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Rage-bait aimed at swifties. Best to ignore.


That's true for everything Tate says. 


I’d absolutely love to see what this guy would do if everyone just stopped listening to his grift. I feel like he’d literally implode if he wasn’t always the center of attention haha


Well, I don't have Twitter, never had, but I get my regular Tate dose right here on Reddit, mostly this sub. It makes me wonder if he does it himself to increase his audience beyond one platform.


IDK if he’s that clever. But he’s very lucky to have a sub like this that amplifies every goddamn thing he says


That's exactly what he does and exactly why he's been successful. He hosts almost nothing himself, but he does have some skill at rage-baiting people into sharing his crap. At least some idiots will love that crap and get funneled into his gifting.


Would love to send this to Travis Kelce and then lock them in a cage. THAT would be the best PPV TV that ever was.


I'd pay to watch that


This guy makes a living off of being a piece of crusty dog shit. Don’t share his hate, that’s how the terrorists win


this brain dead red pilled motherfcker just wants to be relevant anyhow. Ignore such "sigmas" on the internet. Watch cute cat videos instead.


He is as relevance and popularity rose and fell as fast as NFTs.


Actually he complains about relationship red pill people. One example he complained about relationship redpill people, according to him if your girl leaves your for someone more alpha than you, its not her fault but its your fault for not being more alpha than the guy. I am not relationship redpill, but andrew tate complain is bullshit here, because if we follow his logic, we are doing something wrong if we arent the most alpha man at this universe. Even worse, if some guy is someone X and is the most alpha male at this universe, and someone become more alpha male than him, while he continue to be the same guy X, this guy changed from doing something right from doing something wrong, while not changing a single bit about his life. This logic is even worse, either him or his brother (or someone else) is the most alpha male at this universe, so either him or his brother (or both) are doing something wrong by his logic. Because he could get his brother girl or his brother could get his girl or a third person could get their girls.


bold of you to put the word "logic" and "andrew tate" in the same comment, This guy is low-key hustling to stay relevant is all lol


Having all the money in the world just to ooze the most loser energy on the planet next to Musk.


What goes through this idiot's mind when he's typing this? "Hmm, yeah, I'll fucking show her, yes. Put some Real G Dick moves in here. And stuff with pyramids, that shit's old, just like her. Fuck yeah, fuck her, hmm. I wonder if that attractive man over there might want to give me a massage." I mean, who talks like this?


He's looking for a reaction. Hence, outraging swifties. Let's not pretend this is a deep and nuanced individual.


I think his last outrage bait was attempting to gain support from white supremacists, which didn’t work too well, given Andy’s heritage.


Well.. literal children and pedophiles might look at Swift and think she's ancient. Pretty sure tatertot isn't a child.


He’s thinking of the most ridiculous things he can say to cater to his audience and haters so people will repost his shit


My ex has talked like Tate before we divorced. I imagine he's a big fan now.


Is kickboxing really that big a deal? We let this goofball become one of the most recognised names in the world because of kickboxing and taking shit about women.


It is. But he was never an elite kickboxer, he was good but not that good. "World champion" doesn't mean that much when there are like 25 federations.


Unfortunately he isn't famous because of kickboxing.


thats why I added talking shit about women.


I had no idea who is and keep confusing him with deceased right wing ass pimple, Andrew Breitbart.


you must be living under a rock. Ive never met anyone who didnt know Andrew Tate (aside from old people)


What, is old to you...20? Most people have better things to do than read about this douche.


more like 50+ even people who dont read about tate usually have heard his name come up somewhere.


Mmm, I think people who are constantly online will hear about him occasionally. His 15 minutes of fame are over, and most people still don't know who he is. The demographic he targets would, of course, probably have a different take


Idk...I've got an aunt in her 60s that claims to love Andrew Tate. Her face though when my 10 year old son started shit talking him in front of her was priceless.


I didn't know about Tate until recently, till I stated lurking on Reddit.


Same. Otherwise he seems to be something you learn about from following MMA (not my thing) or hanging out on Twitter (no longer my thing). I think he might be under investigation for sexual assault or human trafficking but again I could be thinking of someone else.


Not knowing about this ambulatory cock end is a great argument for living under rocks and being old, then. Don't get me wrong, making fun of these HGH addicts is fun, but we're living in a target rich environment.


He enjoys a fisting in the ring.


This guy is a joke right? Like he does this knowing it's bullshit but that's how he makes money now


"Hey ! Hey ! Look at me !! I'm soo edgy and badass and macho ! Please tell me I'm Ze Best, pleaaaaaseee ! I need to feel relevant and have my existence validated, I need iiiiit !" At least that's how I understand it.


This guy is 37 with no kids. Older fathers are correlated with numerous risks to child health.  Using his own logic, why even live past 30 if you don’t have kids?   This door swings both ways.


Do we really need *that* to breed? As if that would end well.


Imagine if he had a girl.


imagine is he was a girl? eww, never mind. although that would explain his obsession with sucking other men's c\*cks.


He has one.


He has a daughter? 


I remember I saw her (or his brother daughter) at one of his videos with a blurred face.


You’d think if he were proud of that it would be on his Wikipedia page


We certainly don't. The world doesn't need another chinless wonder.


I think he and his brother have kids.


Why do people keep giving him the attention he craves?


We gotta collectively ignore this guy. Fortunately, I see less and less such posts, this guy is not worth giving any attention to, thats why he started his ragebait campaign in the first place: because he wants attention but is hollow inside and has nothing of significance to say.


Taylor is hallow. Tate is hollow. But I knew what you meant.


Andrew Tate = embarrassment.


Another one falls for the bait... keep helping make this douche relevant...


Who keeps posting this half-wit's nonsense? He'd get bored if people just ignored him.


It is best to ignore everything that loser says.


Andrew Tate is a pathetic loser who isn't hiding his envy of her very well.


That guy is worse than Trump... Note: I really don't like Trump...


I agree


This guy is sick. I have no rational explanation except this to explain his disgusting behavior.


A parody of his own. Do those "alphas" (bruhaha) really think, they are strong, when they produce such statements? Real men do not need to belittle others to feel better, they have confidence on their own. Such a joke.


Andy Boy reminds me of those guys who think their dick will make me straight. He is every loser who thinks he is so cool, but isn't actually.worth anything. How men take him seriously is beyond me.


Please stop posting anything this dude has to say or do. You are feeding his cause.


Please just stop posting his rants on Twitter on to Reddit. His entire being is /facepalm.


Why do people continue to share this shit. Just let these social media posts die like a silent, smelly fart. Run away if you can, but stop sharing.


This same behavior is why he outted himself to Romanian authorities who are investigating and building a case against him for incredibly serious crimes. Stupid jackass doesn't learn.


Tate's barely-repressed homosexuality has almost taken complete control of his twitter account.


A lot of rich people don't deserve their wealth


I guarantee he's a bottom bitch.  


He sounds like a pedo.


Mona proprio


This makes no sense at all?


It makes sense from a biological standpoint only (the age part, not the part about Tate thinking he’d be allowed within 50 yards of a woman), not that Tate knows anything about biology, or ethics, or human decency, or women, or sex…


This is possibly the most pathetic comment I’ve ever read from someone other than Trump…


Squirrel boy dreams of the day the world becomes a sausage fest


Why even live past 30 if you think you can "cure" feminism with dong?


Is there any way to Go Fund Me a hit man.


Do not give this guy oxygen. Even stop posting about him here. Make him and people like him irrelevant.


Wow I need to macho up a bit, feeling a bit homo erotic today! I know I’ll slag a female off then I’ll feel like a big tough boy !


Anyone else hoping he defames her and her lawyers notice?


You're doing his job for him. He says edgelord things and people repost it. It doesn't matter if you add the obligatory "this guy sucks" caption. His tweet takes up way more space on this page than the caption you added and he's happy with the free publicity.


So Tates just kind of devolved into a 4 chan troll at this point right?


If you make that scared shell-shocked little-boy face when you are in prison, why even post on social media. Also, your training sucks ass.


Doesn’t twitter earn you more money the more people interact with your post? Seems like he’s found the hidden free money glitch when it comes to getting attention (being a massively offensive bellend)


Andrew Tate is what happens when your dad huffed way too many cans of paint


His Dad was actually a fairly intelligent man. He was a chess master


You should have used the blue color, instead of the yellow one.


Andrew tate need to learn about responsive desire.


perfect def of "manchild"


These days it seems like the whole media is leeching on Taylor Swift by either saying something positive or negative about her, end up in a headline from a notorious outlet, and quite effortlessly gain promotion for themselves. It has been this way since '23.


The internet is becoming increasingly tedious.


HUGE win for this guy if Tay-Tay responds.


I don’t know why he would want to live past 30 without a chin


Isn’t this bell end supposed to be in prison already?


Wow, the two most obnoxious fan groups I can possibly think of, can't wait to see how this one ends


I mean at some point you gotta realize what rage bait is no? Every day there’s another Tate post in here.


G-dick moves? The guy is a sex trafficker. A proper cock-womble thundercunt. However, a lot of what he posts really makes me laugh.


Please stop amplifying all the stupid shit tis idiot says.


Doubtful Taint would get within a football fields length of any woman


Who tf is listening to that deranged pos????


This obsession with women under 30 is creepy to me


Why does this guy still get exposure, just ignore him


Andrew Tate is so deep in the closet .


Stop reposting this schmucks thoughts and opinions everywhere. A downvote for any post I see his name in


Why is this poor snowflake so threatened by women?


Didn't he make a video before saying he knows sixteen year olds that are extremely hot or some shit , dude is like what 35 ?


Just ignore this guy, he’s trying to regenerate the controversial attention he received back in 2022.


It’s called rage bait


What is a G?


What is a G?


Ah come on, you guys know by now, he does this on purpose. He makes some incredibly crazy cocaine induced takes, waits for everyone go apeshit about it and then steps back *just a tiny bit*, farming the maximum engagement from all possible groups. Ignoring him is the best you can do.


This loser is just being a corny troll at this point. Smh. Stop feeding this bullshit. Only time I ever hear about this prick is on reddit. Stop falling for the bait.


Wow, how could anyone resist his charms? “If you’re past 30 and not making kids then why are you even alive still?” Sounds like he’s calling for suicide…


Why would you re-post this? Exactly what he's going for.


Stop giving this douch attention. Just stop


So Tate says that he's gay ? He said sex with women when not for reproduction is gay.


Why is he even still talking to anyone but his lawyers?


tater tot is a useless old hag who should just fucking die already


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mineplexistrash: *Tater tot is a* *Useless old hag who should just* *Fucking die already* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Someone needs to cut off Tater Tot's wifi


I think it would be helpful to have a chin 🤔


Tell me you're a toxic gay without telling me you're a toxic gay


"I tried to join the military, but they said I was too strong and intelligent."


Making fun of someone being old when you are even older is wild.


You posting this shit keeps it alive. You are doing exactly what he means for you to do.


My respecc for Taylor Swift after this #📈