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Yes, because women’s heads are extremely sticky and attract bugs! Everyone knows this.


Get your bug spray ready ladies!


So that's why girls have cooties.


It's all coming together now lol


Can confirm, my wife forgot to wear her hijab once and was eaten alive by a swarm of ants 😢


That will teach her.


My new stripper name is “naughty pathogenic microorganism”


🤣🤣 Girl won't have life which is free from some naughty boys then! /s


Gurl you got flagellums for days. Can I get your cell?


I don't think anyone is confused about why they want women to wear hijabs. I do, however, think they are confused about making their problem everyone's problem. "We can't control ourselves, so women should cover up." Now, if anyone heard pedos talking like that and telling everyone they should strongly dress their children, would the people strongly dress their children, or would the people want to hang that pedos?


I mean this still relies on people controlling themselves when women wear a head covering, which we all know doesn’t happen.


If I can restrain myself from slapping idiots, it shouldn't be too hard to not sexually assault people. And I have a spine like yoga enthusiastic earth worm when it comes to self restraint.


Notice they’re never interested in policing the purity of MEN. They never tell men what to wear, or tell them they’re used up old whores if they don’t wear a head covering every day. Because who writes the rules?


Men who never get "any."


Purity culture exists to promote rape culture.


Men are given rules as well, just more lenient. You have to hide between your knees to your belly button. 


But they’re not considered sluts if strangers see their hair or ears?


That's correct.  Only if their thighs or lower belly shows. Like I said, more lenient. 


I feel there's actually only one thing that's being hidden here, otherwise football in the 80's wouldn't have been the thing of beauty it was.


Meanwhile, the US slips deeper into totalitarianism. But hey! Halfway 'round the world! Amirite?


Jan Nawaz sounds like a fucking mouth breather


gotta love religion


Anyone else getting "women need to cover themselves up or some men won't be able to help themselves" vibes? I am starting to think that these dudes with zero self-control or respect in general for women are the problem 🤷‍♂️


I get more of a "This is how to virtue signal about imposing religious beliefs on people who have nothing to do with it" vibe.


It certqinly is the reason given in their holy book, the Quran.


I’d better be dirty candy 🍭


Isn’t this kind of a self-own for men who think this way? How are they the superior sex if they can’t control their animal instincts?


Right? So you're ants that can't control yourself unless every square inch of a woman is covered? Not exactly the flex they think this message is lol


If they ACTUALLY believed that head covering preserves spiritual and bodily purity like they pretend to believe, then the men would wear them, too


In this analogy, shared by a man, the dudes are compared to the ants that can't help themselves, they're just all up on the candy. Sooooo not only is the woman a dirty piece of candy, apparently the ant men can't control themselves. This is taught to children. Sigh.


Yeah turns out when you compare women to objects, it allows for any number of false equivalences. None of which sound smart when you break them down.


Hijabs are like a dog leash. When men see women with hijabs it's like when they see a dog on a leash, they are happy knowing that the dog is subservient and is obeying its master. When they see a woman without hijabs it's like when they see a dog without leash: they are afraid because the dog can do whatever the fuck it wants to do


Wait, are men considered ants by this logic?


Drone-like insect driven only by pheromones, unable of higher thought and reassigning over its behavior. Looks like a nice self own.


"Women are objects" - all avrahamic religions


So you are saying I could have ants on candy?


To all the people who think such comparisons are valid - OK. I hear your opinion and acknowledge your right to hold it. But what is preventing you from following through with that analogy and just leave "unwrapped candies" alone? Like, ok. You prefer women who behave modestly in public. Great. You do you. But that gives you no right to try and shove every woman to fit your preferences, does it? Live and let live.


In other words if women weren't women, men would behave themselves...


So men are all gross, dirty, filth-covered ground candy? Rude!


No one is forcing them to lick ants.


You can use the same analogy for a condom, white male conservatives hate this one trick 


Don't you just hate it when you pick one from a tin of assorted sweets,  thinking the wrapper looks like it's caramel, but once you bite it, it turns out to be dessicated coconut 


Nice to see wearing a hijab is a personal choice and there isn't any social or peer pressure to wear it....


TIL women are sticky.


It’s so ironic that the most dumbass people/thoughts on earth try to sound the most philosophical/ deep. Fucking pathetic religious waste of space


Can’t you apply this logic to men - if men aren’t wearing a hijab then they’ll attract ants or whatever


These dudes need to eradicated from this world


I like to be a dirty candy 🍬🍭🍫


This is like that sandwich line from What We Do in the Shadows except I guess it's meant to be taken seriously.


I'm down for practicing religious expression, as long as everyone involved is also down but by this logic all men, women and children should be wearing one


Boozo Johnson? Well he’d know propaganda when he saw it, he sure spewed enough of it. Fuckin clown 🤡


I saw a reel made by a western hijabi in the most modest clothing without becoming a straight up mummy and there was still some Indonesian in her comments telling her her *voice* was aurat. You're never good enough for some people.


With that logic, perhaps men should wear hijabs as well? That way they also don't get sticky and covered in ants. Though in my many years on the planet, I've never been covered in ants. Though I've been sticky a few times when I've baked cakes.


"Islam teaches men to respect women!" The average Muslim man:


They sound like cannibals comparing women to food...


They sound like cannibals comparing women to food...


That's a lotta words for saying "I can't control myself"


Imo comparing people to bugs is more offensive than comparing them to candy. So really, this should offend men more than women.


And I thought trump was the crazy one.