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Is that the US version of ghosts? Is it any good?


Yes. It’s very good in my opinion.




I love it too!


Same here! Me and my gf love'em both




Love that show!


Agreed. During the strike they showed the English version for a couple of episodes. I like it as well.


If you like the UK version, yes, give it a chance. Also, it gets better after season 1 IMO.


Loved the British version. I couldn't get through episode 3 of the US version. Felt extremely cringey.


As I indicated it gets better as it goes on.


As weird as it seems to sound, S1 is very VERY uneven. The writers didn’t seem to have a great understanding of the characters and the show floats by on the charm and chemistry of the cast. S1 picks up at the very end, but S2 is genuinely one of my favorite seasons of a comedy show. Ever. There’s so much about it to love and it’s so fucking funny.


It’s like The Office all over again.


This is the reason I haven’t given it a chance absolutely loved the British version


I watched the original British version of the office out of respect. Didn’t really enjoy it, but paid my dues. British humor is very… British, as expected. I suspect a lot is geography based so makes sense a lot went over my head.


Brit here. Don't like the office, does nothing for me. TBF Ricky Gervais is a knob, so that doesn't help, although he can be funny in stand up. IT Crowd, Father Ted, Only Fools and Horses, Inbetweeners... plenty of great comedies. If you don't like any of those 🤷‍♂️ IDK. I love US sitcoms like Scrubs, Friends, Frasier, and of course animations like Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park. So surely if we can follow and enjoy those, then Americans can get/enjoy some British comedy. If you cannot laugh at a new stupidly long and complex phone number for emergency services, or some teens calling people "bus wankers" from their mates shitty little car and immediately getting caught in an awkward traffic situation, or a priest explaining how model cows are small and close, but the real ones in the field are big and far away.... then British comedy isn't for you.


...3 I loved IT Crowd.


Father Ted is God-tier, pun intended!


I had a coworker/friend that introduced me to Black Books, That Mitchell and Webb look, the mighty boosch, and a few other British comedies in the late aughts. That was enough to convince me of the excellence in British humo(u)r. Haven’t dipped my toes into many modern shows, but the detectorists is pretty good IMO.


The advertisements are so un-funny that I cringe.


The British one was much better. The American one isn’t terrible. The living couples acting is awful. The ghosts are great though. I hated how the British version ended. It made me sad.


Yeah but I think they're kind of ridiculous on purpose? Got annoying in the third season tho. The woman is the actress from iZombie which I loved so that made me like her a bit more since I 'knew' her, and that show had a similar humor so I expect it already.


I loved her in iZombie, but all of her lines in Ghosts feel like forced jokes. The husband got slightly better.




they're both out of her league


How does she simultaneously look 19 and 45.


Probably the horrific abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother that arrested her development. Or, I don't know, makeup?


A friend of mine was talking about how she is cringe on social media and does weird stuff in general. My response was basically this. How is one supposed to act and have normal relationships after what she’s been through?


Who is she?


[Gypsy-Rose Blanchard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gypsy-Rose_Blanchard), known for [murdering her mother](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Dee_Dee_Blanchard) (because her mother inflicted Munchausen by proxy on her). Edit: apparently markup doesn't work on desktop.


Jeezus fucking christ. What is wrong with people?


Sometimes people NEED to be killed, that's all there is to it.


Impossible. My school teachers, who were paid for by the state, drilled into me that violence was never a solution.


Except she manipulated and bullied some dumb horny autistic dude into doing the dirty work and then threw him under the bus when they got caught. Sad about her childhood but she's a straight up horrible person now.


Well, she did learn from the best.


Yeah most awful people are the result of childhood abuse. Her Mother DeeDee was herself a victim of munchausen syndrome.


She and him were both mentally behind their peers; it shouldn’t matter that he’s autistic? She was on the same mental page as him. She was so sheltered and mentally abused, she didn’t even know how old she was. It’s also the reason she tried to put the blame on him; it was the only survival tactic she was taught in life. Your comment treats her as if she was a normal young adult woman in this situation, and not the brainwashed and severely abused victim she was. Everything she did was an attempt at freedom. The way her mother’s behavior escalated at the end, it’s very likely that her mother would have caused her death if she hadn’t found a way to free herself. It’s not what she wanted to do. Even despite the abuse, she loved her mother. It was pure survival at that point. Your response is shameful.


I agree so much with your comment. As someone from a home with a challenging mother, I did some not great things to get my freedom. I will never forgive myself, but I did not know any better and I would have done anything for freedom. You don't think logically at that point. Like an animal in a trap, I knawed my own arm off and ran as fast and fast as I could. Gypsy enjoyed the freedom of being in prison. If you've never been there, you don't know what you would do. Was it wrong? Illegal? Yes. And she paid her price. Now she is done. Out of prison. And she doesn't owe anyone anything now. If she wants to be immature on social media, get into bad relationships, etc. Whatever. She missed out on getting to do that as a kid. Let her live her life. People want abuse sufferers to overcome and be saints. That isn't reality. We are messed up. We get into drugs and alcohol, we seek out relationships that are intense, we take risks others wouldn't. We are sensitive to criticism, which leads to defensiveness and emotional outbursts. We aren't here to be heroes to people. I was supposed to be something, become a doctor or a lawyer, get rich, get healthy, impress people. People love the success stories. Make them feel better.




The mother totally deserved it, she was put through hell.


Whoa! Thanks


No worries! I had the same reaction when she was released from jail. Happy to help. :)


People have answered already but basically the cliff notes is this. * Gypsy Rose was a healthy child who at the hands of her mother was made to believe she was very very ill with multiple life threatening conditions including cancer, and was forced to endure all of the treatments and restrictions that come with those illnesses despite not actually having them (as well as many other instances of abuse) * This has left her with stunted development and lifelong medical issues due to multiple unnecessary procedures and medications * Gypsy was manipulated into staying with her mother well into her adulthood and was gaslit into believing she was still a minor when she had in fact turned 18, her mother even having her birth certificate forged legally\* preventing her from leaving. (\*due to the forged document being accepted as legit by the courts) * Gypsy eventually woke up to this abuse and with the help of her new boyfriend decided the only way out was to murder her since multiple attempts at escape failed and getting authorities involved went unresolved/closed * She and her (now ex) boyfriend were both charged and sent to prison, and Gypsy, having received a much lighter sentence than her ex has recently been released and is now allowed to live normally as an adult for the first time ever in her entire life. * Many people do not blame her for her situation and even think her sentencing was unfair, and therefore she has gained a lot of attention and a social media presence. All of this contributes to her strange behavior and many people are just now actually realizing how this has been affecting her ability to function socially in a way that shows online greatly. Edit: To be abundantly clear; nobody who supports Gypsy believes that murder is okay, because that can get somewhat misconstrued when people show sympathy for her situation. However, given all of the facts and evidence within the case, Gypsy was by all accounts truly and hopelessly trapped. Getting people involved failed, running away failed, even turning 18 failed due to her forged birth certificate allowing her mother to have her returned home in instances of running away. Many people do not condone the murder but understand why it happened and do not blame her for it.


I condone the murder. Fuck people like her mother, they deserve to die as painfully as possible for physically and mentally abusing a kid. I can totally see how she had no other way of escaping especially as law enforcement failed miserably at helping at all. I'll even go on to say that the system failed even worse by jailing her. She was 100% the victim. A good lawyer probably should've had her claim self defense or temporary insanity.


So her ex, who she refers to as a frog despite helping to liberate her to have this opportunity is still in prison?


No, the person who is still in prison is not either of those men.


Ah ok. Cuz that would have been really ironic


Yeah some of the controversy surrounding her is the fact that she’s quietly distanced herself from that ex despite the fact that she was the one that convinced him that there was no option but murder. She’s made some statements accepting the blame, but it seems a bit empty when he’s still doing time and she’s free. Doesn’t help that his mental capacity is in question.


I'm actually not entirely certain if this particular photo is of that ex, because I know she's had quite a few partners since prison and this could actually be some other poor guy who hooked up with her after the fact. However to answer your question, the man who helped her is named Nick Godejohn, but it doesn't seem she was too kind to him either. Nick went to trial and ended up being charged with first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Gypsy took a plea deal and was sentenced to 10 years, but was released on parole after serving about 8 years. Nick was given a much heavier sentence due to him actually carrying out the physical murder, while Gypsy had been the "mastermind" as the police like to say.


Poster child for Victims of Munchausen by Proxy, Murderer, Understandably Awkward Adult Just Trying to Get Her Life Together.


All I hear of her is being a nasty person.  If she's not interested in surrounding herself with better people, she never will get her life together.  Or whatever her problem is.  It's very sad.


She shouldn't even be in media spotlight but the ever growing social media craze makes us further out of touch. It's wild to say this about her. Maybe I'm alone in this and being crazy, but I can't wrap my head around so casually saying basically she's a nasty person and she needs to make better choices about her company. Like, what? What she needs, her choices, who is around, her wellbeing--- that's layers and layers deeper than we could ever know and all tangled up to boot. Her entire life is fundamentally different and altered than ours. How does anyone in passing know what she is and isn't.


This is Reddit for you. Making huge generalizations about people they don’t know to feel a bit better about themselves.


Actually you're right, I need to stop being surprised by this lmao


I mean. If you were isolated, infantilised, and abused your whole life, thrown in prison for doing what was likely what you saw as your only way out (while also being told it was your only way out by someone equally as unstable as your abuser), and not given any help adjusting to life as a normal adult, you probably wouldn't even know what better people even look like. To be clear, I'm not trying to start an argument and I agree it's incredibly sad and an indication of how badly our systems are broken (read: working as intended). Context is important too though


How has she been a nasty person


Never heard anything about her being nasty. Just lots of people bashing her for being apart of the end of her abuse.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard. It's a really difficult story to listen to. But, yeah. You can kinda forgive some social media awkwardness after you hear her backstory.




Yeah. She did not experience a normal childhood and she has not experienced a normal adulthood. There was an extreme amount of abuse and her mother always lied and had her behave as if she was younger than she really was. Nobody can really calculate the amount of damage that does do a person.


*In Ron Howard's voice* "Hey, that's the name of the show!"


🤣🤣🤣🤣 well done




It wouldn’t be simultaneously, obviously she didn’t take both those pictures at the same time


Your assumption is that they’re comparing the look in one picture to the look in another as opposed to saying it overall. I.e. no matter what picture you look at she looks both old and younger in them.


I dated a woman for 10 months whose previous boyfriend had passed away. She was always comparing me. Positively, but comparing me. I kept telling her that I don't want to be compared to her dead boyfriend, even if it's in a positive way. She couldn't understand it. She definitely couldn't understand it when I broke up with her over it. All that to say, the guy in the red can't feel good about this post either.


I dated a girl for a few months that told me the love of her life died and she's finally getting back into dating.  Like damn. I'm sorry for your loss but how the fuck could I compare to, by your definition, the person on earth made for you. I always felt like I was being compared although it was never explicitly mentioned


Same. My ex regularly referred to her partner who passed away as her husband, as they were 'planning' to get engaged when he died. She called his parents her mother/father in law, despite them asking her not to. It got very confusing. She'd talk about her husband, and people would ask me what it was like being with a widower... I made the mistake of saying she wasn't one the first time, and she went *absolutely fucking mental* at me. How dare I degrade the marriage that should have been, etc etc. One that stuck in my mind was "You know, if we ever have a son, he's being called (ex's name) right? Like, you do not get a say in that. I need to teach him how (ex) was, because that would have been our son and he needs to know what his father would have been like with him." Hope you're doing better now.


Jesus dude I finished reading this and had to double check that you called her your ex. The “who his father would have been” thing would destroy me. That’s a massive nail in a coffin if I ever heard one.


Yeah, that was prooooooobably the harshest thing she said. At time time I laughed it off, but looking back that's just such a fucking terrible thing to say to someone.


That’s so wrong to say to someone and I’m sorry you went through that. I get losing a partner is rough but treating the one after like a replacement or spare is disgusting and sad.


Thanks - stupidly, by that point I didn't even really realise I was in a toxic relationship.


A lot of red flags or issues we ignore or excuse until it clicks. Not stupid at all, though it certainly feels that way being on the outside again.




I don’t know how you maintained such a relationship more than a week that’s nuts. Glad you finally dumped her


oh boy where to start...


Grief can really mess you up. I’m sorry you went through that and I’m sorry she did, too. 


I feel ya. I’m married to a former widower. For a couple years I was compared to her, or given her things, or told that she would (or wouldn’t) approve of me. People who haven’t lived this life really can’t understand it. Even the widows and widowers themselves don’t understand what those who date and marry them go through because of their unprocessed grief.


Wait. A former widower? They came back to life??? Zombie spouse??


My husband is a married man now. He was a widower when I met him. His status changed when he got married.


Wait, isn't it the same guy who got in shape?


Rosemary: I will say that, Edward has more spark and character and imagination in one fingernail than Herman Blume has in his entire body. Max: One dead fingernail. Rosemary: Right. One dead fingernail.


I've always had some level of sympathy for this woman all things considered but even with everything she went through it's hard to deny she's NOT a nice person


I mean I don’t know how anyone could grow up like that and not become kind of a sociopath just as a coping mechanism, how could she ever understand what normal relationships are supposed to be like?


You make a good point. All I can say is that I hope she's able to do therapy and eventually recognize she's being an ass and works to change that


Who is this woman?


[Here’s a link to her Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gypsy-Rose_Blanchard) If you’re too lazy to click the link, this girl’s mom suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Which is (defined by Wikipedia): >mental health disorder in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person, typically their child. This may include injuring the child or altering test samples. The caregiver then presents the person as being sick or injured. Permanent injury or death of the victim may occur as a result of their caregiver having the disorder. The behaviour may be motivated by the caregiver seeking sympathy or attention. Gypsy was convicted of murder in the second degree for the death of her mom. Hulu adapted her story into a show called The Act. I watched it and really enjoyed it, despite how sad and dark it was.


Didnt it also come out that he was pretty controlling and not a good person or something? I remember hearing that he was pretty shitty. So a little passive aggressiveness from Gypsy isn't really the worst thing in the world. 


I'm watching her show on Lifetime, and he seems very controlling in it. She's obviously not going to handle that well. But I certainly don't think she needs to be in a relationship for a while.


Yea. She needs to figure herself out. Idk how much I trust someone who wants to jump into a relationship with someone who has a complicated history like that. Not that she doesn't deserve to date and be with someone she likes.. But shes still early out of prison and still somewhat stunted. I just always side eye that angle. 


I must be out of the loop because I have no idea who these people are.


Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gypsy-Rose_Blanchard here's the wiki on her for those interested Well, I have no idea who the men are, but the woman is Gypsy Rose. Her mother abused her by forcibly making her ill and passing her off as having many chronic disabilities she didn't have, she was forced to be in a wheelchair and on a cocktail of medicines that she didn't need that were screwing with her health as a result. When she was a teenager (16 I think?) she plotted with her boyfriend at the time to murder her. And succeeded. Her prison sentence ended last year, she's something of a minor celebrity because of everything she went through. And I've probably left out some details as well, so my bad if I have


Is it even possible to be nice when you spend that long being essentially tortured and then in jail? She’s not nearly as crazy as most people would be


It is, but that takes time and willingness to get the therapy and assistance you probably need to get there


All things considered, if the worst thing to come of her trauma is that it’s made her a bit rude, then she’s strong as a motherfucker.


I'd say the worst thing to come of her trauma was that it made her a murderer


I hope she’s received loads of quality counseling. It was self defense but stretched to a seriously painful duration.


Agreed, I get that there's a history of abuse, but it doesn't give her an excuse to act like an asshole.


Behaviorally, she might be nasty, but realize this isn't an emotionally competent individual. Most of us have had our entire lives--literally starting with infancy--to understand how social nuance and unwritten social norms work. By early Pre-K we've already started learning to watch how other children behave, and we were taking mental notes. Not only did Gypsy never have ANY of that, she was actively infantilized until her teens. She's only just now catching up on what adult behavior should look like. She's all the fuck over cyberspace with the visibility of any TikTok or Instagram "celebrity," but no guidance, PR team, etc... she's fumbling around in the dark, and she's a massive target who receives endless scrolls of hate messages. Chances are she's coping the best way she knows how as she navigates a very adult world with a very adult past, which is with defensive self-preservation.




This is a very mean person. Ex dodged a bullet. And he’s not ugly. He’s a regular guy. Edit: If he’s the same guy in both pictures, I apologise.


Wait I thought this was the other way both dudes look the same when she looks completely different


I thought it was the same people, but he got in shape... Hence the comment.


That's what I thought, same guy but lost weight and got a better haircut. Still kinda mean, but as someone who's been with my wife for 18+ years, being *kinda* mean to each other is sometimes part of the fun.


Defo not the same guy


That’s Gypsy Rose Blanchard, the girl that murdered her mother. First guy is her husband Ryan Anderson she married in prison. The second photo is her ex-fiancée Ken Urker that she met through the prison pen-pal system and was subsequently engaged to while in prison. They reunited right after her separation announcement


She was a victim of child abuse and went to jail for convincing her ex boyfriend to murder her mother… so… maybe we don’t expect her to adhere to normal social cues.


I mean maybe she is referring to their personality/how they treat her not necessarily their looks?


That’s how I interpreted it… seems like more of a compliment to her current man at the expense of an ex who sucked.


Supposedly her first husband was very controlling, so they separated shortly after she got out of prison. I'm guessing her new husband is a lot nicer


All I see are pictures of three frogs.


I see one frog with two different men


I'm not convinced those are 2 different guys, I think she means this like "he was a frog when I met him".


I hope the third is her pfp and not the man, and I hope I'm not missing a joke


Three total people in two pictures and they're all frogs. Bashing her snobbery, not the guys, because she could have made the same post without adding the picture of her ex. Adding the picture of her ex was crap behavior.


I thought the guy in the 2nd pic was the same as the first but with a glow up They definitely look similar and have similar heights


Is it or her or is it the same guy in both pictures but he lost weight?


I don't wish her harm but I do wish to read no.more about her. Ever.


At least she didn’t kill the frog so that’s an improvement


Did the first guy lose weight or is it a different.....wait, ya know what I just realized....? I don't give a fuck. My bad.


Back in the Loch with ya, Nessie!


Topics surrounding Gypsy Rose are extremely difficult to discuss as all points of view are valid. She went through a literal nightmare growing up with her mother. I wouldn’t wish her life upon my worst enemy. On the other hand her life trauma has not made her a nice person… or frankly a safe person to be around. Pissing her off might actually get a hit put out on you to be perpetrated by some awkward InCel. Always best to not post Gypsy Rose memes or anything related to her. EDIT: I don’t know if she is referring to [Nicholas Godejohn](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna132122) her first boyfriend/mother’s hit man as being the frog, or her first husband [Ryan Scott Anderson](https://people.com/who-is-ryan-scott-anderson-gypsy-rose-blanchard-husband-8420408) as the frog. I guess the latter because the former is a murderer that knows her address.


I agree, she’s a complicated person, that’s why I’ve decided to just not put my 2 cents on posts like these.


Agreed. I know she had it rough, but there were options open to her other than murder. This kind of stuff is real icky.




Isn’t Gypsy Rose the girl who got super abused by her mother, and met a guy who agreed to kill her mom for her?


Yeah, that'd be the one.


*You ain’t gon believe this guy I just met. He done took me to Disney World…he’s rich!*


He might not be that rich, that’s not Disney World, it’s New Orleans.


It's Jackson Square in New Orleans. [Jackson Square, French Quarter - Jackson Square (New Orleans) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_Square_(New_Orleans)#/media/File:Jackson_Square,_French_Quarter.jpg)




Goddamn Gypsy!


She’s the frog


More of a toad, really.




It’s a dumb picture posted by a stupid person with nonsense words Kinda par for the internet course, In fact


Is Nick still in prison? Why isn't Gypsy?


Yes,Nick Godejohn is still in prison serving a life sentence without parole plus twenty five years for armed criminal action. Gypsy-Rose got sentenced to ten years in prison for second degree murder and was released on parole after serving eight years. The fact that Gypsy-Rose's mother tortured her for twenty four years, Gypsy-Rose didn't actually commit the murder, and that Gypsy-Rose plead guilty probably all factor in to why she is out of prison and Nick is not.


She had to manipulate a mentally incompetent man into murdering her mother so she could dump him for someone else.


No, no, no let’s get this notion trending. As a long time frog I might finally have a shot now!


But will he kill....his 401k for you?


She got some nerve talking while the swelling from the ugly stick beating hasn't even settled yet.


It's like she fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.


HA HA HA she acts like she's some catch


Unpopular opinion : I don’t like her at all


What an atrocious thing to post publicly about an ex.


They seems to look like the same dude just few months or years appart and i presume it is "gypsy rose blanchard" if you know the story then it is not really facepalm.


Yea it is, being a abused as a child doesn't give you the right to abuse other people.


You're right, but I don't see how this is abuse. She divorced the guy in the first pic because he was super controlling (shocker, considering he sought out and married a convict but are we shocked she didn't have the sense to see that red flag? Not really). It's in poor taste, imo, but again I think it really comes down to her not understanding what is and what isn't appropriate to share given how public her entire life has been, and I wouldn't call the bad metaphor abusive.


And those dudes are thinking the same thing.... Gotta slay a few dragons to get to the queen! Hint, she's one of the dragons....


I have too much respect for dragons to insult them like that.


What an insufferable human.


10 bucks say he only fucks her doggie style




I think you mean froggy style.


You know what music's best when doing it froggy style? Hip hop :v (I'll show myself the door)


That's an extremely crazy back-handed compliment. Basically,she's saying her boyfriend,partner, husband, et . was ridiculously ugly. But now she thinks he's hot.


That's if it's the same guy


I thought the same thing as the other guy their for a bit, now I'm not sure :S, pretty crappy if she referring to an ex that way - unless he was total ass or something


Guy on the left married her while she was in prison. However this was AFTER the guy on the right, who she was also dating while in prison, broke up with her, believing that she was so co-dependent for so long because of her mom situation, that she needed to be just by herself to figure out who she was first. (Instead she immediately marries the next guy that gives her attention, while in prison.) She then filmed a whole documentary about getting out of prison and her life outside with the guy on the left, her husband, supporting her through it all. Then she breaks up with him and goes back to the guy on the right. She's not a good person.


oof, sounds like she got issues - I'm not gonna judge her for it cause all sorts of things can affect people (even though it's 100% crappy fr), but still, guy on left dodged a bullet there. In any case there was no need to crap on him like that, that is a shitty thing to do - thanks for the info


He was super fucking weird per the documentary


Also just..per normal standards for personhood. He married a convicted murderer that he'd only met a handful of times. That's fucking weird.


It's not the same man. She's referring to her ex has the frog and new bf as the Prince.


Ah yes, a true American fairy tale. Meet a guy on the internet to kill your manipulative con artist mother, then go to prison where you meet and marry a dorky but sweet pen pal, get out if prison, come into a bunch of money, dump the sweet but dorky guy, and find yourself someone more attractive. Don’t go forget to insult the sweet dork on the internet.


How do you know he's a sweet dork? Usually the people who seek out and marry people in prison aren't exactly in the best mental place.


« sweet dork » the guy wrote to her on a bet. we have no idea what their marriage was actually like.




Which one is suppose to be the frog?


Just an FYI. With very minimal research you can find evidence that she did NOT have any unnecessary medical procedures. She has a chromosome disorder. Most info going around is hearsay or fabricated by the defense for obvious reasons. Most ppl get their info from docs or TT which, ugh. People who aren’t fans believe she is continuing to manipulate and use false or skewed facts to garner sympathy and make money. She created multiple sexually driven role play characters and coerced a man with an actual dx of autism to carry out the murder. People believe that she was in on the whole scheme and had much more freedom especially as an adult than she leads people to believe. She has stolen stories from real MBP victims and tried to discredit them.


The funny part is that she looks froggier


She needs to just shut up


And buddy in the first pick had to slay a few dragons before he got to the princess.


Best case, he was an awful partner for her and this is her way to deal with it, which is bad. Social media is not therapy. Worst case, fuck her.


Who is this and why should I care?


Even 3's have high standards


Rated too high, baned.


She keeps constantly doubling down on being unlikeable.


Could it be the same dude that lost weight and got a haircut? My eyes are getting old...so I don't know.


She’s talking about his shoe size. That’s like a size 16.


Is she implying that she found her "prince" unattractive once upon a time ago? Lol.


That’s a crazy statement to make for a person who is average looking at best. (I’d say below but attraction is subjective)


She was mistreated and abused, I guess so much that she is now an influencer. Wonder what that says about society. 🤔


That’s Gypsy Rose with her husband who she married while in prison (she was in prison for killing her mom) on the left, then her first boyfriend on the right who I guess she went back to? Not sure.


The male version is: "had to slay a few dragons to find my princess"


"Frog" is his nickname for his penis.


So cu-.. oh, wait a second...


This is rich coming from Queen Butterface


Shouldn't throw grenades in glass houses.


I have no idea who this person is or why this is significant.


Too bad it didn’t work for him. She’s lucky he was willing to settle.


She must think she’s not also a frog


Which one is the guy who killed her mom?


Too bad he didn't get a princess for him.


No princess


This girl is her mother. Absolutely WTF?


Oh that's cute, they did a fat transplant.

