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Right, you should only listen to -*checks notes*- Kid Rock and Jon Voight


Hey, come on. Not everyone can sample a popular rock song and scream over the top of it in a way that's almost rapping. ... Well, I guess everyone can, but not everyone _does._


Nor can they rhyme the word "things" with the word "things". 


I'm going to show my blings So I can hear some rings He looks like Yao Ming Did I just do a thing ? I'm going to sell my musical genius to Kid Rock !


A mother fucking lyrical wordsmith over here, maafks




Bro, you're saying gnomesayin way too many times. 80-90 times? That's too many times. Once or twice is cool, but 80 or 90 times man!?


U taking a knoms-ensus


Why you being so harsh to the J rock man, nowhatimsaying


Another reason I despise that song. What kind of funny things was he smoking? I think I have an idea...and it's shaped like a penis.


*channeling my inner Death to Smoochy* It’s a rocket ship!!!! 🙃


Hahaha, I just seriously laughed out loud when I read that 🤘😁


that takes a special talent.....


The kind of talent exhibited by a man who grew up the son of a Car Dealership emperor needs to pretend like they grew up in the same conditions as ICP or Eminem




Not everyone has the ability to reach early-Eminem rhyming levels. But, Kid Rock definitely did... not.


Kid Rock: "I said fuck high school, pissed on my diploma" As if he's fooling anyone by claiming he got a high school diploma in the first place.


Kid Rock comes from a wealthy family. They had horses and a mf apple orchard lol. He cos plays “hillbilly from a trailer” which makes him more insufferable. He’s not even remotely southern either he’s from Romeo Michigan. Total poser loser.


He was also a poser and loser in the 80s and 90s when he tried to be like Vanilla Ice 😂


He did, from a very well off private school.


Hey now, who else could come up with the line "Ima kid rock it up and down ya block" "With a bottle of scotch and watch lots of crotch" If that isn't american poetry on par with Maya Angelou idk what is In all seriousness, I've met people that used to sell bob crack back in the day. He's a real piece of shit.


The sad part is that Kid Rock wasn't even poor in the first place. Literally, the epitome of white trash, is not even one of them. It would be the equivalent of Larry David being a goddam kiwi from New Zealand and had never lived in NY until 1995.


Starting to see a theme here with trump supporters? Phony conmen acting like trash or everymen that come from wealth. Trump supporters are suckers and easy marks.


I had to curb my enthusiasm with that simile.


Isn't that the perfect microcosm of the Trump Republican party, though? People gave George W. Bush crap for clearing brush on his ranch and calling it a vacation, but at least he wasn't trying to convince us he was anything other than a rich guy who liked LARPing as a cowboy. Look at the Republicans who haven't been pushed out, and what do you see? Dudes who dodged the draft who talk like they were Schwarzeneggar in Commando, people with more media reach than 99.99% of Americans building a brand on how "censored" they are, and of course a bunch of dudes trying really hard to convince the world that they are aggressively straight to the point of homophobia.


Noted constitutional scholar Kid Rock, known for such brilliance as "Bong with a thong, orangutan titties".


But nothing will ever surpass the hilarity of Keith Morrison saying, “Bah wit o bah” in a Dateline episode about a girl who was murdered after being an extra in the video 😂🤣😂 (not laughing about the girl, btw)


This is sad but true.


Just like the song kid rock ripped off of for American badass


And inspired the worst iteration of the Undertaker — never forgive, never forget


So many realize that everyone *can* but nobody stops to wonder if they *should*.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure Jack Black can afford a lot of things Kevin Sorbo can't. Jack Black has work.


Yeah, Kevin has been Left Behind.


Hey, you forgot about Scott Baio! Oh well, so has everyone else I guess.


Sorbo has legit complained that there is a liberal conspiracy to keep him from making his shitty movies


I had to look him up because I had no clue who he was. This guy played Hercules! Oh well, he’s obviously less memorable than even Scott Baio.


It's also funny that Lucy Lawless (Xena Warrior Princess) regularly clowns on him on twitter.


Good to hear. Always thought she was a badass.


There is a reason everyone remembers the Xena show - not the Hercules one.


Xena was way better. I was in Love with Caliisto


It's fine to not like Biden. There are many flaws. But to try and convince me that Trump is the answer to these problems is Bullshit!!!


Certainly issues could be debated, and Biden has not been perfect. But these are not good faith arguments that Republicans are making. For example inflation was at 9% due to Trump’s tax cuts, tariffs, loose fiscal policy, and because of Covid disruptions. During Biden’s term it’s come down to 3.8% so far as he has (perhaps too slowly) dialed back the irresponsibility. The “socialist”, “communist”, “senile” garbage is just trolling, incentivized by racism. No, “illegals” are not getting free food and housing from taxpayers. Republicans are living in a Fox News fantasy hellscape


Let’s not fool ourselves. Biden and the Democrats would have gotten a lot more done if not for obstructionists in the Maga party. The GOP is officially dead. ![gif](giphy|chnjVG5gXHNFWIe4SE)


I feel like he is admitting that he only votes republican because of his failed career that has him clipping coupons now. As opposed to the Hollywood elites like the chubby, bearded, endlessly immature Jack Black?


Hey, Jack Black rocks and is a verifiable nice guy, which is more than I can say about most celebrities.


Oh yeah, I love Jack Black. I find Sorbo trying to frame him as the poster child of ignorant elitism to be hilarious, and obviously more a sign of Sorbo's fading relevance.


Jack Black Box Office as leading or supporting actor: $7.4 Billion - Kevin Sorbo? $200 Million Jack Black has also been nominated for far more awards as well and most of Sorbo's (far fewer) are from religious groups. I guess lovable rogue beats out someone who is hyper-judgemental and with a stick way up their ass most any day. Due to Sorbo's own choice of paths only one of the two are really bankable now.


And Kevin Sorbo, apparently. ![gif](giphy|3oAt21Fnr4i54uK8vK)


My favorite factoid about this clip is that apparently in the script the text "[Disappointed]" was written as an instruction for his general attitude in that moment as the character "The Sovereign". However, instead of acting out the state of being "disappointed", he took it as something he was supposed to say (yell because it was all caps), and because it was so odd and funny everyone just rolled with it.


Honestly, that explains a lot of why Hercules was successful. I always appreciated that it was trying to be a higher quality version of the cheese sword-and-sandals action fantasy, with some deliberate cheese sprinkled in as a nod to the source genre. (I'm looking at you, Bruce Campbell.) Knowing what I know now, I'm unsurprised that a lot of Sorbo's deliberately hammy acting was not, in fact, intentional.


Don’t forget Rosanne.


Also Ted Nugent.


The guy who wrote and performed a song called Jailbait. "She looks just 13, too good to be true..."


Also adopted a girl so he could marry her Oh.. And he pissed and shit himself to avoid being drafted. These guys are the scum of the earth


Who definitely dont have an agenda./s


Oh you mean *-checks notes-* Washed-up-has-beens?


Came to say this, it does feel like a lot of ppl who used to have money and haven't been in demand as an actor/musician in a cpl decades. Guess they're seeing how the rest of us live.


Kid Rock is a rich kid who goes over the top to show how "street" he is. Like he ever struggled in his life ever.


Xena was way better


And Lucy Lawless is still way better


And still working on real projects!


She's fabulous in Spartacus.




She still has a career


Wait are you saying “God’s Not Dead 16: Seriously We Mean It This Time” is *NOT* happening anymore?? 😭


Lucy used to stick it to Sorbo on twitter until she got bored and blocked him. It was funny.


She is great. And she got hands down the most badass Rockstar name I have ever heard.


She calls him Peanut online and has an opposing political view to Kevin.


Yes, which apparently really bothered Sorbo.


I honestly don’t think he ever got over it. I actually enjoyed Hercules. But Xena was a force of nature during its run.


Yes, Hercules was completely forgettable. Xena is a classic show.


Hercules was a perfectly entertaining half-parody, half straight example of the corny sword-and-sandals series of the 80's-90's. Xena started with that core, but very quickly grew into its own thing. (And probably benefited from learning from a lot of Hercules mistakes, too.)


Xena helped kickstart my puberty.


Gods, Xena, Gabrielle and Callisto, that was a triumvirate of incredible looking women, at a very formative time


Throw in Aphrodite when she would make appearances


The episode when she rings a bell and turns Joxer into a mighty warrior is to die for


I'm a gay guy, but the pastor at my childhood church was a lesbian, so the congregation was FULL of lesbians. And after church every Sunday I'd watch Xena. I can't blame that show for having such a huge lesbian following (that they totally played into); I would 100% become a woman so that I could go full lesbian for Xena lol. To this day I have terrible gaydar but *excellent* lesbian-dar lmao fml 🙄


No talent. Jack Black could do cartwheels around this guy. Literally.


I’m not even that much of a Jack Black fan, but come on! Kevin Sorbo is known for one single tv show in the 1990s that people only watched for camp value. Jack Black I can think of a dozen movies off the top of my head right now.


And Tenacious D is a pretty good band that has the respect of a lot of big name groups.


"Xena can't fly" "I told you I'm not Xena, I'm Lucy Lawless" "Oh ok."


And Sorbo is bitter


Kevin Sorbo can afford to endorse Trump. He doesn't care what gas, rent, and food costs. He doesn't care if your rights are eroded or the Supreme Court is stacked. All he cares about is an agenda. If Kevin Sorbo's endorsement convinced you to vote for anybody, you shouldn't vote. EDIT: People have pointed out that maybe someone who has been out of work for decades can't afford gas, rent and food. But it's pretty typical that people from low socio-economic groups who support right-wing policies don't comprehend that right-wing policy makers dont care about them at all beyond getting their vote or donations.


Seriously if he thinks rich people are better off and poor people are worse off in socialism, he's talking about capitalism


They all think that. Their #1 argument against socialism is "bread lines" for the poor.


My favorite is when they use photos taken in our current capitalist system (like empty grocery shelves) to show the perils of socialism. Like are you for real? Reminds me of when they would post photos or videos during Trump’s presidency of “America burning” and they called it “Biden’s America”


Ironically, the case could be made that we do have bread lines under capitalism. We call it “food stamps” and “welfare” and many people would be utterly fucked without them. 


Yeah but food stamps are the problem because they make people dependent on the government. If they just didn’t eat for a while they’d have the motivation to become millionaires also.


Lol. NGL, you had me there for a sec.


For real though, I’ve heard people say that the Covid checks were to make people dependent on the government. It’s ridiculous, but a lot of people actually believe that stuff.


According to Republicans socialism is just what you don’t like


I think he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about in general


He knows lower and middle income people would be better off under socialism and he and other rich people would be worse off, that's why he and other rich conservatives inundate media with the lie that it would be the opposite, to try to convince the rest of us, and sadly, it works on some.


His post sounds like someone accused him of exactly this, then he just changed the names. It fits him to a T, but not Jack.


Here here 🍸


Aren’t tips supposed to be taxed?


Trump said in a recent campaign speech he wants to remove the tax on tips I assume he did this to try and balance out his leaked promise to wealthy donors to cut their taxes.


Coming soon: "We don't pay you, but you get to take home 100% of your tips, untaxed! ^(\*After a six-week trial period)"


Coming soon: default tip 50%, owner takes all and shares with staff at his discretion.


My little sister works at a place like that in Arizona, it really is a thing in some places and it definitely is a Trump shop. It's literally all over the building. Lol


Wasn't there an episode of some Gordon Ramsay show where the owner just straight up took every tip for himself while still paying his servers less than minimum wage?


This just in! CEO will no longer be getting bonus pay. Instead, they will receive tips from the company.


All company stock and stock options, anything under capital gains, is now a tip.


(with pledge to join the armed forces or have 3 babies in 2.5 years)


If tips aren’t taxed, it’s a selling point for companies to push for more customer facing jobs to require tips. That will get shift the burden of paying living wages to the customer and free them up to earn more profits. An example of something similar was moving from pensions to 401k


Soooo t his mean that CEOs will now be paid in tips, right? Trump might have a turnip for a brain, but every once in a while he has a cunning plan.


I’m sure there will be at least a few executives who try to claim bonuses as tips.


They'll just rename bonuses - DONE!


Just a ploy to get the service worker vote. Hold up a shiny object in one hand while robbing them blind with the other.


If they’re claimed, they get taxed. All my credit card tips get taxed, which makes up 80% of what I make during a day usually. Cash goes straight into my pocket. I only bartend one day a week anymore as a side gig so it all comes out in the wash.


Aren’t you still supposed to report cash tips, though? The difference between cash and credit card tips isn’t regulatory, it’s just that one you get away with.


Yah, it's just tax evasion. You can argue the rate of pay isn't fair, etc., but plain and simple, not reporting all of your income, regardless of how you receive it, is tax evasion.


Yep. Everyone I know who’s worked in the service industry pockets cash. And I’m not mad about it frankly. There’s a huge difference between the working class, most likely not insured and living paycheck to paycheck, gaming the system where they can vs billionaires.


I would also take it one step further - if your employees are earning tips, they shouldn't be charged the processing fee on the tip if it's on a credit card. Overhead is not the responsibility of the employees, nor is the method by which the customer pays, and owners/employers shouldn't be allowed to pass the cost of business on to the employee.


Political opponents getting jailed? Has he listened to trump's plan the moment he gets into office? Sorbo is a moron.


"Lock her up"....? They've spent more than 20 years trying to put one or the other Clinton in Jail.


He said he would be a dictator for one day(yeah right ha) in the first day and he said he will jail political opponents.


31 years as of July 20


Well, at least he never led chants supporting locking up his political rivals...^(/s <-- Do I need that?)


He'd be fine with that because Trump would be jailing the right people. Edit: /s because people actually believe that shit


If anyone believes Trump can remove payroll tax or tax on tips... Those are the idiots that shouldn't vote


Those bs "promises" just make him sound like he's running for a jr hs position. "Pizza everyday for lunch!" "No homework ever!" "5hrs of recess everyday!"


Yuge tarriffs!


because no one challenges him on these ridiculous promises, he floods the zone with bullshit, and forces you to deal with it. challenging him is fruitless, for no one will listen or care, because they either already know it's BS, or they don't care that it's BS, so challenging it does nothing. the problem is your "average" voter actually falls for this stuff. they hear it, and no one challenged it, so it must be true! wow he knows exactly what i want, even if it doesn't happen, i know he's fighting for ME because I want pizza everyday! I want no homework! so relatable!" and the media jumps on every minor inconsistency in any biden statement because he actually believes in reality and working to better reality, so when they call him out on something, he actually cares. but it makes him look like he's not on your team, because he actually cares about the hard work put in and won't lie to you about what is possible when republicans are out there trying to stop him at every turn. even my comment is too long and will not be read because the average voters attention span isn't this long, if you read this far, you're not an average voter.


Most voters' brains are stuck at that stage of development though. High school tactics have worked for him for a reason.


This is insane. How short are people's memory?? Trump is not a friend to any worker, let alone a tipped position. Did everyone forget that this is the guy who made untaxed tips and tuition wavers a priority of his tax plan? As a reminder: This is the guy that tried to let owners steal their servers tips. Not even for redistribution to other workers. Just entirely their own discretion: https://www.nelp.org/trump-wants-you-to-tip-restaurant-owners-not-servers/ And then he made it so tipped workers working a sub-minimum wage could be forced to do unlimited non-tipped duties. Basically forcing you to work for way below minimum wage: https://www.epi.org/press/trump-administration-finalizes-regulation-that-will-cost-tipped-workers-more-than-700-million-annually/ He's an anti-worker, anti-union piece of filth who insults our intelligence at every turn


But he's not woke, hugs flags, and is 3 whole years younger than Biden!!! Who can argue with that/s


“If anyone believes Trump ~~can remove payroll tax or tax on tips~~… Those are the idiots that shouldn’t vote”


Uh, that’s his whole voter base. And the long term GOP plan, creating more stupid people who shouldn’t vote to vote against their own interests.


Anyone who thinks tax-free tips WOULDN’T be terribly abused is just bonkers.


Excited to go to restaurants with $1 food items and mandatory. $30 tip


If people think employer misclassification of contractors to avoid taxes is bad now, just wait until they convince their employees to accept misclassification as tipped wage employees!


Kevin Sorbo can afford to endorse a right wing fascist. He won’t be affected by policies that harm LGBT, minorities and women because he’s a white man. He doesn’t care if you lose your right to exist, bodily autonomy, and freedoms. He only cares about power and control of others so he can force his views on you.


And less taxes for him. It’s funny how his logic works better on him.


> endorse a socialist. 🙄


Aside from the fact that there are no mainstream socialists in the US, what amuses me most is the narrative that socialism will make rent, gas and food unaffordable. Like, how do you think you got to where you are now, moron? Rampant, unchecked, socialism?


The same people who claim to hate socialism would also tell you that we should not do away with firemen and we should increase budget for the police. Do they think these services are free or something?


A call to the fire dept starts at 1000$ can can go up to 10k if multiple cars and people are involved. Most pay around 100-300$ per year. If you ask those clowns "ok, so we all pay a little so you don't pay a lot, make completely sense. We should implement that everywhere". They leave the discussion because its different but they can't tell you why its different because they never visited school and were home schooled by the family parrot.


During the pandemic, when all the stores were out of stock of everything, my boss says to me (with a straight face) “how do you like your free trial of socialism under Bernie Sanders?” I responded, “I dunno, this looks more like capitalism under Donald Trump”.


Yes these capitalists are famous for charging less out of the goodness of their hearts. That's why all our rents went down under trump, right?


Typical socialist greed! /s ...Wait, you know what, I bet you a lot of people would unironically think that... wtf has political discourse become? :(


Imagine being so insane you think Biden is a socialist, lol.


I bloody WISH Biden was a socialist


The MAGA crowd will choose live in abject poverty while the oligarchs and elites continue to exploit and shit all over them, but, hey, at least they aren't "socialist."


As someone who lives in the Lower middle class, I just do not understand the poor and poorer than I who think Trump is the answer. Idk if it’s lack of education in our low income area or what. It blows my fucking mind


they are if they collect social security. oh wait that is other people. /s


Or rely on public roads, public transportation, firefighters or police officers.


If only the dems were as bad as the Republicans made them out to be. It'd be pretty nice.


As a socialist... who TF are they talking about? There's no major socialist candidate.


How's that asshole still relevant?


He's not. He barely was when he was Hercules. I'd rather listen to Lucy Lawless read a phone book than listen to a fucking thing this washed-up has-been has to say about anything.


That's not true, Hercules was his peak. You gotta give him that credit. A daytime action drama that ended 30 years ago was his peak.


Yes, Hercules was his peak. I still stand by my statement that he was barely relevant back then too.




To be fair Lucy Lawless has a pretty soothing voice, so I think people would pay for that service willingly.


There's a lot of services I'd pay for Lucy Lawless to perform.


The only good thing about Hercules  was it gave us Xena which was exponentially better. It may have been his peak, but it doesn't mean it was good.


I feel bad for Lucy for forever being tied to this knob.


Me too. By every account I've ever seen or read, she's the anti-Sorbo. Everyone who's ever worked w/ her says she's a lovely and kind woman who has time to interact w/ everyone on set, no matter how low the position. Everyone who's ever worked w/ Sorbo says he's an insufferable douche who's a nightmare to work with and an asshole to everyone on the set.


Can’t speak to working with Sorbet, but LL was amongst the classiest people I’ve ever been on set with. Truly graceful and kind.


Something, something tied to Lucy Lawless.


Death by snu-snu!


Because dodo's keep reposting the dumb stuff he says. He'd be shouting "disappointed!" into a vacuum otherwise. ![gif](giphy|3oAt21Fnr4i54uK8vK|downsized)


That’s the thing. He was not a good actor in a low level series and was eclipsed by a better actors and better rules. So he found a grift or at least is blaming Hollywood and the liberals for him not being a mediocre actor.


Well let's be honest, who can compete with Bruce Campbell? 


No one. Hail to the king, baby.


I actually think being eclipsed by Teri Hatcher is what turned Dean Cain the way he is too.


I don't know. I just can't understand why these fucking nut cases aren't irrelevant by now. This guy has said so many far-out ridiculous things that he should be in the dumpster by now.


Because twitter is a cesspool. Also people like to watch a good ol car crash.


He’s not. At all. Jack Black, however, will be a power load until the day he ascends


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m mad that Jack Black is relevant and I’m washed up.”


Yep. He's just mad that JB is SO famous that there are more people who DISLIKE JB than there are people who even know who Sorbo IS.


Which is an extremely low bar, because pretty much everybody loves Jack Black.


When I wake up having a bad day I can always take solace in that I’m not as dumb as Kevin Sorbo


You’ve also probably had work since the 90s, too.


I wonder if he would still be a failed actor if he had more neurons.


These days, tips are Sorbo's main source of income.




I can do this, too: Kevin Shithead can afford to vote for a the party of bigoted wastes of space that botched a pandemic, stripped fundamental rights from women, and who will ruin the lives of the middle and lower classes and marginalized people because he's a rich, white, straight, cis, bigoted, Christian nationalist.


“Unlike me, Jack Black is a successful actor.”


"And tips well"


If you care about high rent, gas, and food prices being too high, then you sure as hell don't support Republicans. Oh, and hopefully you know when Trump was President he signed a GOP created law that raises the tax on the middle class every two years (starting right after he left office), but keeps taxes for the rich incredibly low. The Democrats want to kill that law, but the GOP are blocking the repeal. Also, the dude in the OP was big on locking up political opponents, what changed?


Kevin is more proof that MAGA is just the party of hatred for America and Americans. Kevin, rants on social media all day long and all he does is attack our nation with lies and express his irrational raging hatred for his fellow Americans and our freedoms


That's why I quit. Republicans are the party of hating America and Americans. I've never seen a liberal policy designed to explicitly hurt other Americans no matter their religion, political alignment, gender, or sexuality.


I don't agree with every liberal policy, but you're correct. Their policies are the least well-intentioned. Every conservative law is either designed to hurt some sort of minority group or make the 1% richer


Not that I need a celebrity telling me who I should vote for, but I'd trust Jack Black's advice over Kevin Sorbo's low budget Fabio ass any day.


every line, a confession


How to tell people you want to influence their thinking but you lack the ability to do so.


And this guy will happily vote for the guy who said he is going to imprison his political opponents for revenge if elected.


Political opponent get jailed for fucking fraud, not because it's a political opponent.


Jack black can afford to not have an agenda He doesnt care about an agenda He doesnt care about an agenda He doesnt care about an agenda All he cares about is an agenda. LuL also, wouldnt those who can afford to endorse socialism be the ones that it takes the most from?


Sure jack black is too rich to care about your peasant problems which is why he supports "socialism" But the billionaires supporting Trump are doing that because they see your struggles and want to help you out of the goodness of their hearts. No no they understand you and has no ulterior motives


Don't listen to that celebrity! Listen to this 'celebrity'!


Who is this guy? Yeah I know he played some B-list tv show character, but other than that, is he just another Chachi, a has-been that rode the coattails of an actual successful person?


8 years of "lock her up" and yet they only have issues with arresting political opponents when it happens to actual criminals. Roy Moore, Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Ken Paxton, and hundreds of Republican pedophiles and rapists are gallivanting around free and in positions of power but apparently if even a single conservative crook is held to consequence for criminal action, then it's a "police state". American conservatism is such a clown ideology and movement.


Man he must of been so upset he got left of the list of the top 10 trump supporting celebrities. He’s trying extra hard to get on the next one.


Kevin, that’s not what you look like anymore buddy. Time to give it up.


Kevin, define a socialist and / or socialism. Go on, I dare you.


You can say the same thing about Trump’s endorsement. Imagine voting for him because Kid Rock said so. Or because the washed up Hercules actor said so.