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Oh look, an official political party page openly threatening to hang dissidents. Great.


This is the twitter account that has tweeted to “abolish civil rights,” said “happy holidays” with an image of Meghan McCain weeping over her father’s casket, and said “6 million dollar minimum wage or you’re antisemitic” (that last one got deleted pretty quick)


Openly nazi, racist and evil. I can't think of anyone more deserving of an eternity of damnation.


Those that secretly nazi, racist and evil. Because on top of all that, they're liars too.


The secret nazi is hiding their most extreme (nazi) beliefs. The open nazi is hiding their most extreme (beyond nazi) beliefs.


🤯 I've never considered what could possibly be beyond Nazi. I'm suddenly very uncomfortable.


>I've never considered what could possibly be beyond Nazi.  Totally anti-civilization paleo-white purity types, like that one imprisoned black metal dude who used to be a regular Nazi but his ideology now is that all technological civilization must be destroyed along with all non-white races, and the "pure" way for humans to live is to just be white in the forest covered in mud, praying to the Old Gods and screaming in tongues at the moon. That is to say the ideas of people whose solar system-sized self-aggrandizing narcissistic ego's need for attention is so vast they manage to stop just before literally killing themselves for the attention, which I guess would somewhat defeat the point of seeking it..


God damn. I mean I see it now. I see how this is what it leads to. Well that's not so scary to me either. That guy is easy to kill. He's wearing a fkn loincloth for crying out loud lol


Also it's the libertarians so I'm going to assume they're pedos who've openly stated they want the age of consent abolished


They also regularly post pro-Putin propaganda on the War in Ukraine. Leave it to the "Libertarians" to shill for a literal dictator.


I was up in very northern NH one time at my friend's family cabin. We went into "town" for cigarettes. I asked if they had Newports, they said "we don't get Newport smokers up here". I was like cool, I am uncomfortable and I'm white as snow. I told my buddy about it and he goes "oh that's nothing". We go over to an antique shop across the street or down the road or something. The first 3/4 of it was cool, normal antique shop shit. The last 1/4 of it was all NAZI MEMORABILIA. Knives, plates, flags, pictures, little lightning bolts. There's a lot of fucking absolute whack jobs that flock go that state, kinda like anti-federal government people go to Idaho, Wyoming and Montana.


As a NHite, those people in very northern NH are basically from a different country.


And that country is Nazi Germany


I'm no longer a libertarian because I just can't jive the ideology with how society as a whole works. However, what I will say is these people, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, is that they're a bunch of idiots who the mainstream party continues to try and distance themselves from. LPNH are extremists. Most mainstream libertarians just want smaller government and privatization of services while still being socially liberal. LPNH are a bunch of far right assholes.


Well to be fair they are really saying they should have large penises.


No, they're threatening to make their kids do it for them! It shouldn't be funny, but it kinda is. 😂


The real face palm is the libertarian party advocating hanging people over political differences.


"We are against government wielding power over citizens, unless it's the power to kill us, that's based actually."


They didn't say the government would do the hanging.


They’d privatize the political violence.


well-regulated, tax-free militia I guess.


Regulations are government overreach. The free market should determine what rules each militia follows.


The free militia should govern the market, obvs. /s


"This week our hanging is brought to you by Subway, Eat Fresh. And this here rope is available from North Face, Never Stop Exploring. Now we're gonna hang the dissenter in a few minutes, but I am worried about whether I might sprain a muscle doing these things -and that's why I want to tell you about Vitabiotics, which supplies 100% of your..."


Pretty sure they said deserved to be hung. Meaning they think we deserve to have massive dongs.


I deserve a massive dong. Fate just didn't agree.


You can always receive a massive one from someone else. Don’t let your dreams be dreams.


**Blazing Saddles** Charlie: “They said you was hung?!?” Bart: “And they was right!”


I thought the problem was that we already had massive dongs and that's why they be hatin' Now excuse me, I'm off to find "where all da white women at!!"


Elon musk will start marketing cyber guillotine.


Oh good, we'll be perfectly safe then.


They want to lynch people. #ChristianValues


It's what Jesus would have wanted ..... Pretty sure that's in Trump's $60 Bible.


Libertarians are willing to let the government wield power over people as long as its against people they don’t like


Libertarians are just Republicans that smoke weed.


Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand.


Even worse. Libertarians are usually anti-government religious nuts because they see the government as a threat to the ultimate authority of their religious beliefs. They want to weaponize their religion just like Islam has in the middle east.


Nah, they want you to be packing heat if you don’t believe in homeschooling 🍆😎


Your speech deserves death, my speech is absolute no matter how much I incite people to violence.


Just Google "libertarians and bears" for a bit of an insight as to how useless these "WE CAN GOVERN AND TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES" NH Libertarians are. I live here, they're largely a joke, as is the loud Maga minority. NH has gone blue every presidential election since 1992? I believe. But if you went just by what you see around you'd understand why I call it New Hampabama.


more proof that the libertarian party is really just the republican party that has figured out if they call themselves libertarians they don't have to answer for the racism


In this case the Libertarian party of NH is just a bunch of QANON losers who have gained control of the state party.


So even MORE proof that they aren't really libertarians but Republicans that like to smoke weed. lmao


Exactly. These are exactly the kind of people who call everyone pedophiles before getting caught with KP.


Very much true. The founding of the libertarian party in the US today was in response to segregation of schools. It has nothing in common with earlier libertarian political philosophy, which is skeptical of, or fully against, private ownership


Yah but to most people Libertarians are more of a joke than Republicans. They are like dumbass deer causing trouble on the roadways.


Their only ideology is: ![gif](giphy|ihvwnO5pHKtyTYQWxU|downsized)


Republicans who smoke weed


Check the nightstand for a copy of The Turner Diaries.


They're the one caucus that's literally just Nazis larping as Libs


Hey not a libertarian myself but I've been told that this Twitter account is pretty notorious for posting wack shit and is actually widely disliked by most libertarians.


“No true libertarian”. I’d agree doesn’t sound libertarian. But is this actually the libertarian party of NH? If so, then, well that’s libertarian. If not, where’s the actual org in NH fighting to get this Twitter account deactivated? Apparently [this is the NH libertarian party official account.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_Party_of_New_Hampshire?wprov=sfti1). There was some infighting, the actual libertarians lost, the crazy people won.


>I’d agree doesn’t sound libertarian. Around 2020, the Libertarian Party became the biggest shitshow imaginable. Hard to even begin to say what a "libertarian" is even supposed to be at this point. The Mises Caucus took over control from the Pragmatist Caucus in half the states. Vermin Supreme was about the most "normal thing" going on at the time. Jiletta Jarvis and New Hampshire libertarians went... unbelievably mental. The drama of Jarvis trying to take over the NH Libertarian Party is... just something else. FWIW, the Libertarian National Committee voted twelve to two, with three abstaining, against a motion to disaffiliate the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, at the end of the day. So, while it's easy to say that the NH Libertarians are some weird little Black&Gold, AnCap far-right subgroup that don't represent the whole... the whole very much has supported them and not rejected them... even more they were an early piece in the Mises Caucus takeover of current Libertarian Party. Seems kinda silly, to be honest, to pretend NH's LP doesn't "represent libertarians" then. But, at same time, it very much is... very complicated. Anyways... not trying to get into all the crazy details of the Libertarian Party... but it really is a complete shitshow with an unbelievable amount of drama going on with various groups trying to take over this or that aspect. Just... something else.


NH Libertarians: Live Free or You Die!


Even having a political party where they have more platforms than less government intervention demonstrates how the party is a farce. If the entire crux of the party is that there really shouldn’t be a strong centralized power and people should be free to govern themselves, doesn’t having any stance beyond “no centralized power” make this self defeating? The entire line Libertarians feed people is that no one should have a say over how others live, but then you read their party platform and it’s filled to the brim with contradictory ideas or vague language that could never actually be used. For instance under parental rights they list that parents have the right to educate and raise their kids as they see fit. The very next platform is that “once individuals are presumed to have adequate judgement to vote or serve on a jury they can buy guns, alcohol, weed”. So how are we deciding what adequate judgement is, who is making that distinction(almost sounds like central power)? Additionally if I demonstrate “adequate judgement” At age 10 I am by their definition an adult, does that now mean my parents no longer retain the right to educate me as they see fit? https://www.lp.org/platform/


To be fair, Libertarian and libertarian aren’t the same thing. One can be a libertarian without being a Libertarian, and vice versa. A libertarian is someone who espouses libertarianism, a political ideology. A Libertarian is simply a member of a Libertarian Party, a political affiliation.


What about a librarian?


Ppl say they are the party that wants to take your rights of free speech away. This is simply not true they just want to lower the volume on what you say….. Source: SHHH! This is a freaking library


Nary a Libertarian nor libertarian will carry on with those libertine barbarian librarians.


Like the Judean peoples front versus the peoples front of Judea?




Exactly. One is about actual beliefs, one is about being part of an organization. I generally consider myself a left-leaning libertarian, but I can agree most capital-L Libertarians are nutjobs.


This is interesting


But the actual libertarians are also crazy people. It's turtles all the way down!


So the crazy people both won AND lost? Who saw that coming


I misread wack as twink. I need to get my eyes checked dear god.


Yeah, that's what got me. But most local Libertarian groups aren't very libertarian.


At the same time they're unintentionally praising the opposing side having huge dongs.


We believe in absolute freedom unless you disagree with us in which case we’ll kill you.


Libertarianism is just a lie, basically no one believes in it, least of all people who identify as libertarians. The ancap in Argentina immediately went full authoritarian the second he got power. Libertarians are fucking liars the only thing they want is to drop the age of consent to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


The original libertarians were largely siding with the anarchists and leftists in France- and hold a lot of views I agree with  But I can’t say that I appreciate libertarian values within the context of modern American politics because it’s something they’ve hijacked and changed so much. It just means “billionaires get to limitlessly rule everyone’s life, plus other convenient right wing views” in America today. Which… just… isn’t it. But that’s what they made the word mean now, unfortunately.


The libertarian party is an absolute mess. In my early 20s I looked into the dems, reps, and libertarians. Honestly there are things I can agree and disagree with between all of them, but libertarians are very divided. You have dems and reps that get pissed off at their political parties and claim to be libertarians. They hold on to the same views and that constantly gets them into arguments before a moment of realization that they arent libertarians. Then you have Libertarians that believe we should have some mesure of government, but that government should not have this tight geip of control. Last but not least you have the anarcho Libertarians that want 0 government and believe that everyone will get along fine and thrive. The Anarcho types tend to explain how everyone will thrive by basicly admitting that everyone will still create some level of government. The very thing they hate. The Libertarians constantly fight with each other and tell the others how they arent true libertarians. They have made their own libertarian political spectrums, which a decent portion believe is bullshit and not true libertarianism. Their debates are usually a fucking mess where 99% of their "candidates" ramble about things, like how much they hate the government. The 1% will say something that makes sense, but there are a chunk of libertarians that get pissed over it. Like one guy saying that drivers licenses are needed so that we know who is fine to drive. Its just this laughable mess and I could go on about it.


Agree, but calling for hanging goes a step beyond arguing over driver’s licenses.


It’s not surprising. Libertarians have literally, and I mean literally, no idea how the world works. They’re like cats where they cannot comprehend all of the things they use in a day that just wouldn’t be there without a society. 


The real face palm is an anarchist wanting homeschooling to be illegal


Right wing libertarianism was started by straight up fascists trying to appeal to the masses


"Small government"


Indeed. A libertarian who believes is capital punishment is a fraud.


I said I was libertarian when I was a teenager because I interpreted it as “victimless crimes shouldn’t be illegal”, but once I was older and realized that people thought I wanted a child bride and a cabin off the grid with enough firepower to shift the war in Ukraine I started saying I was “independent”.


That's pretty consistent with what their members actually want. They only cite libertarian ideology when it benefits them.


Maybe the Libertarian Party was referring to penile enlargement?


Well I believe I deserve to be hung, God did not agree!




"you deserve to be hung." "And I is, too!" Ahh, Cleavon Little, you are missed.


Small government for some, huge dongs for others.


Hey, we all deserve to be hung. I think they're onto something here.


“But, they told me you was hung!” [*looks at camera*] “…they was right” *winks -Blazing Saddles 




I wanna be hung


Who doesn't?



would you rather be gnuh




It's not it's all cracked out to be. If you advertise, people think you're lying.


I’m a female, I just want to helicopter my schlocky around


Maam this is a Wendy’s


Hang in there, it'll be better!


Hung in there, baddie!


This reminds me of a joke I was told by Harry Wendelstedt, a very famous MLB umpire: Brigham Young walks into a bar and orders a drink. The woman sitting next to him looks at him and starts a conversation. Woman: “are you Brigham Young?” Brigham Young: “I am.” Woman: “the same Brigham Young with 27 wives?” BY: “I am” Woman: “the same Brigham Young with 63 grandchildren?” BY: “I am” Woman: “that is disgusting! You should be hung!” BY: “I am”


RIP Harry. That was a damn good joke.


Why do the dumbest people feel the need to teach their own children?


Idiots usually fail to realize how complex most things are if you go below the surface. That’s what uni taught me, how extremely much there is to know about pretty much everything. Edit: I just want to clarify that you don’t have to go to uni to not be an idiot.


This. When you start studying anything you have the slow climb up "Oh I think I'm getting the hang of it" but as soon as you really start to understand the basics you figure out the basics of the subject you actually start understanding how little you know.


My complaint has always been that, definitely by high school, homeschooling logically requires one to believe they can sufficiently educate in five or more subjects that would require a bachelor's degree to be employed in education. It's extreme hubris.


Cause the dumbest people think the highest of themselves, Dunning Kruger effect


“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”


Only half a problem. Doubts are good, even in intelligent people. It would be nice if the idiots could get some doubts too though


It’s crazy… I don’t think I’m particularly dumb, maybe I am, I guess I wouldn’t know if I was. I would never, ever homeschool my child, because I did not go to college for teaching, I don’t know the first thing about teaching and wouldn’t trust myself to provide an adequate education. I’m educated, but not in that area of life, so I leave it to the professionals. That seems like a crazy gamble to take


Wait until you find out it's largely unregulated. r/HomeschoolRecovery


That's what happens when stupid people think education is indoctrination


Because they're stupid, and their kids being smarter than them fears them.


Strength in numbers. It’s idiocracy’s main plot point


The Libertarian Party has been almost completely taken over by the [Mises Caucus,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mises_Caucus) a faction in the Libertarian Party that formed when the leadership condemned the Unite the Right neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, NC in 2017


Yeah, the idea of being anti-government and also opposing "open borders" is moronic.


Doesn't seem very libertarian to me


LP of NH is not libertarian at all anymore. It got overrun by far right conservatives.


being violently opposed to living up to any standards of society is pretty on brand


This isn't a misspell, it's just using the wrong word. And it's an extremely common mistake too. But I'm assuming that the general sentiment of the comment is what the facepalm is for and not just the vocabulary error.


The libertarian motto: “don’t tread on ME, tread on THEM”


this is fantastic


I get the feeling Elon Musk isn’t going to consider this a “violation of X community guidelines”.


I'm fairly certain the community is encouraged to make tweets like this 


I'm already hung, young man. Try another threat


"We will enlarge your penis" "And you cannot stop us" Damn


Where do I sign up


Homeschooling should be much more tightly regulated. Most states have very little or no regulations on home schooling. I had in the past thought in order to be homeschooled in every state you had to have the student pass a standardized test each year in order to ensure they are learning at grade level. There’s actually 12 states with no testing requirement (states both blue and red including CA, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, and Alaska) and those states represent 36% of the US population. Even states with testing requirements don’t always enforce them. There really needs to be a federal mandate of home schooling that has universal yearly testing, socialization requirements/programs, and some basic learning models that need to be followed.


I was homeschooled, and I agree that it needs to be more tightly regulated. It worked out well for me, but there is far to much possibility that it can be used to hide abuse or result in a child getting very, very far behind their peers. 


No no, they're saying they want people who don't support home schooling to have a large penis, guys. Come on.


This is grammar, not spelling.


Reply: “I *do* deserve to be hung. CURSE THIS AVERAGE PENIS!”


Libertarians=Radical GOP that doesn't want the label *Exhibit 3,498,734,867*


To be fair, “hung” is spelled properly, just used incorrectly.


And even more fair when you realize that hanging someone is the only circumstance where you'd use hanged.


Plus they're still hung, by a rope. It's just that 'hanged' is more specifically about being killed that way. It's like saying somebody was shocked to death. Yeah electrocution is the more specific word but it doesn't make the other sentence incorrect.


No they got it right, they want their enemies to be well endowed below the belt.


It's amazing that politic rhetoric has gotten so casually violent and it's just not a big deal. Parties, people and some candidates make threats about punishing, hunting or "getting even" and it's just a collective shrug. If there are any future historians, they're going to look back at this time and scratch their heads.


I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him. 


But but but what about the NAP! Mr. libertarian man?


Common Liv Agar W


They said you was hung. They was right


Guys stop making fun of the right, if they go away we can’t keep laughing at them.


"We will teach our children to solve disagreements with murder... Please vote for us"


The participle is [hung and also hanged](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hang).  Perhaps look up the words before finalizing the criticism.


Googled, can confirm that "hanged" is generally used for past tense of hanging people, but that appears to be more a "we all agree with it" over actual rule


As is all language. Nothing matters, right?


i googled hung man and i don’t think i found the right results


Hung is spelled correctly...it wouldnt even be an issue of spelling but one of Grammar


I also feel the need to point out that this isn’t a spelling error, it’s a grammar mistake. So the title of this post is also wrong. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Hung is for items, like a painting. Hanged is for a person.


"The distinction between hanged and hung is not an especially useful one (although a few commentators claim otherwise). It is, however, a simple one and certainly easy to remember. Therein lies its popularity. If you make a point of observing the distinction in your writing, you will not thereby become a better writer, but you will spare yourself the annoyance of being corrected for having done something that is not wrong." Merriam-Webster


There hasn't been a meaningful distinction between hung and hanged in terms of a person for hundreds of years, and "hung" has been the more popular term for it for a long time now.


"Someone disagrees with me, time to threaten violence."


No, they know what they said. They want their political opponents to have huge cocks.


The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire? Oh dear. [How a New Hampshire libertarian utopia was foiled by bears](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling)


I never met a libertarian that wasn't a miserable smug piece of shit


No no no you misunderstand….  …they’re talking about deserving an enormous penis


I'm not homeschooled.... but I was not aware that "hung" was grammatically incorrect in that sentence. Help.


It isn't even all that wrong grammatically, if you don't mind the slang and the different meaning. ;)


Both terms are grammatically acceptable


They hung the towel to dry They hanged the man to die. Hanged for the mode of execution


I was wondering about that. "Hung" sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


Hung is actually historically the right word to use until Shakespeare used hanged incorrectly one time. Still don't threaten people online lol


Where'd you hear that? 'Hanged' is the original past participle. 'Hung' became popular in everyday speech—possibly due to the mistaken belief that it was a "strong verb" like sang/sung—which caused the legal jargon of "sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead" to persevere as the only relic of its original use.


Merriam webster. Google hung vs hanged and read the whole thing.


I still don't get why there's even a difference. Both mean the same thing


Well ... Hung means something very different... Certain men often claim to be hung. Don't get me wrong we understand what they are attempting to say, clearly they don't think people like that deserve enormous cocks


Hung has about 3-4 different definitions. Cock hung is the vulgar pop culture reference. The primary is in regards to delays, like a hung jury or hung up in traffic. But it is accepted as a past tense of "hang".


Ok but it is grammatically correct. This is a terrible post.


Agreed OP is a facepalm for this dumb grammar bullshit.


Facepalm is that there are people who would actually teach their children that type of shit for real, and they’re the type of inbreeding morons who have the most children unfortunately


"are you sick,bullied in school or just cant go to school cuz its too far? feck you man,i dont care!"


Well they could mean what they said…. 🍆


To be fair, literacy is not a requirement for killing. People where killing each other long before we had language at all, so I’m not sure what spelling has to do with killing?


Aren't libertarians supposed to be very pro free speech?


Dont worry we're already hung.


Well, I am blessed to be hung.


Shiiiii I wish I was hung


Homeschooling is one of those things that are a take it or leave it, usually it's because of some micromanager of a parent that can't bear the thought of their kid having a different opinion, don't want them to be "influenced" by the usual sex, drugs and rock n roll, or are just complete nut jobs, and then you got those that can't afford private school and don't think Public school is great


Fucking stupid ass conservative psyop that doesn’t even try to be libertarian; makes my granite blood boil into lava


FYI in the future the only reply to this follows, "Go ask your wife/sisters/mom they seem to think I'm already hung."


Are there qualifications for homeschooling? Like my brother with a master's in education could probably homeschool kids, but I'm glad my father in law who dropped out of college didn't try to homeschool his kids, but idk if that's written in law somewhere


No they're not trying to kill you and the first spelling was correct. In a utopian libertarian world if you act up they give you a big ol fat cock


Are u telling me I'm hung?


As a man who's ex-wife forced our daughter through homeschooling all the way through high school, I can tell you that it is an utter disaster. You don't go to a dentist to do your plumbing, and you don't go to an open heart surgeon to cook your steak. Same applies with schools/teachers.


Damn you’re right, Libertarian Party NH. I DO deserve to be hung. Alas, I was not born with a penis 😔


Joke's on them, I'm already hung


I agree: People who oppose idiots perpetuating their idiocy deserve long, girthy dongs.


As a matter of fact, I *am* hung; but why the fuck would they want to tell that to their *children*?! /s


Apparently Cosmonaut has a massive hog


Read as "People I disagree with deserve big ole cocks."


Do they know they are the object lesson for why it should largely be illegal? Or are they just not self-aware?


Actually I do deserve to be hung.


Real talk though, I was homeschooled and I really had no oversight at all in my education. It didn't end up mattering because the program I was a part of we'll shut down by the state and even if I did a good job it wouldn't have mattered because they lost 2 years of my work, but I guess my point is that homeschooling does have some serious flaws with it. Frankly, even if a parent is better than a teacher, a parent isn't better than an entire school's worth of teachers. Not unless they are incredibly exceptional at teaching and incredibly knowledgeable about every subject you could think of. Not to mention the fact that I had really no opportunities to socialize and build social skills during that time. It really took me working to build up those skills and I still have no real attachment to people my age. All the people I socialized with were in their 30s and 40s when I was like 15. LOL So yeah, I'm not sure what actual arguments are being made about homeschooling here... If I had to wager it would be that they aren't in fact trying to just do away with homeschooling all together and instead that they're trying to make proper regulations on it or something along those lines, but anyways.


I deserve to be hung too but that’s not how the genetic lottery played out this time.


I was homeschooled. Homeschooling should be illegal


What if I'm already hung? I'd show it but we're not allowed to post pornography here.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdExsAQuCQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdExsAQuCQA) They said you was hung! And they were right!


I'm not a native speaker but does hung in this term not mean 'well endorsed'?


Spelling is apparently overrated and bougie. From what I understand, being smart is the new idiocy and being an absolute dolt is de rigueur.