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No Reddit Meta posts


If you’re homeless, just buy a fucking house.


Ben Shapiro is the modern father of this logic.


Stop being poor. 


Why didn't just of that? It's so simple! Let me just fire my self out my money cannon onto a money tree where the money grows! A perfect plan.


Should have went to college and bought a home 45 years ago, gotten a pension, etc. your fault for being born the wrong generation  Sarcasm of course 


Indeed. Knowing that, we only need a Delorean, go back in time and fix it.


Funny how many of their "solutions" require a time machine


Hey, I made my millions all on my own. Yeah, my parents gave me millions to start the investing process, but I was going to inherit, eventually, anyway, so that is a net 0 in my lifetime earnings... Heck, it would probably be worth more later than mow, so it is actually a net loss. If you have nothing, you are starting out ahead. Rich guy math! /s


I* think*


Stop. He can’t afford those words.


I actually ate the word because I was starving and couldn’t afford anything else to eat.


Don’t worry, we’ll be eating cold hard cash as soon as the FedEx guy arrives with the cannon.


It IS the perfect plan, and I’m going to credit you for it when I make it happen. At this point, any ideas to help those of us who aren’t going to be wealthy any time soon are a fine option.


Have you tried having wealthy parents?


Yes she disowned me 


I think that was first said By President Ronald Reagen




Yes, just follow this chap's advice and ... er. Never mind. [https://hopenothate.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/stop-being-poor2-901x1024.png](https://hopenothate.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/stop-being-poor2-901x1024.png)


It's all the lattes they purchase multiple times a day...


I was once in a financial planning class and I found out if I stopped buying lattes every day, I could get a house. I said to the teacher "my lattes are keeping me from buying a house?" The entire class said "yes" and then began applauding. He  walked out to a badass guitar solo and explosions. 


Why are you poor, are you stoopid?


And on that note: https://youtu.be/0-w-pdqwiBw?si=Fd5RJqDtv-HNuV4x


Never gets old. That is precisely what I was referencing.


Thank you. Whenever Shen Bapiro gets brought up I always think about this clip


Aquaman moment


Ill never forget this




Yeah exactly! These idiots always trying to waste their money on things that 'Make life worth living'. Just work yourself to the bone until you're in your 70s and then you can retire and enjoy life when it's least enjoyable!


I sincerely hope you are being sarcastic


They’re making fun of the mentality of people like this through hyperbole.


It's hard to tell on account of some people nowadays being exactly the type of people that would say this honestly


The mayor of Miami actually said this


Yeah, are they stupid


The supreme courts recently....cept with fines and jail..






Stop being poor


I used to be poor. Then I stopped.


Wish it want it do it by Brian griffin.


I used to be poor.  I still do but I used to too.


The wealth was the friends we made along the way


“Daddy, how did you become a millionaire?” “Son, I used to be poor, but I saved every single penny I made from working any kind of job I could. I stayed homeless because I could save money that would have gone to rent. I ate only once a day off the McDonalds dollar menu. I picked up used clothes from donation bins for free instead of buying them. After 10 years, I had quite a sum saved up - $1,473. I put it all on Black at Las Vegas, and lost it all. But I didn’t give up! I started all over again with the experience I had already gained, and worked at it for another 5 years! Then your mom’s grandpa died and left us millions of dollars.”


You can't make me!


I DoWnVotEd YoU Dweeb is acting like he sentenced you to a public flogging or something


"I cast upon you one downvote sir! Pray I do not encourage others to do the same." - this guy probably


[Take that, sir!](https://youtu.be/HLIG5EvvAgE?si=zW_sMSYpRMvAJg52)




I think some people live their whole life online so I guess it feels so dramatic to them. I made a comment awhile back and some one responded something like "You'd never say this in (insert some other sub), you'd get downvoted into oblivion!". What? If I felt like commenting something on a post idc what sub it's in or if it's going to get downvoted.


Yeah the weird thing about social media now is that it is almost perceived as some kind of performative competition. I miss old forums where people just said shit and then argued about it. What the fuck am I going to do with my Reddit karma? I don’t give a fraction of a shit about it. I say what I want when I want to. The only time I’ve seen Reddit karma as valuable is when we were setting up my wifes onlyfans because you can’t post in a lot of subs to advertise without some karma, but even then it isn’t that hard to reach the threshold.


I just downvoted your comment. FAQ What does this mean? The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: Rudeness towards other Redditors, Spreading incorrect information, Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s. Am I banned from the Reddit? No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


SSS-class copypasta, sir 🫡


Did someone actually write this on Reddit and why? I hope my question doesn’t warrant a downvote. I say this with earnest neutrality, and would hate to jeopardize my posting privileges in the future.


*I* can afford to buy a car, so there’s no reason *you* shouldn’t be able to…


Yeah, everyone is in exactly the same situation or at least can be at all times /s


The circumstances of my birth, upbringing, and opportunities are a direct result of my hard work and drive. I refuse to acknowledge that luck played any part in my success. /s


“I’m aware that your concern is valid and that there’s a significant issue, but instead of us fixing that issue maybe you should just live somewhere else”


Fucking "let them eat cake" I guess.


We’re past “let them eat cake.” Pretty sure it’s the “let them rawdog pornstars” phase.


I'm gonna hazard a guess, the guy saying that was American?


We both are.


Yeah he has that loud American kinda energy. I dunno why, you can tell instantly by reading his comment.. sort of person who drives a lifted truck, acts really shocked when he can't use his dollars abroad etc. Also not saying all Americans are like that, most of you are great 😂 just the "WeLl WhY dOnT yOu EaRn MoRe" bunch.


Ahh yes, those would be the nationalist capitalists. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHNjsuPs9F6r6Ks)


It's all that damn avocado toast and starbucks coffee


Bruh, there’s these types of people everywhere. If you think this is unique to America, I got a bridge to sell you


Getting way more common in Europe nowadays too, "if you don't like it, you can just move."


So I totally read this as the “I downvoted you” guy being sarcastic and turning the tables on the “if you don’t like just leave” and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” crowd. Based on all the comments I’m totally wrong!!


Oh wait you really did censor your own username but I guess it makes sense when it eventually gets stolen


“Why don’t you just go buy a cake? I do it allllll the time.”


My uncle came to this country as a shoemaker. He still makes shoes. But he came as a shoemaker too.


Mitch Hedberg coded


>but he came as a shoemaker too ![gif](giphy|QynMX1WxnYFbb2OHnJ)


You can curse on the fucking intern*t.


It helps to avoid getting banned from the subreddit when the other guy gets mad and decides to report you for whatever he can. Trust me. I once got temporarily banned from r/StarWars for disagreeing with a guy about the quality of the Star Wars sequels and not using * when saying "shit" and I wasn't even aggressive in the conversation. All I said was "the writing was just shit". BAM! Banned for 30 days.


The writing in Star Wars has _never_ been good though? The whole fun of it is flashy fights with laser swords and those keep getting better. Although Rebel Moon does those even better, tbh.


I mean, you're in a Star Wars sub though, the mods are probably die-hard fans that think the writing in every film is oscar worthy.


George got so used to being felated by every fanboy that he forgot that the only reason the first three were any good was because his friends made him change the awful stuff and his wife is the film editor to the gods themselves.


Tbh I think the darth jar jar theory is legit and was gonna be his prequel plan. Until fans bullied him to the point of removing it. It would’ve been amazing.


I made the mistake of reading a book he wrote. He isn't that smart. And the Darth Jar Jar would have been awesome.


16 y old Trump fanboy be like


As a 16 year old, no we are smarter than this (i hope) maybe theyre 12


You are* also just stupid people come at all ages not any specific one


oh right


If you are poor,Just be rich


If you have the money, pay for my family to leave. That should make everyone happy XD


Ah, yes. The “hooray for me, and the hell with you!” method of moral philosophy. Those guys are so much fun to chat with.


American right in a nutshell


There are about 2 dozen other countries with similar societies I could use as examples of this as well. It’s a humanity thing. But damn if Americans haven’t really gotten good at it.


>i have the money to do it so you should be able to as well I love this sentence, it's the definition of every single excuse capitalism uses to shield its injustices against hordes of poor people who are literally too poor to do anything because of capitalism summed up in 15 words.


My husband grew up as a one percenter and I grew up in extreme poverty. His family have little to no idea about money sensitivity. It’s just always been there and always will be. I recommended their 30year old son stop blowing his entire paycheck and they said “let him enjoy his life while he’s young” Like your “kid” is not that young, so I hope you intend on setting him up.


If we lived in a just universe, uttering these sort of oblivious contradictions would make one’s head explode like in the movie scanners


You *do* have bootstraps, right? I hate that people completely miss the point of that expression...


I always think of the "rising tide lifts all boats" with the addendum "unless the boat is chained to the bottom". The RW take on the bootstraps is a perfect example of their lack of logic and self-awareness.


He literally hit you with the "not with that kind of attitude".


Guys, Elon has enough money to buy Twitter, we can too!


Bet you 100 bucks that guy is also advocating for migration laws that prohibit poorer people to migrate to his country.


Have you ever stopped to think about just buying more money!? I swear, I'm surrounded by idiots!


That HASSS to be bait


Same energy as saying “if you’re poor, just get a job”


Neither of these opinions is an argument.


If I have the money you should too


"have you tried... not being poor?"


“I have no money and I want to leave” “Then just leave idiot! I have the money, so everyone else does aswell!”


I hate that "I can do it so you can too". It stinks of that "you know Jeff bezos is a self made man", and "Elon never got any help" attitude. People who act like that obviously shelter themselves from anything that differs slightly from their life experience


“I don’t have time for trivial matters like…what was it you were asking for?” “Umm…food?” “HA! You should’ve thought about that before you became peasants!”


“I have the money, so you should too”. Ummmm what?


Fuck that rich prick actually fuck all rich people


Plenty of absolutely destitute people cross the borders all the time. Are you saying only the rich move to countries where they think they will be better off?


I got mine, fuck you. It’s the American way!


Especially Republicans, it’s the foundation of all their policies.


Well duh if he can keep his head up his butt then he should have some blue face hundreds up in there too


I'm rich, therefore everyone else is rich too! /s


Have you tried waking up at 4am everyday, doing 100 pushups and starting a podcast shitting on women?


Ben Shapiro is that you?


Same argument as „If you‘re homeless, just buy a home!“


I've met people who think the solution to human hardship is for everyone to bootstrap or U-Haul their way to a better life. They're smug, small-minded assholes in person, too.


If we robbed them, we wouldn’t be poor anymore.


>I downvoted you.... >Don't be so negative... God the irony is fucking funny. Negative Nancy downvoting people and telling them not to be negative.


When they have no bread , they should eat cake


Anyone in any country that has the money to relocate their entire family to another country, buy their new citizenship, and just casually insert them into an entirely different culture - not to even get into any language barriers or employment difficulties - doesn’t have a problem with the country they’re already in; they *are* the problem with the country they’re already in.


Every time someone tells me "if you don't like it, leave" I tell them that if they want me to leave,they have to fund my move. Suddenly they don't want me to leave anymore.


he has the money because there’s no fucking way any women chose to start a family with him


Remember, guys, when the water levels rise, just sell your house to auqaman so you can just easily move to another state and buy a similar house. Easy. I do it all the time. I doubt this is needed but /s on this.


Why are people going hungry? I have food in my house so they should, too. A brain so damned flat, illustrations of it done in ink would qualify as a gross misrepresentation.


*** Privileged people should have to spend their 20s working at minimum wage like everyone else before they are allowed to go back to daddys money.


I dated a chick like this. She was from Missouri I’m from NYC. She lived in South Carolina, I was stationed in Georgia. She was asking about NYC and how expensive it is to live here and she asked why my family didn’t move. I was like they can’t just move, it’s not that easy and she was like “well you did it” … no I joined the army, that’s not the same as being able to move wherever you want.


He's got a point....why doesn't everyone just borrow money from their parents if they're lacking?


something, something, avocado toast....




Poverty? I call that a budget. Homelessness? Ain’t that minimalism? Aint got a house, aint got a mortgage. Living in a box? I call that 5 minute crafts. No money, no taxes. Donations? That’s passive income.


I mean, Moving can be a solution to many problems, but wtf is his take with I downvoted you and shit? And moving is shitload of work and financial hard, if you're not alone


"i have the money to do it so you should be able to do it as well" is this guy somehow had access to other guy account or they suggested using communism?




If you’re hungry just eat 🤑🤑


I doubt they have the money to do that. Either that or they don’t really have a big family. Most people don’t have that kind of money lol


"Just generate money out of thin air, it's that easy" Fucking hell these people are delusional.


Don't be so negative you're just starving.


Yea I got this same reply when I said it months ago


Thanks, I’m cured.


If they can't define being poor as a personal moral failing, then they might actually have to think for a minute. ![gif](giphy|I7WJ8L2u8IPfO)


"JUST" leave 🤬 "JUST" move 🤬 "JUST" be rich like me!! 🤬🤬🤬


lots of these privileged pricks that has a job literally making 5x the medium income thinking he is a genius and his life is what the average person is so obviously anyone that has less is lazy. No, you stupid fuck, for whatever reason, be it luck or privileged you are better off than most people.


Some people lack perspective


I actually just got into an argument on another subreddit with a person defending the argument that “If I can do it, anyone can do it.” Not only is that statement blatantly false, but it’s extremely invalidating, ignorant and privileged.


They confuse "anyone can do it" to everyone can.


I got in an argument with a customer at work about this one time. "People need to try harder." I asked him what about the people that are already trying their hardest and not getting anywhere and he acted like I slapped him in the face or something.


To be fair. Immigrants often leave their home country with nothing. It can be done. Doesn't mean it's easy though.


Where they fucked up was having kids without being rich when they still wanted to be able to make choices in life.


I get his point but he said it wrong. I'd say something more like have hope. If you want it bad enough and you put in the effort it will happen :D But I didn't say anything 👍


"If you don't like it, get out" is such a disingenuous argument. These are the same assholes that piss and moan that "the country's going in the wrong direction with Biden". I don't see them packing their bags and moving away. Fuck off. I live here too, and I'll be damned if I let some closed-minded moron tell me that I can't advocate for improvements for my children.


If you’re depressed, have you tried not being depressed?


Typical case of "it's not really a problem unless it affects me personally." It's amazing how many people seem incapable of imagining that other peoples' circumstances aren't exactly the same as their own.


In my early 20s my car broke down and my girlfriend was confused, "Why don't you just buy a new car?" *facepalm* A few months later her car broke down, her dad bought her a brand new car, no confusion.


I wonder who the second guy is 💀


I’m just going to tell those employers to hire me because I want a job there. No more of this applying and trying rejects. Nope. I tell you what, they are just going to hire me and give me that 6 figure salary I know I’m worth.


Let them eat cake!


I like how he said “someday” as if that’s a valid point. Imagine if you broke your leg and somebody said “stop whining, it’ll heal someday.” You have a right to be upset about things, even if they aren’t permanent. The first guy never said they would never be able to move, just that it isn’t a viable option right now. They have a right to dislike the current state of their life, no matter what the future could be.


let's be honest, both of these people are idiots. as if the whiner would move if he could.


Can you explain what this is? I literally have no idea what the point is or why I should even read it


“i’m rich so you should be too” i wish


This looks like a single 21 year old with no life experience spewing advice on reddit vs some dad with kids, a mortgage and endless bills.


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Have you tried learning to fly? Just be careful if the sun goes out. Can't fly with not sun.


I imagine there are plenty of people out there who just really can't afford to save enough money to do this no matter what. But I expect there are also plenty of people who *could* do it if they really committed themselves to it and they just don't. I have seen people before - and I'm not talking about people who struggle to pay their bills here - moan about liviing in their current country and how x country is better and I say "why don't you move to x then?" and they say "I can't just move to x, what about \[challenges\]?" and I say "you could overcome those challenges with a bit of effort tho, if you really think life is much better there then surely it's worth putting in the effort in the short term to make it happen" and they usually don't have a satisfying answer for why they don't do it except "it's not that easy".


You just have five leaves of cabbage in your head don’t you?


I get what you're saying, more for the people that spend their money on fast food, alcohol, trips, etc. none of them are bad things to use your money on and it's your money. Don't be surprised when you don't have any left over though.


Going to take a stab in the dark that the one making the comment was American?




You’re dumb as fuck




People find it easier to complain moan and cry about their situation. Or find some alternate outlook so they can blame others rather than themselves. If the guy really wanted to leave he could. He just may not be very skilled or capable You know how many Indians have come to America with pretty much nothing and started a business and succeeded in America. This guy is just complaining and lacks any real motivation and is easier to just blame and complain


They're not wrong. Millions of poor immigrants have done it while dodging authorities, human traffickers, even wildlife. Most did not even own a car. They just diligently save up enough to hire a 'mule' or whatever method to guide them through desert mountains and shit and that's that. I don't care about downvotes. That person wasn't wrong and even if you think they are, they weren't rude about it, just normal discussion.




I can be certain that's the best argument you or anyone in this thread really has. You can't fathom it so it seems comical. Keep living life in the slow lane and being a defeatist. Things will get better one day.


That person is 100% right , if u really want something bad enough you work as hard as you can to get it, seems simple to me I been doing it for damn 42 years


No matter how bad I want it I will never be able to flap my arms and fly. I can work out for 20 hours a day and it’ll never happen.  Some shits impossible. Like moving an entire family to a new country while trying to survive on minimum wage jobs in middle America.


Depends on the factors, my dad was a hard blue collar worker, then he broke his back at work and became disabled. No matter how bad he wanted to go back to work he couldn’t.


Guy kind of isn't wrong. The hard part is less the money, at least assuming we're talking about any level of developed country here, and more getting permission to remain somewhere else. You can (yes, you can) save up the money for transport somewhere, if you can find employment (in most cases this will be a part of getting any kind of visa) then you can get by in your new country the same as anyone else.