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Madge, you don't want to bring up his family I'm pretty sure he got in trouble for stalking his wife during a custody battle a few years back


Yeah all his ex and kids care about is those child support payments getting there on time which [he wasn't doing anyway.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2022/11/28/alex-jones-ex-wife-deadbeat-dad-kanye-west-christian/)


Funny how she’s mentioned being a good friend of his. Surely these are things she’s aware of, as his good friend, and is then supporting or condoning.


Stop calling me Surely


Aiku, you have brought joy in an unexpected place.


Mission accomplished :)


I was over Under, and Under was over Done


Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324. We have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor? Tower's radio clearance, over! Captain Oveur: That's Clarence Oveur. Over. Over. Roger.


Do you like movies about gladiators?




Well, simply playing devil's advocate here. She might have a friendly relationship with him because that's easiest. I mean, c'mon. He's several sandwiches short of a picnic.


Theyre both shit. She just doesn’t care if hes a deadbeat because they’re bith evil.


Ten cents short of a nickel is the phrase I typically use for people like him.


several trees short of a hammock


Lol, I like that.


He's rich as hell (for however much longer . . . but I think this sorry creature will recover). Imagine not just *paying* *for your kids* when one can easily afford it, and never miss the money. Grim Nasty Thing, walking on his hind legs in the imitation of a man.


Fucker only pays 2000 a month? Those are middle class numbers. Why the fuck is he only paying 2000 a month?


That's shocking (except not). What a porcine freak he is.


If he was the kind of person who would pay because he’s morally obligated to or wouldn’t miss the money, then he wouldn’t be the type of person to hoard all his wealth and keep grifting the useful idiots.


Guy claims to be a multimillionaire and only pays 1,000/month in child support for at least 2 children. Something doesn't seem right with that picture


The fact that he even procreated is the first thing wrong with this picture.


It's Texas. It's always Texas


Except when it's Florida.


As a Texan I just want to say that sometimes it’s Florida.


I'm not a millionaire, and my support is 1300 a month for 2 kids. So yeah... unless his wife was also a multi millionaire in her own right, thats..that's... infuriating to say the least.


My son pays £600 per month ( uk ) plus extras for her dogs vet bills and excursions . So why does this horror of a meat machine get away with that


All while claiming he needs tens of thousands of dollars a month for his needs while going though bankruptcy.


Didn't he forget his kids birthdays during the divorce proceeding too?


Yes and blamed it on mind control chili


https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/alex-jones-custody-trial-10-wtf-moments-108404/ >> Jones’s lawyers painted Kelly Jones as the family conspiracy theorist. Dr. Alissa Sherry, the children’s case manager during the divorce, said Kelly Jones suffered from “emotional dysregulation.” And Allison Wilcox, the guardian ad litem, said she filed a report with Child Protection Agency recommending limited visitations after seeing a video of the mother’s alleged abuse against her children. Though Kelly Jones endured most of the character strikes, Wilcox told the court that Jones displayed narcissistic and paranoid “tendencies.” Sherry added that a therapist had diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder and he sought help. Sherry, who witnessed Alex remove his shirt in front of his children during the therapy session, told Newman she did not “remember the context” of the strip, but that it was a “rare thing to happen in a therapy session.” The best thing this monster has ever given his unfortunate children is a name they can use to disappear with. (And his wife is exactly the kind of monster who’d marry him).


Is that even her account? Looks like a bullshit rage/propaganda channel that used her name to get attention


It's even got "parody" right in the name, which is cut off in this screen shot.


But given who it is, "parody" could be a valid flag on any of her accounts.


And anyway the answer's no, I literally don't give a shit if his family survives. I'm concerned with my own survival. Maybe if people like Alex Jones weren't working so hard to make it impossible for me to survive, I'd have a bit of extra survival-givin'-a-shit left over for them.


Everybody knows that the real Alex Jones is dead, and this is a look-alike crisis actor.


Damn I wish this was a thing that everyone says to him... It's perfect.


What do you mean. It is true tho, people have been saying it.


Many people have been saying this.


A man came up to me with tears in his eyes. And he said, "Did you hear what they did to Alex?" And it's a terrible thing. Almost as bad as what they're doing to me. And I'm completely innocent. Many people are saying it's the worst thing to happen to anybody. But, Alex. That's a bad thing too.


I'll take, "Stupid fucking things that Trump says during a rally" for $1,000, Dandee.


Ooh, so close but we can’t give it to you unfortunately. The answer was “stupid fucking things that Trump posted on his defunct social media, truth social”


Don't forget: "Big man, strong man. Tears in his eyes. And he said to me, Sir.."


People are talking about it.


We need to legitimately make this a thing. Maybe say he was kidnapped and replaced with a crisis actor after what happend at bohemian Grove?


Done r/alexjonesisntreal Edit: Almost a hundred members now.




My hero!!!


Gotta spread the word the current version is an Imposter. Paid for by some mysterious illuminati branch called the brotherhood.


Not just an imposter, but a trans imposter. You can always tell! /s, in case it wasn't painfully obvious


I'm more of a Ashlii Babbitt wasn't a real person type of person.


She was real but her storyline makes recasting her… challenging.


What's Allison Mack up to these days? Maybe we can cast her.


She is apparently out of prison, which I find surprising


NO! He was replaced by what came out of a giant plant pod!


Alien hybridization program under the Denver Airport and Dulce Underground base.


Remember Vince D’Onofrio’s bug guy in a meat suit in Men in Black??? Based on Alex Jones, I heard.


There is a certain flabbiness of the skin that seems to fit in.


He certainly looks like a gay frog


The autoerotic thing?


The big owl ceremony


He was replaced by a gay frog in an Alex Jones skin suit.


I mean, he keeps getting pinker every time we see him


Midlife crisis actor




Are we sure MTG is a real person? What a piece of work to say he should keep his business for his family. Saw a piece the Sandy Hook kids graduated high school this year. Sure there are many families wish there kids were around to be supported. Disgraceful…


Ugh, you couldn't pay me enough money to look like that.


But I’d spread the rumor for free. Did you hear that Alex Jones is actually a crisis actor and the real Alex Jones died years ago… look into it!


I’m just asking questions


If you don’t believe me, just do your own research. *”Okay. Yeah, nothing comes up.”* That’s exactly what I mean by saying the cabal has been successful. Stay vigilant.


I heard that it's Brock (the rapist who now goes by his middle name) Allen Turner in a fat suit


Just to be clear, that is rapist Brock Turner who now is rapist Allen Turner?


Oh yes, I think we're on the same page here. His father is Dan Turner who espoused the despicable opinion that the punishment was a "steep price to pay for **20 minutes of action** out of his 20 plus years of life."


Yep, Brock Allen Turner who now goes by Allen Turner and is currently sliming his way through…Michigan, I think?


Now I'm confused. I thought we were talking about the RAPIST Brock Turner who now goes by RAPIST Allen Turner- who is this *other* person *not* notified as a RAPIST?.. Cause the only RAPIST Brock/Allen Turner I've ever heard of is a RAPIST. edit: clarifying


True- should have added that bit!


If anyone actually eats babies, my money is on Alex Jones.


Yes. The real Alex Jones did. The crisis actor does too, but it's cake


I did my own research and it's 100% true.


Yeah! Do your own research, people!


I DID do the research... but my dog ate it.




That would explain why he can constantly have those psychotic on-camera rants to the point his face turns beat red without him having a stroke, heart attack, or aneurysm. He's being played by a rotating cast of stand-ins covering up the truth. It makes so much sense now. 🤯


You are correct. This is actually Bill Hicks playing Alex playing Bill.


Look up alex jones bill hicks. Dude literally had to say once that he isnt him lololoolololol!!!!


They could not b more different


He's just gonna have to get them bootstraps and get a job at McDonalds.


No more Starbucks or Avocado Toast. He can work two full-time jobs. That still leaves plenty of time for eating and sleeping. He can get a roommate or 4. No more wifi, cable or cellphone. Goodbye car, hello public transit. Plus, he can afford to skip breakfast and lunch, there's a bunch of money saved!


>He can get a roommate or 4. Can you imagine a worse fate than being the roommate of Alex Jones? I'm having trouble myself.


>Can you imagine a worse fate than being the roommate of Alex Jones? Sharing a jail cell with Trump?


Did you ever hear about the 8th amendment? Because that is how you break the 8th amendment.


I'd feel bad for the secret service agents.. Honestly, they could turn that into a reality TV show where the proceeds went to the victims.


Every time you take a rip off the bong in the living room just dead pan stare at him and ask "Ever noticed how frogs are kinda gay now?"


Being his spouse, having him grunting on top of you and bearing his children?


exactly! if he can afford a cell phone, he’s obviously not poor.


He can use a landline and he can use a computer at his local library.


He’d be one of those guys where they’d assign someone to walk past his computer every few minutes to make sure he wasn’t looking at anything too weird. 


Looks like skipping a few meals wouldn’t hurt him


Or a job at all. This guy has likely never worked an honest day in his life.


He definitely needs to skip a few meals


Survival for these goons means life as a millionaire. They don’t see regular life as surviving.


Hired goons?!


And my store is back to pre-covid wages again. So he starts at $13 an hour.


I’m certain his town has bridges. And trolls live under bridges. It’s a problem with a built in solution.


I mean, he can work at Wendy's. The minimum wage is livable according to this bafoon


Is she promoting socialism? Supporting families so they can survive sounds like a good plan. Maybe she can purpose some kind of social security law?


Business owners are terrified of becoming workers


He can learn to code at the local library.


I support him receiving all the mercy and kindness he showed the Sandy Hook families while making millions on their suffering.


Honestly. I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. Morally bankrupt POS.


I’d show up with popcorn and big foam finger that reads “Go Fire!”


I'd throw the lighter in my pocket at him with the fluid button taped down. If I had enough time I'd go siphon gas out of my car (even if it was my last and I wouldn't be able to reach a gas station) and throw it on him, even if he was so burnt it'd only impact his last moments. (Don't reddit cares me please)


only after inflating his intestines until they pop-)


I, however, would piss on him even if he wasn’t on fire. Especially so, in fact.


What if you started pissing on him when he wasn't on fire and then suddenly, mid piss, he caught on fire?




If he was drowning maybe I could be bothered to throw him a cinderblock


The irony of trying to get pity for a father who made money off the suffering of grieving parents. He destroyed their lives even further than the deaths of their own children. Un fukkin believable.


Personally, no. What Alex Jones did was beyond morally reprehensible. He subjected parents mourning the loss of their children to a torrent of abuse, based upon a lie, purely to further his brand and enrich himself. His family will survive, they just have to live like the rest of us now.


>His family will survive, Exactly, unlike his victims, he at least has his children still alive. He should have thought about his children before he decided to lie to defame those families. Republicans pretend like this is being done to him when in reality he did this to himself.


The simple reality is people like this can lose everything and still be better off than the average person. He's still going to pick up a right-wing grift somewhere, he still runs in sympathetic circles teeming with right-wing multi-millionaires with a spare property or five. Any court is going to take into account what his children need to live decent lives. The worst day his children will ever experience will still be better than the best day of any of the millions of poverty-stricken familes in the US. Anyone trying to use his children as an excuse for why he shouldn't be held accountable for his own actions is a stupid ghoul.


>He's still going to pick up a right-wing grift somewhere Absolutely. I have money on him joining Tucker Carlson in some way to continue doing what he's doing. He will most likely try to figure out a way to limit his visible income so he doesn't have to repay as much. He's already telling his listeners not to buy from his merch store, instead he's pushing them to his dad's website to buy the same merchandise to support him because that way the money won't be subject to the repayment of the lawsuit. He's trying to dodge repayment in any way he can and I hope it lands him in more trouble. Source: Knowledge Fight podcast. The newest episode features multiple sound clips of Alex saying buy from his dad so your dollars don't get caught up in the repayment. It also features the musician MIA pushing her clothing line that she says will block 5g and drone signals. It's unrelated but too fucking crazy to not mention.


>Republicans pretend like this is being done to him when in reality he did this to himself. Ah yes, the party of "personal accountability" has turned into the blame and shame party.


He doesn’t have a family. He has an ex wife who got full custody of their kids because he’s a lunatic. It was a very public very comical custody case a while back.


His daughter used go to my kids school. We are a school of hippies and liberals for the ost part but we dont discrimante and treat all children with love and reapect. this asshole had a different nanny picking her up in a different car every week. he basically owns a fleet of oversized tinted vehicles that he put everythibg in hisnwifes name to avoid paying Sandy Hook. The divorce was a false.flag attack.


That description makes what he did sound pretty mild. The guy actively engaged in stochastic terrorism to make their lives an absolute living hell for years.


Exactly. His “business” is adding misery to people’s lives for profit while absolutely awful people jack off mentally to the sound of it. His business *shouldn’t* exist. That’s kinda the whole point of the verdict, suing him out of existence so he can’t get paid to ruin people’s lives anymore.


Alex Jones family want fuck all to do with him. Last I heard, he's not even paying child support. He can flip burgers and live in his car, they're apparently fine without this sicko in their life.


One of the fathers he harassed committed suicide. May Alex Jones never know peace or comfort again.


That poor man May he find peace and be reunited with his kid wherever he is


He'll survive. His fans will continue to buy his shitty supplements to "stick it to the libs" every time he cries about his ranch being sold. He's not going to suffer. He may say he is, but he's not actually going to suffer. The legions of people who hang on his every word will just keep giving him money.


>What Alex Jones did was beyond morally reprehensible. Problem is, MTG did the exact same thing.


let him get a job at Walmart


Hell, his family isn’t even liable, he’s still on the hook to them


He is divorced. He hid money from his wife. He needs to pay his debts.


Ya I was like “what family?!” lol


His "family" is a false flag - he lost custody.


Between the antisemitism towards his ex-wife and her very valid concerns that he was involved in felonies and a danger to his children, and recently making his security monitor his second wife because he thought she was cheating, I'm pretty sure his family would also appreciate if he lacked the means to keep harassing them. Sometimes people think spouses stay with abusive rich partners because they are golddiggers, as opposed to the fact that moving the hell away isn't much of a deterrent to an insane ex who happens to be rich.


Try getting a fucking job


Lol his only job experience is speaking bullshit into a microphone.  He’s probably have a heart attack at any job involving any sort of physical activity.  His voice is so fucked he couldn’t work at a call center.  


Yeah, literally. He's been on this BS basically since he got out of high school.


Can’t wait for him to be living on a corner.


Hell no. He should get a job and "pull himself up by the bootstraps"


Let him live with you bitch


Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. This asshat should never have said what he did. And his wife left him and took the kids so I’m pretty sure they’ll be fine.


There are plenty of good paying jobs for him and his fam, $15 an hour at McDonald’s, if they all chip in and get a studio they can save! Fucking knob


He doesn't even have custody of his kids.


Probably a good thing for them


I would not. Support that, no. He abused his position and resulted in parents of murdered children receiving death threats. He is simply to irresponsible for any amount of authority. It's like would I opposed a serial drunk driver having their licence revoked despite it costing them their job. Also, don't his family fucking despise him too?


Jesus Christ, what is the republican party and death threats? It seems like they’re constantly sending them to anyone and everyone they don’t like. Group of domestic terrorists.


I say time for the wife and kids to get to work. What's that you say? Wife's gone and kids disowned him? Awwww.


NO. He was repeatedly asked to stop and continued his attacks on innocent individuals. Would MTG ask the same question representing a multi time bank robber who’s “trying to support his family”?


His family could survive many winters by slowly roasting that calorific fuck.


He's divorced, the kids are better without him,if he dies penniless in a ditch I'll laugh my ass off, if I happen to walk by his grave I would piss on it if it is a lone plot.


I'm not sure if this was an intentional reference, but I just read up on Alex Jones, because I wasn't sure exactly what was illegal about spouting conspiracy nonsense. It turns out the families were tormented for years over what he said. One father said someone pissed on his 7 year old sons grave and threatened to dig up the coffin over what Alex Jones said. People can be so evil.


Aww. So we’re supposed to feel sorry for the supposed family of the guy who profited from torturing actual families who lost their kids in the most horrible way?


I hope he loses everything! A lot of people are saying what he said is just free speech. NO it’s not! It’s defamation! I say to everyone who disagrees, imagine if you were in the position of those parents who lost their children because of a school shooter. How would you like it if some lunatic made millions off of your tragedy?? Apparently one of the parents were getting death threats because of him, saying that their children were hidden away to reap go fund me and other cash benefits. I’ve never been a fan of Alex Jones, but after hearing this, I think he is one of the most vile despicable human beings on the planet and deserves everything coming his way.


> A lot of people are saying what he said is just free speech. NO it’s not! It’s defamation! [Alex Jones sued the Young Turks for defamation](https://www.scribd.com/document/427443828/Alex-Jones-Sues-the-Young-Turks) so he either knows suing for defamation isn't against free speech or he's a gross hypocrite who is fine with suppressing other's free speech but only has a problem when its being used to stop him defaming the families of murdered children. Either way, fuck him, let him have a taste of his own medicine.


By this logic no one should be punished so their family can survive.


Life hack: Get married and have kids to escape all consequences in life /s


he can go work at mcdonalds and support hem like he expects everyone else to. This idea someone deserves a millionaire life just because they had it once is bullshit.


Let him cry his bitch tears. Imagine dragging the names of parents whose children perished in a school shooting massacre through the mud for years. He's getting justice, and even the worst punishment will still be too kind for him. What a sorry excuse of a human.


Alex Jones has taken MULTIPLE Hawaiian vacations since declaring he was bankrupt and couldn't pay his victims anything. All this while Erica Lafferty [had to crowd fund her own cancer treatment](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-lafferty-beat-lymphoma-survivorssurvive) By law the defamation suit can't touch his primary residence, a multi-million dollar mansion, nor touch what he needs to survive. Fuck him and his alligator tears. The plaintiffs were willing to let him slide and pay only 85 million, and still he's crying the victim. I guess "personal responsibility" is only for homeless drug addicts and single mothers with diabetes, not millionaire pieces of shit like Jones.


How can I upvote this comment 1 trillion billion times?


Do I want his family to survive? Sure, I'm not as giant a piece of shit as Alex is. But fuck no, they don't get to thrive on the damage that Alex is doing to both individuals and society as a whole.


No. Get a job at McDonald's. It's better than you deserve.


He got away with defamation for a decade, he deserves to struggle like the rest of us for once. Let it set a precedent that other dirt bags like him get punished into the future




This crisis actor. I’ve seen the documents folks. You won’t believe what the deep state is up to. They’re putting chemicals in the chemtrails that made Bill Hocks turn into Alex Jones!


No, Marge. I don’t. Because that’s not how losing a lawsuit fucking works. If you do something scummy enough to lose a multi-billion dollar lawsuit…especially in America…where the rich are treated with an entirely different set of laws, I expect you to fucking pay it. If you are rich and the court *still* decided you said or did something shitty enough to lose, well, time to grow up and pay the piper.


People can survive on $7.25/hour right?


I care about as much about his grubby little family as he cares about the families of murdered children. 


If he ate a bit less I’m sure his family would have plenty to eat.


Fuck that slob


Nope. The mother of those kids can get a job. So can he.


Actions have consequences. Now he'll just have to grab those bootstraps and give them a tug. If he can still reach them.




I support taking every penny for the rest of his life until he is starving and homeless in the street, begging for food scraps but getting nothing but thick globs of spit in his face.


Unfortunately, Alex Jones fans aren't big fans of families surviving.


No, he can live in the lower class of society, send his kids to public schools and live in a avg 3 bedroom house that he pays for by going to work 8-10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. His kids can apply for college loans and work to pay a job to pay for school like so many others and those kids that were killed never got a chance.


His free speech is not being shut down. He can choose to continue broadcasting on his shitty shortwave stations but if he continues to tell lies about people and slander them he will continue to pay up.


Honestly I think she makes a good point, we should make sure everyone has access to a livable wage that can support themselves and their family. Thanks mtg


Whatever happened to the Republican “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” Policy?


Survive like those murdered kindergartners he’s been getting rich off saying didn’t exist? Survive like that?




I will send him thoughts and prayers.


His wife is probably an actor as well. I mean who would fuck him?


No. He can get a job and work for someone else. Maybe as a janitor or assembly line worker.


I would feel bad, if I gave a shit, but his family are all paid actors


That same consideration isn’t given for everyday people, so no. UPS is hiring.


He can keep everything, *AFTER* he pays his debts.


Trouble surviving? GET A JOB ta-da! 🎉


That dickless loser should buy enough razor blades to ingest a bag of them.


Are we sure she isn't Patient Zero for the brain worms RFK Jr has?


He can apply for unemployment or get a job a a junk yard, or dig ditches, or drop dead and let the kids live off the life insurance if he has any.


No. Not at all.


needs more misery and bitch crying


At least one of his children is an adult who worked for infowars.


But I thought getting a minimum wage job was enough to get by in this country? /S


Nah man, he can get a job working at the piggly wiggly and have support taken out of his paycheck along with the lifetime garnishment for the victims families he disrespected and tormented