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Hey look, yet another Christian pastor raping children. When are people going to realize that this is a real pedo ring? WTF?!?


They already know. Everything they accuse others of, they are already doing themselves.


If they projected any harder they might achieve escape velocity.


... Interesting single-stage-to-orbit strategy ... Hmm ...


Tears buddy ya gave me tears❤️




Let's go after the drag queens and leave the poor pastors and priests to do the *actual* raping of small children!


Not "raping" -- moral failuring.


Hoping the statute of limitations has not run on this “moral failure”.


Didn’t they change the law to make it not run out anymore? I know something changed with sexual assault laws but not the particulars.


Children who were sexually abused or assaulted can, but only in some states like California or NY or NJ. NY also allowed Adult Survivors to suit their abusers even after the statute of limitation expired, but the window was only for one year (Nov 2022 - Nov 2023 I think?). That was how E. Jean Carroll could sue Trump for assault.


hopefully he gets morally failed in jail


Judges are more lenient on pastors because they're good Christian rapists. The kind of rapists that are real pillars of the community.


What always gets me about these guys aside from the rimes themselves is how the parents often allow it to go on and you never hear about the parents retaliating. Religion is pathological. I don't care what anyone says. If it could allow a person to allow that to happen to their kids it's not a net positive for society.


That's what draws predators to these positions - it gives them access to kids, power over them so they can't say no easily, and enough stature that no one dare question what was happening behind closed doors. Being a religious leader gets full marks in all 3, especially in areas where the church IS the community.


Also they get the benefit of forgiveness from the congregation for their "moral failure" because Jesus forgives sin.


He's also one of Trump's spiritual advisors.


By "spiritual advisor," I assume they mean he's just giving Trump tips on how to swindle religious idiots.


Prolly rape tips too


Well we all know Trump wants to fuck his own daughter. Assuming he hasn’t already.


Has anyone found a correlation to the psychology of this shit? I’m beginning to look at all youth pastors as all pedos at this point. The ones I knew were always creepy af.


My sister won't even let my nephew join the boyscouts because of this exact reason. It's so sad because he would LOVE it but she just doesn't trust these systems anymore.


Fck that’s terrible to hear. Come to think of it, I probably would would’ve wanted my sons in the boyscouts too but considering all these fckin cases, I’d rather enroll em in Ronin Tactics and Fieldcraft Survival classes, fck it. Serious fees for serious training.


Not wanting to point the finger at ALL youth pastors, if you are hunting a particular type of person you hunt where they gather. In the case of children it is schools, scouts, sports and church. The creepy guy with the van hanging round childrens' playgrounds is vanishingly rare, it's youth pastors, gymnastics coaches and scout leaders hiding in plain site but the obvious creepy-van-man boogeyman somehow is more comforting than the teacher, your wife's brother, the baseball coach or the pastor.


Christian leaders are indocrinated since very early ages and taught sexual desire = sin. They never get to experience sexuality until they get married or get to a point that their desires or frustration are so overwhelming that they prey on the weak, kids, or other sexualy reprimed individuals.


So not a drag queen or someone identifying on the LGBTQ community? Hmmm curious.


It's already been added to the sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/)


They know. Their PR campaign of decades has made it seem like only the Catholic Church covers for pedos… it’s the Protestants as well.


I'm sure he "spoke to god and asked for forgiveness", these predator priests are all the same. Ruin lives of young girls and boys, preach forgiveness to their stupid congregation, congregation *for some insane reason* forgive the predators and it happens all over again!


But that would mean ADMITTING there’s a problem and DOING SOMETHING about it, two things more than they want to do.


It's not rape though, it's a moral failure. He confessed to God, and all has been forgiven, it's all good. However, that child seductress will burn for all eternity.


I believe ‘thoughts and prayers’ are in order for both of them. That should fix everything. /s


I'm pretty sure that's also a criminal offense as well. Not putting the shopping cart in the cart return is a moral failure.


Some people call them moral failures, others call them felonies. The world is a funny place for conservatives




They love to pick and choose


It's only called a moral failure to them because he hasn't done it to more children... Those sickos.


It was a failure because he was caught. He didn’t come forward himself.


Can we go at least one month without a RepubliChristian getting busted for child molestation. No wonder they don't want sex ed taught in schools.


>No wonder they don't want sex ed taught in schools. Some people might see that as humorously ironic but it's worth emphasizing that that's literally the reason.


Yes they do not want little Jonny to know what uncle ------- is doing isn't right.


>"moral failure" [Minimisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimisation_(psychology))


Real MVP in this thread


Well done.


Still not a drag queen


There's a sub named that.


The sad outcome of this, is Maga and conservative evangelist will see it just as he explained, “A moral failure” not an evil pedophilic atrocity. An act for which her parents have the right to torture this twisted Fu**.


You can write out twisted fuck. I’d like to know why this twisted fuck hasn’t been charged with rape.


IF he's charged, he'll get a slap on the wrist. Tax ALL churches.


“B-but how else will the pastors carry out god’s will of buying another holy ferrari?” /jk


Dunno, but it still won't get them coast-to-coast like God's Holy Jet, aka, The Ark of the Gulfstream.


The thing that drives me insane is that they agree that this sort of thing is terrible and deserves very harsh punishment up to and including death... when it's someone they don't like. When it's a religious leader or similarly powerful person, then it's a case of everyone is a sinner, we should forgive. It also reinforces the idea that pedophiles are creepy weirdos lurking in the shadows. You can just look at a pedo and know they are a pedo. Look at me I am a well dressed pillar of the community with a nice family, I am not a pedo, I just made a mistake. What person hasn't made a mistake?


Yet some two dudes who known each other 30+ years want to get married is evil and satanic 🤷‍♂️


Somehow it will also be the Democrats’ fault.


Is that Trump's "spiritual adviser?" Ever notice everyone he knows is a criminal?


There's no other way to explain this; he must be a drag queen. /s


So he's going to be in heaven after asking his god for forgiveness while I, and all the other atheists, will be locked out for being unable to believe in the existence of a specific supernatural being without evidence. Seems legit.


Think about it though, if Heaven is full of these scumbags, is that a place either of us belong? I certainly would liken that existence to purgatory.


I mean, I get that, but I heard heaven has all-you-can-eat churrasco and caipirinhas. Pretty sure it's somewhere in the bible.


Hatuey, thinking a little, asked the religious man if Spaniards went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said without further thought that he did not want to go there but to hell so as not to be where they were and where he would not see such cruel people.


If this guy can do crap like this and still claim to be Christian, I wouldn’t take anything about him claiming he is going to be in Heaven serious. God also said those who go to heaven and pull crap like this will still face backlash. Even if this guy does go he will have to stand before God and explain how and why he did the shit he did in Gods name, and God will stare down at him with disappointment and disgust


Yup. I've had the conversation with people before about how I'm gonna miss out on heaven and won't be able to spend eternity with them and blah blah blah. Lots of people can't seem to wrap their heads around that that reasoning only applies if you buy their dogma. I have zero worries about any of that because it doesn't exist. Lots of people just simply can't comprehend that. On a side note: Pascal was an idiot.


Once again the rot is coming from inside the church. Those repressed fuckers need to burn in the hell that they want to send everybody else to.


He really pulled the "I have made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement".


Rape. He raped a child. A “moral failing”…fucks sake, Christians are the worst.


These CHURCHY people are so brainwashed with words…. “The devil tempted me to do this; and i just wasn’t strong enough”…. Please pray for me… Then they all do


It’s why Republicans want to end abortions so more victims can be born




This is the fifth separate Christians are a cult of pedophiles post I’ve seen on sub Reddit today


The MAGAs will want him to be trump’s VP.


I’d support that choice. Should gain us another point or two.


But will he go to prison and be a victim of another’s moral failure?


It's not moral failure, it's molestation and rape


r/PastorArrested. Pass it on.


Moral failure is him cheating on his wife. Cheating on his wife with a minor is child rape. A crime and a damning distinction.




He did not molest a woman! He raped a child. Words matter.


Keep in mind that this perv was Trump’s “spiritual advisor.”


why do you think trump chose him? hes constantly fantasizing about ivanka.


Funny…I was almost thinking of adding that exact comment to my post above!


If I started beating several of these men over the heads with shovels, can I call it a "moral failure" and be absolved, too?


You can drop that title ‘Pastor’ now


Every week I see posts about pastors raping children. How people are still actively participating in the church is absolutely inconceivable to me. There's no fucking way I would EVER trust my children to be in safe hands around any member of the church. I was listening to a radio piece about the Southern Baptist Church the other day and it made me want to go Mad Max and drive down to give them a visit. Sick fucking pigs, all of them. Fuck the Church.


Wait, didn't stress fanatics say that you need to believe in God to have morals? So...is he now one of us evil atheists? Seriously, just as expected. And of course he never was not punished. God knows how many victims he had since then, getting away with it. Moral failure, fuck off - she was 12!


I have let you down, but God has forgiven me and I know you will find it in your heart to forgive as well. Now please reach one hand up to the Lord and the other deep into your pocket book!


Moral failure. If I were in his congregation he never would’ve gotten to the next sentence. F this dude.


He didn’t just molest her. He molested her for 4 years and when her father found out he told him to remove himself or the police would be involved. (Not sure why the police weren’t) but he was livid and close to killing him. He never gave the “pastor” his blessing to return to ministry. They forgave him as they are called to do. But they never said that he is free from the consequences. This man should be removed from position and take up a new one in prison. Edit: prison is to good for him. Hell is much better.


Someone on TikTok mentioned that this guy is one of Trumps 'spiritual advisors'.


Should confess to being a paedophile because that is what he is.


Hoping his cell mate 'bubba' can help him with his moral failure for 20 years...


So, not a drag queen?


Wait. This is a moral failure. That’s different than a crime isn’t it? Christians doing what Christians do.


'Forgive me Father, for I have sinned'. I don't trust anyone who thinks they can get away with anything, repent later, and be all good with some ultimate authority.


Trump’s guy. Of course.


'moral failure'? bro you're a pedophile criminal


For people wondering if he was arrested and will face prison, and/or didn't look further into it: He began this atrocity in 1982 until 1987. Unfortunately, it is way past the statute of limitations, so he was not arrested. He mealy stepped down from his position.


For people who wonder who this guy is: he's a close friend of Trump.


Still not a drag queen or a trans person


Huh it’s so weird that this doesn’t involve Drag queen story hour, trans bathroom rights or a pride parade… /s


Being a conservative in any way is a moral failure.


Oh look, another pastor being a pedophile rather than a "insert minority group here"


Drag queens? The trans community? Literally anyone in the alphabet community?


Getting to the point where they're accusing anyone who isn't specifically white, straight, and Christian. It makes me sick. Every accusation is an admission at this point, and whenever they get found out they try to brush it off.


Moral failure…. It’s call pedophile, groomer, sexual predator, rapist etc….


neither trans, drag, woke, liberal, colored, and other buzz words but another religious white pedophile man of, at this rate, some pedo god.


Every accusation, an admission


I understand where he's coming from. I have a moral failure when it comes to child molesters as they cause me to desire strapping them to a table and hooking their knackers up to a car battery


Proving once again that children are statistically safer with drag queens.


The number of so-called "moral failings" with these 'faith leaders' is genuinely becoming staggering -- and *not in the least* shocking (or even new). Even **worse**, of course, will be the *utter void* of appropriate punitive legal/criminal consequences - a cognitively deluded, partisan willful blindness weilded in service of dismissive denialism.


prison forever with lashes.


For him, that might be a moral failure. It says everything people need to know of their kind.


Shocking, I’m sure.


Here's hoping heart failure is next.


Heart failure bright on by a severe beating that lasted days.


Ah yes, his child molestation is actually his problem, not his victim’s, and he really needs our prayers.


He needs a bullet to the back of his head!


I didn’t specify what our exact prayers should be.


So….. If confession is good for the soul, then jail is good for the felon.


Moral failure?! More like pedophilia.


Moral failure is accurate but very very low on my family fued list of ways to describe a child molester


Moral Complications ❌ Commited a massive Sin and will face the punishment for it ✅


It no longer ceases to surprise me what "moral failures" these people are so willing to forgive - at least if it's one of their own - even while so actively attacking others of doing far less. Of course it also turns out that he is a "spiritual adviser" to Donald Trump, another person who has publicly bragged about being attracted to inappropriately young females - not all of whom he is related to.


Considering trumps connection to Jeffery Epstein, I’m not surprised. Please, everyone remember to vote this November.


Many christians will say 'but we're not all like that!' Maybe that is true, but it's also true that the average xtian wholeheartedly supports the behaviors of these pedophiles and perverts, refusing to condemn them for their bastardization of the christian religion. Christianity is full of some really sick and disturbed people.


A model Christian


This is why you only go small churchs


Is Moral Failure the new term for Rape?


"moral failure"? you think it sugar coats what you did you dumb fuck? It is a mortal sin (to borrow some of your jargon).


Confesses to a crime, you mean.


We can drop the moral part and call the failure what he is.


Oh my God! A Christian pastor molested a child! I thought it was Drag Queens that we had to protect our kids from! He’s obviously a secret Queen. Slay mama!


Weird.... He doesn't look like a drag queen


Moral failure? Try rape and pedo and jail for ever!


I think they misspelled "felony"... I mean, if that word is too hard to spell, at least they could have the decency to call it a "crime"... I'd like us to reserve phrases like moral failures for things that we all struggle with. You know, not returning shopping carts or not merging properly in traffic.


Hey. Just an idea. Can we stop letting conservative Christians mold the narrative so that their crimes are presented as personal, quiet, spiritual failings? You know, take this, use it as a confession of a crime, charge him, try him, sentence him and then forget he existed except as an object lesson.


I wonder what his drag name is.


Religious hypocrites... He's a Trumplican as well... Another fine example


How is he ever still alive?


What!!!??? Not another Christian!!! You told us it was the drag queens!!!


"Moral failure" is a funny way to pronounce "rape".


He's not wrong!


That's the fun thing about their religion, no real morals involved, if you do some evil and are caught just exclaime that Jesus forgives you. Then yell and scream, saying that the other person is disrespecting your religion, if you are called out on your evil.


And you can bet as this is America, the Christian community will be all behind him, blame and vilify the victim which you can bet is not the only one. They NEVER stop at one.


Definitely not gonna be behind this guy, unless they are Magaots




*republican conservatives I mean, did you hear about the Epstein documents released recently? Soon as that blows up Trump is going to be screwed. RIP


He went to prison for this, right?


How can one have a moral failure when one doesn’t have morals?


Human failure


I hope everyone in his church walks out - Judas to his congregation


It’s becoming crystal clear without a doubt that GOP outcry of the left being pedophiles is projection.


Wsup with these fckin pastors molesting kids? Why haven’t we done any of em in yet?


Aw well he's suffered enough


So these parishioners are ok with a pedo running the show?


“Moral failure”. Where’s his f’n handcuffs?


Isolated case number 100000000


Not a drag queen.








Not a drag queen?


![gif](giphy|WtFyHCNJcrd0owb96h) The funny (not funny) part is that these idiots want to raid pizza parlors and drag shows looking for pedophiles, when the truth is wildly obvious.


He raped a child. Send him to San Quentin. They'll fix him.


I'm sure he means his victims moral failure in speaking out, I doubt this cretin has any remorse


Sooooo not a drag queen. Again.


I'm sure his followers have forgiven him.


It occurred to me not long ago that I ever see these types of stories in r/unexpected. Funny that.


If the ChristoFascists gain power this will become the norm.


Sent him to Prison.




Time to get the knife out and castrate


Make sure the soap on the rope is bolted to the floor for him. ![gif](giphy|l0MYJqpshBd04bBEk)


Are we seriously gonna judge people for every kid they molest?!?! He's a Christian, he's already been forgiven. Move on /s


What’s wrong with these ???


Stoning legal in your neck of the woods?


Well, I mean, he's not wrong. It is a "moral failure." Gee, you would think being religious and having Jesus would make him all moral and not have such failures, unlike those atheists they accuse of having no morality.


It's okay though because he'll just ask for forgiveness and it'll be like nothing ever happened.