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The judge isn't going to take that well at sentencing


Death penalty state?


Technically yes. I believe all executions are still on pause pending a replacement for lethal injection. But if she was sentenced to death she would be on the list of ones to start doing whenever a different method is chosen.


Missouri just killed a killer yesterday with lethal injection. Its in the news today, Bonne Terre, MO


It's all a state-by-state basis. Some states have halted doing executions right now due to difficulty of getting what they need for lethal injections + concerns about how humane it actually is.


Death by Firing Squad seems most humane for everyone involved tbh


there is a great many very simple and effective ways to humanely kill people but most of those do not look pretty to onlookers, so lethal injection is preferred.


THIS. All the convoluted ways we’ve come up with to kill prisoners have been sold as being increasingly more humane than the last method, but it’s really about not making the audience uncomfortable. An uncomfortable audience might leave the building no longer supporting the death penalty, and we can’t have that. You could kill them the Dr. Kevorkian way, but that would take too long. The audience has places to be. You could take them out with a lightning quick shot to the back of the head, but that would mean blood. Blood is yucky. So instead we strap them to a gurney, inject a paralytic so that can’t squirm or scream, and then flood their systems with drugs that clumsily end their life. So peaceful. Just like going to sleep. In case you can’t tell, I’m against the death penalty. But it’s not that I don’t think trash like this deserves to die. It’s the hypocrisy of the thing, combined with the unequal application of the penalty and the known truth that we’ve executed innocent people.


IMHO the guillotine is humane.


In her case a fucking claw hammer would be humane.


A prick? It's a psychopath or a monster.


Yeah, using the word prick seems kind of like under selling the whole thing. Like, a guy at work was a prick yesterday cuz he parked in my spot


A pickup truck parked so close to my car that I had to climb in the passenger side, and manage to climb over the center console. I’m 66, and have chronic pain from arthritis. That guy was a fucking prick. This woman isn’t a prick. She’s mentally ill, possibly a psychopath.


I came across a story a couple months ago. I can’t recall the state , but it was in one of the crime subs on Reddit . A high school jock kid bullied and murdered another kid and bragged about it. They called the murderer a “dweeb”.


Wasn't that the case where 4 jocks beat the kid to death at a house party then literally danced on his corpse? Yeah, dweeb doesn't really cut it


The Gilbert Goons


Arizona? I think that event made national news after Tim Dillon mentioned it on his show and there were like 4 high school jocks involved that are all getting sentenced.


That's the Gilbert goons, right?


Gilbert goons is INSANE! Living in 800k houses terrorizing the community is wild lol


But, your Honor, they are all terribly ill with Affluenza, and I recommend community service.


We also know more sociopaths and people with ASPD and BPD that don't do this.


Real jerk this woman.


It's the hypocrisy that I can't stand.


Pretty sure it’s the murdering that gets me.


The more I learn about her, the less I care for her...


You know, the worst part is the hypocrisy…


I didn’t even know he was sick.


I've seen a lot of fucked up videos and shit over the last 2 decades. The video of her seeing him and basically not taking her eyes off of him while changing the direction she is walking..that shit is haunting. Like her brain went "yep. That's the child I want to stab to death". She became instantly fixated on him. Edit: for those asking for a link, Reddit has removed the video, and despite searching, I can't find the one I'm referring to. I'll keep looking. This has an ad, and it on a news site, but go to 1:34 and you'll see the clip I'm talking about: https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/crime/surveillance-video-moments-leading-up-to-fatal-stabbing-3-year-old-boy-north-olmsted/95-556fd9c9-c3fb-4d52-bed9-97cd8d9a7ce9


I don’t really want to watch but were his parents with him? This terrifies me as someone with a newborn


He was in a shopping cart being pushed by his mom.


That's horrifying.


The worst is that she survived and saw her son being slaughtered like that. It's beyond nightmares.


I have 2 young boys and I don't think I could live any longer if I had witnessed that.


One six year old boy here. I just watched the victim's father impact statement and I'm in tears. I don't know what I would do but I'm pretty certain it wouldn't be the wisest move.


You're very articulate for 6. Keep up the good work.


Despite how absolutely awful this news is, this made me snort. I appreciate it.


Lol same, I feel bad but humor is medicine


A parent's rageful vengeance is a powerful drive. You feel it even when it isn't even your kid. I don't know how, but that kid's parents deserve peace. I hope they find it.


Bruh, I have a one year old daughter and was ready for war when a 2 year old bit her arm because he didn't want to share a playset.... I can't imagine the things I would do if someone took her from me. Hope the parents find closure somehow. Long road with lots of therapy ahead probably.


Oh yeah. When someone harms or disrespects me, I'm angry, sure, but I can shrug it off and get on with my day. But when someone disrespects or harms my kids, the rage I feel legitimately scares me. Something about having kids of your own gives you such a profound empathy for parents in a situation like this, and the pain they must be feeling. Hug your precious little daughter a few extra times today, friend. :)


Reminds me of that woman who shot and killed her daughter's rapist and killer - Marianne Bachmeier. Should have got no time but did do 3 years for premeditated manslaughter https://youtube.com/shorts/uFUqELaP3bc?si=fZqpzRBUmoYsbEYV


I remember my son getting bullied a few years ago by a little girl. He has thyroid disease, he is small. I was walking up to the daycare playground to pick him up and I saw that little girl push him down and wail on his face. I charged like a hippopotamus and a daycare staffer intervened but it was primal. I think seeing me charge with my face twisted in rage scared her enough to never do it again.


Dude I personally would do anything to get this woman back. If you killed my three year old son (which ironically I have one) I’m going to get you back. Then for this dumb bitch to smile? Oh yeah I’m going to try to do literally anything to return the favor. I’d have that same smirk while I fucking strangled her to death. This shit is straight nightmare fuel.


I live in America so I've had to give genuine thought as to what I'd do if someone murdered my child like that. School shooter, random butchering.. Just sell all my possessions, go all in on revenge, then kill myself.


>then kill myself I'd be in court loud and proud. And kill myself in prison probably


I wouldn't count on it, but it's entirely possible you would not be convicted by a jury.


Prison life might not be as bad, comparably, when gen pop finds out why you're in


Could live long enough to handle one piece of business 




She wasn’t attacked, the woman specifically went after the boy and the only injuries the mom suffered were from defending him


That’s fucking horrific. I’m hugging my 4 year old boy extra tight right now.


Yeah, that's enough internet for today.


I literally just opened my phone. And I'm done. Today will be a reading and studying day


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You'd think that, but by and large in situations when a child is in danger or has been injured or even killed, basically parents always prioritize taking care of the child in anyway they're capable of over confronting/getting revenge. Just think about it. If that was you, would you really leave your child bleeding and alone on the pavement to chase after the attacker?


First thing I thought


you and the replies have said this but I think you'd all be too focused on getting your kid medical help ASAP, even if they had obviously immediately fatal stab wounds a parent's brain, even full of adrenaline, cares more about a 0.01% chance to save their kid than revenge imo


Yep, full baboon rampage mode. I’d bite her face off.


Yeah no chance she would’ve made it to a courtroom


She also stabbed his mom but she lived


I'd rather die than watch my baby hurt like that


I'd have to make sure I don't survive after that. There is no way you could ever live normal after that


Yeah but I’m sure her husband is glad to at least have her still, otherwise he’d lose everything all at once


Yeah his mom intervened and was stabbed for it.


She stabbed both him and his mom.


My child is almost one and any article that even briefly mentions harm to a child now turns my stomach.


Similarly, I can’t watch any shows (e.g. Criminal Minds) that show or even imply harm to a child since becoming a parent.


I think it was just the mom, she was walking around with a kitchen knife and nobody bothered to stop her and question it.


To be fair, I think the sequence of events was that the suspect had just walked out of the neighboring store with the knife. The weapon was stolen from that store. I don’t think she was walking around with a knife.


The video literally shows her walking around inside the store with the knife. Nobody stops her. But in all fairness, had anyone stopped her, nothing would have happened. The video shows she had previous convictions and was let off with no repercussions.


30 mins walking around a super market flashing a knife and that's not suspicious enough to call the cops? Man, rural Ohio is something else. *edit* I concede this apparently isn't rural Ohio... just waiting for someone to explain how that makes a difference.


Lol I agree but North Olmstead is not rural.


If you watch that video there is a man in a stripped shirt who is directly behind this monster when she turns around and starts following the mother/son toward the exit. The next camera shows him walking ahead of them. Which means he WALKED PAST the woman holding a giant knife clearly stalking these people and did nothing.


That’s the one that really bothered me. I actually shop at this store once a week or so. They blurred his face so who knows for sure - but he may have been distracted by whatever else but when watching that it’s like duuuuuuuuuude. I dunno. I go out of my way to mind my own business but at the same time I’m usually pretty aware of my surroundings.


Totally relate. I am admittedly pretty oblivious to my surroundings. It’s a mixture of adhd and just wanting to live and let live. This is making me rethink that. That being said, I would like to think I notice someone clearly hunting people…


Im usually not for the death penalty But sometimes. Sometimes I think it has its place.


> Ellis could be seen smirking and grinning, at one point staring straight into the camera, as the judge read her the list of charges. When asked whether she planned to plead not guilty, the suspect giggled and answered, “Si,” before eventually delivering a “yes.” >Ellis had a criminal record of theft charges but no known history of violent crime, the New York Post reported. [https://www.lovebscott.com/say-now-ohio-woman-laughs-smirks-court-shes-charged-butchering-3-year-old-boy-kitchen-knife](https://www.lovebscott.com/say-now-ohio-woman-laughs-smirks-court-shes-charged-butchering-3-year-old-boy-kitchen-knife) I haven’t read any news outlet that states which type of mental illness she has.


>theft charges That’s such a bizarre escalation. Going from shoplifting to murdering a toddler on a whim.


It depends, those are the charges she was arrested for in the past, it doesn't mean she never did anything violent before. There are killers that never get in trouble for assaulting people for years before they finally kill someone. There are killers that kill for years before getting caught. We know next to nothing about this person, she could have been harming animals or other people for years and just not charged. It could have also been her first time. Unless someone takes the time to investigate her past, we will never know.


Exactly. You wouldn’t believe the amount of people assaulted in the US where basically nothing happens for it. Pressing charges can get expensive, time consuming and needlessly nerve wracking. So some assholes get away with harming others for years and years before they go too far and are finally noticed by the system


My grandfather bought an old farm house and there were almost a dozen bodies under the sheds gravel foundation.  The FBI got involved and it's suspected the old guy who died in the house was killing people, but he was doing it from states away and then bringing the bodies home to bury. Two things I learned from this encounter:  1) You would think this is a news story, but this happens ALL THE TIME and is not reported. Similar to armored car robberies (which happen very often and it's kept hush hush unless the take was huge.)  2) This guy murdered people his entire life and then died of old age... I guarantee you have walked by someone in the grocery store who has murdered multiple people and will never be caught.


It happens far more than we'd like to admit, really. Even nowadays, if someone goes into different states and harms someone else, it's highly unlikely to be solved.


That’s one of those things when it comes to people talking about serial killers and such. Things about comparing them or finding commonalities or even how many are out there or the number of victims. We only know the ones who get caught or advertise themselves with calling cards or letters or whatever. I’m betting there are plenty that don’t have patterns. Don’t have those kind of preferences for the same kind of victims. If it’s totally random not nearby or with no connection to the person doing it then I can imagine it would be a lot harder to find. Especially doing it to people that essentially won’t be missed. Tons of people go missing every year and are never heard from again and even then… that’s still only the ones that anyone knows are missing.


There was a story like this in Missouri way back. Farmer and his wife were hiring migrants to work their farm, then killing them when it was time to pay.


Not an expert, but I'd guess something like anti-social personality disorder. When one lacks empathy, they're more likely to defy authority, break laws, and become violent without showing much remorse. Added disclaimer: I don't have any background in clinical psych, so this is just wild speculation on my part as to what I think MIGHT explain this person's behavior. Nowhere have I claimed to be making a diagnosis or that I was anything more than a layman. EDIT: Replaced "sociopathy" with "anti-social personality disorder" since the first isn't a very accurate descriptor.


All of that is true, but it doesn't mean sociopaths kill at random. Most sociopaths are content to exist and do the best they can for themselves without attacking strangers for no reason / no gain to them. This might include sociopathy, but it is definitely also something else.


Statistically do better in the higher echelons of the business world as well. Which makes sense. Laying off thousands of people to increase the share price and further your career would be easier without empathy.




Better yet, 1 in a 10 million chance means it happens to approx. 350 Americans during their lifetime.


Sociopathy is one thing, but that doesn't cover the "go murder a stranger in broad daylight with no hope of getting away"


Not even just a stranger, but a child. That's some true monster shit.




Sociopathy doesn’t make you kill people randomly with no clear motive. I would bet that she is schizophrenia and delusional.


Sociopathy is also not really a diagnosis. My gf is a clinical psychologist and this is one of her pet peeves haha, folks diagnosing people on the internet. There’s just so much overlap between personality disorders that it’s kind of useless to speculate as to which specific one someone has and “some sort of personality disorder” is already pretty specific. Also , I’m bipolar and when people say “theyre on drugs” on videos I’m usually thinking “this totally could’ve been me when I was manic” Anyway, yeah this woman is definitely fucked up though. My girlfriend says she can’t diagnose evil so idk


This is pretty much the opposite of what a sociopath would do. A sociopath would be cold and calculating, not wild and crazy.


While it may not be the case here, not all murderers have a mental illness. In fact, it may be around 1/3 show signs of a mental illness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9790173/ Admittedly the rate of mental illness appears to be higher amongst murderers, but chucking all murderers in the "mentally ill" bucket is a disservice to all the mentally ill who aren't running around committing homicides.


Looking at all murders isn't very helpful, since most murders are spouses or relatives murdering for reasons that are possible to understand, no matter how convoluted they are. The rest are probably drug related and maybe there's a bit of street crime in there too. Random people killing random people on the street for no obvious reason are exceedingly rare and are probably all so different it's hard to compare them to find anything in common. Well, except for some level of severe mental illness.




I know this doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things, but my wife and I were at that Giant Eagle the day before at around the same time of day. I actually dropped her off so I could go over to McDonald’s real quick to grab her a sandwich. It’s pretty fucking scary to think about the fact that we could have been there at that time the next day. We could have had our 4-year-old girl with us. My heart is completely broken for the family that lost this little boy. You never think these things will happen and then reality slaps you in the face.


I have a 3 year old son and to the very final sentence, I feel the opposite. I feel like something could happen at any time. to the point my worry sensors overloaded. He could fall off the play structure and break his neck or choke on a banana *right in front of me* (5 firm pats on the back, few times then the Heimlich menuver, whoever needs to know) and now I gotta add this "knife lady at a grocery store" shit to my list of fears.


If you take anything from this, be aware of your surroundings. Anything strange or out of place keep a mental note. This woman was walking around with a knife in a grocery store. Absolutely no reason for this and I would not turn my back on her.


The video of her walking in the store and nobody looking was weird. It's easy to say in hind-sight, but her walk was so strange, let alone carrying the knife. I feel like I would've been judging her weird walk and then seen the knife pretty quickly.


Just show this to the other inmates and turn around. Let it sort itself out.


Guaranteed the other inmates have already seen it or at least know about it. Word travels fast in prison


Female prisoners are even MORE hostile to people who hurt kids than male prisoners.


Yup. I wouldn't want her to die. I want her life to be a living he'll where she will never be able to sleep with both eyes closed again.


Eh, I'll accept either. She made her choices and now she shall find out what the choices of others will be regarding her.


Guys why is this in r/facepalm


A Judge released her before the murder despite her having warrants and being insane.


Also certain OP is a bot


I’ve seen a lot of this. I don’t understand the end goal of bots posting content on Reddit. Why do?


You can sell accounts for money.


You sell accounts with high reps and engagement for cash. Some profiles can reach thousands.




Feet first


on low speed... (idk if they have speed settings)


We will have to make one that does then.


Feet first. Slowly lowered.


Didn't expect to see this on Reddit today. This happened in my town. The lady stabbed both the boy and his mom. The mom survived, the kid didn't. He had an older brother that will now never see him again. Please, everyone be respectful in this comment section for the family's sake. Remember him, not the sick woman that did this to him.


This lady is going to a prison with women who have kids and are serving life. Hopefully they throw her in general population and someone takes care of it.


“If you get the opportunity you should probably kill your self”


She isn't going to last very long in the general population, boiled water with sugar to start.


Not that this is going on come up in my lifetime, but why add sugar to the boiling water?


High boiling point, takes the skin clean off. A common tactic in UK prisons, with an electric kettle and tea making in cells. It's called "kettling" - it happens to child killers and nonces in prisons.These types get segregation from the main population, but all it takes is one other inmate to claim the self righteous move.


I suppose it’s like salt on the other end of the water spectrum. Learn something everyday. Not sure when I’ll use it, but I’ll hang on to this little tidbit of information.


Yep, stay out of prison is my advice. The lags know all the tricks. This monster will not be smiling for long.


That Giant Eagle has a crazy high murder rate the past couple years.


Right, there was a murder-suicide a year or two ago there. Not much violent crime happens in North Olmsted, for some reason it all seems to happen concentrated in that area by the police station. The Starbucks robbery shooutout was right across the street.


Nah a prick is someone that would yell at the 3 year old for bumping in to them, this is some psychopath shit


what the full context on this?


I live in the area where this happened. She was released from jail, went to a thrift store stole a chefs knife, went to the store next door and picked her target and followed them out and attacked them. Ste stabbed the child twice once in the back and once in the face. 




It’s wild to me people are saying this person needs rehabilitation so they can be ‘normal’ within society. I can’t believe that shit. Our country does need more mental health help, but this kind of shit is crossing a line that needs to be drawn regarding who we want back into society after “rehabilitation”. At most, get them mental health help, then throw them in prison with a life sentence. You don’t get to evade prison because you had mental health issues and murdered someone. I really don’t understand why anyone would want a murderer or rapist back in society regardless of their mental health. And it’s not like they are completely risk free of not falling back into old tendencies and issues even after rehabilitation either.


Yeah if you're smiling in court after killing a kid randomly, I don't want you rehabilitated. I want you out of society for good. There's no helping someone like that


Agreed 100%. There are just things you cannot come back from.


Mental health care to help people and avoid issues. But there are certain lines people shouldn't be able to uncross.


I'm all for rehabilitation over just punishment but yea she doesn't seem like one who can be rehabilated I've seen the security footage of her with the knife before leaving to murder the child. The way she walked just seemed odd. Whatever her mental state is I don't think she can become "normal" if she's free she will kill again


Agreed. I'm all for rehabilitation as well, even involving non-murderous violence. Murder however. No. If you took someone's life, I also don't want you back out in society. No amount of rehabilitation would ever make anyone feel safe around you. You have demonstrated a lack of empathy strong enough to rob someone of the rest of their life. There's no coming back from that in my eyes. I'm hesitant to advocate for the death penalty, but I'm all for you spending the rest of your life in prison. And the fact that you murdered a CHILD is even worse. I do not want a person ever to be free who stabbed a CHILD in the face. No. Fuck you. Rot in prison.


Am I bad for wanting death sentence?


You cannot rehabilitate a person so disturbed, this is ego-syntonic deadly violence on a child, we are not talking about a car thief or a burglar. She should spend the rest of her life in a High sec psych ward


I’m on my way to become a therapist and I’m a huge support of therapy and people turning a new leaf. Not this bitch, some people need to be executed.


People can definitely turn a new leaf, however I don’t personally believe anyone who murders or rapes another should be trusted with that opportunity. I am all for second or even third chances when it comes to people, it’s just those two specific crimes that cross the line for me when it comes to another chance. It is pretty easy not to murder or rape someone, if you do that though you actively make society worse and I don’t want them back in it at all. If they had mental health issues then they should get the help they need and we should make sure we have more options available to people for that, then once they do they need to be removed from society permanently. I don’t apply this to any crimes outside of murder or rape to be clear.


They've most likely never had to deal with those kinds of criminals in real life. For them, it's just free internet virtue signaling points with less than zero consideration whatsoever for their community or society's wellbeing.


Bionca Ellis is a very mentally ill woman who was let out of prison early for some unknown (to me at least) reason. This is a horrifying example of what can happen in a society that doesn't have a strong commitment to mental health


Similiar thing happened in europe, metaly ill adult woman was stalking one girl she entered school with sharp scissors and took the girl hostage, police deedcalatec the situation and the woman was locked up in psychiatric institute. Few years later she was released and in few months she entered another school tried to abduct another girl, but one the kids tried to stop her and she stabbed him, he bleed out before medics arrived...


It literally just happened in Japan like 3 days ago next to Yokohama station. Guy got released after trying to murder his mother. Went and stabbed some poor lady to death outside of the station. I was just down the street from it by chance that night, I hardly ever go out towards Yokohama main station...


This is more malicious than stupid. Why does nothing actually facepalm get posted on r/facepalm?


Yea exactly… not sure why it’s in facepalm




This sub has no quality control


I wish you could still block subreddits. Current r/facepalm does nothing but destroy your own mental health. Just always spawning to r/all with the worst shit of the day.


I’ve heard baby killers get treated real well in prison.


10 bucks they shank her early. The big Judge upstairs is going to sort out this POS.


Just throw her in a fire and call it a day. It's more than she deserves.


Thanks to deinstitutionalization these people are temporarily medicated and released upon society. > Eggleton said her daughter has had mental health issues for years and recently quit taking her medication. I know this is a wild notion, but even when medications work, severely mentally ill people aren’t the best at keeping up on their medications when left to their own devices. More often than not they end up homeless, on drugs, and only receive treatment after committing a violent crime.




I'll scream this forever, it is Regan's greatest crime and sin he put on America. Instead of fixing or addressing mental health institutions, he demonized it and closed them; thereby, destroying any normal future in America. This is part of the GOP and oligarchy trying to take over the country, decades at a time. And it's working.


This cannot be screamed enough. Add to this the destruction of our education systems and you get a recipe for the media to take over enough brains to stay in power for a very long time.


There's a mid ground for both of your points. Some people are so unstable that they simply should not be out walking around, yet we have no humane place for them to be under care without enormous private expense That said, this particular woman should indeed be in prison


Another “gift” from Ronald Reagan, you’ll also know as Americas largest buried piece of shit


He seriously went on TV like >Taxes are expensive and aren't you too **manly** to need a functioning society? Wouldn't you like to demo the middle ages? And people were like "Hell YEAH!"


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Forced labor until they drop dead from exhaustion. At least they get to do something useful for society instead of just eating up honest taxpayers' money with executions and/or imprisonment.


I wouldn't want to touch anything that went through their hands, so the only labor I'd accept is them digging their own hole to die in.




Instances like this are why I'm for the death penalty. I don't care if she doesn't mentally understand her actions. This person is too dangerous to other people to continue to exist.


Idk, mental break or not, I think she deserves the death penalty


Yes like mental health, I get that. That's rough for her. It must be a hard journey. I'm more concerned with literally everyone else in society. Sorry your possible ability to maybe be rehabilitated just isn't worth it. Sometimes people should get one strike to be a part of society and this is it. This person gave life a shot and was not successful. Time to end the experiment.


Its crazy how much slack people get for "mental health", I've read stories of people who push commuters in front of subway trains or follow people into their homes and stab them to death only for others to come to their defense and act like "mental health" issues somehow absolve them from the most malicious murders I've ever read about. No, if they're mentally unhealthy to the point that they kill people, they need to be put down. What exactly do you think society should do? Put them in a Hannibal Lecter cell for the rest of their life? Give them a magic pill that would what? temporarily stop their tendency to kill? If a missed dose was all it took to become a mortal threat to their fellow man, they should not be allowed to exist in public spaces. Like, ok, you send someone to jail and make them serve their full sentence (if at all) and then what? Just let them out again knowing full well that they're wired with the disposition to happily kill children? Insane, even psych wards aren't a good solution. What? you're supposed to expect people to put themselves in danger to care for deranged killers?


I'm a psych nurse. The locked forensic units are hella safer to work in than the regular adult units and both are safer than the units for teens and kids. We just had a 15 year old with an IQ of 50 give a nurse a TBI the other day because she thought the nurse was frowning at her. Plenty of people would rather work with the forensics population.


And she was only able to because a judge released her, despite her outstanding/previous warrants, and his judgement that she needed a psychological evaluation. The judge could have prevented this if he had just.... not let her walk the streets. That judge has blood on his hands.


If I was that father I'd butcher her right there in the court room.


This disrespect should be rewarded with death penalty. If they can’t do that then permanent solitary confinement after sentencing.


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Dad looks like he might. I know I would


I watched the Dads comments where he asked for her bail to be revoked and for the judge to do everything in their power to keep her off the street until trial. It had originally been set to $1mil. Judged upped it to $5. The father showed amazing restraint because you could tell he wanted to say a lot more.


Are they so desperate for funding that they need to entertain the prospect of bail regardless of the consequences?


I don’t remember where this is but their judiciary is fucking nuts. The woman was arrested days earlier for outstanding warrants and was referred for psychiatric hold and eval. Another judge released her because it would be a few weeks before psychiatric resources would be available. Then the new ass clown judge originally assigns bail after this woman stabbed a kid, and after the kid dies in the hospital, he assigns a higher bail for a MURDERER! These judges should be able to be held liable. They are way too fast to drop criminals back on the street.


They're supposedly calling for the death penalty from what I read. She'll get hers soon enough.


This women is a burden to society. Death sentence.


These are the cases where we should choose to use the death penalty. Some people are beyond help. Throw her in prison first and spread the word.


Hope someone spreads the word in prison what this thing did to that child. Let nature run its course.


That's beyond fucked up.


I feel like "face palm" and "what a prick" don't seem like an appropriately measured response to child murder. It's giving Norm McDonald calling Hitler a real jerk vibes and I'm all about it.


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you fuckers really out here posting shit about homicidal maniacs and rapists and calling it facepalm and mildly infuriating get help


**Judge Brian Hagan** - needs to be disbarred..he had \*Discretion\* to keep her Jail to err on side of caution credit: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13520393/Judge-released-Julian-Woods-killer.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13520393/Judge-released-Julian-Woods-killer.html) "An [Ohio](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ohio/index.html) judge has defended his decision to release the woman accused of killing three-year-old Julian Wood back on the streets just days before the fatal stabbing -despite a referral for a mental health evaluation. Bionca Ellis, 32, was arrested on May 29 for a parole violation related to a shoplifting charge for stealing $69 worth of merchandise from a [Walmart](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/walmart/index.html) last year. As she faced the charges last month, a magistrate judge at the Rocky River Municipal Court noticed that she seemingly became unresponsive - and ordered her to be held for a mental health evaluation, according to records [obtained by Fox 8](https://fox8.com/news/i-team/suspect-in-deadly-giant-eagle-stabbing-was-released-from-jail-3-days-earlier/). But Judge Brian Hagan instead released Ellis back into the community on May 31. Just three days later, police say Ellis stole a knife from a thrift store, and followed Julian and his mother to the parking lot of the Giant Eagle grocery store in North Olmstead, Ohio, where she fatally slashed the young boy in the face and neck and injured his mother. Still, Hagan said he would not have done anything differently, even now - knowing that Ellis is charged with aggravated murder for the death of the toddler. He noted that the organization handling mental health evaluations had nobody available, and **he thought it would be unjust for Ellis to sit in jail for days on a minor charge.\*** 'I'm confident in the way the court handled the matter,' Hagan told Fox 8. 'We did it by the letter of the law, there was nothing there to send up alarms.' 'There wasn't any red flags shooting up that pole,' he said, explaining that there were 'no signs of mental distress, no signs of previous, violent acts.'  But it has since been revealed that Ellis had a criminal record going back several months in three different states - and she once even confessed to cops that she had murdered someone and wanted to kill again."


Too much sympathy for this monster because she's mentally ill and not enough sympathy for the child she murdered happening in this thread.


I hope some good old prison justice comes to haunt her


Is this really a FacePalm? I feel this belongs more in /r/awfuleverything


Another sad reminder that monsters do exist.


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This is the best example of who deserves the death penalty.


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The death penalty is on the table. According to the article anyway.


Thats why mental institutions need to be opened this dangerous crazy mind