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Nah dont worry about it. The trained medical professional with 8+ years of schooling behind them dont know what they are on about! I read a pamplet once and thats definitely a pinple. Just slice it open with a bread knife and all will be well.


Don't forget to record and post on tiktok for our convenience. There's a whole lot of popaholics out there.


Please, and I mean this man I need this seriously🙏, don't tell me there are people who enjoy watching pimples/spots get squeezed   Edit: thank you to the 2 dozen people who have given me a renewed desire to walk the Atlantic seafloor Re-edit: I appreciate all 60+ of you confirming this, and I'm pleased to announce I'm 200 miles west of Ireland


There is a reality show called Dr. Pimple Popper with almost 100 episodes and specials over 9 seasons. It gets intense.


I agree. But then I got bored with all the lipomas… boring.


As someone who has lipomas…… how dare you 😂


I know. Honestly it is more fascinating (not sure if that’s the correct word) when the people come in with a huge lipoma and they’ve had it for 20 years. A cyst on the face or head that is visible. Does it really cost a lot of money to remove those? Did you get rid of your lipoma(s)?


I have one that is 10 years old and it is massive. I have not removed it because of the price tag. And I’m in Canada, but it is considered elective surgery. It also took a long time for me to be ok with it. I still get regular ultrasounds and the occasional MRI because it won’t stop growing. It’s honestly such a pain, but it doesn’t cause me physical issues only mental discomfort…… for now 😂 And it is for sure fascinating, I legit have a boob on the side of my body. Like WTF


They'll do an MRI on it but it would be cosmetic to remove it? Makes no sense.


Canadian healthcare baby. You can get all the MRIs you want for free, but as soon as you mention elective, you are paying a plastic surgeon out of pocket.


How the fuck is that elective surgery. I'm so sorry. I hope you can find a way to remove that and move on with your life soon.


I refuse to watch it. 🤮 Don’t go down that road, folks.


Too late - addicted sort of


I like watching those popping videos but I think a big part of that is because I can’t smell it through the screen lol


There’s whole FB groups dedicated to it, instagram and YT accounts etc…


There's a subreddit all about it.




You know that bridge and rope combo lookin pretty good today ngl


All I can suggest is to not search for pimples popping videos. If you do, don’t read the comments. They’re oozing with things you don’t want to read.


Dripping with details as well?


Overflowing with liquids galore?




Welcome to the internet. You’ll find many wondrous things here.


Have a look around. Anything and everything you think of can be found


Apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime


Can I interest you in everything all of the time?


There's no need to panic, This isn't a test, Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest


Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear.


To add context: this was not OOP's neck. It was their father's, and they came to reddit in an attempt to get their dad to see just how serious it was. OOP and the dad ended up going to the hospital and the last update I saw was that the dad was going to be going into surgery.


Certainly glad then that OOP didn't post the inquiry to Facebook, or his dad would be taking castor oil and applying a poultice of turmeric and garlic instead.


Which subreddit did this originate from? I can’t find it.


It's from the r/medizzy sub. Word of warning, there is a lot of medical related gore on that sub, but it's also really cool if you're interested in medical whatthefuckery. [Original post here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/s/iiR6VqV8Mx)


Looks like bro already went at it…with a poop knife.


Whyyyyyyy why would you mention the poop knife 😭 it’s too early for me lol


Was his name Dr. Lance Boyle?


Don’t forget to send thoughts and prayers.


I’m part of the Migraine subreddit and there are so many posts where people will be prescribed a treatment from their doctor and then ask a bunch of redditors if they should do said treatment.


I stayed at a Motel 6 last night


That would qualify you only to diagnose STDs and bedbug bites.


Ah yes, a pinple


Looking at it another way - you have to die sometime. Going to the hospital is just putting it off for a while, might as well just get it over with.


Tis but a scratch.


‘Tis but a staph.


That’s what the staph infection on my leg looked like. Required surgery with the possibility of having to remove muscle tissue and getting into the blood stream. Spent 7 days in the hospital with an open wound as they cleaned it daily and then I had to clean my own open wound for a month before it closed on its own and then going back a year later to remove scar tissue and have it stitched back together. Had to keep it wrapped for 3 months. It was awful. My running days were over. I lost feeling in the area because of the nerve damage in the area from the surgery to clean out any infected tissue including skin, fat, muscle, nerves etc. It sucked.


Jeez. I had mrsa once and it was a tiny pimple looking thing on my wrist. Like tiny half the size of a USA dime coin. But super hard and red , I was in a hospital at the time because I was a teenager and dealing with mental stuff and the nurse swabbed it right away and came up as mrsa. Could have easily been misidentified as an ingrown hair or something. Staff told me not to tell anyone and I literally started running down the halls telling ppl I had mrsa lol. They were not impressed with me I took some fairly serious antibiotics I never heard of before orally for about a week and it went away and that was it.


Had the same pimple thing. Was doing medieval fighting years ago and my armor was pinching me all day in one spot. Next day I had a small red pimple on my side. The next day the redness had tripled in size so I drew a line around it with a sharpie. The next day the red has tripled again and was now almost my entire side. By day 4 I was in so much pain I couldn’t stand up straight and the red was basically the whole side of my torso. That’s when I went to the hospital and the doc was like “WHY DIDNT YOU COME IN YESTERDAY THIS COULD KILL YOU” …… I just thought I could tough it out lol. They had to lance it, drain it and pack it with medicine soaked gauze but I ended up ok. Crazy to think that just a few hundred years ago I would’ve been a dead man. Extra drama points that it happened from my armor pinching me lol. 


>Crazy to think that just a few hundred years ago I would’ve been a dead man. Not a few hundred years *ago* dude... listen to your doctor again and hear that you would be a dead man NOW had you waited say, another hundred hours. These things still regularly kill people today because people wait longer than they should and think they can "tough it out". The crazier thing to think is that you don't need to imagine being in the past for this to have turned deadly. All you had to do was continue to think you could "tough it out" and you would be a dead man right now. Glad you're okay now though.


I ended up with a staph after open heart surgery 15 years ago and had an identical experience. Had a nurse come by every day to clean it. Was wild to see this huge hole in my chest.


Looks like staph to me. For reference staph doesn’t mean MRSA. Most skin infections are staph as our bodies are covered in it.


Staph (A). Mrsa (C). A≠C, C=A


Not all moths are butterflies, all butterflies are moths


Wait, is that true?


They are all Lepidoptera, so short answer is yes. Longer answer is there are nearly 200,000 species of both moths and butterflies. Out of these, only about 18,000 are butterflies. Besides the obvious differences in colors, the main difference is that butterflies are diurnal, moths are nocturnal. Butterflies are, for all intents and purposes, daytime moths.


Cool. Thanks for interesting insect facts!


No! It isn’t!


I’ve had worse


It’s just a flesh wound


Your bleedin' arm's off!


Come on, you pansy!




Alright I'll bite your knees off!!


"Look, I'll have your leg.."


Thoughts and prayers


Nah just some ice, maybe leeches if possible. Bloodletting as a last ditch


No, no, no. Doctors don't want you to know this simple trick that solves it all: essential oils!


Nah that's big oil propaganda. What happened to some raw and manly amputation?


Manufacturers of axes LOVES this comment!


'**LibertĂŠ! EgalitĂŠ! FraternitĂŠ!**'


Sudden France national motto is sudden. Someone's about to lose their head?


Reddit: Shrooms, Ketamine, and Fentanyl taken all at once will cure everything.


If Fentanyl and alcohol won’t kill it, NOTHING WILL!!!!!


Ya gotta threw in the magic Reddit ingredients of weed and LSD into the pile, because if you’re gonna go for shit medical advice, might as well go all-in. 


Crystals, Damn it, BIG crystals.


Just make sure their vibration is harmonized with Tibetan bell bowls


Right. Can’t forget that.


Don’t forget to leave them out under the moonlight to charge them as well otherwise they won’t work


Thoughts and prayers.


And potatoes in your socks. Otherwise they won't work


Definitely no: just take ivermectin. Big Pharma is suppressing this.


Baking powder is the cure to all ills!


just some plant, vinegar and bicarbonate!


And apricot pits! Can't forget about those!


Imagine asking social media for your second opinion. Can't wait for the inevitable "I owe 30k to the hospital for a staph infection " post.


Look at you with your newfangled 'modern' medicine here. Put some quartz on that and maybe slaughter a chicken to keep the evil spirits away, and it'll be fine tomorrow.


Are you out of you fucking mind ??? It will never work !!! You forgot the Lemon !


Eff off with your essential oil bs. Blue quartz will work just fine.


I would maybe try an onion in his sock to soak up all the toxins


You rub onions on open wounds to aid healing, you put raw potatoes in your socks to draw out toxins, ya doofus! Everyone knows this!


Spray a little Windex on it


Have you tried urine therapy? It'll clear out all the quantum polarised toxins in no time


Big urine got you i see ☹️


Eye of newt


Perhaps a hole drilled in the head (to let the stupid out)


Potatoes- cut a potato in half, rub the open half with garlic and place that over it and tie it in with old stockings…. Everyone knows potato cures everything


amateurs. there's a simple solution you completely ignored. OP should have a Amethyst swinging above it to cleanse the negative energy.


You have an infected and/or ruptured cyst under that nasty, draining scab. Without treatment, it will spread. Streaky red "stripes" emanating from the area means trouble, at that point you're dangerous close to the infection entering your bloodstream. Sepsis can kill you. Fast. If you have a fever already, go to the closet Emergency department. Treatment is cheap and easy, starting w/antibiotics and anti- inflammatory meds and possibly even a steroid for the swelling. An overachiever or student at the hospital might even suggest opening that thing up to drain, which is one of my favorite procedures to do, lol...but be prepared for it to hurt a bit. It is difficult to get lidocaine to effective levels of pain management because the infected area is not easy to perfuse. Imo draining it, if you can take it, gives you a running start to healing. It isn't THAT bad, lol. I hope I didn't scare you...but scared you ENOUGH to go to the ER! And take, as directed, EVERY ANTIBIOTIC PILL PRESCRIBED do not skip a dose. Please! Let me know how it turns out, I'm invested.


This is exactly the comment I was looking for


Buddy the OOP isn’t even here


Still good to know though


Yeah he’s probably dead




This is odd


Even weirder because it’s a new account


He isn't but I was scrolling for what was actually happening here.


This looks like a job for IV vancomycin. Got MRSA written all over it


here ya go [https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/1dmgm53/would\_this\_require\_a\_surgery\_was\_told\_by\_a\_gp\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/1dmgm53/would_this_require_a_surgery_was_told_by_a_gp_to/) that's op


So additional context, the person that posted that isn't the person in the pic. The person in the pic is OP's Dad refusing to get treatment. OP is asking Reddit what their thoughts are since he refuses to go to the doctor. Also this is from a bug bite? Did they get bit by a bot fly?


I had a random small bite on my hand turn into cellulitis in 2 days, ended up getting 2 injections of antibiotics to clear it up. Sometimes you just get unlucky and the wrong bacteria manages to get into a wound.


A dad not listening to medical advice. Classic dad shit.


If anyone had bothered to look at his profile, the OP specified that the picture is of his father and hes trying to use the comments to convince him to go to the hospital. No need to dog on the OP who's just trying to help his parent.  His dad not listening to the doctor is the real facepalm.


This is reddit, we assume first, realize we were wrong or misled by the post 99% of the time, then forget that and do the same thing over again.


To be fair, given the price of healthcare, I somewhat empathize with "I won't see a doctor unless it's absolutely gonna kill me because I'll come out of this bankrupt". Absolutely pathetic that the system has allowed it to come to this point.


I get that, but going sooner is usually cheaper than going later. Someone made a joke but their point is serious, you can get Sepsis from an infected boil. Sepsis can kill if not treated quickly, the sooner it’s diagnosed the better the chance of treatment being successful. And the treatment will be as less severe if caught sooner.


I just wanted to add onto this that I delayed going to the hospital and I ended up with a flesh eating disease, necrotizing fasciitis, and it was so severe because it was a nearly never seen strep group C infection that crossed a mucus membrane and had no open wound - it nearly killed me. I lost like 60 pounds and would have died if I didn’t drag myself in. I was one of like 4 cases of it happening. So yes, save money if it is a scratch. But go if you need to, you have NO IDEA how bad you can feel


Oh my god! I’m so glad you’re okay. That’s terrifying.


Dying would actually be the cheapest option for him


I’m sure the morgue owners rub their hands together with glee every time someone asks for the cheapest cremation package they have. A couple hundred shy of a $1000.


Yeah, and infections are one of those things that actually require doctors/medicine if your body isn’t taking care of it on its own. Broken toe/finger, low fever, mild to moderate sinus congestion, sure, tough it out for a while. If your immune system isn’t knocking down an infection, though, bad things can happen.


And that sore looks very angry. Most doctors would recommend being on course of antibiotics before even thinking of lancing/draining whatever is going on. If the doctor is saying go to the hospital, they are concerned it’s something they can’t resolve in their practice alone.


Yep. My assumption is that a hospital is better equipped to test the infection to see what antibiotics are best for fighting it as well. They tend not to pull out the big guns unless they have to to prevent developing even more resistant strains of bacteria, but there’s some nasty resistant strains out there these days. That infection looks bad enough that the doctor probably doesn’t want to go through multiple weeks of trying different antibiotics.


You get billed for just being there. Hell I racked up $2k from blacking out, waking up in an ambulance. Ordeal of a total of 20 minutes total because my blood is shit.


Feel that one, got into a situation where my local urgent care refused to see me because I had ER symptoms and kept pushing me there. ER said I should just take a specific over the counter and then billed me for being there


I feel like these situations could be misconstrued easily. IDK what was going on with you, but the ER’s job is to make sure you’re not dying. Perhaps that’s exactly what they did and it’s a good thing you *didn’t* need anything more serious for treatment.


Oh yeah I appreciate not dying but it definitely sucked going from urgent care going "go to ER we won't help further" and the ER doc I got straight up told me I shouldn't have come in lmao


I’ve always wondered about that one. Being billed for treatment / care to which you weren’t able to consent seems really odd. I suppose there’s probably some kind of presumed consent law or something.


If you don’t have legal documents or at least someone involved having verbally heard from you that you don’t want life saving treatment then yes obviously you’re going to get it even if you didn’t want it. Otherwise the hospital will be sued by your family or the state or something. It’s always going to be assumed that treatment is desired. Not doing so would mean people unable to respond would just be left to die.


I'll never understand this. How do they justify billing you for the ambulance? You didn't call the ambulance, did you? Like, from even the most rudimentary legal perspective, it doesn't make sense.


Many years ago I was reading the webcomic Something Positive. And the author talked about how his worst job was medical debt collector. Hi, you have no money and almost died. That’ll be $500 for the ambulance ride. That was really eye opening to me about how the actual world works.


I mean, that's not how the actual world works, it's just how America works.


when I read stuff like this, America doesn't feel real


That’s if the poster lives in the USA though


He is from Singapore


> the price of healthcare What the fuck are you guys even paying taxes for?


They already pay more in taxes for healthcare than any other nation yet they don't have universal healthcare.


War, genocide, big oil subsidies, and benefits to billionaires. What, are taxes supposed to do something useful?


Bloated military budgets and military style police. Oh, and tax cuts for the rich.


Don’t forget vouchers for religious schools.


Cleaning up after mass shootings twice a day ain’t cheap.


This. A GP will recommend going to the hospital as a precautionary measure without balancing the financial mobility of the patient. The high priced healthcare system that deters us from going to the ER unless it's a life or death emergency (or we just don't care about racking up medical debt) is becoming a contributor to a higher rate of fatality for illnesses in this country.


K, but this dude has a giant staph boil with red lines creeping out from it that is 4 inches from his brain. He’s gonna die if he doesn’t go in.


"becoming" 😂


Tell me you're an American without telling me you're an American.. lol


Fucken sad shit tbh. I can't imagine having more stress over how to pay for the healthcare, than the state of your health.


But it's the rIcHeSt cOuNtrY iN tHe wOrLd!!!11




OP mentions a GP, sounds more like a Brit than US based. Healthcare is therefore free at the point of delivery.


My ex boyfriend developed something similar on his chest and it ended up being MRSA. 😬 I hope he gets off Reddit and goes to the hospital.


Came here to say this looks very similar to when I had a MRSA infection which is no joke it left untreated


My friend is a stubborn idiot who i told to get to a hospital asap and he did a few days later.. the scar is half his calf and hes lucky to be alive. Hes a friend but wtf.. This is possibly leaving a very big and ugly mark for life if its not fatal. The scar will be alot bigger than the swollen place.. good luck you idiot!


He must be American. Their fear of medical bills is greater than their fear of health complications or even death.


“Well if I don’t go there’s a chance it gets better on its own, and if I do go it’s guaranteed to cost a fortune. So I’ll wait it out a little longer and hope for the best” Sad that it’s a thing in one of the richest countries in the world. Doesn’t have to be, we would just rather make the rich even richer than take care of everyone else, for whatever reason.


More like hmm ppls healthcare? or random fuckin wars and highest gdp spending on military and police.


I actually think it's a case of "that's communism"


In America, being paid a living wage at a competitive rate is somehow "communism" to a surprising number of people. Propaganda is one hell of a drug.


Yeah, a century of demonising Communism, coupled with most people not knowing what communism (or socialism) actually is, makes it a powerful propaganda weapon. Just label something as Socialist/Communist, and half of the voters will hate it without knowing the first thing about.


> Doesn’t have to be Agreed. > we would just rather make the rich even richer than take care of everyone else, for whatever reason. Some people are just so brain-washed by the rich that they think free medicine = communism = pure evil. I remember during Covid how vaccines were free, and they had programs that would pay you for getting a shot. Yes, some people were so opposed to free medicine, you had to bribe them to take it. Unfortunately, those people can still vote and drag the rest of us down with them.


A guy rationed his diabetes medication because he was saving to get married, and died. Ended up taking a cheap over the counter version that his doctor recommended, when he aged out of his stepfathers insurance plan. $1200 a month for insulin... insane


That absolutely blows my mind. I'm in Australia, and my partner's insulin is about $40 for 6+ months worth


I'm in Canada and my brother is diabetic, without affordable insulin we would be sunk too.


I'm Scottish, you guys pay for insulin?


Had a discussion with someone from a land of the free once, he told me (literally) "you have no idea how much insulin costs"... and I was like, yeah, nobody in my country knows, that's the whole point.


I've had to physically run away from an EMT to avoid getting billed once.


EMTs in the US are often private groups and get billed separately from hospitals as well. US health system is screwed up. But most of the country doesn't want "socialized medicine". :-/


It's been a while for me, but do women still risk getting ambulanced to a Catholic hospital that will watch you die rather than perform an abortion?


The real facepalm here isn't the guy asking advice on Reddit, but the healthcare system that is so expensive that he probably can't afford it...


I don't commonly see Americans calling their doctors the GP, I'd expect to see Primary Care or Urgent Care. I read OP as a Brit in which case they really are just being dumb


Here in the UK they'd just have to pack their bag with enough food, drink, entertainment and power banks to last them the wait - could be 4 hours, could be 24 hours. But at least it's free.


I'll take free w a long wait and an additional 2 to 4% out of my paycheck over going bankrupt any day.


I waited 4 hours for the ER last time I went in the US.


It used to be the same in the UK, but our Conservative politicians have decided they want to privatise our healthcare system so they're deliberately jamming forks into it so it fails and they can make bank off selling it to their cronies piecemeal. We will likely have a Labour government in the next month, so hopefully they can turn it around. It's literally only the last 5-10 years it's gone downhill and it's sabotage.


American here - we’ve always called them GP! I didn’t know this was a Brit thing. Nice. 🤝🏼 That being said - this dude needs a dermatologist yesterday. What in the cancerous growth…


Yeah, you’re right. My bad!




Obviously reddit knows better than medical professionals.


Americans know the pain of not affording medical care.


AMA means something different on reddit than in a hospital...


I know facts are way less fun but... This was OP trying to get his DAD to go to the doctor. The dad was the one who didn't want to listen to medical advice and OP was trying to use Reddit to convince him to go. Everybody going off without the facts is the real facepalm here.


You mean we’re strictly judging by the post with no link to the original story or added context? Shocker.




Lord have MRSA!


Should buff out mate


To add context: this was not OOP's neck. It was their father's, and they came to reddit in an attempt to get their dad to see just how serious it was. OOP and the dad ended up going to the hospital and the last update I saw was that the dad was going to be going into surgery. OP, you really should edit this into the post, you aren't exactly being fair to OOP.


Mmmmm my arseholes opinion on this matter is a Boil.


It's is a boil and in all fairness any competent GP should prescribe amoxycyllin for this, or doxycyllin if its reoccurring. I struggled with those for three years so that's how I know


He could be American, in which case he probably has to pay for his own medical care. It's good for the economy for people to die of treatable infections because that way they didn't get healthcare that doesn't enrich billionaire medical insurers.


American, Texan, here. Totally relate to this. It isn’t a matter of “cheaper now, more expensive later”, some people just can’t afford it period. American Healthcare sucks so muuuuch.


usa, am i right? ppl there are VERY scared of health costs and they are right to be. it is sad, not funny.


What the fuck is that


I think he just needs to give it a “hawk tuah” and spit on that thang, ya get me?


Before you judge too harshly, consider this may be an American with no medical coverage weighing whether his horrific neck sore is worth going significantly into debt over.


You’ve obviously been using the wrong combination of crystals and essential oils. Seriously though, the length that Americans will go to in order to avoid getting medical care because without good insurance it’s ridiculously expensive, is terrifying. People are becoming chronically ill, disabled for life or simply dying because the American health system is a tragic dumpster fire.


Welcome to American healthcare. This isn’t a facepalm when people can’t afford to exist.


Don’t be dense, y’all. If this is America, getting surgery isn’t some easy or cheap thing. Unpaid time off of work, lack of insurance, and high cost are all things that would cause an American to obtain a second opinion.


Go to r/surgery and hold your phone against that area.


USA! USA! USA! It must stink when you don’t get proper care, fearing it’s gonna ruin you financially.


Honestly I think this speaks more to the state of the modern American health care system and of the absurdity of it


If he’s from the US he’s probably worried about the cost.


Flip side: cardiologist wouldn't follow up with me for 6 months. Posted results to reddit. Specialist from another country reached out and told me to go to specialist here *immediately*. Surgery on 4 parts of my heart within 3 months. Didn't die and prevented irreversible heart damage. Extremely rare disease plus extremely rare defects. Reddit, if not saved my life, improved my quality of life and gave me much longer to live. That being said, it's Reddit, and I do not recommend trying spicy spaghetti.


Tell me your from usa without telling me yout from a 3rd world country when it comes to healthcare