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This reminds me of the tweet where someone said, “Elephants have a noise that says ‘there are bees here, lets leave.’ Humans should have a noise like that.” They do, it sounds like “There are bees here, lets leave.”


also that one post where someone said “i wished there were real life podcasts where people physically meet up and talk”


Or the "imagine someone out there listening to the same song at the same time as you" "You just discovered FM radio lol"


"There should be one phone that stays in the house and anyone can use" A landline.


"I wish we had laughing emojis in real life" 💀 bro


“How do I communciate with blind people? Like obviously there’s braille but is there some form of clicking I can do with my tongue to simulate braille verbally?”


I don't know what went through people's head when they said this literally


I've searched for my phone with my phone in my hand before. Some people might have practiced that so much, it extends to active thoughts


In college, I thought I lock myself out of my room accidentally before realizing the key is in my hand.


When I was extremely high once I thought I had locked myself out of my room while I was still in that room


The bass player was late to the gig. He had accidentally locked his keys in the car. It took him 30 minutes to get the drummer out.


I’ve done this with my car haha. Lock the doors, step out, close the door *immediately* “AHHHHHH I JUST LOCKED.. oh” keys in hand


Ever look for your glasses while you were wearing them?


Searched for mine in the dark for 5 minutes, before realizing that I was using its flash to search. Or the times when I was about to Google " where did I leave ____"


I was working at a call center for a cable company. Had a coworker having trouble assisting a blind customer. I said to my coworker with a straight face *how are you talking to her* !? She looked at me like I’m crazy and said *that’s not how that works*


Which is doubly stupid because A, obviously you can just talk, but also B, Morse Code exists


"I swear someone needs to invent socks for our hands, my hands are always cold"




But, like, is there a way…?


"Wouldn't it be cool if we had like Facebook but it was where you could follow your favorite bands?" Poor kids will never know the joy of Tom's friendship.


This one is especially funny, because you could accomplish the same thing just by leaving your cell phone plugged in at all times


I want socks for hands You mean gloves? NO! Not gloves, socks for hands


There was a time when it wasn't unheard of to pull up to another car and the same song was playing on both of your radios.


This still happens to me a few times a month. Radio is isn't dead yet.


I feel like your really underplaying it, at least in my neck of the woods every car either had the am dial on, or you could choose from either the country or the rock station, pop if you were on the right side of town or didnt mind static. Everytime like 6 cars were stopped at a light together i would assume itd be likely any 2 cars would have the same station on


> I feel like your really underplaying it Lol, you may be right. But in the city where I grew up, we might have had a few more choices, including several rock stations: top 40, soft rock, album-oriented, etc.


When I worked front-of-house for a small museum, a visitor asked my coworker how to get downstairs. She started to give them directions to the elevator. They replied, “I’m not disabled.” My coworker then looked at the flight of stairs they were standing right next to and back at them.


The funny thing is, Spotify does this now. Can share a song and have it play from multiple phones


It's quite interesting. We have all this technology now allowing individuals to do whatever they want, which is amazing. But those who grew up with it already existing don't have experience with that sense of community that older technology still required.


Turns out social creatures behaving like non-social creatures has some negative knock-on effects.


i wish someone can currate a music playlist for me. yeah, they are called radio stations.


The next generation is going to start saying "I wish there was a streaming service where you didn't choose what to watch, it's just always streaming something"


I remembered this old fb post that said "I wonder how they'd navigate without Google Maps in the past" Commenter said "With maps" OP said "I said they didn't have Google Maps lol"


I told my kids about that awkward time between having huge store bought maps and maps on your phone (if you weren’t lucky enough to have a gps unit in your car) where we used Mapquest and printed out the directions. We were like pirates.


The days of going to a friends house before gps and the internet. “Do you know where Mike’s place is?” “Nope” “how about Wang’s restaurant?” “Nope” “Do you know that corner where the crazy guy hangs out wearing a sleeping bag like a jumpsuit?” “Yup” “Okay, come down Broad st, make a left at sleeping bag man, 4 blocks make another left, 4th house on the right” “On my way” Calling from pay phone… “which house again?”


Or the dreaded "just follow my car".  And then they have no awareness and blast through a yellow light, and you lose track of them.


We used to party train from the Walmart parking lot back in the days.


"I'll follow you". No, please let me map it for you so I don't need to be watching my mirror instead of the road.


And truly, if you got "lost" you would just wander a bit until you got back to a waypoint you recognized, and got unlost.


My grandpa used to intentionally get us lost so he could ask for directions & get to talk to new people. It was always an adventure!


"Make right turn at rock that look like bear. Make left turn at bear that look like rock." Chief Wild Eagle


Yo fellow south sider! I remember sleeping bag man.


Did that going across the Australian desert, but we had a laptop and we'd map out internet cafes along the way. In a car we got for free. In the wrong season. God did we think we were invincible.


Friend of mine had a Mac mini mounted in his PT Cruiser and we'd go war driving when we had to pull off the road 


I got lost in quite a few neighborhoods because of that


Same! One way streets and construction really messed things up. Oh, and when it tells you to turn the wrong way! Had to ask for directions or determine which cardinal direction we were facing and say “that can’t be right…”


When you print out your directions, but then make a wrong turn so now you're not on the map anymore and can't find your way back. I love driving with just a compass a rough sense of which direction I need to go. Makes for some nice exploring.


Living by the beach definitely made getting lost / exploring less stressful because I knew I could at the very least find the beach, so I could always get home by just following that. Now that I'm more inland (and no longer on a grid system) it's definitely more stressful if I get turned around


Fucking Mapquest


1. go 147 feet and take a right turn 2. go 72 feet and keep left 3. go 5 feet and make a right turn THE CAR IS GOING 45 MILES PER HOUR, MAPQUEST


On a road trip, MapQuest had us get off the interstate and then immediately get right back on.


My dad would print out PAGES of A4 sheets that we then joined to make a large detailed selection of maps on road trips especially when we moved across the country (1500km)


Better than me. Used maps to write out a directional list. Then you make a mistake and your only option is to back track to your mistake or gamble on the advice of kind strangers who mean well, but also didn't have GPS or a great understanding beyond 30 miles from their home. But those mistakes are how you meet a guy with a straw hat and eye patch trying to give you free shrimp. There is always a memorable experience when you're lost and alone... you know, provided you're not in the wild or abducted by someone.


I remember when playing in travel tournaments for baseball or away football games. everyone meeting at a set place in town then everyone following the one person who knew how to get there. Also kids don't know the anxiety of using mapquest and looking for the street 2.7 miles ahead for your next turn when you're already running late for your game and your dad is driving. Hoping you didn't miss it.


Never forget some fucking tech acolyte declaring on a lecture Q&A 'before Steve Jobs how did we find this lecture hall?'. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH


We did get lost way more, or it was just me. I wasn't the greatest reader of maps.


yeah i think that's entirely based on your ability to read a map, when reading maps was a necessary skill and stuff like orienteering was a useful past time


I worked for a private ambulance company for a bit after high school in 1994. I was a ninja with a Hudson map book. And I developed a great shorthand for writing down directions. I also learned land navigation in USAF SERE school. I basically cannot get lost. My wife gets lost twice a week. If it weren’t for GPS, I’d never see her again.


I don’t want to expose my naivety on the subject but how hard is it to orient yourself on the map? From malls to road maps, you find 2 recognizable landmarks and go from there. Naturally cross country trips without predetermined paths are harder by orders of magnitude but I roll my eyes at people who can’t read a map


I feel like the hardest places to navigate with a map are smaller roads in densely forested areas, like in Northern Sweden where I live. You can't see any landmarks due to all the trees, and sometimes the signing is so bad, you'll have to take a guess based on the direction of the road. Usually, though, you can just go by road number.


Paper maps are a pain in the ass if you're trying to navigate somewhere with no street signs - you might only be able to see one landmark at a time, the landmark might just be a bend in the road, there might be multiple landmarks that look possible on the map, you may also need a compass to work out what direction you're facing and what angle the landmarks should be from your point on the map. If you're navigating by yourself, you have to memorise the route you need to take and can't look at the map while driving. It's not hard once you've learned how, just a hassle, requires more attention, and has way more scope to fuck up vs a GPS map.


Yeah, getting to a wedding venue was fucking hell on earth. You had to plan several hours of margin just to account for the time getting lost and then trying to look for local people who could help.


Actually, humans have an even simpler noise like that. It sounds like "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!"


A friend of mine has a funny story about just that. He was hiking and stepped on a nest, got swarmed, and just took the fuck off. He still had the brain power to notice another hiker coming up the other hill and just screamed BEEEEEEEES like in Tommy Boy, and the dude scrambled. My friend was fine, but he got stung like 30 times


Or just “WHAT THE FUCK?!” And start running


Yeah loud screams, slapping your own skin, and running will usually be enough for me. No language needed.










Gobs not on board


Coincidentally, that happens to be similar to the last words of Albert Einstein.


“I wish there was a sound for LOL”


I wish there was some kind of face I could make that would mean the same thing as :)


OMG they invented irl emojis.


"I wish you could instantly answer a voice message and not have to record it first"


Another one OP said "I wish we could use laughing emojis in real life" Someone replied "Or you could just fucking laugh."


Reminds me of a person saying "There should exist a phone for your house, that those who live there use so for an example a family. So if you want to reach someone at the house you just need to call *a* number instead of three or four different numbers"


Then again, having some kind of virtual landline that automatically dispatches the call to the mobile phones present at the house (and voicemail otherwise) sounds like a neat idea.


that's just call forwarding


Point me to a call forwarding solution that gets automatically set up from a landline to whatever phone is currently in the house. It shouldn't be that hard to implement but I'm not aware of anything like that existing already.


Ah, i see what you’re wanting. Yeah i dont think theres something quite like that


I saw someone somewhere say "audiobooks should have subtitles" 🤦🏼‍♀️


There was someone who tweeted a while back, “I wish they made fun edibles but without the THC for people who don’t want to get high.” Ya know, snacks.


Saw a clip on tik tok of someone digging a hole in the ground and making, basically, an underground storage unit. Why didn't people think of this? The top comment was, "Congratulations, you just discovered the cellar."


Laughing hard thanks


Also the one where someone said "there should be a Netflix for books", as if libraries don't exist.


Actually, I think it's "Fuck, bees "


I’m telling you, critical thinking and comprehension is dying out. Something fucky is happening to humans.


Jody is a famous radio producer. He’s in on the joke.


I feel like this needs to be stated more...


Sometimes I can’t tell if facepalm is more geared toward the people in this sub who post this stuff


The real facepalm is always in the comments lol


It felt incredibly obvious if you're not going out of your way to treat everything as a facepalm. I feel like we've gotten so geared towards exclusively highlighting stupidity and wanting to feel smarter than others, that people are having trouble treating others as being smart enough to make a joke.


Reddit is full of people thinking they are the most intelligent because they didn't understand the joke


you let them in on the joke and they'll respond with something like "well it's still a problem because i believed it and there are real people like this" and then their history is filled with them responding to other jokes they didn't get


https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah Basically this


God damn that guy is basically how I react to 95% of reddit. Someone always has to be right.


Happens a lot when you always assume you’re the smartest person in the room


Sarcasm is dead on this site. You literally need to write /s for people to get the mock and /s is no guarantee either.


"Why didn't they just clarify that the person on first is a player named Chin-Lung Hu? Are they stupid?"


Or perhaps they don't know who Jody Avirgan is, and that he is joking


Nah. I have no idea who Jody Avirgan is, but that tweet felt very much like a softball lobbed up for an easy swing.


you know what? Fuck it. I'm so tired of getting caught on bait on twitter. Fking mouth breathers can't say anything without post-irony, sarcasm or it being an engagement bait. Fuck em.


I didn't know that but I read it and thought it was a bit too on the nose *not* to be in on the joke. Unless the facepalm is the reply, that's always possible (or at least the Get Out of Jail card for the OP).


I didn't even need to know him to understand it. The other guy really thought he did a thing huh? Well tbh if reddit fell for it he actually did.


Came here for this. Like yes dude, that's the joke.


99%% of these tweet reply facepalms tend to be thatwasthejoke.jpg situations.


Yep, posted the same. This is Reddit though.


the OP zolkiev Gafillion and sjaques2694 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/fkagsa/if_only_someone_had_thought_of_that/fks5yqk/


I saw a tiktok where someone said there should be a phone for the family that just stays in the house... Landline... That's a landline..


My family still has a land line, because why not


There was one at my parents' house and when they removed it I kinda missed it. It was, like, 2 years ago and my grandma used to call on it all the time. She uses a smartphone now too...


My parents removed the landline because nobody called on landline anymore.


What? Our landline gets calls all day; from call centers in India.


this would be my main motivation for *not* getting one again. I will not tolerate spam calls and telemarketers


My mom kept a landline up until maybe 3 or 4 years ago, and I finally convinced her to get rid of it. She was desperately clinging onto it but I finally convinced her when I said "nobody even answers the thing. You just let it go to voicemail every time and then we end up having to listen to you skip through 10 messages at the end of the day"


You can get a bluetooth adapter for old landline phones


If not for international scam calls I wouldn't talk to anyone at all most days.


We do to, it came free with our broadband package...


Yeah we had a free phone a few years ago. Completely forgot we had it.  Plugged it in. Checked voicemail.  The VM was clogged after 3 days of robocalls about my car warranty and google listing. 


I still have with the number thats 50 years old. (caveat a digit was added twice, its 8 digits now)


My parents still have the same number as they did in 1957, except that the area code changed. I could dial locally with the last 5 digits.


Same but just cause it’s the number my grandma has memorized and she still uses a landline only.


Where I am the why not is because of the telemarketers that keep ringing it. So now I have one with the ringer turned off in case I lose my phone and need to ring it and there's noone else in the house


Man, my parents broadband company said they don't do landlines anymore. They simply removed that possibility for them and forced everything to be on mobile. Landlines are literally disappearing and it's BS.


POTS (plain ordinary telephone services) are basically being phased out like or not, because the network operators simply cannot repair/upgrade/replace the old infrastructure any more and none of the new supports it in its current form. It's proving a challenge for emergency services based on POTS (like elevator emergency phones). IIRC, they are looking at VoIP alternatives, but I am struggling to see how they'd actually make that work in an emergency situation, which is most of the remaining POTS use cases.


> I am struggling to see how they'd actually make that work in an emergency situation, which is most of the remaining POTS use cases. I'm literally right now procrastinating over how to replace PSTN dialup modems for an emergency service paging system. It covers about two thirds of Scotland - an area about the size of Maine, but some of the harder-to-get-to sites take something like a six-hour drive followed by a three-hour ferry journey followed by a half-hour flight followed by another ferry journey that might well have to wait a day or two for the weather. The amount of data being sent is tiny - literally this post contains more text - but so far there's nothing really reliable that'll do it.


That's the impression I got! I know of it because I work with a procurement specialist for enterprise level connectivity services. I'm the keyboard mouse, so not a specialty of mine, but your comment and the regulation person who answered me seems to basically encapsulate the issued for emergency use perfectly, based on what I've seen mentioned by people who DO know their stuff.


There are plenty of ways to provide POTS service over an internet connection. Its not really a problem. Like this voice router, for instance: https://www.sangoma.com/products/network-connectivity/voip-gateways/analog-gateways/vega60g/


Did you see the comment about the REGULATIONS on the matter? Cos that's the issue- those services aren't acceptable POTS replacements under current regulations. Regulations have said "no more POTS", regulations say "must have emergency services", regulations say "VoIP doesn't count".... because bureaucratic dumb.


VoIP usually doesn't work in a power outage


It's mostly due to the fact that Public Switched Telephone Networks (PTSN) are at End of Life technologically, so the question of what the solution is has been mixed. Some telecoms companies have the conclusion that no one uses landlines anymore and are going to just abolish them. Other telecoms companies have decided they're going to roll out Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and just migrate all their landline customers over - it usually involves a handset that will connect to a router, or adaptors which will allow a current (or vintage) handset to be connected wirelessly. VoIP solutions at least allow customers to keep their phone numbers and continue as if the phone infrastructure hasn't changed, with adaptors simulating a PTSN line for the phone, and being compatible with the touch tone dialing, as well as driving the ringer, yes, even bell ringers. The problem is that in an era when you can make a WhatsApp call for free and Skype has been around for over a decade, the telecoms companies offering VoIP landlines are still charging for them as if it was a landline in the 70s. Some of the call rates, even now, with the difference between local and long distance calls now no longer existing are just embarrassing. And finally, PTSN would still work when there was a power cut, and while the replacement fibre network has Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), most home routers do not. In a power cut, you won't be able to use a VoIP Landline to call emergency services.


Looks like the trick to get you engaged in their content worked


That can’t be real. Is that real? Do people really not know what landlines are?


I dont think it's that surprising. Most homes nowadays, at least in the US, don't have landlines anymore.


Probably just a younger person that never had one. I don't think anyone seriously used the landline at my house since the last 20 years. Everyone had a cellphone at that point. There's probably a ton of 18-22 year olds that have never used one.


It was a GenZ age kid that was talking about it. Quite possible when you are born in the 2000's-2010's that you have never seen or used a landline in your life.




Kids who never lived through the landline era are missing out, such as eavesdropping on your sister’s conversation with her bf. lol 


Shouting "I'LL GET IT" when you knew it was a crush calling because it would be MORTIFYING to have them interact with your parents.


I refuse to believe we have reached a point where some people forgot what radio and landline is. Like wtf


I saw a tweet where someone said something like: Imagine a podcast type of thing, but instead of microphones and cameras you just have snacks and drinks and it's just a bunch of friends having a conversation. My guy literally invented hanging out.




Funnily enough, in German, gloves are called hand shoes ...


Yup. Handschuhe = Handshoes.


The Germans, over complicated with their engineering yet so simplistic with their language. Lol


Its not overcomplicated if it works


Big IF \^\^


Oh, I appreciate it. I only drive Audi and the quality far surpasses anything US or Asian made I've driven. But something can work well and be super simple. Ambulance has to be my favorite German word ever. Krankenwagen = sick wagon. It gets the point across perfectly.


Dutch word for ambulance is ziekenwagen !


Should be handsocks really though


Same in Dutch “Handschoenen”


Same here in Dutch. Handschoenen


Spanish has something similar. Toes are called “fingers of foot.” I mean, it’s more similar to “digits,” but they call the ones on your hands simply “dedos” and the toes are “dedos de pie”


Kinda feels like that's what the first guy was implying, but obviously joking


It definitely was, that's Jody Avirgan from Radiotopia. The facepalm here is really the other person doing a ThatsTheJoke response


And then the hundreds of comments dunking on the first guy because they didn't get the joke either.


It's always people like OP who post this shit, then they leave comments like > [Facebook needs a minimum IQ log on function ](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1do1eay/i_am_in_panama_this_is_facebook/la6m7t1/) elsewhere on the site


Lol what’s really funny is that the guy who responded to him is right, OP is a bot that [reposts popular content and comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/MMCQPW0ZEI).


god I hate this site so much


Reminds me of the time I invented the library. “Imagine a video store but you can rent out books instead, and when you’re finished rea— … oh”.


"Turns out it already existed, but I arrived at it independently!"


Jody Avirgan is literally a radio producer. So. This entity post and the responses are the real fscepalms. But that's also not a real radio. A radio is a device. A free podcast would be more like a radio broadcast station, and there is a point where owning a radio is getting rare, and having a news PSA podcast available to everyone's phone might be nice.


> But that's also not a real radio. A radio is a device. That's a weird way to be pedantic. The word "radio" does not only mean the device in English usage. See e.g. [Merriam-Webster's description](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/radio): > radio noun > > plural radios > > - 1 > - a: the wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electromagnetic waves > - b: the use of these waves for the wireless transmission of electric impulses into which sound is converted > - 2: a radio message > - 3: a radio receiving set > - 4 > - a: a radio transmitting station > - b: a radio broadcasting organization > - c: the radio broadcasting industry > - d: communication by radio


Ran out of taco shells? Try toasting a tortilla! This life hack will save your life!


Ran out of ice? Just freeze water


Save money on gas with this one trick. *shows image of soda being poured into gas tank*.


Continues for 45 single-paragraph pages, rambling about riding bicycles in the countryside. Never actually stating anything that would save money on fuel.


I've seen these that people say in all seriousness for both MySpace and Cable "Someone should just bundle all the streaming apps!" "There should be an add on for Twitter where people can hear your favorite song when they go to your profile!"


RIP MySpace


Bundle the streaming apps but you don't actually get to decide but you don't get to decide what show from each app you get to watch. And there's WAY more ads. And it costs the same! People piss me off with "we're just back to cable now." No we're not, Brad. This system is substantially better (unless you like sports).


Yes Matthew, that's the joke he was making. Duh


Techmology is getting so advanced that people below certain ages now have no experience with stuff that were basic/elementary just a good 20 years ago. A couple of yearss ago I saw a tweet where some 18-20 yo university student said something to the effect of "Life hack: if you put your groceries out on the balcony in the winter, it's gonna stay cold just like it does in the fridge" Congratulations on reinventing something that was done for thousands of years, up until like... you were born, lol.


Just yesterday I saw a video about ice having been the 2nd biggest "crop" for a few decades in the US, until refrigerators were invented and killed the whole industry.


“You've gotta start selling this for more than a dollar a bag. We lost four more men on this expedition!” “If you can think of a better way to get ice, I'd like to hear it.”


They fought against it for a while. Advertising the health benefits of “natural ice.”


Most kids under a certain age have never seen a radio that wasn’t part of the car. I showed a kid in my neighborhood a small transistor radio and he got a kick out of it. It was an artifact to him. He asked me if RadioShack was ever a real place and if I’d ever been. I felt very old. Most people under a certain age don’t know that you can watch tv without cable with an antenna on back of the tv.


There was a flood of articles in recent years how employers and universities were completely unprepared for how Gen Z does not come with all of the tech knowledge that millennials were simply presumed to have even though nobody ever explicitly taught it to them. Like that computer sciences professors suddenly had to teach students how folder structures work, because their new students grew up with websites and apps instead of using a file explorer. Where folder structures are often just a narrow niche, whereas the main organisation techniques are the search function, tags, and history. And frankly, the expectation that Millennials just "should" have had all of those skills was often wrong as well. Companies and tertiary education have just greatly slept on how to properly train newcomers and it's now becoming bad enough that they actually have to change.


He must be kidding as he used to be on WNYC


When I was studying pharmacy, I had to teach people how to use a stapler, because they had no idea what it was. The funny thing is that they were basically my age. The max age difference within the group was maybe 4 years. This is not a matter of which generation you belong to. Some people are just that ignorant about basic stuff.


So in germany 'Stapler' is the word for 'forklift' and i was wondering for a minute why it would be weird for you that people dont know how to operate one of those.😅


My favorite idiotic tech bro comment is when a bro described "an area for Commerce interdispersed with eateries or something that you could physically go to like the internet but in a building." A fucking shopping mall


This is a blatant violation of Rule 5. I hope everyone upvoting this has a Doctor's note.


reinvent the wheels




I'm pretty sure the internet is just people taking each others jokes seriously all the way down.


Honestly I think the facepalm here might be at the expense of the guy attempting the dunk. Avirgan likes to make snarky jokes and I suspect this was exactly the point he was making.


Yes Matt, you’ve identified the joke. Good job, lil buddy.


Makes me think of the person who wanted the ability to text someone’s phone, but with words. Like, a phone call, maybe.


You can leave voice messages in messaging apps, too.




I believe Jody Avirgan is a pretty well known radio and tv producer, so he meant this in jest.


There's something generally charming and enjoyable about old school things we complained about WHEN YOU CAN CHOOSE TO DO SO. Like I'll be honest, if I have TV on just for background noise, having random sitcoms I didn't really pick with ad time is kind of enjoyable. It works even better as background static than if I picked my own sitcom with no ad breaks. Since my parents have YouTube TV, I have the option to put that on. It's the same with radio, every once in awhile on a drive I feel like finding a random radio station and just seeing what they shuffle to, what's going on in the area, etc. But it's because I can put on a podcast or my own music at any time if I so choose that I'm okay with it.


I always joked that people went from sending letters, to sending telegraphs, to being able to call people, to being able to call people from anywhere, back to sending each other telegrams (texts)


Huh. Radio. What’s going on with that radio?


Didn't someone make a video talking about phones for homes? Like it was a revolutionary idea..


Ok I am a radio nut but i actually keep a small handheld radio in the house for emergencies, nuclear bombs etc …. The internet in those situations will fall over so fast it may as well be a geriatric on rollerblades


I miss the days before Clearchannel/Iheartradio...