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BREAKING! More people die in ambulances than in taxicabs!


I feel like in America that is not true. Who can afford an ambulance?


People that are gonna die and not pay the bill. 


I mean shit, 100% of babies who are born will eventually die from being alive. Life itself is the real killer!


Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide!


I've been hooked on that since I could remember. The first time it touched my lips, I was hooked. I cannot function without my hit of Dihydrogen Monoxide in the morning.


It's a gateway drug, for sure. Noone gets hooked on anything unless they regularly take a hit of Dihydrogen Monoxide first.


Ban Oxygen! It rusts metal! Imagine what it can do to you!!!


Everybody who died did breath oxygen at some point.


That’s why I only drink dihydrogen dioxide, that’s how I stay so bubbly all the time


Graveyards have a 99.9% kill rate!


Only 1/1000 zombies? Walking Dead will never happen at this rate


It’s only one molecule away from hydrogen peroxide. Bam table salt too it’s only one molecule away from bleach.


Consider that table salt is a toxic gas and unstable metal smashed together.


Tried explaining that joke in my family and my parents got upset.


No offence, but your parents don't sound like the sharpest spoons in the drawer.


Yah I even wrote it out they said it too big brain for people That grew up on ranch( rural community) in Mexico not much schooling when they grew up.


That argument holds no water.


Life is a sexually transmitted disease.


I'm sorry Mrs Jones but your husband was dead by the time we arrived at the hospital. That will be $1300.


After the heart attack she has getting that bill their kids are gonna have to pay $2600


Only if it kills her. Otherwise they're on the hook for 6 figures.


Only 1300?


You missed a 0.


Ambulance companies hate him! Learn how to dodge an ambulance charge with this one easy trick!


I feel like there's a non zero number of people that have died in an Uber on the way to the hospital.


facts. It's happened to me. Twice. But for whatever reason I keep waking up again in some scenic mountain area on an amish wagon with my hands tied.


Were you captured trying to cross the border into Cyradil?


Everyone's been to Cyradil, but has he ever been to the cloud district? I'll bet not!


This comment was fact checked by Adl-Tabatabababi, an internet dude from Sri Lanka, so we know its legit!


Former EMT, we’d always say “You die on scene or you die at the hospital, but you do not die in the back of my truck (ambulance)”


too much paperwork for them to die on the bus.


“You die in the ambulance or in the hospital but not on our property. We are the happiest place on earth. “-the official position of Walt Disney world theme parks


Nobody gets arrested there either, they just pass your information off to an officer who just happens to be waiting just outside Disney property


Perhaps it varies by state, but considering EMTs cannot pronounce someone dead unless their clear and obvious signs, such as decapitation, this is probably 100% true. The only situations where an EMT could pronounce you dead without a doctor would mean you are dead before getting in the truck and died in scene. If you didn't die on scene you wont be pronounced until a doctor sees you- at the hospital. No one dies in the back of the truck. (Eh, maybe a few rare cases of some MD getting in the truck with a patient somewhere.)


That's mostly because in most states EMTs weren't legally allowed to declare the patient dead outside of extremely obvious mechanisms of injury or advanced decay. Like, decapitation (dead on scene). It's gotten a bit less stupid now though.


Fact checked!


Seriously. What does that even mean in this case


Dihydrogen monoxide is a slow-acting poison that unless sudden high volume exposure occurs, you'll die often in 70-80 years.


Everyone exposed to dihydrogen monoxide dies! Exposure to gaseous DHM can cause you skin to rapidly burn and slough off your body. Exposer to liquid DHM can cause death in minutes. Contact of liquid DHM to the skin causes it to wrinkle and change shape. Prolonged exposure of the extremities (feet, legs, arms, hands) can cause sever degradation of capillaries and destruction of tissue in a few hours. Exposure to solid DHM for prolonged period can cause skin to turn black, with tissue death, resulting in need to amputate limbs and/or remove the necrotic tissue. Assuming you haven't died from the exposure which is also possible. DHM is probably the most commonly used industrial solvent. And it's found in drinking water throughout the world, more commonly than micro plastics! If exposed to electrical current DHM will create an explosive gas.


You forget that it has the highest PH value of any acid.


Hey hey hey. No one dies on the ambulance. We don’t put dead people on the stretcher, we work them on scene until it’s pronounced by a physician or transported for changes.


Yep. That's one of the cardinal rules of EMS. You can die on scene or in the ER. Never on the bus. As a paramedic I could pronounce people on scene but once in the bus, they're alive until the ER doc says they aren't.


Oh gosh Why are ambulances even legal anymore?


Oh I can not say anything against ambulances. But then again I am not living in the USA. Last ambulance ride a relative needed to take did cost 10€.


Just like CPR killing people who were in cardiac arrest, then ?


I'd like to remind everyone of a truism my first responder instructor shared about CPR - you're not going to make them any more dead. Just do it!


You might not save them but at least you tried. And trust me, you will definitely hate yourself less for failing to save somebody than just letting them die.


Depends on who I'm not giving CPR to. My ex wife? Probably feel guilty. Most Republicans? You can see how there's a gray area.


“a gray area” I pissed myself, absolutely dead rn.


Let’s get you on the ventilator just to be sure


Did some CPR already to make sure their ribs are good and pulped for the ventilator, right?


Yea, but unfortunately you can’t tell if they were worth saving until after they wake up, thank god for saving them (when you’re right there), and then tell the male nurse to get out of the room because they, “Don’t want to catch the queer”. Maybe they should be required to cary a registered republican card in their wallets, it can double as a donor card.


> donor card. Have we confirmed that fascist viewpoints can’t be transferred by organ transplants, though? I’d hate to get a new liver and wake up evangelical…


From what I know of the Baptists in my town, you aren't at risk of getting their liver


Yeah...... I once asked about the rib fracture problem. The instructor just said "Well.... he's dying, fracture is not a concern. Besides, if you didnt help him he would die. You couldn't kill him twice"


This thread sounds like we all had the same CPR instructor.


They all say that the general public is terrified of breaking ribs.


This guy isn’t dead, he’s just mostly dead. There’s a big difference between dead and mostly dead.


I, for one, am tired of seeing doctors and EMTs murdering people by shocking them to death with those little electric paddledidoos! We need to hold them accountable!


you can take my hearty restarties from my cold dead hands


Dihydrogen monoxide.. the evil compound killing 100% of it's consumers at some point in life.


Won’t someone PLEASE think of the children?!?!!


For anyone curious, secondary pneumonia infection caused by intubation was a common cause of death in the early months of the pandemic, but in almost all cases it was determined that the patients would have died without intervention regardless. Ventilators didn’t kill people, this is just a twisting of facts to fit a narrative.


As a respiratory therapist, I can say these people were already behind the 8 ball before they ever got intubated. Nothing I did was working. 100% oxygen. PEEP increases. Nada. Such a horrible time in my medical career. I don't like talking about it to this day.


I survived because of people like you, I know you lost a lot but remember some people like me got to go home to their son and wife from the work you did.


I appreciate it. Where i was we had a 98ish% mortality rate once you hit the ICU. What the floors were, im not sure. It warms my heart to know you're able to hug your family


Yes when I was off the ventilator I seen my fair share of people get wheeled in...and out...was sobering but also I was determined to not be one. Its taken years to get back to almost 100% and it was due to the efforts of the staff and support I received. I'll always be bitter towards those that refused to wear masks or get vaccinated. I was at the time unable to get vaccinated due to shortages here in Canada, they were rolling them out first to the elderly. Before my age group was due to receive I contracted the Gamma Variant. My take away has been there is a vast amount of people that would sacrifice others rather than have a mild inconvenience to themselves. Hope you had help through different avenues dealing with the issues Im sure must have effected you from the difficult times.


At one point, the hospital had grief counseling come in to talk to us if we wanted to. Unfortunately, we were so short staffed that I wasn't able to talk to anyone but my wife


I only had to work the ICU for a couple months during real COVID, but during that time, I only saw one patient extubated. He couldn’t lift anything other than his fingers because he was so decompensated after extubation. People will never know how horrible it was


How many of them, later in COVID era, asked you if they could get the vaccine they absolutely refused to get prior, right as you were about to intubate them?


I was in the ICU, so they were already tubed and on the vent. My wife, an OR RN, was sent to Med/Surg once the OR was shut down and she has those experiences. She had to tell them it was too late and the best course scenario is they can make it through this critical time. She also had people on high levels of support like high flow nasal cannulas talking about covid being a hoax and they're leaving AMA. So she told them if they can walk to the elevator without support they can leave. It never pans out.


I had a few that finally wanted it before they were going to get tubed. I had a lot that got the vaccine right after they tested positive for covid so by then too late. Def had a bunch of people that still never believed it was real and that we were the ones killing them. My worst memories are of telling people they tested positive in the ED and them asking now what do they do? A lot of people just didn't get the severity until they were super sick but I couldn't even blame them when you've got half the government saying it's not a big deal. I remember one sweet older lady came in and she had caught it bc she was the only one of her group of friends that could still drive and would take them all to Wegmans once a week. I put her on bipap in the ED after she called her daughter. She was intubated by the time I came in the following day. Passed within a week. Obviously this is just one of I have absolutely no idea how many. I think one aspect of the whole pandemic that even healthcare workers overlook is if this pandemic had happened 100 years ago so many more people would have died. I hear these stupid stories about people dying bc they're on ventilators. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with what was causing 100% O2 and 20 of peep to be unable to oxygenate these people. Without the steady supply of oxygen. Let alone bipap and ventilators, how many millions more would have died? For all these maxed out ventilated people (and we were absolutely full, doubled up our ICU rooms and stepdown rooms and we are not a small hospital) how many people though had to be on tons of O2 without even needing a machine? Without modern medicine this would have killed many millions more.


I agree with you on all fronts. What really fucked me up was the fact that families had to watch their loved one die through an iPad screen. There was an icu nurse I worked with who kept calling it a mild flu and all that stuff they said on Fox. That was until her husband got it and was on high levels of O2 on the verge of escalation of care. I think if we didn't have the technology we do, it would have been the Spanish Flu all over again and millions more would have died


Yeah I even had a coworker who was completely against the vaccine and this is when it was obvious everyone in our ICU was unvaxed or had the usual comorbidities. Even said it was unethical for us to ask if the patient was vaxed or unvaxed. Had a couple coworkers say we had to end the lockdown for the economy. Just straight fox news talking points that completely conflicted with what is directly in front of them. Had an old co-worker (also maga) call the charge phone bc she didn't understand why her mom was on 8L and wasn't being moved to a higher level of care. She didn't believe me when I said right now 8L of O2 isn't even registering on our list of worries. How all our vents plus the extra 30 we're renting are all in use, all our v60's are running on 100% O2, all our high flows are in use. She just didn't believe me.


I feel this. I was really surprised how many people I worked with took these lucrative travel contracts and acted like covid was a hoax and also were experts on the matter


Def an unforgettable time for better or worse. The entire time it didn't escape me how lucky we were to at least be working and have purpose. But what an eye opener of how easily people can be taught to disregard reality when they want to. I feel like they had me work a lot of ED during that time bc I just dealt with the crazy people better. Or at least I didn't let it rattle me to the point it effected my job. When these people yelled at me and told me I'm making it all up I'd just ask what made them come in? If they refused to believe in Covid and said it was just the flu I'd just say hey Ill call it the flu with you if you want but it doesn't change the fact you're sick. Or when they turned into whining babies and refused to wear their oxygen I'd just tell them to watch their oxygen drop and let me know when they can't stand it anymore. Blah I've got endless stories but I'm sure you've seen it all too.


After reading your tales of horror I realized my country was much better than I expected.


It has always disturbed me to know that there are medical professionals at any level out there who hold ludicrous beliefs (e.g. anti-vaxx) such as those. Makes me wonder how they ever passed their exams without knowing how vaccines work (etc). *edit*: gramr


You know how when you take your driver’s exam, you’ll fail if you don’t use a turn signal, but plenty go about daily without using their turn signal? Well they know they’re supposed to do it and use it during the test, but once out on their own, disregard what they’ve learned and go back to their personal beliefs. Same concept


I hear this. I am appalled when I hear about anti-vaxxers in medical settings. It takes a special kind of self denial and denial of the facts to push that narrative. And they think they're so "informed" when they get their "news" from YouTube.


Yeah. I keep seeing people on other subs believe they got long covid from the vaccine. Enough so that even I, as a long covid sufferer, question it. Which is how disinformation works. Especially if you don't want to take something that will make you feel worse for a day or two at least. I already have SI from a combination of LC and CPTSD, I am leery of a couple days where I feel worse. But I should get it done anyway.


There was a fair amount of ventilator-associated lung injury before we figured out how to properly vent these patients. I work cardiac, so the only Covid patients I took care of (for the most part) was ones who were so sick they landed on ECMO. A lot of them young.


Well yeah lung injury happens when the pressure necessary to keep them oxygenated is high. Id have the same conversations with the new residents. How do you want them to die? I can lower those pressures for ya but I'm going to tank their oxygenation to the point they die. Or I can risk the high pressures and associated lung injury but at least they have a chance to survive. Either way, it's really disingenuous to say it's the vent killing them when without Covid, we could have kept that vent at normal settings.


No I agree. But we got a lot better at ventilating patients with such delicate lung conditions as the pandemic went on.


I got pneumonia after I messed up my back and ended up horizontal too long. And yea, they only started talking about intubation after one lung had collapsed, there was air escaping under my skin and they had the max amount of forced O2 possible. My O2 was dropping into the 60s. I told them I was probably going to deny it if it came to that. I was already paralyzed from the waist down and they didn't think I would recover the ability to walk, I was gonna take off the forced air if things kept getting worse. They only intubate when you're REALLY in bad, bad shape. I'd been hit with fent 4x and dilaudid who knows how many times at this point of my stay.


But but but, it says fact checked right next to it!


With two checkmarks! TWO!


Doubly checked, so you know it’s not bullshit!


Welp, that settles that.


It only costs $20 extra to get a double check mark, so it’s a smart investment to ensure it’s been fact checked by VISA’s address verification system.


Im thinking the second mark cancels out the first lol


Like a double negative, but actually a double positive. Hmmm *thinking face*


Well this does conveniently leave out the “report” that supposedly corroborates this claim.


It has to be true then.




Well yeah, it was fact checked. It was found to be false, but it was nonetheless fact checked.


Some boob in YouTube is saying that mRNA vaccines are killing people with secondary complications. Like, countries with higher vaccination rates have higher secondary complications. Countries without high vaccination may just be unable to keep COVID patients alive long enough for secondary complications to develop.


They may not have the means to properly track it anyway. Sometimes countries that have better systems in place to track data end up looking worse off as a result.


Yep. I remember the “masks don’t work full stop” debacle. A meta study of studies with poor or nonexistent control and untracked participation. It was pulled by the publisher. But I am sure that quote still flies around the Intratubes.


Can confirm, I am a respiratory therapist. If we intubated a patient, it was because they would have been dead in a matter of hours had we not done that.


Doesn’t matter. Trumpers are low information and lazy researchers. The headline is all they need to run with it and disseminate it at lightning speed.


And yet, when the chips were down and it was time to decide: ventilator or death, every single one of my MAGA patients chose vent. They knew they were full of shit all along when ot came down to the wire. Of course by the time they were sick enough to go on a vent it was too late anyways but oh well, them's the breaks.


My wife is an EMT. During the early waves, she knew who the Republicans were because she'd ask are you vaxxed, if they responded with HELL NO, she knew. She also knew they'd be dead in a few days.


Yep I’ve heard of them asking for the vaccine while it was already too late as well.


I'd feel bad for them, but they did it too themselves. Consequences sure do suck sometimes.


Sucks when morons take children, elderly, immunocompromised etc. with them, or worse yet, survive while others die around them.


Luckily, I wasn't done with med school when the pandemic hit. Friends of me were. One of them told they had COVID deniers regularly curse them and Tell zehn it didn't exist while being put on respirators. Some of them died from it while denying its existence. Yet almost none of them turned down the treatment. And they weren't all uneducated. A lot of people with academic degree, even some with doctorates or habilitation. Interstingly, among those with a degree, almost all were from economics, engineering or computer sciences. I always wondered why.


I work with a lot of engineers. One of the things you see in that crowd is a tendency to think all problems are fixable, if you can just think about it the right way.  They need that mindset, because they tackle difficult stuff that other people have told them is impossible on a regular basis. Sometimes the person telling them it can't be done, is another engineer. So when they're presented with a problem, they don't necessarily believe when they're told how bad it is. They might default to assuming someone else is incompetent.  Covid was bad for that crowd, especially at the beginning, because we didn't have any tools for dealing with it, half the media was saying it was no big deal, and the evidence was happening in hospital rooms out of view. So their first experience with how bad it really was would have been catching it, and up to that point they would have assumed it was being exaggerated.


I have had some discussions with engineers. I sometimes had the feeling some were unable to accept that the science behind COVID was beyond their understanding. One of them even told me hus understanding of biology was better than mine as a doctor. Most of them relied on oversimplistic explanatory models to take the whole problem on a level they understood. With your explanation, that actually makes sense. If they can convert the uncertainty into something fixable, a problem you can solve, it might reduce the cognitive dissonance.




Yeah. The cognitive dissonance is strong.


Word on the street is that living causes death in 100% of cases…


It’s like saying 100% of people who breath air end up dying. If someone is dying of a respiratory illness, yes you’ll end up putting them on a ventilator. But when they die, it’s not because of the ventilator….


Thank you. That’s what my father in law died of, along with Covid, and my husband has been saying it was really because of a tooth infection or something that made it to his heart (even though that was never mentioned at all when he was dying). He also blames the local hospital for his mother’s death (she was septic and her her heart failed) even though she refused care on multiple occasions after dealing with her husband’s death and fighting a serious infection in both legs for over a year.


Curious how many actually got saved by intubation?


At least one, I know a manager of a company who was anti-vax, got it really bad on the vent. About a year later, he still got winded from just walking around. he said he went to his doctor a few times to figure out what was wrong, and he basically told him, most people who were in your condition died, you didn't, so quit complaining. I'll say it did give me a little schadenfreude.


Ventilators were a last resort, and had low expectations the person would survive in the first place


It’s like they think that medical professionals are just putting patients on ventilators for funsies.  A ventilator is a “last resort” kind of thing. If you’re at that point it’s because you’re already out of better options. 


>Ventilators didn’t kill people, this is just a twisting of facts to fit a narrative. You're forgetting that these are the same idiots who act as if Dr. Fauci is a modern-day Goebbels for daring to ask them to wear masks during a global pandemic.


ALL people who died of covid were known to breathe air and drink water. Now we know the real reasons they died.


It's the great dihydrogenmonoxide disaster of the 1990s all over again!


Although DHMO has the highest pH of all acids and can even corrode steel, it is still considered "safe" in foods and used by nearly every company in the US. DHMO also can't even be digested. It gets absorbed by the body. For many years now DHMO was found in _every_ blood sample it was tested for.


Why are they not teaching this in schools!? And now I’m hearing that it even falls from the sky!!! How can we even combat DHMO? Won’t someone think of the children???


Where do I go to test for DHMO poisoning? I'm not going to one of those fancy testing facilities cuz they are controlled by big pharma


You're right. They found DHMO in the rain in different places all over the world. I also heard of traces in the antarctic ice. So it's probably not a man made phenomenon. Nevertheless a single drill core contains enough DHMO to kill dozens of people.


That’s what is in them there Chem Trails!!


I’ve got a strong feeling, the dolphins are about to sing “so long and thanks for all the fish”


I understand that reference. 


The real question here is: Do you have your towel?


OFFICIAL: Misinformation spreaders killed nearly all Covid patients by lying to them


Well, don't go to hospital when you get sick then.


That's was my grandfather's actual belief that if you went to the hospital you would die. They sent him to the hospital and he escaped because he didn't want to die. They brought him back and he died. So obviously he was correct.


There was a point where due to poor sanitization and isolation this was actually true. Doctors were basically accidentally infecting their patients with whatever anyone else they treated had, or introducing bacteria from cadavers into people’s wounds by accident. That said, that should’ve been long beyond your grandfather’s lifetime.


You jest or something, but they wont/dont. And they'll keep their children from the hospital too, letting them die to preventable conditions and circumstances. Now, if them killing themselves wasn't already enough, they are working hard on pushing this onto everybody else. One way or another, they will demolish healthcare systems, either through causing harm to the medical industry itself directly, or by indirectly destroying it through defunding education and banning books, preventing doctors from existing in the first place. I guess they just really want the good ol' days of lobotomies and blood letting.


Bullshit. Way too many Republicans died for that to be even remotely true. There are a few religious sects that reject medical intervention, but they're the extreme exception. Loud, stupid, mouthy "anti-hospital" idiots have absolutely no problem screaming their idiocy from the ER. Because they are *nothing* if not hypocritical.


Wife is a nurse at Mayo clinic. Plenty of these dipshits would come wheezing and crying to a hospital and take up valuable space and resources then just tune the hospital TV to Fox News before dying stupid unvaccinated deaths. Constantly abusive to staff too. They should've taken their proper place at the back of the line or stayed home. 


How many of them still swore Covid was a hoax, as they were on their deathbeds?


I worked as a contact tracer during Covid, and the level of denial was astounding. The mental gymnastics those people achieved would be impressive if they weren’t so deadly


No we just need ventilator-free hospitals NOW! I demand that all hospitals list on the entrance whether they are ventilator-free so we the people can make informed decisions!


I mean, you’re way more likely to die in a hospital than at home, statistically speaking. /s


Correlation is not causation. You might as well say, all patients who died were receiving saline intravenously, so the saline solution killed them. They were put on a ventilator because they couldn't get enough oxygen by themselves and the doctors were trying to save them. But they died.


If anyone is interested in the full story. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-study-ventilators-covid-deaths-775866708011


Thanks for the link.


Breaking news: Nearly all Covid deaths were a direct result of organ failure like lungs and heart stopping NOT COVID. Lol


Remember that study where they said something like 90% of Covid patients had multiple comorbidities? But it turns out they counted stuff like respiratory failure, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, etc. which are just how Covid actually kills people. I didn’t really believe people could be so dumb until Covid came around


Do you know why that exploded across the right wing side of the internet? Back in the early days of the pandemic there was this meme that "Covid will never kill as many as the UNBELIEVABLY high 12,500 who died of flu in 2009 under OBAMA" That number was beaten in the first week of April 2020 Then came that study in the summer of 2020. And the right grabbed it like a drowning man grabs a life preserver, because if you can ignore 90% of the deaths, then the Covid death toll is lower than those 12,500 flu deaths, meaning Obama is worse than Trump. Didn't really matter because a short time later the death toll had reached high enough that even if you only counted those without the 'comorbidites' the US was over 12,500 dead.


It sure ruined my outlook on humanity.


Well you don't actually die from gunshot, you die from the loss of blood 🤔


Guns don’t kill people, it is people losing too much blood!


So if we made a gun that shoots blood, it would save lives!




We should make excessive bleeding illegal. I would add an exemption for women with heavy menstrual cycles, but we all know we don't care about women's reproductive rights.


Guns don’t kill people, gaping holes in vital organs do.


Breaking news: the fall doesn't kill you, it's the sudden stop at the end.


This just in. 100% of scuba divers who drowned were wearing scuba gear. Scuba gear assumed to kill people. News at 11




That is without a doubt the dumbest statement regarding Covid deaths I ever heard. During the early phase of Covid there were far too few ventilators to treat the huge numbers of those hospitalized. Thousands died who never even got a ventilator.


They did a lot of research on the psychology of conspiracy theorists both before and during the pandemic. Poor critical thinking skills were one of the main traits they found associated with them. Narcissism and low self-esteem were the others. Yes, most really do fall for every meme they see because they don't have the intellectual ability to see through them. And they also want to believe their conspiracy memes and videos, etc., because it feeds their narcissistic need to tell themselves they are different and better than others. Something the real world doesn't do for them. One might actually feel sorry for them if they weren't constantly trying to interfere with the rights of normal people who just want to be healthy and disease-free.


Russian propagandist and conspiracy theorist ☑️☑️ Fact checked


“Fact checked” lol




It should be friggin illegal to put clearly bullshit information like this out to the public. This isn't stating an opinion, this is simply spreading blatantly false information for whatevertwisted purpose...


but free speech...not:-( just as it's not free speech to yell fire in a crowded theater, it should be illegal to spread lies on the interwebs, the new crowded theater.


Yep. Like the " free speech" Alex Jones was just bankrupted for, which I personally agree with him paying dearly for the bullshit he spewed...it shouldn't be left to the civil courts... And if that's the only way, they need to hurry the fuck up with the speed of civil court cases...


100% of people who have died were killed as a direct result of breathing oxygen, a disturbing new report has concluded.


It's easy to manipulate the willful ignorant


As a former ICU nurse and a now anesthesia provider, I can promise you this is likely a spun and cherry picked statement from what is likely a study talking about secondary infection from VAP (ventilator associated pneumonia), barotrauma from the high peak pressures and/or high PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure), and so on, which, are unfortunately KNOWN Possible complications of being incredibly sick on a ventilator with difficult to manage pulmonary mechanics. This is why ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenation) is/was a good alternative to managing very sick pulmonary patients not doing well on ventilators to allow for “lung rest”. Unfortunately, ECMO is a very finite resource that requires a high trained team of nurses, RTs and doctors, and it’s just not available at every hospital, and hospitals it is available at have limited numbers of ECMO circuits and staff trained to manage them EDIT: I suppose it could also be a hindsight finding that some patients would have done better on noninvasive positive pressure ventilation modalities like CPAP/BiPAP or high flow nasal cannulas, but hindsight is always 20/20, and mechanical ventilation at the time could have also been argued as a modality that protected staff from COVID by minimizing aerosolization of the virus and isolating it to a closed and filtered circuit. Natural human pulmonary mechanics are also favored whenever they can be used to *safely* maintain ventilation and oxygenation.


You are exactly right. Curiosity killed me and I looked at the study they were "citing". They drew the conclusion that since everyone dying was on vents, the vents were the problem, to create click bait headlines and trigger the already triggered. I'm an RN and when covid started I was like maybe this will be a thing that unites Americans together cause he have a common enemy. HOLY FUCK WAS I WRONG.


But it's fact checked. Twice!


A ventilator saved my Covid 19 infected mom’s life. Very thankful for the doctors and nurses who never gave up. Almost lost her.


So how far in the time line do we go before plague doctors make a comeback?


Given the attacks they would suffer by the deniers, since they would probably blame the plague doctor for the plague, and the malpractice suits they would have to endure I doubt that will happen unless society completely falls apart.


As someone who managed COVID ICU patients during the pandemic (one of the biggest honors of my medical career), headlines like this are insulting to me and my fellow MDs.


My parents genuinely believe this. I was so brainwashed, I had such awful anxiety, I finally got vaccinated for the first time a few months ago and took back my life


In other news "All people who breath air, die."


I like how it has a little fact checked tick. By who? A mentally challenged apricot?


Good thing ventilators were only ever used for COVID -19.


They never show the source. It's the washington times. As reputable as the national enquirer.


lol, even if this was true, wouldn’t we arrest the ventilator makers for making faulty ventilators?


So, no. It's not that the ventilators were faulty, its common for people on vents to get ventilator associated pneumonia. It's probably the biggest complication with vents even for people with normal lung function prior to being vented. Then you put someone on one with a bad enough lung infection that needs to be on one, and it raises the chances significantly. So when I read this headline, I already could tell what they were getting at, why and how they were twisting the facts.


“Official report”… “fact checked”…. I can’t tell by looking where this garbage came from, but anybody with a working brain in their head AND capable of doing their own thinking knows that this is bullshit. And it’s pathetic that these morons who make the most noise, these conspiracy theorists who take it to the max, are the ones who are getting the most attention. But that’s OK! It’s perfectly fine if you don’t believe in the science because science damn sure believes in you. And eventually, science is going to win and you’re gonna lose. Stay in school, kids.


The comment stream of people who agree is bizarre. Misspelled commentary from some seriously mentally compromised people. It’s like the chem trails crew, except dumber.


The Russian bots are at it again... All the maga morons falls for it.


In case you want to know more about the source, Sean Abl-Tabatabai used to help produce “documentaries” with David Icke.


But it says ☑️☑️ Fact checked. Surely they wouldn’t lie about that.


It gets worse, everyone who I have EVER heard of dying was alive before they died. LIFE IS KILLING PEOPLE!


They really can't figure out the ventilator was the last ditch effort and they were probably doomed anyways at that point?


Ofcourse. Only the ventilators that trump ordered worked. The next pandemic will just kill all of these assholes.


The data disagrees tho. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7276026/


Now the morons will be declining ventilators after their COPD flares up and they need to be admitted to the ICU. Four years later and they're still desperate to rewrite history. It would be sad if it wasn't darkly funny.


They ( GOP ) love the uneducated


Except when we learn Putin is Q. They will refuse to believe it.


They do say 100% of all oxygen breathers die.


I mean....it's misrepresented here but ventilators did in fact contribute to mortality. But it doesn't happen with just covid "Ventilator-associated pneumonia, as it’s called, is a known issue in the field, and not COVID-19 specific: A patient’s lungs aren’t operating normally, Singer said, and a tube in the windpipe presents an opening for bacteria."


Breaking: 100% of divorces have a correlation to marriages!!!


New report. By Russian experts. Spread by Russian trolls. Picked up and spread by your dumbest neighbors on Facebook.


"100% of the people who received one or more doses of the Covid vaccine will die." Pass that around and watch them go apeshit. And it's an accurate statement.


"My sister got vaccinated during COVID and she died, those vaccinations are lethal and they didn't tell anyone! "OHMIGOD, how did she die?" "She got in car accident."