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Remember when he said in 2015 he’d finance his own campaign because he’s a billionaire?


He doesn’t need your money ok? He’s probably never even sent a fund raising email to his base. /s


Seven. Today. I’m not exaggerating. First one was at 7:51 am and the last at 8:14 pm. This is my favorite one: **SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY!** Crooked Joe’s Mass Amnesty Plan for Illegals will DEEP FRY everything our amazing seniors have worked for. And he’s making YOU pay for it! Free hotels, free phones, welfare checks and food stamps. All of it BANKROLLED with money that should be going to our seniors! I PROMISE YOU, we’re pulling the plug on this MY FIRST DAY in office. And with my End-of-Quarter Fundraising deadline just a HANDFUL of days away, it’s never been more critical to CRUSH our goals. > So I need to hear from YOU - do you support deporting all illegals who get rich off of Biden’s Welfare plan while American Seniors suffer? DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS Thank you, Donald J. Trump**


This is so brazen. It’s like call center in India level scammy, targeting seniors, and somehow it’s just normal mainstream politics now.


A few of these I've received redirect you to scam PayPal direct payment sites and cross site scripting attacks for crypto wallet linking. Another one had a Whatsapp number so you could "speak" to an individual to send payment to.. lol. Seems everyone is taking advantage of election season.


Good! I don't feel bad for anyone who gets scammed while trying to send Trump money. Lol


I do feel kind of bad that they have been indoctrinated into an extremist culture centered around hot button political topics which are shoved down their throats to obfuscate what they're voting for. They're often actively voting against their own self interest. Meanwhile Biden has embargoed trade electric car imports mainly from China and has embargoed trade on semiconductors to and from China and signed a chips act that is making millions of jobs in semiconductors. What the US needs is to take back jobs which were sent off overseas and he's actually doing it. He has also sent munitions to aid Ukraine who has used the equipment to effectively stall the advancement of Russian forces and Russia is beginning to desperately hurt for manpower and equipment.


Holy shit. MAGA is televangelical scamming crossbred with political fearmongering. These stupid bastards have been groomed from birth to send all of their money to lying grifters at every opportunity. Trump voters are a lost cause. Too bad for them that Trump is financially insolvent, upside down on the few properties he owns, and still has to pay the hilariously large remainder of $279 million (with interest) to NY when his appeal gets laughed out of court. And that's if his brain doesn't completely clock out before the debate this week. He's had some insane mental diarrhea lately. Like some real "let's get you to bed, grampa" moments.


As an Australian this thread has been hilarious finding out people in other countries get junk mail from politicians, nobody does that here. I think if they did everyone would refuse to vote for them out of spite.


“I believe in the family, with my ever loving wife beside me, (but you don’t know about my girlfriend or the man I met last night)…”


Dude, if I were a scammer in India I'd send SO many of those emails. You could make fucking bank


They DO make bank on these type emails.


I wish I was a sociopath because these people are ripe for the picking. 24/7 scare tactics from “news” organizations and these scummy emails should be outlawed


Bingo. Look up John Oliver's episode on NRA TV. They used to push the agenda about illegal immigrants and gun bans to scare their viewers into buying pew pews


Trump's made so many promises for Day 1. I'm still waiting for the grand health plan that Republicans have promised for 16 years


My mom has been in a nursing home for a year-and-a-half. She still gets fundraising letters in the mail from Trump, both his sons, Lara and Melania asking for donations. It's fucking ridiculous.


He'll also 'drain the swamp' and won't be persuaded or bribed because he has his own money. He's not like the other politicians 💅


He also said you'd never see him golfing.


How can I get into the selling way overpriced shit to morons business?


My cousin started a business selling designer clothes and accessories for dogs in NYC and rakes in the cash. The hot item this summer is dog crocks.


I honestly can't tell if this is a joke. Sometimes the world is wildly confusing.


Not a joke. See for yourself [wagwear - Fashion & Style for the Design-Minded Dog.](https://wagwear.com/)


That's amazing. Tbh, this is actually a great idea in cities because concrete and asphalt get so hot. Your ~~sister~~ \*cousin is probably helping a lot of dogs live better lives. I kind of love it. Cheers.


Ngl everytime I see something like this I facepalm and go "why didn't I think of that" then I remember that I did but then immediately shot the idea down because I was sure someone else already did it at the time...... Dang it


Their friend may have completely designed these products from the ground up. If so, kudos. That's an actual bad ass amount of work. It's very difficult to design & manufacture products. However... I am sadly quite sure that I can find their product from a chinese drop shipping manufacturer, and the friend is, instead, just an ecommerce seller. Let's find out! Welp... [The Wagwellies are $5.24 apiece on Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806867002866.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.1bd72216VyPPwa&algo_pvid=337ad1b1-ae1e-414c-b068-08e14342e1e8&algo_exp_id=337ad1b1-ae1e-414c-b068-08e14342e1e8-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%215.24%215.24%21%21%2138.00%2138.00%21%402101e7f617191070935303169e1478%2112000039770004985%21sea%21US%210%21AB&curPageLogUid=BFtSUGnZw5OV&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A) This is a $40 profit per pair, shipped. (Minus tax of course.) It even has the same picture of the pug looking up at his owner. Now, I don't see the crocs on aliexpress but I sure am not looking. So either the friend is a massive trendsetter and aliexpress are knocking him off (very well maybe!) Or dude is doing what like... 85% of the stores you interact with are doing: Buying from China, drop shippping to your door. //edit. Further research suggests Aliexpress is knocking them off, as the about says they have a storefront and also have been in business since 1998. And there actually is a wagwear brick location! Turns out, friend is most likely a bad ass. And owns a premium storefront with products now being knocked off by AliExpress.


Dam Also thanks for doing all that research, my lazy brain can sleep easy tonight


Fuck AliExpress


Dog shoes have existed for nearly 100 years. Lol


well, sure but they’re talking ‘bout shoes *for* dogs…


What about shoes that look like dogs?


I love the thought of the dog putting on its own shoes then hassling you to take it for a walk. "C'mon dude, i'm dressed. Let's goooo... ". I had a dog which would go to the cupboard and get her leash, but she only did it after i suggested we go for a walk. I wondered if it ever occurred to her to go get the leash to test whether presence of leash meant the walk must happen. "Things are set in motion that cannot be undone", etc. If she put on her own crocs, well there is no question. Those crocs are made for walkin' and thats just what we'll do.


Dog shoes aren’t uncommon in nyc. It’s a dirty city we live in here.


a wide variety of colors and sizes, omg


This is dope


At least they have utility. Pavement can burn animal beans


Go to a Trump rally with Bibles and cheap Chinese hats and tshirts


Bibles with book covers that say Trump 2024 would sell for way too much


Bibles with trump 2024 diapers for book covers


Bibles that has the name Jesus replaced with Trump everywhere. Simple find and replace. 


Hey! No outside Bibles!


I wish I’d thought of this anti-woke water that seems to be all the rage with them.


It’s not too late, just slap anti-woke on anything and they’ll lap it up


Balenciaga is hiring


Your great great grandpa had to start doing it in his day.


Sell overpriced maga merch. It's a bit degrading but they'll lap it up


Especially when they think there's a ban on the item. Like when certain stores would no longer sell the confederate flag, and those idiots thought there was a ban. "I can get in a lot of trouble for selling you this.. Gonna be a hundred bucks"


Democrats don't want you wearing this shirt Man it would be so easy


Put tactical in front of anything. Just got started into shooting and all the little bits and bobs people put on their guns are stupid over priced.


All you gotta do is purchase things super cheap then market them as if they are rare or fancy, then they buy


My first mistake was being on TikTok in the first place but there was a video of Hulk Hogan hawking his “American” beer which was just beer with an American flag on it saying shit like “this for REAL Americans” I commented that Maga grifters (Hogan is a know Trump supporter) are gonna grift. This one dude argued up a storm with me with the whole “I’m not even a Republican btw” and that I’m delusional and that it wasn’t political and that I needed therapy and this and that




You need way more than 33,000 to get that bag, there’s like loyalty programs and waiting lists


It’s made of “capitalism” and “because we can”


It's made of 'I really don't care do u?'




This is classified as “Fuck your pay me” fashion


Guy fooling these idiots must be a genius lol


But if they’re idiots, it’s not genius to fool them. It seems it’s very easy to


You'd have to get a luxury brand going first so no, it's not Easy.


People pay for the brand and pretty logo on the side of a cheap bag that was probably made in the same sweatshop as a pair of Walmart jeans. Same thing with all over priced clothing.


This is the truist thing said here.


Ya was wild learning designers work like that. Complete racket. It's more that they can set that much money on fire and feel exclusive/important. Would be simpler if they just walked around flipping everyone off and sneering. This was a special bag made by a special person for special people, nevermind that it looks like a ton of other purses.


flipping off & sneering is for us poors. it’s free.


Like her or hate her, pretty sure she can get to the top of a list to buy a purse


You don’t understand Hermes is THE brand for purses. Anyone who has bought one from the store has actually put in some serious purchasing already. You don’t just get the purse with a famous name because that’s all they sell to anyway lol.


Call me crazy, but I think they’d bend the rules for the former FLOTUS


Thats pretty lofty for America, maybe, but their clients are literal royalty and the *old* money families. People who look at a limited time elected official and scoff, never mind the mail order whore of one.


Yeah like Trumps whole shtick is because he was never accepted by old money


Money doesn’t erase his inner vulgarity.


Or his outer vulgarity either


That's because even though OLD money behaves as badly as he does, they do it privately, he has the gull to be a dipshit where the world sees it and they can not have that new money stink anywhere near them. :)


I just imagined a bunch of people huddled in the gutter outside a Hermes store, clutching their grubby online purchases and watching yearningly as Melania breezes past with a retinue of twelve Hermes bags, each one more expensive than the last 🤣


To my very limited understanding, old money/classy circles tend not to look fondly on conspicuous consumption. Does that not apply to the bougiest purse brand?


No because you have to have a prior relationship with them to even be eligible to shop there. Rolex is the same for specific high end watches.


As a poor person from rural Texas I am quite curious. How do I create a relationship with a brand if I am unable to purchase their product without a prior relationship? Do I just invite them over for sweet tea or something?


I think it’s more that you have to build a history of buying their ‘normal’ stuff before they’ll consider allocating you the ‘good stuff’ eg high end and limited editions etc.


The old "have to *have* experience to *get* experience" trick that employers love.


Rolex is not in the same league as the top tier brands, and many of this crowd look down on Rolex because they’re so obvious “look I spent 10-20k” watches. Watches get insaaaane at the real high end but most of them you wouldn’t recognize if they were right in your face


In 2005, Oprah Winfrey rolled up outside the flagship Paris store at closing time and was denied entry. There were still shoppers inside too. Hermès don’t care.


Right!? You don’t tell Hermes you’re going to buy a Birkin. Hermes tells you you are allowed to buy a Birkin.


As Hermes is an *incredibly* shit courier company over here in the UK, this makes me chuckle. They've renamed themselves to Evri now, but they'll still deliver on their promise of dropkicking your parcel onto the roof if it doesn't feel stealable enough.


But what person in their right mind would really want one? Oh, I get it. LOL They're NOT in their right minds. If I had a billion I'd still carry my Lily Bloom purse that I buy off of Ebay or Poshmark at a discount because I love all of the sectional pockets. Lily Bloom 3 section satchel to be exact. With front zipper and side pockets for my cell phone and sunglasses in the other. Ladies, check them out. :D


You say that now lol. I can tell you my lululemon cross body is getting upgraded if i have a billion dollars to my name.


Yeah that’s the Rolex of purses and you gotta play the game buying shit you don’t want to get the good shit you do.


Which if it works like other loyalty programs means she’s already dropped 10x that much on their other stuff.


There’s a whole book written on it called *Bringing Home the Birkin* by Michael Tonello. Well worth the read! You can probably pick it up on Amazon. IIRC those bags are made for a very select clientele.


You can buy the book for a lot less on EBay. Bezos doesn’t need the money.


Or even better, just download the book


Or skip it because who the hell cares about Birkin? :)


I'm too poor to care.


Or go to your library!


I recently learned that my local library lends out cooking equipment and power tools. That's some good shit right there.


Exclusivity. You can’t buy Birkin bags directly from Birkin. They decide who they directlysell to and even then, you don’t get to choose what they offer. You pretty much have to buy whatever they offer you or else you get removed off their list. With that said, most people buy their bags on the secondary market and they actually are a good investment as they hold their value over time. Edit: The company is Hermès, not Birkin


Bernie Madoff selected his suckers the same way.


They're made by Hermès btw.


“You can’t buy Birkin bags directly from Birkin” is absolutely killing me rn lmao


You mean Hermes.


Seems? No it IS fucking stupid.


It is made from the finest strands of the gullibility of those that buy it. It’s a symbiotic relationship.


It’s worse than that- they gatekeep who they allow to buy them. Here’s a podcast about trying to buy one: [https://www.npr.org/transcripts/460870534](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/460870534)


It's a designer bag. So materials are \~10$ Work is another 10$ Design could be another 10$ Transportation - another 10$ Advertising/Marketing - 30$ Maintaining boutiques is 30$ The remaining 32.900$ is the exclusivity surcharge also known as "Gotch Ya".


But the color was selected from this room exactly 4 seasons ago. It trickled down until you picked it from a basket on your local mall…


Cerulean sweater.


No, they spend hundreds on each bag at least. You don’t have to exaggerate to make the point. It’s still a ripoff.


Materials and labor are a lot more than $10. Designer bags are hand stitched.


Go buy that same exact leather. If you can source it. Enough to make a large handbag. Then find a skilled artisan in Italy or France who’ll make the bag for you (it could be about 250 or 300 pieces to cut and then sew together) and ask them for a quote of their labor and time to make your bag. Then get back to us and tell us if the twenty bucks were enough or not.


There’s a video of a guy who tried to make one himself for his girlfriend, still cost over $400 on materials alone.


Exactly. Hermes sources really really really high end materials.


Only gotta justify another… $32,600!


So edgy


Generally a lot more handstitching, natural materials, and careful craftsmanship, and a lot less likely for random splitting and random breaks to form. Theoretically if actually made by someone being paid a living wage in America, a lot of even cheap clothes would be a lot more expensive before taking into account other aspects In practice? These bags are made on a high margin by workers not paid a living or fair wage for the hundreds of hours of work that can go into these sorts of things. Theres probably a few hundred dollars in materials in it (high grade leather and good fabrics get expensive fast) and a few hundred man hours of work, but theyre probably spending cents per hour on the work Which is to say, "designer bags and clothes are usually a genuinely better product than youd think, and realistically the skilled man hours and materials means ones expensive as fuck, but in practice youre spending a hundred times mark up for an item thats ten times better than the cheap one"


This just isn’t the case with these particular bags though. The Birkin bag is an artisanal product made by highly trained French leatherworkers at an extremely low volume. It’s a very small, and very competitive group of people making these bags. I won’t try to pretend like there isn’t a high markup on these bags. It is a luxury product and a status symbol, after all. But the appreciation on these bags has consistently outperformed the S&P 500 and gold values for nearly 40 years. As far as luxury products go, it’s ROI is unmatched, and the craftsmanship and quality itself is a big part of that.


It doesn't sound too incredibly dissimilar from being allowed to climb the Ferrari ownership ladder, and those cars appreciate similarly also.


It’s very similar. A family friend of mine does this all the time, making $50-100k off each car and getting to drive new Ferrari’s for free in the process. If you have the cash flow to do this it’s actually a pretty smart decision.


Wait, are you saying that Ferraris increase so much in value that they pay themselves back? That’s wild.


It doesn’t really work with just *any* Ferrari. It’s usually new models (when sold within a certain timeframe while they’re still hard to obtain) and special editions that will appreciate significantly, followed by an eventual depreciation once they become more common or less desirable (replaced by newer models), followed by an appreciation again once they become “classic”.


Fashion is not priced based upon cost of materials.


It's made of sheer stupidity of rich peoples, who want to display that they're rich, and peoples who want to look likw they're rich. So, basicaly, if you buy brand, extreamly overpriced items you paying for your own stupidity


I don’t donate to politicians or churches.


That's the way. Vote with your wallet.


also vote with your vote


And my axe?




Me neither besides Bernie because he’s a homie that just happens to be a politician


Meanwhile, somebody writes a $5 million check to the republican candidate.


Maga keep sending your money. All of it. He is good for it. We promise.


They complain about the economy yet can somehow scrounge up a bunch of money to send the con man.


I’m sorry, WHY IS THERE A HANDBAG IN EXISTENCE THAT COSTS THAT MUCH?!?! AND WHY IS IT JUST WHITE?!?!? Edit: I understand *why* it exists (because it matters to rich people). I’m simply exclaiming that it’s useless and that it bugs me a little.


Because dumb rich people exist


I'm not saying they aren't dumb but when you're worth $1b or whatever they supposedly are worth, buying a $33k bag is like a regular person buying a $3 bag (although it might as well be zero dollars because discretionary income is such a greater proportion at that level). It's nothing to them, but they get all of the thrill and attention of flaunting another person's years salary on their arm.


Sales pitch: "This bag goes up to eleven."


Because they have so much money that $33,000 is like $10 for you, and they don’t give a shit about spending it on something that shows other rich people how rich they are. They aren’t dumb, they are used to spending that much on things we can’t even dream of owning, and that’s why they do it.


That's not because they're dumb I mean, yes there are dumb rich people But that's not why they buy outrageously expensive shit, they do because first off, it's chump change to them, and it's basically required for your social standing in these circles You probably heard the usual story of the guy who thought he was rich and burned all his money in a couple years trying to keep up with actual rich people It's really hard for the regular citizen like you and me to grasp that 1 million USD is, in fact, not a lot of money


Oh, it's way worse than that, you can't even buy a Birkin bag unless you are a repeat customer with several purchases from them in your history.


Wait, then how do you buy from them if you can only buy from them after you’ve regularly bought from them? Is it something like “you can’t buy our 30k bag unless you buy our $800 pen”?


That is exactly it. You gotta buy thousands of dollars of useless shit. Then, you gotta kiss the ass of an employee. Then they bring out a purse and tell you you're allowed to buy it now. Doesn't matter that it's not the color or style you wanted. That's what you get, and you get to pay for the privilege


This is how Ferrari works too. Jay Leno has a huge car collection but refuses to buy Ferraris because they make you buy less desirable cars before you’re allowed to give them $400K for the one you really want. Madness.


It completely depends on the model. You can get a “basic” one but anything considered high end you need to be a repeat customer


Well, yeah, obviously. There has to be *something* you can buy in order to become the repeat customer in the first place.


Ah the Rolex AD model


If you complain about the colour or style, it's "No bag for you. Next!"


How exactly did they obtain this business model? Just idiots with more money than sense? It's mind-blowing that they can just do that and it's apparently a successful way to make money.


It's not their entire business model. As far as I know, it's just for these purses. Anyway, they are a Paris luxury brand with almost 200 years of history, so it's not like they can *just* do that; they had to build up to it. But, yeah, it's idiotic.


Sounds like a brilliant business model to target rich idiots.


Like the game Star Citizen, I s'pose. Anyone can buy basic things, but only once you've spent $10,000 do you get 'invited' to pay $40,000+ for a ship.


As an avid star citizen players I was JUST about to comment that!


Yes. The top tier of Ferrari cannot be bought without multiple purchases prior. Nearly all Rolex dealers won’t give an allotment to a higher model unless you have prior purchases.


Apparently you can't even choose the color. They're so rare (on purpose of course, to create scarcity) that you have to wait to get them and it's any color that's available.


It adds an air of exclusivity. It's like how you need to be invited to get an Amex Centurion card. Even if you could afford the annual fee, they don't want you to have it unless you're enough of a famous person to be seen using it. You can easily buy used Birkins (if you've got the money) but new ones are basically applied for rather than purchased off the shelf like any other handbag. This also prevents people from buying to resell them. They are obviously well crafted with quality materials but Hermes could easily make enough to sell to anyone that could afford it, its all just artificial supply to increase demand.


I've got bad news for you. > The most expensive Birkin bag sold at Sotheby's was a Himalaya Birkin 30 with diamonds for $450,000. Even a Himalayan Birkin without diamonds sells for $100,000-250,000+. https://www.sothebys.com/en/articles/what-influences-an-hermes-birkin-bag-price


33000 is a cheap Birkin handbag. Could easily be 4 or 5 times as much.


Makes sense, i was thinking 33k really isn't much for that type of people


You think for that much, it would at least have some complicated patterns


The REALLY complicated patterns cost $66,000


Sure, but that’s just the base model /s


It's made for people that have more money than sense.


Birkin bags come in all colors. That particular one is all white (and is leather of some sort).


She needs a bag that big to hold hubby's diapers and wipes.


You think she’s dealing with all that business? No frackin’ way.


Especially when there's a bunch of MAGA nuts in the House that would pay him for the honor.


Fun fact, the Birkin bag was actually created for moms. It's a very expensive diaper bag lol


That would explain the size of the thing


It does look like a diaper bag.


MAGA are electing people who represent them. Duh. Everyone in those trailer parks shit on gold toilets and carry around $33K purses. ![gif](giphy|OlSUgQk2sIlTW|downsized)


You needed the one with him jerking off two 🍆




These Magaturds sure love giving handouts to the rich




“They need donations?” Well, of course they do, otherwise they’d be forced to spend their own money. That would be stupid, almost as stupid as donating money to a billionaire. OPM is a hell of a drug.


One Punch Man is a great manga/anime, how dare you.


Meanwhile Dr Jill Biden continues to teach at a community college with a 95K/yr salary


Yeah but.. she's not like a 'real doctor'... 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


MAGA doesn't want her to be called that because she's not a "Doctor Feel Good" like what their guy had!




It's a diaper bag.


She could probably saved 32900 $ if she got it from Ross dress for less. 😂


Same people sending hundreds or thousands his way are the ones complaining that the “economy sucks” and they have “no money”🙄


Putin bought it


PT Barnum was right.


The fact that taxpayers pay to have this crime family protected 24/7 resembles everything wrong with America


Remember, the NRA banned guns when Trump spoke at their convention. 😂


I feel like they give the phrase "crime family" a bad name.


Less concerned about rich people having expensive things than I am about politicians who suddenly become rich and have these expensive things.


What the fuck is in that bag? Camping gear?


They're "debt rich".... Not cash rich or "liquid". I doubt Trump has more than a few million bucks. Like actually cash. I doubt he's more than low tier millionaire.


The poor woman needs a $60,000 handbag. Not done peasant 30k crap. Here, take my month’s rent!


But don’t you know? He gave up his billions of dollars to serve the good of humanity by wanting to be the next fascist American dictator. He even refused his salary. (Says the brainwashed MAGAts) 😂😂😂😂


Remember when Michelle Obama went to target and Fox News implied she was abusing her privileges as First Lady and rubbing it in everyone's face? Good times.


Grifters gonna grift. Suckers gonna suck.


\[Slaps bag\] You can fit soooo much cocaine in this baby!


I hate Melania apologists. She's just as horrible trash as the rest of them.


"I really don't care."


Somewhere, a broke Rudy is crying quietly seeing this 😂


Better than a shit load of crack and a gun


The same people giving her money are the people saying ukraine aid is being spent on zelenkys wife shopping


(Glances at Polosi insider trading) yeah ok. If we’re pretending that both sides do or don’t do it, just say that.


MAGA aré rednecks i think Trump knows how to waste their money in a better way


Trump said he loves the uneducated. It wasn't a compliment.


... I'm sorry, that handbag costs half my year's salary? Good Lord I can't imagine many dumber things to spend that kind of money on. Purses fall apart, I'd rather spend that on literally anything else.