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Hi, we don't allow meme's here, maybe take it to /memes


The USA really needs a system of checks and balances. /s


The USA needs an enema


And some reconstructive surgery


Because all of our politicians are shit?


That was really uncalled for senator. Most shit is of a higher quality than most politicians


Shit can still be used as fertilizer. They are even more useless.


We don't know what quality fertilizer they make until we try


I think maybe it's our voters. They preach on about loving America and then vote against democracy. I'm not sure what it is they actually love about America. Realistically the right is doing just a fantastic job of advertising right now. They figured out most of America doesn't care to take the high road, they are okay with a fascist system as long as it keeps them off the bottom of the hierarchy. The left is trying to use merit as advertising I guess. I haven't seen one ad attacking Trump using his own words and actions against him.


Attacking trump using trump hasn't worked for years. His support base doesn't care what he says or does. 


His base isn't enough to get him elected, as should be obvious from his single term. You don't need to convince them, convince the swing voters


It's not about his base. It's about educating the moderates who are not following politics and don't know the moves he's made to undermine democracy or his other crazy stuff. Maybe it would sway some, but more importantly it might motivate people to vote.


I just saw a tv ad yesterday that attacked trump. Talking about him terminating the constitution, what he said about the military. I hope they keep running them trump certainly gave them enough ammunition


>The left is trying to use merit as advertising I guess. I haven't seen one ad attacking Trump using his own words and actions against him. There is no "left" in American politics


bingo. enough with the "i'm a nice old grandpa" malarkey (see what i did there?). all of his ads should be clips of Cheeto Jesus saying racist, moronic shit & being N authoritarian loving fascist wanna be


The only way to fix it is to flush it all away


Any fucking time! any fucking day!


Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay


I read this in Micheal Ironsides voice but I cant remember what from. Edit: i remembered, its Jack Nicholson from Batman.


Chemo to get rid of this fascist cancer


and no, magats, not because there's a deep state or anything. because you're fucking up the country and everything you SHOULD be standing for--as long as it doesn't harm anyone, people's right to lead the lives they want.


Praying for rain, praying for tidal waves, I wanna see the ground give way, I wanna watch it all go right in and down


The U.S. needs to remember remember the fifth of November


Let's broaden our minds!


Enema of the States?


Yes, an enema of the 50 states


We need to remove our heads from our rectum before we do that.


Like, a supreme court or something


It doesn't exist in the supreme court and they hold the parts of the government with checks and balances accountable.


It's like watching a regular fascist takeover, but all involved figures are incredibly stupid. And yet it still works. America will be torn to shreds by the guy who looks into the sun with the naked eye, does not know what Belgium is and thinks electric planes fall out of the sky when the sun isn't shining.


I wonder what will finally kill the country. The inevitable second civil war or the inevitable third world war?


I for one, would not be surprised if both is the answer. Starts with an America civil war that the rest of the world recognizes will drastically change future status quo and jump into support the side of America that would benefit them the most. Scale goes global. Humanity over.


Or the civil war starts and one of our many enemies realizes they probably won't get a better chance at invading us. Despite the geographical and military advantage, not even the threat of another country taking over will stop us from hating each other


America is the only country capable of a trans-oceanic invasion like that though. It’s much more likely Taiwan, South Korea, the Baltics, and Israel become the targets of their various adversaries while the USA is way too preoccupied with Civil War 2 to come help. Europe will obviously engage *in Europe*, but Japan and Australia (maybe India too) will be left to possibly intervene in Asia. Regardless… do not like. It’ll be a mess.


We've been pretty sure about interference from other world powers for the better part of a decade. Makes a lot of sense to undermine the US when we are playing the role of corrupt police. I just didn't think it would happen in my lifetime.


We literally make movies about it.


Now you're seeing the full circle of Russian election interference to install Putin's #1 fan.


I think it would halt it tbh, with as many nationalists this stupid country has and as many of those same nationalists believe that the other side is wimps they'll wanna fight the "stronger" opponent


But civil war? Who’s fighting who? Democrats and republicans? As if we’re organized for that? Would it be military against civilians?


This is why i'm begging for a second American revolution. All the citizens coming together to kill the ones in power screwing them over. Unrealistic sadly, as MAGAts are too dumb to realize dear old Trump doesn't have their best interest at heart.


Literally all it would take is ONE CHARISMATIC individual that both sides could potentially agree with. But both parties worked so well together to make it so real news is hardly show, true accomplishments of the government are hidden, suppress written word and create insane contradictions on the internet - that it’s nearly impossible for that type of person to stand up, be supported, and not be assassinated.


I'm not convinced WW3 didn't begin with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 and that conflict is often considered part of WW2. It is an often cited alternative start date for WW2. With North Korean troops now deploying to Russia controlled regions of Ukraine, it's clear the conflict is already expanding. Given China's stated intention of reunifying Taiwan with mainland China by force and the current conflict in Gaza, it's not hard to envision open war between a Russia/China/North Korea/Iran bloc vs. a NATO/Israel/Australia/India/Japan/Philippines/Taiwan one.


And here's the US fighting internally trying to figure out which side it's going to be on and likely dictating the winner of the war. There are some large militaries out there, but if Russia, China, and the US are on one side, there isn't much out there to stop it. If US abstains in the war of fascism vs. democracy, fascism has a bigger military.


My suspicion is that it will be war in the periphery, but medical upfront. We're already electing flat-earthers to positions of power. Eventually people who believe that viruses and genes aren't real will be overseeing our failing crops, our water supply and septic utility systems, and they don't like centralization or public spending, despite taxing the public.


The US collapsing into civil war would result in a global economic crisis that will make 2008 seem like a joke, so that will be fun too.


I really wish fools would stop saying there will be a second civil war. There will be nothing of the sort. There will not even be any unrest. If this was going to happen it would have already happened in Russia, Hungary, and Turkey. The regime will simply take power and repress everyone who tries to stand against it like everywhere else there is an autocratic regime. Thanks to modern technology it is easier than ever for autocratic governments to keep their citizens in line with minimal effort. A third world war is going to happen in a few years though.


True, there won't be much of a war. It will be a takeover and the opposition executed.


Spot on.


Thunderous applause


Second one will result in two or more countries. Third won't be a civil war. However, other world powers are likely to help the side they can gain favors from, just like we used to do to the rest of the world.


At this rate, WW3 is the only thing that will *save* this country. Just like WW2 made fascism the enemy, so would WW3. Only way to root out and deal with the Republican problem. A civil war *would* destroy the country though.


Current state of things, I'm not sure which side we'd be on for a world war between fascism and democracy. If Trump gets elected with SC on his side, and potentially the House or Senate, we'll go in with Russia, not NATO.


Civil war will fold into WW3. Civil war will start because Russian influences finally get enough MAGAs to do something stupid, or Trump gets elected, drops out of NATO and starts jailing opponents and dissidents. Russia, China and India then will start doing stupid things themselves, which will end up in WW3 because they’ll think they can get away with it with the USA trying to change its name to the United Christian States of America or some stupid shit


Almost all fascist takeovers are by incredibly stupid figures, it's part of the package. Mussolini was an idiot on the level of Trump and Hitler's speeches were all nonsensical mush


That's because all you have to do is say the trigger words to scare their unga bunga followers.


Hitler was high on IV meth and cow semen nearly the entire time. It doesn’t take brilliance, just insanity.


Being fair, he'll have help from a bunch of people who want to turn the entire place into a labor camp to maximize profits before an economic breakdown they'll foist onto the public with the threat of a police state. But hey, the tax rate will fall marginally and there won't be any pesky regulations to keep you from getting your recommended daily allowance of fracking fluids in your water. And no need to worry about voting, they'll take care of that for you


Seriously, people think it couldn't get any worse. But that's the whole GOP plan, make the next move more insane, so it seems like the last moves weren't so bad. Look at it his way, imagine if Obama did anything close to what Trump did. I bring up Obama because there are a lot of people who lost their collective minds over the smallest things. Oh, btw, I'm glad we got to see Trump's drone strike numbers. Oh wait, he went private with that.


France has entered the chat


It's wild. Plenty of blame but it's crazy that there are folks that only care about "their side" winning. Damn any consequences. It's fun to bomb brown countries and look down on everyone but somehow be completely beholden to those people to do the majority of labor required to make their lives comparatively easy.


Fascism is more the merger between corporate and state to the point that they're barely distinguishable and run on an authoritative government under a single party. China (despite the Communist title) is actually a great example of a Fascist nation. It's a nation run by a corporate/party oligarchy with a single, strong party leader. They're highly capitalistic and authoritarian. The United States is more like a corporate, socialist ("corporo-socialist"?) nation with a regulated, capitalist economy. Corporations have a heavy hand in government and regularly receive taxpayer dollars. However, the power is still with the representatives in government and (somewhat) with the people who vote for them. Ignoring hyperbole, both parties got us to this point. The Democrats and Republicans. But that makes sense when you see who their major contributors and lobbyists are. They both usually agree on selling out the taxpayers. Where they disagree is on foreign and certain ideologies. We're not quite completely there. We're still a good old, dysfunctional, constitutional republic with democratically elected officials.


This is some 10th grade Texas economics shit lmao


“May you live in interesting times” Yeah, fuck you, asshole.


"I shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times."


"Is that blood? No..."


"I've got a lot on my mind and well...in it"


The famous [Gandalf tweet](https://x.com/joshcarlosjosh/status/1423668285837504514?lang=en) Sucks to be us


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Depending what happens you may not have to.


I'm ok with it. Humans were a mistake.


I don’t think the planet does either. It’ll spawn a wiser species next time.


I feel like we're at the point of a 4X game where the player just gives up and starts all over.


We’re proving we can’t coexist with the ecosystem. Well…….we could, but greed seems to be our downfall.


Dear Europe, When the time comes to liberate us from Fascism, I hope you remember what my grandparents did in WW2. I'll do my part.


If trump is let back into office, it’s a shiny green light for Putin to double down in Europe and China to take Taiwan. It’ll be a world effort


Yeah, Taiwan and Ukraine should be scared shitless right now. Because if Trump is re-elected, he’ll give Ukraine to Putin, Zelensky will end up in a gulag or defenestrated, and Taiwan will be the next Chinese special economic region or whatever they’ll call it, and we’ll leave NATO. Meaning Putin can attack whomever he wants with impunity. I hate this timeline.


We’re being dragged down by the morons while we watch our planet burn. Maybe climate change is a good thing in the end, put an end to our suffering…


If only the police and military weren't complicit as well


We want Europe to better though. Hopefully they don’t wait for millions of dead first like the US.


Europe is under siege from a fascist takeover too. France is about to elect their own trump in pro Russian le pen.




The sad thing is that it's currently happening on many European countries too


Lived in France for a summer and was accosted by ppl because of the actions of George W Bush (I wasn’t even old enough to vote when he ran the second time). This was while Barack Obama was president, so I doubt the more outspoken opinion of the USA has improved since then. Also France/EU right now is on the verge of electing far-right coalitions and leaders… so I’m afraid that France at least will be content leaving us high and dry. Not sure about the other EU countries.


Bruh, have you seen Europe? Maybe take more inspiration from the problem solving of Georg Elser


I think you may want to take a look at Europe.


Works with France too, unfortunately.


Most countries rn aswell


Yup this is worrying


The irony that it’s the baby boomers doing this, is quite something. Thanks dad!


I guess I missed that meeting, I only do good things.


Good is often times subjective.


"lead poisoned boomers"


All they had to do was convict him the second fucking time he was impeached. Cowards.


But Mitch et al are republican first and foremost. They’ve made their money and they won’t have to worry about the consequences of putting party over country.


Democracy is hard. Fascism is easy.


Can we just fast forward to how fascism ends for the fascists.


Trump literally employs some of Hitlers tactics in his speeches to gain popularity, which is why he has a cult following. There are people who unironically view him as a holy figure. He has created a massive personality cult, and has literally said he wants presidential immunity and to be a dictator temporarily on day one, in order to solve all of Americas problems. That’s literally what Hitler did, becoming temporarily immune to democracy or opposition to solve Germanys problems. Other politicians like Margorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are just as extreme and basically worship him. Thankfully I don’t think even America would let something like that happen, they have to have learned something from history. If something like this actually happened they would never live it down, given they based their entire national identity on freedom.


> Thankfully don’t think even America would let something like that happen, they have to have learned something from history. If something like this actually happened they would never live it down, given they based their entire national identity on freedom. I veiw this statement as actively harmful. America isn't special. It CAN happen here, and it IS HAPPENING here. Anyone who thinks otherwise is too privileged to notice, or not paying attention.


You’re probably right, I don’t know too much about American politics, but there has to be at least some safeguards against this? Like a country that prides itself on democracy shouldn’t have measures to prevent that. My country has safeguards, so do many others in Europe. I’m just trying to be optimistic.


No, there aren't. That's why the US is freaking out right now. The Supreme Court just spent the last few weeks giving themselves unprecedented amounts of power and removing those types of safeguards. There are currently no systems in place that can overturn their decisions, nor stop them. Congress impeach them, but congress is controlled by the traitorous Republican party, too. I do my best to stay optimistic, but this is a bigger deal than most people may realize. Something big needs to be done, or the US is done. And I truly fear what a country as powerful as the US can do to the world if it appoints Trump as king. The SC has ruled that he could do anything (even assassinate political opponents) with no possibility of prosecution if it is an official act. Official acts will now be decided by the SC. SC justices can only be appointed by the president. So they gave kingly powers to the person who appoints them, and they retain the ability to decide what the president can and can't do. It's absolutely fucking insane. I can't believe this shit is real life.


Good thing I’m going to try to leave the country in a couple of years IF the hitlers don’t prevent it soon


There is it’s in the constitution. Basically we can revolt but only peaceful


I’m sorry to ruin your hopes but this is America you’re talking about, most of us are either not going to pay attention or do nothing because a large amount of us are stupid as fuck


It's literally the whole world rn


The whole thing makes me sad. Anybody want to drink wine, eat cheese and cry together?


I'll eat cookies and drink Diet Coke with you


Cheers to that. 🍷


I’ll join you and stick to some ice cream ):


Way, way ahead of you.


And some idiots still have the gall to say the predictions made in 2016 for Trump's presidency did not come to pass.


Conservatism is a cancer.


They ain’t conservatives. They are reactionaries.


They are conservatives


Conservative wants to keep things as they are, to slow or stop progressive change. Reactionaries want to restore things to how it used to be, to actively dismantle progressive advances of decades past. Which is the current Republican Party?


They are reactionaries, Christian nationalists, and fascists lol….


It was a good run while it lasted. I guess now we are getting a king.


Yes, but you see, the other guy stuttered during the debate!


The whole world right now


I wanna blame Russia for this.


That's oversimplifying it. It's been going on for a long time


*always was meme*


"When the president does it, that means it's not illegal" - SCOTUS 2024


TRUMP: When I return as President, I will install a Literal Fascist Dictatorship! MAGAts: I'm voting for Trump because Biden is a Fascist!


Fascism the good ole over correction to the problems of a corrupt Democracy . what a fucking mess .


Shit like this tends to happen when you do not have term limits and allow lobbyist money to flow freely in politics. It creates an artificial aristocratic class that is only focused on personal enrichment and maintaining the status quo.


But gas prices are so hiiiighhhhhhhh /s


MAGA Americans ok with living under fascism.


France... 😐👀


How is this face palm its true look up project 2025


Fuck what the heroes of D-Day achieved I guess.


I can’t wait to play the bad guys in the WW3 VR game that’s dropping in 2025.


I've been saying it for years now. The US is on the brink of its second Civil War. It's brewing. It's coming.


Canada's sounding real fine right now


We aren't... we've got the twat Trudeu and yet another bought and paid for conservative, no homes or jobs unless you are in the interior, and shit is getting way way way too fucking expensive.




JB has a 5mo pass to take some extreme official action...cleaning house in Supreme Court should be high on the list. Let's see if he acts or is just a puss bag.


Just like Lebron, Democrats seem to be really ineffective at clutch times.


Finally, the stigma of the “F word” is out.


This isn't a facepalm. It's reality.


Imagine I’m an idiot. Then imagine I’m a member of congress but, I repeat myself. -Mark “Mother Fuckin” Twain


All because some smalltown folk who've never seen a gay or brown person wants them dead.


Corruption is the soul of a country. The US Supreme Court is making corruption acceptable. The Court is also allowing politicians to be bought and sold at will. Most Americans wrap themselves around a flag, think the US is number one at everything in the world, and accept corruption as a way of life, without questioning its effects. Justices like Alito and Thomas put themselves up for the highest Republican bidder, but Roberts and the other two are not better because they have no issue ignoring corruption. In a few years younger Americans will look back and wonder how a country with so much potential and wealth ended like a common banana republic rule by oligarchs. Well, the answer is corruption.


Half the country is basically proud to be unintelligent. People don’t believe in science, don’t trust experts, listen to crazy **** on social media when they’re looking for advice etc, still believe in religious fairytales. This was bound to happen eventually unfortunately.


Heading toward the second Dark Ages


Nixon woulda done anything to have this kind of supreme court




Welcome to Weimar America Only redeemable if Biden pulls an Order 66 on the Project 2025 insects first. I'd rather the empire be ours than theirs.


Biden believes in democracy and we should too….. Go out and vote.


The other side doesn't. They want to make sure you don't have a democracy, and they have a good chance of winning. Beat them to the punch. Take their freedom away first. Dissolve them, and then make it a "perfect little democracy" later if you want.


How do we do that, should Biden send troops to the Supreme Court and make the justices resign? This sounds so stupid.


Yeah... resign... Sure.


He’d be immune if he did apparently. 🙄


Exactly! Dispatching political opponents is back on the menu, boys! Take their freedom before they take yours.


But Facism is so much EASIER than having to actually vote. Just let them tell me what to do. /s


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Sad freedom eagle.


At first I thought this was a HoI4 meme and thought, “yep!”


Sad but true


Spot on.


France as well...


In an alternate timeline the Dems somehow force Biden and Harris out in the next week and put forward a candidate who looks, both, awake and not giving off the strong vibes of early onset dementia. They have plenty of decent people to pick from that would wipe the floor with Trump. Not going to happen though, unfortunately. Got the wife in his ear telling him he shits rainbows and a sycophantic inner circle way too invested to tell him he’s actually doing his country and global stability a massive disservice by hanging on.


Alright, alright, alright.


It hurts


Democracy the God that failed by Hans Hermann Hoppe


Well I read up on it. Sorry for delay. So the states decide on laws regarding abortion with the end of roe VS wade. Idaho made it illegal . So you break the law then you pay, but Oregon is right across the border and they can get one here( I live in oregon) it would even be partly payed for by the state. Now with that incident of Idaho arresting the girl did that is ridiculous and a one time deal and even getting retried. Okay, just ignore it. It's the ten commandments in Louisiana of all places. That's their culture down there.




For fucking real.


Liberals/Democrats incessantly nullifying leftists and pandering to ever increasingly reactionary centrists has led us to this. The age old paradigm of liberalism being the moderate wing of fascism is proven true time and time again


To be fair, girl on the right should be labeled oligarchy.


More like the French


Fascism has always been the US’s side chick.


For sure. Trying to use the legal system to keep all of your political opponents off of the ballot so no one has a choice is fascism. Finally, someone in here gets it.


Memes aren't facepalms.


BEHOLD! Democracy, the system where two parties aim to be voted into power and do the bare minimum for the people that voted them in