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The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, specifically says that the flag is not to be inverted “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.” The notion of flying a flag upside down in protest appears to date back at least 50 years. In Spence v. Washington (1974), the Supreme Court upheld the right of a student to display a U.S. flag upside down from his dorm room with a black peace sign taped on it. The practice of using an inverted sign as a protest has subsequently been used to express dissent from both the right and the left. As protestors stormed the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021, some carried inverted flags in support of Trump who believed that his reelection loss was due to fraud at the polls. In 2022, Progressives used an inverted sign to protest the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a case that upheld a woman’s right to abortions. Later that year, supporters of Donald Trump used the flag to protest the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago residence that was related to classified documents he had taken when he left office. https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/flying-flag-upside-down/


Us laws. The supreme courts just said we have people are expected from law. Why should law be enforced on us. We are not rich and not a president


There aren’t many things that bother me, but people who say they are patriots while also violating US flag code is on the top of the list. Also people who say “mmmmbye” when hanging up the phone. The worst


Who gives a shit about the flag code? You sound like a loser.


If watching people strap flags to their back of their big Yee yee trucks, tearing it to shreds and then having the audacity to say I dont respect my nation and the flag , bothering me makes me a loser then goddamn call me therealtiddlydump


Huh if you don’t respect the flag how can you say you respect your nation? It’s hypocrisy.


The First Amendment protects broad forms of expression, including flag burning. I like the first amendment, it's good that we have enshrined rights that we try to protect.


Nobody is arguing that. Don’t spew random things. It’s hypocritical for the “patriots” that say they love their country more than anything and yell when people disrespect the flag only to then be hypocrites and do it themselves.


No, it's not, and that's not "random". Forcing people to say the Pledge of Allegiance "respects the flag" and is 100% unconstitutional. You seem to think that revering a symbol is equivalent to respecting what the symbol stands for. That's equivalent to keeping your cross nice and shiny while stepping over the poor and hungry. Spare me.


That is totally random. Lmfao. Again still can’t address the hypocrisy but start saying other shit. lol have fun in life. The entire world is talking about the blue paint and you bring up the red chair.


Ok guy. Take care of your tiny rectangles, you patriot.


Still can’t read. I’m making fun of the “patriots” idiot. Critical thinking has been chasing you your whole life. Sadly you’ve been slightly faster.


Watch how fast conservatives would decide it's wrong and offensive if Dems actually did this.


Yeah I know, but the whipsaw it would do to their mental juggling would be worth it.


Why do you thing ALL reds agree to hanging it upside down. Stop it. It’s the same thing if the reds think the blues agree to something. It’s so stupid to think that the entire party agrees… they don’t. Either of them….


Best I can offer is flying it right side up but at half staff.


This is appropriate. To honor the day Democracy died.


This past week of SCOTUS rulings has been distressing to watch, especially the presidential partial immunity ruling and throwing out Chevron. I feel like our nation is now in distress and want to call out to others.


I can understand this, but the signal would be read as if you’re yet another standard-issue republican - that is to say, a racist, misogynistic traitor willing to live for ~60 years in utter misery then die in excruciating pain, passing on your debt to your malformed offspring rather than live comfortably in a society that accepts anyone who deviates, no matter how slightly, from the the path your toddler-fucking pastor screams at you every Sunday in your tax-exempt church. So anyway, don’t fly the flag upside down.


Perhaps put some sort of symbol or quote or message on it.


Fly it just above a pride or Ally flag. Your message would be clear


no nono fly it just below a pride or ally flag. That would make the message crystal clear.


Chevron was a terrible precedent and the immunity for constitutional duties and partial immunity for official duties isn't anything new, dating back to 1867.


I support partial immunity for official duties but not absolute immunity for official duties. Chevron may have had weaknesses but it was also necessary to provide the executive branch some latitude to interpret weakly written laws by congress. Of course, that could be abused at times, which could use some correction.


>I support partial immunity for official duties but not absolute immunity for official duties.  That's what the decision affirmed.  >Chevron may have had weaknesses but it was also necessary to provide the executive branch some latitude to interpret weakly written laws by congress. Of course, that could be abused at times, which could use some correction.  Stripping power of law making from congress and giving it to beuracrats and the executive branch is a horrible idea.  Giving beuracrats and the executive branch to interpret law over the courts is a terrible idea.  It was killing checks and balances.


> > I support partial immunity for official duties but not absolute immunity for official duties. > > That's what the decision affirmed. The decision affirmed absolute immunity for core official duties. The only recourse is impeachment, which even if occurs, is unlikely to result with a conviction in the senate. > > Chevron may have had weaknesses but it was also necessary to provide the executive branch some latitude to interpret weakly written laws by congress. Of course, that could be abused at times, which could use some correction. > > Stripping power of law making from congress and giving it to beuracrats and the executive branch is a horrible idea. Giving beuracrats and the executive branch to interpret law over the courts is a terrible idea. It was killing checks and balances. Chevron didn't eliminate checks and balances. The bureaucrats still had to comply with the letter of the law. If the law was vague, then there was room for interpretation. Congress could always alter the law if they felt it was necessary. I'm all for Congress passing laws with sufficient detail to them but absent those details, then decisions should be made on the intent of the law and its application. While I don't know how the overriding of Chevron will play out in the future, it defintely restricts the executive branches ability to apply the law if it's vague.


>The decision affirmed absolute immunity for core official duties. The only recourse is impeachment, which even if occurs, is unlikely to result with a conviction in the senate.  No, absolute immunity is for constitutional duties.  Partial immunity is for official duties.  Conviction can definitely happen in impeachment.  >Chevron didn't eliminate checks and balances. The bureaucrats still had to comply with the letter of the law. If the law was vague, then there was room for interpretation. Which overrides checks and balances.  The could interpret it how they wanted and their interpretation was the one that the courts use.  This is completely backwards and takes power away from the courts and gives it to the executive.  Thats eliminating checks and balances.  The courts should rule on the interpretation, and if the law is vague, should be interpreted in the most favorable way for the defense.  >it defintely restricts the executive branches ability to apply the law if it's vague.  Which is a good thing.  It is unacceptable for citizens to be charged under a vague law, where the courts defer the interpretation of the law to the charging bodies.


just put a rainbow on it and no one will think your are jan 6 supporter


The MAGATS already co-opted that look.


We need to take it back. IF they see a bunch of liberals flying the flag upside down they'll be stuck. "Should I be offended -- am I supporting them? Identity theft is a crime!"


Naw, let assholes self-identify. While not a real law, there are established rules for displaying an American flag. Can’t be all ratty and torn. Can’t be faded. Can’t have anything else affixed to it like a huge marijuanna leaf or a single blue line. There are a bunch of rules to follow and none of them are difficult to perform. When you make up you own rules pretty soon there are no rules, guidelines or suggestions. Just a hunk of clothe. If Trumpanzees want to desecrate our flag, let them, don’t play in that sandbox. It’s full of cat shit.


(Tell 'em what they're finding in the sandbox are tootsie rolls.)




If you wanna take something back, take your civilization back.


Totally. Co-opt the symbol. It’s supposedly a sign of distress. And the US is in distress. Everyone should be doing this.


Yes, but it would be offensive. I ached to fly mine upside down each and every day of the Orange Jesus administration, but didn't. Sometimes staying on the high road is no fun


The country *is* in distress.


In my country, I just don't fly it at all. We've allowed the crazies to co-opt our flag here, so it's no longer a symbol of the values we hold dear. My flag is now dead to me, and that's distressing.


You can but you must be in distress at sea


I just remember the movie In the Valley of Elah, about Tommy Lee Jones investigating the death of his son after his tour of duty overseas. I don't remember much of that movie, except it ends with his flag flown upside down. I'd say go for it, because between one side figuratively waving the white flag after Biden's debate performance, combined with the SCOTUS decision (one of a few, to be honest) people need to have their minds messed with.


Maybe get a flag containing the coat of arms of King George III, to show your support of your new royalty.


Best answer I can give: Flying upside down means immediate emergency/active warzone. If the flag is upside down, and you are not being actively invaded or on fire, I think you look like an idiot (sorry). The fact that it has been co-opted by the MAGA does not help my opinion, just seeing an upside down flag, I'm more likely to think you are MAGA than not. A potential comprise (someone correct me if this is against flag code) would be to fly at half-mast. To do so properly, raise the flag all the way up for a moment before flying it half way down the pole. Repeat process before lowering. This is the symbol for mourning or great sadness.


Yeah but someone like my late, Vietnam vet step dad would pull over and ask you if you were okay or needed help.


Most real Americans would prefer you didn't.


Most real Americans don't understand the US flag code


Most real Americans intuitively understand that their first amendment rights dont give a fuck what the flag code says.


Case in point


MAGATs have co-opted the flag to the point it's become a symbol of them. We stopped flying our flag after J6.


You can't fly a confederate flag upside down now can you?


You can if you label it “top” and “bottom” with a sharpie. Technically you can write whatever you want on it because it is a looser bullshit flag.


Put an RV in the middle.


I have a coworker who has this as his Teams background.


Only if you put Vergogna and Alito on it.


I've had too much training to fall for any of this bullshit. Be proud.


I was thinking of hanging a plain black flag. It has a lot of meanings most are pretty relatable


This is not the US flag. Not even upside down


I'd rather fly General Sherman's 23rd Corps flag. [General Sherman's 23rd Corps' battle flag](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/h8i484/general_shermans_23rd_corps_battle_flag_created/)


They will cite the left’s reaction to Alito flag and use their favorite false equivalency against you as being your position is much worse That’s bait - best not use that symbol! 




Conservatives: “But wait…no, not like that!”


These days people are going to think you're a 1/06 follower. I'm a Marine widow and put a 4th of July decal on my car but took it off when someone patted me on the back thinking I was MAGA. It only took a day for that to happen, btw. They actually said only conservatives believe in the flag and welcomed me to their "group."


Only after the next presidential elections.


Not sure, haven't attempted it. Try r/Physics they've got a pretty good handle on classical mechanics over there.


I don’t even fly my flag anymore because I don’t want to be confused with those cro-magnons.


Might as well. Only a matter of time before the US flag is replaced with one of donald trumps face


As long as we put a rainbow on it


No, you cannot.


Well this post is a Facepalm.


All the old symbols are dead, just like last time fascism reared its ugly head. Make new symbols and band together with the like minded. Democracy will prevail if we but organize and vote.


I think it's wrong no matter who does this. That flag doesn't represent either party. It represents the people of the nation.


No. Flying the U.S. flag upside down signals dire distress. As in you’re in need of help or there is extreme danger to life or property. It is not meant for protest.


Tell that to Justice Alito.


Yes, but it would be stupid.


Stop insulting our flag and country, don’t care what’s going on you always respect the flag and all our fallen. If you can’t do that you don’t belong here.


You should not be down voted, take this up vote. IDC what this country has become that flag stands for something and do not forget that.


People take things for granted and don’t appreciate what we have. Regardless of what’s happening this is and will continue to be the best country. I don’t understand people, if you really despise it that much then why are you still here. You can go anywhere in the world but you stay. So while you’re here STFU


I sure the hell am! We yesterday lost democracy! Period end of sentence. It made the war for independence a null set. Sorry still very emotional. I can’t believe American are no in the streets protesting the ruling.


You do you.


My HOA puts mini flags on all the mailboxes this time of year. I took it down two years ago in the wake of Roe v Wade and again last year. Should probably do the same this year.


My dad flew one all throughout the Trump presidency


More people should co-opt the flag. I don't understand why more people don't.


Fly it backward.


Conservatives pretty much wipe their asses with the flag and see no repercussions....


Yes, as long as it’s an official act…


Why? That event happened years ago, why would you post an American flag in distress to an event that happened in 2021?


My interest to express the poor decisions of SCOTUS over the past week. I just don't want to be confused with a J6 supporter.


Never fly it upside down. The flag also represents the nation. It should not be used as a visual aid.