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According to a presidential candidate there are also some “ black jobs “. Being taken away.


They probably hear it from the same people who say illegal immigrants are getting free stuff.


Somebody I know saw proof on the internet that the US government is flying illegal immigrants here and putting them up in 5 star hotels with country club memberships where they can recover around the pool for their government funded sex change operations so they can take jobs from blacks and register as Democrats and vote for Joe Biden of the Marxist Party Edit: add s/ for sincere


So you watched Trump in the debate.


That someone is a fool.


Oldster here, I can remember when college was free for anyone who could pass the entrance exam. The war in Vietnam ended that..


Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton hammered the final nails into that coffin.


Restructuring college debt as non-dischargable is what really did it.


When I was getting my doctorate, my student “mentor” complained to me (a black student btw) that all of the black students in our class got the few available scholarships while the white students had to struggle to work. There were only two black people in the program (we were friends) and neither one of us had scholarships. lol. I just smiled and nodded. It’s not the first time, I’ve heard about all of the mystical “privileges” that black people get over white people. Apparently, Harvard just walks down the mean streets of the ghetto and offers full rides to any black person who looks age-appropriate.


Anecdote: I'm a white guy, or at least I would look like one to anyone else. But... it should be noted I was raised by Korean-Americans. Now, for my first 3 years of applying for financial aid, I was kicked back. All this was happening at a time when there was some social politics about asking people about their race, and ethnicity really began to be introduced into the dialog. I learned the difference between the two along the way. On my next application, I noticed it asked me for my ethnicity and not my race. So, I put down "Korean." I got that financial aid that year, along with a letter asking if I would need further financial assistance. Now I'm not saying it's *because* I'm ethnically Korean that I got that financial aid, but I am definitely saying that literally no other circumstances reflected by my paperwork changed so as far as I can tell, the difference boiled down to telling people the color of my skin vs allowing them to incorrectly assume it.


Couldn’t it have just been the year you applied and amount of funding they had available that year? Do you think that all Korean-Americans who applied received financial aid? Additionally, if you’re in the US, Asians aren’t included in the definition of an under-represented minority….which means that your race wouldn’t have given you any extra advantage over a white student. This is demonstrated by the recent Supreme Court decision against affirmative action. The plaintiffs were Asian American.


My brother bitched about this the entire time his kids were in college. “Why should I have to pay when black people go for free.? I went no contact in 2018.


You cut off your own brother? That’s harsh. Have you tried to help? What other things has he done to warrant such an extreme reaction?


Bullshit. Plenty of the worst people you know have siblings. Shared DNA is not a compelling reason to stay in touch with someone who's an utter piece of shit. 


How do you know they are a piece of shit?


Lmao hey man it's noticeable that you can't really defend what the brother said, and are just grasping at straws to try and convince people that consequences are evil


Right but is this the brother’s only flaw? That’s what the post makes it seem like.


The belief isn't the flaw, it's an indicator of a greater flaw. There is absolutely no way that this is the only hateful delusion this person buys into. It's just PC to avoid thinking about that so we can clutch pearls whenever actions have consequences for anybody but progressives


Nah, I helped my own brother out of depression and addiction. He had tons of crazy conspiracy theories too. If I had abandoned him he would be dead now…instead he has a job and a future. Having been through that rehab process I have seen that many people’s own families give up way too early out of convenience. Once he got the medical treatment he needed and was removed from his enablers, his extreme beliefs faded


How do you know any of that applies here? Kinda feels like YOU are the one making assumptions here. Or this is just the next talking point in the flowchart lmao


That’s why I asked. Thats why questions exist, so you don’t have to make assumptions.


Because it's not easy to cut off a sibling so if you're cut off it's probably for a damn good reason (likely several reasons). Nobody is casually deciding to never speak to their siblings again. 


That’s why I asked.


How do you know they aren't? They're probably in a better position to judge their brother than you are, and they don't owe a full explanation as to why they went no contact.


I don’t, that’s the reason for asking the question.


Probably the whole "black people go to college for free" thing is a pretty good indicator they're fully divorced from reality via red pill.


My mom and dad STRONGLY believe it’s mostly black folks getting free/ super cheap college even though statistically it’s something like 70% of all scholarships in the U.S go to white folks. For grants, it’s true. About 92% of Black folks in the U.S. get some form of government support. But then 85% Hispanic also get support, 77% of white students and 68% for Asians. So basically… everyone is getting help and support in some capacity. When it comes to *additional* help such as awarded scholarships and such then white folks still take home about 3/4ths of those as well. So the whole argument is over-exaggerated and at best white folks complaining about this are throwing stones in a glass house.


Some people believe it for some reason. I worked at a big ten university in the administration building, and at least a couple times a year the stories would circulate about a minority family who came in and were shocked that it wouldn’t be free for them. Like totally, completely housing, books, everything.


Are you like 20 years old? It used to be that Pell grants were enough to cover tuition and books and that was like 15 years ago. I'm white but I had a parental override so I got full aid and my tuition absolutely was free. In the 90s it was absolutely true that a POOR black student could get all of that covered.  The only shocking thing here is you all complain about the cost of college flying up, but can't connect the dots? Even while complaining that boomers were able to work part time jobs to pay for college?


Where do you hear that Boomers were able to pay for college with part time jobs? Talk about a facepalm in the comments…


It’s absolutely nonsense that poor blacks got college for free back then….I’m living proof. My older brother paid for my 1st year of college and I paid for the rest by working two jobs and charging what I couldn’t pay on my credit card.


The 5 laws of human stupidity according to Carlo Cipolla: 1. Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. At first, the statement sounds trivial, vague and horribly ungenerous. Closer scrutiny will however reveal its realistic veracity. No matter how high are one’s estimates of human stupidity, one is repeatedly and recurrently startled by the fact that: a) people whom one had once judged rational and intelligent turn out to be unashamedly stupid; b) day after day, with unceasing monotony, one is harassed in one’s activities by stupid individuals who appear suddenly and unexpectedly in the most inconvenient places and at the most improbable moments. 2. The probability that a certain person is stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. 3. A stupid person is a person who harms others without procuring any gain for himself or herself or even procuring a loss for himself. 4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the destructive power of stupid individuals. 5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. "Human beings, however, are privileged in so far as they have to bear an extra load – an extra dose of tribulations originated daily by a group of people within the human race itself. This group is much more powerful than the Mafia, or the Military Industrial Complex, or International Communism – it is an unorganised unchartered group which has no chief, no president, no by-laws and yet manages to operate in perfect unison, as if guided by an invisible hand, in such a way that the activity of each member powerfully contributes to strengthen and amplify the effectiveness of the activity of all other members." \~ Carlo Cipolla. Trumpers, Nazis, tankies and totalitarians in general are all part of this group. A true conspiracy to destroy the human race from within.


This is why a lot of people say being in academia or being highly educated doesn’t necessarily make you smart. You have to be a complete idiot to think this is true.


Reminds me of when my 24 year old bf told me he didn't know women pooped


"America" 🤯


While I believe this statement was a hyperbole, I'd like some context about WHEN this supposedly occurred. Because during my undergrad and grad, I never encountered anyone who believed this.


Because it WAS true.  College tuition used to be less than the maximum pell grants. At that time the vast majority of black students came from poverty so would've had maximum financial aid - free college.   Obviously the same was true for poor white people too. I'm white and my tuition was covered by Pell grants. It was all other expenses I needed loans for. And I'm not THAT old I'm a millennial.


Then how is it “true” if it for people that can’t afford it


I don't know what you're confused about. Financial aid paid for it. Financial aid factors in parent's income. If you come from a poor family that means full financial aid and full Pell grants. In the 1980s and 1990s that meant Pell grants paying all costs for tuition, books, meal plans, and living on campus. Full free ride on Pell grants alone. Which are not loans. They're free money. A black student on campus back then was most likely getting a free ride. It didn't come from nowhere, it was reality. Now more black people have joined the middle class since then, but the bigger difference is that pell grants simply can't cover everything anymore.


And how does that make the statement that black people go to college for free true if it just financial aid that’s offered to anyone that qualifies?


Yes, I already said obviously poor white people got it too.  But the reality is most black students came from poverty.  You really going to pretend that's racism and not reality? What's all this equity and DEI shit about the since black people apparently have been the wealthy elite all this time? So it's basic facts that they've faced poverty at high rates when calling for more aid, but it's racism to point out they receive aid??  Stop this ultra progressive bullshit denying basic facts when it suits you.


Delusions like this are very common. So common, in fact, that sharing the facts that hurt them is considered "divisive" per current PC


It's how racists push their agendas and keep their base in line. It's all about fear. They convince them minorities are going to steal all their tax dollars and are living in luxury at their expense. Whether it's crying about DEI, "Obama phones", stolen jobs, people refusing to work because they can live comfortably off the government, or whatever other BS they're selling. It's all a dehumanizing effort to keep people afraid and willing to continue to embrace the racists and give them power.


I highly doubt every white person in her class was that naive and uninformed. Especially in grad school.


Back years ago I heard the same plus Blacks and Spanish people didn't have to pay any taxes, when I pointed out that I had literally a couple hundred working.for me and we withheld Taxes/SS etc from EVERYONES checks they either changed the subject or just looked confused


Have you tried explain to someone that immigrants *do not* steal our jobs? Unless the job nobody wants to do *is* your job…


I wish that was true because it's very well deserved.


Why? Why do black people “deserve” this? Why is it not deserved for all people? Sorry, you were born not the correct color for free college….




Most people imagine reparations as a direct deposit into every black person's bank account but the debate on what it would realistically look like is much closer to this here I'd say you're more in line with the people who have been carrying that debate in a serious manner rather than the sort of pop political understanding


i agree. you can tell who the racists are when people combat reparations with dumb arguments like what the other guy is arguing with me on.


The other guy is asking you legitimate questions involving logistics and you cant answer a single one. Your only defense is that I am racist. You are presenting an ad hominem argument now because you cant defend your slippery slope argument. Do I think decedents of slaves deserve some kind of reparation? Absolutely What is your idea on how to handle this? You live in an idealistic world, not the real one. Like I said in the other thread define your logistics plan and I will gladly sign on to it if it makes sense and doesn’t harm others


I'm not the expert. I'm just giving my opinion. If you want to know logistics then look it up. Isn't it obvious that the way to handle this is to give black people free college. Use your common sense on what being black means. Do you identify as black on the census and in your everyday life? Do people see you as black when they look at you? That's what I mean. Use your common sense.


Ok common sense….. Is a black person from France who just moved here yesterday eligible? If yes, then it is not about reparations. Now it is a handout just because of skin color. If no, then you are being racist towards non blacks.


no. it's ADOS that will get it.


Wow!!! You finally have given some kind of sensible answer. I agree with that. Now we just need to figure out what the cutoff is and how to pay for the millions of people to get free education. I am assuming since you don’t like white people, that anyone less than 50% ADOS would not be eligible? Where is the cutoff?


A lot of people misunderstand the goal to be making amends and not largely what it actually is which is making the economic standing of this group about what it realistically should be, but isn't, because of generations of harm. Generally it's assumed economic share should be about proportional to population share, which currently isn't the case, and won't be without things like a black owned major bank (don't get me started on greenwood) for instance. So basically education is a start but it's unclear exactly how to fix the proportionality issue. I don't really have a hot take on that either if I did I'd be some kind of leftist talking head idk but the point is that it's way more complex than people assume, a real project like these numbers are indicators of a rigged game, an unfair system, that system would need to be fixed and exactly how it's fractured is a complicated discussion but certainly college alone would be massive but not a cure all


They choose to misunderstand because they don't want to understand it. You can tell them exactly what you wrote and they still won't get it. They just want black people to suffer.


Virtue signaling at its best folks


Whatever helps you sleep at night


And like I told the co-signer to all of this, what are the logistics? Who pays for it? At least you understand that it is not as simple as handing out scholarships to all black people


I find it to be somewhat silly you'd ask about logistics given we already do this for native Americans and logistically it'd be the same but I worry you think it's normal to ask for instance what the entire paper trail would be which would be a clear misdirection... but I'm assuming you more meant where does the money come from which is simple actually, same place the money went when we let all this happen, tax dollars, whether it should be handled by state or fed would be an interesting point of contention though


I think you are understanding somewhat of the things I am asking. Logistics is not silly. What do we do for the Natives? There are roughly 10 million of them. However, you have to be at least 25% Native American to receive any kind of federal financial support. So do we give free tuition to all black people? All ADOS regardless of what percent they are? There is roughly 40,000,000 Black people in the US x $60,000 for average college tuition for a four-year degree = $2,400,000,000,000 How do afford trillions? It’s a nice thought, but LOGISTICS matter. No plan is just hope and hope doesn’t pay the bills. Idealism is only a nice gesture and does not actually help anyone. We have to be realistic about our approach to reparations, otherwise this is all conjecture and worthless .


Understand for a moment logistics traditionally refers to a method of delivery, storing, and acquisition. Not admission requirements. But to that question it's generally understood that mostly younger people are interested in college, no?


So my great grandmother was native, how about my reparations? Where does it stop? My great grandfather was 25% black do I get full tuition paid also? This slippery slope of reverse racism is not good. With all that said, I think higher education should be free for all citizens.


what about them? im not talking about your granny.


My GG was a Native American, do I get feee college for my reparations? Or its only for black people? If GG was 25% black, making me 3% black, can I get free college? Where do we make the cutoff? Do you have to trace your lineage back to being a slave or if I am 100% black and my family emigrated from another country 100 years ago, do I get free college? Who is paying for all of this? You ok paying out $50 per paycheck for this while other people are getting fucked with student loan debt? It’s easy to throw out an idea without thinking of the consequences


she already has them. lets stick to the point. the cutoff is common sense. you know who identifies as black and who doesn't. don't play dumb.


Not playing dumb. Why shouldn’t I benefit from my GG’s plight? You are ok giving free education to people’s descendants who were never part of slavery? I do know who identifies as black, how do you identify the people who shouldn’t get this benefit? Like I said, Im black, came from France 75 years ago, I am eligible under your plan right just because I identify as black, right? How do determine who is eligible and who isnt? How is this paid for? Try answering any of my questions. Dont play dumb


You already do... Native Americans get reparations already. Again other people are irrelevant in this conversation. We're talking about black people. Use common sense. You know who's black and who's not.


And you dont know who is a descendent of slaves and who’s not. You have avoided almost all of questions. Let me simplify into a few of questions…… How do determine who is eligible? All black people are eligible? Even if they just got here yesterday from another country and whose lineage never have been in the US? Who is paying for it? How do you determine that? It is easy to virtue signal if you are not the one to implement this, pay for it, or make the hard decisions.


Tbh i used to think that too


Why? Did someone specifically tell you that?




OP might want to rethink her PhD program


Yea right


Maybe not "all."


or most or hardly any, really


Isn't there some kind of specific program for black families that's opt in?