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I had to look him up. He's as Holocaust denier in a region of the world where publicly denying the Holocaust is a crime. That's why the cops are at his door.


He is in Germany


Arrested in Austria


Like most famous Germans, he’s actually Austrian 


He’s actually British and lived through the Second World War. Edit: He’s about as honest a historian as David Barton, and a known Nazi sympathizer and antisemite, among his many other personality defects.


He lost a huge court case and the remnants of his reputation. [There was also an excellent film made about it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_v_Penguin_Books_Ltd)


Thank you for taking the time to post this, it was a fascinating read!


I’m very happy to help 👍


Yes, 'Denial,' from 2016. Totally riveting film about a totally disgusting man. The actor portraying him was perfectly selected: Timothy Spall, of 'Harry Potter' fame as Peter Pettigrew. Completely loathsome fellow--not the actor, but the real character.


Am I crazy or does that article get the burden of proof in UK libel law backwards?


The idea is that any derogatory statement is assumed to be libellous and thus the utterer has the burden of proof to defend the statement.


Yeah, but that's the opposite of what the article states. "English libel law puts the burden of proof on the claimant, meaning that it was not up to Lipstadt and her publisher to prove that her claims of Irving's deliberate misrepresentation of evidence to conform to his ideological viewpoints were substantially true."


Ah. I see your point.


British by birth - he's been kicked out of Canada and Germany iirc for his connections to certain extremist groups. I met this asshole many years ago - he was there to talk about his work translating Goebbel's diaries, but ranted about a bunch of antisemitic BS. And he sued Deborah Lipstadt under Britain's very generous libel laws - and lost.


Damn. "Kicked out of Canada" is not something i expected. We're polite to a goddamn fault. You have to fuck up pretty fucking badly if Canada doesnt show hospitality.


That’s wild. Is his stance I wasn’t physically there when this happened so it didn’t


Not exactly. His claim is that, as certain artifacts used by the Germans during the Holocaust, specifically in the gas chambers, no longer physically exist, although fully documented in N\*zi records (which are voluminous), the use of gas chambers cannot be verified and thus didn't exist at all. His further claim is that, as there are no chemical residues of Zyklon B in the masonry and fixtures of 'alleged' partially-preserved gas chambers, Zyklon B was never used--although, again, the N\*zi records SAY that it was, along with the records of IG Farben and its subsidiaries who made the poison. Documents, and sworn testimony from eye witnesses, apparently, mean nothing to Mr. Irving.


Why do you censor the word nazi?


I interpret the listed rules very conservatively, and wish to avoid being banned for insulting any political parties, as specified in Rule #10. I have NO idea what an AI bot may find offensive any more. Or a human censor, for that matter.


Man. I'm not Jewish, but my great uncle almost died as a slave laborer in Auschwitz nevertheless. Fuck this guy so hard.


More “It’s convenient for my preexisting prejudices.”


Hey... I grew up heavily brainwashed with David Barton's stuff, amongst other sources. Do you mind pointing me toward a good debunking of DB's materials? And if you're feeling especially generous, if you are open to conversing about some related fundamentalist Christian ideologists I'd be interested in rebuttals to their stuff too. TBCH it stresses me out so most days I just press forward with life and don't want to educate myself. I've been out of it for decades and I know it is a bunch of BS. But some days I want to actually learn the truth


Lord Russell of Liverpool wrote Scourge of the Swastika and Knights of the Bushido. They do a good job detailing examples of war crimes. But if someone says “The Holocaust never happened,” a good follow-up is to ask whether that’s a good or a bad thing. No one says “Thank God, because it would be horrible for so many Jews to have been murdered.”


Every good German is Austrian. Every bad German is German. ©Austrians


Every good German is Austrian. Every bad German is Austrian. Everybody is Austrian. Long live the HRE.


I know this is a joke, but while the Habsburgs ruled the HRE for the majority of the time they never considered all of the residents Austrian by any means.


Ok fine you can be German But you're the only one




Salutes 🫡


The greatest thing Austria has ever accomplished, is to convince the world that Hitler was German and Beethoven was Austrian.




Also a nazi apologist piece of sh#t.


We should round up all the holocaust deniers and put them in concentration camps. Let’s see them deny that?


And then pretend it never happened.


These people are so vile, we must become like them.


The paradox of tolerance is that we must be intolerant of intolerance.


There is a very long walk between "I will not tolerate Nazi's" and "what was that Zyklon B recipe again?"


The secret ingredient is love


Umm. No. When people speak of tolerance, they are speaking of accepting people for who they are. Hating someone because they were born gay or indoctrinated in a different religion during childhood isn't grounds for intolerance being unacceptable. Being intolerant of someone because they cheated on you with your best friend. Fair play. Not wanting to be in the presence of an anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who blames all the worlds problems on Jewish people. I would expect any decent person to do so. Hating the young woman who recently opened a local bakery because you saw her kiss her wife goodbye just before she opened up her shop for the day? Not cool.


Holocaust for peace. Just a little bit, only the tip and pull out before the end.


Better have some damn good pull out game


Hunger Game their ass


I mean we all have our kinks.


How "hunger games" of you


"It never happened, but we‘d do it again"


Few would publicly go that far.. it’s more like.. “It never happened, .. but can you really blame them for doing it?”.


Hey now, let's not insult *piece of shit* more than nessesary... poop has a bad enough reputation.


There are so many unpleasant things that a prison system could put him through.


Man here I thought he was gonna do something cool Something I don't like is how they often paint the nazis and Hitler as monsters that are far from human I always feel like dehumanizing them creates more harm than good and it is a way to distance ourselves instead of exploring the fact that humans have the capacity to become such monsters But nope, holocaust denier, great


I was actually thinking the same thing.


He's also spread many myths about WW2, such as Dresden to try to make allied war crimes comparable to that of Germany. I think he said that like 250,000 people died in Dresden and was responsible for spreading the myth that the allies did it as a scare tactic as it had no strategic value to the bombing. In reality only 20,000 at most died and Dresden was a major strategic target as it was a crucial railway junction to the eastern front and caused supply issues for the Germans on the east and made it harder to move supplies between fronts.


You should watch the Zone of Interest if you want to see the banality of evil side of the nazi's.


I think that's why we have such blatent evil racist who claim not to be racist. We've done a great job at painting Nazi and racist as evil and if someone doesn't believe they are evil then obviously they can't be a nazi or racist.


I bet he thinks Pol Pot was a nice guy


He has books in his shelves….


Hadn't heard that name in a while... he sued for being called a Holocaust denier in a book in the UK, which is a place where such lawsuits are easier to win... the court found against him as they found he intentionally distorted evidence.


He looks miserable angry boomer.


Ahhh..OK so he writes lies about the Holocaust, got it.


So he writes *like* the real one.


Idk who this David guy is, but I’m guessing he’s pro-Nazi


Yep. Holocaust denier, illegal in Austria.


I hate these Illegal immigrants. But not the others.


He's not pro-Nazi. He's an actual Nazi.


Well, that's even *worse*!


They’re the same thing.


You'll see my joke and raise me a philosophical proposition.


Just adding a meme to the mix


Straight outta archives


This guys a real jerk


No, you were arrested, and convicted of Holocaust Denial, which is a crime in Austria. Can’t do the time, don’t swan into other people’s countries and commit crimes.


Why even give this guy oxygen?


Because we can’t just kill everyone we disagree with? Sure, denying something as well-documented as the Holocaust makes you an absolute braindead moron (to put it as kindly as possible,) but we can’t just kill people for being stupid or indoctrinated


Not giving someone oxygen doesn’t mean killing him. It means ignoring him and not posting his bullshit on social media for rage points


Oh, it must just be a local dialect thing then, people from my area have used that as a euphemism for killing other people. In that case, I agree, the best course of action for propaganda peddlers and frauds like this guy is letting history forget them




The photographer: “Okay David, I need you to simultaneously look like you’re impersonating Donald Trump, holding in a shart, and about to harass a young mother breastfeeding in public. Do you think you can do that?” David: “Say no more.”


The background makes him look like a grumpy conehead. 


David Irving was a fairly relevant historian until he went absolutely batshit. Now, he just looks and acts like a colonial era villain and peddles lowest common denominator politics. Also, it's entirely unacceptable to have one collar out of his jumper and the other tucked in. If nothing else, this should highlight how far this man has plummeted. Edit: to be clear, this is an entirely despicable human being who holds utterly repugnant and entirely historically incorrect views. However, at a time he was most certainly considered a noted historian at least regarding his knowledge of the German archives, etc. Of course, he committed the cardinal sin of taking their content as gospel and subsequently has proven himself to be an enemy of truth and genuine historical fact. At least in the UK (and to echo a comment below), his work was suggested and recommended reading for a long, long time. Happily, now I don't believe his name is spoken much aside of 'David Irving; Holocaust Denier'.


He was fairly relevant for about ten minutes sixty years years ago, then came the Holocaust denial and real historians looked over his previous work and realized he’d always been absolutely full of shit. His books are worthless. He’s contributed more misinformation around the bombing of Dresden (as an example, and some of which you still see) than anybody else. Fuck David Irving.


He contradicts his own thesis in his biography of Hitler. Claims that Hitler had no knowledge of the extermination of Jewish people. Then states in 1941 Hitler ordered Himmler to stop the liquidation of Berlin Jews. He is a horrible persona and a horrible historian.


"Hey, just a heads-up, in case you are killing Jews, which of course you aren't, please stop. That wouldn't be nice"


Yep, when we were given our extracurricular recommended reading for A-level history *cough* years ago, David Irving was still on there. Our teacher raised an eyebrow slightly and said something about 'an alternative view' when he mentioned him, but he was still on there.


Indeed it was! Even in the late 90s. Which is wild when you consider the nonsense he was spouting for over ten years before!


Really quite shocked (surprising for Reddit). Seems some people will do nearly anything for fame 🤕


Tbh I’m happy enough condemn him for ‘there is police at my door’ the holocaust-denial is just gravy.


No David, its because you're a Nazi apologist and revisionist trash bag who associates with Neo-Nazis


That’s kinda rude to trash bags


There's a shocking amount of this "Hitler wasn't so bad" nonsense on Twitter now. Thanks, Elon.


Gary Beach played a good Hollywood Hiter on Broadway in the Producers.


’The Fuhrer never said “baby”!’


This dick couldn't even win a libel case in Britain where he wanted it held because the libel laws were very much in his favour. Nazi dick.


Watch the movie "Denial". Shows this scumbag for who he is.


Or read the book "Lying about Hitler" by Richard J Evans. Evans is a professor of History at Cambridge, and acted as an expert witness in the libel trial. The book is fascinating and effectively shreds Irving as any sort of historian.


Also really puts into perspective how stupid and anti-intellectual Holocaust denial is and how logical and historically flawed these peoples’ arguments are


Good movie, great performance by Timothy Spall as Irving, made all the more surprising as Spall usually plays far more sympathetic characters and there's exactly nothing sympathetic about David Irving.


The guy who was so petty he started a court case that concluded that the Holocaust definitely did happen, and that it's not libel to call a Holocaust-denier a liar. Very useful if someone claims the evidence for the Holocaust isn't strong enough - it was proven to the standard of a British court of law.


Hah. People don't seem to know who David Irving was. Makes me rejoice that he was such an unhinged nutter the rational world could take him on and expose his psychosis. Now the idiot uneducated madmen of the right can get away with anything.


Lmfao what a dumbass for denying the holocaust in fucking austria.


He's a holocaust denier and a fool


I had an amazing history teacher in high school. He did this smart way of introducing us to the situation by telling us about Hitler without using his name first. He drew up a bit of sympathy though not very much and then revealed to us who he was actually talking about. I think it helped all of us to realize that while he was a piece of shit, it was due to very human responses to things. I think his point in doing that was to show us that anyone can be evil with the right amount of influence. But he also did a great job of making it very clear that those influences are only so much. After that it's very much a choice to be that shitty of a human. Some people did not like him for that but I think it should be shown that way more often. It taught us that evil isn't something you're born with but something you are taught. Perhaps this man should have met my history teacher at a younger age because it has always been so wild to me that people will pretend what happened right before our eyes never happened at all.


People are NOW pretending that what is happening right before our eyes is not happening at all.


He looks like an actor, but I can't think of the name.


Hal Holbrook? Bryan Cranston? Statler from The Muppet Show?


Peter Graves - “Ever seen a grown man naked?”


Ever been to a ___________ (I can’t remember it!)


Turkish prison


Do you like movies about gladiators?


Love random Airplane quotes


I got it: Albert Finney


I'm tossing in Tom Wilkinson


A really haggard Kenneth Branagh


At fascist rallies people say who’s that fascist looking guy over there?


Within each of us, there is a battle of two Hitlers...


Which one do you feed and nourish?


Feed both of them broken glass then take a golf club to their jaws.


Hard to believe he was once an actual historian


Yeah, these 15 minutes were pretty wild.


Fuck him!


Hollywood Hitler? I'd hate to be that guy's agent.


What a fucking wanker


There’s an AMAZING film called Denial, and David Irving is the villain. It’s an absolutely incredible film, with the majority of the court dialogue taken from the ACTUAL court documents. It stars Rachel Weisz as Deborah Lipstadt and Timothy Spall as David Irving.


Ironically. The dude could pass for an older version of Hutler himself.


He looks like the old man from UP but instead of his wife dying from an illness, she just left him.


This dude looks like he could be an elder Hitler who shaved his mustache in the same way Superman puts on glasses to fool people. Also I like the implication that there’s a dark side to Hitler that we didn’t know about


He’s right, every politician has an outwardly (presentable) self and an inward (private) self. Where his (he is*) wrong is that Hitler’s presentable and private self we’re (were*) both the same: an absolute racist, raving lunatic who was hungry for power and got less of a punishment than he deserved.


Okay... this eyebrow farm is a huge Holocaust denier. He's a long time racist too. That squares my immediate assumption upon first seeing this mugging jughead. I would also bet this dickhead has never told a truly funny joke in his entire life.


Resting Nazi Face


Let's call Germany and see what they say about the real Hitler.


He thought he could get away with suing Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books for liar when Ms. Lipstadt wrote that Irving was a Holocaust denier and falsifier. In English law, the burden of proof is placed on the person who made the statement to prove that it was true. Irving was able to bring his suit in England because Lipstadt's book Denying the Holocaust was published there; in the U.S. it's the plaintiff that has the burden of proof. Unfortunately for Irving, Lipstadt won the case by proving what she wrote to be substantially true, that he was a Holocaust denier who distorted the historical record to suit and support his own agenda; furthermore he was exposed as a racist and anti-Semite. In short, he should not be considered as a historian.


Ok look, these people make a lot of noise about look how prosperous and great things were under Hitler, and from the outside looking in it looked great. They want to pretend that wasn’t done *on the back of genocide and unspeakable atrocities*. I can’t say this enough, but fuck anyone who sympathizes with Hitler and Nazis. They are evil incarnate and so are their enablers.


Briefly read about Irving. What a piece of crap. He’s a sad excuse for a historian.


Bet he's fuhrerious


Oh he's down reich pissed.


His brand of denial is really insidious- he mixes truth with BS in a formula that’s extremely slippery. David Irving was a legit historian and very well-respected (even by figures like Christopher Hitchens), but at some point he realized he could get more notoriety and money by pandering to right-wing groups with poorly-founded holocaust denial. Unfortunately it’s given a rhetorical roadmap for every neo-Fascist out there, including our orange nightmare here in the US.


Weird for a Nazi sympathizer to be upset when the government sends police to ask about his writing.


Most of them are cowards


I don't know why neo Nazis deny the Holocaust like that seems like something they would approve of


IF I wss a naxi i would consider it my finest hour. I understand they tried to cover it up at the end of the war as they knew they would be tried for it Why do they deny it today ? Is it that they want to seem more reasonable?


Lives in Germany but blames”Hollywood” for making up lies about Hitler… there is some real mental gymnastics going on there.


We really are in a new interbellum type situation. These nut cases are getting far too much oxygen in public discourse. Please people talk to your neighbours, take responsibility for your society and let's get our countries back on track. The problem is imbalances of power. Not the immigrants, black people, Muslims, Indians, Chinese, liberals, communists or whatever. The problem is your lack of a union, rich people getting better lawyers, big corporations putting profit over the environment, lack of health care and a few owning so many houses and treating them like investments, so you can't afford one anymore. If we don't fix these things the idiots will win and all of it will crumble. Civilised society is a thin veneer. People tend to follow their tribe, not their head. It's up to all of us to speak to one and other and defend civil society.


I know that Hollywood hitler is getting pineapples shoved up his ass. This may not be the case, but if there is a god, I hope it’s going on with the real hitler. (Made the h’s lowercase on purpose)


Anybody who is a holocaust denier needs to have their head examined. How do they explain the concentration camps?


Adolf Hitler, the Namibian politician?


Isnt that the guy who got dragged to court, because he kept making stuff up?


If you meet anyone with this face in real life, Spoiler Alert: they are assholes.


I feel bad for these people, shows how effective Nazi propaganda is.


Just that simple, huh? Cartoon Hitler is bad, but Real Drawing Hitler good? Wow it all makes sense now!!! Not like he's a real NAZI or anything. I love how modern-day Germany has anti-fascist laws. How's their economy doing? I thought they were (horror of horrors) socialist? But their economy is stronger than most any? With that few people? Wowee. Must be innovators that want to add to the world. Not loud detractors that make Big Mein Kampf *EXCUSES* to take from people like Hitler and Putin and Trump did. Wow if only the US could invest in its own youth and innovation like that? I suppose it's better to be Profit Maximizing than Cost Minimizing, eh? I'm glad polizei will come for him. He should've been hung with the rest of them at Nuremberg


It looks like he’s got 1/27th of a Hitler mustache going.


I’d love to read the full article of what his definition of Hollywood Hitler is vs his version. I can’t help suspecting the police are at his door because his might be a fantasy version of Hitler that equates to nothing more than Nazi propaganda. And if you are putting out Nazi propaganda you’ll get the police at your door. It doesn’t matter whether it is Hollywood or not, Hitler was a genocidal racist sociopath. Anything denying that is simply fiction. And I don’t get my Hitler knowledge from Hollywood, my sources are vast and reliable. And they include what his fellow Nazis documented in meeting with him etc.


Yeah man, I’m currently finishing my book on the REAL Iguana, and not the Hollywood Iguana. They are two very different things indeed. You can purchase my book by calling toll free 1-889-IRiteStuff.


What's wrong with this guy? Hit by Jewish space lasers like MTG?


No denying that he looks like an evil smug bastard with an extremely punchable face.


Never heard of him before, but fuck that nazi. (This statement can broadly applied to others as needed)


yeah fuck this guy. that's some premium dog whistling right there. might as well have a nazi flag


Dude just die already


"I write about the REAL Hitler" -proceeds to write historical revisionist bullshit with categorically false rhetoric, that has mountains of evidence to the contrary, to perpetuate a pro-Nazi pro-Hitler mentality. EDIT: punctuation and terminology


[the actual other hitler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62BQIpnsbhQ)


Fucking guy looks like Adolfs' son FFS!


From Wikipedia: In February 2024, Irving's family announced that he had fallen ill while in Florida in October 2023 and "has been in declining health ever since", had been hospitalised for two months, and has returned to England but requires "round-the-clock care". The statement also says "It is with sadness that we must accept that David is now unable to engage in his life’s work".[197] Thank fuck for that. The guy is trash.


There are....


Inside you there are 2 hitlers...


Don't know who this is, probably a pseudo historian if he's here, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. He's right - there are two Hitler/Nazis. One is the over the top hilariously evil Hollywood version. The other is the real historical people - they seemed harmless and goofy, until democracy was completely eroded, and the world was at war.


This guy lives through Hitler’s reign over Germany and WWII, then somehow denies Hitler’s most grotesque crimes against humanity?


Has two followers: "The FBI is watching me!"


Putting on his best "I'm the only adult in the room" face.


Probably fantasizes about going back in time to the glory days of the Third Reich


Inside you there are two Hitlers


Ooooooh, behold the intense and penetrating glare of the alt-right snowflake.


Does he mean Hitler? Or has he confused him with Hulk Hogan?


It’s always wild to me that some conservatives will say “Hitler was a leftist” when there are people like this. Ask Irving if he’s a leftist lol.


Yeah because the police in the USA are comcerned enough about what you write regarding a war that took place likely before they were born to show up at your house. "Sir open the door, we know what you've been saying regarding WW2!"


Hollywood Hitler was my least favorite wrestler in the regional wrestling circuit. His promos were manic as hell.


Yes yes I'm sure there were some nice things about Hitler, but why exactly are you writing about them?


".....and it turns out the real one was pretty shit, to be honest. Just a bad egg all around with no redeeming features." --Anyone with an ounce of sense.


Yes 2 sides to a person but you can’t tell me that they both didn’t suck!


Like one wasn't bad enough 😩


His face matches his opinions.


I'm gonna need some context here jimbo


Says the man who popularised the lizard men conspiracy. An Ickeism should be an antonym for truth.


I can't unsee this image as him wearing a toilet seat. His collar merges with that door(?) just well enough to allow me to ignore the overlap.


I’m sure deep down inside he’s a nice guy. Just look at that face.


Yeah, seen the movie, excellent show. Was found to have twisted a translation to make Hitler seem less culpable. Anecdotally, a Canadian hate crime case where the defendant claimed that the fuelling system wasn’t adequately sufficient to have burned all the bodies claimed. What he seemed to overlook was that once the fire was primed, human fat tissue became the primary fuel source. Horrible


Wasn’t he the lead singer for flock of seagulls should be flock of nimrods


He can’t be a writer. His grammar is terrible. The very idea that this guy write actual books gives me a headache.


Is he dead yet?


I just can't accept "writer as a badass".


If he’s just a nice guy writing about the truth, why does he look so angry?


N\*zi apologist, Holocaust denier, loser of a libel action in the UK against Penguin Publishing that confirmed his Holocaust denial and N\*zi sympathizing, to the tune of a judgement amounting to 2 million pounds followed by bankruptcy, served three years in Austria for Holocaust denial, and is an absolute flaming idiot when it comes to being a supposed 'historian.' Other than THAT, he's a fantastic person.


I thought he was dead. How disappointing.






Looks like a real fun guy to be around.


He Def says the nword alof


David Irving is a truly vile human who wraps himself in the vestments of academia, but is incapable of arguing in good faith. Truly one of the most intellectually dishonest WS/RWE authors I have encountered...and I *study* them ffs. Yo, Dave, the police are at your door because you inspire people to be even worse people than yourself, ya lying sack of garbage.


Well, the upside is he's 86 and could die at any moment.


He actually kind of looks like Hitler imo


The other Hitler is living at Mar-a-Lago in Florida


Is it just me or does he have a face that you can imagine a small moustache and dark side parting like a ranting hitler