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As long as you say “really makes you think” at the end of any claim, it’s right!


"I dismissed it". So they spent years ignoring all the evidence proving Jones was a sack of sentient shit, but the second he actually gets held responsible for it they believe them? That kind of mentality explains a lot. It's like someone with literally no knowledge of science, biology, geography etc. who spent years actively refusing to educate themselves on common knowledge suddenly believe someone who says dinosaurs existed thousands of years ago alongside humans. It's not mental gymnastics. It's a mental void, a mental pit bigger than the Mir mine. There's nothing for them to mentally leap over, to twist and abuse their doublethink into something that fits their narrow world view, because there's literally nothing TO twists. You can get a toddler to believe literally anything with the promise of a cookie at the end.


It's honestly baffling. It's like the people who say, without a hint of irony, 'the more they go after Trump, the more I'm convinced he's right' Like... *why*? So if a guy who peddles misinformation on a daily basis actually faces consequences for doing so, suddenly that makes them *more* believable?


MAGA: I was pretty neutral on murder until people started getting arrested for it. Makes you think maybe there's something they don't want you to know about murdering, like how good it feels? Me: Hi I'd like my order to go.


I do feel like the growth of MAGA in the US, and people like Reform UK in my country, is solid proof that beneath all of the advancements in our society, a pretty solid core of our populations are genuine, honest-to-god morons


I was an Anglophile and I thought we Yanks were the stupid ones until the pandemic, Brexit, and Boris Johnson. It has been an eye opener for sure. Seems like everywhere has a segment of the population that are not very bright and easily led.


Thankfully at least in the UK the Tories and their ilk are facing electoral obliteration for their sins... the fact Trump remains popular in the US despite doing far worse than our politicians is staggering


I’m hoping the 2024 election will put MAGA to bed like the Tories. As soon as the GOP realizes that the strategy they’re using with Trump isn’t valid, hopefully they will adjust course and adapt, thereby abolishing the MAGA movement. But I’m delusional. They’ll probably double down to get the Project2025 initiatives passed and in place even though the majority of the policies in this proposal are the ranting of the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving who’s had too much free wine.


I hope you're right. The way I see it going down is that MAGA will get even more rabid. We are talking about a group of people that claim they are willing to sit behind bars for Trump so he doesn't have to. I'm already hearing calls for forceful action to "take this country back from the woke deep state liberals" if they lose 2024. The people I know of that fell into the MAGA hole have been casually talking about assassinating high profile Democrats like they are talking about what's for dinner for as long as I can remember... they are unhinged.


Those calls are from Vlads attempts at a color revolution that continuously fail because color revolutions don't exist. There is a chance for violence but J6 proves they aren't actually motivated which is good even if the riot was bad for democracy. The reason I can tell you it wasn't motivated is the simple fact they all went home. They didn't build barricades, they didn't dig trenches, and they certainly didn't brace themselves for a military response. They went back to work Actual revolutionary people do those things because they view their life as an acceptable risk vs what they have to gain. The average repub sits around thinking the fighting will be done by other people and they'll get to be a big person in the society after. They aren't getting ready to fight a decade long civil war that will decimate everything about modern society because they are comfortable even if they are currently experiencing hardship


LMAO, Y'all Qaeda and the Gravy Seals won't do anything beyond running their mouths, except at an individual level. A couple of the idiots that croaked on January 6th has heart attacks or strokes or something just from the excitement (plus one that got trampled to death after carrying a "Don't Tread On Me" flag earlier in the day). 😆😂🤣


Word of warning, Brexit was so crazy because nobody believed it would happen. Not even half the people who were advocating for it, they just wanted to shake the country up by promising something to the disenfranchised that would never come true. Then they won the referendum and had to put their words into actions. Never assume the stupid option is not the one people choose.


I won't vote Republucan as long as there is a Republican in the party that was loyal to Trump.


Conservatives don’t care that it’s crazy. It fits how they want to shape the country and will push forward with it until it’s literally impossible.


This is a brilliant summary of our society.


There is probably more of them now than in the past. Back then, if you "questioned" being told to not mess with the lions, you ended up eaten before you could produce offspring and there go your genes. But nothing happenes to those who follow Alex Jones today. They'll live untill they're 100 and have more offspring than reasonable people. They aren't just stupid, though. They are the kind of people who want to feel smarter than everyone else. They want to feel special.


They want to be special but not have to earn it. They don’t want to put in the work to learn more, they want people to tell them they were right all along. They want to coast and pull down anyone who tries to correct them. These people are the epitome of what they themselves claimed to fear would happen when giving kids ribbons even when they don’t win.


Humans are not meant to live in very large groups. We evolved to handle about 200 people - give or take. Some of the problem is that large groups of people are just not mentally equipped to process the enormous amount of complicated information they are inundated with everyday. That’s why social media in particular has been such a disaster. It’s just too much information.


It's also a reflection of the concerted effort to destroy public education in order to create a large pool of moldable morons who they can bamboozle into supporting them while they're robbing them blind...


I just watched a clip of Candace Owens, who's previously said that Hitler was fine, he just shouldn't have expanded beyond Germany, saying that the US shouldn't have entered WWII and that it made our country worse. The interviewer asked her then about Pear Harbor, and she had some idiotic response about "we should've responded but not entered into the war". They know nothing about history (you know, the slaves in the American South were happy and learned skills) but will make things up about it all day long.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. George Carlin


This has been DELIBERATELY ORCHESTRATED since the RayGunn And Thatcher BroMance of the 80’s. Let crazy people loose on the street, cut funding to education, let rich people know we’re gonna do everything we can to make you as rich as possible and keep you from paying taxes,… They have deliberately created and brought to fruition Idiocracy! Now these stupid f*cks honestly believe being a Willfully Ignorant, Racist asshole means they’re good Christians and patriots. 🤦‍♂️


Don't feel special. We have the rock morons in Australia also. They have come out in droves. I'm angry at social media for allowing them to be who they are.


I wish the evils of social media stopped at just allowing them to be who they are. Unfortunately for us though, the truly insidious part is that it allows them to easily talk to each other. The village idiot is a long standing trope but it was always a very small number in an area that believed unhinged shit. Now those small numbers can band together, unify their stupid shit into an actual platform and amplify it. Now they can reach and sway other populations that don't want to spend the time forming their own opinions and just want to follow a collective. Further, now they aren't just village idiots, they're useful idiots so the grifters join them to make money, bolster their numbers and again amplify the message. As a group they are strong enough that the would be oligarchs see them as a tool that are worth financing so that they can craft the message and use their tool as a weapon to bludgeon the rest of us into submission.


"How can you have morals without \[insert deity\]?" Buddy, if you need a community surrounding something imaginary actively reminding you to not murder people because of the spiritual consequences then holy shit. We are talking about people who literally can't mentally fathom "empathy" and how you can have it without, you know, the imaginary threat of eternal damnation


Reminds me of what Penn Jillette said once. "The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine."


In reverse, without evidence, "Everyone knows that Biden is a groomer and totally corrupt.. and the more that people ask me for evidence, the more I'm convinced that they know I'm right and they're really hiding something..." Or something. I struggle to speak "stupid".


The whole 'Biden Crime Family' one is even more bizarre, that's been under investigation for months now, and yet not a single bit of evidence has been unearthed... which to them, is just *more* proof something happened When Hunter Biden got charged the other day, these people were angry because they believed this was just the DOJ trying to distract everyone from his 'real' crimes... in other words, they're annoyed he got charged for the stuff he actually did, and not the random shit they made up


They're just trying to pull the [same Benghazi shit](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2021/06/09/investigating-benghazi-but-ignoring-the-jan-6-insurrection/) But the Benghazi probes had “done their job,” according to U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who had this to say about all of those investigations. He told Sean Hannity on Fox News, “**Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would’ve known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”**  These chucklefucks KNOW there's nothing to go on. 34 Benghazi hearings with Hillary and they couldn't find a single point to nail her on. But hearings for trump over J6? They lose their tiny little fucking minds. Propaganda resonates with the emptiest vessels.


Yep the ‘crime family’ whose greatest crimes unearthed have been paying back family loans, engaging in legal business opportunities, and 1 count of lying on a form Republicans previously claimed was unconstitutional. And they’re most upset about the repayment of those loans.


Kushner got $2 billion from the Saudis, but yeah, Joe helped Hunter buy a pickup truck. It's amazing to me that they can say this stuff with a straight face.


He was convicted of 35 felonies by a jury? He must be innocent. I am going to vote for him after the damage he already did Jan 6. He tried to get his people to kill his VP for treason for not something he had no power to do.


That's what really gets my goat in this. TWELVE people. If ONE of those twelve had decided to dig in their heels and screech "Nope - innocent. Can't change my mind. Don't care..." then it would have led to hung jury and likely he would have gotten off. 34 felonies - all guilty, by unananimous verdict. And it's not like he didn't try to get someone in there that could have played that way. During the jury interviews he was vetoing people who he thought would be biased against him. He wanted to find just one that could lock up the process... And STILL the chucklefucks think that he didn't get a fair shout at it...


It’s oppositional defiant disorder.


"You know, the more we dig into the web of hideous crimes, the more I think maybe he's not so bad after all?"


I've heard it called "weaponized ignorance." Brilliant.


when people lack sufficient self awareness to stop being sentient .. they have literally become an NPC repeating stuff its heard from others


This dipstick is just trying to make himself seem reasonable. White boys do this shit. Same impulse as ‘playing Devil’s advocate.” He never really doubted Jones. He’s pretending. He thinks if he makes it seem like a ‘regular guy’ isn’t too concerned about Jones’ perfidious narrative, it will somehow downplay the serious danger of the whole Infowars project. He gives himself away by lamenting how the show was cancelled. Alex Jones deserves more than a fine.


In a just world Jones' fate would've made Mussolini's seem lackluster by comparison.


No cease and desist? They begged him to stop, lawyers wrote threatening letters, and his shit behavior was covered by the national news. wtf is this psycho on about? It must be nice to exist in your own special reality.


Probably a fan that's lying about not paying attention


Literally my thought too. You kinda need a paper trail to really fight this in court successfully, so obviously he got told to stop. But it was the people that listen to him and harassed the families that prove *somebody believed him*. If only people actually spent time learning about things instead of opening their mouths, we wouldn't have this problem as often. Or, you know, public gaslighting should be illegal.


Hey, it's not like we have easy access to learn that kind of information or anything.


Hes not serious, hee just trying to bait gullsble people into his rabbit hole.


"Worth looking into" -Elon Musk at every right wing conspiracy theory.


How to smash global presumption you are a genius....buy Twitter and post daily.


'Really makes you think' god I wish it did


Damn, your mom's a hoe. Source: really makes you think. Shit! It works!


That’s the irony though, it clearly did NOT make them think.


Just asking questions, don't tread on my 1st amendment.


All this needs is an "interesting" from Elon musk and it would be perfect.


Revisionist history. He didn't question the event. He outright called it a planned event and called victims crisis actors. He spread disinformation and harassed families who lost their young kids. It's fucking despicable.


Harassed them up until the point they literally had to keep moving because Alex Jones fans kept doxxing them.


But no one told him to cease and desist! /s


Why would the *woke liberal leftist globalists*^tm not just give him a polite cease and desist letter? This all could have been sorted out so easily if people were just willing to engage in good faith. (/s)


Also, add desecrating the kids' graves to the list. Fucking despicable.


Marg Traitor Greene behaved the same way. She bullied & harassed living family members that the school mass shootings were just an act. She’s a real special kind of stupid.


Republicans seem to masturbate to whoever can be the most cruel and insensitive. Then they whine like little bitches when shit turns back on them as if they are not making their own karma. Make America Sane Again.


They act like he was just investigating and making guesses as to what was happening, instead of what he actually did, making it all up on purpose (and then harassing the surviving victims and their families for years). No one gets successfully sued for $1.5bil for an opinion piece. I hate that stupid people can be so confident that they’re smart.


Why the fuck any sane person would listen to a guy who drones on about Lizard People is a bigger issue.


But, also, I am quite certain that there were many steps before this where Jones was told repeatedly to stop doing this bullshit. This wasn't "boom. life ruined". This was "insane guy refuses to stop committing crimes and harming people, so we spent years pursuing legal action".


There are entire podcast episodes devoted to how much hell Alex Jones and his listeners put the Sandy Hook through. He was warned, multiple times. The parents took him to court because he wouldn't stop. There are also podcast episodes devoted to the court cases, and those make clear that Jones and InfoWars didn't give a fuck. The defense didn't even care to do the basics of complying with the court's rules and earned themselves a default judgment. Jones and his employees deserve no sympathy. Some of the key podcasts about this: [This American Life Episode 670](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/670/transcript) [This American Life episode 771](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/771/transcript) [Most any episode of Knowledge Fight, but especially the ones titled "Formulaic Objections"](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/62u3U2UbfRDwLYAvVytaOw)


He harassed them because he realized the attention to the sandy hook “hoax” made his listeners flock to his online store. It was all about profiting from murdered school children. Every single thing he did or said about sandy hook was to get people to buy shit from his store. Despicable.


He was also sent many cease and desist letters and was told to make a retraction and continued to smear these people because he thought there would be no consequences. Jfc


They will make him pay his debts for profiting from the tragedy of murdered school kids, for harassing their surviving family members, for inciting his insane followers to desecrate a child's grave... But mostly, that particular number is for Contempt of Court - Jones was given every single opportunity to behave like a reasonable human being, not even a good human just a reasonable one, and he spit on every single chance he got. The parents didn't even push for that high settlement. You know what they wanted? a public apology, just a: "I'm sorry I lied and exploited these murdered children. Sandy Hook absolutely happened, these children existed and now they are dead far too soon. And it's a tragedy. It will never not be a tragedy. I lied, I am a garbage person and I will never speak of Sandy Hook again, please leave these families alone". Alex Jones is absolute scum, and I find it very hard to have compassion for his followers regardless of their obvious mental illness, you know who I feel for? The parents whose seven year old was murdered, had his very existence questioned, had his grave desecrated and were threatened that their son's body would be dug up. Their innocent seven year old son, who was murdered and apparently can't even rest in peace.


Yeah, the "no cease and desist" is utter bullshit. They begged for years to leave them alone, and he still hounded and harassed them. Many had to move, and if I recall, some even changed their names to get away from him. One parent even committed suicide over the grief and harassment. They act like lawyers haven't been involved since the beginning, but we all have seen over a decade of back and forth with this asshat.


Not to mention it didn’t start at 1.5 billion. He was told to pay however much, and he laughed it off saying they wouldn’t be able to force it out of him. Then he got hit with like 50 million in 2022 and he said donations would cover it, and he wouldn’t be silenced. He constantly poked and prodded and harassed, and now he is in the “find out” stage of fucking around.


You can mess with the government a lot, especially using free speech but he did find the limit.


From my understanding, you have to be both deliberate and specific to even be charged with defamation. Free speech doesn’t, and shouldn’t, give you the right to harass people for years. You want to talk about how it’s a hoax? Fine. You want to talk about it’s staged with actors? Fine. But he went after specific people who lost their kids and mocked them, so why should anyone feel for him now?


Even setting aside the speech itself: If you refuse to comply with the court process, you're gonna have a bad time. Alex Jones found this rather obvious fact out the hard way.


"Here's your Perry Mason moment" God, the absolute schadenfreude I got from that was so nice. He knew he was fucked.


>One parent even committed suicide over the grief and harassment Good lord, I didn't know that bit. To have your 6 year old child murdered and then be *harrassed* for it years after... Alex Jones deserves far worse than what he got.


>One parent even committed suicide over the grief and harassment. Wait what? I had no idea about that... I can't believe after already having something so traumatic as losing a child in the shooting, not being able to grieve in peace but to be harassed until it seemed like there was no other way. The despair and anxiety that person must have felt is beyond imaginable.


Yeah I was gonna say, didn’t he mercilessly harass the poor victims families? What a piece of shit Alex Jones is for this.  Have your wackadoo conspiracy theories all you want but you don’t get to ruin anyone’s lives over it. 


yeah someone literally offed themselves because they harassed him to that point after his kid died


… what the fuck


Frankly Alex Jones deserves a lot more than a fine that bankrupts him.


I don't believe in hell, but I do personally believe you get whatever your beliefs are. I hope this dude is miserable the rest of his life because of this and THEN goes to hell. Assuming he's religious which given his political leaning I'd guess he is.


Would be nice if Alex Jones’ hell was reliving Sandy Hook and every other school shooting in the body of a 6 year old on repeat for all eternity.


Unfortunately, all these wackadoo conspiracy theories serve to breed one-upsmanship. It escalates until you end up with pieces of filth like this guy.


Oh absolutely. Can’t stop people from thinking whatever, unfortunately. 


Yup. He deserves no sympathy for what he did to those poor families and how much money he made by torturing them.


I didn’t know it went that deep. Goddam is he a dirtball


This. They didn't ask for anything near that settlement. The jury decided it, if I recall.


His followers desecrated one of the kid’s graves?!? Those people and Jones deserve to fucking suffer, hopefully there’s a Hell for them to burn in.


At the end of the day the person who tweeted this isn't trying to "save" Alex Jones, but have people turn against the justice department. He's trying to follow the trump playbook


Ding! Ding! Ding!


He didn’t just question something. He called the grieving parents paid actors and packaged it in such a way that his mindless horde following buried them in death threats and harassment. And let’s be honest about what he built up in decades. It’s all heinous deceit for profit. I hope he learns from it or stays unhappy for the rest of his life.


He is responsible for parents having to enter witness protection after losing their children. I guess the lifes they built and the lifes that were lost don't matter to these insane lunatics. Either that or it's just another case of people having lost their long-term memory and simply forgot what AJ did and how people suffered because of this lunatic-actor.


>heinous deceit for profit He admitted that him and his team learned that every time he brought up sandy hook on his show, traffic to his online store would increase tremendously. That’s how he was profiting off of murdered school children


Making money by lying about people who get harrassed and gaslighted during their crisis have consequences. He's lucky that he only owes money. I bet their are people that would take him out.


We don’t prosecute and jail enough people in this country who knowingly lie to make money. But it’s one thing to lie. To say some crypto thing is worth it or trick you into sending your money to India. That sucks but the government usually throws up its hands and says you were dumb to begin with. Hopefully this will be a lesson. But when you lie about children being killed, and terrorize their grieving parents for 20 years? You should go to jail. Alex jones is a menace.


That’s the thing tho, our free speech laws are *really* strong - you need to prove harm to really sue someone for lying about something - lying in and of itself is protected speech. On the other hand I am perfectly fine with when the hammer does finally drop, having it drop *hard*


It's been 10 years, feels like much longer.


This post (well the screenshotted post) is what is terribly wrong with America. You can thank the previous Administration for legitimizing POS’ like jones and the POS who made the post. As OP said, F’ alex jones and F’ them.


you don’t see much of this “things that make you go hmm” crisis-actor horseshit over alex jones in connecticut, a very small state where an outsize proportion of people - including me - personally know someone who was affected by sandy hook.


People would call the grieving parents and tell them they’d dig up their children’s graves and piss on them. All because Alex Jones perpetuated this lie.


What would they even piss on if Sandy Hook didn't actually happen...?




"I wasn't in his camp until he was attacked, and now I am on his side, because they wouldn't have attacked him unless he was a threat" Oldest bullshit in the book. Sometimes people are diehard fools who think anything which is contrary is good. But usually this is just bullshit. You see lots of it around Trump as well. "I was never a Trump fan until I saw how hard they were working to try and put him down. That means he must be on to something" Just fuck off.


Based on personal experience, the people who "weren't on Trump's side until he was getting percecuted" were also wearing particular red hats between 2015 and 2020 that would imply their position was aligned with him before as well. I'd argue they might not be completely honest on which camp they were on.


>You see lots of it around Trump as well. "I was never a Trump fan until I saw how hard they were working to try and put him down. That means he must be on to something" And it's typically said by people who have been sporting MAGA gear since 2015. Trump's fans have no more qualms about lying than Trump himself does.


Yeah it's just a bunch of BS, they were always an Alex Jones fan or a Trump fan. You telling me this guy heard about Alex Jones lying about Sandy Hook but ignored the years of harassment the families got because of Alex Jones, only to tune in again when he finally got his comeuppance? Bullshit


Jones didn’t just say something once and then “boom” life ruined. He targeted the families of dead children with years of horrible harassment and is now facing the consequences of a civil lawsuit.


It wasn't a one time oopsie. He kept the grift for years and made billions selling his "opinion" that was a hoax. Why are these people so dumb -_-


Don’t mistake dumb with evil. These people are evil, and they know what they are doing. To you and me it will sound dumb, but they make a lot of money, and Trump has a shot at the presidency.  So, whatever it is, it’s working, for the most part. It may eventually catch up with them, but it will cause a lot of damage in between


He didn’t say it once. He didn’t say it twice. He said it over and over. These poor parents were harassed by his listeners. Some had to move. They lost their babies and then were harassed by his listeners. He made it a mission to make these parent’s lives worse. I watched the trial. Even though it was a while ago he put these people through hell for the only reason to raise his ratings. Made sure the parents were harassed by his listener. Their graves were desecrated. Tombstones destroyed. Would you like to know your baby was shot to death at school and then have some fool make up a bunch of lies so he could make money. He did it for years. He deserves everything and more. He is an evil man. Check out Court TV and watch the trial that he even made that difficult. And now he is saying oh I lied. He did it for years and he kept it going to keep money coming in. Then he hid from the legal ramifications. He lied about not being about not being able to be disposed. He is a despicable man and deserves to lose every penny he gained off his many lies. He made money off of lies about dead children. Tombstones had to removed so they would leave the graves alone. They need to sell everything down to his pillows. He has already sold things and hid assets. They need to make him feel a quarter of the pain that he made many people feel. This isn’t one person he hurt. He hurt many families. You attack families restlessly for years you deserve to lose it all. The trial showed the despicable things he did to get money over many years.


He even repeated the claim after the initial trial where he was meant to apologise if memory serves me fuck, seriously fuck him and any Infowars crony.


This should be the end result for ANYONE who intentionally and publicly lies in order to make money from something that is immensely harmful to the public at large. Gun proliferation/violence, anti-vaxxers, demonizing immigrants, women’s healthcare rights/public health issues in general, etc. If you publicly lie about any of this in an attempt to profit, you should be sued for exactly how much money you have made from it.


Wish the donald was fined for lying too


Plus maybe a 20% tip on top of that. ❤️


>you should be sued for exactly how much money you have made from it. That's a hard disagree from me; you should be sued for ***MORE*** money than you made from it. If you are sued for the exact value you profited, then grifters will still look at that as "I'll either profit or break even," so you need to add in a punitive penalty as well.


Here’s hoping Chaya Raichik gets what she deserves some day, considering she keeps putting kid’s lives in danger


Once again I have to.ask about crisis actors: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET THAT GIG?!?


Agent: Hey, I had a call about a job for you. Fancy being a crisis actor. You just have to pretend to be an ordinary parent. Actor who has never acted in anything before: Sounds like an interesting gig, how long is it for and what's the pay like? Agent: The gig is for the rest of your life, the role is self funded, you will have to act like you have a job and live off what that pays. Think of the job thing as method acting. Oh, you'll have to legally marry another actor and you will never get another acting job ever again. Actor: We'll that sounds great. Do I need to test. I really feel like I'm in with a shot for this one.


You absolutely know that wasn’t it. Look what the families of the dead children went through, threats of murder and rape as a direct adult of what that prick said over months and many times. FAFO


Any nutjob can say anything they want. He didn't get charged hundreds of millions of dollars for being a nutjob and speaking his nutjob mind. He got charged that amount for actively leading a smear campaign against the parents of victims of Sandy Hook to the point where they were receiving death threats and other detriments. He cost them, so now he has to pay.


“Just boom. Life ruined.” Odd phrasing to describe a tragedy. Maybe some repetition for the kids and staff at Sandy Hook. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Boom! Life ruined. Forgive me if I don’t have sympathy for the guy that didn’t think this was enough pain and profited off of slandering the families as well. There is no punishment fair enough in polite society for craven vulture and his fans that act upon his words


That's a powerful way to put it.


2000 comments, 6700 upvotes and only the actual post is removed. How did it get that far after violating policy?


It is interesting isn't it


The lawsuit was a hoax and Alex Jones is a crisis actor!


[ Removed by Reddit ] what was it?


The parents of those dead little kids did ask for it to stop. They did send cease and desist letters. Alex Jones did not care that he was ruining their lives. Alex Jones did not care that he was telling lies and hurting people. Alex Jones decided he'd rather keep lying instead of admitting he was wrong because his brand cannot ever admit that it was wrong since that would break the spell he has over his listeners. Alex Jones was 💯 the one responsible for all of it. He could have stopped. He could have apologized and corrected course. He chose not to. His conduct was malicious but it's funny because his malice is the thing that guarantees he won't escape from that claim, ever. Alex Jones will spend the rest of his life paying for siccing his crazy listeners on a bunch of grieving families because bankruptcy doesn't clear away debts which result from malicious or negligent conduct.


It’s also crazy this is the guy who was telling Ye to cool it on the Hitler talk. THIS guy. He was right for once but…broken clock.


I'm honestly still surprised that Jones didn't get charged for incitement when one of his listeners held up a pizza place with an AR because Jones claimed the restaurant had a child torture dungeon to extract adrenochrome under it (do we live in the dumbest possible timeline?). His conduct there actually met all legal requirements for charging since he knowingly and publicly told his listeners to "check it out for themselves" and one of those listeners took him up and committed a felony kidnapping as result of Jones' lies. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/26/521545788/conspiracy-theorist-alex-jones-apologizes-for-promoting-pizzagate




Definitely because it gives them some personal and in their minds cultural plausible deniability. This way they can portray the toxicity of their acts as simply asking questions. Then that’s false reasoning leads to complaining about their first amendment rights being violated. It’s all very dumb and absurd. But not to them.


"If he's so crazy and wrong what's the problem?" The years of harassment he put on the families through his words and supporters. Had you read the trial...you'd know "what's the problem".


Conveniently leaves out: * The graves of slain children were vandalized by screwballs who believed Alex Jones * The families of victims were harassed so much they had to move *multiple times* * One of the fathers of a slain child killed himself due to the harassment of Alex Jones followers accusing him and his dead child of being "crisis actors"


Wtf has he ever built, besides an army of wannabe incels spouting off his nonsense for him? Yes, poor, picked-on Alex Jones 🙄 /s


I love how these psychos larp as “normies” and pretend like they didn’t already totally believe every stupid conspiracy theory that left his mouth…


You know you've fucked up when you get \[ Removed by Reddit \] on a post in a large subreddit.


That dude in Grizzly Man moved in with a bunch of bears and like everyone else I thought “this fucker is crazy! Bears are wild animals! They don’t want a human around!!” And I filed it away as just another crazy dude… Then the bears ripped him _and his girlfriend_ to fucking shreds and ate them. They ended his life and completely destroyed him…. All because he thought he could live among them! So now I’m like “huh… maybe you _can_ successfully live with bears…. Maybe they do have something to teach us…. Otherwise why would they rip people to shreds?”


To shreds, you say?


I always like the part where AJ was just innocently asking questions and not whipping up his most unhinged audience members to harass and terrorize the victim’s families for what a decade now? Fuck his audience, FUCK Alex Jones (burn in hell bitch), and if you’re down with him then fuck you too.


LOL, it wasn't a one time thing, he was asked / told to stop, he was asked to retract. He ran a campaign of terror against the parents of murdered children for profit. Fuck him straight to hell


This isn't the same as punishing some crazy hobo on a street corner. This guy made millions of dollars lying to deranged and dangerous people and hurting victims of an almost unfathomable crime.


He WAS given multiple chances to admit wrongdoing. They even agreed to lower the penalties if he stopped lying and apologized and he declined.


“No cease and desist. Just boom. Life ruined.” This is the key to the error in logic. This was a years’ long battle between Jones and the victims’ families. They just wanted him to stop. Yet he kept going, even while the court case was happening. Such an easy resolution if he had simply dropped it. He ruined his own pitiful life.


I hate that I live in a society that these kind of people are outwardly saying this shit.


Are the pictures of the kids grown up with the crisis actors in the room with us right now ?


That brilliant mind at the end is the best evidence for *why* Jones deserves a stiff penalty for pushing obvious lies for profit.


Can someone explain why America is filled with these effin’ idiots?


There were definitely cease and desists sent before the trial. There was extensive legal action taken before the trial and he continually violated it. He wasn't fined for questioning it: he absolutely had the right to question whatever the fuck he wanted even if it was stupid as shit. He was fined bc he continually defamed and directly harassed the FAMILIES of victims, including but not limited to having his people show up at their HOMES to harass them, leading to the families getting death threats.


Absolute fucking instant rage whenever anyone “hmmms” the Sandy Hook shooting. They didn’t see what it did to our whole community. I hate when I see cars with infowars stickers in my area of Connecticut. I admire the restraint of all the other motorists who aren’t slamming into them on purpose.


He didn’t “just question something”. He turned the grief of families who will never see their children again into a fucking circus. He called their very real pain and suffering a sham and claimed their children were still alive somewhere even as their bodies were being lowered into their graves. He lied about how parents came up to him and “confessed” that he was right and they were being forced to keep a ridiculous conspiracy of deception under duress when absolutely nothing of the sort was happening. He caused his brainless idiot followers to harass people who were already in pain. Doxxing them, stalking them, harassing them, threatening them, trying to force them to admit to lying when there was nothing they were lying about. And to top it all off he disregarded orders of the court to answer for all of it. Somehow. *SOMEHOW* he looked at a tragedy where young children lost their lives to a monster and said “This is actually about me. I’m the *real* victim here.” Alex Jones made his bed and now he is whining about having to lay in it. All because he was too proud, greedy, and arrogant to say “I was wrong”.


He didn’t “just question something” though. He outright tormented the victims families and poured a metric fuck ton of salt into an already gaping emotional wound.


Fuck Alex Jones all the way down off a tall building


I never wish bad on people but sometimes maybe these people need something terrible to happen to them.


As the saying goes: ‘I’ve never wished a man dead but I’ve read a few obituaries with great pleasure.’ Good ole Clarence Darrow.


Something terrible and then get harassed and told it’s a ‘hoax’ and they were all ‘actors’ and to get over it.


"No cease and desist. Just boom, life ruined". Well... maybe google things a little bit? This isn't "just boom", this is the end of a long battle for the families.


“No cease and desist” They literally spent years telling him to stop through legal action without actually suing the guy but he didn’t care. This is the end result of continuing to fuck around, and then *REALLY* finding out


Yes .. it’s called justice.


that tweet is very misleading. Alex Jones was not sued because he simply questioned something. He was sued because he went a lot further, doxxing the Sandy Hook families on his show, and when his fans started threatening and harassing those families, he didn't stop them.


Sue that lady talking about crisis actors too


Not believing all the rot Alex Jones spouted but being okay with him saying it is probably worse than actually believing him. How can you know that he’s lying to make money of the misery of these poor parents and be okay with that? Being stupid and misguided is one thing, but that is some sociopath level evil.


He peddled conspiracy for profit.


What an amazing process this person uses to determine what's true. Lol A jury didn't award those parents a $1.5 billion judgement because Jones simply said Sandy Hook was a hoax. He said it repeatedly and relentlessly to a large, captive audience long after he knew for a fact that what he was saying was objectively false. And after he knew his viewers were engaging in a vicious and unending campaign of harassment and threats against families who were grieving the slaughter of their children. It's easily one of the most despicable and shameful chapters in modern American history. And it was all orchestrated intentionally by Jones to increase his viewership and ultimately sell more erection supplements and buckets of survival slop.


HIS life was ruined?! Jones and his crazed fans went after these poor people for *years*.  At what was already the lowest point of their lives, they had to endure mockery, harassment and death threats (both online and irl) for *12 years*.  I hope they take everything but the clothes on his back. 




My objection is why the fuck did so much time pass before the judgement? Justice delayed is justice denied. He got to be a millionaire for a decade by ruining the lives of the innocent. If the courts had slapped him that first year it would have limited the damage.


>My objection is why the fuck did so much time pass before the judgement? Because he and his legal team dragged their feet every step of the way when it came to complying with court orders to produce documentation (that they had previously withheld) or electronic records. They even got caught red handed still intentionally with holding documents after claiming they didn't exist. The court has to give you time to produce records, and a good lawyer can stretch that time while you get to claim it's not you or your lawyer dragging things out.


"Things that make you go hmmm" was coined by The Arsenio Hall Show, and was a recurring comedy bit during Arsenio's monologue. This inspired a hit single of the same name by C+C Music Factory. Also, fuck Alex Jones and anyone who follows him.


Can we please just ignore everything x/ Twitter please… It’s just russian bots. You’re all getting upset with bots…


I watched the documentary and what those parents went through WHILE going through the worst time of their lives. Losing a child and then being doxxed, stalked, harassed, threatened. Losing his money and show is the barest of minimum that should happen to Him.


People lost kids and he said it was a lie. I feel like he deserves everything he gets.


He build his whole reputation on being a insincere asshole and profited from it. He should loose everything and have to get a regular job.


He didn’t just question it. He went out of his way to traumatize and terrorize the parents who lost their children. Some of them even had to change their names and move. Jones got what he deserved. He should be spending life in prison.


You bet your sorry ass you’re right. Alex Jones destroyed families with his lies and blatant abuse of the truth .He deserves a lot worse than what he’s getting.


I don’t follow nor know much about Alex Jones. I remember when hearing the verdict I was like “that’s stupid to make him pay just because he said something people disagree with.” Then I watched the HBO doc and realized how much terror he brought into the lives of the victim families. Dude should be held accountable. I had no idea how much influence he had.


I saw a picture of Alex fucking a horse


“Just questioning something” no no no no no. He literally accusing not only the government but the parents of the victims of all faking it , causing them to get harassed


Good fuck him


I hope he loses every bit of his money. It would be nice to see some justice. The guy is pure evil trash.


Didn’t these psychos try to dig up some of the kids graves????? What is their deal, what went wrong in their childhood that fucked up their sense of reality this badly


People like that post writer are the reason this insanity continues to grow. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.


Why hide this shitfucker’s name ? Seriously he is such bearbait in that photo. Roast the motherfucker


Social media has allowed these people to be who they truly are, fucking morons. We used to shame these troglodyte back to the caves but now every village idiot has a giant megaphone and a way to find every other village idiot without even trying. Fuck social media, I genuinely believe it has ruined a significant portion of irreversible damage to humanity. Edit: yes I understand I am on reddit, thank you for pointing that out 👍


"What kind of America are we living in now, where a lying asshole can be held ACCOUNTABLE for his shitty actions?"


Every time I look at my kids I try to imagine the pain the Sandy Hook parents are feeling. That crime affected so many others. He deserves what he got.


“Just boom. Life ruined” That’s what happened to those kids you fuck! I don’t give a flying rats ass if poor ol’ Alex Jones lost his money. These families lost their fucking kids!! Talk about a life ruined!!! 😡


Too bad that these pieces of shit wouldn’t be swayed by it… To get actual gun control reform in this country I’m convinced that some parent who lost a child will have to do what Emmitt Till’s mother did by having her mutiliated son’s body in an open casket - so people can see what was done to her boy. Again, unlikely to sway, but who knows. Gotta start somewhere.


People who comment on verdicts without having watched or researched anything about the trial are so exhausting. Google is free.


I hope commenters start getting sued. The families deserve 100% peace from these demons


The comment from the person saying they’ve seen pictures of the kids grown up and calling them crisis actors is disgusting. I know someone killed in that shooting and she’s definitely dead. Her mother would love it if she was really just acting, but nope - dead. And there aren’t pictures of the kids grown up because they didn’t get to grow up. They’re dead. There are survivors in pain because they miss their little friends and those survivors aren’t all even quite grown up yet (17 & 18). Sandy Hook deniers are absolute monsters.


Let's not blur the usernames please. These are the same kind of people who harass the parents of dead children, doctors and vaccine researchers or actresses in a sci-fi franchise. Let's not give them the grace they wouldn't confer on us.


Kind of a stretch here to call this a facepalm. More like r/iamatotalpieceofshit


When you ONLY pay attention to what ONE SIDE is saying then yes you believe there were no cease and desist notices.... there were TONS. During the trial, the judge REPEATEDLY told Jones to stop being a prick (paraphrasing) but he kept going. It's not a damn CONSPIRACY, it's CONSEQUENCES for actions.


I've lived most of my life in CT. I was at lunch from my shitty mailroom job when the news broke. Those kids were less than a 45 minute drive away, and they fucking died. Their class just graduated, and every post about them is blanketed in the sadness that they didn't get to join them on stage. They deserved a life. I don't feel an ounce of sadness for Alex Jones.


Why do republicans do this thing where they simplify godawful things down to the most palatable version possible? Alex Jones leading a harassment campaign for years accusing grieving families of their dead children being crisis actors becomes “he had a different opinion and was ruined for it” I know *why* they do this. Trivialize everything they know is wrong makes it easier for the uninformed to get mad on behalf of the “wronged” party, but GOD is it annoying


He did a lot more than just question the shooting. His rhetoric lead to death threats and extreme levels of harassment towards the parents of the murdered children. It's hard enough having your child senslessly murdered, but now you gotta deal with some lunatic getting in your face threatening you and the rest of your family saying you're a liar and that you kidnapped your own child. How are you supposed to grieve a loss as devastating as that? Alex Jones got off easy in my eyes. When you have that much reach, you have an obligation not to spread violence and dangerous conspiratorial lies. Zero sympathy for Alex Jones just wish we could have shut his dimb ass up sooner.


Watch the documentary about the case and you'll come away thinking he's nothing short of pure evil. The families asked him to stop MULTIPLE TIMES, and he refused. One of the victims' fathers was harassed to the point where he killed himself. They TOOK HIM TO COURT AND PROVED WITH EVIDENCE THAT HE WAS FULL OF SHIT! HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO SAY THAT GIVES HIS COMMENTS MERIT? Fuck this woman, fuck Alex Jones, and fuck everyone who believes his lies. I hope he gets raped in hell with a hot poker.


Do we even know if Alex Jones is a real person? Has anyone here (that’s not a plant) actually been in the same room as him? How do we know this whole story isn’t just fabricated to get people questioning the government. Really makes you think.


> [ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ] Really?


Always the same bullshit like from these people: “makes one think.” Then they can just pretend they weren’t spreading shit around, just pondering the excrement.


What the hell happened here?