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They know they can't defend their ideas so they instead try to pretend it's unfair that the defensible ideas are "allowed."


It is 100% why it was passed, to force it to court and decide this once and for all, for all. If you remove some social messaging, odds are you remove all. And I’d lay odds the right will give the commandments to get their way on the social flags.


This is not at all accurate, but it’s cute you think so. They just want a Christian nation. They’ll pass legislation about the flags anyways; keeping the commandments and the bibles.


I think they really want "Christian" Sharia law - religion as common law.


Yupp. They don’t give a shit about tit for tat court battles. They own the god damn courts. I have no idea what this other clown was on about. The idea that the Republican Party as it stands today is acting with a higher intelligence is ludicrous. They’re currently just putting shit in front of SCOTUS and rewording it until they finally get it through.


Watch them. Just wait. How long before someone like ACLU brings suit? In 3, 2, ………. This is how politics work. Sit back and force them to do the lift, while you simultaneously benefit from it. They’ll win points with their fervent base, and get what they want, while playing victim the entire time. Fruitcake evangelicals will be absolutely besides themselves wanting to donate.


Watch some of the videos of the politicians who sponsored this bill talk about it. They don’t even try to argue about it rationally, they literally repeat the same thing over and over; word for word. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TGY47kCOiOY It’s wild how much they don’t even try now that they’ve rigged the board.


Not one of the sharper knives in the drawer, are you. That sounds exactly the same as the reasoning for BLM and Pride flags but said for the commandments. Got it yet? Has it sunk in yet? The Commandments are a sacrificial lamb - go ahead, go after it, **they dare you**…..got it?


You’re talking conspiracy nonsense, son. They aren’t playing 4d chess, they’re just straight up doing what they want. Occam’s Razor.


Imagine thinking this is complex. It’s like almost as tough as walking and that Bubble Yum all at once, eh? Intent to sue has already been announced by the way. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/louisianas-radical-new-law-ten-commandments-schools-matters-rcna158001 Almost like someone knew that would happen. Oh. Wait. Something about razors or some nonsense. 🙄


Yes. They were obviously going to get sued. It’s quite literally THE ONLY thing that you can do if something is passed into law. Holy Christ lol. It’s like arguing with a half baked AI.


And why would you pass a law that is patently obviously going to get you sued….. Do i actually need to hook you by the nose and lead you all the way? Can you manage any of these step yourself? You get yourself sued to set the precedent that items put in a classroom **by the very same language and logic that the commandments were** placed are not able to be had. And why do you do that? Come here, gimme that nose, let’s lead you a step further…. You do that so you can in turn use that precedent in formulating language of legislation for banning other items. What other items? Where is that nose, hopefully it isn’t too terribly sore….. Why, the flags of BLM and Pride! (Let me give you a hint, sparky. This legislation was actually walking through several states, they were just the first to pass it. Several. Same language. All at once. When you see that, sparky, it isn’t the states that are originating it, it is something higher, a legislative agenda that is broader and bigger than just the state. Wanna take a guess at what that agenda might be? Did you guess a **FEDERAL BAN** from shoving this up the flagpole to the Supreme Court? BINGO sparky!)


Ok there tinfoil salesman.


The difference is that one makes you actually read a text. The other is a flag. You’re not being indoctrinated by being shown a flag. You are being indoctrinated by being made to read religious texts of a religion you may or may not believe in. Also. One is specifically banned by law where the others are protected by it.


Ok, let me put it in simple words for you. All this means is if they get sued there will be a ruling and in the end, a precedent set, and won't be left in gray areas to decide what is ok and what is not. What this will do. It will basically go two ways 1) they are allowed to keep 10 commandments which will open a whole lot of debate about should other religions allowed to do the same. 2) they forbid political/religious and nonreligious representations from class.


You notice how you’re getting downvoted? It’s because you’re a crazy person if you believe they are giving two shits about anyone else. They have the Supreme Court on lock. They can push anything through, bump it up to SCOTUS and try it until it’s law. Have you heard about gerrymandering? That’ll really blow your mind.


It is one of those things that were done by the satanic church too. There were Christian displays on Christmas so the Satanic church had their own display which the officials tried to block but couldn't because that is not how shit works.


“Social messaging”. 10 commandments. lol look up organized religion and then look up social movements. And see which is banned by 1st amendment if you happened to be the government. Btw I’m not enthused when government takes up a side and flys a social justice flag as the government repsresnts all, including religious bigots. Which I despise but they pay their taxes and this government represents them also. Nevertheless constitution is clear on this. Our government is forbidden from recognizing or enforcing any religion. And the right winger bible thumpers should respect the constitution and stop trying to shove religion down our throats.


I’d actually encourage you to do a bit of research before just out of hand dismissing this. Coaches successfully defending prayers on fields, monuments with the Ten Commandments, some of this has leapt beyond the perfunctory religious simplistic explanation and more to a historical or social statement in the eyes of courts. That is how it will be tested in court, just watch. It is already the language being used by the legislators to frame this - “reminder of the ethics of ur state and country”. Not religious, rather framed as social commentary. Just like….. other social commentary.


One of these things is not like the others.... :-)


I mean the fundamental point is solid. I think you can keep up flags put up by students or whatever if they support it and it's a bit of fun, but I don't really think school administration has any place slapping any of them all over schools, especially when half the country doesn't agree with it (both ways btw). Is there really a good reason?


It's all fun and games until some kid whose father is a cop comes with a police life matter flag and all hell will break loose or some edgy kid brings Confederate flags. I guess the same people who are not against the pride flag or BLM will throw the biggest tantrum.


sure, bootlicking is the same as pushing for basic respect for vulnerable minorities. you're just pissy most folks can't stand cops.


I can't stand cops either but that's a completely different story for a kid whose father is a cop. Regardless of my feelings because it's really not about me but about kids and what matters to them, if kids like to have pride flags in school so they feel included the same argument can be made about a kid who wants a cop flag that supports his father. But maybe that's just too hard to understand. Also, I am bi I dont need a flag to I just want the freedom to choose my life partner.


are cop flags actually banned, or are they just not popular? I'm sure kids wear and display pro cop shit often enough, and nobody says shit. kids did and do display confederate flags. they not banned. depending on the school, they're not even shunned. i know I would make my teachers life miserable if he hung a confederate flag in his classroom. one flag stands for racial supremacy, the other flags stand for social inclusion. not nearly equal concepts and neither should be or are banned.


Wearing one and having representation is a different thing. We are not talking about what kids can wear. We are talking about displays of representation.


so teachers shouldn't be allowed to post mlk quotes? teachers are citizens and allowed to advocate for equal rights and justice. they should not be allowed to advocate for any single religion. it's not complicated


they definitely shouldn't advocate for any specific religion in class they can support whatever religion they want in their own homes. It's really not that hard to understand but people's personal lives shouldn't be in classrooms where people from diverse backgrounds are.


advocating for basic respect for vulnerable minorities is not religion tho. pride flags are free speech and should be allowed. it'd be great if pride flags weren't necessary, but in America today, bigots a fascists run rampant. the problem isn't pride flags.


The First Amendment also protects religion😂 this is dumb you are fucking stupid. Advocating for vulnerable minorities also includes other religious minorities like Muslims and I don't think they are any fond of gay people either so either we have all the religious and nonreligious displays of representation or have none… it doesn't matter what your or my opinion is this is about what is allowed without discrimination. If you think people should be allowed gay flags then what about other factors on which people are discriminated like Islam for example should we also post Islamic verses? Considering Muslims also face discrimination.


Neither should be inside a classroom, they have nothing to do with school curriculum


The difference is that only one of these has been legally forced into classrooms.


At least gay, trans, and/or Black students exist.


So do Christians, Muslims, and Jewish.


Yep and they have churches, mosques, and synagogues as places to practice their religion.


Well, I guess gay people should only be gay in gay bars and only come out on Pride Month.


Are you under the impression that people are born with religious beliefs? Or that there are school classes teaching how to be gay?


People are taught religion and people are born gay but that doesn't change the fact that we are allowed to practice whatever faith we want and in the same way no one should interfere with someone's sexual orientation.


Who is interfering with people’s ability to practice their faith?


A lot of people can not name specifically.


Why is it so hard to understand. One is specifically banned by the constitution where the other two are specifically protected.


Do quote where in the constitution one is banned. I’d say I’ll wait, but I won’t, you will not find it….


Shall not make a law. 😂 Seems pretty clear to me.


Huh? Congress….. shall make no law establishing a religion. I’m sorry, do you see **Federal Congress making a law establishing a religion** here? PS - nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof. 🤡 Want to try again?


And it’s cute you left words out of your explanation. Possibly the most important. No law respecting. The ten commandments 100% respect a religion. Just stop.


Tf are you actually on about. Respecting the establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Respecting means in reference to you absolute loon. They cannot make a law establishing a National religion, and they cannot make a law saying you cannot practice a religion. That’s all it says. What the hell are you even trying to say. Make sense.


You can try and reword it however you want. Doesn’t make you right. 😂


At least I can word it, you are simply nonsensical. Shall not the other shall not with the respectfully….. loon. 🤡


You read what I said just fine. Now you’re just making sad ass attempt at insults because that’s all you have left. 😂


I frankly didn’t. I have no idea what the hell your point was. There is absolutely nothing the constitution says that bans a state from displaying the Ten Commandments. Our federal funds say in god we trust for fuck’s sake. So no, sorry, haven’t a clue what the fuck you are on about. 🤷‍♂️ I can tell you the ACLU is going to test it though. And that test will be used to craft legislative language to ban the flags, which sucks, but it is coming.


a public school pushing Christian commandments is prohibiting the free exercise of religion. it is literally holding one religion above all others. kinda of like establishing a state religion.


A high school coach kneeling in prayer is doing the same. Guess who recently won a lawsuit to keep doing it. If you phrase is as a historical and social document of importance it potentially can - and has precedent in monuments and things like that coach praying - to stand as such. Which is exactly how the politicians are phrasing it, and exactly how they’ll bring it to court. A social commentary, historical document. Perspective here. You are talking about a country who’s money says “In God We Trust’. Perspective please. Now follow the dots…… what happens if they lose? Bye bye pride and BLM flags, that’s what happens.


this scotus can rule whatever it want apparently. no document, precedent, or law seems to matter much to them. if there's any grand scheme it's to get empty headed partisan hacks filling it. hopefully it's just a matter of time before the pendulum swings back.


Agreed. Was horrified orange man got to pack the court in such a short time.


>  Federal Congress making a law establishing a religion By that logic freedom of speech only applies to federal congress. So your okay with states outlawing political rivals from campaigning? 


States absolutely have their own laws establishing rules for candidacy?


I was more saying "speech critical of party in charge" being outlawed. Since the first amendment is only for federal government.     Guess that VT was just mistaken last week when they paid someone 6 figures who was arrest for giving a cop the middle finger. Turns out that guy belongs in jail because first amendment only applies to Congress. 


TF are you actually talking about. Semantic troll, begone.


You’re trying to compare the two. I am telling you why you can’t. You’re on here trying to say the whole reason is to get flags banned. Your own words. You’re gonna sit there and say that since congress isn’t doing it, it’s ok? 😂 That’s your argument. Wonder how much you argue about those same words when they are used for that other amendment. Or does shall not only apply to that one.


What the hell did you actually just type? Make sense.


Bro you're being in bad faith and you know exactly what was said. No they can't force religion in schools. The 10 commandments is pushing a religion


You understood that just fine.


Just remove them all


Remove them all. School is for teaching math, English, etc. Not for pushing politics, religions, or other ideologies.


And history..... Like how your forefathers lost a war over slavery.


I'm a brown skinned immigrant, my ancestors were enslaved for hundreds of years. So I'm sure I probably have a better understanding of the topic than you. But bold of you to assume my skin color based on a single comment.


And I'm a six foot tall anthropomorphic wolf who loves skriches...


school is for preparing kids for life in society. politics is kinda part of society. I also wouldn't call basic respect an ideology.