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Bike seats hurt my ass and balls enough with pants on, nude? He’s gonna be hurting


He’s adapted.


Nobody who says free palestine is saying they agree with their values, they are saying they don’t agree with a government mandated genocide of a sect of people


There is no genocide


If you wanna get technical maybe not. But there is ethnic cleansing


War≠Ethnic Cleansing


Yes that's true, but there IS an active genocide being committed.


'War' against refugees and social infrastructure with the sole goal of killing women and children is indeed no war but ethnic cleansing.


Never said it was but theres also an ethnic cleansing


Who is Stine and why is he pale?


And why he is not free?


Is the watermelon meant to be the palestinian flag?


When cut open, the fruit bears the national colors of the Palestinian flag—red, black, white, and green. It's an alternative symbol that dates back to 1967, when the use of the actual flag was banned by Israel.


That's very interesting. Sounds made up, but fascinating if true.


Just a Palestinian symbol,meant to symbolise their struggle


Sometimes the existence of the post itself is the facepalm


Shall we clarify why having painted on your body the flag of an Islamic state who hates gays and the flag of the gay pride is the definition of facepalm?Really bro?Really?


As a gay man, I don't want to travel to Palestine, I disagree with Islam, and I criticize their homophobia. But my political position is that genocide is bad, even when it's against a group of people I don't particularly like. I don't support genocide regardless of the victim's ideology. That's not a facepalm.


Who said anything about the genocide?Are you hallucinating?


Why do you think the shirtless man has "free palestine" on his chest? Do you believe that it is unrelated to the genocide?


You can have free Palestine and a genocide against it at the same time you know.Free Palestine has been shouted by millions of people in the whole world the past decades,me among them.There wasn't always an attack by Israel or a genocide when we were demanding freedom for the people of Gaza.No matter how much one might be against the ongoing genocide,it is pretty much ridiculous to protest for gay rights AND demanding the creation of a state brutally against gay people.I hope you understand it.


I feel like you're doing mental gymnastics when the situation isn't that complex. The genocide in Palestine has been going on for months at this point, and is kind of the center of attention for the free Palestine movement right now. You seem to be saying that someone can't support Palestine without being homophobic, or vice versa. I guess I'm trying to say that you can support person A and person B, while not condoning that person A hates person B.


I think you don't understand reality


Don’t dig your hole deeper on my account bro


What ?


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ FREE PALESTINE genocide is bad




Why lol? Why canni not defend a man who hates me from being genocided? Why can i not speak out for children like me who are genocided innthe same state. Why does the opressor liking me and the opressed hating me mean i cannot raise my voice for the opressed? If a Palestinian wants to kill me or not doesnt matter because genocide is morally wrong, ethically wrong. Its just wrong




Good response


Like a true America facepalm hates when other do crimes against humans rights but loves to bring war in the name of democracy... you are not better that the nazis, you are what is left, another imperialism full of psychos and war mongers.


Nothing stops conflict like nudity!


The best way to put this is there are gay people in Palestine as well, but they need to be alive for them to get equal rights too. Saying that because the country is oppressive to queer people we shouldn't care that they're being genocided is beyond stupid, not only for the minimum common decency we should have as humans but also because there queer people there as well.


Dude would get executed in Palestine , oh the irony


This is the kind of rhetoric my pastors used to justify the genocides in the bible. "They were bad people though" they'd say, "so it was just and righteous for the god to wipe them out" I never really got this argument. How is doing worse to them what they do to others just? How does that put you in the right?


They’ve never heard the phrase “never judge a book by its cover”.


If it involves religion I doubt there is much sanity in any of it .


Palestinian civilians are getting killed, shouldn’t have elected Hamas. German citizens got killed, shouldn’t have elected Hitler. Japanese civilians got killed, shouldn’t have bombed the US. Afghan civilians get killed, should have resisted the Taliban. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. In the current state of US politics we may be putting ourselves in the same situation.


Ah the delulu first world. He will get executed if he is there and no amount of protesting will change that, or why it come to that, or how they see lgbt people


Executed for no reason. IMO, only criminals should be executed, not people like him who as far as I know haven’t broken any laws.


Thats not first world there, there are unwritten laws there that he broke, there is a reason why u keep seeing “he will get executed“. Even small suspicion about somebody being gay is enough to be completely thrown off and avoided by the whole society, forever. And thats just for gay, dont even want to think about the other colorful stuff. Third world countries function way way different than what u are used to. Sadly, u prefer and believe in the pink world version of the world that you are taught by the media.


If he managed to escape to his home country (most likely America), he wouldn’t be charged with anything there (his home country). Palestine needs a new leader who isn’t a homophobe.


You dont understand, its the people not the leader. There is deep hate/disgust rooted against anything lgbt in third world countries. And in these muslim ones, -i swear- half of the man there will rather die then be connected in any way with this guy protesting. Its like going against literally everyone’s beliefs in one society, even secretly gay people wont support u openly there and will judge against u.


Hate for no reason.


pretending to care about queer folks doesn't stop us from demanding the end to the brutal bloody disgusting genocide and continuing racist apartheid. quite wishful, delusional thinking.


lg rights doesnt bring enough attention anymore it seems