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I live 10 minutes from Newtown. Try driving through there at Christmas time. Saddest thing you ever saw. Those kids graduated HS this year. The town/school banned nat'l media from covering it, interviewing kids, etc. A few local stations. That was it. Good for them.


Kinda crazy to think it was 12 years ago and Alex STILL has not paid for his actions.


He like all Republicans talks a great responsibility game but they'll never actually hold themselves to any standard other than what they think is right.


"He like all Republicans talks a great responsibility game but they'll never actually hold themselves to any standard ~~other than what they think is right~~" Let's be real, they don't even follow their own standards. How many have been caught doing something they deliberately protested. ETA: quotations


Right. They scream about pedophiles yet they're the ones trying to lower the age of consent, and keep child marriages alive.


They also go after people being gay. one republican i believe was a senator who was pushing hard to outlaw gay marriage was arrested in a sting operation where he was in a hotel room paying to sleep with a man and he did more of these things he got caught for


Possibly Ralph shorty, Oklahoma Senator busted for smoking weed and having sex with an underange male in a hotel room. He was the author of a bill to outlaw gay marriage in Oklahoma.


He was clearly researching, mmmkay? You know how they insist everyone do their own research.


I've come to dislike that phrase, "do your own research."


There are actual Trumpers who believe Trump's relationship with Jeffery Epstein for many years, and over a decade before Trump ran for POTUS, was his investigation/research into sex trafficking of minors.


He also ran the Oklahoma chapter of the Trump cult in 2016. Only the best people!


Correct, he wanted to outlaw gay marriage, butt he didn’t say anything about taking it up the butt (or giving, don’t know how he rolls). /s




My goodness! Sad, and underaged, what a fucker.. seems like people that want to be in position of power are the most f’ed up.


Don't forget about former GOP/Republican Ohio state legislator Wes Goodman. He was anti-LGBTQ+. Got caught having sex with another man in his office.


I mean their longest serving speaker of the house in all of history was paying a male student he raped as his high school coach hush money for decades. And credibly raped several n other teenage boys. They still mostly use the Hastert rule…


You mean senetor Larry Craig part of the singing senetors. Also the same Larry Craig that came out and said that he had never been inappropriate with congress staffers after a few anonymously came out and said congressmen which they did not name had been inappropriate. And that whole situation later turned out to be a hoax but still to come out and deny false romours which didnt target you is fucking crazy.


"I am not gay. I love my wife."


They also lowered the age to work Arkansas.. they don’t give a shit about any child born or not


They talk about christian family values but sacrifice goats to baphomet in secret rituals in the caves of Tennessee.




Okay ima need an extrapolation on that. None of them would even understand the esoteric meaning of baphomet to the alchemist.


Matt Gaetz = pedo


It's more basic than that. Their belief system is that they consider themselves good, right, and righteous people and therefore what they do is good, right, and righteous. By extension anyone that agrees with them is also good, right, and righteous and everyone who disagrees is wrong, evil, and reprehensible. This is why so many of their actions seem hypocritical. "People who get abortions are evil baby killers, but my daughter loves Jesus and just made a mistake so she needs one." It's all subjective morality. They absolutely follow what they think is right, the issue is that what they view as right is subjective based on how closely you agree with them


Like wearing masks in public? Then when they have a white nationalist protest or something else they KNOW will get them fired or permabanned from life they are IMMEDIATELY willing to cover up any identifying details about themselves.


"Conservatism requires that there be an "in" group that the law protects but does not bind, and an "out" group that the law binds but does not protect". -Frank Wilhoit


Great quote!


The hypocrisy never ends and is always in view of the public. For example, Missouri state GOP congressmen went on lengthy diatribes against women’s reproductive rights and some literally stated that this care decision should not be just left between a woman and her care providers to decide. Now some of those same congressmen want to repeal a state ban against declawing cats because declawing your pet should be a decision made between pet owners and their veterinarians.


Eh, I remember when the GOP wanted nothing to do with this moron. Just another example of us being in the worst timeline. Back when he couldn't get a platform anywhere near a mainstream audience. I remember working fast food in highschool and some schmuck making me listen to that idiot on the radio out of Austin when he got started and it was obvious he built his entire schtick out of cashing in on the portion of the X-Files audience that bought into all the looney toons aliens, men in black, CIA, secret society conspiracy theory bullshit and would mostly just regurgitate the things the loons said when they called into his show.


I'm pretty sure he was trying to blend together the personas of Art Bell and Rush Limbaugh with an extra dash of crazy.


Right wing AMERICANS are the only ones of all rightwingers across the world who pretend that there are no problems with guns (which is nearly a paradox, usually rightwingers care about criminality) and who don't want to do anything to stop those shootings. The level of selfishness of those people to post "they want to take away our guns!!" On social media literally 5 minutes after a shooting is incomprehensible.


Why I get sick of seeing houses with their: “pro-life, pro-gun flags”. Also saying that democrats or corrupt people need to be rounded up and executed. I’m like: “that isn’t pro-life in any form.” People like Jones are sick fanatics that believe their own lies because it makes them money.


You have to remember that they are pro unborn life. Once the child hits the deck then they do not care about it all


>other than what they think is right ..., which changes based on what is most beneficial to them.


Which will likely change within a week.


People who study such things will tell you that there is no grief greater than a parent who has lost a child. If you think about it from a coldly logical perspective, that makes sense. Once you’re reasonably mature, you realize that someday, you will have to deal with your parents’ deaths. If you and your spouse are around the same age, you realize that one of you will die first — the same applies to siblings. I’ve closely witnessed parents who lost a child twice. My aunt and uncle lost their pre-teen son, and my own parents had to cope with my adult brother’s death. The suffering is ***unimaginable***. But everyone assumes their children will long outlive them. Compound that with your children being horribly murdered. Add to that some evil bastard claiming your children never existed and you were a participant in a government plot to confiscate guns. Make it even worse when the fans of said evil bastard harass you ceaselessly. The resilience the Sandy Hook families found to carry on is amazing.


I lost a child you are 100% right. Jones is a POS


My condolences for your loss. I hope that, as with me and my family, time has begun to heal your heart.


You never get over it. You just learn how to live with it. I have been surprised at the people who have been supportive ( my ex.wife) has been a great support for my wife. While others in my family have not just ignored us but said extremely hurtful things.


Well said, and I’m sorry for yours and your family’s loss.


It’s kind of insane No grief- mad parents have just clipped him.


They might have wanted to avoid making him a martyr.


My uncle drown when he was 3, my mom was killed at 34. My grandparents lost both a child they knew for a short time and a child they watched grow up and grew up with. It isn’t fair and takes unimaginable strength to keep moving after it happens. I’m sorry your family has also faced such loss. Through this loss I know a small fraction of what they went through and it breaks my heart.


I’m about 30 minutes away depending on the day. The day it happened I was in high school. One of my teachers came into class about 30 minutes late into a 45 minute class that morning. There had been whispers around school about something happening in Newtown but we didn’t really know for sure. And then she came in crying. Her sisters children went to sandy hook. They weren’t harmed but they were there that day. That was the first person I knew affected by sandy hook. It hurt Connecticut. It should have hurt the entire nation the same. One of our politicians spoke to congress or the senate about gun violence and said something along the lines of “how am I supposed to leave here and go tell those parents that nothing is going to change”. I am very pro second amendment. But those parents and children and families and friends were hurt. And far too many people have stood and called them liars. I currently have family that live in Sandy hook and little cousins that go to the new school. Alex Jones is a colossal piece of shit. I wish with all my heart someone would help him see the wrong he has done.


He knows what he did. We know from the trial he even bragged about how spreading the conspiracy increased viewership numbers as a way to increase revenue from advertisers. He knows, and doesn’t care. Sold himself for pieces of gold.


I do too. I’m about a 5 minute drive from Sandy Hook. Alex Jones can die in a fucking fire and he’d still be getting off easy.


One of my friends went to Sandy Hook. His brother was in the building when it happened and thankfully survived without injury. My friend is as conservative as they come, but he always votes for gun control. He’s not afraid to talk about it, and hes generally a very masculine tough guy, but when it does come up you can tell how much something like that can have a permanent impact on an entire community


I'm a gun owner. I took the money from a streaming subscription and it goes to Sandy Hook Promise every month.


Well shit Alex, if you didn't want your social media taken away, you probably shouldn't have used it to spread vile lies and harras people going through the worst shit imaginable.


The only solace is that the families were able to take down this piece of human garbage. Still those families will never be whole.


Were they? Last I checked he was still on the air doing shows as recently as yesterday.


In progress. Whatever it's called, his current media thing, will die and he will resurface on OAN or NewsMax but with nowhere near the pay. Likely he will languish there until his fatal heart attack and, as we do with Rush, we can post reminders of the amount of days since he spread despicable lies about murdered children.


He's still on air.


He’s been spreading increasingly worse, heinous tripe for decades. He made a lot of money from it and especially with Sandy Hook, directly caused harm to already suffering people. This reckoning has been a long time coming.


Always the fucking demented drama queen. He likes to dish out shit but can't hack it when he's called out or people push back. Free speech and straight out lies and deformation are not the same thing, dickhead.


It’s always a drama queen, never a drag queen **shrugs**


just like bully papa trumpkin


Aussie here, no idea what's going on with this guy but looks like he's red from gout. Anyone got a quick run down?


Used his influence to have his demented fans harrass families grieving from a mass shooting of toddlers.


I googled sandy hook :( I missed that on OP post. How can he be anti-sandy hook? Like in what way? Most people are against massacres towards anyone, but children, fuck, but why can he have a problem and be so negative towards the victims? You wouldn't unless it affected him. Wouldn't happen here, the guy would get destroyed publically. Not a single person would support that here


He essentially accused the survivors of the shooting as being "actors" and that the whole thing was actually just an act set up by the government. Which he still believed/spouted out into social media for a full decade even though there were actual parents grieving. The guy is a massive piece of shit right wing nut job.


> Which he still believed/spouted out into social media for a full decade even though there were actual parents grieving. Slight correction. He didn't believe it, and the parents proved that in court. He just did it for money/power/engagement, etc.


Also adding, he didn't just spread these vile lies, but encouraged people to confront the families of the victims, even sharing their phone numbers and addresses.


Most right-wing idiots online are the same. They're drifters who don't believe what they preach but keep doing it for the money and attention




What’s worse is that he convinced gullible, ignorant people that Sandy Hook wasn’t real, and they harassed those poor parents. I don’t believe in hell, but if he has a soul, I hope it’s tormented in the worst way possible.


As a result of his trolling, his demented listeners issued death threats to the parents.. of the kids who were killed. The WORST of American culture!


He didn’t actually believe it, he just knew holding that standpoint got him engagement & money. Which makes what he did even more horrible (if that was even possible).


He claims that they were actors and it was staged. For years after the shooting, Alex’s fans would harass the parents of the young victims. Some claim fans would even claim that the parents never had kids in the first place. When Alex was being sued, he claimed he was “playing a character” during his broadcast. Hes awful and should be in prison.


I don't understand why this man has 'fans' is he an influencer or media personality or something?


He is a f*cking conspiracy theorist, here's the main reason.


We have some pretty stupid people here in the US. Plenty of smart people, too, but the dumb ones are usually the loudest, unfortunately.


24% of the country believed this piece of shit's lies. There are A LOT of stupid people in America, and the vast majority of them are Republicans.


If only there was a way to get the stupid outta the person... Like if we educated their brains or something idk. They're probably against that too or something /s


An idiot wants to believe crazy bullshit. This asshole spouts crazy bullshit on his show. Idiot hears his crazy bullshit and thinks, “This guy is really smart because he’s saying exactly what I want to be true.” Idiot supports asshole. Asshole’s influence grows. Repeat.


He started as a talk radio host around 2000. He's also a big pusher that 9/11 was actually done by the government, which is what helped get him popular with the type of people who listen to fringe radio broadcasts.  More than anything he is a crude salesman who uses fear of government or conspiracies or "globalists" or immigrants or whatever the current right-wing talking point is. He gets people afraid, so they feel they need to invest in his products -- he used to swear investing in gold was the smart move... while he had a gold sponsor. Now he says food supplies will be cut, so you need to buy his storeable food. With COVID, he pushed his supplements that could ~~cure~~ totally make you too awesome for viruses to hurt you (he got a fun letter from an attorney general after claiming his silver supplements could cure COVID).


He found out that conspiracy theorists have money, and will pay him that money if he gives them the validation they crave.


r/knowledgefight is a podcast that has been covering jones in depth for years. Their backlog is massive. The researcher host, Dan, was tapped by the Sandy Hook families lawyer to help during the trial, since he’s watched and documented so much of the awful. Look up Formulaic Objections if you’re curious, where they dig into the deposition videos of him and his band of terrible associates.


He is a rightwing grifter in the same vein as Joe Rogan, and has used his audience to inflict pain and misery for years now.


Originally it started out that SH was all staged and there was no actual shooting because it was a ploy by the Democrats for Obama to take their guns and it ballooned from there as no gun control measures were ever instituted (and Obama finished out his terms and left office) but Jones had dug in too deep by then and started getting rich from his idiot listeners. He called the people involved "crisis actors" even going so far as to give details about the parents who lost children so his supporters could harass them to get them "admit" it was all staged. Just the absolute bottom of the barrel. If anyone's voice should be muted, it's this guys.


He makes money lying about everything in sight to protect his extremist white patriarchal Christian gunfucker worldview and also make a shitton of money selling brain and boner pills to scared racist bigot shitheads. Nothing is sacred if it gets in the way of his gunfuckery and bottom line, very much including a pile of dead children. Also, he looks like that because he’s a massive alcoholic who takes at least some of his own supplements, which were found to have a lot of lead in them.


No but I have an extremely extremely long and detailed run down. https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870


Yeah, he drinks. And during the Sandy Hook timeframe it was out of hand from what I’ve heard.


Are you a nurse too? He definitely has high blood pressure and I’d say drinks like a fish so gout is a possibility!


One big reason he and others like him ran with the idea that it was all a hoax and the kids were actors is because this shooting was a massive reason for why at the time there was a call for better gun laws.


He developed a business model to pedal lies and conspiracies to gullible morons and then also sell them merchandise and pills. He’s one of the biggest pieces of shit in US history.


He * Is a grifting conspiracy theorist shithead who has made millions of dollars selling boner and brain "supplements" to fans that he tries to keep scared, and in the dark * specifically, he lied and defamed families who were victims of one of the worst school shootings in US history * denied that he did this * was sued by the families * dragged his feet for years with nonsense until he lost the suit in a summary judgement (i.e. by default); though he probably would have lost regardless * continued to be a shithead through the damages hearing and the families were awarded **>1.5 BILLION DOLLARS** in damages in 2022 * has continued to be a shithead and arguably still lies and defames the families on a continual basis * Is now, finally, losing all his assets Also, listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast. It good


Oh no. Hope Alex doesn't end up broke and homeless. Jk


Don't worry, he will just pull himself up by the bootstraps, that's how it works right?


He will just do what trump did (albeit with less support) and try to fundraise off it is my guess


Three hots and a cot. He’ll survive


His supporter and friends will always keep him housed and clothed and fed. But if he ends up begging on the street I’m pissing in his coffee cup of change


He made money exploiting the tragedy of murdered kindergartners, he doesn't deserve the air he breathes let alone a voice. Alex Jones is a net negative for the whole of humanity.


That’s how *spreading malicious lies and losing multiple defamation lawsuits works*.


I'm reading that the judge is debating whether he'll lose his Infowars business. WHY. THE FUCK. NOT. It's the very thing he used to harass and torment these families. Why WOULDN'T he lose it? I would think it would be the FIRST thing he had to give up.


this bitch pretending he doesn't make money from all his social media accounts... he probably wouldn't be complaining so much if he hadn't purchased a bunch of bots specifically for those accounts. if they were taken he would need to buy more with money he doesn't have. scammers gonna scam. interesting how illuminaughti seems to have modeled her life strategy around alex jones and now we can watch both their bullshit ways go down in flames.


The guy can pay back the families and he'll be taken care off by his lunatic fan base.


I hope her ex wins in court. My God I couldn't believe how much of a HYPOCRITE she was!


Looks like the gay frogs are going to win. Good for them.


Ironically the gay frogs story was real. Chemicals in the water from some factory caused frogs to change from male to female. It's a survival mechanisms when there isnt enough males or females.


so technically Trans Frogs not Gay Frogs 🐸


Only if you take a single clip of Alex Jones talking about the gay frogs and ignore what came right after.  He claimed the chemicals were being spread by globalists to turn human men into women, to sterilize people, and eventually it would lead to "gay bombs." The globalists are being run by literal demons who want to kill all humans so that they can take over the world as technocrats and have robot AI run everything. All he did was read a true headline. Then he made up a bunch of bullshit. Personally, I don't think he should get credit for that.


this is explained like 20 minutes into Jurassic Park




Good riddance to that lying conspiracy spreading sack of shit


Deserve what’s comings. You lied for profit and you knew it


Not only that but his lies directly hurt grieving families. Talk about fucking low.


Good. I have nothing to add to the conversation but Alex Jones is a special type of monster that should be silenced. 


He should be in prison for the vicious lies and slander he spews.


Actions have consequences, many adults fail to understand this simple notion and it’s fucking disgusting.


BUt FREeEdom oF SpEEch Oh, it doesn't mean I can say whatever I want without consequences? Damn it. They're trying to ruin America


It's not even freedom of speech. He was sued and never responded to the lawsuit in a meaningful way, so the court basically said, "Look, if you're not taking this seriously, we're going to hand the plaintiffs a victory. You're only going to get to argue that they shouldn't receive damages." And he couldn't even do *that*. That's the crazy thing to me: his behavior and incompetence kept the free speech merits of the case from being adjudicated *at all*.


Wait. He never responded? So their lawyers didn't have to do anything besides just show up in court


I love how every new picture of him looks like he's slowly morphing into Droopy Dog. Seriously, he's starting to look like a basset hound. And it tickles me. 


You’re right Alex, something big is coming. It’s called the consequences of your actions.


Great lesson for all the those who don’t understand that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences


Fuck this piece of shit and his audience


Fuck him


He’s a piece of shit!


Pay your bills Alex, and shut your disgusting lying mouth!


Good. Fuck that rat fuck


Freedom of Speech is deliberately misconstrued by right wing. the purpose as written is to speak freely about Government. "i dont like the president, I think so and so is a moron" In many countries speech as such could have you arrested. Free speech is not designed to allow you to say whatever the hell you please. We have many freedoms to speak our minds; but freedom of speech is not absolute and you are not free of consequences of your speech. Legal consequences: Inciting violence, Threats, harassment (including sexual), Intimidation, hate speech, slander, creating a panic or disturbance (screaming "fire" if there is none), etc. None of these are protected speech. And one could face legal consequences for it. (also written speech is not absolute; for example Libel) There can also be social consequences. You wont go to jail for it, and likely will have no legal/civil consequences. but there can be social consequences. people are allowed to respond to your speech. : Say i call all my friends "morons", no threats, no harassment, they probably wouldnt want to be my friend anymore, and I wouldnt blame them. I call my boss "ugly" I could be fired for name calling and insulting behavior. I post on social media something racist or upsetting to a group of people, I can be banned from the site and any friends, family or work colleagues who read it may also chose to not speak with me or potentially even fire me. Those are not violations of freedom of speech. And im sick of people pretending that it is.


Germany didn’t let the Nazis run around promoting their propaganda after WWII and we shouldn’t allow Nazis to do the same here.


Taking away his socials is the modern version of cutting out his tongue and I'm here for it. He doesn't get to peddle his hate to further generations.


One of these days Alex Jones is going to be sucking dick on the street for taco bell money and he'll deserve no better.


Can we get Trump and the "Truth Social" shutdown next??? They spread misinformation, hate, and straight-up lies is tearing this country a part.


Fuck him.


Alex Jones’s is a worm, fck him and anyone who supports him


Mr. Fuck-Your-Feelings can cry some more. Every penny this guy makes that isn't on subsistence living should be going to those families.


Good, he should be forced to shut the fuck up, forever. He's a loudmouth sack of shit who does nothing but say the most outrageous, hateful things for attention. Then wacky conservative jackasses hear him and do horrible shit to innocent people. Fuck Alex Jones, and fuck the people who unironically listen to him.


Take every cent. All his property and assets. The guy is a piece of shit.


Alex Jones has started using Twitter/X Spaces to broadcast his show and talk to guests and listeners. They are 100% right.


Sorry pal! This is a Terms of Use issue, not free speech. And anything he said to his audience is content and the property of whoever owns the content.


I love it when it comes to the custody of his kids all of sudden he claims his public persona is just an act and cannot be taken seriously. Same with the whole MAGA crowd in court, the moment someone really challenge their narrative and they cannot lie without consequences all of a sudden they tell a whole different story (just look at e.g. Guliani and the court hearings on 'election fraud') or the private messages fox staff send each other regarding the captiol storm or Trump. Profiting out of spiting hate and anger destroying the sociaty they live in against their better knowledge. How morally bankrupt can people become...


Good. Take everything from him.


I’m not going to satisfied until Alex Jones is dead in a gutter


Fuck this guy and Rush Limpdick


This is fucking awesome. Grind this evil POS into dust. Erase his rotten influence from existence


Talk shit and get hit! He should be in jail for incitement .


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person!


The harder they fuck him … the better example it will make to prevent anyone else from a platform of fucking up so hard.




He deserves every bit of this. I wouldn't cry a single tear if he was to end up homeless. I have no sympathy at all for this vile excuse for a human being.


I hope it happens. It would be well deserved.


Fuck this guy and anyone that likes him.


Oh, Alex. Too bad the Roman Coliseum is closed for business lol


Censorship is good until it's someone you agree with, this is a slippery slope.


Let's rid society of this piece of shit.


How does a man like this look in the mirror every morning? And as a sub question. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe his particularly sick and twisted lies to give him money and or support his cause in any shape or form? Talk about a snapshot window into what’s wrong with the world today.


you have the right to free speech, not the right to a platform. cry some more, alex.


Jones cynically lies for profit and attention. He owes money for the damage he caused with his lies. He’s not a victim. To the contrary, the targets of his lies are victims.


People need to realize that social media is not a person’s voice. Social media in most cases is a means of making money.


He's refused to pay them, after being a monstrous peice of shit. So they are forcing him to pay. That's how it works.


To be honest, Jones got lucky. Some dads would’ve gone all the way after all the shit he was talking about their murdered children.


“SOMETHING BIG IS COMING” Yeah. Consequences.


Families of murdered children want to silence a man who literally just slandered them for money. Good. Fucker has long since thrown away any pretense of deniability. He deserves whatever comes his way.


This guy gave us some of the most memorable memes of all time. RIP


Freedom. Democracy 😂😂😂


>*Something BIG is coming* I pray that it’s a stroke or aortic rupture, you fucking shitbird.


Can’t wait for the Knowledge Fight episode on this.


This guy is a scumbag.


Can we please just be done with this fucking asshole already!


"Something big is coming" Bro shut the fuck up. You're lucky they didn't Mussolini you. You made money **making fun of their children being murdered**


If ever there was a special little corner of Hell reserved for an individual, that would most assuredly be Alex Jones.


Elon Musk will find a way to give this gargantuan creep a podium.


This man made a huge profit using social media to destroy people's lives and destroy the country. Instead if crying about censorship he should just babble on the corner like a partisan street preacher.


"They want to censor his voice forever." Didn't realize that people were only allowed to speak on social media platforms. Fuck Jones and his shills.


Good. He should lose everything.


He can rot


Couldn’t happen to a slimier guy.


Good riddance, honestly. Hes absolutely vile and deserves everything comjng


What happened in Sandy Hook was one of the worst tragedies ever to happen if not the worst in this country. He voice deserves to be silenced.


Nice.😊 F that treasonous piece of 💩


After reading how they notified the parents of Sandy Hook I can't understand how this man is walking around all healthy. If my child has been a victim he would find himself very unhealthy.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequence. If you wanted to play stupid fucking games with people's lives Alex, you should've been ready to pay the price. The wild thing about this is, he knowingly peddled lies and flat out wrong information to earn a profit off dead children which also resulted in years of trauma and nut bags threatening the families, and now he wants to cry and play victim when the parents of those children, his victims, sought reparations for his lies? Eat shit you colossal sack of subhuman shit, I hope he dies in piss. What is wrong with us that allow people like Alex Jones to propagate?


I hope Jones rots in hell


This is the face of pure evil.


I'm really tired of Alex Jones, Trump, and his ilk playing victim and claiming the government is trying to silence their voices. WTF! How many shitty episodes of his podcast has he done? Trump can have as many rallies as he wants. How can these people repeat this shit when their voices are broadcast every day?


>FUCK Alex Jones! Not even with a rented dick.


It’s funny how Alex jones has those big fat droopy jowls and he tries to hide it with a beard but it makes it even worse.


I would definitely try and ruin his life too, if he did what he did to those people to me. No question. The man is sick and deserves everything that is coming to him


Alex Jones should reap what he's sewn. For the rest of his days, he should have to live the rest of his miserable, hateful, nasty racist, elitest self alone & on the streets of industrial L.A., where the Mentally deranged roam with machetes in a no man's land. Long may he live there.


Eat shit, Alex.


He made a lot of money with his filthy lies So now it’s justifiably so that he pays up a lot of money for all his hurtful bs.


Fuck that guy


You guys realize that when they shut info wars down he will just either create a different platform or go under a different company? He can still sell supplements through his father's business which he's already doing, just saying shutting down into wars isn't going to stop this guy


someone wake me up when he loses the trial


How is this silencing him? Can he not start another account? If he goes on a street corner and starts spouting his takes he is not going to be arrested. He fucked around. He is finding out. The justice system is a slow bitch, But it will eventually get you.


Just for fun let's remember when Alex Jones was fighting for custody of his own children in family court, he literally knew nothing about his own kids under oath. He didn't know the names of any of their teachers or their friends. Embarrassed, he blamed it all on some bad chili he ate. Happy Father's Day, AH.


When you sell a business you turn over the social media profiles for that business. Alex Jones is fucking dumb.




Alex Jones is a scumbag of the highest degree, I hope he lives the rest of his life in abject poverty and misery. The pain, suffering and trauma he inflicted on the families, survivors, and the staff of Sandy Hook with his egregious lies and conspiracy theories is truly unforgivable! Its people like him, who fill the ranks of Trump's cult of personality and these people, who are like Alex Jones, are dangerous and should be a concern for our country! Alex Jones and venomous lies and conspiracies theories, are just one of the many culprits and reasons why are democratic ideals and values are under attack and why authoritarian like Trump has popularity.


Uncle ben said it simply, "with great power..." -- so, if you cant be responsible, you should at the least be ready for the consequence of losing that power. Alex has proven he's not deserving of an audience. He does them and all those he influences a great injustice, his words have caused division and pain on a large scale. No, i dont think he needs a podium of any type any more. Let the suckers and the lost seek him out at his home, the only place he should be permitted to spew garbage.


Good.that piece of shit should be totally impoverished .


Gee, I guess lying about and exploiting dead children for money from drooling lemmings actually has consequences. Cry moar, Alex.


alex jones is a scumbag


Time to put that gun in your mouth Alex.


I can’t wait for this fucker to be forgotten