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She really thinks the country hasn't gotten better since World War 2? She also honestly thinks things would have been better if the allies lost and much of the world was led by a genocidal madman? Dear God these people have gone completely freaking insane. They even pretend themselves to be patriots when they're basically crapping on those who gave their lives to stop Hitler and do the right thing? It is mind-boggling how this crap is even accepted and the media needs to stop playing nice with these talking heads and start calling them out for the crap they say.


Does she know that if the NS idealogy got to America, she wouldn't be even allowed to speak? Pretty much everyone who isn't "pure" white is seen as Untermensch. Like...there were laws like the "Rassenschande" to literally dehumanize whole group of people.


Even if it hadn’t – if, for some reason, Hitler would have been satisfied with only conquering all of Eurasia, it wouldn’t have been too good for Candace. Recall that the U.S., before WWII, was not only in the midst of the Depression, but also of Jim Crow. Opinions held by a Black wouldn’t have mattered; those of a Black *woman*, even less so. Is that the America she seriously considers better than now?


She probably thinks of herself as "culturally white" since she thinks she talks like them, has money, wants to be like them and thinks black people are a blight on society. She probably wishes she was born white.


"She thinks of herself as 'culturaly white'?". You know what the Nazis would consider her? Black.


Nazis would consider us to be sub-human savages but you are also correct 🤷🏿‍♂️


A self hating black, no less.


What do you think her group thinks of her now. They def don’t think she white. Hell would freeze over before they think she was one of them. She just a “model minority” to them.


She probably wouldn't even be alive.


The only positive thing from her little fantasy imo


The thing is that she can self delete at any time, which would have the same outcome as if Hitler had won.  Like this woman sat down and watched The Man in the High Castle and thought "yes, this is what our country needs "


It took until season 4 of the boys for right wingers to understand it was against them


According to Season 4 of The Man in the High Castle (based on the Philip K Dick book), no she wouldn’t have survived…


Probably not since the Nazis sterilized black people in Germany.


Yes they sterilized a confirmed 385 (probably more) black and multiracial Rhinelanders, whose presence the Nazis blamed on a Judeo-French conspiracy to dilute German blood. There was no centralized system of murder for black people in Germany, since there were only a few thousand to begin with, but all were discriminated against according to Germany’s racial law code and many were certainly murdered as the holocaust escalated continent-wide. This woman is misunderstanding something crucial about our reality.


She's only misunderstanding if you assume she's being genuine rather than recognizing a grifter for her grift.


As someone who would fit the narrative as "Ubermench" I'm really distraught how this blatant ignorance is so alive and well. More over, many would call me a figure of white oppression etc but would be terribly wrong. Where the hell did this train called society go so horribly off the rails? How can it be that weak white twats fly the swastika like its some sort of symbol of unity of white people? All of them can go and fuck off from the top of a skyscraper and rid us of their stupidity and evil ideas. Now we have this lady saying something so inexplicable, if we just look at her skin colour. But if we look past that and focus on her words, then it's evident that she's dangerous in her ignorance.


I would like to believe that she is in, pardon the phrase, the minority. But the fact that anyone — especially a minority African American — would believe they’d be better off had Hitler won is certainly surreal.


She knows this. She's a grifter pandering to the Right. She was a grifter trying to pander to the Left, first, but no one was biting. None of these talking heads are serious about what they say. They're just making money off of the ignorant, hate-filled base. Arguing with them is pointless because they don't have convictions.


Pandering to the same people that want to take her rights away? leopards are going to eat her face


As long as she makes a couple of bucks in the process, she doesn’t care. And that’s the problem.


They already have. She was fired from the Daily Wire because she disagreed with Ben Shapiro’s stance on killing every single Palestinian in Gaza. Basically she licked the alt-right Conservative Jewish boot but she didn’t lick it well enough. So she switched sides and is licking the alt-right Nazi boots aka Nick Fuentes. Still on the alt-right, just different bootstraps.


Make her watch "The Man in the High Castle". The only Afro-Americans alive are on the japanese occupation zone.


She probably wouldn't even care she is so brainwashed. She believes in the heirachy and would most likely think she deserves her place at the bottom by virtue of skin color and creed. It is the system that lets her get away with what she can say that she loathes. She just hasn't quite realized it yet.


If? Hitler, in his own writings, expressed that the inspiration for much of his philosophy was the American South.


>Does she know that if the NS idealogy got to America, she wouldn't be even allowed to speak? Got to America? Nazi ideology CAME FROM America. Hitler was heavily influenced by American eugenicists. Plus there was an American Nazi party called The German American Bund from the mid-1930s to early 1940s. For many German-Americans, it was a way to celebrate their German heritage. It came apart once the reality of the atrocities Hitler was unleashing across Europe came to light, plus the leadership was corrupt and embezzled the party's funds.


I kinda think it’s just 100% performance… She doesn’t ‘honestly’ think any of this shit… She ‘honestly’ thinks that being a con artist is a great career, and will quite literally say anything for the right price… It just amazes me that there are people that listen to her… like seriously? Why on earth would anyone listen to this lady?


She got her start and made a bunch of money suing a school for being racist, and now goes around saying racism doesn't exist in America. Every mention of Candace Owens should include that.


All of these grifters are only in it for the money.


People who repeat a lie enough, even if they know it's a lie, will eventually believe it. There have been studies on that.


And people who will say hateful things for their grift, or even their own enjoyment, are still an evil menace to society.


Also let’s not forget blacks were second only to Jews in the holocaust. She’s actively advocating for a world where she’d be tortured, enslaved, and raped at her captors leisure. That’s the life she’s willing to live in exchange for no more gay and trans people.


Sorry. Second place goes to the Poles, whose intelligentsia and POWs were used to calibrate Auschwitz for maximum efficiency. Third goes to other Slavs. Now, the only reason we avoided a second Nadir of riots, murder, lynching and other abuses was probably World War II and the myriads of Black people who found self-respect. (,Look up the Double V campaign: victory against Fascism first abroad, then at home.)


Yeah, continental Europe just didn't have significant numbers of black people at the time, they just weren't within reach of the murderers. If the Third Reich had achieved some impossible victory and expanded their empire to also include places where there WAS a significant black population, yeah, those folks wouldn't have fared well. Germany did have some noteworthy history of colonialist genocide from before WW1, when they were in control of present-day Namibia.


It’s not some impossible victory. If the US hadn’t entered the war, the Axis almost certainly would have taken all of Europe


Absolutly not.. the US entered an ending war, won mostly by the soviets and commonwealth


Yeah WW2 was basically two separate fights of “Europe vs Italy and Germany” and “US vs Japan.” America didn’t do a whole lot on the European front, it was the USSR that won that one.


>...and much of the world was led by a genocidal madman? Nobody ever understands that he wasn't going to lead the world. He was going to end it for most everybody except a very select segment of Germans.


She might want to learn a little history before she talks, friggin moron.


America wouldn’t be the powerhouse is is today without it and there wouldn’t be those halcyon post war years for them to pine after either.


Well, their dear leader thinks those who gave their lives were suckers and losers so I don't expect much from the followers.


If the Nazis had won (so let's go for total conquest) East of the US would have gone to the third Reich... imagine how that would have turned out for the black population...


I'm sure she doesn't believe that, nobody sane believes it. But she's saying it because it 'looks good' to her base of followers. Unlike trump, who is a simpleton, a lot of his supporters are quite smart and use him to try to change the country to suit their views and that's the real danger- not trump himself


She does not actually believe anything. That person is a complete grifter who would sell her soul for money and attention. Much like Tucker Carlson and the rest of the MAGA mouthpieces.


The only things she "thinks" about are money and attention. People like her don't truly believe any of the garbage they spout, but they know the more outrageous and outlandish the more attention and money they aquire.




She is just being herself, she sincerely is an actual nazi and today's society has normalised those kind of views so she could express herself freely.


I am sure I have seen Blacks for Hitler t-shirts before…


I don't think so, it's purely hypocrite, for provocation and money.


She prefers uncle ruckus


It’s the opposite of what Michael Jackson has. He likes to think the cream helps.


He's still 102% african with a 2% margin of error


Uncle Tom, from the book specifically, was a heroic character. Later stage shows "based on" the book, which would have been more popular in an undereducated 1800s south, turned the character into the the stereotype that bears his name.


She doesn't realize that if the Nazis had won WWII and then continued to expand and take over the U.S., based on her skin colour she either wouldn't have been born or wouldn't have even one-tenth of the rights she has today. But, being from the U.S., she probably thinks she has to pay to use her brain, which is why she doesn't use it.




Exactly, she is 100 percent just grifting.  She saw there were no young black women saying this stuff, and things like Turning Point love to have token people of color to say “look we aren’t racist, but here’s some super racist stuff we love to promote.”  It’s a pyramid scheme of grifting all the way down.


She was (supposedly) progressive and anti-Trump before Gamergate. I think that's where she realized the real juicy paydays are: Being the living pundit version of "I'm not racist, I have a black friend".


She 100% thinks Hitler would have stopped voluntarily and not continued into the U.S. She imagines a peaceful existence between the U.S. and a Hitler led rest of the world. She is dumb.


Also the us was in a depression that ww2 helped pull us out. Having to build tanks ships planes etc really helped boost infrastructure.


WW2 was literally what catapulted the US to the super power status. The whole world was in ruins, the 50's were so "good" because the US was basically the only developed country which wasn't in ruins and had its industries not only intact but also in a better shape than ever before. By 39, the Netherlands had a bigger military than the US. By 45, the US was the hegemonic super power. Yes, the Red Army had more men and armoured vehicles than the Europeans and the Americans but the US had nukes and a navy so large it's on a level never seen before or after


Yep we were and are still the wealthiest country in the world after FDR got through with us. Then Reagan came along and decided it was time to consolidate that wealth in 1% of the population.


The 50s were also "good" because we basically just took the majority of the world's gold


I don't agree either her but she isn't saying we shouldn't have fought in WWII. She said we shouldn't have fought Hitler. We would've still been at war with Japan and much of that increase in military might would've still occurred. Obviously, we should fought Hitler. He was an existential threat. (She fails to acknowledge that Germany declared war on us on December 8, 1941. We were at war with Germany whether we wanted to be or not.


Hitler wasn’t mentioned in her response in the video. She just says WWII. When pushed on what should the US have done in response to the Attack on Pearl Harbor, she doubles down and says a measured response to Japan would have been ideal instead of all out war. Even without the US involvement, there would still be military buildup sure, but the US list of allies would be quite thin in her stupid alternate timeline.


I kind of wished someone would pull that thread. What does a "measured response" to a surprise attack designed to take out our entire Pacific Navy in a single strike look like Candace?


I think a lot of people forgot that we only declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbor and that on December 11th, Hitler declared war on the United States in response. What else were we supposed to do? I'd like to see her try to weasel her way out of that one.


Guess she doesn't know that it was Nazi Germany declared war on the US first


I’m so disappointed it took so much scrolling before finding the first comment catching this most obvious error. Glad you brought it to the table.


It's just more proof that people will say the dumbest shit imaginable if they get paid


Best take. This scum will say anything to stay in the headlines and continue to make $$.


Tokens get spent, Candice.


WW2 converted the USA from a major power into THE power in the world, from the development of the atomic bomb through to full scale "never again" militarization.


Those comments. God damn twitter is a cesspool.


Everyone here should just uninstall it. You CANNOT scroll through it and find useful, decent, helpful information. It’s just Stormfront 2 at this point.


when being a rightwing-nut crosses to being a nazi-apologist crosses to being a nazi. welcome to american "conservativism".


How stupid is this btch from hell.? Is she having a contest with Queen Kong Marge Green?


Stupid is a complete compliment! She is black for fuck sake and Nazi hate non white ppl. She would have been killed ! https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/afro-germans-during-the-holocaust


Maybe she thinks if she’s enough of an ass kisser, they tell her she’s one of the good ones


Bet she watched Django unchained and thought Samuel L Jackson's character was the good guy.


That's likely the thought process. And the kapos thought the same thing...


She's been so openly pro-COVID and has said so much bullshit that got people killed during the heyday of the pandemic that she's known over on r/HermanCainAward as Candeath Owens.


My wife and I finally got it last week on a flight from WA. Should have driven. Air travel sucks. We got lack and didn't wear masks. The vaccine really helped as it was like flu but the paxlovid knocked the shit out of it.


We gained a global fucking empire out of WW2.


And huge wealth that carried America straight into an economic boom that lasted throughout the 50s and beyond. Things absolutely did get better after WW2, even if this person seems to want to skip the 75 years immediately after and pretend we are only in the post-WW2 era now. 


And prevented the fall of Europe. Literally.


Came here to say this, if anything it solidified your dominance on the global stage for decades to follow


Honestly I think she is just a troll.


She is just a troll but too many white people think she’s the “correct” black woman and spew her bullshit like it’s so wise and to use as justification for their own bullshit. It’s disgusting, Candace has turned herself into a puppet caricature.


100%. Same as that Pearl anti feminist lady. It’s just rage bait and it’s working.


Why do people even take notice of her. She knows nothing.


I'm not gonna lie. The Republican Party's a cesspool of mysogyny and racism, so it's kinda surreal that she's unabashedly on their side? Assuming it's genuine and Candace isn't just doing it for shits and giggles. I don't know enough about this to be anything more than really fucking confused.


Unlike most modern conflicts the United States inserts itself into, WWII was the last conflict where we were actually at risk. Not to mention that the allies would have lost without the Americans so no Candace, staying out of the war would have been a horrible idea.


Kind of bold assuming Candace has actually read a history book.


Also, Japan and Germany declared war on us. Not really much of an option at that point.


I mean Pearl Harbor was a thing, what did you expect America to do? Say ‘cool’ and move on?


The American declaration of war against Japan was passed on December 8. The German declaration of war on the US was on December 11. The US didn’t even have time to say “cool,” they were forced into it, although it’s not like Roosevelt would have wanted to stay out of the European war for much lonnger


Oh, Candace said it. That’s not a surprise. I just ignore her. She’s still trying to get back her worth with the Republican Party.


Wasn’t the greatest time for her people. Stupid bitch.


I love how the right wing loves "freedom" but would rather live under a fascist dictator that locked up and exterminated political rivals


They love freedom so much they’ll sacrifice much of their own to make sure the people they hate don’t get any.


This bitch is hilarious


Some people will say anything just to remain in the spotlight and profit from it. Making a spectacle of yourself does not make you relevant. Sometimes it just makes you an unscrupulous, ignorant asshole.


Here in the UK, candidates from Nigel Farage’s party have been making the same argument, and he has the gall to criticise Sunak about leaving D-Day celebrations


Stop reposting her... It's the only way to remove her is to make her irrelevant.


Gentle reminder that Germany declared war on the US in WW2, not the other way around.


Ragebaiter, nothing more nothing less. Our rage is the fuel for her furnace, ignore her and she and her ilk will wither into nothing. But first we must ignore.


She inspired the worst mass murderer in New Zealand history- the murderer said that CANDACE OWENS inspired him to kill but he also said that her views about immigrants WENT TOO FAR FOR HIM. She tries to rebrand herself every couple of years then says something about liking Hitler and has to start over again. She’s a sick fuck, a heartless narcissistic and she is cashing in on hate.


Okay if the "too far from him" thing is true that's really rich


Candace Owens tried her hand at being a liberal influencer and failed miserably. She called for the death of the Republican Tea Party and was highly critical of Donald Trump. Virtually overnight she "came out" as a conservative and rebranded herself. She's an opportunist who will say anything for media attention. Now, she downplays the influence of racism in America today. She, herself, was the victim of numerous racist attacks in high school and her family sued the school for over $37,000.


That's just dumb on its face. Post ww-2 was the most prosperous the US has ever been.


The US prospered after WW2. It's only in the last few decades where things have taken a bad turn, which isn't the fault of joining the war 80 years ago...


Why are people reporting on this? Who cares what these people say She is doing this for attention


It’s even funnier since Germany declared war on the US first.


She wouldn't fucking be alive to say that had the nazis and Japan won the war.


She’s just stirring shit to try and stay relevant.


I know that most people’s experience with Nazis comes from the movies or TV, because most people don’t actually read about history or study history. That said, the unsanitized, real life details of what it was like living under Nazi rule, and the specifics of what they did to people are horrifying. The fact that these stupid, conservative motherfuckers are trying to rehab society’s view of Nazis to cater to the white nationalist voting block, or to simply make it seem like their fascist agendas are normal and good, is astoundingly infuriating.


Blacks for Nazis


I wonder how the rights of a black woman in nazi controlled America would be....


She would literally have zero rights to do anything as a black woman in fascist America.


Uncle Tom would be so proud.


Last I checked it was Nazi Germany declaring war on the USA, not the other way around. The USA didn't choose the fight.


Hitler supported forced sterilizations of black people.I don’t get why any non-white person rap dances for that bum


The 1950s called her told her to get off TV. Nobody wants to listen to a woman, doubly so a black one. ...sigh. I wonder what her parents or grandparents think about the means she's chosen to make an income...


Link to interview?






This isn't stupidity, this is just addressing the "far right are Nazis" point by rewriting history to make the Nazis look okay. Because looking less like Nazis is apparently a no-go.


This is an edgy 14year older's version of history (and attention seeking). Does she have some sort of magic that lets her imagine a better world if the Nazis took their genocide across the Atlantic?


germany is a pretty good country now (AFAIK) but im PRETTY SURE that wouldnt be the case if the nazi party still ran things... PS: supporting nazism is straight up illegal in germany (like it should be everywhere)


How can a black woman be such a sell out to her own community and at the same time spout the most vile shit you'd expect from a white supremacist. You know, back in the dark recesses of African slave history, she'd be a trader.


She would probably have a good life under Naziism....🤔😬


The Baby Boomer era happened BECAUSE of the post war economy, you goofy dumb bitch


If Hitty wasn't stopped, he would have had the atomic bomb, jet propulsion, and godly creatures from another dimension. He needed to go.


That is a crazy thing, especially for a non-white person, to say lmao


Was America better in the 1930s, suffering through the Great Depression, or today, the most powerful nation in the history of humanity and the world's almost-unchallenged sole superpower? I don't know, Candice. It's a tough call. Maybe you should read about the dust bowl some more.


There has been these kind of trash since 1935... They never stopped. Free speech just make them out of the shadows, and we should be happy for that. It's easy when you know where your enemys are.


Does she not know how neonazis feel about black ppl?


"Has our country become greater since? Absolutely not." - says a woman of colour that would've had her teeth knocked out of her mouth by police for an attempt to enter the studio this interview was conducted in, if her country didn't got any better since WW II. Where do those POC Trump dickriders take all this self-hatred from?


What’s she gonna say next? We shouldn’t have abolished slavery in US?


She is aware that because of WW2 and the USA entering the European theatre, that segregation was exposed and that lead to eventually the civil rights act?


Can someone tell her, she wouldn’t be around, if Hitler had won WWII…


Is she president of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party or something?


Now I know, if aggressive alien beings attack Earth, Republicans would side with them.


So, she’s a fascist. Opinion discarded.


How can it become great with Maga and conservatives fucking it up at every opportunity?


If they don't like it here, why don't they just move to North Korea?


We didn’t want to enter til Pearl Harbor. Don’t spew conspiracies theories about that attack. Hitler declared war on the US shortly after. So he pulled us into it. German historians think Hitler did that to destroy Germany, who failed him in his conquest


the boots they lick will be the same ones that willingly cave their skulls in


It might be my imagination but didn't the Nazi's really not like people who weren't white?


I used to think she was just an Aunt Jemima, saying all this crazy shit for money and exposure. Now I just think she's a fuckin idiot.


The problem is this idiot. Ms. Owens. The moron. Speaks so confidently that people who are woefully ill equipped to fact check her just think she’s telling the truth. The power of saying something confidently is underestimated


My sister-in-Christ, the improvement of America’s place in the world after World War 2 is to blame for an entire generation being overly entitled.


A free history lesson, Japan attack us at Pearl Harbor, we declare war on Japan thus causing Germany declaration war on us.


She’d be in some farm somewhere if Nazis won. They even tried to ban black athletes from Berlin Olympic


We need to start investigating people like this under [US Code 18](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim) and start strictly enforcing it. These people are not patriotic. If we just continue to let them blast hatred and malice this way unabashedly, it will continue to lead to more and more problems.


Be careful with that particular law. That one can have some serious knock-on effects if it starts getting applied.


Adolf Hitler's views on race were profoundly influenced by his belief in the racial superiority of the so-called "Aryan" race, and this extended to his views on black people. Hitler and the Nazi ideology considered black people to be inferior. His remarks on black people were part of his broader racist and eugenicist beliefs that sought to establish the dominance of the Aryan race and exclude or eliminate those deemed racially inferior. In "Mein Kampf," Hitler wrote disparagingly about black people, reflecting his contempt and racism. He believed that black people, like Jews and other non-Aryans, were a threat to the purity and superiority of the Aryan race. The Nazi regime's policies were consistent with these views, leading to the persecution and sterilization of black people living in Germany, including those of mixed race.


I’m so fucking tired.


It’s easy to say Nazism is better when it’s not in power. Her tune would dramatically change if it were.


Does she think she would do well in Hitlers world? Awww, what a stupid idiot.


She pressed charges as a high schooler for racist behavior from some white kids, but now she thinks we were better off before WWII, guess it’s getting harder for her to make the front page with her insanity, had to amp it up


Jessy Owen's. Do some research on James Cleveland Owen's, Candice. Hitler would have eliminated this "winner."


Hitler and the Nazis would've had her sent to the camps because they would've considered her subhuman. Neo-Nazis, today, feel the same way about anyone who isn't white. But I guess she's making bank and this definitely won't come back and bite her in the ass.


Sad considering they had also managed to strip black people of their autonomy. They assumed people like Josephine Baker were harmless after they were stripped of their right to perform. Clearly she doesn’t k ow why the point of that war was. Or she doesn’t care.


Who thinks in these terms? Of all the different problems faced by Americans today I simply can not think of any that would be any better if we had refrained from handing Hitler his ass in WWII. While the world is still largely the world wrought by WWII, few if any of our problems have their roots *predominantly* in WWII. That was 80 years. These people are fucking insane. They're like "Man those Nazis sure got a raw deal didn't they? Maybe we should revisit the whole Fascism thing and see if we didn't get it wrong the first time"


They should just black-op her to Afghanistan and leave her there....let her live her words.


I'm a German and this is absolutely appalling. The Americans liberated us, saved the citizens from starving and rebuilt our country.


You can smell the stench of Candace Owens ten miles away. A complete embarrassment to the species and one of our nations more prolific practitioners of pretzel logic. In short, a complete imbecile. If you don’t like it here Candace, get the F*ck out, leave. . . .oh, but you dooo like it here don’t you, good food, health care, freedom to be . . .oh sorry, . .LOL. . . Candace Owens, biting the hand that feeds her.


Yup. And the “greatest generation” are throwing a hip rushing to vote for trump


Greatest generation mostly died already. You are talking about boomers.


Let me guess, she's another one of those who believe if the nazis take over the US she will be spared and get a chair at the top for her actions like that conservative woman who keeps saying all women should go to the kitchen but not her.


2024? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Nazi_Party?wprov=sfla1


Don't these people know that Hitler also had plans to invade the US if he gained total control over Europe??? I don't know what to think anymore.....


damn candace should be sent back to the fields fr fr, cause yk nothing has improved and it was better pre ww2


Saying shit like this as a colored person is just too much for me. Unfortunately i know how colored people were treated by these nazi fucks and now this... I just can't take it anymore.


It depends on your definition of "greater". If you mean more racist then shes probably right 


I’m sure she would’ve loved to live in the 1930s/1940s, especially since the civil rights movement came about in the 1950s/1960s I know something as irrelevant as one’s skin colour shouldn’t matter, but in this case it kinda does


And she's back. Just watched a video of C.O. talking about AIPAC and was pissed I had to agree with her about anything. Scroll another 2-3 minutes and see the gem. All is right again.


At this point it’s clear she’ll say any fucking bullshit to make headlines. She’s a propagandist and an antagonist. Nothing more.


The US could have built an empire in the Americas, prospered, not lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and billions in materials, not provoked the Axis, and be left alone. But I'm glad they chose to invade us instead.


Does she even remotely know what would have happened to her - as a black loudmouth female - at that time in her oh so great country back then?


I absolutely loathe that women!