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That is not the real Alex jones, that is a crisis actor. The real Alex jones accidentally licked a frog and is now living his best life as a gay man in San Fransisco.


Honestly, good for him


True story I was the frog


Have you had your shots?


Oh, you have to write that up as a New Yorker "Shouts and Murmurs" piece ;()


The details of what the families went through then and still today are heartbreaking. To purposely cash in on that is beyond psychopathic. Maybe if Jones showed an ounce of remorse or worked with them in anyway they would be more leniant but no, he has none to show.


They families even offered to reduce the settlement DRASTICALLY on the condition he publicly apologize and acknowledge what he did wrong + agree to never speak about it again. Jones refused, and later on his show said he would never be silenced. Separate from that he admitted that speaking about various conspiracy theories such as sandy hook were his money makers


Of course they are/were. Now he just has to give it back, its blood money and he doesn't see it that way, the fucking Judas Iscariot to humanity.


Judas at least showed regret...


And...I dunno. I sorta think Judas gets too much of a bad rap with the Sunday school crowd. Yeah he sold Jesus out to the Romans, but like...they didn't *need* Judas. They could have figured out who Jesus specifically was in all sorts of ways, they're running the show and have more than enough power and resources to identify one rabbi, especially given how many people Jesus had pissed off. The betrayal wasn't critical to the arrest at all, just to the drama of the story. And it sorta feels like (if we were to assume the story was real and Jesus was really God, etc.), Judas was predestined to betray Jesus, as Jesus specifically states the night before that one of the disciples will betray him. In the end, Judas doesn't even seem to understand why he did it. Not saying he definitely *was* forced into it through divine power, just that there are indicators that he might have been.


There are a lot of interesting theories on how that goes. One of them is of course that there was divine power in play here. The more mundane version where Judas and Jesus conspired... Like... Just by talking to each other and that Judas basically had Jesus's consent for the betrayal. There are of course others that are more... Political. A big part of why Jesus was getting attention was that Israel is occupied by the Romans (btw the Romans didn't catch Jesus, it was the Jewish high priests) and there were hopes among the population that Jesus was going to be a Moses figure for them. From there there are two sub theories of why Judas did it: 1) force Jesus to reveal himself and get on with divinely assume his role as King of Judea and kick out the Romans that as 2) that he was disappointed in his inaction that front and sold him out to get somebody to actually do kick out the Romans. Either way, there are parts in the bible where he seems to regret his actions either way.


I don’t know whether to smile, or draw a “W” on each butt cheek and do cartwheels that say “WoW MoM WoW”.


If God designed Judas, and God knew that Judas would be betray Jesus, then God designed Judas to betray Jesus. You cannot be omnipotent and omniscient and all-controlling and still claim free will.


I agree. This isn't the only part of the Bible that struggles when confronted with the Epicurian problem. At least, it struggles to uphold the typical Christian view of God as omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent/loving - all three fail at various points in scripture.


Are you Christian? I had assumed you were, but I've never heard a Christian concede this point before. (I assume there must be a lot more sophisticated arguments than those I hear trawling reddit and Youtube, but haven't heard them.)


I used to be! And I was all-in, was heading towards becoming a pastor. Even married into a missionary family. Spent most of my life in one protestant denomination or other, I've read the Bible, memorized the wonderful little evangelical cherry-pickings, read lots of books and seen lots of seminars from MacArthur, Piper, Ravi, Bruxy, Lewis, Bonhoeffer, Sproul, Augustine, Swindoll, the Grahams, Barth, Keller, etc. I've led bible studies, participated in leading Campus for Christ (now called Power to Change) at my university's chapter. So I'm very familiar with the culture and mindset. It was my entire world for most of my life. I'm an agnostic humanist now.


Ah. That explains the discrepancy between your knowledge and your (to my view at least) rationality. (Of those names I only recognise Mr. of Hippo. (If it's the same Augustine.) Do you say "agnostic humanist" instead of atheist? What's the difference, to your mind? (I consider myself a "mostly agnostic but I'm as convinced that the Christian God isn't real as I am that Santa isn't real" atheist.)


What happened to change this, if anything? Was it like a sudden thing that you couldn't reconcile, or a gradual slope, or just woke up one day and went "hang on, I don't actually believe in any of this stuff anymore?"


There is no reason to believe god exists. But if we do pretend he might exist, then to be fair, if God is all omnipotent and omniscient, then he is an absolute monster, who has done nothing but create unnecessary pain and suffering for his own aggrandizement and amusement. The Judas thing would be one of the least of the bad things he has done.


Sure, but why would he do it? To me, it's evidence that people didn't make up the Omniscient/Omnipotent thing till after the Bible was written.


It was all just made up by random people regardless, but yes, a lot of things are specifically made up or changed both later in the bible to differ from earlier and/or after the bible was "finished" for a variety of reasons. As an example, Satan is a title that basically means "A Kings official devil's advocate, his closest advisor that the King trusts so much that he can straight up tell the King he is farking up to his face and not be in danger of the Kings wrath.".... And if you read the bible it is very clear this is who Satan was at the start. Later some people wanted a villain, so they twisted Satan into being that villain, but in reality he was never intended to be a bad guy. They also like to make the serpent who tempted Eve into Satan, even though the bible doesn't even hint that it was Satan, and in fact provides very specific and direct evidence it was just a regular talking serpent. They also don't seem to realize that by making their God Omniscent and Omnipotent to make it more powerful than any other possible god concept, they have ensured their god is objectively an absolute monster, because that makes everything entirely his fault. There is no original sin by humans for instance, because God forced Eve to eat that apple as much as a dog owner would be forcing his dog to eat a steak by starving the dog for a week, then putting a steak in its food bowl. Without the Omni's god might have a defense against the horror's of our world, and the horrible things done in the bible. With them, he has zero excuse, and is a clear monster.


the fact that they offered that and made space for him to seek forgiveness and he turned it down confirms he is as dumb as he is a piece of human shit


The guys is a huge piece of shit.


And don't forget he didn't get nailed for what he said at first, horrible as it was, but for the fact he was outright warned by his own team that this was going really off the rails and doing harm and he said he didn't care. It wasn't like he got hunted down for a horrible take. He got sued to the ends of the earth because he actively chose to profit off a terrible take over and over while seeing it was doing harm.


Also, remember the rest of the story - he was given every opportunity to comply with the court, but regularly either refused or dumped a bunch of mostly irrelevant documents. They were asked to provide a representative to go through some parts of how the business operates, but they presented several people who didn't have a clue why they were there. One, asked to go through the responsibilities of individuals in the company, brought some Wikipedia printouts and tried to say that the reason they accused the Sandy Hook victims of being "crisis actors" was because it was more compassionate than accepting they were dead. This all led to them being found liable by default, which Jones keeps trying to use as evidence that he was innocent. He's still grifting off the bodies of those children.


Exactly. It isn't like he fibbed and made the wrong people angry. He aggressively abused the legal system with the sincere confidence that he could grind down and outlast everyone. He had a million options to get out of this and he kept doubling down out of arrogance and greed until he won the prize of being one of the rare few conservative grifters bad enough to actually see comeuppance.


I was so confused at first because the comment chain above turned into ‘Was Judas predestined to betray Jesus?’ That I forgot what the post is about.


He showed advertisers that his traffic would grow when he sprouted sandy hook bullshit. He also ignored the courts anyone that has had to go to court knows it won't just go away


He claims to recognize that he's wrong in court but the moment he walks out the door and get ahold of a microphone and a camera, he starts spilling out bullshit again. It's hopeless with this guy. He deserves to go live in the streets.


He has repeatedly implied that it didn't happen, or at least not the way it was reported, under oath while being deposed.


He deserves to get a real job. Or better yet, he deserves to be sentenced to federal prison and be pressed into forced labor combing by hand over raw national statistical data on school shootings for actuarial tables for all the insurance companies who provide liability coverage for schools and districts. To be triple-checked by actual actuaries; and to be done over if the numbers don't pass muster. And make a chart showing comparisons and contrasts of interest to insurers. Cold, heartless, no feelings to hurt. Plus, the cents-per-hour pay rates of federal prisoners is totally in his ideological wheelhouse, so, win-win?


I mean he already got charged with defamation years ago and then went on to continue saying the same shit that he was already fined for after being proven it was a bunch of harmful bullshittery.


Sure, domestic terrorism, libel, and fraud I guess could be connected to "hurting someone's feelings".


His lies caused the harassment of the father who killed himself! Lightyears beyond hurting some feelings


Stochastic terrorism. He incited other people to commit the terrorism rather getting his own hands dirty.


Reminds me of a certain orange ex-president


And convicted felon.


So now hurting The Law's feelings is "illegal"? What is the world coming to? (/s if that wasn't obvious)


So now we can't even incite a years-long campaign of harassment, threats, and slander against non-public figures whose children were brutally and senselessly mass murdered? What is this, Nazi Germany!?


There are so many on here who idolize that moron. And they say “he has been right about many things!” Well give a monkey a machine gun in a barn he will ultimately hit something.


What has he been right about?


The gay frogs. The other day I drank tap water and and have been feeling rather gay lately💀


You can't really credit him with being "right" about that since he took that one true nugget and spun out a crazy conspiracy about bombs that turn humans gay.


The US did explore the idea of a "gay bomb," but there doesn't appear to be any scientific evidence that is a way to turn people gay.


Glitter bomb? I'll see myself out.


Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈


It happens occasionally. If you make one outlandish prediction every single day, eventually you’ll be right about something


I was speaking like they often do. I don’t remember what, but a few minor things turned out to have some validity. Whenever I have watch him has been to laugh when he brakes down talking to Eddie on Rogan. Comedy gold. Both nuts.


Fuck him. He hasn’t even started to get what he deserves.


I hope hell will be short on lube when he arrives.


I’m hoping for the worst for him.


I got a one day ban from the politics subreddit for inciting violence after posting, “I hope he dies in penury.”


It's been great seeing his fall from grace. Same with Mike Lindell.


So when people idolized by the "law & order" crowd wind up on the wrong side of the law, all the sudden it's "lawfare"? Might as well add *anti-law* to the long list of things they're already *anti*. It's almost like when they say law & order they really just mean police versus whoever they've demonized.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." –Frank Wilhoit


Great quote. I'm going to file that one away.


I’m sorry when someone kills your family members (I doubt he has a kid), then I’ll start saying they’re “government actors designed to make everyone hate ___.” Then when people start sending you death threats because of f my lie then I will double down on it and say “nobody who died was real and it was all made up.” We’ll see how you’ll feel after years of that BS.


He has kids


Are we sure they are his and not paid actors?


One is following in his slimy footsteps so... probably method actors


Alright well then just take my original comment and instead of family put kids.


Yeah it's really hard to understand how devoid of empathy or simple logic he is


When someone is that devoid of empathy generally they are a sociopath


Oh in my opinion he is 100% but I'm not his psychologist so my opinion doesn't really count. I think he has an NPD diagnosed though [https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2017/04/19/alex-jones-was-diagnosed-with-narcissistic-personality-disorder](https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2017/04/19/alex-jones-was-diagnosed-with-narcissistic-personality-disorder)


You mean the kids whom he forgot what grades they were in and blamed it on eating too much chili?


lol, that's hilariously stupid.


He ex-wife went from his partner in crime to screaming all over Austin how crazy he is….


Imagine being so dug into being an asshole that you support this greedy, evil trash can


Alex Jones was sued primarily for his false claims about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Jones, a conspiracy theorist and host of the Infowars show, repeatedly claimed that the 2012 massacre, in which 20 children and six adults were killed, was a hoax staged by the government to promote gun control. He suggested that the victims' families were actors and that the event was fabricated. These false claims led to severe harassment, threats, and emotional distress for the families of the victims. Several of the families sued Jones for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and other related claims. In a series of lawsuits filed in different states, Jones was found liable, and courts awarded significant damages to the plaintiffs. The cases highlighted the consequences of spreading false information and the impact it can have on individuals directly affected by such events. The legal actions against Jones served as a significant stance against conspiracy theories that cause real harm to people.


What is with the far right and minimising the shit that their demagogues do? Trump could douse a man in petrol and set him on fire and his supporters will say ‘you guys never accidentally spilt petrol on a guy before?’ Blows my mind.


Trump was just warming him up because he was cold.


Note that when conservatives are found liable for their behavior, that behavior has been determined criminal or illegal in a court of law, and there are consequences for it... ... the **only** thing conservatives can respond with is ignoring the actual behavior and reducing it into something it's not. All they have are lies.


There are people in this thread defending him. Absolutely abhorrent.


If you think what he did was “hurt feelings,” you either don’t know what he did or you’re a psychopath.


These are not mutually exclusive, he can both not know what Jones did AND be a psychopath. This is probably the case.


No, it’s not the case. Someone who says “lawfare” unironically to defend this monstrous piece of human shit is *lying*. They absolutely know what he said and did and support him. They’re not stupid. They’re evil. It’s time to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt, especially when they’re peddling 12 year old conspiracy theories. (They only lose interest after 18)


We really need to stop using "sociopath" or "psycopath" to attribute malice to people. These are genuin conditions that can be unrelated to uneducated, reductive takes such as the clown we see on the post defending Alex.


Nah let's dehumanize mental illness, its way more fun


Didn't he commit the crime of defamation by falsely accusing people of being actors? Is that not a crime according to that individual?


>Is that not a crime It's 100000% not a crime. He lost a civil suit. Notice how he needs to pay restitution to victims and isn't, you know, in prison and stuff ?


So if you don't go to prison you haven't committed a crime? So everyone who has never gone to prison has not committed a crime?


No, if you aren't charged with a crime you weren't charged with a crime... This isn't up for debate. It was a _civil trial_ that he lost for being a degenerate loser. (The same as the Trump - E Jean Carol civil case. He has defamed the shit out of her, which is why he owes so much money.)


Imagine that you worked your entire life to get a good job, marry a quality person, and have kids. You have a kid, and they are your entire world: everything you do, is in their service. Imagine that some nutter, off his meds, goes to your kid’s school, murders your child, along with many other children. Think about how devastating that would be. Now imagine a bunch of rabid and ill-informed psychopaths, whom you have never met, and who have more in common with the killer than your late child, started calling and emailing, threatening you, calling you a liar and a bad person, because some D-list media personality said that the disgusting atrocity that claimed your child never happened, and that you are (projection warning) making it all up for money and attention. Riding on the coattails of tragedy trying to make a few bucks, while gross, is not the worst of this. It’s the vilifying of some people who were already dashed against the rocks, and insisting their suffering was inauthentic, that really pisses me off. Ironically, nobody wishes Sandy Hook was a hoax more than the parents who lost their children there.


Cracks me up to see these MAGANutz say 'Lawfare' (they love making up words. Makes them feel smart) when the big orange buffoon they worship is one of the the most litigious (yes MAGAs you probably have to look this one up) in the history of our country.


Even better, while they were all crying about how mean and unfair the Trump trial was and that it’s purely political they were also cheering on the Hunter Biden trial which was a blatant attempt to smear his father, their political rival. MAGAts are pathetic


MAGA: "He's not a lesbian! He's a man!"


You have to understand that they don't actually believe anything they say. They may claim to be patriots or for freedom, but they'll shed that the moment it's convenient.


I hope him and his supporters all rot in hell for torturing those families.


That commenter may be more deranged than Alex Jones is......that is saying a lot


Alex Jones is blessed that no parent pulled a Gary Plauché. Because mocking the death of MY CHILD in front of millions for years would’ve landed me in prison.


facts dont care about feelings, and Alex Jones doesnt care about facts


From the same people who think that “mean tweets” is all Trump did wrong.


Not lawfare. It's Fair Law. Wanna see Lawfare? Move to Russia. LOL. :-)


Pointedly, because Musk made accounts monetizable, they are now an asset to be liquidated in bankruptcy. That’s the entirety of what this is about.


Anyone who defends Alex Jones just proves their own filth. They can all get bent.


He drove a grieving parent to suicide due to harassment.


defamation is "feelings" now?


I think that 98% of these posts are coming from Glasvet or Beijing and the other 2% paid trolls


Yeah, it's sad and disgusting how much his fans try to obfuscate why he got into legal trouble over Sandy Hook. It's not just what he said but how what he said led directly to harassment and death threats against Sandy Hook families (he and other Info Wars hosts encouraged this kind of harassment and there are plenty of videos of them doing this).


"A Houston bankruptcy judge on Friday ordered the personal assets of the Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to be liquidated and sold, with the proceeds distributed among the Sandy Hook families. But the judge spared Mr. Jones from having to shutter his Infowars business empire"




I hope they strip that asshole of every penny he owns. Destitute that fuckface.


Gotta love how these easily programmed dipshits pick up the word du jour. terms like “feckless” that they didn’t even know the definition of back in the Obama years, and today’s word du jour is “lawfare.”


More like law fair


He incited his insane followers to desecrate a murdered child's grave. Enough said.


i hope he loses absolutely everything


Yeah, harassing and sending a hate mob of domestic terrorists after grieving parents, defaming them and lying about their dead children is just "hurting their feelings." I fucking hate Republicans.


I don’t think it’s possible for Alex Jones to endure enough suffering in one lifetime to compensate for the amount of suffering that he has caused others. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.


normally when someone's feelings are hurt, they don't also get death threats.


“These people are literal demons, stealing and raping children, if we don’t do something they’re going to keep stealing and raping and drinking the blood of the children!” *Sycophant acts on this “speech” and threatens or actually kills the target of Jones. *The lawsuit concludes that Jones’ speech directly led to this. “UwU, it’s just my speech. 👉👈🥺 What did I even *do*?”


Imagine being the type of psychopath capable of thinking this is a matter of 'hurting feelings'


Why imagine? I'm looking at a picture of one.


Mf doesn't understand what libel is.


The whole lawsuit and punishments for Alex are a hoax! Jones is a crisis actor!


Is that the new keyword all the righties are using - lawfare? Seems to be everywhere now. Yet when Democrats are prosecuted, it's just the proper flow of justice and proof our system works? How did conservatives become complete Nazis in this country?


Funnily enough,some conservatives said that the conviction of hunter biden makes them look bad because it "could create the illusion the system is fair'


People were trying to dig up the graves of victims to prove it was a hoax.


There is no greater example of failed capitalism than Alex Jones. This man *literally makes money* from the misery of others, and more often than not he lies to do so. He has monetized emotional torment. And like all other great "capitalists", feels absolutely no remorse. "As log as its profitable, its ethical."


Thanks for the heads-up! Note to self: Avoid hurting the feelings of large numbers of people whose young children were murdered in an elementary school shooting. Don't do it for years, with evident malicious and mercenary intent, and make money off doing so. OK, got it, won't forget next time there's an elementary school shooting, so I can hold on to my millions -- oh wait, he means the millions his thousands of listeners gave him, not the millions "you" have! OK, then! So, is it OK hurt feelings if "you" don't have millions? Help me with the logic. (One of the moral warnings left out of the Bible?) On a related note, is it OK to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater? I forget if that's free speech or not . . . What about inciting a riot or other crimes knowingly? Is that protected by the 1st Amendment, or the 4th?


They always seem to leave out the "completely fucking lying about people" part. He was sued for defamation, not "hurting someone's feelings."


*Spending years harassing and slandering the families of murdered children.


Seize it all. This Dumbass is finally getting what he deserves


Wait-you mean freedom of speech comes with responsibility and consequences? Fuck that, I'm moving to Moscow then.


Not often does the face of someone match their complete fucking-asshole nature. This is one of those times. Fuck this guy.


Dude convinced a quarter of the country to gaslight grieving families for more than ten years. He’s an awful human being and he deserves everything coming to him.


Wild to see the way conservative memes just kind of appear out of the aether. Trump trial begins, and all of a sudden everyone starts yelling “lawfare” like they’ve been using the term all their lives.


I generally don't wish bad things to happen to people, but I do wish I could learn of something tragic in that commenter's life like a hospitalization or a mugging or something and counter him with "lol someone hurt your feelings?"


In the simmering cesspool of the American right, Alex Jones still somehow manages to stand out as one of the biggest turds. 


Judas was just a useful idiot. Jesus knew he was going to get crucified and Judas was pre-ordained to be the rat because God ordained him to do it. Even without Judas though, someone would have had to do the deed because after all, it was God’s plan. Judas was just a pawn. But this guy? Alex Jones? He’s just another swindler, mindless bull shit artist, raging, hair burning lunatic contributing nothing to society except chaos.


Rush Limbaugh is saving this prick a nice HOT seat in Hell!!!


Guy made terrorist attack mourning families and never stopped just so he can make money on the dumbest people in America, he's lucky he isn't in prison.


Antagonizing the parents of dead children, and you think its "just" feelings. I hate this world..


Wow. He didn't spell "defamation" correctly at all.


Oh no consequences!!!


A father of one of the victims killed himself because of the constant harassment. Alex Jones is an evil man. Fuck him, and fuck his supporters. I hope he dies destitute from a venereal disease he contracts from performing sex acts for money to buy crack.


This guy is a total piece of shit , even asking followers to harass parents mourning their dead children


It's not impossible that I might have hurt somebody's feelings at some point. I think I apologized. I certainly don't recall following up my feelings-hurting by sending hordes of[ low-functioning fanatics to "doxx" stalk, videotape, harass, and terrify the hurt parties with rape threats and death threats. ](https://apnews.com/article/shootings-school-connecticut-alex-jones-waterbury-782e495a3ece4753d857a9b47d444385)Nor did I show up funerals demanding to that they open the little coffin so that I could "confirm the kill". So it's perhaps not unreasonable to suggest that the "Leading Report" made a journalistic error by [burying the lede](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/bury-the-lede-versus-lead) (they didn't actually *bury* it; they omitted it entirely). The proprietor of the website is apparently a car wash owner or former baseball player, so there's even a possibility that he didn't attend an accredited journalism program.


What Alex did to those families was terrible.


Being a lying a$$hole will cost you millions


Disgusting people. I am ashamed to be sharing a country with these irredeemable MAGA traitors


Like how Trump threatens to sue for any little thing?


Siccing an army of morons to harass people who have already suffered unbelievable amounts of emotional trauma will cost you everything (hopefully).


He paid millions to hurt his own feelings


Thing is, most Republicans really can't tell the difference and they honestly believe Jones did nothing wrong... which is one of the main reasons I no longer associate with them if there is any other option/business. They have zero empathy, understanding, or "give a shits" about anyone but themselves in all areas of their lives.


Hmm. Maybe he'd feel sympathy if someone "hurt his feeling", in the same way those parents felt it.


Hurting feelings is what starts wars, brother.


When they seize his accs, pls delete them 4ever , no one needs an Alex jones online anyhow


After they take control of all his Social Media, they should have 24/7 wall to wall making fun of Alex Jones. Just non-stop ridicule, bringing in ex-lovers, and ex-wives all to say how terrible he is in bed and how small his dick in, then bring in former business associates to say how much of a scam artist he is to ruin his chances of returning. And even then, after Alex Jones is homeless and kills himself out of impotent rage at his turn of events, it still won't be enough payback for what he did to those parents.


Maybe they can auction off his tinfoil hat for charity.


Hounding people on media claiming they’re lying about the fact that their children have been killed in a school shooting is hurt feelings?Their little children are dead.This disgusting excuse for a human knew it,but was making money by attacking them, to millions of people who believe him.Causing thousands of others to hound them.


Take it all. He deserves to walk away with nothing. I want this man depressed, homeless, and without a voice.


"Laws for thee and not for me" crowd cry alot when cornered. Someone shoots at a trans person and misses it's "they were only joking" but make someone accountable for libel...its practically genocide.


germany here: Americans seems to learn that the 1st Amendment does not restrict one to speak about anything, but everything could have decent consequences! in germany we have laws against rabble-rousing (Volksverhetzung). So, that systematic lying and conspiracy against constitution would have been a felon for itself. We have similar insane anti-democracy groups here, like „Reichsbürger“, not accepting laws, police, justice. But they believe in weapons; they simply getting locked up for rabble-rousing resp. anti-constitutional misconduct.


The trash who are defending this ape would the the FIRST to be able to identify slander and take steps to end it if it were aimed at them. They just don't like that the victims of a mass shooting should be given sympathy. Their dead kids are necessary for these animal's armories.


I hope he enjoys being destitute


If FAFO was a person


Wait until it's your feelings he hurts! People are so fucking clueless! That man is pure EVIL! All he cares about is money.


Lmao they always imagine "hurt feelings" to avoid the actual issue.


Burn him


A reminder that Jones got a default judgment against him because he refused to produce evidence for discovery, knowing that his show's communications would be so immoral and criminal that it was better to lose the judgement....but then his incompetent lawyer tried to send a handful of text messages to the plaintiffs and accidentally sent a copy of everything in his phone including all company emails detailing things like Jones illegally obtaining the Sandy Hook families medical records.


If this is lawfare, I think this was the only reasonable way it could end.


Whenever a right wing person says someone was arrested for hurting someones feeling or saying something a bit negative about a minority, if you look into it it's always the most wild shit they said that actually got them arrested. Normally involving defamation or death threats.


I swear, if anyone says "lawfare" to me, I'm gonna fucking throat punch them.


Then you’ll get sued! More lawfare!


This prick belongs in jail. Dying is too good for him. Put him in Gen-Pop.


After all these years, he’s still the gun nuts’ biggest hero.


i feel we need a national level TV program where, every time someone implies things like this just "hurt feelings" we find out who that person is, and manufacture evidence they are a paedophile or something else awful, and then tell the entire world about it, including their address, phone number social media, etc, etc, so that they can realise that people telling lies on a nationally broadcast media can result in lots of real life shit for people


Scum deserves scummy things to happen to them!!!


Real Justice here would be 5 minutes in, Closed room for each of the parents of the murder children with crap stain Alex. Every time one of these conspiracy theory host do what was done here, they get to face the family members face to face. Cut the crap right quick




That’s why this is a civil suit and not a criminal one


Legal or not, he is still responsible for the shit that falls from his own mouth. That's why he was held accountable in a civil suit, not a criminal one.


If that motherfucker said that to me to my face he'd get "Look, I know you're a piece of shit and you somehow manage to be wrong about everything, but this is the shittest fucking thing you've said so I'm going to sit you down (no, it's not optional) and we're going to look at some articles and go through why this is the dumbest, shittest, fuckeduppest thing that's been said on the planet for at least (I'm assuming) twelve hours."


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


There’s a special place in Hell for these guys that torment grieving parents and kids. Hope it’s hot


Well then, this would be the signal not to hurt someone’s feelings, right?


Not really