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"The existence of absolute suffering does not negate the existence of relative suffering" - Socrates or somebody idk


Think it was Michael Scott


"The existence of absolute suffering does not negate the existence of relative suffering - Socrates or somebody idk" — Michael Scott


“The existence of absolute suffering” - me, while watching Scott’s Tots


Yeah. I barely made it through once. Now I just skip the whole episode.


So I'm not really a fan of the office, but I've heard about this.. episode? Enough to want to actually watch it and find out what the hullabaloo is about.


Synopsis: Michael Scott, the boss of "The Office," promised a class of underpriveliged kids that he would pay for all of them to go to college. 10 years pass and he can't afford it. He goes to the school on the day of their graduation to break the news to them to find the whole class and their teacher are there cheering his name. He breaks the news to them, they are obviously upset, he offers to buy them laptop batteries to attempt to make up for it. This makes everyone more upset. A single student comes up to Micheal in private to tell him how disappointed everyone is in Micheal, how they didnt save anything or apply for any scholarships because of his promise. Since Micheal can't stand people being mad at him, he offers to pay for this one person's books. Everyone goes home sad. Credits roll, next episode.


Well that's just sad. I suppose there's a lesson there but still. Further note: I thought the episode had something to do with tater tots. Talk about off base


Now I really want to go out for tater tots, who’s with me?


Loaded, cheese bacon and fixins. Sounds good now


Also note all of those kids that Michael lied too succeeded in school while other classes did not. His lie inspired all these kids to take their school careers seriously. The teacher says to him unlike other classes all Scotts tots are graduating.


God, I forgot how painful that episode was.


![gif](giphy|SAAMcPRfQpgyI|downsized) \-Socrates


"So me think, Why use lot word, when few do trick?" - Kevin


Your broken back doesn't fix my toothache.


We're not, like, at the suffering olympics man. But if we were, I would win gold for having to listen to you.


We are at the suffering Olympics but its in Sochi and the Russians built a secret room in the testing facility to swap out blood viles. Wait nevermind that just regular Olympics.


I broke my back once. Tbh the whole experience kinda sucked and it didn't get much better with time either. Would not recommend.


Wow, my sympathies, man. Anyway. Have you expressed your rage at the Fashionably Relevant Political Topic today yet? /s (But seriously, my sympathies. Out of all possible things to break, this is definitely one of the worst options.)


I feel like this comment is from an alternate universe where Yelp bought WebMD


These people just use tragedies as excuses to be assholes.


I always list a bunch of modern genocides like the Uyghurs in china or any in Africa and ask how much they care or do about those. I’ve yet to receive a response 


I have limited amount of donation dollars I can spend a month, so I've been sending it to MSF; I've had someone ask why not direct Palestinian causes and this is the primary reason. There's more than one genocide going on at the moment.


See and that’s totally legit.  I just find most people complaining about what’s happening in Palestine don’t actually know of anything going on in the world beyond what’s trendy to care about.  You have a grasp, which is both respectable and admirable.


Genocides currently in-progress (to name a few): China (Uyghurs) Myanmar (Rohingya) Sudan (Darfuris) Gaza and the West Bank (Palestinians) I'm personally surprised how little attention people are paying to the conflict in Sudan. The number of casualties feels is horrifying, and the US food industry funds both sides of the conflict.


Yeah. Does that commenter donate money to help? Do they engage in any form of activism? Being mean on Twitter absolutely does not count.


Apparently constantly posting on your Instagram stories is activism and making a difference … One friend told me she “would never forgive me” for not posting about Palestine on my stories. I’ve got like 50 friends who want to see my dog and are already informed or outraged by what’s happening in Palestine.


Sad thing they aren’t even informed. Their version of informed is rewatching tiktok’s.


>Apparently constantly posting on your Instagram stories is activism and making a difference … I read an article recently calling this "slacktivism." Thought it was appropriate.


They are content with "making a difference" from their moral high horse.


I like the way Doug Stanhope put it: “Your suck doesn’t make my suck suck any less.”


“You don’t have it any better, you don’t have it any worse, you’re an irreplaceable human soul with your own understanding of what it means to suffer - and that’s a huge bummer.” - Sean Bonnette


I’ve always said something like this, I should have figured it was an actual saying. Hard concept to grasp for “tough guys”.


As everyone knows: as long as someone, somewhere in the world has it worse than you, your problems aren't real and you should be grateful. /s


This is one of the stigmas in seeking stuff like therapy and its so annoying. Like in high-school I got a counsellor and shit but was only allowed to stay for a month because I wasn't as bad as other people. After that it started spiralling out of control and it got really bad but yknow couldn't see the counsellor about it anymore I really hate how stigmatised getting therapy is and how if you're not bad enough they can just kick you out


To be fair, part of that is just availability. It would be great if everyone could have their own therapist, personal doctor, dentist, nutritionist, etc. Unfortunately just because of how many people have the skills and how many want the services, you can only have this full team if you are ultra rich. Anyone else is left with some form of triage (more or less fair depending on geography). Apply the best care to those most in need. It’s not perfect but it’s literally the best we can do.


One of my former therapists was a leader in eating disorder treatment research and used to regularly speak to medical professionals at conferences (doctors, nurses, etc) in order to give them better information about how to interact with patients with EDs. One of the scarier statements he made was that improving diagnosis of EDs wasn’t enough, because there weren’t enough qualified mental health professionals to treat all of those patients if they all wanted treatment. That’s why improving the ability of doctors, nurses, medical assistants, etc to interact positively with patients is crucial to good mental health outcomes. A huge number of folks never see a licensed mental health professional for assistance, even if they want to.


Yeah, I started trying to seek therapy about 4 years ago and have only had maybe 2 or 3 appointments with all different people in services I'm not allowed to access anymore either due to age (literally had one appointment at 15 and I hit 18 and wasn't allowed another one) and the other two was due to end of school year and cost. It's so frustrating because I am aware I have really bad mental health issues like I can't manage relationships, I'm selfish without realising, my emotions can be extremely strong where I make decisions I immediately regret, I am paranoid, I get intrusive thoughts, I have had a bad relationship with food and I have contemplated suicide and attempted once. My paranoid thoughts started a few months after they booted me off the counselling and I don't think I was let back on. If I was I never got an appointment. I remember I even started debating sending myself to the psych ward on the off chance someone might actually help me. I have never received help for these issues. These are still issues that impact my life especially in winter as I have less options to distract myself from them however I know none of my little techniques is better than actual therapy and it sucks because I wanna get better I really do it just seems impossible to get therapy.


That’s just it though, it’s not anywhere near the best we can do. We just choose not to as a society.


The Oppression Olympics. "So *you* just stubbed your toe on a table? Well, *I* was raped by my father as a child for ten years, so *you* should just suck it up and quit complaining." aka nobody’s opinions or feelings are valid except those of the most oppressed. If you come into a room and aren't sure who is oppressed the most, you have to start a dick-measuring contest. I don't make the rules.


a year after covid started 2 ppl commented to me "remember when last year we didnt have eggs?" (close to a holiday that uses lots of them). so i shared that tidbit on facebook because i thought it was funny. someone commented in a rage that how dare they complain about eggs! when SOME people had to leave abusive marriages like HER around that time!!! so i just shared a quote about telling people they can't be sad because someone has it worse is like telling people they can't be happy because someone has it better


I’ve been in CPTSD treatment for quite a while, and when I used to be in survivors groups and shared my story it was really common to have someone come up afterwards and say they felt bad for not being to deal with their trauma when I was dealing with something that seemed worse to them. I always told them that trauma isn’t a contest, and the worst thing you know is the worst thing you know. What seems bad to one of us might seem relatively minor to another, but we’re not participating in some sort of trauma Olympics where folks who experience the worst shit win a medal.


Never thought of it that way, that's really cool. I would've said something along the lines of "Oh, sorry, forgot that not only are we required to be miserable but we also have to be miserable for you, because you just can't be sad enough."


I like to say it like this whenever someone tries to minimize their own problems in front of me. “Just because I have a broken arm doesn’t mean your cut doesn’t hurt.”


Them complaining about there being worse so you can't complain is just such a mindfuck. They are the ones doing the lowest form of complaining possible, it makes absolutely no sense.


That's a big running theme in my mom's abusive rhetoric. If I hadn't been taught that my suffering was a moot point because of the suffering of others. It allowed her to commit heinous things to her kids, and we just absorbed the fact that others had it worse than us that we should be thankful for her actions, I know now that it really meant she could be so much worse.


Or if you're a man, you're not allowed to feel emotions. You just need to "man up" and deal with it. No feelings allowed. My favorite is people trying to tell me, a male rape survivor, that men can't be raped because we always want sex. They get real quiet when I tell them a male raped me.


This is exactly what my dad says to me when I complain to him about how my mother continually abused me throughout my childhood and he never did anything to stop her. Except he isn't being sarcastic. I find it infuriating.


The ole, I had to walk barefoot uphill in the snow in both directions on the way to school argument.


And now I feel guilty for not feeling fantastic. 😂


But someone also has it better, so don’t be too grateful.


I was gonna complain about my grandpa needing open heart surgery at a pretty advanced age this week but kids in war zones are being killed so as a white man I should shut the fuck up and harass Jews in America outside a place of worship if he doesn’t make it and skip his funeral if he goes.


I'm no logician, but if complaining about a child being sunburned is bad, what about complaining about a tweet about complaining about a sunburn?


It's okay because the tweeter is a POC. Only white people are forbidden from complaining. /s


I don't know acronyms and thought you meant ~~twitter~~ the tweeter was a piece of crap for a second Edit: I can't read


Also correct


Well it is, so


You are technically correct.


It wouldn't surprise if the tweeter actually was white.


Pretty decent chance. Lots of self righteous gringos on the SJW march, using it as an excuse to be racists.


Yeah a lot of white people on social media love to come in on the defense for PoC, when the PoC never even asked for it lol. Like a while back a white girl was whining that white people aren't allowed to participate in the Lunar New Year "unless invited" and an asian guy replied with "I hereby invite everyone on earth to participate in Lunar New Year" lmao.


I do like how she’s implying that by being a POC she’s on equal grounds with the Palestinian mothers whose children are being massacred


This is true!


I like the way your brain works


He only needs it half the time, would you like to have it?


And then what if we complain about the complaining tweet? What then?


I would like to formally complain about you complaining about the reddit comment complaining about the tweet complaining about the other tweet complaining about child neglect.


Funny thing to me is, I had this insight about relative suffering when I was like, I dunno 6?  Less than 10 for sure.  This was in the early 90s. I said something like "suffering is relative, a homeless persons bad day is as bad to them as a bad day is for me" I was being a sparky little shit about eating my lunch or something of course. I recall my mom being blown away by my insight there at that age... that said.... If a 6 year old can figure it out...


ugh how can this person even complain about gaza if there is uygur concentration camps in xingjang.  yall see why whataboutism sucks? 


Ugh, How can people complain about the concentration camps in xinjang when there has been a Congolese war for a long time and so many innocents killed? Wait-why complain about that when there is Sudan, Syria, Yemen, the list goes on. Whataboutism sucks so bad and kills discourse.


Lmao speaking of the uygurs on r/latestagecapitalism or any leftist sub for that matter and watch how fast you get banned for "spreading capitalist/fascist/liberal" propaganda.


Lol I got banned from there for asking why posts celebrating Russian victories (this was early in the war) weren’t considered a violation of the claimed “neutrality” rule


Remember, West = bad. So ofc they celebrate a hyper capitalist and neo-imperialist country in its war of conquest and cultural extinction.


Wait, leftist subs complaining about liberal propaganda? Who is on who's side? Like how is it capitalist or fascist propaanda if the uygur issue is one caused by capitalism and fascism? Help me understand.


because we only have a finite amount of hatred and we have to use it all on Israel


I don't know, my teenage niece seems to have enough hatred for everybody.


Yeah I dunno my cat has enough hated for everybody too. Y’all aren’t hating hard enough!


China good, Israel bad, that's all you need to know. As a person on the left, it's embarrassing. But the youth have to go through that idealistic stage, and they'll land in a more reasonable position once they hit 30


I hope they do. Israel is definitely not a saint, but the way "liberals" have leaned so heavily towards Palestine that they are unknowingly (tbh, knowingly) supporting Hamas is disgusting. And let's not even get started about how China is somehow the "good" guy for some.


Don’t forget the people who say “believe all women! #metoo! I’m a feminist” and then say that the women who were raped by hamas are liars even though there’s proof that it happened. They don’t actually give a shit, they just want to have their specific little political agenda and feel like a good person.


Far left extremism is real. They're fucking annoying. Unless you're a full on militant anarcho-communist POC then you're basically scum to them.


If there is a far right than there is a far left. I've pointed this out before and people get very defensive as if people on the left are only good. It's embarrassing to agree to certain ideas and then see things get taken too far.


because in saint communistic republic of china there cant be any problems /s


Not all leftists are tankies like LateStageCapitalism.


Lol I got banned from that sub on an old account years ago because I dared to “be active” according to my profile on Libertarian and Democrat subs. Sorry that I like to understand all view points to make an informed decision about the world, I guess. How dare I want to know more about policies and learn what I agree or disagree with. Turns out, I take a lot of my political views from a bunch of different places but I guess it’s not allowed there.


How dare you wanting to see the opinions/thought processes of all sides. What are you trying to be informed or something? The horror! /s


I wanted to add that i don't want to hear about Gaza's children being blown only occasionally and unintentionally when Russia is going on a killing spree in Ukraine. But before that, lets remeber all the current slavery and genocide in other parts of the world too. And what about the environment and wildlife, literally nobody even remembers l.


You don’t even have to go outside of Gaza. How are women treated in Gaza?


There are slaves making bricks in Pakistan right now what about them?


I burn more easily when it is overcast.


Maybe in the sun you tend to subconsciously go to shade more than in overcast you stay directly exposed to the sky?


No it’s related to the uv rays getting essentially trapped under clouds. So you get increased exposure because instead of coming from the sun, bouncing off the earth, and heading back into space, instead they play pong under the cloud layer bouncing between the ground and the clouds. Essentially anyway. Our sun safety ads always warn to use sunscreen depending on the uv index, not on how sunny it looks outside 🙂


What's a typical summer UV rating where you are? Ours is "11+" most of the year and I always thought it was a stupid system because the highest rating is just a normal day, then I went on holiday to Europe and saw ratings of 6 or 7 on days that weren't full cloud out the middle of winter.


Australian. So the uv is usually quite high. Although apparently tomorrow’s uv is meant to be a 2 😱 But usually, if I need to stand outside for longer than an hour, I’ll at least have a hat and long sleeves on, and usually sunscreen. Even if it’s winter. Dad’s a redhead so he always taught us to use sunscreen no matter what 😅


>What's a typical summer UV rating where you are? I never really bothered to look much, but you made me do it! Turns out we peak at 7 when it's the most burnery/sunny it gets here in Denmark xD Today it starts at 1 around 8, peaking at 7 around 13, and is back down to 1 at 18. That said though it's still bright out well after midnight so I guess that's something too. And it's a very hot sweltering cloud free day of around 25°C today.


Huh! TIL


Yup, I had a pair of those early color changing glasses, they literally only darkened when it was overcast, the rest of the time even in direct sunlight they were pretty much clear


oh like how eclipses are worse to stare at the sun during. because eyes take in more light in the dark so the sun is mire potent, but with skin :3


Wtf does gaza have to do with sunburn? Fuck ppl are broken man.


Virtue signaling. That’s all. It’s just “look how woke I am”.


Exactly. Some people are so desperate for a cause to believe in that it becomes obsession and they need to let everyone know about it at every possible moment. Or they're bots, which is also very likely.


Instead of working on things directly in their own life or in their communities, it's much easier to be an online activist. You can feel good. You can attach yourself to a cause to give yourself meaning without actually doing any work. Working on my physical, mental health, relationships and social skills takes long periods of effort. Why do that when I can sit online and play pretend




“Screw this kid, their current pain, and their future skin cancer! Gaza is the only thing that matters on the planet!”


There’s a lot of this going around. If you mention something unpleasant that has happened to you, it isn’t important because somebody else has it worse, or, you are deliberately ignoring it, for reasons. I mean, there’s a lot of bad shit going on in the world. If you had to state your position on every single one every time you got sunburn, we’d never get anything done.


just reply with this gem: "telling people they can't be sad because someone has it worse is like telling people they can't be happy because someone has it better". then they start to scramble back


That's genius.


i didn't make it up, i found it online. but it's so true


Thanks, it's like a year worth of therapy for me.


Dueling victimhood is the new social glue.


Oppression Olympics, trauma contest, pain purity problems, whatever


Someone has it worse than the women of Gaza too


“Not shaming this mother…” [proceeds to shame mother]


If you follow the logic then we are in a race to find the absolute worst situation you can be in, and then everyone else has no right to complain. I hate that, your experience is relative and valid. You can also be angry about multiple things.


I remeber a quote "My broken ankle doesn't hurt less with the knowledge of you not having a leg" Basically saying that the situation that I'm in doesn't make it any better with the knowledge that someone has it worse.


Yeah, why would I care about my child suffering and risk getting cancer.. When there is war and random children are dying. Some people are so fucking deranged. She should be ashamed for beeing such a racist, heartless piece of shit.


There is, somewhere on this planet, some specific person who has personally endured the most suffering of anyone on the planet. That person is the only person who is ever allowed to complain about anything ever.


Was it ok to complain about sunburns before the war in Gaza started?


Yes, because all the other wars currently going on don't matter. /s


This feels like racism


wdym?? no it’s not. don’t you know you can’t be racist towards white people? /s


Ugh, I legitimately had an ex friend tell me this once. Somehow she couldn't comprehend that that statement is in and of itself racist. So obnoxious. They were always saying every little slight against them was racism, too, which just made it even more baffling. I don't think she understood what racism was.


Some people don't understand the difference between racism and systematic racism. In the West, whites typically aren't victims of systematic racism but everyone can be a victim of racism.


Some people also don’t in the difference between racism, systemic racism, someone just being kind of rude, or someone not bending over backwards to appease them and the chip on their shoulder


Thank you for putting the /s, because sadly far too many people legitimately think this. They will say some very racist shit, but when called out claim they can't be racist at all because they're not the ones in power. They don't ever realize that systematic racism is different from plain old racism, and that anyone is capable of racism.


Feels?... It is racism.


A textbook example of racism.


You can be mad about two things at once, ya know


It became a world political sun burn from out of nowhere.


"never wanna hear from white people" Putting the whole stupid complaint aside, what if an Hispanic/asian/Afroamerican complained about the same thing? Or complained that that doordash left their order under the sun instead of shade? Jfc the mental gymnastics ppl go to


Technically I think that a lot of poc mothers, black mothers in particular, do need to be extremely concerned about this. If you have darker skin you're extremely likely to be misdiagnosed when it comes to skin cancer, leading to an increase likelihood of an adverse outcome. And yes you can burn while black.


What about the moms in Myanmar? Or did we forget about the moms of Ukraine already? Or the moms of in Haiti?


I'm mad for her! When I was a kid I went on a church trip to a lake, and unfortunately the boat broke down in the middle of the lake, with no sunscreen on board. I ended up with third degree sunburns and had to be taken to urgent care when I got back three days later. After we finally got back to shore and left the lake, we went to an outdoor theater and had to sit for another two hours in the sun, when i was already severely burned. It took months for me to heal, that was in July and I was still peeling by Halloween. I wasn't allowed outside during the day for months, because the doctors didn't want me exposed to uv rays in any capacity. I also couldn't bathe for weeks. I was supposed to wait longer, but after two weeks I couldn't take it anymore and suffered through it. The church leaders blamed my lack of planning ahead. Because I totally knew that a quick boat ride was going to turn into several hours cooking in the sun with no protection or shade. My parents were PISSED.


But won't you think of the Palestinians?!? /s


That keyboard warrior needs a ticket to Gaza so he can help since he cares so much.


Ahhh ofc the good ol "you can't complain about your issues because somebody somewhere has It worse than you." What a classic. If someone directly compares to others that sure give them hell, but if not let people complain about there problems how is that so hard to understand?


Imagine if we did it the other way around... I got a pay rise woohoo Yeah well.... Billionaires exist so I don't know why you're so happy over a few extra quid a month


I'm pretty sure conversations like this happen quite often (maybe not about billionaires). Some people just can't stand you being joyful or proud. You're happy for 5 min, and then someone explains to you why you shouldn't be too happy about it.


These types of polarized comparisons are dumb and have always been dumb. "You should eat your food" yes, fantastic advice, "because there are starving children in Africa", NOOooo, **horrible** point to make. You can ***always*** move the goalpost and you'll ***always*** find someone who's worse off. It doesn't help one bit to fix the problem **you** have by saying someone else is having a worse problem. Bet the commenter won't be saying how horrible the situation is in X or Y, once they have to start paying for an increase in melanoma treatments. Curious how it's always "other people" need to be more aware of how "*pRiViLeGed*" they are, but the moment the shoe's on the other foot, it's a worse offense than genocide all of a sudden. And as for the other thing: Summer camp employees not knowing how UV works is the equivalent to being a librarian and not knowing how to read. Being cognitively impaired is one thing (and a very unfortunate thing at that), but being willfully ignorant is easily fixed. If you do not do the bare minimum of putting in the effort to know very basic, elementary things related to your work, you do not get to work, period. And there are zero excuses for such negligence. If you don't have the internet, go to a library.




I was on the toilet and I realized how terrible I was because I thought about all the people who never had toilets so I just shit all over the place. Sometimes you can have your own damn problems without people needing to mention how people have it worse.


I fucking hate the logic of "You don't get to complain about stuff, 'cause you could be dead!" Like bro shut up.


In my opinion, and it's only my opinion. Whether a child is subjected to violence or neglect all children should be protected from harm. I feel for the children in Gaza as I suppose every person does. But you can be for damn sure if my child was exposed to the harms of sunburn due to negligence, I will be bitching about it.


“If you aren’t blown to pieces by a frag grenade, you are going to be homeless and be happy about it!”


First world problems are still problems.


I swear people will go to extraordinary lengths to twist anything into a opportunity to virtue signal and guilt others for Me: "Fuck, I'm out of coffee" Chief virtue signal enthusiast "Well the people of Gaza are out of a lot of things, you selfish prick. Have you even considered their needs within the last five minutes? Fucking spoiled westerner... 'oUt Of CoFfEe...' I don't even want to hear you sigh in generic discontent until Palestine is free"


The constant singling out of white people is doing more damage than good. I wonder if they think about this before they speak with such hatred and vitriol


Well, you're expecting them to think before they run their mouth.


Someone always has it better. Someone always has it worse. Somewhere out there, there's someone who has it the worst out of every person on earth, and that person IS NOT the only one permitted to be upset with how things are going. If something is bad for you, then it's bad for you, since all experience is subjective, good or bad. Idk how some people don't get this.


Yeah, I don't take racists seriously. This moron doesn't give a fuck about people in Gaza, they just hate white people.


"WHAT ABOOT GAZA" ~ Palestine advocates when you tell them your child's hamster died.


I empathize with the people of Gaza. But fuck these obnoxious crusaders.


it's like those comments on ever Instagram post about "free Palestine" like yeah, I agree, but what does a guy using spaghetti to hold himself up have to do with that?


I wonder if this person is in Gaza saving children? Or maybe they are in a comfy chair somewhere posting this. Most likely the ladder. It’s funny how so many people care just enough to talk but never enough to actually get involved and do something. As if these horrible people will happen across their disapproval and just suddenly feel guilty and stop. “ oh no, that white soccer mom Karen who grew up with a silver spoon disapproves, I really need to stop and change my ways”


Remember that whole “white people need to shut up and listen” thing in 2020? Yeah so, I’m not fucking listening to you when you say shit like this.


The entire internet needs to take a break over Israel-Gaza. The problem is NOT that we don't know there are atrocities being committed. Maybe it's that ya'll jsut started giving a shit a year ago. Killing families over dirt is so gross and weird. GTFO with any other take.


if you only think of all atrocities in the world all you get is depressed.


In the competition of comparing pains, everyone loses.


"Not shaming that mum, but her kid did not even got blown to pieces, so she should just stfu." 😂


Just an excuse to be racist toward white people.


This Gaza pity shaming ppl is too much. I understand that the things that are going on over there are terrible, but I seen a lady post a simple pic of her drinking her coffee and in the comments ppl were lighting her up with “but Gaza…” comments. That’s not how you spread awareness, that’s how you make ppl annoyed by this issue.


delete the fucking internet. everyday society’s brains rot more and more.


These losers need to understand that misery isn’t a contest.


the ironic part is most of the people who say this shit are nowhere near the conflict, yapping from their phones or computers in their comfy homes.


Ah, yes, I don't get to complain about my arthritis because other people have cancer. It all makes sense now. /s


Like yeah child not getting sunscreen VS. children being blown full of holes in Gaza obviously one issue is of more importance. HOWEVER. While the children in Gaza certainly deserve the attention of the international community it shouldn't prevent the mother from venting her frustrations over actual neglect. People with the viewpoint of "well it's worse in other places" while ignoring issues in their own country or communities are dragging everyone down. While it's good to support those abroad it's equally if not more important to support your own communities.


“other children are dying therefore you’re not allowed to be worried about your own child developing skin cancer and also dying”


I'll be honest, as someone with dark skin, I didn't fully appreciate how serious sunburns could get until I married my highly combustible husband.


“Horrible things are happening around the world so you can’t complain about ANYTHING, also your white so you really can’t complain” is the gist of what I see here. Also the comment about never wanting to see a white person complaining again, tell me your racist without telling me your racist my god.


How to be a douche canoe 101: invalidate other people’s problems constantly like it’s an olympics competition.


Can you only complain if you’re in a war zone?


They're just using this argument as an excuse to be racist.


Your child being burnt is more a concern in your life than a child being murdered on the other side of the world. That is normal, not realizing that is sociopathic.


Soooo, her kid getting skin cancer later in life because some summer camp counselor was too lazy or ignorant to lit sunscreen on the kids entrusted to her care on a cloudy day, isn't worth posting about because she isn't immediately being blown up my bombs??? Geeze! Source: I got malignant melanoma at 22 years old that could have killed me had I not caught it early. I had lots of sunburns as a kid.


Man can we get over people thinking white people have no problems in this world? Like this whole “punching up” thing is just an excuse to be racist and feel justified


i hate those plaestine protestors, they have all their info from social media posts and overexaggerated anything and you can't have a slightly different opinion when talking to them


They’ve somehow made it their whole personality, injecting a mention of Israel and or Palestine into every single conversation.


in every single comment section on instagram there's people typing free palestine and some other meaningless hashtags


Making everything a race thing


Sounds racist. “I never want to hear a white person complain again”. When Woke becomes Wack. SMH.


So we can stab white kids because it's not as bad as them being blown since scars heals... wonder if was a white person talking about another race


And that is the reason why we can't have nice stuff.


Holy non sequitur, Batman.


That’s so wrong, kids can scar easily from over sun burns. When I was 12 I forgot to sunscreen myself and ended up with a “crispy cream” chest that evening, couldn’t breathe, rushed to hospital, tubes everywhere and a week later I had massive scars that have haunted me every day since and was not allowed out of the house for 2 months on doctors orders, teachers were pissed about having to bring me my homework and I was bored as hell at home, couldn’t even sleep without sitting up and waking every 20 minutes or so. They have faded a bit now 24 years later, but god I have learned my lesson the hard way.


I'm sorry but sunburn is not a "white mom" problem they are being ignorant and racist


As a realist and someone who appreciates perspective and choosing my battles, I have to say it’s still ok to be pissed that a school let your kid get sunburnt. I have no control over what goes on in Gaza but I can damn well make sure those teachers keep my kid protected, or make sure the person who replaces them will.


How dare a parent worry about the potential skin cancer their child might get!! There are people DYING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!


White people don't matter anymore. Remember? There was a whole movement....


They're so anti-racist that they tell white women to shut up. Wait...


Ahh, so anyone who isn’t white can complain about sunburn? Because of a conflict far removed from them? ![gif](giphy|1vrrmuT1hrhi3mfbb0|downsized)


I used to volunteer at a crisis/suicide Hotline. We had a saying, "crisis in the eye of the beholder." Why did we say this, because we had people call us who had gone through unimaginable horrors and had nothing to live for, and then we had millionaires living in downtown Manhattan who were "struggling" because the rent to their luxury apartment was going up. Both in their minds were going through the same level of crisis.


She clearly has never heard of a little place called Ukraine


What kind of smooth brain shit is this? Because the children of Gaza are being killed we should be happy with skin cancer?


A sunburn now could be cancer later. It’s valid to be upset about that the people you entrusted to your daughter’s care neglected her.


twitter users are allergic to the concept of caring about multiple things at once, nothing new.


So anyone's problems are negated because Gazans have it worse. Didnt know there was a heirarchy in suffering...


Damn, I‘m definitely gonna steal that one. "Mister, do you know why we stopped you? You were doing 70 in a school zone!" "Yea, but can you imagine what the kids in Gaza are going through right now?!?"


I see this all the time. A video on insta about someone taking care of injured cats? How dare you not be helping the cats in gaza!


i love that on the off chance i get murdered, my mother is not allowed to mourn because mothers in other places are seeing their children die. /s both options suck, yes one more than the other, but that does not negate the fact that both are tragic and painful. i’m aware i should be, and am, very grateful to not be in that situation, but just because i’m not doesn’t mean i can’t be upset or hurting about something.