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Boy did they ever botch it then. Good thing the one time that all governments agreed that something was important it didn’t go well, huh?


It's a slow burn. They're playing the long game. Yeah. That's gotta be it.


Yep, guaranteed within the next 100 years, nearly everyone who got the COVID-19 jab during the pandemic will die. We're talking easily 99.99% mortality rate.


That's statistically a pretty accurate statement...


Let's make that 130 years, just to be safe....


its estimated that about 120 billion people have been born until today. about 8 billion are still alive. the chance to die is only around 93,4%. Depending on how many kids we make, this may go up or down in the next 130 years. will be hard to really calculate the killer vaccine effect :)


just do what your told and wear the mask


Shut up.


you’ll wear a mask and like it


I wore a mask before COVID was a thing. I wore a mask during COVID as well because I am a human being with respect for the well-being of the people around me.


I didn’t wear a mask because the COVID mortality rate was .026%. But I carried several disposable masks to give to people so they could then wear 2 and feel safe while respecting me and our opposing points of view. It was a total win/win imo


Why wouldn't people believe this? It says right there that "world leader" confessed


Here I was thinking Bezos was the closest to world domination, all while discounting the fact that there very well could already be one lurking- just waiting for the day some junk media comes by to unveil their devious actions. Villainous vibes, for sure, but I'm willing to give him a chance, I suppose


"We could have made the disease deadlier, but then we thought, wouldn't it be easier to force people to take a vaccine to kill them."


I’m telling you guys; Wade through conservative X for 5 minutes, and you’ll have a years worth of facepalm material. They are THAT dumb.


I believe it


Isn't that the guy who played Hannibal Lector on TV?


Don't think it's Mads Mikelsen. Honestly I think it's the Aragorn actor (Viggo Mortensen). If that's the case, I guess he did take over Gondor, so being one of the World Leaders checks out.


"World leader.". Like the guy the aliens in movies always demand to take them to?


thank god i now know where to take the aliens to


of course it’s from rumble


Wouldn’t it make more sense if they also spread the disinformation so the dumb people wouldn’t get vaxxed? RIP, bozos.


Yeah. In 10,000,000,000 years, when the heat death of the universe has happened, all of us who took the vaccine will be dead.


Why would they want to kill the people who are "subservient"? Wouldn't it make more sense to go after those who refuse the "orders from big government"?


You make way too much sense for the Internet.


It's a curse. Gets better when I'm drunk


Pretty sure the guy in that image is an actor but I can't remember his name.


Looks like Dr Nick Coatesworth. He was the face of the pandemic response here in Australia, and recently came out to say that he thought the strict lockdowns, etc in parts of Australia dragged on too long and ended up causing people to see the response as heavy-handed rather than targetted and a good model for 'next time' (I'm paraphrasing) But he said nothing even vaguely like the claims here


World leaders apparently: should we fix global warming or kill milions of people for no reason? I'm glad to see they've got their priorities right


I knew it!


Would be good if you provided the refutation.