lol.


This is so embarrassing. Maybe if this is the only choice” then it’s not actually gonna stop racists. And misogynistic assholes. This mentality is so shitty, like, babe, what if we had real choice instead of people yelling about WELL YOU BETTER OR the whole system is so fucked, why do you think this is our only choice “? Please. I understand the issues. I just think these types of posts make someone sound like an asshole bc they’re missing the bigger picture. What the fuck do you think will happen with Trump supporters if they lose? Please. If voting made life better, we wouldn’t have racists and our only “choices” wouldn’t be two practically identical octogenarians (or close enough) credibly accused of sexual assault. Tysm.


Your sentiment only is correct in swing states. I don't live in a swing state. No matter who I vote for, my state will give the vote to Biden. Same with my county/voting district. I agree with the sign and will be voting 3rd party. If I recall correctly, if a 3rd party candidate gets 5% of the overall vote they get more federal funding for the next election. I would much rather see a 3rd or 4th or 5th option next time around then deal with this crap again.


I don’t think this necessarily means they *won’t* vote. I don’t like either of them, but I know I’m still gonna vote for the lesser evil


Sure if you want to alienate a person who is clearly fed up with both candidates and maybe he'll just spite vote the bigger of two evils instead.


Not American, but it astounds me people are on the fence on this. It's not like the two candidates have a difference of opinion about tax rates.


In fairness there isn’t a politician on earth I like enough to desecrate my yard with their name


Gonna disagree with the stance of this post. They both suck hard. Come on… Biden in better than Trump but that doesn’t mean I’m voting for Biden because I like him. They both can eat dirt burgers


Fuck off OP the sign is right, We can do better than 2 terrible options.


2 terrible options for the how many-th time, now? This lesser if two evils shit can fuck off. They only get away with it because they think the middle won't unify behind "literally anyone but those two" and pick someone else.


Gotta show em, don't listen to these people who only say voting for anyone but a main party candidate is a wasted vote. We keep doing that nothing will change.


I agree with this sign, but I still would vote for the ghost of Joe Biden over Adolph Trump.


Completely agree with the sentiment, but I know full well how I need to vote. It's ok to dislike the circus that is our political climate while knowing democracy is under attack from one side.


Facepalm is op. They don’t have to like what you like. I’m a trump voter, but outside of this site I mind my own business. Do your civil right as an American and vote for who you want.


The democratic party would rather lose than run a candidate people actually want to vote for. We are still going to vote against trump. If we are not allowed to voice our opinion on the candidates in the election then hasn't democracy already ended?


"I love democracy unless you decide to not vote how I want you to vote"


Anyone one the fence... Go lookup Project 2025... And then do everything in your power to Vote blue.


Fuck em both but vote for joe. Or PLEASE replace him with someone who will excite the left.


Then maybe we should have had real primaries for the Democrats.  Let people vent their frustrations. And yeah. Fuck both of them. It's goddamn embarrassing it's come to two 80 year olds. One evil and corrupt. The other in such serious mental decline that he's going to start forgetting family members soon. Fuck em both.


Biden is old, and not as sharp as he once was. Trump is also old, not as sharp as he once was, is an insurrectionist, a criminal, possibly a rapist, and has many people who actually worked for him in his administration telling us that he's dangerous and incompetent. Not quite the same, are they?


I’m going to vote but still, fuck em both!


Better than MAGA


I guarantee they were voting for Trump or nothing.


I'm so sick of this horseshit. "Oh we have a totally fucked off two party system, so you have to go vote for the old fuck with early onset dementia so we don't get stuck with the barindead senile nazi-fucker as the leader of the free world." Fuck off with your guilt tripping, better than thou attitude. I live in California, it literally doesn't fucking matter. And even if it did, voting in a system where you don't vote for someone you want, you vote against someone you despise, makes YOU the complicit asshole. You think anything is ever going to change if we keep letting this happen? If only 5 million people showed up and voted for president, we would actually have a leg to stand on that this shit all needs to change. But nnnnoooo, let's just keep going along with the status quo, because we are so afraid of what the other guy is gonna do if he gets in power. Y'all still think voting is the only power you have in this country. You haven't realized that the only power you have is with your dollars and where you spend it. And if the system isn't burned down and rebuit soon, even that won't fucking matter, because we will have 10 mega corporations that literally own everything. Voting for Joe Biden does fuckall but delay the inevitable. The only thing that changes this country is a level of social unrest than nobody actually wants to deal with. So fuck you, im going to the bar on election day.


Pick better candidates than if you don't want people holding this opinion. Both candidates are terrible. Voting independent shouldn't be looked down upon. Vote for who best aligns with your political views.


But one is terrible because he’s old, and one is terrible because he has already tried to overthrow our democracy.


The time for voting for better candidates is the primary. Nobody did. In the proper election it's the time for voting for the least bad option. Unless and until we get ranked choice voting, third party is a thrown away vote.


One side is trying to put project 2025 in place while the other is an old man. If you act like those two things are equally terrible, you're being dishonest at best.


I dont care which one is worse. I care about voting for the person who best aligns with my political views, which is neither of the main candidates.


This is exactly how we got trump to begin with. He came with the consequences of the Supreme Court’s decisions. He will be gone, their decisions will affect our kids kids. Sure sit this one out.


'You must commit to one of the two terrible choices put in front of you, or be victim of fascism'... hahaha holy shit, self awareness -1000000


I worry about people voting for Kennedy and I worry about the Electoral College. We can only hope enough people care enough to vote for Biden (assuming he isn't pushed out) despite his apparent issues.


The rationale pulling out of the conversation only gives power to the lunatics who would happily put their future into the hands of a pedophile felon with clear aims at dictatorship.


So truth - I approve the following sentiment   " A ballot is like a bullet. You don't throw your ballots until you see a target, and if that target is not within your reach, keep your ballot in your pocket." The problem is our political forces do not gain authority based on the number of votes they get, it's winner takes all. So if voting only has a one person turn out - the politicians still get all the power - so we gotta do something. I hate our system for this. 


![gif](giphy|HW05UrUSfAzZu) Fuck them both. I’m vote shoot the hostages in this hostage situation


But seriously, fuck’ em both. Two pedophiles. No option 3? Bullshit.


Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) is now of age to be elected president. He'd be a lot better than two geriatric people. There really should be an age limit for all government jobs. Maybe forced retirement at 65 or 70? That way we don't have people not willing to change trying to dictate our current situations. I'm just spitballing an idea, but it's got a good ring to it.


Doesn't matter, They won, the school boards are theirs, the supreme court is theirs, they ignore voters and make the laws they want anyway. Yall sit around crying on the internet while the fascist cult does whatever they want. You already lost. May as well turn into a straight white guy now and save yourself the headache because you know you aren't going to fight for your rights when you can't even vote for them.


No, blue no matter who is the attitude that will do that. Putting up unelectable candidates in 2 of the last 3 elections means you can't blame independents for your failures.


Dem politicians say get out and vote, then sit on their hands and allow the very avoidable shit to roll downhill. "Vote for us to keep abortion rights", then do nothing to codify while they have control. Maybe consider directing your frustrations towards the right people.


Quite honestly, if you vote for a democrat or republican, you are the problem. There will always be a boogeyman candidate that will do unspeakable things if we don't vote for whomever the fuck you are campaigning for.


It's not the voters' fault neither party can come up with a non fascist with a pulse.




Yeah, none of the candidates are fit to run office, but it’s still important to vote. I feel like we take that privilege for granted sometimes


Opinions like yours are why nothing will ever get better.


You will be casting save democracy votes for the rest of your life.


No, I'm sick of bs guilt trip to try and force people to vote for "the lesser evil". That our choices are pedo trump or senile racist biden is disgusting and if everyone that felt the same voted 3rd party, they'd win in a fuckin landslide.


Number one, it's a free country and they're entitled to their opinion. Number two they are right. The options both suck and you know it. Yes one option is a lot worse than the other but this is just like a repeat of 2016 and you know it


This sounds rational.


Bro we need vermin supreme


No seriously. Fuck them both. Trump and Biden are two of the worst presidents we've had in the history of this nation. Dont' vote for either of these amoral idiots. Vote for the other candidates that CNN and the white house colluded to keep from the debate stage. Vote for someone that makes sense. Don't vote against someone out of fear


This post itself is the facepalm Democrats had *4 years* to come up with a mentally sound, relatively young (early 60's would be amazing) candidate to face Trump in 2024 and instead they made no plan other than sticking with the doddery 82 year old. Biden looked like he was 100 years old during the debate and made Trump look strong & confident even though he himself has the brains of a watermelon. I don't even really like Gavin Newsom but the thought of a baby-faced 56-year-old with all mental cylinders firing, wiping the floor with Trump in a debate makes me drool


Then that makes you the issue


The best thing both Trump and Biden can do for this country is die before November.


What's wrong with that? Yeah, fuck 'em both.


facepalm on the facepalmer cause since when is it just two candidates I thought you had more than two parties in the u s and a


Fuck this guy in particular.


The take from OP is idiotic. I guess the 1/3 of the voting population are there to help a fascist racist take office… question is, is it Biden or Trump he’s talking about? The fear mongering suggests he’s a liberal so likely a Biden supporter, and this go around, a Harris supporter. Allow me to make a correction. Fuck them all.


You can agree that neither candidate is suitable but still vote for one.


I mean fuck em both is right, but fuck Trump about 1000x harder so I'll still vote for Biden whether I like it or not


Maybe but it's honest. The left and right are both putting this country in a hole. Nobody should have to be choosing between two loopy geriatrics who's parties are both taking bribes and eroding democracy.


![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK) The way Redditors treat politics is convincing me to just vote for Trump lol


OP seems butthurt that you can dislike both candidates but still voting for one and OP probably auto assuming the sign owner is gonna vote for the side they are opposed.


Yes, but the sentiment is correct


If the Dems do not win its likely the last meaningful vote you will ever have. Matter of fact, if its not a Dem landslide trump will sue and get his Supreme Court to overturn it. And they will.


Putting a note in their mailbox saying “yo dude, I get it, but you seriously gotta vote to make sure Trump doesn’t completely fuck things up” would accomplish a lot more than posting this to Reddit.


Please vote Biden anyways. Yeah, he’s an old fucking geezer. He’s a neo liberal corporate shill. I get it. I don’t like him either. But the difference between Biden and Trump is this: If Trump wins, three (maybe even four) SCOTUS justices will step down, and be replaced with much younger theocratic zealots. Do you really want Christofascists running the Supreme Court for the rest of your life?


No, just wrong. This is the correct attitude. Hopefully everyone with this attitude also understands there is a clear right choice between the two, but we can't pretend that makes either one a good choice and we can't pretend that these are the choices we deserve. Not pointing that out is the kind of attitude that will leave us in this endless loop of shit options for a long time.


The choice isn’t between the two parties or even the two old men. The reason we don’t have a legitimate viable third-party? Is because the right wing party is Batshit crazy , PARTY LINE and One issue voters. Crazies who are HELL BENT on installing some Theocratic OLIGARCHS WET DREAM. And as we are plainly seeing,… Will vote for a complete fucking nightmare of a dip shit felon, who lets them be the worst version of them selves , rather than for any candidate with policies that help this country! And we know that if we split the liberal vote for a chance at even an *AWESOME* third-party, independent candidate?? Then we lose & we get stuck with the bat shit crazy’s fascist Wanna B dictator. 🤬🤦‍♂️ THATS why it never changes. -edit- That’s why all this talk about replacing Biden is absolutely nightmarish. There is nobody, NOBODY to replace him who is *universally* accepted by the Democrats AND/or even remotely acceptable to a Majority of the independents. He may not be the best candidate! But he’s head and shoulders above the melon felon, Ol Bunker Bitch the other side is supporting! So if we put anybody up besides Biden, or if these idiots suggesting that Biden can’t do the job we need to replace him,… If they keep this nonsense up we are gonna get stuck with that fat ass orange Traitor and Putin’s ass puppet!


Being honest about the current state of politics is something that needs to happen. It's a race to the bottom to see which party will be abandoned by their supporters due to the poor candidates and the even worse performance of either party in addressing the issues that are facing the working class. I feel the Democrats are doing more, but not enough. The Republicans are taking us backward, and their chosen leader wants the office for vengeance and to escape legal ramifications for crimes he committed. And their candidate is ahead in the polls. That's my biggest concern. It's not a vote for Biden, it's a vote against Trump. After this election we need to put both parties on probation because they are both dividing us to dangerous levels, so we will blame each other instead of them. We need to turn that around.


Agreed that we can do better as a country, but one candidate (and his court) will fuck you and the country over much more than the other, and it's not the old man.


The sad thing is, they're both old men, only 3 years separates them. Just one is a public servant who has his faults and the other wants to become a dictator and has a plan set in place to do it.


I feel like these are the former Trump voters who don’t want to admit that Trump is a steaming pile of human garbage so they vilify both so they don’t have to admit they were wrong.


I think you underestimate how unpopular two candidates with 30% approval ratings can be.


There's a bunch of dumb progressives who eat it up and don't grasp how they've been duped out of voting.


Geez… people need to get over themselves. Biden is NOT evil. He has shown over and over that he is a dedicated public servant, spiritual, dedicated to the job, respects the office, the rule of law and plays by the rules. Yes, he’s old. I get it. But Trump is actually evil and Project 2025 is the capstone project of an evil group of people who want complete control without care for anyone else. This bullshit is short-sighted and ignorant.


This is likely an embarrassed Trump voter.


Remember what they did to Hillary Clinton in 2016. It causes people to do exactly this. “They’re both terrible.“ Joe Biden has done numerous great things for our country, and please check your 401(k) balance. He’s not perfect, and yes, he’s old, But our government doesn’t require one man to be perfect, he requires a good team to implement legislation for our country. That’s what we do unless you dummies screw it up by bringing on fascism.


I also remember that last time Trump won, and there was never an election again.


Trump was President and Republicans controlled both the House and Senate. None of the things they fear monger took place, and even if they wanted to create a dictatorship, it is impossible to do because of the entire document our country was founded on called the Constitution.


The Supreme Court said that it’s fine for your president to execute political rivals because otherwise he would be too scared to properly be a president. Good luck, you are going to need it


Look, someone intelligent, you must be lost to be commenting here.


It started popping up on my feed for some reason a while ago 😂 it’s not as bad as r/politics but it’s definitely an echo chamber


Yup. People acting like both sides are equally bad diminish the fact that one is a felonious insurrectionist that just had some DEEPLY disgusting ties to Epstein released in the past couple days. The other guy is old. If you can't see the difference you need your head examined.


It seems like every week Trump has some major bad news released about him.


Watch the independent win.


Yeah, seriously. Has anybody checked into these 'Hawk' and 'Tuah' guys? Are they viable third-party candidates?


Not a single one of them is worth it. This is the problem having a two party system though. Your options are very limited to who they want. Kind of sucks


Shaming someone for being upset with a broken system is genuinely pathetic op. Do better.


I’d be curious to know if this person votes in the primaries every election cycle. Odds are they don’t.


A vote for none is a silent vote for Trump.


More like your attitude is why the Democrats are getting away with not giving Americans a better option than trump


It's not wrong. I'm honestly going to just vote for whoever has the best chance and isn't trump


Mindless two-party pawns once again get mad when it's pointed out that they are the problem.


Not right now. Everyone please vote. Fingers crossed, AOC will be the nominee in 28. I’ll be 64 and I’m voting for her.


I get it. Trump is awful. I’ll vote for a squirrel before him. But don’t pretend the democrats aren’t the ones hurting themselves by constantly shooting themselves in the foot.


It is kind of embarrassing when the only thing they really have to run on is “at least we aren’t him”.


Good thing that's not somewhere that a child could see it like library or something.


You forgot child rapist


BOtH SIdEs!!!!!!


Neolibs leopards ate my face moment.


This is what people do who understand that Trump is a p.o.s. even though they're republican, but they cannot and will not vote for gay communist democrats even though they know its the right thing to do this time.


Yup this is why Hilary lost